Developing Strategic Management and Leadership Skills Assignment 2 3.1 Use appropriate methods to review current leadership requirements 2&2& that are There are are lots of methods methods to analyze the leadership requirements requirements for Duai in preparation !or "#$% 2&2& that GAP Analysis, Performance Appraisal, 360 Degree Feedac!, Personal "e#ie$ etc% GAP Analysis is used to identify gaps et$een current and future leadership requirement for organizational direction% &t helps to analyse $hat !inds of s!ills'eha#ior required required y leaders during the internal de#elopment of organization organization and hiring a ne$ person% GAP helps to identify leaders ha#e collecti#e capailities required required to handle current prolems such as uphold company policies, maintain product quality% (hen this issues ne$ for people, leaders should de#elop appropriate policies and guidelines $hich can e easily follo$ed y the people to do that )o together% 3'&(Degree Surve) *eedack+ 360 degree feedac! is essential for o#ercoming o#ercoming leader lind spots and enhancing their o#erall emotional intelligence% This approach approach pro#ides pro#ides lists of eha#ioural*ase eha#ioural*ased d strength and $ea! areas areas are identi+ed identi+ed y feedac!collectio feedac!collection n from superior, peers, direct reports and from customers% &t sho$s $hich eha#iors leader needs to enhance )o performance, performance, and $hich current eha#iors should continue as usual% 360 degree feedac! tool is a po$erful de#elopment tool, it helps leaders to understand ho$ others interpret the eha#ior he'she are ehiiting% This feedac! is useful for leaders understand, people-s perception of their eha#ior% &f people realized their eha#ior s!ills need to impro#e for organizational organizational de#elopment, leaders must de#elop leadership and management s!ills for in.uence people more e/ecti#ely% $er!ormance Appraisal+ Performance appraisal is also useful methods to re#ie$ current leadership de#elopment required in the organization% This is used as as a top do$n managers to employees employees or up$ard appraisal, appraisal, employees employees to managers% managers% This appraisal appraisal helps to disco#er $hat types of qualities, s!ills and eha#iors required for leadership to address some issues such as delegate-s responsiility, responsiility, ma!es timely decisions, allocate right resources, and communicates policies and coaching'mentoring coaching'mentoring employees to de#elop% 3.2 $lan !or development o! !uture situations requiring leadership A plan is an essential tools to de#elop leadership in tac!ling the future situation and lead an organization in their mission% eadership de#elopment de#elopment initiates to o/er performance support and applications of s!ills through training,
coaching and mentoring, action learning, and de#elopmental assignments eplained the most approachale methods to de#elop leadership for future situations%
Merger and Acquisition+ The most of the hardest situation for the organization is merged or acquired% &t is a #ery hard decision for the organization% The leader can ale to predict mar!et trends and adapt est techniques to calculation of possile damage A leader has a long term #ision, su1cient !no$ledge and great passion to tac!le this situation% The leader can decide, $hich $ay $as fa#orale for their employees and organization at the time of a merger or acquisition% $lan changes in ,ew -echnolog)+ 2hange is essential for e#ery organization to sustain their usiness in a rapidly changing en#ironment% ut it is hard to adapt easily ecause of some factors not ready to accept it% The !ey factors are their employees $ho did not accept changes of ne$ technology ecause they $ere only used to $or! $ith the old system% For successful implementation of change, the good leadership is required, $ho can ale to pro#ide adequate !no$ledge to the employees through coaching, mentoring and counselling to get ready for accepting change heartily% ecession -ime+ This is the $orst situation for all the organization, most of organization faces +nancial di1culties during this period% To come out of this situation, organizations can ale to control their udget e/ecti#ely and $isely% The highly eperience and strong leadership $ill require for period of recession $ho ha#e a clear #ision $ith price cut strategies% ,atural Disaster+ The other important situation that required a leadership is a natural disaster% During this period most of employees and organization are in a state of oscurity% They lose their con+dence and unale to perform their )os competently% That-s $hy the dedicated leadership is required, $ho ha#e su1cient s!ills and qualities to o#ercoming the di1culties as $ell as reinstate the con+dence of the employees% /.1 $lan the development o! leadership skills !or a speci0c requirement The leadership s!ills are essential for managing and handle #arious situations arises in the organization% The appropriate planning of de#eloping leadership s!ills during the $or!ing period is really helpful to come o#er from particular situation and directly ene+cial for the organization% Suppose Tra#el and Tourism department is planning a team de#elopment program in their store% The manager elie#ed that after successful completion of that program sta/ memer $ill e highly moti#ated, self*directed and enhanced the
performance% 4o$e#er T"A5 A7D T89"&:; DPA"T;7T could easily achie#e its o)ecti#e of increase the sales% 4" ;anager plays the role model to formulate a good team memer% Therefore he must ha#e adequate !no$ledge aout Team De#elopment stages and rele#ant leadership s!ills to manage properly% The Tuc!man four stages< Forming, :torming, 7orming and Performing are appropriate stages to de#elop good team in the T"A5 A7D T89"&:; DPA"T;7T% ;ore less ;anager also needs plan to de#elop communication, coaching'mentoring, self* de#elopment and leadership s!ills% (hich helps him to run that program smoothly and e/ecti#ely on time% Thus he should need to de#elop theoreticalconcepts as $ell as s!ills $hich helps him to handle upcoming prolems% &n this $ay he can use his s!ills at the right time to achie#e desired outcomes of strategic goals% The manager should use Tuc!man Team de#elopment stages $ith appropriate leadership s!ills to de#elop a highly inspired team% -uckmans team development Stages 1 *orming Stage+ ommunication Skill+ The communication s!ill is most important course of action to emed information $hile manager forming the group of people to de#elop the est team in the T"A5 A7D T89"&:; DPA"T;7T% The manager must ha#e this s!ill to communicate $ell $ith team memers to ma!e them clear aout organizational goals and the o)ecti#e ehind team de#elopment is achie#ing high performance% The initial meeting is necessary to introduce each other and $ell !no$n aout the team memer% :omeho$ they understood their roles and responsiilities pushing them to achie#e strategic goals% The manager must de#elop this s!ill y enrolling in a formal college course, reading #arious techniques and participating in group discussion, seminar, $or!shopped% The in#ol#ement in such acti#ities helps manager to de#elop communication styles and techniques $hich are useful for sharing ideas, information in #arious situations% 2 Storming Stage+ oaching4 $rolem Solving Skills+ The storming stage is crucial to uild up a good relationship $ith the team% The manager should estalish good image and trust among them% To maintain that position manager must ha#e or need to de#elop coaching and prolem*sol#ing s!ills% The coaching s!ill is useful for managing on the )o or o/ the )o training to estalish appropriate processes and good structure% (here a manager ha#e an opportunity for understood indi#iduals #ie$s and ideas for de#elopment of good team% Furthermore guided them understanding the purpose and pro#ide support to encourage to achie#e its goals% The successful completion of this stage prolem sol#ing s!ill is also required for analysis the cause of prolem'con.ict% 8nce a manager identi+es the reason of con.ict dealing $isely steam could not face the same prolem in coming days% 4o$e#er the team is more enthusiastic and eager to learn positi#e attitudes through team $or! and uild up con+dence aout their future are right% The manager should de#elop these s!ills y doing a )o rotation, in#ol#ing in group
discussion, reading self*directed material and consult $ith epertise% These acti#ities ha#e helped manager to learn necessary methods, techniques and ideas de#elop such s!ills capale him to direct t he team in desire direction% 3 ,orming Stage+ -ime Management Skill4Motivation Skill+ The manager needs to de#elop Time management s!ill and moti#ation s!ill to process norming stage% The e1cient $ay of managing a#ailale time lead in getting success% :omeho$ manager should set tentati#e time period to form a ne$ team and delegate the responsiilities% Thus are feeling more responsile and committed to running the stores e/ecti#ely% ess they are fully socialized together and as! help from each other and ale to pro#ide constructi#e criticism% 4o$e#er moti#ation is the !ey part to inspire them for est performance and sharing the progress they are #ery closed to desired goals% The $ay manager can adopt to de#elop these s!ills are training and de#elopment, engage in self*de#elopment modules and ta!ing a short course aout management% / $er!orming Stage+ Monitoring4Motivation skills+ &n this stage team are more conscious aout the achie#ement of strategic goals% Though manager should require monitoring and moti#ation s!ills to accomplish this stage% The close relation $ith the team and continuous monitoring their acti#ities helps manager to !no$ their performance le#el% (hich is more helpful for manager at the time of delegate speci+c $or! and role among the team% Pro#iding necessary support and encouragement to uild up the self* con+dence of the team% 4o$e#er, highly moti#ated team capale to achie#e higher performance% And their desiraility leading them to$ard achie#ement of organizational goals% The manager should de#elop this s!ill y doing online courses, get in#ol#es in research and de#elopment training and consulting $ith epertise% /.2 eport on the use!ulness o! methods used to plan the development o! leadership skills The leadership s!ills are essential s!ills to perform se#eral acti#ities e1ciently and e/ecti#ely% The methods used to de#elop such s!ills are playing a #ital role% Therefore choosing the right methods enriched the manager $ith those required s!ills on time% :o manager is more li!ely success in the team de#elopment plan and pro#e himself as a good leader for T"A5 A7D T89"&:; DPA"T;7T% The qualities of decision ma!ing, $ell planning, directing the team, setting up a ne$ goals ensure T"A5 A7D T89"&:; DPA"T;7T $ill achie#e its desirale strategic goals% The achie#ement of success depends upon the methods used to de#elop leadership s!ills% The report eplains ho$ useful those methods de#elop such s!ills of ;anager to achie#e its organizational goals% ollege course+ The formal study in college courses helps t o de#elop adequate !no$ledge aout communication techniques, time management and moti#ation s!ills% The college courses useful to learn theoretical concepts, methods and techniques $hich help manager to de#elop di/erent s!ills such as tas! planning, setting deadlines, decision ma!ing, negotiation
$ith suppliers, report $riting and dealing $ith sta!eholder etc% ut manager needs to spend a lot of time in education rather than daily tas!% Furthermore more udget is required to in#esting manager-s study% 5o rotation+ =o rotation is a good method to de#elop managerial s!ills such as coaching, prolem sol#ing, monitoring etc% &t is useful for learning techniques of managing con.ict, monitoring the achie#ement of group performance and etter understanding aout departmental roles and responsiilities% 4o$e#er it is time consuming and epensi#e ecause other department heads should need to in#ol#e during )o rotation% De#elopment acti#ities> The seminars, $or!shop and training program are a popular method to de#elop communication, prolem sol#ing and many more% The usefulness of methods is that manager enhance their e/orts to +nd $or!ale solutions and learn ne$ $ays to approach prolem sol#ing% ut organising the $or!shop is costlier ecause epertise is required forrunning the session%
%nline development+ The manager can de#elop monitoring s!ill y participating in the self*directed program through internet or internal lin!s% These ser#ices pro#ide a range of facilities such as self*directed learning and trac!ing of outcomes% Therefore manager can quic!ly de#elop their interpersonal s!ills% The dra$ac! of the online de#elopment process is t ime ta!ing and etra udget need to allocate for running this program%
onclusion After learning of this unit, & $as ale to understand the relation et$een strategic management and leadership% eadership is the inorn character of a leader $ho can in.uence their follo$ers to do things done% ut management is the techniques of managing resources $isely to achie#e organizational goals% A good manager can ecome leader y acquiring some necessary s!ills through di/erent methods% The leader can adopt #arious leadership styles according to the situation% 8nly single style is not su1cient for leading the organization, so managers can use democratic and laissez*hairstyle at the same time% There are di/erent theories of leadership such as transactional leadership, transformational leadership charismatic leadership, situational leadership, etc% All this theory gi#es a solution for leader in particular situations% The good leader al$ays tries to implement suitale style and strategies to lead the people and gi#e etter direction for the organization to achie#e their goals% There are di/erent $ays to increase the leadership s!ills for future requirement% :o there should e a good plan to de#elop these s!ills% This plan must co#er the present and future requirement of leadership, $hich helps organizations to lead to$ard their future goals%