Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training
Test Test Plan (a Real Real Sample) Live Project Training OrangeHRM ame of t!e tester
Note: This is a sample test plan create on real time software testing live project – for training con!cte "# on following page: $% &li &lic' c' he here re fo for r So Soft ftwa ware re Tes estin ting g (re ree e Tra rain inin ing g on a Li Live ve Project
)ersion: ".# &reate: #$%#&%$#"' Last *pate: #$%#&%$#"' Stat!s: R*T (T!e stat+s wo+l, c!ange to nalie, post t!e /0 PM an, ,ev team review an, sign o1)
Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training
Revision an Signo+ Sheet ,oc!ment Histor# - T - To o maintain a list list of c!anges c!anges 2eing ma,e Version
Description of Change
Swati Seela
Vijay Shinde
Draft - Reviewed
-pprovers List - To trac3 w!o !as reviewe, an, signo1 on t!e Test plan ame
pprover % Reviewer
pproval % Review ate
Reference ,oc!ments - 4learl5 mar3 t!e ,oc+ment +se, as an inp+t to create t!e test plan )ersion ". #
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,oc!ment Name OR67HRM 87RS9O MO=L7 -*S
Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training
Ta"le of &ontents ". 9TRO=4T9O.......................................................................................... & ".". P+rpose............................................................................................. & ".$. Project Overview...............................................................................& ".:. +,ience...........................................................................................& $. T7ST STRT76<.......................................................................................... & $.". Test O2jectives.................................................................................. & $.$. Test ss+mptions..............................................................................> $.:. Test Principles...................................................................................? $.'. ata pproac!..................................................................................? $.&. Scope an, Levels of Testing..............................................................? $.&.". 7@plorator5............................................................................. ? $.&.$. *+nctional Test........................................................................ A T7ST 447PT47 4R9T7R9.................................................. A T7ST 7L987R/L7S...............................................................A M9L7STO7 L9ST......................................................................B $.&.:. =ser cceptance Test (=T).................................................... B T7ST 7L987R/L7S...............................................................B $.>. Test 71ort 7stimate........................................................................."# :. 7C74=T9O STRT76<............................................................................. "# :.". 7ntr5 an, 7@it 4riteria....................................................................."# :.$. Test 45cles......................................................................................"" :.:. 8ali,ation an, efect Management................................................"" :.'. Test Metrics..................................................................................... "$ :.&. efect trac3ing D Reporting............................................................": '. T7ST M67M7T PRO47SS.................................................................": '.". Test Management Tool.....................................................................": '.$. Test esign Process........................................................................."' '.:. Test 7@ec+tion Process.................................................................... "& '.'. Test Ris3s an, Mitigation *actors...................................................."> '.". 4omm+nications Plan an, Team Roster.........................................."?
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Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training
'.$. Role 7@pectations..........................................................................."? '.$.". Project Management............................................................. "A '.$.$. Test Planning (Test Lea,)......................................................"A '.$.:. Test Team.............................................................................."A '.$.'. Test Lea,.............................................................................. "A '.$.&. evelopment Team..............................................................."A &. T7ST 789ROM7T................................................................................"B
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Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training
/. 0NTRO,*&T0ON /./.
P!rpose T!is test plan ,escri2es t!e testing approac! an, overall framewor3 t!at will ,rive t!e testing of t!e OrangeHRM 8ersion :.# ; M5 9nfo Mo, site. T!e ,oc+ment intro,+cesE •
Test Strateg5E r+les t!e test will 2e 2ase, on0 incl+,ing t!e givens of t!e project (e.g.E start % en, ,ates0 o2jectives0 ass+mptions)F ,escription of t!e process to set +p a vali, test (e.g.E entr5 % e@it criteria0 creation of test cases0 specic tas3s to perform0 sc!e,+ling0 ,ata strateg5). 7@ec+tion Strateg5E ,escri2es !ow t!e test will 2e performe, an, process to i,entif5 an, report ,efects0 an, to @ an, implement @es. Test ManagementE process to !an,le t!e logistics of t!e test an, all t!e events t!at come +p ,+ring e@ec+tion (e.g.E comm+nications0 escalation proce,+res0 ris3 an, mitigation0 team roster)
Project Overview M5 9nfo Mo,+le is a powerf+l tool provi,ing emplo5ees of t!e compan5 wit! t!e a2ilit5 to view relevant information s+c! as personal information an, +p,ating personal information wit! an internet ena2le, P4 wit!o+t !aving to involve t!e HR ,epartment. T!e f+nctionalit5 of t!is mo,+le spans t!ro+g! t!e entire s5stem0 ma3ing information availa2le an5w!ere0 an5time. ll information is s+2ject to compan5Gs ,ene, sec+rit5 polic50 w!ere !e%s!e can onl5 view t!e information !e%s!e is a+t!orie, to. n 7SS-=ser can onl5 e,it certain el,s in t!e 7SS Mo,+le0 maintaining t!e sec+rit5 an, con,entialit5 of emplo5ee information
-!ience •
Project team mem2ers perform tas3s specie, in t!is ,oc+ment0 an, provi,e inp+t an, recommen,ations on t!is ,oc+ment. Project Manager Plans for t!e testing activities in t!e overall project sc!e,+le0 reviews t!e ,oc+ment0 trac3s t!e performance of t!e test accor,ing to t!e tas3 !erein specie,0 approves t!e ,oc+ment an, is acco+nta2le for t!e res+lts. T!e sta3e!ol,ersG representatives an, participants (in,ivi,+als as i,entie, 25 t!e PMO Lea,s) ma5 ta3e part in t!e =T test to ens+re t!e 2+siness is aligne, wit! t!e res+lts of t!e test.
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Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training •
Tec!nical Team ens+res t!at t!e test plan an, ,elivera2les are in line wit! t!e ,esign0 provi,es t!e environment for testing an, follows t!e proce,+res relate, to t!e @es of ,efects. /+siness anal5sts will provi,e t!eir inp+ts on f+nctional c!anges.
1. T3ST STR-T345 /.6.
Test O"jectives T!e o2jective of t!e test is to verif5 t!at t!e f+nctionalit5 of OR67HRM 87RS9O :.# ; M< 9*O MO=L7 wor3s accor,ing to t!e specications. T!e test will e@ec+te an, verif5 t!e test scripts0 i,entif50 @ an, retest all !ig! an, me,i+m severit5 ,efects per t!e entrance criteria0 prioritie lower severit5 ,efects for f+t+re @ing via 4R. T!e nal pro,+ct of t!e test is twofol,E • •
pro,+ction-rea,5 softwareF set of sta2le test scripts t!at can 2e re+se, for *+nctional an, =T test e@ec+tion.
Test -ss!mptions 8e# -ss!mptions •
Pro,+ction li3e ,ata re+ire, an, 2e availa2le in t!e s5stem prior to start of *+nctional Testing 9n eac! testing p!ase0 45cle : will 2e initiate, if t!e ,efect rate is !ig! in 45cle $.
4eneral •
• •
• • •
7@plorator5 Testing wo+l, 2e carrie, o+t once t!e 2+il, is rea,5 for testing Performance testing is not consi,ere, for t!is estimation. ll t!e ,efects wo+l, come along wit! a snaps!ot IP76 format T!e Test Team will 2e provi,e, wit! access to Test environment via 8P connectivit5 T!e Test Team ass+mes all necessar5 inp+ts re+ire, ,+ring Test ,esign an, e@ec+tion will 2e s+pporte, 25 evelopment%/=S97SS L
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Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training •
• •
• •
/=S97SS L
(!nctional Testing +ring *+nctional testing0 testing team will +se preloa,e, ,ata w!ic! is availa2le on t!e s5stem at t!e time of e@ec+tion T!e Test Team will 2e perform *+nctional testing onl5 on OR67HRM 87RS9O :.# ; M< 9*O MO=L7 *-T
=T test e@ec+tion will 2e performe, 25 en, +sers (L"0 L$ an, L:) an, J 6ro+p will provi,e t!eir s+pport on creating =T script.
Test Principles •
• •
Testing will 2e foc+se, on meeting t!e 2+siness o2jectives0 cost eKcienc50 an, +alit5. T!ere will 2e common0 consistent proce,+res for all teams s+pporting testing activities. Testing processes will 2e well ,ene,0 5et e@i2le0 wit! t!e a2ilit5 to c!ange as nee,e,. Testing activities will 2+il, +pon previo+s stages to avoi, re,+n,anc5 or ,+plication of e1ort. Testing environment an, ,ata will em+late a pro,+ction environment as m+c! as possi2le. Testing will 2e a repeata2le0 +antia2le0 an, meas+ra2le activit5. Testing will 2e ,ivi,e, into ,istinct p!ases0 eac! wit! clearl5 ,ene, o2jectives an, goals. T!ere will 2e entrance an, e@it criteria.
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Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training
/.. •
,ata -pproach 9n f+nctional testing0 OR67HRM 87RS9O :.# ; M< 9*O MO=L7 will contain pre-loa,e, test ,ata an, w!ic! is +se, for testing activities.
Scope an Levels of Testing
(!nctional Test P*RPOS3: *+nctional testing will 2e performe, to c!ec3 t!e f+nctions of application. T!e f+nctional testing is carrie, o+t 25 fee,ing t!e inp+t an, vali,ates t!e o+tp+t from t!e application. Scope: T!e 2elow e@cel s!eet ,etails a2o+t t!e scope of *+nctional test. oteE T!e scope is !ig! level ,+e to c!anges in t!e re+irement. To 3eep t!e ,oc+ment easil5 fragmente, an, categorie,0 t!e scope !as 2een em2e,,e, as separate ,oc+ment. 9f 5o+ prefer 5o+ can insert a ta2le !ere itself. T!e scope is create, 2ase, on t!e Test scenarios t!at were i,entie, in t!e previo+s article.
*+nctional Testing Scope.@ls@
T3ST3RSE Testing Team. M3THO,E T!e test will 2e performe, accor,ing to *+nctional scripts0 w!ic! are store, in HP LM. T0M0N4E after 7@plorator5 test is complete,.
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Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training
T3ST -&&3PT-N&3 &R0T3R0". pprove, *+nctional Specication ,oc+ment0 =se case ,oc+ments m+st 2e availa2le prior to start of Test ,esign p!ase. $. Test cases approve, an, signe,-o1 prior to start of Test e@ec+tion :. evelopment complete,0 +nit teste, wit! pass stat+s an, res+lts s!are, to Testing team to avoi, ,+plicate ,efects '. Test environment wit! application installe,0 cong+re, an, rea,5 to +se state Sign-o1 M pprove, *+nctional Specication oc+ment M pprove, =se cases M pprove, Test cases
Rea,iness M evelopment complete, D +nit teste, M pplication ,eplo5e, an, s5stem rea,5 for testing on Test environme nt M Pro,+ction li3e ,ata is availa2le to test all f+nctionalities. M efect @es planne, 2ase, on efect triage (=nit Testing) an, ev al+ation criteria
T3ST ,3L0)3R-=L3S
S.N o. ".
,elivera"le Name
Test Plan
Test Lea,
*+nctional Test 4ases
Test Team
Logging efects in HP LM
Test Team
ail5%wee3l5 stat+s report
Test 4los+re report
Test Team% Lea, Test Lea,
Reviewer Project Manager% /+siness nal5stGs /+siness nal5stGs Sign o1 Test Lea,% Programming Lea,(8ija5) Test Test Lea,% Project Manager Project Manager
M0L3STON3 L0ST T!e milestone list is tentative an, ma5 c!ange ,+e to 2elow reasons a) n5 iss+es in t!e S5stem environment rea,iness 2) n5 c!ange in scope%a,,ition in scope c) n5 ot!er ,epen,enc5 t!at impacts e1orts an, timelines
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Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training
Testing generall5 is not carrie, o+t in one c5cle. /ase, on t!e testing scope0 we can estimate !ow m+c! time it ta3es an, esta2lis! t!e time lines as 5o+ can see in t!e 2elow em2e,,e, e@cel s!eet.
(*RT 7@ec+tion 45cle.@ls@
*ser -cceptance Test >*-T? P*RPOS3E t!is test foc+ses on vali,ating t!e 2+siness logic. 9t allows t!e en, +sers to complete one nal review of t!e s5stem prior to ,eplo5ment. T3ST3RSE t!e =T is performe, 25 t!e en, +sers (L"0 L$ an, L:). M3THO,E Since t!e 2+siness +sers are t!e most in,icate, to provi,e inp+t aro+n, 2+siness nee,s an, !ow t!e s5stem a,apts to t!em0 it ma5 !appen t!at t!e +sers ,o some vali,ation not containe, in t!e scripts. Test team write t!e =T test cases 2ase, on t!e inp+ts from 7n, +ser (L"0L$ an, L: +sers) an, /+siness nal5stGs. T0M0N4E fter all ot!er levels of testing (7@plorator5 an, *+nctional) are ,one. Onl5 after t!is test is complete, t!e pro,+ct can 2e release, to pro,+ction. T3ST ,3L0)3R-=L3S
S.N o. ".
,elivera"le Name =T Test 4ases
-!thor Test Team
Reviewer /+siness nal5stGs Sign o1
Test 3+ort 3stimate T!is ,oc+ment lists o+t all t!e activities t!at !ave to 2e performe, 25 t!e J team an, estimates !ow man5 man-!o+rs eac! activit5 is going to ta3e.
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Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training
ewN(etaile, (R*T Test estimate v".@ls@
2. Note: this estimate is for the TCOE team only Testing Sc!e,+le
6. 3A3&*T0ON STR-T345 /./B. •
3ntr# an 3
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Test Team
Techni cal Team
Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training
Test 4los+re Memo complete, an, signe, o1 Test environment clean+p complete, an, a new 2ac3 +p of t!e environment
Test cles T!ere will 2e two c5cles for f+nctional testing. 7ac! c5cle will e@ec+te all t!e scripts . o T!e o2jective of t!e rst c5cle is to i,entif5 an5 2loc3ing0 critical ,efects0 an, most of t!e !ig! ,efects. 9t is e@pecte, to +se some wor3-aro+n, in or,er to get to all t!e scripts. T!e o2jective of t!e secon, c5cle is to i,entif5 remaining !ig! an, o me,i+m ,efects0 remove t!e wor3-aro+n, from t!e rst c5cle0 correct gaps in t!e scripts an, o2tain performance res+lts. =T test will consist of one c5cle. o
/./1. •
)aliation an ,efect Management 9t is e@pecte, t!at t!e testers e@ec+te all t!e scripts in eac! of t!e c5cles ,escri2e, a2ove. However it is recognie, t!at t!e testers co+l, also ,o a,,itional testing if t!e5 i,entif5 a possi2le gap in t!e scripts. T!is is especiall5 relevant in t!e secon, c5cle0 w!en t!e /+siness anal5stGs join t!e T4O7 in t!e e@ec+tion of t!e test0 since t!e /=S97SS L
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Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training
efects fo+n, ,+ring t!e Testing will 2e categorie, accor,ing to t!e 2+greporting tool Merc+r5 HP LM an, t!e categories areE
Severit# " (4ritical)
$ (Hig!)
: (Me,i+m)
' (Low) &(4osmetic)
0mpact T!is 2+g is critical eno+g! to cras! t!e s5stem0 ca+se le corr+ption0 or ca+se potential ,ata loss 9t ca+ses an a2normal ret+rn to t!e operating s5stem (cras! or a s5stem fail+re message appears). 9t ca+ses t!e application to !ang an, re+ires re-2ooting t!e s5stem. 9t ca+ses a lac3 of vital program f+nctionalit5 wit! wor3aro+n,. T!is /+g will ,egra,e t!e +alit5 of t!e S5stem. However t!ere is an intelligent wor3aro+n, for ac!ieving t!e ,esire, f+nctionalit5 - for e@ample t!ro+g! anot!er screen. T!is 2+g prevents ot!er areas of t!e pro,+ct from 2eing teste,. However ot!er areas can 2e in,epen,entl5 teste,. T!ere is an ins+Kcient or +nclear error message0 w!ic! !as minim+m impact on pro,+ct +se. T!ere is an ins+Kcient or +nclear error message t!at !as no impact on pro,+ct +se.
Test Metrics
Test metrics to meas+re t!e progress an, level of s+ccess of t!e test will 2e ,evelope, an, s!are, wit! t!e project manager for approval. T!e 2elow are some of t!e metrics
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Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training Report Test preparati on D 7@ec+tio n Stat+s ail5 e@ec+tio n
,escription To report on Q complete0 Q9P0 Q Pass0 Q *ail
(reD!enc# ee3l5 % ail5 (optional)
efects severit5 wise Stat+s ; Open0 close,0 an5 ot!er Stat+s To report on Pass0 *ail0 Total ,efects0 !ig!lig!t S!owstopper% 4ritical ,efects
stat+s Project ee3l5 Stat+s report
Project ,riven reporting (s re+este, 25 PM)
,efect trac'ing C Reporting
*ollowing owc!art ,epicts efect Trac3ing ProcessE
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ee3l5 ; 9f project team nee,s wee3l5 +p,ate apart from ,ail5 an, t!ere is template availa2le wit! project team to +se.
Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training
Tester: Report efects
Test Lea )aliate efects
Tester: ,ev Lea ,eveloper: -ssign efects (i
-ppr ove E 5es &lose efect
7. T3ST M-N-43M3NT PRO&3SS /./7. Test Management Tool HP pplication Lifec5cle Management is t!e tool +se, for Test Management. ll testing artifacts s+c! as Test cases0 test res+lts are +p,ate, in t!e HP pplication Lifec5cle Management (LM) tool. •
Project specic fol,er str+ct+re will 2e create, in HP LM to manage t!e stat+s of t!is *RT project. 7ac! reso+rce in t!e Testing team will 2e provi,e, wit! Rea,%rite access to a,,%mo,if5 Test cases in HP LM. +ring t!e Test esign p!ase0 all test cases are written ,irectl5 into HP LM. n5 c!ange to t!e test case will 2e ,irectl5 +p,ate, in t!e HP LM. 7ac! Tester will ,irectl5 access t!eir respective assigne, test cases an, +p,ate t!e stat+s of eac! e@ec+te, step in HP LM ,irectl5. n5 ,efect enco+ntere, will 2e raise, in HP LM lin3ing to t!e partic+lar Test case%test step. +ring efect @ testing0 ,efects are re-assigne, 2ac3 to t!e tester to verif5 t!e ,efect @. T!e tester veries t!e ,efect @ an, +p,ates t!e stat+s ,irectl5 in HP LM. 8ario+s reports can 2e generate, from HP LM to provi,e stat+s of Test e@ec+tion. *or e@ample0 Stat+s report of Test cases e@ec+te,0 Passe,0 *aile,0 o. of open ,efects0 Severit5 wise ,efects etc.
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Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training
/./9. Test ,esign Process
=n,erstan,i ng Re+iremen ts
7sta2lis!ing Tracea2ilit5 Matri@ in HP LM
Preparation of Test cases
SM7 %Peer Review of Test cases
9ncorporatin g Review comments in test cases
T!e tester will +n,erstan, eac! re+irement an, prepare correspon,ing test case to ens+re all re+irements are covere,. 7ac! Test case will 2e mappe, to =se cases to Re+irements as part of Tracea2ilit5 matri@. 7ac! of t!e Test cases will +n,ergo review 25 t!e /=S97SS L
/./. Test 3
7@ec+te eac! of t!e test step in test case
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Mar3 Stat+s as Pass%*ail in HP LM
Raise ,efects for t!e faile, test cases in HP LM
Sen, t!e ,ail5 stat+s report to Test Lea,
Participate in efect Triage c5cle an, e@plain t!e ,efects
4omplete t!e test e@ec+tion of all t!e test cases
Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training •
• •
• •
Once all Test cases are approve, an, t!e test environment is rea,5 for testing0 tester will start a e@plorator5 test of t!e application to ens+re t!e application is sta2le for testing. 7ac! Tester is assigne, Test cases ,irectl5 in HP LM. Testers to ens+re necessar5 access to t!e testing environment0 HP LM for +p,ating test stat+s an, raise ,efects. 9f an5 iss+es0 will 2e escalate, to t!e Test Lea, an, in t+rn to t!e Project Manager as escalation. 9f an5 s!owstopper ,+ring e@plorator5 testing will 2e escalate, to t!e respective ,evelopment SPO4s for @es. 7ac! tester performs step 25 step e@ec+tion an, +p,ates t!e e@ec+tions stat+s. T!e tester enters Pass or *ail Stat+s for eac! of t!e step ,irectl5 in HP LM. Tester will prepare a R+n c!art wit! ,a5-wise e@ec+tion ,etails 9f an5 fail+res0 ,efect will 2e raise, as per severit5 g+i,elines in HP LM tool ,etailing steps to sim+late along wit! screens!ots if appropriate. ail5 Test e@ec+tion stat+s as well as efect stat+s will 2e reporte, to all sta3e!ol,ers. Testing team will participate in ,efect triage meetings in or,er to ens+re all test cases are e@ec+te, wit! eit!er pass%fail categor5. 9f t!ere are an5 ,efects t!at are not part of steps 2+t co+l, 2e o+tsi,e t!e test steps0 s+c! ,efects nee, to 2e capt+re, in HP LM an, map it against t!e test case level or at t!e specic step t!at iss+e was enco+ntere, after conrming wit! Test Lea,. T!is process is repeate, +ntil all test cases are e@ec+te, f+ll5 wit! Pass%*ail stat+s. +ring t!e s+2se+ent c5cle0 an5 ,efects @e, applie, will 2e teste, an, res+lts will 2e +p,ate, in HP LM ,+ring t!e c5cle.
s per Process0 nal sign-o1 or project completion process will 2e followe,
Test Ris's an Mitigation (actors
S&H3,*L3 Testing sc!e,+le is tig!t. 9f t!e start of t!e testing is ,ela5e, ,+e to ,esign tas3s0 t!e test cannot 2e e@ten,e, 2e5on, t!e =T sc!e,+le, start ,ate.
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Mitigation Plan •
T!e testing team can control t!e preparation tas3s (in a,vance) an, t!e earl5 comm+nication wit! involve, parties. Some 2+1er !as 2een a,,e, to t!e sc!e,+le for contingencies0 alt!o+g! not as m+c! as 2est practices a,vise.
Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training
R3SO*R&3S ot eno+g! reso+rces0 reso+rces on 2oar,ing too late (process ta3es aro+n, "& ,a5s. ,3(3&TS efects are fo+n, at a late stage of t!e c5cle or at a late c5cleF ,efects ,iscovere, late are most li3el5 2e ,+e to +nclear specications an, are time cons+ming to resolve.
S&OP3 Scope completel5 ,ene,
Me,i+ m
Me,i+ m
Holi,a5s an, vacation !ave 2een estimate, an, 2+ilt into t!e sc!e,+leF ,eviations from t!e estimation co+l, ,erive in ,ela5s in t!e testing.
Me,i+ m
Me,i+ m
Me,i+ m
Me,i+ m
Me,i+ m
ela5e, Testing +e To new 9ss+es
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Mitigation Plan
efect management plan is in place to ens+re prompt comm+nication an, @ing of iss+es.
at+ral ,isasters
on-availa2ilit5 of 9n,epen,ent Test environment an, accessi2ilit5
Scope is well ,ene, 2+t t!e c!anges are in t!e f+nctionalit5 are not 5et nalie, or 3eep on c!anging. Teams an, responsi2ilities !ave 2een sprea, to two ,i1erent geograp!ic areas. 9n a catastrop!ic event in one of t!e areas0 t!ere will reso+rces in t!e ot!er areas nee,e, to contin+e (alt!o+g! at a slower pace) t!e testing activities. +e to non availa2ilit5 of t!e environment0 t!e sc!e,+le gets impacte, an, will lea, to ,ela5e, start of Test e@ec+tion. +ring testing0 t!ere is a goo, c!ance t!at some new ,efects ma5 2e i,entie, an, ma5 2ecome an iss+e t!at will ta3e time to resolve. T!ere are ,efects t!at can 2e raise, ,+ring testing 2eca+se of +nclear ,oc+ment specication. T!ese ,efects can 5iel, to an iss+e t!at will nee, time to 2e resolve,. 9f t!ese iss+es 2ecome
Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training
Mitigation Plan
s!owstoppers0 it will greatl5 impact on t!e overall project sc!e,+le. 9f new ,efects are ,iscovere,0 t!e ,efect management an, iss+e management proce,+res are in place to imme,iatel5 provi,e a resol+tion.
&omm!nications Plan an Team Roster
Role 3
T!e following list ,enes in general terms t!e e@pectations relate, to t!e roles ,irectl5 involve, in t!e management0 planning or e@ec+tion of t!e test for t!e project. SNB.
Project Manager
Test Lea,
/+siness nal5st
evelopment Lea,
Testing Team
evelopment Team
Tec!nical Lea,
&ontact 0nfo
/./@./. Project Management •
Project ManagerE reviews t!e content of t!e Test Plan0 Test Strateg5 an, Test 7stimates signs o1 on it.
/./@.1. Test Planning >Test Lea? • •
• • •
7ns+re entrance criteria are +se, as inp+t 2efore start t!e e@ec+tion. evelop test plan an, t!e g+i,elines to create test con,itions0 test cases0 e@pecte, res+lts an, e@ec+tion scripts. Provi,e g+i,elines on !ow to manage ,efects. tten, stat+s meetings in person or via t!e conference call line. 4omm+nicate to t!e test team an5 c!anges t!at nee, to 2e ma,e to t!e test ,elivera2les or application an, w!en t!e5 will 2e complete,.
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Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training • •
Provi,e on premise or telecomm+te s+pport. Provi,e f+nctional (/+siness nal5sts) an, tec!nical team to test team personnel (if nee,e,).
/./@.2. Test Team •
• •
/./@.6. • • •
evelop test con,itions0 test cases0 e@pecte, res+lts0 an, e@ec+tion scripts. Perform e@ec+tion an, vali,ation. 9,entif50 ,oc+ment an, prioritie ,efects accor,ing to t!e g+i,ance provi,e, 25 t!e Test lea,. Re-test after software mo,ications !ave 2een ma,e accor,ing to t!e sc!e,+le. Prepare testing metrics an, provi,e reg+lar stat+s.
Test Lea c3nowle,ge t!e completion of a section wit!in a c5cle. 6ive t!e O to start ne@t level of testing. *acilitate ,efect comm+nications 2etween testing team an, tec!nical % ,evelopment team.
/./@.7. ,evelopment Team •
• •
Review testing ,elivera2les (test plan0 cases0 scripts0 e@pecte, res+lts0 etc.) an, provi,e timel5 fee,2ac3. ssist in t!e vali,ation of res+lts (if re+este,). S+pport t!e ,evelopment an, testing processes 2eing +se, to s+pport t!e project. 4ertif5 correct components !ave 2een ,elivere, to t!e test environment at t!e points specie, in t!e testing sc!e,+le. eep project team an, lea,ers!ip informe, of potential software ,eliver5 ,ate slips 2ase, on t!e c+rrent sc!e,+le. ene processes%tools to facilitate t!e initial an, ongoing migration of components. 4on,+ct rst line investigation into e@ec+tion ,iscrepancies an, assist test e@ec+tors in creation of acc+rate ,efects. 9mplement @es to ,efects accor,ing to sc!e,+le.
9. T3ST 3N)0RONM3NT ORANGEHR VERS!ON "#0 $ % !N&O OD'(E)* *erver* will +e h,*ted at .,any)* *ite# RANGEHR VERS!ON "#0 $ % !N&O OD'(E will +e h,*ted ,n tw, *erver* One t, h,*t the a.tal we+*ite and 3lanae5 .,de6 and the ,ther t, h,*t the 3data+a*e nae5 data+a*e#
&ompan# conential Page "B
Sample Test Plan – OrangeHRM Live Project Training
win,ows environment wit! !nternet E7l,rer 86 9 and 106 and with &iref,7 2:#06 a* well a* G,,le ;hr,e "2#0 and later *h,ld +e availa+le t, ea.h te*ter#
. -PPRO)-LS T!e ames an, Titles of all persons w!o m+st approve t!is plan.
Signat!re: Name: Role: ,ate:
Signat!re: Name: Role: ,ate:
Note: This is a sample test plan create on real time software testing live project F training con!cte "# on following page: $% &lic' here for Software Testing (ree Training on a Live Project
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