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Aimée Santillán Literature Review On June 26, 2015, the LGBT cmmunit! reache" an incre"i#le mile$tne, when the %nite" State$ Su&reme 'urt rule" that $ame($e) $a me($e) cu&le$ wul" have the cn$titutinal ri*ht t marr!+ wever, marria*e e-ualit! wa$ nt the nl! i$$ue that the cmmunit! ha" #een .acin*+ /ilence, /ilence, "i$criminatin, &vert!, amn* ther$, were al$ im&rtant i$$ue$ that, nw that marria*e e-ualit! wa$ *rante", have #een em&ha$ie"+ e$&ite $ucce$$e$ li3e the 4enta*n$ li.tin* the #an n militar! $ervice #! tran$*en"er &e&le an" the Su&reme 'urt$ le*aliatin le*aliatin . $ame($e) marria*e, #$tacle$ t acce&tance an" e-ualit! remain, wrte Liam Stac3 in The 7ew 8r3 8r3 Time$+ /ilence /ilence ha$ #een ne . . the *reate$t an" har"e$t i$$ue$ that the LGBT cmmunit! ha$ #een .acin*+ Accr"in* t the 9B:, 9 B:, #ia$ a*ain$t $e)ual rientatin an" *en"er i"entit! accunte" .r mre than 21 &ercent . hate crime$ re&rte" in 201;, with $e)ualit! the $ecn" m$t cmmn $in*le(#ia$ cate*r! .llwin* race, $tate$ Annamar!a Annamar!a Scaccia in Rllin* Stne
7w, mem#er$ mem#er$ . the LGBT cmmunit! have #ecme &rimar! tar*et$ . "i$criminatr! "i$criminatr! vilence, an", accr"in* t the chart the! have #een amn* the &rimar! tar*et$ .r mre than ten !ear$+ <rever, the LBGT cmmunit! ha$ #een "ealin* with "i$criminatin+ State$ have #een ne . the lea"in* actr$ . act$ . "i$criminatin a*ain$t LGBT mem#er$+ There have #een mre than 100 anti(LGBT #ill$ &a$$e" #! $tate$ $ince 2015 =Stac3, 2016>+ 9r e)am&le, the u..in*tn 4$t $tate" that there ha$ #een a new law in
+ La$tl!, the the u..in*tn &$t wrte that, in a lt . &lace$, & lace$, !u can * t !ur cunt! cler3 an" *et a marria*e licen$e an" *et marrie" an" then *et .ire" the ne)t wee3 #ecau$e nw !u are &enl! *a!+ *a !+
heter$e)ual$+ The LGBT cmmunit! earn$ a$ little a$ 0+6E .r ever! "llar that a heter$e)ual man earn$, even when -uali.icatin$ are e-ual r even *reater .r the LGBT wr3er =Gaille, =Gaille, 2015>+ Al$, LGBT mem#er$ have #een .acin* &r#lem$ with &vert! an" a n" hmele$$ne$$+ A re&rt calle" 4vert! in the Le$#ian, Ga!, Bi$e)ual 'mmunit!, 'mmunit!, ma"e #! the illiam$ illiam$ :n$titute $hw$ the "i..erence in &vert! #etween heter$e)ual$ an" a n" hm$e)ual$H#i$e)ual$I
The re&rt$ main .in"in*$ $hwe" that, *a! an" le$#ian cu&le .amilie$ are $i*ni.icantl! mre li3el! t #e &r than are heter$e)ual marrie" cu&le .amilie$+ S&eci.icall!, le$#ian cu&le$ $eeme" mre li3el! t live in &vert! than men hm$e)ual cu&le$, r heter$e)ual cu&le$ an" their .amilie$ =Al#el"a, Lee Ba"*ett, Ba"*e tt, Schnee#aum Gate$, 200F>+ 9urthermre, anther article #! the illiam$ :n$titute C %'LA Schl . Law $tate" that LGBT &e&le u$uall! .ace the $ame challen*e$ that heter$e)ual &e&le .ace
when it cme$ t .inancial har"$hi& =Sear$ Ba"*ett, 2012>+ wever, it al$ $tate$ that, the! al$ .ace uni-ue #$tacle$ #ecau$e . their $e)ual rientatin an" *en"er *en "er i"entit!+ The$e inclu"e a hi*her ri$3 . #ein* hmele$$ when the! are !un*, hara$$ment an" "i$criminatin at $chl an" at wr3&lace+ Be!n" the $teret!&ical ima*e . a LG &er$n C #ein* *a!, white, !un* &e&le that " nt have chil"ren C, the &r#lem . LGBT i$$ue$ with &vert! ha&&en$ m$tl! with minritie$+ 9r e)am&le, hm$e)ual wmen " nt nl! .ace $e)i$t "i$criminatin in the wr3&lace, r $e)i$t "i$criminatin verall+ Accr"in* t the article #! the illiam$ illiam$ :n$titute, twent!(.ur &ercent . le$#ian$ an" #i$e)ual wmen are &r, cm&are" with nl! 1F &ercent . heter$e)ual wmen+ =:t$ nt that *a! an" #i$e)ual men arent &r, #ut their &vert! rate$ are ru*hl! e-ual =1; &ercent> t th$e . heter$e)ual men+> 4e&le . clr are al$ m$t li3el! t live in &vert! than their heter$e)ual cunter&art$ an" than hm$e)ual white men =Sear$ Ba"*ett, 2012>+ The illiam$ :n$titute article e)&lain$, A.rican(American $ame($e) cu&le$ are $i*ni.icantl! mre li3el! t #e &r & r than A.rican(American A.rican(American marrie" heter$e)ual cunter&art$ an" are ru*hl! three time$ mre li3el! t live in &vert! than white $ame($e) cu&le$+ <rever, accr"in* t the article tran$*en"er &e&le are the m$t ecnmicall! vulnera#le within the LGBT cmmunit! =Sear$ Ba"*ett, 2012>+ The illiam$ illiam$ :n$titute article ac3nwle"*e" that, accr"in* t the 7atinal Tran$*en"er i$criminatin Surve!, tran$*en"er &e&le are .ur time$ a$ li3el! t have a hu$ehl" incme un"er 10,000 an" twice a$ li3el! t #e unem&l!e" a$ the t!&ical &er$n in the %+S+ Alm$t ne in .ive re&rte" #ein* hmele$$ at $me &int in their live$+ A""itinall!, "i$criminatr! "i$criminatr! law$ &a$$e" #! $tate$ have a..ecte" LGBT mem#er$ with their level . &vert!+ Accr"in* t an article #! # ! tal3&vert!+r*, tal3&vert!+r*, written #! :ne3e
+ Anther . the$e .ailure$ inclu"e the re.u$al t rec*nie LGBT .amilie$, which mean$ that, LGBT .amilie$ are "enie" man! . the $ame #ene.it$ a..r"e" t nn(LGBT .amilie$ when it cme$ t health in$urance, ta)e$, vital $a.et!(net &r*ram$, an" retirement &lannin* =LGBT @cnmic Securit!, Securit!, 2016>+ La$tl!, La$tl!, the article mentin$ that anther .ailure ha$ #een the .ailure t a"e-uatel! &rtect LGBT $tu"ent$, which mean$ that, LGBT &e&le an" their .amilie$ .ten .ace a h$tile, un$a.e an" unwelcmin* envirnment in lcal $chl$, a$ well a$ "i$criminatin in acce$$in* .inancial ai" an" ther $u&&rt+ The main wa!$ that all . the$e i$$ue$ cul" #e a""re$$e" wul" #e ?u$t #! $im&le acce&tance . the LGBT cmmunit! within ur wn $ciet!+ Li3e an article ma"e #! the %nite" 7atin$ O..ice . the i*h 'mmi$$iner $tate$, "ee&l!(em#e""e" hm&h#ic an" tran$&h#ic attitu"e$, .ten cm#ine" with a lac3 . a"e-uate le*al &rtectin a*ain$t "i$criminatin n *run"$ . $e)ual rientatin an" *en"er * en"er i"entit!, e)&$e man! le$#ian, *a!, #i$e)ual an" tran$*en"er =LGBT> &e&le . all a*e$ an" in all re*in$ . the wr" e*re*iu$ vilatin$ . their human ri*ht$+ hich mean$ that nt nl ! le*al &rtectin cul" #e the #e$t wea&n a#ut the$e ver! im&rtant LGBT i$$ue$, #ut al$ the attitu"e$
. &e&le that have cntact an" $metime$ even &wer with LGBT &e&le+ Al$, accr"in* t thi$ article, cncern$ a#ut the$e an" relate" human ri*ht$ vilatin$ have #een e)&re$$e" re&eate"l! #! %nite" 7atin$ human ri*ht$ mechani$m$ $ince the earl! 1FF0$+ The$e cncern$ have #een a""re$$e" #! the %nite" 7atin$ #! mnitrin* $tate$ in their #ia$e" anti(LGBT law$, an" it ha$ al$ #een &u$hin* .r human ri*ht$ challen*e$+ The %7 ha$ al$ #een "eliverin* ma?r &lic! $&eeche$ "e.en"in* an" a"vcatin* .r an en" t vilence an" harm.ul me"ical &ractice$ n LGBT chil"ren an" a"ult$, i$$ue$ n recent arre$t$ an" n re$&ectin* the ri*ht$ . all &er$n$ re*ar"le$$ . their $e)ual rientatin$, amn* ther$ ='m#atin* "i$criminatin #a$e" n $e)ual rientatin an" *en"er i"entit!, 2016>+ 9inall!, the article $hwe" that, &rtectin* LGBT &e&le .rm vilence an" "i$criminatin "e$ nt re-uire the creatin . a new $et . LGBT($&eci.ic ri*ht$, nr "e$ it re-uire the e$ta#li$hment . new internatinal hu man ri*ht$ $tan"ar"$+ :t $hwe" that the #li*atin$ . State$ twar"$ the LGBT cmmunit! i$ t &rtect th$e in"ivi"ual$ .rm hm&h#ic an" tran$&h#ic vilence, t &revent trture an" cruel treatment twar"$ LGBT &e&le, t re&eal law$ criminaliin* hm$e)ualit! an" tran$*en"er &e&le, t &rhi#it "i$criminatin #a$e" n $e)ual rientatin an" *en"er i"entit!, an" t $a.e*uar" .ree"m . e)&re$$in, a$$ciatin an" &eace.ul a$$em#l! .r all LGBT &e&le ='m#atin* "i$criminatin #a$e" n $e)ual rientatin an" *en"er i"entit!, i"entit!, 2016>+
althu*h it $eem$ it i$ nt true+ An article #! A"vcate+cm $hwe" thi$ clearl! #! a"vcatin* a#ut &vert! in the LGBT cmmunit!, which ha$ #een ver! real, an" .ten verl3e"+ LGBT &e&le wh are livin* in &vert! $till #ear the #runt . $ava*e hm&h#ia an" tran$&h#ia, withut the re$urce$ t challen*e them r even e$ca&e them+ The re$ult$ . thi$ "i$criminatin are "eva$tatin*I hmele$$ne$$, unem&l!ment, hun*er, an" vilence =eint, 2016>+ The LGBT cmmunit! $till $tru**le$ with *reater i$$ue$ #e!n" marria*e e-ualit!, an" accr"in* t thi$ article, the$e i$$ue$ nee" t $t& #ein* invi$i#le t the &u#lic in r"er .r them t #e a""re$$e" an" #e*in their wn &r*re$$+ A$ can #e $een, the main &ath that nee"$ t #e ta3en in a""re$$in* LGBT i$$ue$ that ha" #een verl3e" v erl3e" #e.re marria*e e-ualit! wa$ *rante" i$ that $ciet! ha$ t wr3 in acce&tance in r"er t a#li$h "i$criminatin, vilence an" &vert! in LGBT &e&le+ Ju$t li3e At the 'r$$ra"$ Buil"in* <vement &ut it, marria*e ha$ al$ #ecme $ i"enti.ie" a$ the mvement, e$&eciall! .r nn(LGBT allie$, that it threaten$ t leave ut ther crucial i$$ue$ that wul" en$ure .ull acce&tance an" ?u$t treatment . all LGBT &e&le+ wever, the &a$$in* . marria*e e-ualit! cul" al$ #e the .ir$t $te& $te& int a""re$$in* all th$e ther im&rtant i$$ue$+ A$ al$ $tate" in the article, winnin* marria*e e-ualit!, li3e ther $in*le(i$$ue $in*le(i$$ue .i)e" t the ri*ht$ . &&re$$e" *ru&$, *ru& $, cul" mean the $i"elinin* . ther im&rtant LGBT i$$ue$ an" that the mvement C li3e re&r"uctive ri*ht$ an" racial e-uit! C ma! $tall an" #ecme vulnera#le t new #ac3la$h $trate*ie$ .rm the &&$itin, all . which cul" rll#ac3 the har"(.u*ht &r*re$$ . t"a! =At the cr$$ra"$, 2016>+
Since marria*e e-ualit!, there ha$ #een a wave . hate crime$ an" "i$criminatin a*ain$t LGBT mem#er$+ But, even thu*h that ha" #een ha&&enin*, there ha$ al$ #een a *ate &en .r mre &r*re$$ in the LGBT ri*ht$ mvement+ There ha$ #een 21 &ercent . LGBT em&l!ee$ have re&rte" havin* #een "i$criminate" in the wr3&lace, $&eci.icall! with hirin*, &rmtin$ an" &a !, an" 6K &ercent . tran$*en"er &e&le re&rt havin* earne" incme$ . 25,000 r lwer =;D $hc3in* LGBT "i$criminatin $tati$tic$, 2015>+ There ha$ al$ #een nearl! a .i.th . the 5,K62 $in*le(#ia$e" hate crime$ re&rte" t the 9B: in 2016 were "ne #ecau$e . the tar*et$ $e)ual rientatin, r their &erceive" rientatin =4ar3 < !3h!al!$h!n, 2016>+ There ha$ al$ #een a have . mre than ne hun"re" anti(LGBT law$ &a$$e" #! $tate$ =@ver!thin* !u nee" t 3nw a#ut the wave . 100 anti(LGBT #ill$ &en"in* in $tate$, 2016>+ An", thi$ $hw$ that even thu*h the LGBT ri*ht$ mvement ha$ reache" incre"i#le mile$tne$, there i$ $till $ much t wr3 n+ There.re, accr"in* t the A"vcate+cm article e
Al#el"a, R+, Ba"*ett, <+ L+, Schnee#aum, A+, Gate$, G+ J+ =200F,
+ 4O/@RT8 :7 T@ L@SB:A7, GA8, A7 B:S@%AL 'O<<%7:T8+ The illiam$ :n$titute+ At the 'r$$ra"$+ =n+"+>+ Retrieve" 7vem#er 06, 2016, .rm htt&IHHwww+#uil"in*mvement+r*Hre&rt$Hentr!HatMtheMcr$$ra"$ Be!n" Steret!&e$I 4vert! in the LGBT 'mmunit!+ =2012>+ Retrieve" 7vem#er 06, 2016, .rm htt&IHHwilliam$in$titute+law+ucla+e"uHhea"line$H#e!n"($teret!&e$( &vert!(in(the(l*#t(cmmunit!H 'm#atin* "i$criminatin #a$e" n $e)ual rientatin an" *en"er * en"er i"entit!+ =n+"+>+ Retrieve" 7vem#er 06, 2016, .rm htt&IHHwww+hchr+r htt&IHHwww+ hchr+r*H@7H:$$ue$Hi$ *H@7H:$$ue$Hi$criminatinH4a*e$HLGBT+ criminatinH4a*e$HLGBT+a$&) a$&) @m&l!er$ le$$ li3el! t interview &enl! *a! men .r ?# &enin*$I Stu"!+ =2011, Oct#er ;>+ The %niver$it! . 'hica* 4re$$+ Retrieve" .rm @m&l!er$ le$$ li3el! t interview &enl! *a! men .r ?# &enin*$I Stu"! @ver!thin* 8u 8u 7ee" T Nnw A#ut A#ut The ave O. 100 Anti +++ =2016, Se&tem#er 2;>+ Retrieve" 7vem#er 6, 2016, .rm htt&IHHwww+hu..in*tn&$t+cmHentr!Hl*#t( $tate(#ill$("i$criminatinMu$M5D0..K.2eK#0060cc"a2aDaF Gaille, B+ =2015>+ ;D Shc3in* LGBT i$criminatin Stati$tic$ Stati$tic$ ( Bran"nGaille+cm+ Retrieve" 7vem#er 06, 2016, .rm htt&IHH#ran"n*aille+cmH;D($hc3in*(l*#t( "i$criminatin($tati$tic$H eint, B+ A+ =2016, Januar! 25>+ e
LGBT @cnmic Securit!+ =n+"+>+ Retrieve" 7vem#er 06, 2016, .rm htt&IHHwww+l*#tma&+r*H&lic!(an"(i$$ue(anal! htt&IHHwww+ l*#tma&+r*H&lic!(an"(i$$ue(anal!$i$Hl*#t(ecnmic($ecurit! $i$Hl*#t(ecnmic($ecurit! 4ar3, +, + L+G+B+T+ 4e&le Are Are <re Li3el! t Be Tar*et$ Ta r*et$ . ate 'rime$ Than An! Other
+ K LGBT :$$ue$ t 9cu$ n 7w That e ave ave
+ The 'hallen*e$ That Remain .r L+G+B+T+ L+G+B+ T+ 4e&le A.ter A.ter
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