1 . W hat t est est det erm ined th e crushing crushing strength of aggregates aggregates to en sure th at coarse agg aggregates regates w ill not deg degrade rade to smaller smaller ones. a. Abrasion b . Grading c. Density d . Plasticity Test 2 . A one-lane one-lane road, with a pavement w idth of 3.5m and shoulder shoulder w idth of 0 .5m on each each side of the pavem ent w as designed designed to have sub-base sub-base and base base coarse coarse w ith a com bined t hickness hickness of 300mm . if th e th icknes icknesss of the sub-base ub-base is 125m 125m m, t he spreading spreading and compaction of the subbase and and base coarse coarse shall be carried o ut in:. a. 3 layers over the fu ll width of 4.5m b . 2 layers over the fu ll width of 4.5m c. 3 layers over the fu ll width of 3.5m d . 2 layers over th e full wid th o f 3.5m 3 . W eak eakened ened joints on concrete concrete pavement should be sawed a. Imm ediately ediately after the pavement surface has been broo m s finis finished b . Saw ing of joins shall com com m erce as soon soon as the concrete h as hardened suff iciently, usually usually wit hin 24 h ours. c. Before the pavements opened to traffic usually usually 14 days days from th e day of pouring. 4 . W hat dept h of w eakened eakened joint should at all tim es not b e less less than a. 5 0 m m b. 60mm c. 7 0 m m d. 75mm 5 . Cores are taken taken fro m a concrete concrete pavement and t ested ested fo r a. Str ength verification o f concrete in place that is considered considered adequate . b . Flexural lexural strength determ ination c. Cement cont ent determ ination d . Thickness dete rm ination 6 . In accepting accepting com pleted concrete pavement poured by lanes thickness thickness determination shall come out b y obtaining one core core from every a. 100 meters b . 200 meters c. 500 meters d . 1000 meters 7 . If the strength of Item 311 control speci specimens mens does not meet the requ irem irem ents by not mo re than 25% and and it is not f eas easible ible to o btain cores from the structure du e to structural consideration. consideration. a. The strength of in-plane concrete concrete w ill be determ ined by rebound a hammer.
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b . Pave avem m ent of concrete w ill ill be m ade at an adjusted price c. No pavement w ill be m ade on th e concrete concrete represented represented by f ailed ailed specimens specimens d . The contractor w ill ill be requ ired ired t o rem ove and replace replace the concrete represented represented by t he failed specim specim ens at his own expense. The flexure stren stren gth requirem ents of Item Item 311 is a. 500 psi b . 550 psi c. 3000 psi d . 3500 psi The num ber of sets of beam test specimens specimens that should be t ake akenn from 200 sq.m sq.m o f concrete concrete pavements, 0.23cm 0.23cm t hick poured on a single single day should should b e: a. 2 b. 3 c. 6 d. 9 Thr ee cores cores taken from a pavement section pou red on a single day were t ested ested t o have strength as follow follow s: Core 1 3650 2 3000 86% of 3500 psi 3 2450 70% of 3500 psi (fail – 75%) Average 3033 87% of 3500 psi If the requ ired strength is 3500 psi concrete are represent represent ed by th e cores a. M aybe acce accept pt ed, subject subject t o p rice adjustment adjustment b . Is considered adequat e c. In considered considered inadequat e d . M aybe recorded recorded at the initiative of the implem enting office office Form s for concrete pavement shall shall remain in p lace lace undisturbed for not less less than a. 24 hours after concrete pouring b . The curing per iod c. The period r equired to attain t he design design str str eng ength th d . 72 hours after concrete pouring
Encircl ncirclee your answer in eac eachh it em. If you w is ishh t o change an an answer, draw an X on your firs firstt ans answ w er and encircle enci rcle your new ans answer: wer: 1 . The bitum inous material comm only used used in item 310 is a. Asphalt emu lsion lsion b . Asphalt cement c. Liquid asphalt asphalt d . Cu tb ack aspha aspha lt
2 . Item 3 10 m ixture shall shall have an an in dex of retained strength of not less less than a. 66 b . 70 c. 97 d . 10 7 3 . Final Compaction Compaction and sm oothing of Item 310 should be done b y a a. Pneumatic-tired roller b . Sheepsfoot roller c. Vibratory roller d . Tandem smoot h w heel roller roller 4 . Item 310 m ixture shall shall be delivered delivered to the paver at a tem perature not less less than o a. 66 C b . 97 o C c. 10 7 o C d . 11 0 o C 5 . In the asphaltin asphaltin g of a tw o lane, 500m ( for every 100meters) 100meters) road w hich lasted lasted fo r t hree days, days, how many core samples samples should b e taken from t he pavement if no samp samp le was taken at th e end of each day’s operat ion? a. 3 b. 5 c. 6 d . 10 6 . W hich hich of th e following provisions provisions is is nnot ot included included in th e job m ix formula a. M ixing ixing time time b . Grading aggregates c. Asphalt cement d . Temperature at d elivery elivery 7 . A bit um inous mix subjected subjected t o im m ersion-c ersion-com om pression pression t est est yielded yielded a dry stability stability o f 2.0 kg. and w et stability of 1.5kg. The index of retain ed stren stren gth of th e mix is a. 0 .5 b . 1.33 c. 33 d . 0.75 8 . In item 310, bitu m en cont ent, expressed expressed in t erm s of percentage by mass of aggregate, aggregate, shall shall be a. 3 to 5% b . 4 to 7% c. 5 to 8% d . 6 to 8% 9 . In the asphalting asphalting of a 3-meter wide, 200 m eter long road lane, lane, a core was obtained and tested to have a thicknes thicknesss of 5cm 5cm . And a density density of 2.25 2.25 gm/ cm^ 3. The The quantity o f bit um inous mix to be paid, in t ones, is a. 65.5
b . 6 7 .5 .5 2 0 0* 0 * t * Gs G s= 2 0 0 * 5 * 2 .2 .2 5 = 6 7 .5 .5 c. 65 5 d . 67 5 10 . Aft er final rolling, the comp acted asphalt asphalt pav ement sha shallll have a density equal to, or greater than ------% ------% of t he laborato ry comp acted acted density. a. 90 b . 95 c. 97 d . 98 Encircle your answer in each it em. If you w is ishh t o change an an answer , draw an X on your firs firstt answ er and encircle enci rcle your new ans answer: wer: 1 . The pH value of w ater t hat is acceptable acceptable for u se in concrete m ix is a. 2.0 to 3.1 b . 3.2 to 4.4 c. 4.5 to 8.5 d . 8.6 to 10.0 2 . How m any measurement measurement s are needed needed fo r t hicknes hicknesss determination o f concrete cores? cores? a. 4 b. 6 c. 8 d. 9 3 . W hat is the strength o f load bearing hollow b locks? locks? a. 600 psi b . 700 psi c. 800 psi d . 1000 p si 4 . What is the single single factor factor that d etermines the strength strength o f concrete? a. Slump b . W ater-cement ater-cement ratio c. Cement factor d . Gradat Gradat ion of aggregates aggregates 5 . W hat is the curve formed on a maxim maxim um d ry density density and and opt imum moisture cont cont ent graph? graph? a. Parabola b . Hyperbola c. Straight line d . None of th e above above 6 . The m inim um testing apparatus requiremen ts are necess necessary ary for _______ contracto rs. a. Small b. Medium c. Large
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d . All of the above W hich of th e follow ing is accepted accepted fo r concret concret e wit h fc’ at 28 days of 3500 psi? a. 3275 p si; 3020 p si; 2630 p si ( 2915 – 85%) 85%) b . 2640 p si; 31010; 3030 p si (3892 (3892 – 82%) 82%) c. 3030 p si; 2790 p si; 2599 p si ( 3806 – 80%) 80%) d . 3300 p si; 3330 p si; 2620 p si ( 3082 – 88.80%) 88.80%) In a desig designn m ix, t he specific specific gravity gravity of Port land cement m ust be. a. 3.05 b . 3.10 c. 3.15 d . 6.10 The rate of ap plication of p rim e coat coat b efore asphalt overlaying is 2 a. 0.2 to 0.7 L/m b . 0.8 to 0.9 L/m 2 c. 1.0 to 2.0 L/m 2 d . 2.1 to 2.5 L/m 2 The m ost comm only used used m ethod in the des desig ignn and evaluation of b itum inous concrete concrete mixes a. Design mix b . M arshall arshall stability c. Index of retained retained strength strength d . Immersion/Compression test W hich of th e follow ing penetrat ion grade of asphalt asphalt is used used in cold cold climat e? a. 120/50 b . 85/100 c. 6 0 / 7 0 d. 40/50 If sea sea water is use usedd in concrete m ix, what will be th e effect on t he hardened concrete concrete pavement? a. Strength is affected b . Scaling at surface c. Cracks at th e side d . St eel bars w ill rust The job m ix formula contain th e follow ing provisions provisions exce except pt a. Grading of agg aggregates regates b . Temperatu re of agg aggregates regates and asphalt c. Index of retained retained strength strength value value d . Type Type o f asphalt and per centage Scaling caling of new ly constructed constructed concrete pavement is an an evidence evidence of inadequate inadequate q uality uality control m ainly ainly due t o high high a. Fineness modu les b . Slump c. Fine aggregates content
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d . Wat er cement cement ratio The grade grade d esignat esignat ion o f a r einforcing steel bars is also also it s a. Nom inal area area b . Yield stren gth c. Tensile strength d . Unit mass W hich hich o f t he follow ing is not an engineering engineering property o f granular granular soils soils? a. Good load bearing qualities b . Drain readily c. Suscept uscept ible to strength o r volum e change change due to change in water con tent d . Com paratively incomp ressi ressible ble due t o static load Peat is an examp le of a. Inorganic soil b . Organic soi soi l c. Selected bor row d . Emb ankment m aterial aterial W hich hich o f t he follow ing is an engineering engineering property of fine grained grained soil? a. Hard to d rain rain b . Susceptible usceptible to volum e cchange hange under vibratory load, load, if n ot adequately comp comp acted acted c. Stable w hen subjected to load d . Sett lemen t is high The dividing size size b etw een coarse and fin e aggregates aggregates used used in asphalting is a. No.4 b . No.8 (2.35mm (2.35mm ) c. No. 16 d . No. 30 The ob jective jective of desig designing th e as asphalt phalt m ixture is determ ination o f a. Index of retained retained strength strength b . Penetration grade of asphalt asphalt c. Temperature emperature o f m ix d . Production contr ol The sample o f rein forcing steel bars for e very 10,000kgs shall be a. 1 m eter long long b . 2 m eters long c. 4 m eters long d . 6 m eters long Given : Specific Specific gravit y = 2.305 (as (asphalt phalt m ix specim specim en en)) W et com pressive pressive stren stren gth = 1000 kPa (wet/d ry) * 100 Dry com pressive pressive strength = 1400 kPa kPa Wh at is the index of retained strength strength value? value?
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a. 70.1% b . 71.4% c. 40 % d . 140% The variation of t olerance of th e sur sur face from t he testing edge of t he straight straight edge in contact with the surface of asphalt asphalt pavement is a. +/- 2 mm b . +/- 4 mm c. +/-6 mm d . -5 mm The specific irregularity t olerance for it em 2 01 is a. 5 m m b . 10 mm c. 15 mm d . 20 mm The depth of the w eakene eakenedd plane joint joint w ith a w idth of 6 mm is a. 40 mm b . 45 mm c. 50 mm d . 60 mm W hich hich of th e following is not t he job for a m aterials aterials engineer? engineer? a. Subm its sam sam ples for testing b . Prepares design design m ix c. Checks job m ix form ula d . Surveys and m eas easures ures line and grade at site site The pro per w ay of sam sam pling of aggregate aggregate base base course in th e laboratory if t he splitter is not available is to a. Scoop fo r samp samp les in th e m iddle of th e sack sack b . Spread th e samples samples on the ground and take the sam sam ples in th e midd le c. Spread the samples on the ground and d ivide the samp samp les into four t ake two opposite opposite parts from it . d . Scoop fo r samples at th e side of th e sack sack Given: Given: Original w eight eight of samp le, g ______5000, ______5000, Sample Sample re tained on No. 12 sieve, g _____ 4178. Wh at is th e abrasion abrasion loss? loss? a. 16.42% b . 16.44% c. 19.67% d . 19.75%