Descrição: KET Speaking Cards to practise part 1 of paper 3
KET Speaking Cards to practise part 1 of paper 3
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Guía rápida para organizar y preparas las parte del Speaking el examen PET o B1 de Cambridge. Documento original, no es copia.Descripción completa
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IELTS Speaking from
Speaking tips for Part 2 IELTS
APTIS SPEAKINGFull description
by Pham Thu Trang
KET - Speaking
This part is 5-6 minutes You You will probably probably be with one other student One examiner asks you some questions. The other listens. You You should be able to: - talk about where you ome !rom and what you do "#ob or studies$. - answer general general personal questions% questions% e.g. about about !amily and !riends. !riends. - &nswer questions about your daily li!e% interests and likes. - 'n Part (% it is important to know the alphabet in )nglish. You may ha*e to spell your name or address.
• • • •
~ Try to think of at least two more questions for each topic
TOPIC 1. Giving personal information (. . 0. 1. 5.
+hat,s +hat,s your name% name% please please /ould /ould you spell your your surname surname !or !or me% please please +hat +hat town do you you ome ome !rom !rom &nd what,s what,s your your address address 2ow do you you spell spell that% that% please please
TOPIC 2. SCHOOL 6. +hat,s +hat,s the the name name o! your your shoo shool l 4. o you you like like going going to shool shool . 2ow many many sub#et sub#ets s do you ha*e ha*e at shool shool 7. +hat +hat is your your !a*o !a*orite rite sub#e sub#et t (8. o you you ha* ha*e e muh muh home homewor work k at home home ((. o your your teahers teahers o!ten o!ten gi*e gi*e you you muh muh homewor homework k (. 2ow muh muh time time do you spend spend doing your homework homework e*ery e*ery day day (0. o you you ha* ha*e e to take take extr extra a lass lasses es (1. 2ow 2ow do you tra*el tra*el to sho shool ol e*er e*ery y day day (5. 2ow 2ow long long is is your your su summe mmerr *aa *aatio tion n a$ 33333333333 333333333333333333333333 3333333333333333333 333333 b$ 3333333333333 33333333333333333333333333 33333333333333333 3333
by Pham Thu Trang
KET - Speaking
(6. (4. (. (7. 8. (. .
2ow many people are there in your !amily o you ha*e a large !amily o you ha*e any brothers and sisters o you ha*e a pet 2ow o!ten do you do housework o you ha*e your own room +hat is your !a*orite room in the house
TOPIC . HO!!IES A"# I"TE$ESTS 0. +hat sort o! musi do you like "mo*ie$ 9 "T programme$ 1. o you o!ten listen to musi in your !ree time "wath mo*ies$ 9 "wath T$ 5. +hat is your !a*orite song 9 type o! musi "mo*ies$ 9 "T hannel$ 6. o you ha*e a omputer at home 4. 2ow o!ten do you sur! the 'nternet . &re you interested in shopping 7. +hat do you o!ten go shopping !or 08. o you usually read books 0(. +hat kind o! book is your !a*orite a$ 333333333333333333333333333333 b$ 333333333333333333333333333333
TOPIC %. &$EE TIME 0. 00. 01. 05. 06.
+hat do you usually do at weekends +hat do you do in your spare time o you ha*e muh !ree time +hat did you do last weekend9yesterday id you en#oy yoursel! +hat are you going to do next weekend
+hat do you think o! your hometown +hih other towns ha*e you *isited in your ountry 2a*e you tra*elled to another ountry +hih ountry would you like to *isit +hy id you go away on holiday last year +hat did you do on holiday 2a*e you e*er been to other towns in "your ountry$ +here are you going on holiday this9next year o you like tra*elling +hy9+hy not
TOPIC ). SPO$TS 16. o you play any sports 14. o you like sports 1. +ho do you o!ten play ;sports< with 17. &re you sporty 58. &re you good at sports 9 +hat sports are you good at 5(. o you o!ten wath sports on T 5. o you think playing sports is neessary 50. &re you a member o! any sports team 51. +hat do you think is the most popular sport in the world 9 'n your ountry 9 2ometown 55. +hat is the most expensi*e sport% do you think 9 dangerous 56. +hat is your !a*orite team sport 9 sport star 54. +hat do you do to keep =t 5. o you o!ten do exerise a$ 333333333333333333333333333333 b$ 333333333333333333333333333333
+hat is your !a*orite !ood +hat did you eat this morning +hat do you o!ten eat !or break!ast ;lunh 9 dinner3< o you o!ten eat !ast !ood &re you a good ook &t what times do you usually eat your meals id you ha*e break!ast 9 lunh today o you always eat *egetables Page 3
by Pham Thu Trang
KET - Speaking
64. 6. 67. 48. 4(.
o you always eat dinner with your !amily o you eat !ruit e*ery day 2ow o!ten do you eat in a restaurant "2ow o!ten do you eat out$ 's there any !ood that you really dislike to eat +hat !ood do you think is unhealthy
TOPIC ,. &$IE"#SHIP 4. +ho is your best !riend Page 4
by Pham Thu Trang
KET - Speaking
40. 41. 45. 46. 44. 4. 47.
+hy do you like him 9 her +hat do you o!ten talk to him 9 her about o you ha*e a lot o! !riends +hen 9 +here do you play with your !riends +hy do you think a !riend is neessary +hat qualities do you think is neessary !or a true !riend 2ow o!ten do you hang out with !riends
o you pay muh attention to your health o you o!ten *isit a dentist o you do exerise e*ery day o you o!ten ath a old +hat should people do to keep =t% do you think &re you in a good health ondition 2ow many meals do you ha*e eah day
TOPIC 11. E(E$#A LI&E 4. . 7. 78. 7(. 7.
+hat time do you o!ten get up +hat do you o!ten do in the morning ;a!ternoon 9 e*ening< +hat time do you go to bed o you ha*e a timetable o you o!ten stay up late o you wath T e*ery day
LO"GE$ TAL/S 70. Talk about your !amily 9 lass. 71. Talk about your daily li!e. 75. Talk about your hometown. 76. Talk about your house or >at. 74. Talk about your diet. 7. Talk about your best !riend. 77. Talk about your !a*orite =lms% books% T programmes% sports. (88. Talk about your !a*orite tra*elling destination.