1) What is HTML? HTML is short for HyperText Markup Language, and is the language of the World Wide Web. It is the standard text foratting language used for !reating and displaying pages on the Web. HTML do!uents are ade up of t"o things# the !ontent and the tags that forats it for proper display on pages. $) What are tags? %ontent is pla!ed in bet"een HTML tags in order to properly forat it. It akes use of the less than sybol &') and the greater than sybol &(). slash sybol is also used as a !losing tag. *) +o all HTML tags !oe in pair? o, there are single HTML tags that does not need a !losing tag. -xaples are the 'ig( tag and 'br( tags. ) What are soe of the !oon lists that !an be used "hen designing a page? /ou /ou !an insert insert any or a !obination !obination of the follo"ing follo"ing list types# types# 0 ordered list 0 unordered list 0 denition list 0 enu list 0 dire!tory list -a!h of this list types akes use of a di2erent tag set to !opose 3) Ho" do you insert a !oent in htl? %oents in htl begins "ith 4'504nd ends "ith 40(6. 7) +o all !hara!ter entities display properly on all systes? o, there are soe !hara!ter entities that !annot be displayed "hen the operating syste that the bro"ser is running on does not support the !hara!ters. When that happens, these !hara!ters are displayed as boxes. 8) What is iage ap? Iage ap lets you link to any di2erent "eb pages using a single iage. /ou !an dene shapes in iages that you "ant to ake part of an iage apping. 9 ) What is the ad:antage of !ollapsing "hite spa!e? White spa!es are blank se;uen!e of spa!e !hara!ters, "hi!h is a!tually treated as a single spa!e !hara!ter in htl.
text "ithout "orrying about ultiple spa!es. This enables you to organi=e the htl !ode into a u!h ore readable forat.
>) %an attribute :alues be set to anything or are there spe!i! :alues that they a!!ept? oe attribute :alues !an be set to only predened :alues. @ther attributes !an a!!ept any nueri!al :alue that represents the nuber of pixels for a si=e. 1A) Ho" do you insert a !opyright sybol on a bro"ser page? To insert the !opyright sybol, you need to type B!opyC or B D17>C in an HTML le. 11) Ho" do you !reate links to se!tions "ithin the sae page? Links !an be !reated using the 'a( tag, "ith referen!ing through the use of the nuber &D) sybol. Eor exaple, you !an ha:e one line as 'a hrefF6Dtopost6(<%G T@ T@'a(, "hi!h "ould result in the "ords 4<%G T@ T@6 appearing on the "ebpage and links to a bookark naed topost. /ou then !reate a separate tag !oand like 'a naeF6topost6( soe"here on the top of the sae "ebpage so that the user "ill be linked to that spot "hen he !li!ked on 4<%G T@ T@6. 1$) Is there any "ay to keep list eleents straight in an htl le?
/es, older htl les are !opliant to the HTML standard. Most older les "ork on the ne"er bro"sers, though soe features ay not "ork. 17) +oes a hyperlink apply to text only? o, hyperlinks !an be used on text as "ell as iages. That eans you !an !on:ert an iage into a link that "ill allo" user to link to another page "hen !li!ked. ust surround the iage "ithin the 'a hrefF6 4(N 'a( tag !obinations.
18) If the userOs operating syste does not support the needed !hara!ter, ho" !an the sybol be represented? In !ases "herein their operating syste does not support a parti!ular !hara!ter, it is still possible to display that !hara!ter by sho"ing it as an iage instead. 19) Ho" do you !hange the nuber type in the iddle of a list? The 'li( tag in!ludes t"o attributes 0 type and :alue. The type attribute !an be used to !hange the nubering type for any list ite. The :alue attribute !an !hange the nuber index. 1>) What are style sheets? tyle sheets enable you to build !onsistent, transportable, and "ellJ dened style teplates. These teplates !an be linked to se:eral di2erent "eb pages, aking it easy to aintain and !hange the look and feel of all the "eb pages "ithin a site. $A) What bullet types are a:ailable? With ordered lists, you !an sele!t to use a nuber of di2erent list types in!luding alphabeti!al and Poan nuerals. The type attribute for unordered lists !an be set to dis!, s;uare, or !ir!le. $1) Ho" do you !reate ulti!olored text in a "ebpage? To !reate text "ith di2erent !olors, use the 'font !olorF6!olor6(N 'font( tags for e:ery !hara!ter that you "ant to apply a !olor. /ou !an use this tag !obination as any ties as needed, surrounding a single !hara!ter or an entire "ord. $$) Why are there both nueri!al and naed !hara!ter entity :alues? The nueri!al :alues are taken fro the %II :alues for the :arious !hara!ters, but these !an be diK!ult to reeber.
$*) Write a HTML table tag se;uen!e that outputs the follo"ing# 3A p!s 1AA 3AA 1A p!s 3 3A ns"er# 'table( 'tr( 'td(3A p!s'td( 'td(1AA'td( 'td(3AA'td( 'tr( 'tr( 'td(1A p!s'td( 'td(3'td( 'td(3A'td( 'tr( 'table(
$) What is the ad:antage of grouping se:eral !he!kboxes together? lthough !he!kboxes donOt a2e!t one another, grouping !he!kboxes together helps to organi=e the. %he!kbox buttons !an ha:e their o"n nae and do not need to belong to a group. single "eb page !an ha:e any di2erent groups of !he!kboxes. $3) What "ill happen if you o:erlap sets of tags? If t"o sets of htl tags are o:erlapped, only the rst tag "ill be re!ogni=ed. /ou "ill re!ogni=e this proble "hen the text does not display properly on the bro"ser s!reen. $7) What are applets? pplets are sall progras that !an be ebedded "ithin "eb pages to perfor soe spe!i! fun!tionality, su!h as !oputations, aniations, and inforation pro!essing. pplets are "ritten using the a:a language. $8) What if there is no text bet"een the tags or if a text "as oitted by istake? Will it a2e!t the display of the htl le? If there is no text bet"een the tags, then there is nothing to forat, so no foratting "ill appear. oe tags, espe!ially tags "ithout a !losing tag like the 'ig( tag, do not re;uire any text bet"een the. $9) Is it possible to set spe!i! !olors for table borders? /ou !an spe!ify a border !olor using style sheets, but the !olors for a table that does not use style sheets "ill be the sae as the text !olor. $>) Ho" do you !reate a link that "ill !onne!t to another "eb page "hen !li!ked?
To !reate hyperlinks, or links that !onne!t to another "eb page, use the href tag. The general forat for this is# 'a hrefF6site6(text'a( Pepla!e 4site6 "ith the a!tual page url that is supposed to be linked to "hen the text is !li!ked. *A) What other "ays !an be used to align iages and "rap text? Tables !an be used to position text and iages. nother useful "ay to "rap text around an iage is to use style sheets. *1) %an a single text link point to t"o di2erent "eb pages? o. The 'a( tag !an a!!ept only a single href attribute, and it !an point to only a single "eb page. *$) What is the di2eren!e bet"een the dire!tory and enu lists and the unordered list? The key di2eren!es is that the dire!tory and enu lists do not in!lude attributes for !hanging the bullet style.
**) %an you !hange the !olor of bullets? The bullet !olor is al"ays the sae as that of the rst !hara!ter in the list lite. If you surround the 'li( and the rst !hara!ter "ith a set of 'font( tags "ith the !olor attribute set, the bullet !olor and the rst !hara!ter "ill be a di2erent !olor fro the text. *) What are the liits of the text eld si=e? The default si=e for a text eld is around 1* !hara!ters, but if you in!lude the si=e attribute, you !an set the si=e :alue to be as lo" as 1. The axiu si=e :alue "ill be deterined by the bro"ser "idth. If the si=e attribute is set to A, the si=e "ill be set to the default si=e of 1* !hara!ters. *3) +o 'th( tags al"ays need to !oe at the start of a ro" or !olun? ny 'tr( tag !an be !hanged to a 'th( tag. This !auses the text !ontained "ithin the 'th( tag to be displayed as bold in the bro"ser. lthough 'th( tags are ainly used for headings, they do not need to be used ex!lusi:ely for headings. *7) What is the relationship bet"een the border and rule attributes? +efault !ell borders, "ith a thi!kness of 1 pixel, are autoati!ally added bet"een !ells if the border attribute is set to a non=ero :alue. Like"ise, If the border attribute is not in!luded, a default 1Jpixel border appears if the rules attribute is added to the 'table( tag.
*8) What is a ar;uee? ar;uee allo"s you to put a s!rolling text in a "eb page. To do this, pla!e "hate:er text you "ant to appear s!rolling "ithin the 'ar;uee( and 'ar;uee( tags. *9) Ho" do you !reate a text on a "ebpage that "ill allo" you to send an eail "hen !li!ked? To !hange a text into a !li!kable link to send eail, use the ailto !oand "ithin the href tag. The forat is as follo"s# ' HP-EF6ailto#youreailaddress6(text to be !li!ked'( *>) re 'br( tags the only "ay to separate se!tions of text? o. The 'br( tag is only one "ay to separate lines of text. @ther tags, like the 'p( tag and 'blo!k;uote( tag, also separate se!tions of text. A) re there instan!es "here text "ill appear outside of the bro"ser? 8* for font "eight? Ipleentation largely depends on the bro"ser, but the standard does not support fra!tional "eight :alues. !!eptable :alues ust end "ith t"o =eroes. ) What is the hierar!hy that is being follo"ed "hen it !oes to style sheets? If a single sele!tor in!ludes three di2erent style denitions, the denition that is !losest to the a!tual tag takes pre!eden!e. Inline style
takes priority o:er ebedded style sheets, "hi!h takes priority o:er external style sheets. 3) %an se:eral sele!tors "ith !lass naes be grouped together? /ou !an dene se:eral sele!tors "ith the sae style denition by separating the "ith !oas. This sae te!hni;ue also "orks for sele!tors "ith !lass naes. 7) What happens if you open the external % le in a bro"ser? If you try to open the external % le in a bro"ser, the bro"ser !annot open the le, be!ause the le has a di2erent extension. The only "ay to use an external % le is to referen!e it using 'link( tag "ithin another htl do!uent. 8) Ho" do you ake a pi!ture into a ba!kground iage of a "eb page? To do this, pla!e a tag !ode after the 'head( tag as follo"s# 'body ba!kground F 4iage.gif6( Pepla!e iage.gif "ith the nae of your iage le. This "ill take the pi!ture and ake it the ba!kground iage of your "eb page. 9) What happens if the listJstyleJtype property is used on a nonJlist eleent like a paragraph? If the listJstyleJtype property is used on a nonJlist eleent like a paragraph, the property "ill be ignored and ha:e no e2e!t on the paragraph. >) When is it appropriate to use fraes? Eraes !an ake na:igating a site u!h easier. If the ain links to the site are lo!ated in a frae that appears at the top or along the edge of the bro"ser, the !ontent for those links !an be displayed in the reainder of the bro"ser "indo". 3A) What happens if the nuber of :alues in the ro"s or !ols attribute doesnOt add up to 1AA per!ent? The bro"ser si=es the fraes relati:e to the total su of the :alues. If the !ols attribute is set to 1AAQ, $AAQ, the bro"ser displays t"o :erti!al fraes "ith the se!ond being t"i!e as big as the rst.