JURISDICTION By Maximus Notes Supreme Court
A. Original Jurisdictio n 1. Art VIII, Section 5. 5. (1) [19! Exclusive "onstitution# over $etitions %or certiorari, $ro&i'ition, andaus, uo *arranto, and &a'eas cor$us (+egalado) "- against a) "ourt "ourt o% o% A$$ A$$eal eals s ') "ourt o% /ax /ax A$$eals A$$eals c) Sand Sandig igan an'a 'a0a 0an n d) "oi "oiss ssio ion n on Elections e) "ois "oissio sion n on Audi Auditt •
Court of Appeals
Sec 9 () [2 19#. Exclusive original 3urisdiction over actions %or annulent o% 3udgeents o% +egional +egional /rial /rial "ourts4 and
Regional Trial Court
Family Co Courts
Sec 19 exce$t (5) 6[2 19#. Sec. Sec. 5. exc exce$ e$tt (a) (a) 6 [+A [+A Juris Jurisdic dictio tion n in civil civil cases cases.. 7 :;9# :;9# Jurisd Jurisdict iction ion o%%ai o%%ail0 l0 +egion +egional al /rial /rial "ourts "ourts s&all s&all "ourts. "ourts. < /&e ail0 "ourts exerc exercise ise exclus exclusive ive origin original al s&all s&all &ave exclusiv exclusive e original original 3urisdiction 3urisdiction to &ear and decide t&e %ollo*ing cases (1) In all civil actions in *&ic& t&e su'3ect su'3ect o% t&e litigation litigation is inca$ nca$a' a'le le o% $ecuni cunia ar0 ') etitions %or guardians&i$, estiation4 custod0 custod0 o% c&ildren c&ildren,, &a'eas &a'eas cor$us in relation to t&e latter4 () In all civil action actions s *&ic& *&ic& c) etiti etitions ons %or ado$t ado$tion ion o% involve t&e title to, or c&ildren c&ildren and t&e revocatio revocation n $ossession o%, real $ro$ert0, or t&ereo%4 an0 interest t&erein, *&ere t&e d) "o$laint "o$laints s %or annulent annulent assessed value o% t&e $ro$ert0 o% arria arriage, ge, declar declarati ation on o% invo involv lved ed exce exceed eds s /*en /*ent0 t0 nullit0 o% arriage and t&ose t&ousand t&ousand $esos $esos (8,888. (8,888.88) 88) relating to arital status and or %or civil actions actions in -etro -etro $ro$ert0 relations o% &us'and -anila, -anila, *&ere *&ere suc& t&e value value and and *i%e *i%e or t&os t&ose e livi living ng exceeds exceeds i%t0 t&ousand $esos toget&er under di%%erent status (58,888.88) exce$t actions %or and agreeents, and %orci'le entr0 into and unla*%ul $etiti $etition ons s %or dissol dissoluti ution on o% detainer detainer o% lands lands or 'uilding 'uildings, s, con3ugal $artners&i$ o% gains4 original 3urisdiction over *&ic& e) etitions %or su$$ort and=or is con%erred u$on -etro$olitan ac>no*ledgent4
Muniipal Trial Cour ts! Metropolitan Trial Court! Muniipal Ciruit Trial Courts
Sectio Section n ::. Jurisd Jurisdict iction ion o% -etr -etro$ o$ol olit itan an /ria /riall "our "ourts ts,, -unici -unici$al $al /rial /rial "ourts "ourts and -unici$al "ircuit /rial "ourts in civil cases. 7 -etro$olitan /rial /rial "ourts, -unici$al /rial "ourts, and -unici -unici$al $al "ircui "ircuitt /rial /rial "ourts s&all exercise (1) E xc xclusive original 3urisdiction over civil actions and and $ro' $ro'at ate e $roc $rocee eedi ding ngs, s, testate and intestate, including t&e t&e grant rant o% $rovi rov isi s io onal nal ree reedi dies es in $ro$ $ro$er er case cases, s, *&ere t&e value o% t&e $ersonal $ersonal $ro$ert0 $ro$ert0,, estate, estate, or aount aount o% t&e deand deand does not not exce exceed ed One One &und &undre red d t&ousand $esos (188,888.88) or, in -etro -anila *&ere suc& $ersonal $ersonal $ro$ert0 $ro$ert0,, estate, estate, or aount aount o% t&e deand deand does not not exce exceed ed /*o &und &undre red d t&ousand $esos (88,888.88) exclusive o% interest daages
/rial /rial "ourts "ourts,, -unici -unici$al $al /rial /rial "ourts, "ourts, and -unici$al -unici$al "ircuit /rial "ourts4 (:) In all actions in adiralt0 adiralt0 and aritie 3urisdiction *&ere &e deand or clai exceeds exceeds One &undred &undred t&ousand t&ousand $esos (188, (188,88 888.8 8.88) 8) or , in -etro -etro -anila, *&ere suc& deand or clai clai exceed exceeds s /*o /*o &undre &undred d t&ousand $esos (88,888.88)4 (88,888.88)4 (?) In all all atter atters s o% $ro'at $ro'ate, e, 'ot& 'ot& test testat ate e and and inte intest stat ate, e, *&ere *&ere t&e gross value value o% t&e estate estate exceeds exceeds One &undred &undred t&ousand $esos (188,888.88) or, in $ro'ate atters in -etro -anila, *&ere suc& gross value exceeds /*o &undred t&ousand $esos (88,888.88)44 (88,888.88)44 (;) In all cases not *it&in t&e exclu exclusiv sive e 3urisd 3urisdict iction ion o% an0 court, tri'unal, $erson or 'od0 exercisi exercising ng 3urisdic 3urisdiction tion or an0 court, tri'unal, $erson or 'od0 exerc exercisi ising ng 3udici 3udicial al or uasi< uasi< 3udicial %unctions4 %unctions4 (!) (!) In all all civi civill acti action ons s and and s$eci s$ecial al $rocee $roceedin dings gs %allin %alling g *it&in *it&in t&e exclu exclusiv sive e origin original al 3urisdiction o% a Juvenile and @oestic @oestic +elations +elations "ourt and o% t&e t&e "our "ourts ts o% Agra Agrari rian an
%) Suar0 3udicial $roceedi $roceedings ngs 'roug&t 'roug&t under under t&e $rovision $rovisions s o% Executive Executive Order Order o. 89, 89, ot&er* ot&er*ise ise >no*n as t&e Bail0 "ode o% t&e &ili$$inesB4 g) etitions %or declaration o% status o% c&ildren as a'an a'ando done ned, d, de$e de$end nden entt o neglected c&ildren, $etitions %or voluntar0 voluntar0 or involunt involuntar0 ar0 coiten coitentt o% c&ildren4 c&ildren4 t&e sus$ensi sus$ension, on, terinati terination, on, or rest restor orat atio ion n o% $are $arent ntal al aut&o aut&orit rit0 0 and ot&er ot&er cases cases cogniCa'le under residential @ecree @ecree o. ;8:, Executive Executive Orde Orderr o. o. 5;, 5;, (Ser (Serie ies s o% 19;), and ot&er related la*s4 &) etitions %or t&e cons consti titu tuti tion on o% t&e t&e %ai %ail0 l0 &oe4 i) "ase "ases s agai agains nstt ino inors rs cogniCa'le under t&e @ang @anger erou ous s @rug @rugs s Act, Act, as aended4 3) Violations o% +e$u'lic Act o. !;18, !;18, ot&er*ise ot&er*ise >no*n as t&e BS$ecial rotection o% "&ildren Against "&ild A'use, Ex$loitation and @isc @iscri rii ina nati tion on Act, Act,BB as aended '0 +e$u'lic Act o. !;54 and
o% *&atev *&atever er >ind, >ind, attor attorne0 ne0Ds Ds %ees, %ees, litigatio litigation n ex$enses ex$enses,, and costs, costs, t&e aount aount o% *&ic& *&ic& ust 'e s$eci%ica s$eci%icall0 ll0 alleged alleged rovided, /&at *&ere t&ere are severa severall clais clais or causes causes o% action action 'et*ee 'et*een n t&e sae sae or di%%eren di%%erentt $arties, $arties, e'odied e'odied in t&e t&e sae sae co$ co$la lain int, t, t&e t&e aount o% t&e deand s&all 'e t&e totalit0 o% t&e clais in all t&e causes o% action, irres$ irres$ect ective ive o% *&et&e *&et&err t&e causes o% action arose out o% t&e sae or di%%erent transactions4 () E xc xclusive original 3urisdiction over cases o% %orci' %orci'le le entr0 entr0 and unla*% unla*%ul ul detainer rovided, /&at *&en, in suc& cases, t&e de%endant de%endant raises t&e uestion o% o*ners&i$ in &is $leadings and t&e uesti uestion on o% $osses $ossessio sion n canno cannott 'e resolv resolved ed *it&ou *it&outt deciding t&e issue o% o*n o*ners&i rs&i$, $, t&e t&e issue ssue o% o*ners&i$ o*ners&i$ s&all 'e resolved resolved onl0 to deterine t&e issue o% $ossession.
(:) E xc xclusive original 3urisdiction in all civil actions *&ic *&ic& & invo involv lve e titl title e to, to, or >) "ases o% doestic violence $ossession o%, real $ro$ert0, $ro$ert0, or against an0 interest t&erein *&ere t&e
+elations +elations as no* $rovided $rovided '0 la*4 and
1) Foen < *&ic& are acts o% gender gender 'ased 'ased violence violence t&at results, or are li>el0 to result () In all ot&er cases in *&ic& in $&0si &0s ic cal, al, sex sexual or t&e t&e dea deand nd,, excl exclus usiv ive e o% $s0c& s0c&o olog logical ical &ar ar or interest, daages o% *&atever su%%ering to *oen4 and ot&er >ind, >ind, attorne0 attorne0Ds Ds %ees, litigatio litigation n %ors o% $&0sical a'use suc& ex$en ex$enses ses,, and costs costs or t&e as 'attering 'attering or t&reats t&reats and value lue o% t&e t&e $ro $ro$ert0 ert0 in coer coerci cion on *&ic *&ic& & viol violat ate e a cont contro rove vers rs0 0 exce exceed eds s One One *oa oanDs $erso rson&o n&ood, od, &und &undre red d t&ou t&ousa sand nd $eso $esos s inte ntegrit grit0 0 and and %reed reedo o (188,888.88) (188,888.88) or, in suc& ot&er oveent4 and a'oveentioned a'oveentioned ites exceeds /*o /*o &undred &undred t&ousand t&ousand $esos $esos ) "&ildren < *&ic& include include (88,888.88). (as aended '0 t&e coission coission o% all %ors +.A. o. !;91) o% a'use, a'use, neglec neglect, t, cruelt cruelt0 0, ex$lo ex$loita itatio tion, n, violen violence, ce, and ote discriin discriinatio ation n and all ot&er ot&er ot included is Sec 19 (5) [2 conditions $re3udicial to t&eir 19# In all actions involving t&e develo$ent. contract o% arriage and arital I% an act constitutes a criinal relations o%%e o%%ens nse, e, t&e t&e accu accuse sed d or 'atterer 'atterer s&all 'e su'3ect su'3ect to criinal $roceedings and t&e corres$onding corres$onding $enalties. I% an0 uestion involving an0 o% t&e a'ove atters s&ould arise arise as an incident incident in an0 case $ending $ending in t&e regular courts, said incident s&all 'e deterined in t&at court.
assessed value o% t&e $ro$ert0 or intere interest st t&erei t&erein n does does not exce exceed ed /*en /*ent0 t0 t&ou t&ousa sand nd $esos (8,888.88) or, in civil actions in -etro -anila, *&ere suc& assessed value does not exceed exceed i%t0 t&ousand t&ousand $esos $esos (58 (58,8 ,888 88.8 .88) 8) excl exclus usiv ive e o% interest, daages o% *&atever >ind, attorne0Ds %ees, litigation ex$enses and costs rovided, /&at /&at value value o% suc& suc& $ro$e $ro$ert0 rt0 s&all s&all 'e deter deterine ined d '0 t&e assessed value o% t&e ad3acent lots. (as aended '0 +.A. o. !;91)
. "oncurrent
(+egalado) (a). Fit& t&e "ourt o% A$$eals over $etitions %or certiorari, $ro&i'ition and andaus against a) +egion +egional al /rial /rial "ourt "ourts s ') "ivil Service Service "oission "oission c) "entral "entral 2oard 2oard o% Assesse Assessents nts A$$eal A$$eals s d) ational ational Ga'or Ga'or +elation +elations s "oission "oission e) Ot&er uasi uasi 3udicial 3udicial agencies agencies (') Fit& t&e "ourt o% A$$eals and +egional /rial "ourt over $etitions %or certiorari, $ro&i'ition, andaus against +/" uo *arranto, and &a'eas cor$us • •
Fit& t&e +/" Exercise original 3urisdiction over over cases a%%ecting a'assadors, ot&er $u'lic inisters and consuls
Fit& t&e S" Exercise original 3urisdiction over cases a%%ecting a'assadors, ot&er ot& er $u' $u'lic lic in inist isters ers and consuls
2. A$$ellate Jurisdictio n
eti etittions ions %or %or revi rev ie e* on certiorari against < "ourt o% A$$eals < "ourt o% /ax /ax A$$eals < Sandigan'a0an < +egi +egion onal al /rial rial "our "ourts ts involving involving cases on 7Art VIII, Sec 5 () (a) (a) All All case cases s in *&ic *&ic& & t&e t&e constitut constitutional ionalit0 it0 or validit0 validit0 o% an0 treat0 treat0,, intern internati ationa onall or execu executiv tive e agree agreeen ent, t, la*, la*, $residential decree, $roclaation, order, inst instru ruct ctio ion, n, ordi ordina nanc nce, e, or regulation is in uestion. (') (') All cases cases involv involving ing t&e
Sec 9 (:) [2 19#. 1. Ordinar0 A$$eals Exclusive a$$ellate 3urisdiction over all %inal 3udgents, resolutions, orders or a*ards o% +egional /rial "ourts .A$$eal '0 etition %or +evie* %ro uasi<3udicial agencies, instruentalities, instruentalities, 'oards or coission, including t&e Securities and Exc&ange "oission, t&e Social Securit0 "oission, t&e E$lo0ees "o$ensation
Section . A$$ellate 3urisdiction. 7 +egional /rial "ourts s&all exercise a$$ellate 3urisdiction over all cases decided decided '0 -etro$oli -etro$olitan tan /rial /rial "ourts, -unici$al /rial "ourts, and and -uni -unici ci$a $all "irc "ircui uitt /rial rial "our "ourts ts in t&ei t&eirr res$ res$ec ecti tive ve territori territorial al 3urisdicti 3urisdictions. ons. Suc& cases s&all 'e decided on t&e 'asis o% t&e entire record o% t&e $roceedings &ad in t&e court o% origin origin and suc& suc& eora eorand nda a and=o d=or 'ri 'rie%s e%s as a0 a0 'e su'i su'itte tted d '0 t&e t&e $artie $arties s or reuired reuired '0 t&e +egional +egional /rial /rial "ourts "ourts.. /&e /&e decisi decision on o% t&e
legal legalit0 it0 o% an0 tax, tax, i$ost i$ost,, asses assesse sent, nt, or toll, toll, or an0 $enalt0 $enalt0 i$osed i$osed in relation relation t&ereto. (c) (c) All All case cases s in *&ic *&ic& & t&e t&e 3urisdiction o% an0 lo*er court is in issue. (d) All criinal cases in *&ic& t&e $ena enalt0 lt0 i$ i$osed osed is reclusion $er$etua or &ig&er. (e) All cases in *&ic& onl0 an error error or uesti uestion on o% la* is involved.
@elegated Jurisdiction
"oission and t&e "ivil Service "oission, :.. etitions %or revie* %ro t&e +/" to cases a$$ealed t&ereto %ro t&e lo*er courts ote Exce$t t&ose %alling *it&in t&e a$$ellate 3urisdiction o% t&e Su$ree "ourt in accordance *it& t&e "onstitution, t&e Ga'or "ode o% t&e &ili$$ines under residential @ecree o. ??, as aended, t&e $rovisions o% t&is Act, and o% su'$aragra$& (1) o% t&e t&ird $aragra$& and su'$aragra$& su'$aragra$& ? o% t&e %ourt& $aragra$& od Section 1! o% t&e Judiciar0 Act o% 19?.
+egional +egional /rial "ourts in suc& cases cases s&all s&all 'e a$$eala' a$$eala'le le '0 $etition %or revie* to t&e "ourt "ourt o% A$$eal A$$eals s *&ic& *&ic& a0 give it due course course onl0 *&en t&e $etition s&o*s $ria %acie t&at &at t&e t&e lo* lo*er court ourt &as coitted coitted an error error o% %act or la* t&at *ill *arrant a reversal or odi%ication o% t&e decision or 3udg 3udge ent nt soug soug&t &t to 'e revie*ed.
Section :? :?. @e @ elegated 3urisdiction in cadastral and land land regi regist stra rati tion on case cases. s. 7 -etr -etro$ o$ol olit itan an /ria /riall "our "ourts ts,, -unici -unici$al $al /rial /rial "ourts "ourts,, and -unici$al -unici$al "ircuit "ircuit /rial /rial "ourts "ourts a0 a0 'e assig ssigne ned d '0 t&e t&e Su$re Su$ree e "ourt "ourt to &ear &ear and deter deterine ine cadast cadastral ral or land land registration cases covering lots *&ere t&ere is no controvers0 or o$$osition, or contested lots t&e *&ere t&e value o% *&ic& does not exceed One &undred t&ousand $esos
(188,888. (188,888.88), 88), suc& value to 'e ascertained '0 t&e a%%idavit o% t&e claiant or '0 agreeent agreeent o% t&e res$ecti res$ective ve claia claiants nts i% t&ere t&ere are ore ore t&an one, or %ro t&e corres$onding tax declaration o% t&e t&e real real $ro$ $ro$er ert0 t0.. /&ei /&eir r decisions in t&ese cases s&all 'e a$$eal a$$eala'l a'le e in t&e sae sae anner anner as decis decision ions s o% t&e +egi +egion onal al /ria /riall "our "ourts ts.. (as (as aended '0 +.A. o. !;91) S$ecial Jurisdiction
Jurisdictio Sec ? (last $ar) (Art VII, 19! n in ot&er ot&er "onstitution) cases /&e Su$ree "ourt sitting en 'anc, s&all 'e t&e sole 3udge o% all contests relating to t&e
Section :. S$ecial 3urisdiction to tr0 tr0 s$ec s$ecia iall case cases. s. 7 /&e /&e Su$ree "ourt a0 designate certai rtain n 'ranc ranc&e &es s o% t&e t&e +egional /rial "ourts to &andle exclu exclusiv sivel0 el0 crii criinal nal cases cases,, 3uvenile and doestic relations cases, cases, agrarian agrarian cases, cases, ur'an ur'an land re%or cases *&ic& do not %all %all under under t&e 3urisd 3urisdict iction ion o% uas uasi< i<3u 3udi dici cial al 'odi 'odies es and and agenc agencies ies,, and=or and=or suc& suc& ot&er ot&er s$ecial cases as t&e Su$ree "ourt "ourt a0 deter deterine ine in t&e inte intere rest st o% a s$ee s$eed0 d0 and and e%%i e%%ici cien entt adi adini nist stra rati tion on o% 3ustice.
Section :5. S$ecial 3urisdiction in cert certai ain n case cases. s. 7 In t&e t&e a'sen a'sence ce o% all t&e +egion +egional al /rial /rial Judges in a $rovince $rovince or cit0 cit0, an0 -etro$ -etro$oli olitan tan /ria /riall Judge, -unici$al /rial Judge, -unici$al -unici$al "ircuit "ircuit /rial /rial Judge a0 &ear and decide $etitions %or a *rit o% &a'eas cor$us or a$$lications %or 'ail in criinal cases cases in t&e $rovince $rovince or cit0 *&ere *&ere t&e a'sent a'sent +egion +egional al /rial Judges sit.
Section :;. Suar0 $rocedures in s$ecial cases. 7 In -etro$ -etro$oli olitan tan /rial /rial "ourts "ourts and -unici$al /rial "ourts *it& at leas leastt t*o t*o 'ran 'ranc& c&es es,, t&e t&e
election, returns and uali%ications o% t&e $resident or vice vice $resid $resident ent,, and a0 $ro $roul ulga gate te rule rules s %or %or t&e t&e $ur$ose. Sec Sec 1 (:) (:) (Art (Art VII, VII, 1! 1! "onsit "onsituti ution) on) /&e /&e Su$re Su$ree e "our "ourtt a0 a0 revi revie* e*,, in an a$$ro$ri a$$ro$riate ate $roceedi $roceeding ng %iled '0 an0 citiCen, t&e su%%icienc0 o% t&e t&e %act %actua uall 'asi 'asis s o% t&e t&e $roclaation o% artial la* or t&e sus$ension o% t&e $rivilege o% t&e *rit or t&e extensi extension on t&ereo%H
Su$ree "ourt a0 designate one or ore 'ranc&es t&ereo% to tr0 exclusivel0 %orci'le entr0 and unla*%ul unla*%ul detainer detainer cases, cases, t&ose t&ose involving involving violations violations o% tra%%ic la*s, rules and regulatio regulations, ns, violatio violations ns o% t&e rent rental al la* la*, and and suc& suc& ot&e ot&er r case cases s reu reuir irin ing g sua suar0 r0 dis$os dis$ositi ition on as t&e Su$re Su$ree e "our "ourtt a0 a0 dete deter rin ine. e. /&e /&e Su$re Su$ree e "ourt "ourt s&all s&all ado$t ado$t s$ecia s$eciall rules rules or $roce $rocedur dures es a$$lic a$$lica'l a'le e to suc& suc& cases cases in order to ac&ieve an ex$editio ex$editious us and inex$ens inex$ensive ive deterina deterination tion t&ereo% t&ereo% *it&out *it&out regard to tec&nical rules. Suc& si$li si$li%ie %ied d $roced $rocedure ures s a0 $rovid $rovide e t&at t&at a%%id a%%idavi avits ts and coun counte ter< r
Section 5. A%ter %ive (5) 0ears %ro t&e e%%ectivit0 o% t&is Act, t&e 3urisdictional aounts entioned in Sec. 19(:), (?), and ()4 and Sec. ::(1) o% 2atas a'ansa 2lg. 19 as aended '0 t&is Act, s&all 'e ad3usted to /*o &undred t&ousand $esos (88,888.88). ive (5) 0ears t&erea%ter, suc& 3urisdictional aounts s&all 'e ad3usted %urt&er to /&ree &undred t&ousand $esos (:88,888.88) rovided, &o*ever, /&at in t&e case o% -etro -anila, t&e a'oveentioned 3urisdictional aounts s&all 'e ad3usted a%ter %ive (5) 0ears %ro t&e e%%ectivit0 o% t&is Act to our &undred t&ousand $esos (?88,888.88). "RA #$%&'