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INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR MANAGERS PRACTICAL FILE Submitted for partial fulfillment for the award of the Degree of :-
GITARATTAN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL ( Affiliated to Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University )
Madhuban Chowk, ROHINI, DELHI - 110085
CONTENTS: Topics No.
03 - 09 10 - 19 20 - 38 39 - 48
Disk operating System (DOS) DOS was developed by Microsoft primarily as a single user operating system working on Personal Computers. From 1981 till now many versions starting from version 1.0 till 6.2 have been released. Each successive version had its enhancements aimed at improving the management of the computer resources available to the users. COMPONENTS OF MS DOS: • • • •
BOOTING: Process that starts up a computer system is called booting. It searches for operating system and when located loads it into the main memory. TYPES OF BOOTING: 1. COLD BOOTING :It is done by turning on the
computer. 2. WARM BOOTING : It is performed by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL keys simultaneously.
DOS Commands:
A DOS command helps you to give instruction to the operating system in Character User Interface (CUI) environment. Using DOS commands, you can perform various tasks, such as creating and managing files and folders and monitoring your system resources. To create and manage files and folders, perform the following steps: 1. Click the Start button, and then select Run. 2. In the Run dialog box, type cmd in the Run box.
3. Click the OK button.
The Command Prompt window is displayed.
In the Command Prompt window, the command is given after the command prompt and the Enter key is pressed to execute the command. As the drive displayed is the user directory, change the drive to D: drive by giving following command at the command prompt. C:\Users\user>D: CATEGORIES OR TYPES OF DOS COMMANDS: 1. INTERNAL COMMANDS: Such commands are
automatically loaded into the computer’s memory during the booting process. They are executable immediately after getting the dos prompt. 2. EXTERNAL COMMANDS: these commands are meant for
special purpose. They are found on hard disk or floppy disk. They are loaded into the memory only when called.
VER command displays the version or release number of the O/S. The version number indicates which edition of O/S you are working on. SYNTAX: VER< enter> EXAMPLE: C:\> VER VOL:
It is used to display volume label and serial number of the current drive. SYNTAX: VOL [drive] EXAMPLE: C:\>VOL DATE:
It is used to display the current system date and prompt for entering new date. SYNTAX: DATE< enter> EXAMPLE: C:\>DATE TIME:
Displays the current system time and prompt for entering new time. SYNTAX: TIME
It clears the cluster screen. SYNTAX: CLS< enter> EXAMPLE: C:\> CLS
It is used to display the directory structure of a specified directory graphically. SYNTAX: TREE[drive:][path][/f] TREE[drive:][path][/f] [/f]: displays the names of the files in each directory.
In the DOS, each disk is organized into directories. Each Directory holds file. The default directory is the Root Directory and contains the minimum DOS files. The Root Directory cannot show more than 132 files in its directory listing.
Make Directory:
MD or MKDIR command is used to make directory. Syntax: MD [drive:] [path] [directory name] Or 7
MKDIR [drive:] [path] [directory name] Example: To create a new directory names Tim under C: drive, give following command: C:\>MD Tim
Change Directory:
You can change your working directory by issuing the CD command. Syntax: CD [drive:] [directory name]
Example: To make Tim as current directory, give following command: C:\>CD Tim
This command defines a list of directories DOS searches for external commands. SYNTAX: PATH( Displays the current search path)
Deleting Directory:
RD command is used to remove a directory.
Syntax: RD [drive:] [path]
Examples: To remove Tim directory from the C: drive, give the following command: C:\>RD Tim Displaying Contents of a Directory
DIR command is used to display the contents of the directory.
Syntax: DIR [drive:] [path] [/option] /option stand for various options that can be used with DIR command which are displayed in the following table: Option /p /w /s o
Description Pause after each screenful Uses wide list format Also look in subdirectories
Creating text File:
COPY CON command is used to create a text file.
Syntax: COPY CON [filename] After the command is given at the command prompt, the cursor goes to the next line. Write the text and press Clt-Z key together to save the contents in the file. Then, press key. Example:
To create a file client.txt under the current folder Tim, give the command: C:\Tim>copy con Client.txt Now, write Hi, How are you? Then press Clt-Z and then, Enter Key.
Displaying the Contents of a File:
TYPE command is used to display the contents of a file.
Syntax: Type [drive:] [path] [filename]
Example: C:\Tim>type Client.txt
Renaming File:
REN command is used to change the name of a file.
Syntax: REN [drive:] [path] [file name] [new filename] Example: To change the name of the file Client.txt to Client1.txt, give following command: C:\Tim>REN Client.txt Client1.txt
Copying Files:
COPY command is used to copy one or more files to an alternate location.
Syntax: COPY [source] [destination] Source – Specifies the path of the file or files to be copied. Destination – Specifies the path of the destination directory. Example: To
copy Client1.txt from the current Tim directory to Obama directory, give following command: C:\Tim>copy Client1.txt C:\Obama
Deleting Files:
DEL command is used to delete file or files from the disk.
Syntax: DEL [drive:] [path] [filename] Example: To delete Client1.txt from the Tim folder, give following command: C:\Tim>DEL Client1.txt
Moving Files:
MOVE command is used to move a file or files from one location to another location.
EXAPMLE: To move case1.txt file from directory Tim to the directory Obama, give following command: C:\Tim>move Case1.txt C:\Obama FC:
FC stands for file compare. It is used to compare two files or two sets of files. This command differentiates between the files and display the difference. SYNTAX: FC [/a][/b][/c][/l][/n] /a: displays only first and the last line of each group /b: compares the files in library mode /c: ignores the case of letters /l: compares the files in text mode /n: displays the line numbers for the lines that are different. EXAMPLE: FCfirst.txt
second.txt\n and then press
This command is faster than copy command and allows you to copy entire directories including all the sub directories and files to destination. SYNTAX: XCOPY Source[target][/y][-y][/p][/e] /-y: prompts before copying over existing files. /y: overwrites existing files before promting. /p: ask before copying each file. /e: copying empty directory also. /s: copying subfolders. EXAMPLE: XCOPY C:\SAMS D:\SAMS/S/E DOSKEY:
DOS can remember only the last command you had entered. In order to make dos remember all the commands you enter you will have to load a DOSKEY utility.
SYNTAX: DOSKEY and press Display message on the screen. DOSKEY installed. Note: To display all the commands from the history list on the screen.
The attrib of a file indicates whether it is is a: i. ii. iii. iv.
Read only file Archive file Hidden file System file
Thus with the ATTRIB command you can check the attributes of a file. SYNTAX: ATTRIB [+r][+a][+h][/+s][filename] +r: read only attribute +a: archive attribute +h: hidden attribute +s: system attribute EXAMPLE: C:\> ATTRIB my.txt +R
This command is used for deleting an entire directory whether in that directory contains files or subdirectories and also it will delete hidden files.
SYNTAX: DELTREE [drive:][path] directories[/y]
It is a collection of dos commands to perform a certain task. A BATCH FILE is nothing but sequence of operations step by step.
SYNTAX: C:\> COPY CON A.bat Here, CON means console that is keyboard, A the file name and .bat is the extension of batch file. It is compulsory that a batch file must have extension . BAT.
Introduction Hypertext markup language (HTML) is a markup language that web browsers use to interpret and compose text, images and other material into visual or audible web pages. It is developed by World Wide Web consortium (W3C). It is not a programming Language. HTML is the set of markup tags. Extension of HTML files is .htm or .html.
HTML markup tags are usually called HTML tags •
HTML tags are keywords surrounded by angle brackets like HTML tags normally come in pairs like and The first tag in a pair is the start tag, the second tag is the end tag Start and end tags are also called opening tags and closing tags
HTML Element Syntax •
An HTML element starts with a start tag / opening tag An HTML element ends with an end tag / closing tag The element content is everything between the start and the end tag Some HTML elements have empty content
Empty elements are closed in the start tag Most HTML elements can have attributes
HTML Attributes •
HTML elements can have attributes Attributes provide additional information about an element Attributes are always specified in the start tag Attributes come in name/value pairs like: name="value"
Getting started with Examples. HTML Headings Headings are defined with the
defines the most important heading.
defines the least important heading.
Save this file in [filename].html. [ filename].html.
HTML Lines
The tag creates a horizontal line in an HTML page.
HTML Text Formatting tag is used for bold the text. tag is used for italic for italic the text. tag is used for underline the text.