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We at 'Apex Institute' are committed to provide our students best quality education with ethics. Moving in this direction, we have decided that unlike other expensive and 5star facility type…Full description
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Questions Bank for Molecular Biology Answer SheetFull description
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This book includes Multiple Choice Questions along with their answers as well as tutorials on each of the questions. The topics covered are: 1. Eukaryotic Gene Expression 2. Nucleic Acids 3. Rec...Full description
This book includes Multiple Choice Questions along with their answers as well as tutorials on each of the questions. The topics covered are: 1. Eukaryotic Gene Expression 2. Nucleic Acids …Full description
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Title Title: Size Analysis of Recombinant Plasmids Isolated by a Rapid Miniprep Procedure confirm biochemically that the transformants created in experiment 10 contain Aim: To confirm plasmid DA! and that plasmid size is consistent "ith "ith that expected! "hich is determined by a#arose #el electrophoresis$ Abstract: The completion of a series of fe" simple steps resulted in the isolation of plasmid
DA from cellular proteins! proteins! lipids! and plasmid DA$ The %Rapid Miniprep& method bein# the procedure of choice employed$'It "as chosen because plasmid DA needed to be isolated from the cell and this method is a (uic) and *ery efficient one$ +ntry "as made into the bacterial cell usin# lysozyme after "hich the cell contents ,proteins! lipids- "ere dissol*ed usin# SDS and plasmid DA denatured usin# a./$ urther treatment "ith ammonium acetate! isopropanol! ethanol and a solution of TRIS/23! p/4$0! 1 mM +DTA! +DTA! 10u#5ml Rase resulted in the isolation of plasmid DA$'After completion of the experiment an electrophoretic dia#ram "as obtained that pro*ed that the plasmid "as not isolated successfully$ /ence! the experiment can be considered unsuccessful on the experimenter6s part$Therefore! reference "as made to another sample$ 7hen a plasmid is isolated and an electrophoretic anal ysis is carried out *arious topolo#ical forms of DA is obser*ed8 they are the supercoiled! linear and nic)ed5relaxed conformations$ T"o T"o topolo#ical forms "ere obser*ed for the sample sa mple ,linear and supercoiled-8 only a supercoiled conformation of the recombinant reco mbinant ,pTrc99A cys:- "as obser*ed "hereas both linear and supercoiled topolo#ies of the *ector ,pTrc99A- "ere obser*ed$ The *ector has an expected size of ;1<=bp and an actual size of approximately '>00bp "hereas the recombinant had an expected size of <9<4bp and an actual size of o*er 10000bp$'Therefore! it is (uite e*ident that the plasmid extracted "as the *ector $
Introduction : The minipreparation is a simple! ho"e*er! efficient method of isolatin# plasmid DA from the cell$ It utilizes *arious chemicals at each step in the procedure to obtain a desired result$ The first step in the procedure in*ol*ed theuse of #lucose and the chemicals Tris /23 and +DTA$ +DTA$ ?lucose acts to maintain osmotic pressure and the Tris buffers the cell at a p/ of 4$0$ +DTA binds to di*alent metal cations in the lipid bilayer! "hich "ea)ens the cell en*elope$1The next chemicals that are used are a./ and SDS$ ao/ causes cell lysis "hereas SDS deter#ent dissol*es the lipid components of the cell membrane and cellular proteins$ Sodium hydroxide also denatures both the chromosomal andplasmid DA into sin#le strands8 the t"o strands of intact plasmid DA remainintert"ined$ Ammonium Ammonium acetate is then added to brin# the p/ to neutrality and the DA strands can renature$ The lar#e chromosomal strands strands cannot rehybridize perfectly thou#h! ho"e*er! instead they become a partiallyhybridized tan#le$ Ammonium acetate precipitates the SDS ,"ith its lipids and proteins- from the solution$ The SDS5lipid5protein precipitate traps the tan#led chromosomal DA$1This creates the %"hite #oop& that pellets ha*e after centrifu#ation$1 .nly the plasmid DA! small fra#ments of chromosomal
DA and RA remain in solution$ Isopropanol "hich is added next rapidly precipitates nucleic acids$ /o"e*er! if allo"ed to sit for lon#er! proteins "ill also precipitate$ The DA is then "ashed "ith ethanol$ An ethanol "ash helps remo*e salts and any remainin# SDS as these can interfere "ith a restriction di#est$ The final step in the procedure "hich is to suspend the DA into Tris/23 and +DTA is done because Tris buffers the DA solution$ 1 +DTA binds di*alent cations ,especially M#@@ ions- that are a needed cofactor for bacterial nucleases and thus limits DA de#radation$ After isolation of the plasmid occurs it is analyzed by #el electrophoresis$ A#arose #el electrophoresis is a method of separatin# DA fra#ments based on size and bein# able to *ie" them$>This techni(ue is based on the )no"led#e that DA is ne#ati*ely char#ed at neutral p/ to its phosphate bac)bone$ :ecause of this fact "hen an electric potential is placed on the DA it "ill mi#rate to"ards the positi*e pole$ It is also used to #i*e the sizes of DA fra#ments after the procedure is complete$>
Method: As seen in +xperiments in Molecular :iolo#y :iochemical Applications! Pa#es 1'<1'9$ 2han#es made to the procedure 1$ In step 9 the sample "as centrifu#ed for 10mins instead of Bmins and at room temperature instead of in the cold room$ >$ In step 1B the DA pellets "ere suspended in >0ul of Tris/23 instead of B0ul$
Discussion Plasmids are circularized strands of DA found in a bacterial cell that is separate from the chromosomal DA that is present and replicates independently of the hostCs chromosomal DA$ A recombinant plasmid is a plasmid that has been clea*ed at a specific site and a DA se(uence is introduced into the clea*a#e site to form a recombinant plasmid5dna$Plasmids can be easily isolated from the bacterial cell usin# a method such as the %Rapid Miniprep& procedure$ In order to be sure that successful isolation of the plasmid DA "as accomplished the plasmid "as run on an electrophoretic #el$ After runnin# the plasmid on the #el an electrophoreto#ram "as obtained$ This indicated "hether or not any plasmid "as isolated and if so the size and topolo#ical forms of the plasmid$Thus!it #i*es an indication of "hether or not the experiment "as successful$
There are three topolo#ical forms of DA! namelysupercoiled! nic)ed and linear$ These three topolo#ies are of different sizes and accounts for "hy one fra#ment of the DA tra*els further than the other$ The supercoiled DA is the fastest mo*in# topolo#ical form of dna of the uncut plasmid$ The supercoiled DA has a *ery compact structure and for this reason is the fastest mo*in# conformation in the #el$ This is because the a#arose #el is of a matrix form hence the dna has to mo*e throu#h the matrix$ or this reason it is safe to say that the band that tra*elled the farthest "as the supercoiled conformation$ Another conformation of DA is the nic)ed ,relaxedconformation$ This may occur "hen topoisomerase nic) on strand of the DA helix so that DA polymerase has access to DA for replication$ .nce this happen the super helical tension relaxes and ti#htly"ound ball becomes a floppy circle$ A nic) may also occur durin# the isolation of the plasmid because of mechanical shearin# of the DA$ or this reason the nic)ed circle is the slo"est conformation of uncut DA$ The last conformation of DA is linear DA "hich is produced "hen a restriction enzyme cuts a plasmid only at one site$ It can also occur because of endonuclease contamination of the isolated plasmid! or because of mild treatment$ The linear DA "ill run bet"een the supercoiled and nic)ed conformations on a # el ,possibly closer to the supercoiled band-$ .n obser*ation of the electrophoreto#ram obtained it is (uite e*ident that t"o bands "ere obtained$ /o"e*er! the t"o bands obtained "ere *er y faint in colour$ Also they barely mo*ed do"n the #el$ Thus! it is (uite ob*ious that this result cannot be usedbecause it "as not done properly8 a *ariety of reasons may be the cause of this result obtained$ It may ha*e to do "ith the concentration of dna loaded$ An insufficient (uantity of the concentration of the dna bein# loaded on the #el mi#ht ha*e been the cause$; Increasin# the amount of dna or ensurin# that the correct *olume of dna "as ta)en up mi#ht sol*e this problem$ Another reason is that the dna mi#ht ha*e been de#raded by nucleases$; More care should be ta)en "hen carryin# out the experiment to a*oid contamination of the dna ,a*oid touchin# e*erythin# that contact is made "ith-$ Smearin# of the dna "as (uite e*ident on the electrophoreto#ram obtained$ arious factors may cause smearin# to occur$ It may be because too much dna "as loaded on the #el$ Decreasin# the amount of DA used mi#ht sol*e this problem$;A#ain! it may be that the DA has been de#raded by nucleases$ Another reason that causes smearin# to occur is that of contamination due to protein$; This problem can be sol*ed by ensurin# that after addin# isopropanol the solution is not allo"ed to stay for too lon#er before mo*in# on to the next step as this "ill also cause precipitation of the protein to occur$ The fact that the result obtained "as unsuccessful meant that reference had to be made to a successful one$ Therefore! reference "as made to lane A4 sample :$ In this lane t"o topolo#ical forms of DA "ere obser*ed8 they "ere supercoiled and linear$ In order to determine "hich plasmid "as obtained! the size of this plasmid "as compared to the size of the *ector ,pTrc99Aand recombinant plasmid ,pTrcp99A topAcys:-$.nly one form of the recombinant "as clearly *isiblethis "as considered to be of the linear topolo#ical form based on the distance mo*ed$ /o"e*er! there "ere t"o *isible topolo#ical forms of the *ector e*en thou#h three bands "ere
seen$ The bands "ere of the linear and supercoiled form$ The one ,*ector or reco mbinant- that most closely matches in size to the sample meansthat it "as that plasmid that "as obtained$ The expected size of the *ector "as ;1<=bp and that of the recombinant plasmid "as <9<4bp'$ /o"e*er! these "ere not the experimental sizes obtained$ The size obtained for the *ector "as approximately '>00bp and that for the recombinant "as abo*e a little abo*e the 10)b ladder$ The fact that the expected size of the *ector "as ;1<=bp and the size obtained "as '>00bp means that the plasmid mi#ht ha*e been smaller than one thou#ht and so "ould mo*e a #reater distance do"n the #el in its supercoiled conformation than one "ould expect$ /o"e*er! on the other hand! for the recombinant "ith an expected *alue of <9<4bp and an experimental *alue #reater than 10000bp means that the plasmid did not mo*e as far do"n the #el as one "ould expect$ or the sample that "as run also! an approximate size of ''00bp "as obtained$ :ased on all the sizes obtained it is (uite e*ident that the plasmid obtained is the *ectorpTrc99A ,'>00bp *s$ ''00bp-$ 3imitations that may ha*e aroused in this experiment may include
References 1$ http55"""$pps)$usm$my5lecturers5mra*i5PDEIles5Plasmidextraction>00>$pdf Date of retrie*al >;5095>01' >$ http55faculty$plattsbur#h$edu5donald$slish5+lectrophoresis$html Date of retrie*al >;50951' '$ Fachary $ :urton$ ,199<-$+xperiments in Molecular :iolo#y :iochemical Application! Size of pTrc99A and pTrc99A cys: pa#es ;4 and 1; '$ +xperiment 1>A pa#es 1'<1'9$
;$ http55bio$classes$ucsc$edu5bio>035info5content5molbio>5molbio15troub$htm Date of retrie*al >;50951'
Guestions 1$ Did you obtain recombinants of pTrc99A containin# the topA #eneH 7hat e*idence do you ha*e to support your conclusionH o recombinants of pTrc99A containin# the topA #ene "ere obtained$ irst of all because no bands "ere obtained on the electrophoreto#ram and the sample that "as referred to! althou#h ha*in# DA fra#ments of different topolo#ies8 none of the topolo#ies matched the recombinant plasmid in size$ They "ere instead of similar size to the *ector8 it "as therefore! concluded that no recombinants of pTrc99A containin# the topA #ene "as obtained$
>$ Do the transformants of 31:lue all contain the topAcys: fra#ment in pTrc99AH The transformants of 31:lue did not all contain the topAcys: fra#ment in pTrc99A because the fra#ments obtained "eren6t ali#ned "ith the control$ If the fra#ments had the #ene then they "ould be of similar size to that of the control and "ould ha*e mo*ed similar distances on the #el$ /ence it is safe to say that the 31:lue transformants did not ha*e the topAcys: fra#ment in pTrc99A$
I "ill ma)e a #uess that you are as)in# about the restriction enzyme buffer$ Ta)e one step bac)$ 7hen e*aluatin# DA! it is common to use a restriction endonuclease "hich ma)es *ery specific cuts alon# specific palindromic se(uences on the DA$ The restriction di#ested DA is then subJect to #el electrophoresis$ The restriction endonucleases are enzymes and li)e all enzymes has an optimum temperature and salt concentration at "hich they "or)$ Restriction enzyme buffers ha*e the appropriate salts and sometimes include essential cofactors that allo" the enzyme to function$ If you "erenCt to use the appropriate buffer! chances are the enzyme didnCt "or)! the DA didnCt cut appropriately and your conclusions about the DA you use "ill be "ron#$
7hen "or)in# "ith DA samples! youCll often need to di#est them "ith restriction enzymes! meanin# youCll add restriction enzymes to ma)e cuts in the DA$ The )ind of restriction enzymes youCll typically use are type II restriction enzymes! "hich ma)e cuts at specific sites$ These restriction enzymes "ill be added to#ether "ith a restriction buffer! "hich contains in#redients that ensure the restriction enzyme "ill "or) properly$