Supervised by: GEORGIO GORGEDIAS Department of Marketing College Of e!"nology #ondon
Solomon$ %&&' defined t"e !onsumer be"aviour as t"e study ("i!" in!luded pro!esses related to individual or t"e group of individuals ("en making de!ision regarding buying$ disposing or usage of a parti!ular produ!t) It also in!ludes t"e study of "o( t"e !ustomers make de!ision on t"eir spending on !onsumer goods$ using a servi!e or sometimes to e*perien!e) "e de!isions in!lude ("at items to buy$ ("en and ("ere from s"ould t"ey buy$ "o( long (ill t"ey use a parti!ular produ!t$ ("en to dispose it and many more) It also forms a base to plan t"eir future pur!"ases and fre+uen!y of pur!"ases in a parti!ular span of time ,S!"iffman and -anuk %&&.$ p)/0) A12en ,344/0 points out t"at t"e be"aviour is driven by t"e attitude of a !ustomer) "us in !onte*t of t"e be"aviour$ t"e attitude plays an
important role and t"us a !ustomer eit"er a!ts favorably or unfavorably to(ards liking of a parti!ular produ!t) It is generally agreed by learned t"at attitude is somet"ing ("i!" is learnt)Attitudes are al(ays formed by e*perien!ing a parti!ular produ!t and sometimes due to "and "and to mout" mout" inform informati ation on or promoti promotions ons t"roug" t"roug" media media or intern internet et (ebsit (ebsites es et! ,S!" ,S!"if iffm fman an and and -anu -anuk$ k$ %&&. %&&.$$ p)%5 p)%560 60)) "us "us atti attitu tude de is predi predisp spos osit itio ions ns ("i! ("i!" " make make !onsumers be"ave in a parti!ular manner eit"er in favor or a(ay of a produ!t ,S!"iffman and -anuk$ %&&.$ p)%560) 7anan 8 9arp ,34/40 stated t"at t"e general !riterion on ("i!" t"e marketing strategy is based for most of t"e !ompanies is !ustomer satisfa!tion or dissatisfa!tion (it" t"eir produ!ts) 9or every !ompany t"eir !ustomer ! ustomer is t"e fo!al point of any strategy made) "us for for any !omp !ompan any y its its su!!e su!!ess ss or fail failur uree is dire dire!t !tly ly depe depende ndent nt on t"e t"e sati satisf sfa! a!ti tion on or dissatisfa!tion of !ustomers from t"e servi!es or produ!ts t"ey offer) olton 8 Dre( ,34430 suggested t"at t"is satisfa!tion is based on t"e e*pe!tations of !ustomers and "o( mu!" t"ey are satisfied by t"e transa!tion of !ustomer (it" a !ompany for spe!ifi! produ!t) If for any parti!ular transa!tion done$ t"e produ!t meets t"e e*pe!tation of t"e !ustomer t"en t"e satisfa!tion is said to be a!"ieved) ;"ile
9ast food is a term used for food items like pizza, hamburgers, h amburgers, or chicken delicacies like nuggets, fish filets et!) "ese items do "ave a standard met"od and t"us !an be made very fast for !ustomers !ustomers to "ave it ("en visiting visiting restaurants restaurants or to take a(ay) ;"ile ;"ile 1unk food is tagged to items like fries$ !"ips$ s(eets and doug"nuts et! ("i!" "ave relatively lo( nutrients ,di!tionary)!om$ %&&'0) ut many a time=s fast food is mistaken or taken as 1unk food) "ere are debates going on as to ("et"er 1unk food term is 1ustified or not) eill$ %&&'0) Re!ent study and resear!" s"o( t"at in ?- it
"as be!ome so very normal of finding a man or (oman ("o (ould be suffering from obesity) "e figures revealed by government in ?- s"o( t"at almost %5@ or men and '&@ of (omen in !ountry are obese and "eavy from obesity ,oseley$ %&&'0) ?- "as t"e "ig"est obesity in Europe a!!ording t"e resear!" done ,Data monitor$ %&&'0) In one resear!" !arried out by t"e Department of 7ealt"= it fore!asts t"at in !oming four year almost one t"ird of total adult population of ?- ,almost 36 million people0 (ill be suffer from obesity as (ell as 3 million of !"ildren (ill be obese in !oming t"ree years ,Marrin$ %&&'0)7en!e fort" it is import important ant t"at t"at servin serving g +ualit +uality y food food "as be!ome be!ome a prime prime ob1e!t ob1e!tive ive of !ompani !ompanies es like like M!Donalds) 1.2 BACKGROUND OF THE RESEARCH
M!Donalds be!ame t"e leading !ompany over its !ompetitors -9C and urger -ing in t"e year %&&. (it" market s"are value of 3/)6@ ,Euromonitor$ %&&'b0) It is !onsidered as t"e pioneer brand and !ompany !o mpany of fast food industry and operates (it" over 63&&& restaurants and in 3%& !ountries a!ross a!ross t"e (orld ,Market ,Market #ine$ %&&'0) It mainly operates operates in ?- and ?SA (it" over 36&& restaurants in ?- itself) "e !ompany "as it=s "ead+uarter in Oak rook$ Illinois ?SA and employs over ..B&&& staff a!ross t"e (orld ,Datamonitor$ %&&'0) y end end of year year %&&. %&&.$$ M!Do M!Dona nald ldss "ad "ad gro( gro(n n its its prof profit itss by 55@ 55@ ("i! ("i!" " (as (as "uge "uge ,Euromonitor$ %&&'b0) 7o(ever in year %&&6$ !ompany started fa!ing loss be!ause of t"e in!reasing obesity problems in its !ustomers ("o (ere un"appy (it" t"e fatty food it served) served) #ooking #ooking at t"e problems problems t"e !ustomers !ustomers fa!ed$ t"e !ompany started started mu!" "ealt"ier "ealt"ier food items and by year %&&' it regained its "old over market (it" its sales rea!"ing si* year "ig" re!ord and (as also de!lared as t"e biggest improver in terms of performan!e in ,Clark$ %&&'0) "us in t"is study$ various be"aviors and per! eption of !ustomers are studied and "o( t"ey respond to a parti!ular produ!t or type of produ!ts and servi!e or +uality of any organi2ation ("i!" is very important for devising market strategy of any organi2ation) "e profitability of any organi2ation is to some e*tent is based on t"e !onsumer be"aviour and ("at are t"e fa!tors affe!ting t"eir de!isions and are t"ey in !onte*t to produ!ts or servi!es or +uality et!) "is "elps an organi2ation to take rig"t steps and de!isions as it is dire!tly dire!tly related to its profitabili profitability ty)) It "as been stated stated t"at “[C]ustomer perception is the
process through which the ultimate buyer makes purchase decisions))) decisions))) ,-urt2 ,-urt2$$ %&&/$ %&&/$ p)3650) As a result$ it !an be said t"e study of !ostumer per!eption is t"e study of "uman per!eption) M!Donalds$ t"e pioneer !ompany in fast food industry "as been in t"e industry from t"e year 3455 and today is t"e leading !ompany in t"e fast food restaurant se!tor ,M!Donalds$ %&330) It is one of t"e most su!!essful groups of !"ains of fast food restaurant (it" its business gro(ing year on year and spreading all a!ross t"e (orld) 7o(ever t"e !ompany started fa!ing loss in year %&&6 due to t"e fa!t t"at t"e food it served (as tagged greasy and "en!e it in!reased t"e epidemi! of obesity in t"e (estern (orld) "e !ustomers (ere not "appy (it" t"e food served ,"e Corporation$ %&&60) "is (as furt"er supported by t"e release of books like super si2e me= and fast food nation= at t"e same time ("i!" fuelled t"e !ustomer be"aviour to keep t"em far from going to t"e fast food restaurants) It also fa!ed legal problems for making t"e !ustomers !ustomers obese= ,;al ,;ald$ d$ %&&60) 7en!e in t"is study (e investigate t"e !ustomer=s per!eption to(ards M!Donalds and fa!tors affe!ting its servi!e +uality) 1.3 RATIONALE OF THE STUDY
M!Donalds topped t"e !"art of fast food !ompanies in year of %&3& in ?- (it" its s"are value of 3/)6@ making it !lear (inner over its !losest rival group$ -9C o(ned by ?M burgers and urger -ing ,Euromonitor$ ,Euromonitor$ %&3&b0)
9igure 3)3: Market s"are in ?- ,%&3&0 Market s"are ,@0 >ame of t"e !ompany M!Donalds Corp
umF rands In!
/ ).
urger -ing Corp
/ )6
ret a Manger ger Europe #td
3 ).
Compass Group l!
3 )%
>andos Group 7oldings #td &)/ Sour!e: Euromonitor$ %&3&b In %&&6 it "appened so for t"e first time t"at t"e !ompany (as in loss in its "istory of over five de!ades) "is (as t"e result of serving food ("i!" (as greasy in nature and as a result fuelled obesity problems in t"e !ustomers) "e loss of t"e !ompany (as also to some e*tent due to t"e books (ritten like 9ast 9ood >ation= and at t"e same time due to release of a s"ort do!umentary film named Super si2e me=) ut very soon t"e !ompany management figured out t"e reasons and as a result started serving options ("i!" (ere "ealt"ier t"an before) Due to t"is re!tifi!ation$ re! tifi!ation$ again t"e sale of M!Donald=s produ!ts "as again rea!"ed t"e ape*) It (as t"en announ!ed in year %&&' t"at t"e M!Donalds a!"ieved its sale to ' year "ig" re!ord and (as de!lared t"e most improved performan!e (ise organi2ation in t"e year singling out t"e ot"er ritis" restaurants ,Clark$ %&&'0) "is (as a!"ieved by t"e group due to !ontinuous satisfa!tory !ustomer servi!es and t"e +uality maintained ("ile making !"anges in t"e food t"ey served) 7en!e in t"is study (e investigate t"e per!eptions of t"e !ustomers to(ards t"e servi!e +uality of M!Donalds and also fo!us on t"e be"avior of !ustomers and "o( t"ey make de!isions ("ile t"ey spend on food or !onsumer items) It "as been observed t"at t"ese de!isions are on ("at to buy$ ("y and ("en to buy and ("at (ould be t"e fre+uen!y of buying t"ose items and ("at (ould be t"e usage of t"e item) "e study intervenes on all t"ese aspe!ts ("i!" !ustomer de!ides ("en t"ey make a pur!"ase and "o( t"ey analy2e t"e usage of parti!ular item and "o( it "elps t"em for future pur!"ases) ;it" t"is study (e (ill be able to make out "o( mu!" a !ustomer is satisfied by t"e servi!es provided by t"e M!Donalds and also if it is t"e sole reason for its in!rease in sale and su!!ess in market or not) One of t"e personal rationales for t"e study is t"at t"e resear!"er is a fast food loving person and t"is study on t"e basis of M!Donalds (ill "elp t"e resear!"er to e*plore t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t related to fast food in ?-) 1.4AIMS AND RESEARCH OBJECTIVES
"e main resear!" ob1e!tive of t"is study is to be able to investigate !ustomer per!eption to(ards servi!e +uality in t"e fast food se!tor (it" respe!t to M!Donald=s) o evaluate t"e fa!tors t"at are responsible for influen!ing !ustomer buying per!eption in M!Donald=s •
o establi establis" s" t"e e*tent e*tent to ("i!" ("i!" !ustom !ustomer er per!ept per!eption ion is affe!te affe!ted d by !ustom !ustomer er satisfa!tion and servi!e +uality in M!Donald=s M!Donald=s
o re!ommend appropriate solutions to improve !ustomer buying per!eption (it" respe!t to M!Donald=s
"e resear!" +uestions t"at "ave been posed in t"is study (ill "elp in a!"ieving t"e primary ob1e!tive of t"e study ("i!" is t"e proposed resear!" title) "e resear!" +uestions are as follo(s: •
o ("at e*tent is t"e !ustomer per!eption of M!Donald=s affe!ted by !ustomer satisfa!tionH
;"at is t"e relations"ip bet(een !onsumer per!eptions and t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t of t"e M!DonaldsH
;"at are t"e fa!tors t"at !an adversely affe!t t"e !ustomer buying per!eption to(ards M!Donald=sH M!Donald=sH
"e outline of t"e dissertation "elps t"e readers to un derstand ("at all aspe!ts are e*plained and !overed in ea!" of t"e !"apter of t"e resear!") "is resear!" (as about t"e M!Donald servi!e +uality and t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion aspe!t and t"e resear!" (as dis!ussed in five !"apters starting from t"e introdu!tion to t"e !on!lusion and re!ommendations) "e first
!"apter of t"e resear!" !overs t"e resear!" introdu!tion) "e idea about t"e resear!" topi! and t"e 1ustifi!ation for !"oosing t"e resear!" topi! are e*plained in t"is !"apter) "e aims and t"e ob1e!tives of t"e resear!" are !overed (it" t"e resear!" +uestions as (ell) "e !"apter !"apter of t"e resear resear!" !" !overs !overs t"e litera literatur turee !on!ern !on!erned ed (it" (it" t"e resear resear!" !" topi!) topi!) "e !ustomer satisfa!tion aspe!t and t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t are dis!ussed by referring to past resear!" arti!les) "e t"eoreti!al frame(ork "as been made in t"is se!tion of t"e resear!") "e ne*t !"apter !ontains t"e met"odologi!al aspe!ts of t"e resear!") "e resear!" met"ods and t"e steps used for !ondu!ting t"e resear!" "ave been e*plained (it" t"e "elp of e*plaining ea!" met"od) "e data !olle!tion sour!es and t"e tools used and t"e sampling te!"ni+ues also "ave been stated in t"is !"apter) "e analysis of t"e data "as been done in t"e !"apter four of t"e resear!") "e primary data !olle!ted t"roug" t"e +uestionnaires and t"e t"e fo!u fo!uss grou group p "as been analy analy2ed 2ed (it" (it" t"e t"e "elp "elp of t"e t"e grap grap"s "s and and t"e t"e !"art !"arts) s) "e "e !on!lusion of t"e resear!" (as made in t"e last !"apter of t"e resear!" and t"e proper re!ommendations (ere also made on t"e basis of t"e resear!" findings) "e referen!es used for for t"e t"e rese resear ar!" !" (ere (ere stat stated ed in t"e t"e bibl biblio iogr grap ap"y "y se!t se!tio ion n and and in t"e t"e appe append ndi* i* t"e t"e +uestionnaire and t"e supporting do!uments "as been atta!"ed)
In t"is !"apter t"e introdu!tion of t"e study "as been e*plained) "e introdu!tion to t"e !ustomer per!eption and t"e M!Donald !an provide detailed ba!k ground information to t"e readers about t"e resear!" nature) "e resear!" aims and t"e ob1e!tive "as been !learly e*plained by t"e resear!"er in t"e introdu!tion !"apter) "e resear!"er "as also in!luded t"e dissertation outline ("i!" (ill interpret t"e !ontents !ontained in ea!" of t"e !"apters of o f t"e resear!")
In t"e se!ond !"apter of literature revie( (e (ill analy2e t"e topi! and study t"e t"eories ("i!" are related to t"e same) "e initial part of t"is revie(s fo!uses on t"e issues related to t"e !ustomer !ustomer be"aviour and t"erefore t"erefore it points out t"e various various fa!tors ("i!" impa!t t"e !ust !ustom omer er de!i de!isi sion on maki making ng pro!e pro!ess ss and and t"ei t"eirr atti attitu tude de)) "e "e aut" aut"or or refe refers rs to vario various us literatures$ some (ritten spe!ifi!ally on t"e food industry and food safety to revie( on t"e topi! ("ile some arti!les on t"e attitude and buying be"aviour of t"e !ustomers) "is revie( and information (ould to a great e*tent "elp in resear!" +uestion of t"e follo(ing
disser dissertat tation ion)) "e litera literatur turee revie( revie( also also uses uses t"e aspe!t aspe!t of servi! servi!ee +ualit +uality y as (ell (ell as !onsumer satisfa!tion to build t"e base of t"is dissertation) Regarding t"e se!ond part of t"e revie($ it mainly investigates t"e marketing issues and t"e impa!t of marketing !ommuni!ation on t"e strategy and marketing mi*) It also dis!usses t"e issues of +uality of servi!es and t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion along (it" it) 9urt"er t"e literature revie( (ill also !ontribute in revie(ing t"e important fa!tors for building a marketing marketing strategy and re!ommendati re!ommendation on t"at M!Donalds !an possibly possibly take to improve improve its position in market) "ere are number of t"eories outlined ("i!" relates (it" t"e !onsumer be"aviour and marketing of a !ompany based on it) "ese t"eories are as follo(s: 3
Cons Consum umer er de!i de!isi sion onm maki aking ng pro pro!e !ess ss
3) Consume Consumerr attitu attitude de forma formatio tion n and !"ang !"angee %) Cust Custom omer er Satis Satisfa fa!t !tio ion n 6) Serv Servi! i!ee +ual +ualit ity y
In t"e fast food industry t"e servi!e +uality is one of t"e fa!tors ("i!" dire!tly affe!t t"e satisfa!tion and t"e su!!ess of t"e organisation) >o( a day=s most of t"e restaurants in t"e fast food industry are trying to in!rease t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t to in!rease t"e pur!"ase intentions of t"e !ustomers and to in!rease t"eir per!eptions to(ards t"e +uality of t"eir servi!e ,Jin 8 rybutok$ %&&/K Gillbert$ Leloutsou$ Goode$ 8 Moutin"o$ %&&.K -ara$ -aynak$ -aynak$ 8 -u!ukem -u!ukemiro iroglu glu$$ 34450) 34450) ;"en ;"en t"e restau restauran rantt fulfil fulfilss t"e e*pe!t e*pe!tati ation on of t"e !ustomers t"en t"e !ustomers (ill be satisfied) 9or e*ample t"e M!Donald and t"e -9C are trying t"eir best efforts to in!rease t"e +uality of t"e servi!e t"ey offer) "erefore t"e servi!e +uality measurement "as to be done to kno( t"e level of t"e +uality provided by t"e organisation in order to in!rease t"e per!eptions of t"e !ustomer to(ards t"e servi!e +uality as (ell as t"e satisfa!tion of t"e !ustomers ,Gilbert et al)$ %&&.0) Customer satisfa!tion is t"e individual=s per!eption of t"e performan!e of t"e produ!t or servi!e in relation to "is or "er e*pe!tations)
"e !ustomer satisfa!tion depends upon t"e e*pe!tations of t"e !ustomer) A !ustomer (ill be satisfied if t"e e*pe!tations are e*!eeded by t"e servi!e t"ey re!eive ,9or e*ample a +ual +ualit ity y food food (it" (it" a good good desi design gned ed inte interi rior or fa!i fa!ili lity ty at t"e t"e M!Do M!Donal nald0 d0 and and ("en ("en t"e t"e !ustomers= e*pe!tations are not a!"ieved by t"e servi!e t"en t"ey (ill be dissatisfied) "e organisation su!!ess (ill depend upon t"e number of t"e loyal !ustomers ot"er t"an t"e servi!e +uality and t"e satisfa!tion aspe!t ,#eon 8 #eslie$ %&&'0) 9or every industry regardless of t"e nature of t"e servi!e t"e servi!e +uality is one of t"e main fa!tors determining t"e organisation to gain t"e !ompetitive advantage) "e servi!e +uality aspe!t and t"e "ig" e*pe!tation of t"e !ustomers "elped t"e fast food industry to fo!us on t"e !ustomer !entri! approa!" to(ards t"e business) 9or e*ample in t"e !ountry like Malaysia t"e fast food industries like t"e M!Donalds and t"e -9C are fo!using on t"e !ustomers and t"ey are reaping good benefits ,ap ,ap 8 -e($ %&&B0) "e (ay in ("i!" a !ustomer per!eives a brand al(ays "as an influen!e on t"e satisfa!tion and t"e intention of t"e pur!"ase of t"e !ustomers ,S!"iffman 8 -anuk$ 344/0) "e per!eptions of t"e !ustomers depend on "o( t"e !ustomers see t"e (orld around t"em) "e !ustomer per!eption (ill be t"e result of an a!tion based on t"e !ognitive pro!esses) ;it" regard to t"e be"aviour of t"e !ustomers t"e !ustomer per!eption is regarded as t"e p"ase in ("i!" t"e !ustomers are a(are of t"e produ!t +uality and ot"er aspe!ts of t"e produ!t) "e !ustomer (ill be evaluating t"e produ!t servi!e and "is e*pe!tation and t"is is one of t"e yard sti!k for measuring t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion aspe!t ,S!"iffman 344/0)t"e average and t"e t"e poor poor +uali +uality ty of t"e t"e produ produ!t !t (ill (ill infl influen uen!e !e t"e t"e orga organi nisa sati tion on in many many (ays) (ays) "e "e organisation (ill lose t"e re!ognition and t"e reputation and (ill also !ause less profit ,I(arere %&3&0)
2.1 C!"#$%&' (&)*#*!"+%,-*" /'!)#
"e buying de!ision of t"e !ustomers is a very important aspe!t for any marketing team of a !ompany ased on t"e de!ision de!ision ("et"er t"e !onsumers buy t"e produ!t or not$ it !an be analy2ed ("et"er t"e marketing strategy is su!!essful$ effe!tive or (as not planned (ell
,S!"iffman and -anuk$ %&&.$ p)5/30) Lerbeke ,%&&50 re!ogni2ed t"at t"e de!isions and t"e 1udgements and !"oi!e of o f t"e !ustomer are affe!ted and impa!ted greatly by various fa!tors present in t"e e*ternal environment and t"e ("ole pro!ess of de!ision making is based sometimes on e*ternal environment as (ell as internal de!isions and t"e !"ara!teristi! of a person) "ree fa!tors ("i!" influen!e t"e de!ision making and !"oi!e of !onsumer "ave been !ategori2ed into person related fa!tors$ properties of t"e produ!t food and t"irdly$ t"e environmental fa!tors ,S"ep"erd$ 344&$ Steenkamp$ 344B$ !ited by Lerbeke$ Lerbeke$ %&&50
de!ision making pro!ess of t"e !onsumer (ill enable t"e aut"or as (ell as t"e readers (it" t"e generali2ed !on!ept and understanding of t"e various fa!tors like attitude$ +uality$ !onsumer involvement$ CSR of a !ompany et! ("i!" impa!t t"e de!ision making pro!ess and t"e be"aviour of any !onsumer) "e aut"or (ill also fo!us on "o( t"e !ommuni!ation impa!ts t"e same$ as (ell as mass media and its influen!e on t"e be"aviour of !onsumer) !o nsumer)
2.2 C!"#$%&' ,00*0$(& !'%,0*!" ,"( ),"&
A!!ording to >ielsen$
important parameters of food and "ealt" safety) "ese all !riteria (ill make an attitude of !ustomer to(ards t"e liking or disliking and selling of fast food) "us as (e !an learn from t"e different observations and resear!" (ork done on t"e attitude of a !onsumer$ it is !lear t"at attitude and "en!e t"e buying be"aviour is influen!ed by number of t"ings) A!!ording to S!"iffman and -anuk$ it is personal e*perien!es and t"e e*perien!es and information from family and friends ("ile$ a!!ording to some ot"er aut"or it is parameters like professional et"i!s and importan!e of environment safety$ food safety and "ealt" of !ustomers ("i!" is gaining importan!e as a parameter to 1udge a parti!ular produ!t of a !ompany) Goldsmit"$ 9reiden and 7enderson ,344B0 re!ogni2ed t"at marketing team and poli!y makers of su!!essful !ompanies study t"e so!ial and personal values values ("i!" ("i!" !onsume !onsumers rs ("i!" ("i!" "elp "elp t"em t"em in identi identifyi fying ng t"e produ!t produ!t and intere interests sts of !onsumer and t"eir be"aviour and liking to(ards a parti!ular produ!ts and attributes of produ!ts) "us a!!ording to t"em$ t"e values !reated by produ!t in t"eir personal and so!ial life also influen!e influen!e t"e be"aviour be"aviour of !ustomers) !ustomers) "is may in!lude in!lude t"eir status$ status$ or basi! needs$ or t"e values ("i!" drive t"eir lifestyle and motive of t"eir life) "us it !an be of relative importan!e not only for produ!ts ("i!" are "ig"ly used but also in produ!ts like fast food ("i!" "ave less involvement in people=s personal and so!ial life styles) S!"iff S!"iffman man and -anuk$ -anuk$ ,%&&.$ p%'0 (as of an opinio opinion n t"at t"at person personal al e*peri e*perien! en!es es of a !onsumer also influen!es t"e development of a kind of attitude and "en!e "is be"aviour to(ards t"e ob1e!t) Influen!e of members of family and friends and t"eir e*perien!e (it" a parti!ular produ!t or situation$ information t"roug" mass media and marketing promotions also forms an attitude of a !onsumer) In t"e fort" !oming !"apters t"e aut"or (ill try and analy2e t"e relation of gro(ing "ealt" problems like obesity (it" t"e formation attitudes in !onsumers to(ards t"e produ!t) "e ot"er important fa!tor is t"e risk per!eption fa!tor) Risk per!eption as investigated by Lerdume and Liaene$ %&&6 is related to t"e geneti!ally modified food$ ("i!" is in inverse relation (it" t"e risks asso!iated (it" food items) "us ("en t"e risk is more t"e influen!e is negative and "en!e t"e !onsumer a!ts unfavorably ("ile ("en t"e food is lo( risk food$ t"e influen!e is positive and t"e pur!"ase of su!" item in!reases) "us it is !alled t"e risk per!eption fa!tor) "us it !an be t"e fa!tor
governing t"e !onsumer=s be"aviour for fast food items) ,Grunet$ %&&3$ !ited by Lerdume and Liaene$ %&&60) 2 C$#0!%&' #,0*#,)0*!" (*##,0*#,)0*!"
7anan 8 9arp$ 34/4$ p3B4$ stated t"at t"e general !riterion on ("i!" t"e marketing strategy is based for most of t"e !ompanies is !ustomer satisfa!tion or dissatisfa!tion (it" t"eir produ!ts) 9or every !ompany t"eir !ustomer ! ustomer is t"e fo!al point of any strategy made) "us for for any !omp !ompan any y its its su!!e su!!ess ss or fail failur uree is dire dire!t !tly ly depe depende ndent nt on t"e t"e sati satisf sfa! a!ti tion on or dissatisfa!tion of !ustomers from t"e servi!es or produ!ts t"ey offer) olton 8 Dre( ,34430 suggested t"at t"is satisfa!tion is based on t"e e*pe!tations of !ustomers and "o( mu!" t"ey are satisfied by t"e transa!tion of !ustomer (it" a !ompany for spe!ifi! produ!t) If for any parti!ular transa!tion done$ t"e produ!t meets t"e e*pe!tation of t"e !ustomer t"en t"e satisfa!tion is said to be a!"ieved) ;"ile
as!oe ,34/60 suggested a met"od to evaluate t"e satisfa!tion of !ustomer by using t(o !omponents in ("i!" one aspe!t (as ben!"mark of level of satisfa!tion against e*pe!tation t"roug" ("i!" t"e servi!e rendered and its performan!e !an be analy2ed ("ile se!ondly "e suggested to fi* a level of orbit of !onsumption and t"e domain of level of satisfa!tion like mi!ro and ma!ro level) level) Aiello et al ,34BB0 figured out t"at t"e !ustomer !ustomer satisfa!t satisfa!tion ion level !an be in eit"er of t"e domain and !an be identified) 7en!e it (as very important to indentify t"e domain to analy2e t"e satisfa!tion or dissatisfa!tion level of !ustomers and "en!e measuring t"e output of t"e !ompany) 2.3 S&'*)& ,"( S&'*)& $,6*07 2.3.1 S&'*)& (&*"*0*!" ,"( C,',)0&'*#0*)#
Neit"aml 8 itner$ 344'$ (ere of t"e opinion t"at servi!e of any organi2ation is made up of t"ree basi! !omponents vi2: pro!ess$ a!tions or deeds and performan!e) 9urt"er from t"e above study and definitions (e !an say t"at servi!e is intangible !omponent and is largely dependent on t"e "o( mu!" t"ey are used by t"e !ustomers t"oug" t"e attributes like inseparability and peris" ability are not mentioned "ere(it" as given by -otler ,%&&60) ride 8 9erell ,%&&60 also stated t"at t(o aspe!ts ("i!" (ere furt"er needed to evaluate and improve t"e !ustomer servi!es !learly are !ustomer relations"ip (it" !ompany and keeping keeping in tou!" tou!" (it" (it" t"e !ustom !ustomers ers)) "us "us differ different ent aut"or aut"orss "ave "ave dis!us dis!ussed sed differ different ent attributes to understand t"e term servi!e in a better (ay "o(ever t"e !riti!al and important ("i!" !an be !onsidered to be t"e base of understanding t"e servi!e as agreed by most of t"e aut"ors are: intangibility$ inseparability$ "eterogeneity and peris" ability) Ea!" of t"ese attributes is dis!ussed belo()
2.3.2 I"0,"*8*6*07
Ervardsson Ervardsson et al$ %&&5$ states states t"at t"e attribute attribute of intangibility intangibility of servi!e servi!e is very vital and t"is term in marketing models$ separates goods from servi!es very !leanly)
ielen 8 Semples ,%&&60 from t"eir resear!" !on!luded t"at t"e servi!es are aspe!t ("i!" !anno !annott be meas measur ured ed unles unlesss it is boug" boug"t$ t$ pur! pur!"a "ase sed d or used used$$ due due to its its attr attrib ibute ute of intangibility) A!!ording to -otler and Solomon 8 Stuart$ ,%&&60 it is diffi!ult t"oug" to evaluate and define t"e !"ara!teristi! of servi!e !learly on t"e basis of p"ysi!al intangibility be!ause it is an event prior to pur!"asing t"e servi!es) 7o(ever$ S"osta!k ,344B0 argued t"at alt"oug" it differentiates bet(een t"e goods and servi!es$ t"ere is range of tangibility as (ell as intangibility in goods and servi!es bot") "is is also agreed by many ot"er aut"ors$ adding t"at t"ere are many goods ("i!" do "ave a !ombination of tangible as (ell as intangible attributes or t"e range of t"ese attributes apart from t"e pure goods and pure servi!e) Neit"aml$ 344&$ !ame up along (it" "is !o resear!"ers t"at different aspe!ts of tangible attributes like$ !ommuni!ation tools$ visual aspe!ts$ as (ell as fa!ilities provided by t"e organi2ation and t"e e+uipments used to offer t"e servi!es) "is led to ot"er su!" resear!"ers and aut"ors to !ome up (it" different aspe!ts of tangibility and define t"e +uality of servi!es)
2.3.4 I"#&/,',8*6*07
C2epiel ,34/50 e*plained t"at t"e attribute of inseparability of servi!es is dependent on t"e !onta!t bet(een t"e !ompany and its !ustomers as (ell as on t"e type and amount of servi!es boug"t by t"e !ustomers) "is is different ("ere in goods are used and produ!ed)
Moreover$ transa!tion and intera!tion in !ase of servi!e is done at t"e same time ("en t"ey are produ!ed or rendered by t"e !ompany as in !ase of servi!es of banks) Alt"oug" as Edvard Edvardsso sson n et al$ %&&5$ %&&5$ sugges suggested ted$$ t"is t"is attrib attribute ute (ill (ill not in!rea in!rease se t"e opport opportunit unity y of providing more servi!es to t"e !ustomers and rat"er (ould prove to be a "urdle for t"e !ompanies !ompanies providing servi!es) servi!es) "us it is al(ays very important important t"at a marketing marketing manager also keeps in mind t"e attribute of separability and not al(ays t"e inseparability attribute of servi! servi!ee to improv improvee t"e servi! servi!ee +ualit +uality y and devise devise proper proper market marketing ing strate strategy gy for t"e !ompany)
2.3.5 H&0&'!&"&*07 V,'*,8*6*07
7eterogeneity or variability is an attribute of servi!e +uality ("i!" e*plains t"at t"ere is al(ays some amount of diffi!ulty fa!ed in !onsistently providing servi!es of similar +uality) "us it is variable in nature) 9or e)g it is diffi!ult to provide ea!" time similar servi!e in !ase of servi!e provided to "uman fa!tor by t"e vital part asso!iated (it" it and t"us to measure t"e level of servi!e +uality) erry ,34/&0 stated t"at it is al(ays diffi!ult to attain t"e same result and level in servi!es ea!" time it is rendered)
2.3. P&'*#,8*6*07
ateson 8 7offman ,34440 argued t"at peris"ability is a servi!e !"ara!teristi! ("i!" means t"at t"e servi!es are not preservable in nature for future use or it !annot be transferred like ot"er goods ("i!" !an be p"ysi!ally given to ot"er person or transferred to ot"er pla!e) "erefore it makes t"ings diffi!ult for servi!e provider to maintain t"e balan!e of supply against t"e demands of !ustomer as it in!ludes bot" !ustomers as (ell as suppliers for improving servi!e +uality) Also t"is attribute of servi!e "elps an resear!"er to (ork on finding formulation to measure t"e +uality of servi!es)
2.5 S&'*)& $,6*07
Anot"er !on!ept ("i!" is in dis!ussion (idely in marketing studies is t"at of servi!e +uality) arasuraman et al$ 34/5$ devised t"ree t"eories to !learly understand t"e !on!ept of servi!e +uality) "ese t"eories (ere as follo(s: 3
A!!ord A!!ording ing to first first t"eory$ t"eory$ t"e measurem measurement ent of +uality +uality of servi! servi!ee (as diffi!u diffi!ult lt as !ompared to produ!t +uality measurement
3) A!!or A!!ordi ding ng to se!o se!ond nd t"eo t"eory ry$$ it (as (as depen dependen dentt on t"e t"e diff differ eren en!e !e bet( bet(ee een n t"e t"e e*pe!tations of !ustomers and t"e a!tual output a!"ieved %) "e t"ird t"ird t"eory e*plains e*plains t"at t"at t"e final final output output of performan! performan!ee is not t"e only only fa!tor fa!tor ("i!" de!ides t"e +uality of servi!es but it is also dependent on t"e pro!ess as to "o( t"e servi!es are rendered)
2.5.1 T& (&&6!/%&"0# ! 0& #&'*)& $,6*07 )!"#0'$)0 ,"( %&,#$'&%&"0 %&0!(#
Gonroos ,34/%0 and many aut"ors "ave been over t"e years tried to develop t"e !on!ept and parameters to measure t"e +uality of t"e servi!e) Gonroos derived one su!" !on!ept ("er ("erei ein n "e stat stated ed t"at t"at t"at t"at t"e t"e serv servi! i!ee +ual +ualit ity y is meas measur ured ed by t"e t"e rela relati tion ons" s"ip ip of e*pe!tations t"at t"e !ustomers "ave to(ards !ompany for its servi!e performan!e and t"e a!tual s!enario) "us as per "is t"eory t"ere s"ould be a ben!"mark set for t"e level of e*pe!tations from !ustomers for a !ompany and t"us t"e servi!es offered !an be measured a!!ording to it) 7e devised "is model ("i!" (as on t"e basis of t(o !"ara!teristi!s of servi! servi!ee +ualit +uality y namely namely te!"ni te!"ni!al !al +uality +uality servi! servi!es es and t"e fun!ti fun!tional onal +uality +uality servi! servi!e) e) A!!ording to t"is model$ te!"ni!al servi!e +uality (as t"e one ("i!" (as e*pe!ted by t"e !ustomers on t"e servi!e part of organi2ation ("ereas t"e fun!tional +uality servi!e (as related related to t"e +uality of servi!es servi!es rendered by t"e !ompany) !ompany) 9urt"er t"is model e*plains us t"at in !ase ("ere t"e servi!e are variable in nature$ bot" t"is !"ara!ters are interlinked and
t"at to get an idea of fun!tional servi!e +uality$ one must "ave !lear understanding of t"e te!"ni!al attribute)
Additionally #e"tinen 8 #e"tinen ,34/%0 also found t"e key fa!tors to t"e servi!e +uality) "ey re!ogni2ed it to be t"e manner in ("i!" t"e servi!es (ere provided offered to t"e !ustomers and se!ondly t"e a!tual out!ome of t"e servi!es rendered) Similar to Gonroos$ t"ey also divided t"e servi!e +uality into different attributes) "ese attributes (ere p"ysi!al +uality$ !orporate +uality and t"e intera!tive +uality) "e p"ysi!al attribute referred to t"e +uality of p"ysi!al t"ings and ma!"ines$ stru!tures et! and t"e servi!es rendered using t"em) Se!ondly t"e t"e !orporate +uality +uality (as in referen!e referen!e to a!!ountability a!!ountability of t"e !ompany providing t"e servi!es and t"irdly$ t"e intera!tive +uality referred to t"e intera!tion and !ommuni!ation ("i!" t"e !ompany does (it" its e*isting as (ell as prospe!t potential !ustomers) arsur arsurama aman n ,34/50 ,34/50 (rites (rites t"at t"ere t"ere "as been been lot of invest investiga igatio tions ns and deriva derivatio tions ns of models on t"e study of servi!e +uality and !ustomer satisfa!tion but still t"ere is lot of aspe aspe!t !tss ("i! ("i!" " need need to be studi studied ed and and it is a very very (ide (ide !on!e !on!ept pt (it" (it" abun abundan dan!e !e of information to be revealed and studied) "us "e !ame up later (it" a model ("i!" (as for measuring and evaluating t"e +uality of servi!e rendered) "ese (ere determined on t"e basis of five attributes of servi!e +uality) "is (as sele!ted attributes and formulated by "im to understand t"e !on!ept of servi!e +uality) arasuraman et al$ 34//$ defined t"e five determinants as tangible$ assuran!e$ empat"y responsiven responsiveness ess and t"e reliabilit reliability) y) "e tangible tangible determinant determinant in!luded t"e fa!ilities fa!ilities and features offered to t"e staff (it"in t"e organi2ation$ ot"er e+uipments and p"ysi!al features ("ile t"e assuran!e !onsisted t"e !omponents like !ommuni!ation$ motivation$ !onfiden!e and and inte intell lle! e!tt of staf stafff memb member ers$ s$ trus trust( t(or ort" t"in ines esss et!) et!) "e "e empat empat"y "y (as made made up of !"ara!teristi!s like !are taken by employees of t"e !ompany and understanding to(ards its !ustomers) !ustomers) "e reliability reliability is t"e amount of a!!ura!y s"o(n in rendering rendering t"e servi!e servi!e to t"e !ustomer$ meeting t"e e*pe!tation of !ustomers et!) "ere "as been lot of effort after t"is model to !"ange it by s!"olars) One su!" effort (as done ("en rady and Cronin ,%&&30
put for(ard t"ree determinants to measure of servi!e +uality performan!e) "ese (ere +uality of environment$ se!ondly t"e intera!tion or !ommuni!ation and t"e out!ome of a!tual servi!es) servi!es) "e five tools given by arasuraman arasuraman et al$ 34//$ (ere based on "is "ig"ly famous tool !alled SERLJ?A# ("i!" is used popularly to measure t"e servi!e +uality !on!ept and understanding t"e !on!ept of per!eption of !ustomers to(ards servi!e +uality)
2. A"0&)&(&"0# ! #&'*)& $,6*07 ,"( )$#0!%&' #,0*#,)0*!"9
A!!ording to aylor 8 aker ,344.0 t"ere "as been lot of debates regarding ("at t"e root !ause of servi!e +uality and !ustomer satisfa!tion !an be) ;"ile arasuraman et al)$ 34//$ argue t"at alt"oug" bot" of t"em are interrelated$ servi!e +uality is a (ide aspe!t t"an t"e !ustom !ustomer er satisf satisfa!t a!tion ion)) Many s!"ola s!"olars rs derive derived d to !on!lus !on!lusion ionss t"at it (as !ustom !ustomer= er=ss per!eption for a servi!e +uality t"at led to t"eir satisfa!tion and ("en t"e servi!e +uality is better$ t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion is of "ig"est level) Crolin 8 aylor aylor ,344%0 stated t"at t"e order of per!eption to(ards t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion is "ig"er t"an t"at of +uality of servi! servi!ee be!aus be!ausee +ualit +uality y servi! servi!ee is 1ust 1ust one of t"e fa!tors fa!tors ("i!" ("i!" impa!t impa!t t"e !ustom !ustomer er satisfa!tion) ;"ile it (as Rust 8 Oliver ,344.$ p 3B4$0 ("o argued t"at$ servi!e +uality goes "and in "and (it" t"e !ustomer=s satisfa!tion and t"ey des!ribed t"e relation bet(een t"e t(o aspe!ts as follo(s: “Service quality is affecting the satisfaction aspect of the customers by influencing the perceptions of the customers”
9urt 9urt"e "erm rmore ore t"e t"e serv servi! i!ee +uali +uality ty and and t"e t"e sati satisf sfa! a!ti tion on of t"e t"e !ust !ustom omer er is !ount !ounted ed on altoget"er different levels) 9or evaluating !ustomer satisfa!tion it !ould be on a spe!ifi! transa!tion ("ereas t"e servi!e +uality (ould be evaluated on global transa!tions basis ,arasuraman et al)$ 344.0) And to evaluate anyt"ing on global basis$ it s"ould be first evaluated on root level t"us (e !an say t"at for evaluation of global transa!tion evaluation of spe!ifi! transa!tion is first ne!essary) "erefore$ t"e base to t"e assessment of servi!e +uality is t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion assessment) Alt"oug" Alt"oug" t"ere are some models as given by
;oodside et al) ,34/40 and Reindenba!" 8 Sandifer Small(ood ,344&0 ("i!" do not agree on t"e same) T',"#,)0*!"+S/&)**) M!(&6
eas ,34460 proposed t"is model and it (as furt"er developed by arasuraman$ Neit"aml and erry ,344.0 P N on(ards) "is model !onsiders a !ustomer=s overall approval (it" a business deal ,ransa!tion0 ("i!" is based upon "is or "er evaluation of servi!e +uality$ produ!t +uality and pri!e )ransa!tionspe!i ) ransa!tionspe!ifi! fi! satisfa!tion !onsiderably impa!ts t"e overall satisfa!tion of t"e !ustomer )Spe!ifi! aspe!ts of t"e transa!tion su!" as produ!t features ,e)g) food +uality and restaurant ambien!e0$ servi!e features ,e)g) responsiveness of t"e server0$ as (ell a suitable pri!e are prone to be measured by t"e !ustomers )"e full model (as reported to be signifi!ant )In a!!ordan!e (it" t"e study out!omes$ it (as also suggested t"at t"at t"e model model suitab suitably ly e*plai e*plains ns !ustom !ustomer er satisf satisfa!t a!tion ion and t"at t"at full full servi! servi!ee restau restaurant rant o(ners o(ners oug"t oug"t to !entre !entre on t"ree t"ree most most import important ant element elements$ s$ ("i!" ("i!" are servi!e servi!e +ualit +uality y ,responsiveness0$ pri!e and food +uality ,reliability0)
M!(&6# U#&( 0! E,6$,0& S&'*)& Q$,6*07
artlett and 7an ,%&&B0 adapted a parallel t"eory in relation to t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion and a similar SERLJ?A# model (as applied by arasuraman$ Neit"aml 8 erry ,34430) A!!ording to t"is model t"ere are five dimensions used in estimating !ustomer servi!e +ualit +uality y) "e dimens dimension ionss in!lud in!ludee tangib tangibles les$$ reliab reliabili ility ty$$ respon responsiv sivenes eness$ s$ empat" empat"y y and assuran!e) "e tangibles in!orporate t"e p"ysi!al appearan!e of t"e fa!ilities$ e+uipment$ personnel and materials used for !ommuni!ating (it" !lients) Elements su!" as !leanliness$ spa!e$ atmosp"ere$ appearan!e of server and lo!ation et! !ould be in!luded in t"e tangibles dimension) Responsibility and reliability !an be estimated by !onsidering variables su!" as speed$ (illin (illingnes gnesss to respon respond$ d$ a!!ura! a!!ura!y y and dependab dependabili ility ty)) "e dimens dimension ion of assura assuran!e n!e and empat"y may be !al!ulated by employing elements of kno(ledge$ trained professional$ !ommuni!ati !ommuni!ations ons and !aring) !aring)
Ot"er models models "ave "ave also been been e*ploited e*ploited to assess assess servi!e servi!e
+ualit +uality y e)g) DI>ESE DI>ESER RLE by Steven Stevenss et al ,34450 ,34450$ $(o (o; ;ay ay model model by S!"vane S!"vanevel veldt$ dt$ Enka(a and Miyaka(a ,34430$ SERLER9 by Corin and aylor ,344%0$ >ormed Juality by eas ,344.0 and J?A#IOMERO by 9ran!es!"ini 9ran!es!" ini and Rossetto ,344B0)A!!ording to t"e "ypot"eti!al ba!kdrop$ t"e (o;ay model utili2es latent estimation fa!tors and to assess t"e servi!es +uality$ ans(ers given by !ustomers to +uestions about ob1e!tive ,+uality attributes0 and sub1e!tive ,satisfa!tion levels0 are taken into !onsideration) "e SERLER9 model assesses t"e servi!e +uality by merely !onsidering per!eptions ("ile parameters su!" as e*pe!tations and importan!e (eig"ts are ignored) ;"ile t"e >ormed Juality model in!ludes t"e fa!tors affe!ting t"e e*pe!tations and it also differentiates bet(een ideal e*pe!tation and feasible e*pe!tation) "e J?A#IOMERO model estimates !ustomer e*pe!tations and per!eptions individually) At last last$$ t"e t"e DI>E DI>ESE SER RLE model model "eav "eavil ily y reli relies es on t"e asse assess ssme ment nt of e*pe! e*pe!ta tati tions ons)) A!!ording to t"is model$ +uality evaluation is performed by !omparing +uality e*pe!tation and per!eption profiles using MCDA) In spite of t"e fa!t t"at t"ese listed models e*er!ise different response s!ales but basi!ally all of t"em !onstitute t"e five dimensions ("i!" are tangibles$ reliability$ assuran!e$ assuran!e$ responsiveness and empat"y as t"e basis) P&')&*&( S&'*)& Q$,6*07 ,"( C$#0!%&' S,0*#,)0*!"
"e satisfa!tion satisfa!tion of t"e !ustomer and t"e servi!e servi!e +uality "as been related ea!" ot"er as t"e !ustomer per!eptions to(ards t"e servi!e +uality (ill influen!e in t"eir satisfa!tion aspe!t too ,Neit"aml and itner$ %&&&0) A!!ording to Gotlieb 344. t"e servi!e +uality is one of t"e broader !on!epts of t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion aspe!t) "e satisfa!tion is one of t"e mediators bet(een t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t and t"e !ustomer loyalty ,Caruana$ %&&%K 9ullerton and aylor %&&%0)"e !ustomer satisfa!tion is t"e per!eption of t"e !ustomer=s evaluation of t"e servi!e after t"e pur!"ases of t"e produ!t) If t"e !ustomer gets t"e servi!e more t"at "is e*pe!tation e*pe! tation t"e !ustomer (ill be satisfied ot"er(ise dissatisfied ,Oliver$ 344BK Neit"aml 8 itner$ %&&&0) A!!ording to t"e aker and Crompton %&&& t"e satisfa!tion is a personal e*perien!e of t"e !ustomer originated from t"e personal e*pe!tation and t"e a!tual servi!e re!eived from t"e produ!t) "e !ustomer satisfa!tion refle!ts t"e pur!"ase t"e !ustomer made) ;"en t"e
!ustomer gets t"e servi!e more t"an t"e e*pe!tations t"en t"ere (ill be en"an!ed !ustomer loyalt loyalty y) "e !ustom !ustomer er satisf satisfa!t a!tion ion "as a great great import importan! an!ee in t"e busine business ss se!tor se!tor as it determines t"e stability of t"e organi2ation ,Ostrom 8 Ia!obu!i$ 3445K 7ou 8 ao$ 3445K M!Ale*ander et al)$ %&&60) 9or in!reasing t"e revenue of t"e business and to in!rease t"e market market gro(t" gro(t" one of t"e potential potential (ays is to improv improvee t"e satisfa satisfa!ti !tion on aspe!t aspe!t of t"e organisati organisation on ,9onLiel ,9onLielle le 344B0)In 344B0)In t"e marketing marketing literature literature and t"e studies studies t"e !ustomer !ustomer satisfa!tion and t"e servi!e +uality aspe!ts and t"eir relation plays a signifi!ant role ,rady et al)$ %&&3K Cronin and aylor$ 344%K Meuter et al)$ %&&&K Oliva et al)$ 344%K Olorunni(o et al)$ %&&'K Neit"aml et al)$ 344'0) In t"e resear!" !ondu!ted by t"e Andaleeb and Con(ay t"ere "as result t"at s"o(s t"e positive relations"ip bet(een t"e servi!e +uality and t"e satisfa!tion of t"e !ustomers ,Andaleeb and Con(ay$ %&&'0 )"e European !ustomer satisfa!tion models des!ribe t"e servi!e +uality as a part$ !omponent determining t"e satisfa!tion ,9ornell et al)$ 344'0 ) 9irms 9irms t"at t"at provid providee superi superior or servi! servi!ee +uality +uality also also "ave a more more satisf satisfied ied !ustom !ustomer er base base ,Gilbert et al)$ %&&.K Gilbert and Leloutsou$ Leloutsou$ %&&'0) C$#0!%&'#: 8&,*!$',6 *"0&"0*!" *" #&'*)& $,6*07
Many e*perts "ave !ondu!ted resear!" studies in order to understand t"e interrelation of !ustomer satisfa!tion$ +uality of servi!e as (ell as be"avioural intention) It (as apparent from various literature revie(s t"at t"ere are several aspe!ts on ("i!" intention o f !ustomer is broadly !lassified namely repetitive buying$ s(it!"ing t"e supplier$ !omplaining about bad servi!e or providing suggestions to servi!e provider) 7o(ever$ t"e resear!"er "ave not !onsidered !onsidered t"e fa!tors fa!tors su!" as s(it!"ing t"e supplier$ supplier$ !omplaini !omplaining ng about bad servi!e servi!e or providing suggestions to servi!e provider as it is not re+uired re+uired as per t"e resear!" ob1e!tives) "ere are mainly t(o types of !ustomers$ ("erein t"e first type is !alled S(it!"ers ("i!" refers to !ustomers ("o !onsiders !"anging t"e regular servi!e provider ("en t"e servi!e +uality is deteriorating or unet"i!al instan!es as (ell as dis!omfort !aused to !ustomers by t"e regular servi!e provider ,-eaveney$ 34450) ;"ereas$ t"e se!ond type is !alled Stayers ("i!" refers to !ustomers ("o stays (it" t"e same servi!e provider even if t"e servi!e
+ual +ualit ity y is not up to t"e t"e mark mark$$ more moreove over$ r$ a!!ord a!!ordin ing g to S"a" S"a" 8 S!"af S!"afer er ,%&& ,%&&50 50$$ su!" su!" !ustomers also re!ommend t"is servi!e provider to ot"er potential !ustomers) As stated by Colgate 8 #ang ,%&&30$ substitution !ost is one of t"e ma1or reason ("y a !ustomer opts staying (it" same supplier) "e ot"er reason as mentioned by atterson ,34460$ is t"e emp"asis t"at t"e servi!e "olds in t"e personal life of !ustomers) -eaveney ,34450 made an important !ontribution to grounded t"eory in prete*t to t"e aspe!t aspe!t of !ustom !ustomer= er=ss s(it!" s(it!"ing ing t"e servi! servi!ee provid provider er)) S"e parti! parti!ula ularly rly fo!use fo!used d on t"e !ustomers ("i!" falls under t"e type of S(it!"ers) In order to understand t"e fa!tors t"at leads to !ustomer !ustomer !"ange t"eir !urrent servi!e provider an e*ploratory e*ploratory resear!" resear!" study (as !ondu!ted by "er) S"e observed t"at t"ere are several ot"er fun!tion of t"e supplier ("i!" are linked (it" t"e fa!tor of provided servi!e) On t"e basis of -eaveney=s !ontribution$ ansal 8 S"irley$ S"irley$ along (it" t"e study of be"avioural intention intention and s(it!"ing be"aviour$ be"aviour$ !ame up (it" t"e first model to assume t"e fa!tors t"at leads to !ustomer s(it!" t"e servi!e provider kno(n as Servi!e rovider S(it!"ing Model
As per t"is model$ t"e s(it!"ing be"aviour and buying intentions are e*tremely interlinked variants) "is model also !onsiders Servi!e Satisfa!tion ("i!" is also an independent variant) ;it" t"e "elp of SSM t"e servi!e provider !an !on!entrate on t"ese variants ("i!" ("i!" (ill (ill enable enable "im to en!oura en!ourage ge t"e !ustom !ustomers ers to !ontin !ontinue ue (it" (it" t"em instead instead of !"anging to a ne( servi!e provider) 7o(ever$ t"e level of satisfa!tion as per!eived by !ustomers is !onsidered as a vital aspe!t ("i!" affe!ts t"e !ustomers de!ision of !"anging to ne( firm or not$ ("erein$ ("erein$ "ig"er t"e per!eived servi!e +uality$ +uality$ lo(er are t"e s(it!"ing s(it!"ing !"an!es and vi!e a versa)
In any form of t"e industry industry t"e servi! servi!ee +uality +uality aspe!t aspe!t plays plays a signif signifi!a i!ant nt role role in t"e business) 9or t"e business t"e servi!e +uality and t"e influen!e of t"is aspe!t on t"e
sati satisf sfa!t a!tio ion n of t"e t"e !usto !ustome mers rs (ill (ill "elp "elp t"em t"em to fram framee t"e t"e stra strate tegie giess for for t"e t"e mark market et ,la!obu!!i 344.0)in fa!t in t"e !ase of t"e servi!e +uality to t"e !ustomer per!eptions and t"e e*pe!tations plays a ma1or role and t"is (ill a!ts as a standard on t"e basis of ("i!" servi!e +uality is 1udged by t"e !ustomers ,Nrit"aml et al)$ 34460)In ot"er (ords t"e servi!e +uality +uality is t"e result of t"e differen!e differen!e bet(een t"e !ustomer !ustomer e*pe!tations e*pe!tations and t"e !ustomer !ustomer per!eptions about t"e servi!e re!eived) On t"e basis of t"e servi!e +uality t"eory if t"e !ustomers are not getting t"e e*pe!ted servi!e t"ey (ill 1udge t"e servi!e as of poor +uality nature and if t"e servi!e is more t"an t"eir e*pe!tations t"ey (ill 1udge it as "ig" servi!e +uality ,Oliver 34/&0)9or redu!ing t"e gap gap e*is e*istt in t"e t"e serv servi! i!ee +uali +uality ty aspe! aspe!tt t"e t"e orga organi nisat satio ion n "as to redu redu!e !e t"e t"e !ust !ustom omer er e*pe!tations or "ave to in!rease t"e !ustomer per!eption of servi!e re!eived by t"em ,arasuram ,arasuraman an 34/50)"e 34/50)"e servi!e +uality (ill be a result result of t"e !ustomer evaluation evaluation as t"e !ustomer evaluates t"e servi!e t"ey re!eive (it" t"eir e*pe!tations and t"ey (ill make !omparison,Gronroos 34/%0) A!!ording to Gronroos 34/% t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t is dependent upon t"e variables like t"e e*pe!ted servi!e and t"e per!eived +uality) "e !ustomers buying be"aviour and t"e intentions of t"e buying are influen!ed by t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t ,itner$ 344&K Cronin and aylor$ 344%$ 344.K C"oi et al)$ %&&.0)Generally due to t"e presen!e of t"e !on!epts like t"e intangibility$ "eterogeneity and t"e inseperability t"e term servi!e +uality is an elusive !onstru!t ,arasuraman$ Neit"aml$ and erry 34/50)A!!ording to t"e Neit"aml 34/B t"e per!eived +uality is t"e !ustomers overall 1udgement about t"e performan!e of t"e organisation) "e !ustomers per!eived servi!e +uality (ill depend upon t"ree variables like t"e normative and predi!tive e*pe!tations and t"e a!tual +uality of t"e servi!e ,Stevens 34450)"e !ustomers lo(er e*pe!tations of t"e servi!e (ill lead to t"e "ig"er per!eption of t"e a!tual servi!e) If t"e !ustomers= e*pe!tations are very "ig"er t"en t"e per!eptions of t"e a!tua a!tuall serv servi! i!ee (ill (ill be lo(e lo(err)A!!od A!!odin ing g to ,Oli ,Oliver ver 34/3$ 34/3$ p)%B0 p)%B0$Q $Q it is t"e t"e summ summary ary psy!"ologi!al state resulting ("en t"e emotion surrounding dis!onfirmed d is!onfirmed e*pe!tations e*pe !tations are !oupled (it" t"e !onsumers prior feelings about t"e !onsumption e*perien!eQ) "e study of servi!e +uality broug"t mu!" into t"e attention of resear!"ers about t(o de!ades ago$ ("en Lalarie$ Neit"aml$ et al ,34//0$ introdu!ed Serv+ual) It is an empiri!ally
derived met"od t"at !ould be used by any servi!e organi2ation to improve servi!e +uality ,Cronin 8 Step"en$ 344%0) It is a multiitem s!ale developed to assess !ustomer per!ep tions of servi!e +uality in servi!e and retail organi2ations) "e s!ale addresses t"e notion of servi!e +uality in response to t"e different features of above said dimensions) S?MMAR "e literature revie( se!tion "as been framed on t"e basis of t"e past resear!" and t"e arti!les) "e servi!e +uality aspe!t and t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion aspe!t "as been !learly dis!ussed by t"e resear!"er in t"e literature se!tion) "e relations"ip bet(een t"e servi!e +uality and t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion and t"e models to measure t"e servi!e +uality are also dis!ussed in t"e se!tion) "ere (as no too mu!" literature available about t"e !ustomer per!eptions and t"e fa!tors affe!ting t"em) "is (as one of t"e gap in t"e literature revie( se!tion of t"e study)
3.1R&,') /*6!#!/7
"e resear!" p"ilosop"y adopted by t"e resear!"er (ill !ontain "is assumptions about "o( "e vie(s t"e (orld) "e general t(o resear!" p"ilosop"ies used by t"e resear!"er are interpretivism and t"e positivism) "e positivism is generally used by t"e resear!"er ("en t"ere is t"e involvement of t"e "ypot"esis in t"e resear!") In positivist t"e resear!"er (ill be independent and neit"er affe!ted by t"e sub1e!t of t"e resear!" ,Remenyi 344/0)In positivism t"e met"odology (ill be "ig"ly stru!tured in order to fa!ilitate repli!ation ,gill and and
"e resear!" approa!" deals (it" t"e resear!" and t"e use of t"e t"eory in t"e study) ased on t"is aspe!t t"e t(o types of t"e resear!" approa!" are t"e indu!tive and t"e dedu!tive approa!")
Dedu!tive approa!": It uses uses tradi traditi tiona onall met" met"od od to devel develop op a rese resear ar!" !" desig design n and patt patter ern$ n$ as soon soon as t"e t"e frame(ork is !ompleted$ t"e literatures are revie(ed and t"en "ypot"esis is tested for furt"er generali2ed results) "e information in t"is resear!" are !olle!ted t"roug" indu!tive approa!" and it is derived from t"e so!ial be"aviour of t"e !ompanies and t"e su!!ess is evaluated for t"e a!+uisition be"aviour of t"e t(o !ompanies) "e dedu!tive approa!" or testing t"eory approa!" is t"e resear!" approa!" in ("i!" t"e resear!"er (ill develop t"eory and t"e "ypot"esis and t"e "ypot"esis (ill be tested by using t"e resear!" strategy) "e dedu!tive approa!" is t"e most largely used approa!" in t"e natural s!ien!es ,Collis and "ussy %&&60)"e dedu!tion of t"e "ypot"esis is t"e most important part in t"e dedu !tive approa!") y using t"e resear!" strategies t"e "ypot"esis is tested at t"e end of t"e resear!" and if ne!essary modifi!ations are made on t"e t"eory) Indu!tive approa!": "e t"eory development is t"e se!ond stage in t"is approa!" ("ere t"e information is !olle!ted first$ and t"en t"e resear!"er get assistan!e in solving t"e +ueries related to t"e resear resear!") !") "e !riti! !riti!ism ism is very mu!" mu!" sub1e! sub1e!tiv tivee be!aus be!ausee of genera generali2 li2ati ation) on) Indu!t Indu!tive ive appr approa! oa!" " or build buildin ing g t"eo t"eory ry deals deals (it" (it" t"e t"e !olle !olle!t !tio ion n of t"e t"e data data and and t"e t"e t"eo t"eory ry is developed at t"e end of t"e resear!" using t"e data) "e indu!tive approa!" is used ("en t"e interpretivism is used by t"e resear!"er) "e indu!tive approa!" is used ("en t"e resear!" is very interesting and t"ere is only little literature frame(ork is available) In indu!tive indu!tive approa!" t"e +uestionnair +uestionnaires es and t"e ot"er data !olle!tion !olle!tion te!"ni+ues te!"ni+ues are used to !olle!t t"e data and to frame a t"eory based on t"at)
o !ondu!t t"is resear!" study t"e resear!"er (ill gat"er t"e data first and t"en on t"e basis of results generated from data analysis$ t"eories (ill be formulated) "e main interest of t"e resear!"er is to find t"e reason for parti!ular "appenings rat"er t"an 1ustifying ("at is "appening ,Saunders et al)$ %&&B0) "us t"e resear!"er adopted an indu!tive approa!" to(ards t"is resear!" study rat"er t"an dedu!tive approa!" as dedu!tive approa!"es is (idely in!orporated in s!ientifi! studies and t"eories are formulated after a!!urate testing)
6)6"e purpose of t"e resear!" "e purpose of t"e resear!" deals (it" t"e (ay in ("i!" t"e resear!" (ill ask t"e resear!" +uesti +uestions ons)) Dependi Depending ng on t"at t"at t"e resear! resear!"er "er !an de!ide de!ide ("et"e ("et"err t"e resear resear!" !" (ill (ill be e*ploratory$ e*planatory or des!riptive) E*ploratory resear!" "e e*ploratory resear!" is a means of finding ("at is "appening and finding a ne( insi insig"t g"tss to t"e t"e rese resear ar!" !" to asse assess ss t"e t"e rese resear ar!" !" in a ne( ne( (ay ,Robs ,Robson on %&&%: %&&%:54 540) 0)" "ee e*ploratory resear!" is used ("en t"e resear!"er needs !lear understanding of a resear!" problem and to kno( t"e !lear nature of t"e problem) "e e*ploratory resear!" is very fle*ible and t"e resear!"er !an !"ange t"e dire!tion of t"e resear!" on t"e basis of t"e ne( insig"ts) Des!riptive resear!" "e des!riptive resear!" is to portray an a!!urate profile of persons$ events or situations ,Robson %&&%:540)"e des!riptive resear!" is !ommonly kno(n as t"e statisti!al resear!") "e des!riptive resear!" is used to des!ribe t"e !"ara!teristi!s and t"e data about t"e population of t"e resear!") "e des!riptive resear!" !annot be used to study t"e relations"ip bet(een t"e variables)by t"e des!riptive resear!" t"e resear!"er !an gain a !lear p"enomenon of t"e resear!" problem) E*planatory studies
"e e*planatory resear!" ("i!" deals (it" t"e relations"ip bet(een t"e variables) "e resear resear!" !" nature nature (ill (ill be to invest investiga igate te a resear! resear!" " proble problem m ("ere ("ere t"ere t"ere is relati relations ons"ip "ip bet(een t"e variables)in t"e e*planatory resear!" t"e relations"ip bet(een t"e variables are used to des!ribe t"e resear!" problem) E*plor E*plorato atory ry study study enables enables t"e resear resear!"e !"err to find find ("at ("at is "appeni "appening$ ng$ to look look for ne( observations as (ell as to ask +uestions and to !"e!k t"e p"enomena in ne( lig"t ,Saunders et al)$ %&&B0) It !on!entrates more on analy2ing t"e !orrelation bet(een variables) As t"e primary ob1e!tive of t"is resear!" is to kno( attitudes of !ustomer and understand ("i!" aspe!ts affe!ts t"eir de!ision making pro!ess in t"e industry of fast food$ t"e purpose of t"e study (ill be e*ploratory as (ell as e*planatory in t"e initial segment of t"is resear!" study) "e "e main main ob1e ob1e!t !tiv ivee of t"e t"e se!on se!ond d segm segment ent of t"is t"is rese resear ar!" !" study study is to inter interpr pret et t"e t"e responses of M!Donalds (it" respe!t to !"anging be"aviour of !ustomer and market environment) "e resear!"er$ in order to !ome up (it" !onstru!tive re!ommendation for t"e business of M!Donalds$ (ill be able to employ models like marketing mi* from analysing t"e market environment and be"aviour of !onsumers) 6). "e resear!" strategy ;"ile (riting t"esis t"ere are different strategies in ("i!" one is !"osen) "e !"oi!e of t"e strate strategy gy entir entirely ely depends depends on t"e resear resear!" !" +uesti +uestion on to be ans(er ans(ered) ed) "ere "ere are severa severall situ situat atio ions ns ("er ("eree t"es t"esee stra strate tegi gies es are are appl applie ied d and t"e t"e situ situat atio ion n as per per in ,%&& ,%&&60 60 is e*periment$ survey$ ar!"ival analysis$ "istory and !ase study) In general all t"e strategies "as t"eir o(n advanta advantage ge and disadva disadvanta ntage$ ge$ "en!e "en!e t"e !"oi!e !"oi!e made made by t"e resea resear!"e r!"er r depends on t"e !urrent situation t"at t"e resear!"er is fa!ing ,ibid0) In making t"e !"oi!e easier in in ,%&&60 e*tended t"e !onditions for distinguis"ing different strategies and t"ey are form of t"e resear!" +uestion$ !ontrol of an investigator over a!tual be"avioral events$ and t"e degree of fo!us on !ontemporary "istori!al events) Survey P "ere are only t(o resear!"es ("ere survey !an be used and t"e t(o resear!"es are marketing resear!" and management resear!" and t"e !"oi!e of approa!"es are many to !arry !arry t"e resear! resear!" " survey survey for(ar for(ard) d) 9e( of t"e approa! approa!"es "es are tele!om tele!om !onvers !onversati ation$ on$
personal !ommuni!ation or fa!e to fa!e intervie( et!) 9or e*perimental resear!" surveys !an !an also also be used used and and at t"e t"e same same time time it !an !an be used used for for e*pl e*plor orat atory ory resear resear!" !" and and des!riptive resear!"$ and in general strategies are t"e key for getting desired resear!" results) Case study A!!ording A!!ording to Robson ,%&&%:3B/0 ,%&&%:3B/0 t"e !ase study is a strategy strategy for doing t"e resear!" ("i!" involves an empiri!al investigation of a parti!ular !ontemporary p"enomenon (it"in its real life !onte*t using multiple sour!e of eviden!e) "e !ase study strategy (ill be adopted by t"e resear!"er if "e (ants to gain deep understanding of t"e resear!" topi!) "e !ase study (ill be (idely used in t"e e*planatory and e*ploratory resear!") In t"e !ase study analysis t"e !ombination of t"e data !olle!tion te!"ni+ues are used by t"e resear!"er) y using t"e !ase study t"e triangulation of t"e data !an be done in t"e resear!") riangulation is possible in t"e resear!" due to t"e use of t"e multiple data !olle!tion met"ods in t"e !ase study)
6)5 Data !olle!tion te!"ni+ues and analysis pro!edures
In t"is study t"e resear!"er used a mi*ture of +ualitative and +uantitative data in order to attain t"e resear!" ob1e!tives) "is enables t"e resear!"er to "ave an in dept" analyses and underst understandi anding ng of !onsumer !onsumer be"aviour be"aviour ,Saunder ,Saunderss et al)$ %&&B0) %&&B0)
Moreov Moreover er it "elps t"e
resear!"er in forming triangulation) 9or e*ample t"e data gat"ered t"roug" fo!us groups !an be more effe!tive te!"ni+ue of triangulating as !ompared to ot"er means of data !olle! !olle!tio tion n su!" su!" as +uestio +uestionnai nnaires res)) Su!" Su!" intera intera!ti !tive ve +ualita +ualitati tive ve approa approa!" !" assist assistss t"e resear!"er to find out spe!ifi! issues pertaining to fast food and to understand t"e root !ause for !"anging be"aviour and attitudes attitudes of !ustomers !ustomers ,aker and Goodyear$ 344/0) 7o(ever data gat"ered t"roug" +ualitative approa!"es la!ks validity and t"us t"e results !annot be generali2ed to a mass population) As stated by >an!arro( et al) ,%&&&0$ t"roug" +ualitative surveys t"e resear!"er aims at kno(ing if t"e fo!us group respondent=s response represents t"e vie(s of larger population) "us !onsidering t"e above fa!t t"e resear!"er !olle!ted +ualit +ualitati ative ve data data t"roug t"roug" " fo!us fo!us groups groups and on t"e basis of its results results +uestio +uestions ns (ere (ere formulated for +uestionnaire survey) 6)B Data !olle!tion Data (ere !olle!ted using bot" t"e sour!e i)e) primary and se!ondary to !ondu!t t"is resear!" study) Se!ondary sour!es like past literatures (ere studied to get ba!kground kno(ledge kno(ledge about t"e fa!tors affe!ting affe!ting de!ision de!ision of !onsumers as (ell as +ualitative +ualitative fo!us grou groups ps as (ell (ell as +ues +uesti tionn onnai aire re surv survey ey (as (as !ondu !ondu!t !ted ed to gat"e gat"err prim primar ary y data) data) "e "e se!ondary sour!es su!" as books$ periodi!als$ !ompany (ebsite ,M!Donalds)!om0 as (ell as several ot"er sour!es sour!es from internet internet (ere used for t"is study) study) "e past resear!" resear!" and t"e arti!les "ave been used by t"e resear!"er to frame t"e literature frame(ork) "e past resear!" arti!les and t"e resear!" (orks "as been a!!essed by signing into t"e Emerald and t"e At"ens a!!ount) 9or gaining t"e valuable result to t"e resear!" +uestions and t"e ob1e!tion fres" valuable information "ave to be !olle!ted) "e primary data are t"e one ("i!" deals (it" t"e !olle!tion of t"e first "and fres" information about t"e resear!" ob1e!tives) 9or doing t"e study on t"e servi!e +uality and t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion aspe!t fres" and reliable data is needed) "e tool used for t"e primary data !olle!tion in t"is resear!" "as been dis!ussed belo()
6)' Sample sele!tion Sampling means studying a part of t"e population to !olle!t t"e data) 9or some of t"e resear!" it (ill not be possible to study t"e entire population and for t"is purpose a small portion of t"e population termed as samples are used for t"e investigation) "e sampling te!"ni+ues used for t"e resear!" are of t(o types like t"e probability sampling and t"e non probability sampling) "e probability sampling means t"at it is possible to ans(er resear!" +uestions and to a!"ieve ob1e!tives t"at re+uire t"e resear!"er to estimate statisti!ally t"e !"ara!teristi!s of t"e population form t"e sample ,Saunders %&3&K p)%360)In probability sampling t"ere is an e+ual !"an!e of ea!" element to be sele!ted and in nonprobability sampling t"e !"an!e of sele!ting ea!" element is not kno(n) "e met"od of t"e sele!tion of t"e sample (ill depend upon t"e probability or nonprobability te!"ni+ue used by t"e resear!"er)
"e resear!"er used non probabilisti! sampling as t"e probability of every !ase !"osen from total population is unidentified ,Saunders et al)$ %&&B0) It is also referred to as 1udgemental sampling) 7o(ever$ t"e results !an still be generalised but not on +uantitative ground grounds) s) "us "us ("ile ("ile !ondu!t !ondu!ting ing a !ase !ase study study strate strategy gy$$ nonpro nonprobabi babili lity ty sampli sampling ng is favourable) As stated by Saunders et al ,%&&B0$ nonprobability sampling met"ods enable t"e resear!"er to sele!t sample as per "is purpose and bias)
"e fo!us group samples (ere sele!ted from undergraduate students studying in European usiness S!"ool #ondon lo!ated in t"e ?-$ ("erein from t"e seven respondents$ t"ree (ere !iti2en of ritain ("ereas t"e rest four (ere students from all a!ross t"e globe) >evert"eless$ t"e international students "ave been residing in ?- sin!e 6. years) "e "omogeneous nature is benefi!ial as all t"e respondents are students and it enables t"e resear!"er to gain results ("i!" are not varied irrelevantly ,-raus$ 34450)
A !onvenien!e !onvenien!e sample of students students (as sele!ted sele!ted for t"is e*ploratory e*ploratory study as t"e fast food se!tor in t"e ?- "as t"e target !ustomers ("i!" fall under t"e age of 3B%5 years) 7o(ever$
t"e students of ES for fo!us group mig"t not n ot be similar as a !onsumer of fast food as t"ere e*ists a so!ioe!onomi! of students) >evert"eless$ all t"e respondents are appropriate for t"is resear!" study as t"ey eat at fast food restaurants) "e +uestionnaire (ere distributed using email of students as it is diffi!ult to !ir!ulate more t"an 3&& +uestionnaire in person as t"ere is a limitation of time) One of t"e respondents ("o stays in #ondon provided (it" nearly 3.& ritis" email addresses and t"e +uestionnaire (ere !ir!ulated to respondents a!ross t"e ?- t"roug" t"ese email addresses)
Group intervie(s fo!us groups
9or 9or ind indep ept" t" study study of t"e t"e aspe aspe!t !t of !ons !onsum umer er be"av be"avio iour ur data data (ere (ere !olle !olle!t !ted ed usin using g +ualitative te!"ni+ue) 9o!us groups (ere used in order to allo( t"e respondents to e*press t"eir vie(s freely rat"er t"an using individual intervie(s) 9o!us groups involve intera!tion and responses amongst all t"e members of fo!us group and are t"oroug"ly !ontrolled in order order to mainta maintain in t"e fo!us fo!us ,Saunde ,Saunders rs et al)$ al)$ %&&B0) %&&B0) "e "omogenei "omogeneity ty of respond respondent entss ,students in t"is study0 and t"e !"ara!teristi!s are related to t"e issues t"at are dis!ussed in t"is t"is study study$$ "en!e "en!e t"is t"is simila similarr !"ara! !"ara!ter terist isti!s i!s (as t"e reason reason for t"ese t"ese sele!t sele!ting ing t"ese t"ese samples) "ese samples (ere en!ouraged to s"are t"eir ideas and dis!uss (it"out any intervention in order to rea!" to a final !on!lusion ,-ruger and Casey$ %&&&$ !ited by Saunders$ %&&B$ p)6.&0) In order to en!ourage a "ealt"y dis!ussion t"e !omfort level as (ell as independen!e independen!e in e*pressing e*pressing t"oug"ts (ere t"e main ob1e!tives ob1e!tives ,g(b(eb)(ustl)e ,g(b(eb)(ustl)edu$ du$ %&&'$ unattributed0 Investigating attitudes of !onsumers to(ards fast food and t"e influen!e of servi!e +uality on !ustomer=s de!ision making pro!ess (it" respe!t to fast food are t"e t(o main aspe!ts ("i!" ("i!" (ere (ere !onsid !onsidere ered d ("ile ("ile formi forming ng +uesti +uestions ons for fo!us fo!us group) group) "e resear resear!"er !"er (ill (ill e*amine kno(ledge and per!eption of !onsumers pertaining to fast food$ along (it" t"e e*perien!e and beliefs t"at parti!ipants !arry about fast food and fast food restaurants) More Moreove over$ r$ !ons !onsum umer= er=ss emot emotio ions ns and and feel feelin ings gs for for fast fast food food (ill (ill be inve invest stig igat ated ed))
9urt"ermore$ effe!ts of !ampaigns su!" as antiobesity on respondent=s de!ision (ere also e*plored) Juestionnaire Generalisation of t"e result is not easy as t"e sample (ere sele!ted randomly for fo!us group) "us t"e +uestionnaire !ontent (ill be informed from t"e +ualitative information gat"er gat"ered ed from from fo!us fo!us group group ("i!" ("i!" (ill (ill t"en t"en be tested tested on larger larger group of populat population ion)) Moreover$ fo!us groups along (it" +uestionnaire !an assist t"e resear!"er to dis!over as (ell as understand t"e !onsumer attitude) Selfadministrative +uestionnaires (ere used by t"e t"e rese resear ar!" !"er er to !arry !arry out out t"is t"is study study)) More Moreov over er$$ !onsi !onside deri ring ng t"e t"e time time limi limitt and and !onvenien!e$ survey (as !ondu!ted online ,((()freeonlinesurveys)!om ,((()freeonlinesurveys)!om0) 0) As stated by Saunders et al) ,%&&B0$ a good !overing note e*plaining t"e resear!" purpose enables t"e resear!"er to gain "ig"er rate of responses) "us t"e resear!"er e*plained t"e main aim of t"is study in t"e initial se!tion of t"e +uestionnaire)
9rom t"e fo!us groups$ several key elements (ere sorted out$ and t"ey (ere used to formulate !lose ended +uestions) "e respondents (ere asked to sele!t an ans(er out of t"e !"oi!es provided$ ("erein !ategory$ ranking as (ell as list type +uestions (ere mainly used) Moreover$ Moreover$ in several +uestions +uestions tricomponent attitude model (as used in order to study study t"e attit attitudes udes of !onsume !onsumerr to(ard to(ardss fast fast food food produ!t produ!ts) s) Jualita Jualitativ tivee inform informati ation on gat"ered from fo!us groups (ere used to form !ategories in t"e +uestionnaire ,S"iffman 8 -anuk$ %&&.0) -ey elements t"at (ere sele!ted from t"e data gat"ered from fo!us groups in order to form +uestionnaire +uestionnaire (ere fast food +uality$ +uality$ servi!e +uality$ +uality$ !ustomer !ustomer satisfa!ti satisfa!tion$ on$ et"i!al issues$ trust of !onsumers to (ards M!Donalds as (ell as effe!t of media and government on t"e be"aviour pattern of !onsumers) "ese +uestionnaires (ere furt"er analysed and tested on larger population) "e resear!"er !ondu!ted a pilot study to find t"e reliability and validity by distributing +uestionnaire to smaller group of respondents prior to distributing to larger population)
6)/ Reliability:
"e data !olle!tion is su!!essfully !ompleted by implementing t"e resear!" strategy ("i!" is s!reened and analysis is !ondu!ted) Reliability of t"e data !olle!ted from t"e primary sour sour!e !e is "ig"l "ig"ly y reli reliabl able$ e$ but t"os t"osee from from se!o se!onda ndary ry pro! pro!es esss needs needs a !lean !leanin ing g and and transformation$ and t"en only t"e data is used for rea!"ing t"e !on!lusion and also t"e de!i de!isi sion on makin making) g) "e "e resu result ltss obta obtain ined ed are are very very mu!" mu!" aut" aut"ent enti! i! and and reli reliab able le)) "e "e +uestionnaire data are !olle!ted and !"e!ked !orre!tly and stored in a data base so t"at t"e resear!"er !an re!"e!k t"e opinions) "e +uestionnaire (as atta!"ed (it" a !overing letter so t"at every respondent !an !learly kno( t"e purpose of t"e resear!") "e fo!us group (as re!orded using a tape re!order and t"e resear!"er !an re!"e!k t"e dis!ussion !arried out in t"e resear!" and t"is in!reases t"e reliability fa!tor)
Resear!" Et"i!s: "e et"i!s "ave to be follo(ed by t"e resear!"er t"roug"out t"e resear!") In t"is resear!" t"e resear!"er "as follo(ed a proper !ode of !ondu!t and t"e a!!ess to t"e organisation is not re+uired in t"is resear!" as t"e sample involved in t"e study are only !ustomers of t"e orgnaisation)roper !onsent of t"e !ustomers (as !olle!ted before !ondu!ting t"e fo!us group and t"e +uestionnaires surveys) "e respondents (ere free to (it"dra( from t"e resear!" at any time and t"e !onfidentiality (as fully ensured to t"e respondents) "e information !olle!ted is very mu!" !onfidential$ t"e !ode of !ondu!t s"ould be follo(ed and t"e informat information ion must be prote! prote!ted ted at any !ost) !ost) "e personal personal inform informati ation on of t"e respondents (ill be kept se!ret) "e results s"ould be "onest and also it s"ould be unbiased) >o !ompetitive !o mpetitive firms s"ould be open ope n to t"e information t"at is !olle!ted by t"e resear!"er of t"at parti!ular organisation) S?MMAR In t"e met"odology se!tion t"e met"ods used for !ondu!ting t"is resear!" (as !learly stated stated and (as e*plained e*plained by t"e resear!"er) resear!"er) "e resear!" resear!" approa!" approa!" used for t"e study and t"e resear!" strategy "as been !learly e*plained (it" t"e "elp of providing t"e 1ustifi!ation for ea!" resear!" met"od used in t"is resear!") "e sample te!"ni+ue adopted for t"is resear!" and t"e sampling si2e (as also given in t"is se!tion of t"e resear!") "e data !oll !olle!t e!tio ion n te!" te!"ni ni+ue +uess used used by t"e t"e rese resear! ar!"e "err like like t"e t"e fo!u fo!uss group group and t"e t"e surv survey ey +uestionnaires are !learly e*plained by t"e resear!"er)
"e data analysis (as done in t"is se!tion of t"e resear!") "e primary data are !olle!ted t"roug" t"e survey +uestionnaire and t"e fo!us group) "e data about t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t and t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion are gat"ered to find out t"e findings of t"e resear!") "e data are analy2ed (it" t"e "elp of t"e tables and t"e !"arts) "e fo!us group !onsists of 35 parti!ipants ("o are t"e !ustomers of t"e M!Donald)
1. S&; o
Male 9emale
GENDER 60 50 40
30 20 10 0 Male
"e resear!" (as !ondu!ted to find out t"e !ustomer per!eption on t"e servi!e +uality and t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion of t"e M!Donalds) "is analysis (as done to find out t"e gender !ategory of t"e respondents in t"e resear!") 9rom t"e analysis it (as !lear t"at si*ty per!ent of t"e respondents in t"e resear!" (ere male and t"e forty per!ent belongs to t"e female !ategory)
2. A& o
U"(&' 1<
!&' 4
AGE 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
Under 18
Over 46
"e age !ategory of t"e respondents is e*plored in t"e se!ond +uestion of t"e resear!") "e age !ategory plays a vital role in t"e resear!" as t"e !ustomer per!eptions are influen!ed by t"e age too) 9rom t"e analysis analysis it (as very !lear t"at most of t"e respondents respondents belong to t"e age !ategory of belo( eig"teen) (enty five per!ent of t"e respondents belong to t"e age !ategory of eig"teen to t(enty eig"t and ot"er respondents are over t"e age !ategory of t"e t"irty eig"t) So t"e ma1ority of t"e respondents (ere under t"e age of t"e eig"teen)
3. H!= !0&" (! 7!$ &,0 ,#0 !!( >*.&. M)D!",6(#?@ o
E&'7 (,7
F!$' 0*% , =&&-
O")& *" =&&-
O")& *" , %!"0
I (!":0
FREQUENCY 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0
"e !ustomer=s !ustomer=s fre+uen!y of t"e visit to t"e M!Donalds influen!es influen!es t"e per!eptions per!eptions of t"e !ustomer to(ards t"e M!Donald) "is +uestion (as intended to find out t"e respondents fre+uen!y of visit to t"e M!Donald store) 9rom t"e analysis it (as very !lear t"at t"e most of t"e respondents visit t"e M!Donalds everyday and t"ey !onsume t"e food) Almost t"irty per!ent of t"e respondent=s visit t"e M!Donald more t"an four times in a (eek and some of t"e respondents visit t"e M!Donalds in a mont") Some of t"e respondents do not visit t"e M!Donald store) So from t"e analysis it (as very !lear t"at t"e most of t"e respondents are regular visitors of t"e M!Donalds)
4. R&,#!" !' !*" 0! M)D!",6(#@
N! !0&' !/0*!" *# ,,*6,86&
M)D!",6( *# 0& %!#0 )!"&"*&"0 !/0*!"
S, %!"&7
I 6*-& 0& 0,#0&
I "&&' '&&' 0& M)D!",6(
REASON 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 N !"er #!$n $% av$la&le
'ave% mne(
Dn)! *$+e
"e main reason for t"e preferen!e of t"e M!Donalds (as t"e ne*t reason to analyse in t"e +uestionnaire) "e !ustomer per!eption of t"e !ustomer depends upon t"e !ustomer reasons for going to t"e M!Donald) 9rom t"e analysis it (as very !lear t"at t"e !onvenien!e aspe!t is t"e most reason for most of t"e !ustomers to prefer t"e M!Donald food) Some of t"e respondents prefer t"e M!Donald be!ause t"ere (as no option available to t"em t"an t"e M!Donalds) (enty per!ent of t"e respondents (ant to save t"e time and t"at=s ("y t"ey are visiting t"e M!Donald) Some of t"e respondents do not like t"e M!Donalds)
5. A'& $ #,0*#*&( =*0 0& #&'*)& $,6*07 ! 0& M)D!",6(#@ o
N! !/*"*!"
Satisfaction 60 50 40
30 20 10 0 ' a!$%,ed
N #$n$n
"e satisfa!tion aspe!t plays a vital role in t"e su!!ess of t"e organi2ation) "e servi!e +ual +ualit ity y aspe aspe!t !t (it" (it" t"e t"e M!Do M!Donal nalds ds "as "as been been e*pl e*plor ored ed in t"e t"e fift fift" " +uest +uestio ion n of t"e t"e +uestionnaire) "e satisfa!tion of t"e !ustomers (it" t"e servi!e +uality and t"e !ustomer per!eption "as been analy2ed a naly2ed in t"e +uestionnaire) 9rom t"e analysis it (as very ver y !lear t"at t"e most of t"e !ustomers are satisfied (it" t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t of t"e M!Donalds) ut forty five per!ent of t"e respondents do not satisfied (it" t"e servi!e +uality of t"e M!Donalds) Some of t"e respondents do not e*press t"eir vie(s to(ards t"is statement) So from t"e analysis it (as obvious t"at t"e satisfa!tion aspe!t (it" t"e servi!e +uality is mi*ed type)
. D! 0& M)D!",6(# #0,# ! 0& ,00*0$(& ,"( 8&,*!$' *"6$&") 7!$' /$'),#& (&)*#*!"@ o
M,7 8&
40 30 20 10 0 Ye%
"e employees of t"e organi2ation and t"eir be"aviour influen!e t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t of t"e organi2ation) "e attitudes of t"e employees to(ards t"e !ustomers influen!e t"e pur!"ase de!ision) 9rom t"e above analysis using t"e grap"s s"o(s t"at most of t"e !ustomers opinioned t"at t"e attitude and t"e be"aviour of t"e M!Donald staffs influen!es t"eir de!ision of buying t"e food items) Almost t"irty per!ent of t"e respondents are not agreeing (it" t"is opinion) So from t"e analysis it (as very !lear to t"e resear!"er t"at almost all !ustomers buying be"aviour (as influen!ed by t"e attitudes and t"e be"aviour of t"e M!Donald employees)
. T& )$#0!%&' #,0*#,)0*!" 0!=,'(# 0& M)D!",6(# (&/&"(# !" 0& #&'*)& $,6*07 ,#/&)0 o
M,7 8&
40 30 20 10 0 Ye%
ma( &e
"e servi!e +uality and t"e satisfa!tion aspe!t relations"ip is one of t"e main aspe!ts determining t"e per!eptions of t"e !ustomer) In t"is +uestionnaire t"e relations"ip of t"e +uality of servi!e of t"e M!Donald (it" t"e satisfa!tion aspe!t of t"e !ustomer "as been analy2ed) Almost seventy per!ent of t"e !ustomer t"inks t"at t"e servi!e +uality of t"e M!Dona M!Donalds lds influen influen!es !es t"eir t"eir satisf satisfa!t a!tion ion aspe!t aspe!t)) ut t(enty t(enty five five of t"e respond respondent entss opinioned t"at t"ere is no relations"ip (it" t"e servi!e +uality of t"e M!Donalds in t"eir satisfa!tion aspe!t of t"e M!Donalds) 9ive per!ent of t"e respondents t"ink t"at may be it (ill affe!t t"eir satisfa!tion aspe!t) So from t"e opinion of t"e most of t"e respondents it "as "as been been very very !lear !lear t"at t"at t"er t"eree is a rela relati tions ons"i "ip p bet( bet(ee een n t"e t"e serv servi! i!ee +uali +uality ty and t"e t"e satisfa!tion aspe!t)
<. T& M)D!",6(# #0,#: ,00*0$(& ,"( 0&*' #&'*)& ,'& &;)&66&"0
Opinion 50 40 O#$n$n
30 20 10 0 Aree
N v$e
"e attitudes and t"e servi!es of t"e employees to t"e !ustomers (ill determine t"e level of t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t) If t"e attitude and t"e servi!es are e*!ellent t"en t"e !ustomers (ill be satisfied (it" t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t) 9rom t"e analysis it (as very !lear t"at forty per!ent of t"e respondents agree t"at t"e M!Donalds staffs= attitude and t"e servi!e are e*!ellent and it influen!es t"e per!eption of t"e !ustomers) ut fifty per!ent of t"e !ustom !ustomers ers disagr disagree ee (it" (it" t"e statem statement ent and t"ey don=t t"ink t"at t"at t"e servi! servi!es es of t"e employees are e*!ellent) So from t"e analysis it (as !lear t"at t"e !ustomers are not so satisfied (it" t"e attitudes and t"e servi!e of t"e !ustomers)
. T& M)D!",6(# #&'*)& *# ,#0 ,"( 0& )$#0!%&' )," #, 0*%&
Opinion 50 40 O#$n$n
30 20 10 0 Aree
N v$e
"e servi!e servi!e effi!i effi!ien!y en!y and t"e servi! servi!ee fastne fastness ss (ill (ill influe influen!e n!e t"e !ustom !ustomers ers buying buying per!eption) If t"e !ustomer is getting fast servi!e (it" better effi!ien!y it (ill saves time to t"e !ustomer) "is +uestion (as asked to find out t"e !ustomer responses to(ards t"e M!Donalds servi!e aspe!t and t"eir fastness) 9rom t"e analysis it (as very !lear t"at fifty per!ent of t"e !ustomers of t"e M!Donalds are not so satisfied (it" t"e fast servi!e of t"e M!Donald staffs) ut forty per!ent of t"e respondents are satisfied (it" t"e fast servi!e of t"e M!Donald staffs and t"ey opinioned t"at t"e !ustomers !an saves time) So from t"e above analysis it (as !lear t"at most of t"e respondents does not satisfied (it" t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t)
1. T& #0, (! "!0 %,-& ,"7 &''!'# ,"( /&'!'%# ,"( #&' *" '*0 0*%&
Opinion 50 40 O#$n$n
30 20 10 0 Aree
N v$e
"e !ustomer servi!e and t"e servi!e effi!ien!y (ill influen!e on t"e !ustomer per!eptions of t"e !ustomer and if t"e employees perform any errors or mistake it (ill affe!t t"e servi!e effi!ien!y to t"e !ustomers) 9rom t"e above analysis it (as very !lear t"at t"e most of t"e respondents opinioned t"at t"e employees often mistake and errors in t"eir servi!e) ut forty per!ent of t"e respondents opinioned t"at t"e employees of t"e M!Donald does not make any errors or mistakes in t"e M!Donald transa!tion)
11. T& /7#*),6 &,0$' ,"( 0& #0!'& ,)*6*07 *"6$&") 7!$' /$'),#& (&)*#*!" =*0 '/&)0 0! 0& M) D!",6(:#
Opinion 50 40 O#$n$n
30 20 10 0 Aree
N v$e
"e p"ysi!al !"ara!teristi!s of t"e stores and t"e fa!ilities in t"e store influen!e t"e buying de!ision of t"e !ustomer (it" respe!t to t"e M!Donalds) If t"e store fa!ilities and t"e layout are good t"en t"e !ustomer "as good per!eptions to(ards t"e M!Donald) 9rom t"e above analysis it "as been obvious t"at t"e most of t"e !ustomers t"ink t"at t"e p"ysi!al features of t"e M!Donald does not influen!e t"e buying be"aviour of t"e !ustomers) ut some respondents t"ink t"at t"ere buying per!eption "as been influen!ed by t"e store features and t"e fa!ilities)
13. T& M)D!",6(# !!( *# $,6*07 !'*&"0&( ,"( 0&'& *# "! *"!6&%&"0 ! ,"7 &0*),6 *##$
Opinion 50 40 O#$n$n
30 20 10 0 Aree
N v$e
"e +uality of t"e food al(ays influen!es t"e buying per!eption of t"e !ustomers) If t"e +uality of t"e fast food produ!ts is good t"en t"e !ustomers buying per!eption (ill be positive) In ?- fast food industry t"ere is al(ays a presen!e of t"e et"i!al issues and it influen!es t"e !ustomer=s per!eption) 9rom t"e analysis it (as very !lear t"at most of t"e respondents does not t"ink t"at t"e et"i!al issues is !onne!ted (it" t"e M!Donald +uality and t"e per!eption "as not been influen!ed) ut most of t"e !ustomers like fifty per!ent of
t"e respondents t"ink t"at t"e et"i!al issue is !on!erned (it" t"e +uality of t"e food and influen!es t"e per!eption of t"e !ustomers)
14. D! 7!$' 8$7*" 8&,*!$' *# *"6$&")&( 87 0& $,6*07 ! 0& #&'*)& *&"@
Opinion 50 40 O#$n$n
30 20 10 0 Aree
N v$e
"e buying buying be"avi be"aviour our of t"e !ustom !ustomers ers (ill influe influen!ed n!ed by t"e servi! servi!ee +uality +uality of t"e organi2ation) "e servi!e aspe!ts al(ays influen!e t"e buying be"aviour of t"e M!Donald !ustom !ustomers ers)) "is "is +uesti +uestion on (as intende intended d to find find out ("et"e ("et"err t"e buying be"avio be"aviour ur is
influen!ed by t"e servi!e +uality of t"e M!Donalds or not) Almost forty per!ent of t"e respondents agree t"at t"e servi!e +uality influen!es t"eir buying be"aviour) ut fifty per!ent of t"e respondents opinioned t"at t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t does not so often influen!e t"eir buying be"aviour) So from t"e analysis it (as !lear t"at ot"er t"an servi!e +uality t"ere are some more features ("i!" influen!es t"e !ustomer buying be"aviour)
35) "e M!Donald operating time is !onvenient
Opinion /0 60 50 O#$n$n
40 30 20 10 0 Aree
N v$e
"e s"op operating time and t"e !onvenien!e of t"e !ustomers plays a very important role in t"e satisfa!tion of t"e !ustomers and it (ill influen!e t"e per!eptions of t"e !ustomers) 9rom t"e analysis it "as been !lear t"at almost seventy per!ent of t"e !ustomers t"ink t"at t"e operating time of t"e M!Donald is !onvenient) ut t(enty per!ent of t"e !ustomers
t"ink t"at t"e operating time of t"e M!Donald is not so !onvenient in t"eir timings) 9rom t"e analysis it (as seen t"at t"e operating time of t"e M!Donald "as an influen!e on t"e per!eptions of t"e !ustomer)
1. A'& 7!$ ,%*6*,' =*0 0& )$''&"0 !8*07 *##$ ,"( (! *0 *"6$&") 7!$' 8$7*" 8&,*!$'@ o
Opinion 60 50 40
30 20 10 0 Ye%
Ma( &e
"e obesity issues in t"e fast food se!tor in t"e ?- are influen!ing t"e !ustomer attitude in t"e fast food se!tor) "is +uestion (as intended to find out ("et"er t"e obesity issues asso!iated (it" t"e ?- fast food se!tor influen!es t"e buying per!eptions of t"e !ustomer) Almost si*ty per!ent of t"e respondents agree t"at t"e obesity issues are influen!ing t"eir per!eptions to(ards t"e M!Donalds ("ere as some of t"e respondents don=t agree (it" t"is aspe!t)
"e !ustomer=s !ustomer=s fre+uen!y of t"e visit to t"e M!Donalds influen!es influen!es t"e per!eptions per!eptions of t"e !ustomer to(ards t"e M!Donald) "is +uestion (as intended to find out t"e respondents fre+uen!y of visit to t"e M!Donald store) 9rom t"e analysis it (as very !lear t"at t"e most of t"e respondents respondents visit visit t"e M!Donalds M!Donalds everyday and t"ey !onsume t"e food) So from t"e analysis it (as very !lear t"at t"e most of t"e respondents are regular visitors of t"e M!Donalds) "e main reason for t"e preferen!e of t"e M!Donalds (as t"e ne*t reason to analyse in t"e +uestionnaire) "e !ustomer per!eption of t"e !ustomer depends upon t"e !ustomer reasons for going to t"e M!Donald) 9rom t"e analysis it (as very !lear t"at t"e !onvenien!e aspe!t is t"e most reason for most of t"e !ustomers to prefer t"e M!Donald food) According food) According to Andaleeb 199 the con!enience aspect and the time factor plays a m"or role in the buying beha!iour of the customers as most of them are con!enience oriented
"e satisfa!tion aspe!t plays a vital role in t"e su!!ess of t"e organisation) "e servi!e +ual +ualit ity y aspe aspe!t !t (it" (it" t"e t"e M!Do M!Donal nalds ds "as "as been been e*pl e*plor ored ed in t"e t"e fift fift" " +uest +uestio ion n of t"e t"e +uestionnaire) "e satisfa!tion of t"e !ustomers (it" t"e servi!e +uality and t"e !ustomer per!eption "as been analy2ed a naly2ed in t"e +uestionnaire) 9rom t"e analysis it (as very ver y !lear t"at t"e most of t"e !ustomers are satisfied (it" t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t of t"e M!Donalds) 9rom t"e analysis it (as obvious t"at t"e satisfa!tion aspe!t (it" t"e servi!e +uality is
mi*ed type) #he ser!ice $uality will be a result of the customer e!aluation as the customer e!al e!alua uate tess the the ser! ser!ic icee they they recei ecei!e !e with with thei theirr e%pe e%pect ctat atio ions ns and and they they will will make make comparison&'ronroos 19()*According to 'ronroos &19() the ser!ice $uality aspect is dependent upon the !ariables like the e%pected ser!ice and the percei!ed $uality* $uality*
"e employees of t"e organi2ation and t"eir be"aviour influen!e t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t of t"e organi2ation) "e attitudes of t"e employees to(ards t"e !ustomers influen!e t"e pur!"ase de!ision) 9rom t"e analysis it (as very !lear to t"e resear!"er t"at almost all !ustomers buying be"aviour (as influen!ed by t"e attitudes and t"e be"aviour of t"e M!Donald employees) #e"tinen 8 #e"tinen 34/%$ found t"e key fa!tors to t"e servi!e +uality) "ey "ey re!ogni2ed it to be t"e manner in ("i!" t"e servi!es (ere provided offered to t"e !ustomers !ustomers by b y t"e employees employees and se!ondly se!ondly t"e a!tual out!ome of t"e servi!es servi!es rendered (ill influen!e t"e per!eptions regarding t"e servi!e +uality "e servi!e +uality and t"e satisfa!tion aspe!t relations"ip is one of t"e main aspe!ts determining t"e per!eptions of t"e !ustomer) In t"is +uestionnaire t"e relations"ip of t"e +uality of servi!e of t"e M!Donald (it" t"e satisfa!tion aspe!t of t"e !ustomer "as been analy2ed) So from t"e opinion of t"e most of t"e respondents it "as been very !lear t"at t"ere t"ere is a rela relati tion ons" s"ip ip bet( bet(ee een n t"e t"e serv servi! i!ee +ual +ualit ity y and t"e sati satisf sfa! a!ti tion on aspe aspe!t !t)) "e "e satisfa!tion of t"e !ustomer and t"e servi!e +uality "as been related ea!" ot"er as t"e !ustomer per!eptions to(ards t"e servi!e +uality (ill influen!e in t"eir satisfa!tion aspe!t too ,Neit"aml and itner$ %&&&0) A!!ording to Gotlieb 344. t"e servi!e +uality is one of t"e broader !on!epts of t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion aspe!t) In t"is resear!" also t"e resear!"er findings are similar to t"e previous resear!" studies e*plained above) "e attitudes and t"e servi!es of t"e employees to t"e !ustomers (ill determine t"e level of t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t) If t"e attitude and t"e servi!es are e*!ellent t"en t"e !ustomers (ill be satisfied (it" t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t) So from t"e analysis it (as !lear t"at t"e !ustomers are not so satisfied (it" t"e attitudes and t"e servi!e of t"e !ustomers) "e servi!e effi!ien!y and t"e servi!e fastness (ill influen!e t"e !ustomers buying per!eption) If t"e !ustomer is getting fast servi!e (it" better effi!ien!y it (ill saves time to t"e
!ust !ustom omer er)) "is "is +uest +uestio ion n (as (as aske asked d to find find out out t"e t"e !ust !ustom omer er resp respon onse sess to(a to(ard rdss t"e t"e M!Donalds M!Donalds servi!e aspe!t and t"eir fastness) fastness) So from t"e above analysis analysis it (as !lear t"at most of t"e respondents does not satisfied (it" t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t) "e !ustomer servi! servi!ee and t"e servi!e servi!e effi!i effi!ien!y en!y (ill (ill influe influen!e n!e on t"e !ustom !ustomer er per!ep per!eptio tions ns of t"e !ustomer and if t"e employees perform any errors or mistake it (ill affe!t t"e servi!e effi!ien!y to t"e !ustomers) 9rom t"e above analysis it (as very !lear t"at t"e most of t"e respondents opinioned t"at t"e employees often mistake and errors in t"eir servi!e) Czepiel, 19+, e%plained that the attribute of inseparability of ser!ices is dependent on the contact between the company and its customers as well as on the type and amount of ser!ices bought by the customers and the customer ser!ice plays a ma"or role in this aspect* "e p"ysi!al !"ara!teristi!s of t"e stores and t"e fa!ilities in t"e store influen!e t"e buying de!ision of t"e !ustomer (it" respe!t to t"e M!Donalds) If t"e store fa!ilities and t"e layout are good t"en t"e !ustomer "as good per!eptions to(ards t"e M!Donald) 9rom t"e above analysis it "as been obvious t"at t"e most of t"e !ustomers t"ink t"at t"e p"ysi!al features of t"e M!Donald does not influen!e t"e buying be"aviour of t"e !ustomers) ut some respondents t"ink t"at t"ere buying per!eption "as been influen!ed by t"e store features and t"e fa!ilities) According fa!ilities) According to arasuraman 19+ the physical features does not plays a ma"or role in the e!aluation of the ser!ice $uality as it is of short term nature*
"e +uality of t"e food al(ays influen!es t"e buying per!eption of t"e !ustomers) If t"e +uality of t"e fast food produ!ts is good t"en t"e !ustomers buying per!eption (ill be positive) In ?- fast food industry t"ere is al(ays a presen!e of t"e et"i!al issues and it influen!es t"e !ustomer=s per!eption) 9rom t"e analysis it (as very !lear t"at most of t"e respondents does not t"ink t"at t"e et"i!al issues is !onne!ted (it" t"e M!Donald +uality and t"e per!eption "as not been influen!ed) ut most of t"e !ustomers like fifty per!ent of t"e respondents t"ink t"at t"e et"i!al issue is !on!erned (it" t"e +uality of t"e food and influen!es t"e per!eption of t"e !ustomers) "e buying be"aviour of t"e !ustomers (ill influen!ed by t"e servi!e +uality of t"e organi2ation) "e servi!e aspe!ts al(ays influen!e t"e buying be"aviour of t"e M!Donald !ustomers) "is +uestion (as intended to find out ("et"er t"e buying be"aviour is influen!ed by t"e servi!e +uality of t"e M!Donalds or not)
So from t"e analysis it (as !lear t"at ot"er t"an servi!e +uality t"ere are some more features ("i!" influen!es t"e !ustomer buying be"aviour) "e s"op operating time and t"e !onveni !onvenien! en!ee of t"e !ustomers !ustomers plays a very importan importantt role role in t"e satis satisfa!t fa!tion ion of t"e !ustomers and it (ill influen!e t"e per!eptions of t"e !ustomers)) 9rom t"e analysis it (as seen t"at t"e operating time of t"e M!Donald "as an influen!e on t"e per!eptions of t"e !ustomer) "e obesity issues in t"e fast food se!tor in t"e ?- are influen!ing t"e !ustomer attitude in t"e fast food se!tor) "is +uestion (as intended to find out ("et"er t"e obesity issues asso!iated (it" t"e ?- fast food se!tor influen!es t"e buying per!eptions of t"e !ustom !ustomer er)) Most Most of t"e respond respondent entss agree agree t"at t"at t"e obesit obesity y issue issuess are influe influen!i n!ing ng t"eir t"eir per!eptions to(ards t"e M!Donalds ("ere as some of t"e respondents don=t agree (it" t"is aspe!t)
"e fo!us group (as also !ondu!ted by t"e resear!"er to get t"e desired results) "e fo!us group (as divided on t"e basis of t"e resear!" ob1e!tives) "e first part of t"e fo!us group (as done to a!"ieve t"e first ob1e!tive to kno( t"e !ustomer per!eption to(ards t"e M!Donald and t"e effe!t of t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion and servi!e +uality on t"e !ustomers) "e dis!ussion (as based on t"e per!eptions of t"e !ustomers to(ards t"e M!Donald serv servi! i!ee +ual +ualit ity y and and sati satisf sfa! a!ti tion on)) "e "e se!o se!ond nd part part of t"e t"e fo!us fo!us grou group p deal dealss (it" (it" t"e t"e appropriate solutions and re!ommendation of t"e resear!") "e detailed information about t"e fo!us group (as refered in t"e Appendi* A) P,'0 P,'0 A+T& A+T& C$#0!%& C$#0!%&'' /&' /&')&/ )&/0*!" 0*!" 0!=,'(# 0!=,'(# 0& #&'*)& #&'*)& $,6*07 $,6*07 ,"( 0& )$#0!%& )$#0!%&'' #,0*#,)0*!" 0!=,'(# 0& M)D!",6(#
"e fo!us group !onsists of %& !ustomers of t"e M!Donalds)9or t"is aspe!t t"e respondents are very mu!" interested and a lengt"y debate "as been taken pla!e regarding t"e !ustomer per!eption to(ards t"e M!Donalds) Most of t"e respondents in t"e fo!us group "ave dis!ussed t"e fast food as a poor +uality nutritious food) One of t"e fo!us group parti!ipants opinioned t"at “-n the case of the fast food there is no aspect of the $uality related with the
fast food restaurants.* restaurants.* "e dis!ussion dis!ussion in t"e fo!us group !ontinued about t"e M!Donalds M!Donalds produ!t and t"eir +uality of t"e food) Almost ten of t"e parti!ipants in t"e fo!us group (ere not so satisfied (it" t"e +uality of t"e food) "e fo!us group parti!ipants opinioned t"at t"e beef burger +uality is very bad as t"ey t"ink t"at t"e M!Donalds (ill put all sort of t"e animal parts in t"e burger) One of t"e fo!us group parti!ipant said t"at “#he $uality of the beef burger compared with other fast food restauarants, the /c0onalds pro!ide $uality one) one) #he #he !egetables that are an ingredient of the burgers contain sometime yellow lettuce and it is !ery hard to keep the !egetables fresh and how they can keep it fresh Regrading t"e dis!ussion on t"e +uality of t"e ingredients someone replied t"at - heard from some staff staff of the /c0onalds that the apple pie they used are not made from from the apples but made from some artificial things* #he /c0onald adds some cinnamon to get the taste of the real apple pie) pie) 9rom t"e dis!ussion it (as very !lear t"at t"e !ustomers are not satisfied (it" t"e +uality aspe!t of t"e M!Donalds due to t"e mi*ing of t"e !"emi!al ingredients and it is affe!ting t"e !ustomer per!eption to(ards t"e M!Donald and t"is statement from one of t"e respondents !learly indi!ates t"at “- don2t lo!e the taste of the /c0onald due to the adding up of the chemical ingredients and there is no nutritional aspects in the food ) ) ut five of t"e respondents respondents are "ugely "ugely loyal to to t"e M!Donalds M!Donalds and t"ey are satisfied (it" t"e +uality of t"e food as (ell) One of t"e !ustomer replied to t"e dis!ussion dis!ussion about t"e +uality t"at “t"at “- am personally like the $uality of the burgers and the sauce and the pies in the store* #he foods are !ery good and the nutritional aspects are present in the food as well.* "is "is type type of t"e respond respondent= ent=ss per!ept per!eption ion is influe influen!ed n!ed positively and t"ey (ill be loyal to t"e M!Donalds in fa!t t"ey are influen!ing t"e ot"er !ustomers too* too* - like the /c0onalds food and - always prefer and ad!ice my friends and relat relati!e i!ess to consum consumee /c0ona /c0onalds lds food* food* "is "is statem statement ent !learl !learly y s"o(s s"o(s t"e !ustom !ustomers ers per!eption to(ards t"e M!Doanlds)"e debate !ontinued on t"e +uality of t"e food (it" regard to t"e et"i!al issues !on!erning t"e fast food) -am food) -am really concerned about the ethical issues regarding the fast food and the chicken and other meat are fed with the steroids* "e steroids* "e !ustom !ustomers ers are opinio opinioned ned t"at t"at t"e organi organi2at 2ation ionss are not respe!t respe!ting ing t"e moral moral issue issuess !on!erning t"e (elfare of t"e animals)
y analy2ing t"e dis!ussion about t"e fo!us group it (as very !lear t"at some opinions of t"e fo!us group parti!ipants are !onsidered as bias) y analy2ing and reefing t"e (ebsite of t"e M!Donalds t"e organi2ation is stri!tly follo(ing t"e +uality in t"eir food standards) M!Donald is follo(ing t"e "ig" +uality in t"e food +uality$ "ygiene$ safety and tra!eability) "e ingred ingredien ients ts used used for t"e food food produ!t produ!tss are !areful !arefully ly monit monitore ored d and t"e storag storage$ e$ transportation and ot"er steps are double !"e!ked before rea!"ing t"e store) M!Donalds demanded t"at t"ey use 3&& per!ent +uality food a!+uired from nationally re!ogni2ed farmers) "e meat used by t"e M!Donald is audited by t"e European 9ood and Safety servi!e) "e !"i!kens t"ey use in t"eir produ!ts are !olle!ted from t"e approved suppliers) "is s"o(s t"at t"e M!Donalds are providing +uality aspe!ts in t"eir food +uality) Despite t"e +uality provided by t"e M!Donalds and t"eir +uality aspe!ts most of t"e respondents in t"e fo!us group are not satisfied (it" t"eir +uality) "is s"o(s t"at t"e !ustomers are not a(ar a(aree of t"is t"is aspe! aspe!tt or t"ey t"ey don= don=tt (ant (ant to belie believe ve t"is t"is)) "e "e main main trut trut" " is t"at t"at t"e t"e parti!ipants are not "aving enoug" kno(ledge ab out t"e +uality of t"e M!Donalds and t"eir per!eptions (ere negative to(ards t"e +uality of t"e food) "e fo!us group !ontinued t"eir dis!ussion on t"e basis of t"e servi!e +uality and t"e M!Donalds) M!Donalds) Almost Almost fifteen fifteen parti!ipant parti!ipantss !onsidered !onsidered t"e servi!e servi!e +uality as an important important aspe!t in t"e fast food industry) -am industry) -am !ery much care about the $uality $u ality of the ser!ice of the restaurants and my decision will be based on that too) too) One of t"e respondents opinioned t"at t"at - care about the $uality of the food rather than the ser!ice* ser!ice* "e parti!ipants !arried t"eir dis!ussion on t"e +uality of t"e servi!e and t"e effe!t on t"eir satisfa!tion aspe!t) /y aspe!t) /y attitude towards the restaurant restaurant and their product and the $uality $ua lity has been influenced by b y the ser!ice $uality) $uality) en part parti! i!ip ipan ants ts are are not not so sati satisf sfie ied d (it" (it" t"e t"e serv servi! i!ee +ual +ualit ity y of t"e t"e M!Donalds and t"eir per!eptions to(ards t"e M!Donald "ave been affe!ted negatively) #he staffs do not know how to ser!e and treat the customers) customers) One of t"e respondent replied on t"e basis of t"e dis!ussion t"at t"at /ost /ost of the employees in the /c0onalds are o!erseas students and they don2t know 3nglish well and don2t know the art of the hospitality* "is "is s"o(s t"at t"e staff=s be"aviors are influen!ing t"e !ustomer=s per!eption to(ards t"e servi!e +uality and t"e overall aspe!ts) One of t"e respondent replied t"at -am t"at -am personally !ery much satisfied with the $uality of the ser!ice pro!ided* - like the staff2s way of dealing with me and - get my orders in correct time with nice ser!ice* ser!ice* Almo Almost st five five of of
parti!ipants in t"e fo!us group are satisfied (it" t"e +uality of t"e M!Donald servi!e and t"eir per!eptions to(ards t"e M!Donalds "ave been affe!ted positively) positively) One of t"e loyal !ustomer in t"e fo!us group said t"at I like I like the way of ser!ice of the staffs but - don2t like the physical facilities of some of the stores* - really en"oyed the ser!ice in the 4%ford stores but - hate the ser!ice in the east ham and other areas) areas) "is s"o(s t"at t"e p"ysi!al appearan!e of t"e stores also play a vital part in t"e !ustomers servi!e +uality aspe!t and (ill influen!e t"e !ustomers per!eption too) So t"e dis!ussion (as also made on t"is aspe!t t"at ("et"er t"e p"ysi!al appearan!e and t"e fa!ilities influen!es t"e !ustomer=s servi!e +uality aspe!t) One of t"e !ustomers of t"e M!Donald said t"at “- don2t care about the design of the stores and the number of seats if - get the $uality food and ser!ice) ser!ice ) Some ot"er !ustomer said t"at t"at - personally consider the facilities of the store and the design and it influences my decision to buy the product or not* #he /c0onald store with good design and the facilities will attract my perceptions towards the ser!ice $uality and my satisfaction aspect* So from t"e above dis!ussion it "as been !lear t"at t"e p"ysi!al features and t"eir impa!t on t"e !ustomer attitudes and t"eir be"avior depends upon t"e !ustomer types and t"eir preferen!es) 9rom t"e dis!ussion about t"e servi!e +uality related (it" t"e M!Donald it (as found t"at some of t"e !ustomers are satisfied (it" t"e servi!e +uality and some are not so satisfied (it" (it" t"e t"e serv servi! i!ee +ual +ualit ity y) "e "e stat statem ement ent made made my one one of t"e t"e resp respon onden dentt duri during ng t"e t"e dis!ussion !learly !larifies t"is aspe!t) 7e opinioned t"at t"e -f - get good ser!ice $uality $ua lity from the /c0onald or any other restaurant - will prefer that* /y perceptions towards the /c0onald - influenced by the $uality of the ser!ice and - e%perience it as not so bad or good ) "is "is s"o( s"o(ss t"at t"at t"e t"e !ust !ustom omer er per! per!ep epti tions ons to(a to(ard rdss t"e t"e M!Do M!Donal nald d "ave "ave been been influen!ed by t"e servi!e +uality) "e overall !ustomer per!eption to(ards t"e M!Donald servi!e +uality is not too bad) "e !ustomer satisfa!tion satisfa!tion aspe!ts and t"eir influen!e influen!e on t"e !ustomer per!eption to(ards t"e M!Donald "ave been dis!ussed in t"e fo!us group) "e dis!ussion (as made on t"e aspe!ts t"at influen!e t"e satisfa!tion aspe!ts of t"e !ustomers to(ards t"e M!Donalds) 9rom t"e above dis!ussion it (as almost !lear t"at t"e +uality of t"e M!Donald food and t"eir servi!e +uality influen!e t"e satisfa!tion of t"e !ustomers) One of t"e parti!ipant
replied t"at “iam t"at “iam satisfied with the /c0onald ser!ice and the $uality and the ser!ice of the /c0onald influences my satisfaction* "e "e per! per!ept eptio ions ns of t"e t"e !ust !ustom omer er to(a to(ard rdss t"e t"e M!Donald M!Donald (ill be positive due to t"e satisfa!ti satisfa!tion on of t"e !ustomer) !ustomer) One ot"er !ustomer of t"e M!Donald replied t"at - personally as a customer !alue the price $uality relationship and sometimes the price aspect of the /c0onald influences my satisfaction aspect.* One aspect.* One of t"e ot"er !ustomers of t"e M!Donald replied t"at “- will pay better if - get the $uality food and - prefer discounts and offers in the /c0onald meals) meals) "e dis!ussion rea!"ed t"e final part ("en t"e dis!ussion (as made to kno( ("et"er t"e satisfa!tion of t"e !ustomers influen!es t"e per!eptions of t"e !ustomer or not) One of t"e !ustom !ustomer er based on t"e dis!uss dis!ussion ion said t"at “#he satisfaction aspects related with the /c0onald mould their perceptions towards towards the /c0onald* -f - satisfied satisfied with the /c0onald - will again !isit the /c0onalds and the perceptions towards with the /c0onald will be good.* good.* So from t"e dis!ussion it (as !lear t"at t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion to(ards t"e M!Donald (ill influen!e t"e !ustomer per!eptions) "e Customers per!eptions to(ards t"e M!Donald (ill depend upon t"e !ustomer spe!ifi! need and t"e (ants) In t"e dis!ussion one one !ust !ustom omer er repl replie ied d t"at t"at “-am “-am !ery !ery much much sati satisf sfie ied d with with the the ser! ser!ic icee $uali $uality ty of the the /c0onald ("ile ("ile ot"er !ustomer replied t"at -am t"at -am not so satisfied with the ser!ice $uality but but iam iam sati satisf sfie ied d with with the the 5oods 5oods and and the the meal meals* s* "e overall overall !ustom !ustomer er satis satisfa! fa!tio tion n per!eption to(ards t"e M!Donald is good) 9our of t"e parti!ipants in t"e dis!ussion raised t"e issue of t"e Obesity and t"e relation (it" t"e fast food) One said t"at 6the obesity issue and the link with the fast food ha!e influenced my satisfaction criteria as /c0onald was linked with it ) )
PART B+ T! '&)! '&)!%%& %%&"( "( ,//' ,//'!/ !/'* '*,0& ,0& #!6$0* #!6$0*!" !"## 0! *%/' *%/'! !&& )$#0! )$#0!%& %&'' 8$ 8$7* 7*" " /&')&/0*!" =*0 '/&)0 0! M)D!",6(:#
"e se!ond part of t"e fo!us group dis!ussion (as to a!"ieve t"e se!ond ob1e!tive of t"e resear!") "e parti!ipants t"roug" t"e dis!ussion put for(ard a lot of solutions by ("i!" t"e M!Donald !an in!rease t"e !ustomer buying per!eptions) One of t"e respondents said t"at t"at “/y buying beha!iour is influenced by the food items and their $uality and if the
/c0onald pro!ides me good food $uality food - will be satisfied with the /c0onald and - will recommend recommend the ser!ice ser!ice to my friends friends too) too) 9rom t"e dis!ussion it (as very !lear t"at t"e buying per!eptions of t"e !ustomers differ a!!ording to t"e +uality of food$ servi!e +uality and satisfa!tion) So t"e re!ommendations made by t"e parti!ipants are based on t"eir personal satisfa!tion aspe!ts) Most of t"e parti!ipants in t"e fo!us group asked to improve t"e servi!e +uality and t"e food +uality of t"e M!Donald to "ave an effe!t on t"e per!eptions of t"e !ustomers to(ards t"e M!Doanld)ut one of t"e respondent said t"at “/y perceptions are influenced by the price aspect and f the /c0onald pro!ide less price to th food menus then - will be preferring the /c0onald fast food.* So food.* So t"is s"o(s t"at t"e !ust !ustom omer erss (ant (ant pri! pri!ee aspe! aspe!tt to be redu! redu!ed ed (it" (it" t"e t"e M!Do M!Donal nald d food) food) "e "e detai detaile led d re!ommendations made by t"e !ustomers and t"e resear!"er "ave been !overed in t"e ne*t !"apter)
Custom Customer er be"avi be"aviour our is driven driven by t"e attitude attitude of a !ustom !ustomer er)) "us "us in !onte*t !onte*t of t"e be"aviour$ t"e attitude and t"e per!eptions plays an important role and t"us a !ustomer eit"er a!ts favourably or unfavourably to(ards liking of a parti!ular produ!t) It is generally agreed by learned t"at attitude is somet"ing ("i!" is learnt) "us attitudes are al(ays formed by e*perien!ing a parti!ular produ!t) "e general !riterion on ("i!" t"e marketing strategy is based for most of t"e !ompanies is !ustomer satisfa!tion or dissatisfa!tion (it" t"eir produ!ts) 9or every !ompany t"eir !ustomer is t"e fo!al point of any strategy made) "us for any !ompany its su!!ess or failure is dire!tly dependent on t"e satisfa!tion or dissat dissatisf isfa!t a!tion ion of !ustom !ustomers ers from from t"e servi! servi!es es or produ! produ!ts ts t"ey t"ey offer offer)) "e !ustom !ustomer er satisfa!tion and t"e servi!e +uality "ave a signifi!ant effe!t on t"e per!eptions of t"e !onsumer to(ards t"e produ!t and play a ma1or role in t"e fast food industry) 7en!e in t"is study t"e resear!" topi! investigated (ere t"e per!eptions of t"e !ustomers to(ards t"e servi!e +uality of M!Donalds and also fo!us on t"e be"avior of !ustomers and "o( t"ey make de!isions ("ile t"ey spend on food or !onsumer items) It "as been observed t"at t"ese de!isions are on ("at to buy$ ("y and ("en to buy and ("at (ould be t"e fre+uen!y of buying t"ose items and ("at (ould be t"e usage of t"e item) "e study intervenes on all t"ese aspe!ts ("i!" !ustomer de!ides ("en t"ey make a pur!"ase and "o( t"ey analy2e t"e usage of parti!ular item and "o( it "elps t"em for future pur!"ases) ;it" t"is study (e (ill be able to make out "o( mu!" a !ustomer is satisfied by t"e servi!es provided by t"e M!Donalds and also if it is t"e sole reason for its in!rease in sale and su!!ess in market or not) T! ,86 ,86*# *# 0& 0& &;0&" &;0&"00 0! =*) =*) )$#0! )$#0!%& %&'' /&' /&')& )&/0* /0*!" !" *# ,&) ,&)0&( 0&( 87 )$#0! )$#0!%&' %&' #,0*#,)0*!" ,"( #&'*)& $,6*07 *" M)D!",6(:#9 T& de!isions and t"e 1udgements and
!"oi!e of t"e !ustomer are affe!ted and impa!ted greatly by various fa!tors present in t"e e*ternal environment and t"e ("ole pro!ess of de!ision making is based sometimes on
e*ternal environment as (ell as internal de!isions and t"e !"ara!teristi! of a person) "e fast food se!tor "as been greatly influen!ed by t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion and t"e servi!e +uality) M!Donalds$ t"e pioneer !ompany in fast food industry "as been in t"e industry from t"e year 3455 and today is t"e leading !ompany in t"e fast food restaurant se!tor) It is one of t"e most su!!essful groups of !"ains of fast food restaurant (it" its business gro(ing year on year and spreading all a!ross t"e (orld) Due to t"e obesity issue in t"e ?- t"e M!Donalds servi!e +uality aspe!t (as affe!ted badly and t"e !ustomers (ere not so satisfied) "e !ustomers "ad a negative per!eption to(ards t"e servi!e +uality of t"e M!donalds)Inorder to kno( t"e !urrent per!eptions of t"e !ustomer to(ards t"e servi!e +uality and t"e satisfa!tion aspe!t t"is resear!" "ad been done) 9rom t"e different observations and resear!" (ork done on t"e attitude of a !onsumer and t"eir per!eptions to(ards t"e M!Donald$ it is !lear t"at attitude and "en!e t"e buying be"aviour is influen!ed by number of t"ings) It is personal e*perien!es e*per ien!es and t"e e*perien!es and information information from family and friends and !an in!lude t"e parameters parameters like professional professional et"i!s and importan!e of environment safety$ food safety and "ealt" of !ustomers ("i!" is gaining importan!e as a parameter to 1udge a parti!ular produ!t of a !ompany) 9rom t"e analy analysi siss !ond !ondu!t u!ted ed on t"e t"e basis basis of t"e t"e prim primary ary data data it "as been been !on!l !on!lus usiv ivee t"at t"at t"e t"e M!Donald M!Donald !ustomers are not so satisfied satisfied (it" t"e organi2ati organi2ation) on) "e servi!e servi!e +uality +uality of t"e M!Dona M!Donalds lds plays plays an import important ant role role in determ determini ining ng t"e !ustom !ustomer er satis satisfa! fa!tio tion n of t"e M!Donalds) "e !ustomer=s per!eption "as been (idely influen!ed by t"e average servi!e +uality of t"e M!Donalds) In t"e analysis part (as it (as very !lear t"at t"e !ustomers "ad a mi*ed response to(ards t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t) Due to t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t of t"e M!Donald t"e !ustomers per!eption "ad been influen!ed and t"e !ustomers per!eptions to(ards t"e M!Donald is on an average s!ale no()Infa!t t"e obesity issues and t"e et"i!al issues !onne!ted (it" t"e M!Donalds does not "ad a large effe!t on t"e satisfa!tion aspe!t of t"e !ustomers) "e !ustomers are largely not so satisfied (it" t"e servi!e aspe!ts of t"e m!donalds)"e employees attitude to(ards t"e !ustomers$ t"e servi!e +uality in taking orders and t"e servi!e effi!ien!y "ad an effe!t on t"e !ustomers per!eived +uality as t"ey !ompared it (it" t"eir e*pe!ted +uality and t"e !ustomers (as not satisfied) "e produ!t +uality aspe!t "ad an influen!e on t"e satisfa!tion aspe!t as most of t"e !ustomers !onsider t"e M!Donald meals an un"ealt"y food (it"out any nutritional aspe!ts) Despite t"e +uality
provided by t"e M!Donalds and t"eir +uality aspe!ts most of t"e !ustomers are not satisfied (it" t"eir +uality) "is s"o(s t"at t"e !ustomers are not a(are of t"is aspe!t or t"ey don=t (ant to believe t"is) "e main trut" is t"at t"e !ustomers are not "aving enoug" kno(ledge about t"e +uality of t"e M!Donalds and t"eir per!eptions (ere negative to(ards t"e +uality of t"e food) "e s"op operating time and t"e !onvenien!e of t"e !ustomers plays a very important role in t"e satisfa!tion of t"e !ustomers and it (ill influen!e t"e per!eptions of t"e !ustomers) It "as been found out from t"e analysis t"at t"e !ustomers are not so satisfied (it" t"e operating times of t"e M!Donalds) "e p"ysi!al !"ara!teristi! of t"e store and t"e fa!ilities does not "ad any signifi!ant effe!t on 1udging t"e servi!e +uality and in influen!ing t"e satisfa!tion aspe!t) "e servi!e effi!ien!y and t"e pri!e "ad an effe!t on t"e !ustom !ustomer= er=ss satisf satisfa!t a!tion ion aspe!t aspe!t)) "e "ig" "ig" pri!e pri!e of t"e M!Donal M!Donalds ds made made t"e !ustom !ustomers ers per!eption to(ards t"e brand as a good +uality brand but t"e average +uality food of t"e M!Donald influen!ed t"eir !ustomer per!eptions) So by !on!luding t"e resear!" it "as been !lear t"at t"e !ustomer !ustomer per!eption to(ards t"e M!Donalds "as been largely influen!ed influen!ed by t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion and t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t)
In t"e above above resear resear!" !" t"e !ustom !ustomer er per!ept per!eption ionss to(ard to(ardss t"e servi! servi!ee +ualit +uality y and t"e !ustomer !ustomer satisfa!tion satisfa!tion of t"e M!Donald "as been analy2ed) 9rom t"e resear!" findings t"e follo(ing re!ommendations are made to t"e M!Donalds for in!reasing t"eir effe!tiveness and to improve t"e servi!e +uality and t"e satisfa!tion aspe!t) "e M!Donald image in t"e mind of t"e !ustomers is very average t"ese days after t"e obesity issue) So first t"e M!Donald "ave to in!rease t"e image in t"e mind of t"e !ustomers) "e a(areness "ave to be !reated in t"e !ustomers mind t"at t"e M!Donald is still a +uality brand t"at offers +uality food) "e !ustomer per!eptions to(ards t"e M!Donald "ave to be made positive in order to attra!t t"e !ustomers and to make t"e !ustomers feel t"at t"e M!Donald is a +uality food brand)
"e M!Donald +uality of food "as been affe!ted due to t"e serious et"i!al and t"e obesity issues o!!urred) So t"e M!Donald "ave to in!rease t"e food +uality in order to gain t"e trust from t"e !ustomers and to gain ba!k t"e reputation ba!k as a +uality brand) "e M!Donald "ave to introdu!e ne( "ealt"ier menus (it" more nutritional aspe!ts so t"at it !an in!rease t"e !ustomer per!eptions to(ards t"e +uality of t"e food) "e M!Donald "ave to in!rease t"e !ustomer kno(ledge to(ards t"e M!Donald food nutritional aspe!ts as most of t"e !ustomers are dissatisfied (it" t"e food +uality due to t"e poor kno(ledge about t"e +uality aspe!ts as e*plained in t"e fo!us group) y providing a nutritional !"art and t"e value and t"e ot"er aspe!ts of t"e ingredients at t"e M!Donald stores !an in!rease t"e kno(ledge about t"e !ustomers) "e information about t"e food +uality and t"e nutritional aspe!ts and t"e "ealt"ier values t"e food provides to t"e !ustomers "ave to be provided in t"e M!Donald (ebsite also to in!rease t"e !ustomer !ustomer per!eptions per!eptions to(ards t"e +uality +uality) "e M!Donalds !an slo give flyers and leaflets to t"e !ustomers in ("i!" t"e M!Donald menus and t"e +uality of t"e ingredients like t"e meat and t"e vegetables used in it are !overed) y in!reasing t"is +uality aspe!t and t"e !ustomer per!eptions to(ards t"e food t"e M!Donald !an in!rease t"e satisfa!tion of t"e !ustomers)
"e !ustom !ustomer er satisf satisfa!t a!tion ion of t"e M!Dona M!Donald ld !an be largely largely in!rease in!rease if t"e M!Dona M!Donald ld in!reases t"e servi!e +uality aspe!t) "e servi!e +uality per!eption of t"e !ustomers (as negative due to t"e poor servi!e +uality) So by providing and in!reasing t"e servi!e aspe!t (it" in t"e stores (ill "elp t"e M!Donald to make t"e !ustomer per!eptions positive to(ards t"e +uality of t"e servi!e) "e staff=s attitude and t"e +uality of t"e servi!e "ave to be effe!tively in!reased so t"at !ustomers (ill be satisfied (it" t"e +uality of t"e servi!e) "e M!Donald "ave to provide training to t"e staffs and better training on t"e !ustomer servi!e aspe!ts and improving t"eir skills (ill "elp t"e M!Donald to in!rease t"e +uality of t"e servi!e) "e M!Donald "ave to adopt rigorous re!ruitment steps in t"e sele!tion of t"e staffs as better staffs (ill provide better servi!e) "e staffs "ave to provide effe!tive and fast servi!e to t"e !ustomers as most of t"e !ustomers are !onvenien!e and time oriented) "e staffs "ave to redu!e t"e +ue in t"e !ounters and t"ey "ave to serve t"e !ustomers (it" pleasant smile)
Most of t"e !ustomers (ant ne( innovation in t"e servi!e as t"ere are a lot of alternatives fast food restaurants available to t"em) "e M!Donald "ave to adopt and implement ne( innovative strategies for maintain t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion of t"e !ustomers) One of t"e innovative (ays by ("i!" M!Donald !an attra!t t"e !ustomers is by providing door to door delivery servi!e) "is (ill in!rease t"e servi!e aspe!t of t"e M!Donalds and t"e !ustomers (ill be attra!ted as most of t"e !ustomers find it easy to !onsume food at "ome) "e M!Donald !an also introdu!e loyalty !ards to t"e fre+uent !ustomers by giving t"em a spe!ifi! !ode ("i!" !an be a!!essed by s"o(ing t"e identity !ard) "e stores p"ysi!al features "ave to be modified and to be made attra!tive to t"e !ustomers) y adopting t"e soft bro(n !olour ("i!" emp"asi2es t"e nature t"an t"e !urrent red yello( !olour (ill be very "elpful for t"e M!Donald to in!rease t"e store attra!tiveness) "e M!Donald !an also provide !omputers at t"eir stores for t"e !ustomers to a!!ess it and (ill in!rease t"e per!eptions of t"e !ustomer to(ards t"e servi!e +uality) "e interior design of t"e M!Donald !an be made effe!tive by providing !olorful ads and images about t"e M!Donald) M!Donald) "e M!Donald "ave to provide provide t"e food at !"eap pri!e to make t"e !ustomers !ustomers satisfied (it" t"e brand and by providing dis!ounts meal and offers t"ey !an effe!tively in!rease t"e satisfa!tion aspe!t) #IMIAIO>S O9 7E S?D Every Every resear resear!"e !"err (ill (ill e*peri e*perien!e en!e some some problem problemss and t"e limita limitatio tion n ("ile ("ile doing doing t"e resear!") In t"is resear!" t"e resear!"er main limitation (as t"e time fa!tor) 9or doing a study on t"e !on!epts like t"e !ustomer satisfa!tion and t"e servi!e +uality a large amount of time is needed) So t"e time (as not so suffi!ient to !arry out t"is resear!") "e se!ond limitation (as due to t"e generali2ability issue) "is study (as done on t"e M!Donald !ustomer !ustomer satisfa!tion satisfa!tion and t"e servi!e +uality and t"e results !annot be generali2able generali2able to all t"e fast food restaurants in t"e ?-) "e reason is t"at t"e !ustomer per!eptions (ill differ from one organi2ation to anot"er) "e sample sele!ted for t"is study is also very small due to t"e limited time availability) 9or doing a resear!" on t"e aspe!ts like t"e !ustomer
satisfa!tion and servi!e +uality a large sample si2e is needed) "e resear!" (as based on t"e #ondon area only be!ause due to t"e time and t"e !ost fa!tor)
A$ I)$ ,344/0 Attitudes, ,344/0 Attitudes, personality and beha!iour, beha!iour, C"i!ago$ Illinois$ "e Dorsey press
Andaleeb$ S)S)$ and Con(ay$ C) %&&') Customer satisfa!tion in t"e restaurant industry: an e*amination of t"e transa!tionspe!ifi! model)
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Cronin Cronin$$ <)<) <)<) and aylor aylor$$ S)A) S)A) ,344%0 ,344%0)) Measur Measuring ing servi! servi!ee +uality +uality:: a ree*am ree*aminat ination ion and e*tension)
Cronin$ <)<)$ aylor$ S)A) ,344.0) SERLER9 versus SERLJ?A#: re!on!iling performan!e based and per!eptionminuse*pe!tations measurement of servi!e +uality) o) 3$ pp) 3%563 3% 563
9ornell$ C) ,344%0$ A national !ustomer satisfa!tion barometer: t"e S(edis" e*perien!e$
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SO>$ SO>$ G)$ SC7O#ES$ SC7O#ES$ -)$ A>D ;7II>GO ;7II>GO>$ >$ R) ,%&&50) 3%ploring corporate strategy$ strategy$ 7arlo(: erson Edu!ation limited ,Bt" ed)0)
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Meuter Meuter$$ M)#)$ M)#)$ Ostrom Ostrom$$ A)#)$ A)#)$ Roundt Roundtree ree$$ R)I) R)I) and itner itner$$ M)<) M)<) ,%&&&0 ,%&&&0$$ Self Selfser servi!e vi!e te!" te!"nol nolog ogie ies: s:
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Oliver Oliver$$ R)#) R)#) ,34460 ,34460)) A !on!ept !on!eptual ual model model of servi! servi!ee +ualit +uality y and servi! servi!ee satisf satisfa!t a!tion ion:: !ompatible goals$ different !on!epts) Advan!es in Servi!e Marketing and Management$ Lol) %$ pp) '5/5)
Oliva$ )A)$ Oliver$ R)#) and M!Millan$ I)C) ,344%0$ A !atastrop"e model for developing servi!e satisfa!tion strategies$ o) 6$ pp) /645 / 645
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Jin$ 7)$ 8 rybutok$ L) R) ,%&&/0) Determinants of !ustomerper!eived servi!e +uality in fast food restaurants ,99Rs0 and t"eir relations"ip to !ustomer Satisfa!tion and be"avioral intentions) Juality Management
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SC7ROEDER$ M)$ M!EAC7ER>$ M)$ ,%&&50 9ast 9oods and et"i!al !onsumer value: a fo!us on M!Donald=s and -9C=Lol -9C=Lol)3&B )3&B >o) . pp)%3%%%.
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Ostrom$ A) 8 Ia!obu!i$ D)$ ,34450) Consumer radeOff 8 t"e Evaluation of Servi!es)
LERELERE-E$ E$ ;) Influ Influen!e en!ess on t"e !onsum !onsumer er de!isio de!isionm nmaki aking ng pro!es pro!esss to(ard to(ardss fres" fres" meat=Lo meat=Lol) 3&% >o) >o ) B$ pp) 5%%56/
;oodside A)G) et al ,34/40$ #inking Servi!e +uality$ !ustomer !ustomer satisfa!tion and e"avioural Intention , 8ournal of ;ealth Care /arketing $ Lol)4$ >o).$ pp53B
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Neit"aml L)A) ,34//0$ Consumer per!eptions of pri!e$ +uality and value: a means Pend model and synt"esis of eviden!e , 8ournal of /arketing $ Lol) Lol) 5&$ >o) 6$ pp) 364%/%
Neit Neit"am "aml$ l$ L)A)$ A)$ 8 itn itner er M) <) ,%&& ,%&&&0 &0)) Servi Servi!e !ess Mark Market etin ing g ,%nd ,%nd ed)0) ed)0) >e( ork : M!Gra(7ill) In
3) S&; o
%) A& A&
Male 9emale
?nder 3/
over .'
6) H!= !0&" (! 7!$ &,0 ,#0 !!( >*.&. M)D!",6(#?@ o
Every day
9our times a (eek
On!e in (eek
On!e in a mont"
I don=t
.) R&,#!" !' !*" 0! M)D!",6(#@ o
>o ot"er option is available
M!Donald is t"e most !onvenient option
Saves money
I like t"e taste
I never refer t"e M!Donald
5) A'& $ #,0*#*&( =*0 0& #&'*)& $,6*07 ! 0& M)D!",6(#@ o
>o opinion
') D! 0& M)D!",6(# #0,# ! 0& ,00*0$(& ,"( 8&,*!$' *"6$&") 7!$' /$'),#& (&)*#*!"@ o
es es >o
May be
B) T& )$#0!%&' #,0*#,)0*!" 0!=,'(# 0& M)D!",6(# (&/&"(# !" 0& #&'*)& $,6*07 ,#/&)0 o
es es >o May be
/) T& M)D!",6(# #0,#: ,00*0$(& ,"( 0&*' #&'*)& ,'& &;)&66&"0 o o o
Agree Disagree >o opinion
4) T& M)D!",6(# #&'*)& *# ,#0 ,"( 0& )$#0!%&' )," #, 0*%& o o o
Agree Disagree >o opinion
3&) T& #0, (! "!0 %,-& ,"7 &''!'# ,"( /&'!'%# ,"( #&' *" '*0 0*%& o o o
Agree Disagree >o opinion
33) T& /7#*),6 &,0$' ,"( 0& #0!'& ,)*6*07 *"6$&") *"6$&") 7!$' /$') /$'),#& ,#& (&)*#*!" =*0 '/&)0 0! 0& M) D!",6(:# o o o
Agree Disagree >o opinion
36) T& M)D!",6(# !!( *# $,6*07 !'*&"0&( ,"( 0&'& *# "! *"!6&%&"0 ! ,"7 &0*),6 *##$ o o o
Agree Disagree >o opinion
3.) D! 7!$' 8$7*" 8&,*!$' *# *"6$&")&( 87 0& $,6*07 ! 0& #&'*)& *&"@
o o o
Agree Disagree >o opinion
35) T& M)D!",6( !/&',0*" 0*%& *# )!"&"*&"0 o o o
Agree Disagree >o opinion
3') A'& 7!$ ,%*6*,' =*0 0& )$''&"0 !8*07 *##$ ,"( (! *0 *"6$&") 7!$' 8$7*" 8&,*!$' H o
es es >o
Iam very mu!" grateful for spending your pre!ious time in filling t"is survey) I (ill keep all t"e personal information safe and t"e !onfidentiality is fully ensured
"anking you ANUSANKAR
Dissertation, or Project, Ethical Considerations orm
F!' ,66 '&,') *"!6*" !0&' /&!/6& ,# /,'0*)*/,"0# !' ,))#*" /&'#!",6 (,0, 0& !66!=*" %$#0 8& )!%/6&0&(9
;"o ar are t"e t"e art artii!ipa !ipant ntssH ,plea pleasse des! des!ri ribe be t"e t"e ty types pes of peo peopl plee t"at t"at (il (illl be involved in your resear!"0
"e parti!ipants involved in t"e study are t"e !ustomers of t"e M!Donald in t"e ?-)
lease ti!kgive furt"er details as appropriate: >furt"er details C"ildren under 3/
C"ildren in !are
Individuals (it" a learning disability
Individuals suffering from dementia
oung offenders ,3'%3 years old0
Individuals in Care 7omes
Elderly persons
Individuals als (it"out le legal gal !a !apa! pa!ity to !o !onsent
O Spe!ifi! Et"ni! Groups
%) Appro* Appro*ima imately tely "o( many parti! parti!ipa ipants nts are to be re!rui re!ruited ted$$ "o( (ill (ill t"ey be sele!t sele!ted$ ed$ and "o( (ill t"ey be invited to parti!ipate in t"e studyH
"e sample sele!ted for t"e study is 5& respondents and t"ey are sele!ted on t"e basis of t"e !onvenien!e of t"e resear!"er) "e respondents are invited t"roug" t"e email notifi!ations)
6) Is t"ere t"ere any any link link (it" t"e investi investigator gator ,!lient$ ,!lient$ friend$ friend$ et!)0H et!)0H If t"ere t"ere is a link$ link$ detail detail ("at safeguards to preserve ob1e!tivity and to prevent !o nfli!ts of interest are in pla!eH
"ere is no link (it" t"e investigator)
.) lea lease se des! des!ri ribe be brie briefl fly y ("at ("at (ill (ill "app "appen en to t"e t"e part parti! i!ip ipan ants ts ,e)g ,e)g)$ )$ inte interv rvie ie(s (s$$ +uesti +uestionna onnair ires$ es$ t"e anti!i anti!ipate pated d nature nature or durati duration on of ea!"0) ea!"0) 9or intervie( intervie(ss please please outline any proposed topi!s t"at mig"t be !overed$ if devising +uestionnaire survey$ please atta!" t"e +uestionnaire$ ("i!" maybe in draft form at t"is stage)
"e +uestionnaires are used to !olle!t t"e primary data about t"e servi!e +uality and t"e satisfa!tion !on!ept) 9o!us group are also used by t"e resear!"er in t"is study
5) ;"at risks$ potential "a2ards$ stress$ dis!omfort or in!onvenien!e to parti!ipants may be presentH ;"at steps (ill be taken to minimi2e any adverse impa!t of t"e resear!" on parti!ipantsH
All t"e details t"at I get (ill be kept !onfidential)
') ;ill (ritten !onsent be obtainedH "is is t"e normal e*pe!tation$ t"erefore if your response is t"at you do not intend to obtain (ritten !onsent$ please e*plain in detail)
"ere is no (ritten !onsent needed in t"is resear!" as only !ustomers are in!luded in t"e study for !ondu!ting resear!")
B) ;ill ;ill you provide (ritten (ritten informat information ion to parti!ipant parti!ipantss indi!ating indi!ating t"e nature nature and purpose of t"e resear!"$ t"at t"eir parti!ipation is voluntary$ t"at t"ey may (it"dra( at any time$ and providing !onta!t details details for furt"er furt"er information about t"e studyH lease provide a !opy of any (ritten information to be used)
es$ es$ all t"ese (ill be mentioned in t"e +uestionnaire given to t"e !ustomers)
/) lease lease indi!ate indi!ate ("at steps (ill be taken to safeguard safeguard t"e anonymity anonymity and !onfidentia !onfidentiality lity of t"e parti! parti!ipa ipant= nt=ss re!ord re!ordss ("et" ("et"er er t"e re!ord re!ordss are of paper$ paper$ tape tape re!ordi re!ordings ngs$$ video video re!ord re!ording ings)) s)))T$ )T$ and !onfirm !onfirm t"at t"e re+uir re+uiremen ements ts of t"e Data Data rote! rote!ti tion on A!ts A!ts (ill (ill be !omplied (it")
ersonal details like name of t"e parti!ipant et! ("i!" is not pertinent (ill not be !olle!ted) Only details like t"eir gender and age group (ill be asked for) All su!" data !olle!ted on paper (ill only be used for making interpretation and analysis and (ill be kept "ig"ly !onfidential)