Page 1 of 15 Directions Directions for Numbers s 1- 73 :Read each of the following multiple-choice multiple-choice items and the possible answers carefully. Mark the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet or as instructed by your teacher. REMEMBER: MAKE NO MARKS ON THIS TEST.
What is the correct FRONT view in the figure below?
If a cylinder is cut as illustrated below, the RIGHT SIDE view will contain a/an: A Circle. B Ellipse. C Rectangle. D Triangle.
What is the correct FRONT view in the figure below?
Which is the correct TOP view in the figure below?
Page 2 of 15
Which statement is MOST accurate concerning missing lines in the views?
Which is the correct RIGHT SIDE view of the figure below?
A Lines are missing in the top view. B
Lines are missing in the front view.
C Lines are missing in the front and right side views. D All three views are complete (no lines missing).
8 6
What is the correct FRONT view in the figure below?
Dimension “A” in the TOP VIEW is the: A Altitude. B Side to side. C Bottom to top. D Front to back.
Page 3 of 15
According to its position, view X in the illustration below is the:
In the figure below, the edge view of surface
12 “A” will appear TRUE LENGTH in the:
A Front.
A Top view.
B Left side.
B Right side view.
C Right side.
C Front view.
D Top.
D All views.
In the figure below, the edge view of surface 10 “A” will appear TRUE LENGTH in the:
What is the correct RIGHT SIDE view of the
13 figure below?
A Bottom view. B Front view. C Right side view. D Top view.
In orthographic projection, lines are formed by
Hidden edges are indicated by: A Alternate, long and then short, dash lines. B Thick, dark, solid lines. C Two short dashes followed by one long dash. D Uniform
1 8
" long dashes.
14 projecting edges of the object onto planes. The
images formed on the planes are called: A Views. B Sides. C Points. D Tangencies.
Page 4 of 15 What is the correct TOP view in the figure
15 below?
What is the MINIMUM number of views 18 necessary to describe the three dimensions of the object below? A One view B Two views C Three views D Four views
What is the correct FRONT view of the figure
What is the correct TOP view of the figure 16 below?
19 below?
20 drawing CENTER lines?
A “Throw backward at an angle of 45° and draw.” B “Throw forward at an angle of 45° and draw.” C “Throw forward at right angles and draw.” D “Rotate the object at 45° to the picture plane.”
Which of the following is the BEST example of
Page 5 of 15 In the figure below, surface “A” will appear
A All of the customary views. B None of the customary views. C The front view only. D The top view only.
What type of line must be drawn between points
24 A & B to complete the LEFT SIDE view of the
figure below? A Center B Hidden C Section D Visible
What is the correct TOP view in the figure
What is the correct RIGHT SIDE view in the 22 figure below?
25 below?
What is INCORRECT about describing an 23 object?
26 below?
A Some objects can be described with only two views. B Some objects can be described with only one view. C The most descriptive view is typically the top view. D Use only the number of views necessary to describe the object.
Which is the correct FRONT view of the figure
Page 6 of 15 Where is the HIDDEN LINE drawn 27 INCORRECTLY in the figure below?
What is the correct RIGHT SIDE view in the
28 figure below?
The object shown below is composed of: A Normal surfaces only. B Normal and inclined surfaces. C Inclined and oblique surfaces. D Normal and oblique surfaces.
Which is the correct TOP view of the figure
30 below?
What is the correct TOP view in the figure
31 below?
ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION is a 32 system that allows you to make: A Three-dimensional drawings of a twodimensional object. B Two-dimensional drawings of a twodimensional object. C Two-dimensional drawings of a threedimensional object. D Three-dimensional drawings of a threedimensional object.
Page 7 of 15 The PRECEDENCE OF LINES tells us that if 33 a visible line and a hidden line coincide (occupy
A fast and accurate method of constructing the
37 side view once the top and front views are
the same position on the drawing), we should:
established is by using a:
A Draw only the hidden line.
A Hidden line.
B Draw only the visible line.
B Miter line.
C Draw the hidden line just above the visible line.
C Width line. D Metered line.
D Replace them with a phantom line.
The PRECEDENCE OF LINES tells us that if 34 a visible line and a center line coincide (occupy the same position on the drawing), we should: A Draw only the center line. B Draw only the visible line. C Draw the center line just above the visible line. D Replace them with a phantom line.
IN MOST CASES, you can completely 38 describe the shape and size of an object by
drawing: A One view. B Two views. C Four views. D Two or three views.
When making a multiview drawing of an object,
39 you need to draw:
When a surface ALWAYS appears as a 35 FORESHORTENED SURFACE (never as a line) on the six regular planes of projection it is classified as:
A Only as many views as are needed to describe the shape. B Three views.
A Inclined.
C Two views.
B Normal.
D Six views.
C Sloping. D Oblique.
According to the correct arrangement of views,
36 the BACK VIEW would be placed adjacent to
When making a three-view drawing, all of the
40 following methods can be used to transfer depth measurements EXCEPT:
A A miter line.
B Dividers.
A Top view.
C A scale.
B Left side view.
D Straight line projection.
C Right side view. D Bottom view.
Page 8 of 15 When a CURVED SURFACE is TANGENT 41 to a PLANE SURFACE:
The face of the object that has the most
46 descriptive feature(s) should be the:
A No line should be shown where they join.
A Back.
B An edge is formed where they join.
B Front.
C A curved line is produced.
C Right side.
D The curved surface will appear as a hidden line.
D Top.
The most often used combination of views
OBJECT/VISIBLE lines are indicated by: A Alternate, long ( 34 " to 1 12 " ) and then short
( 161 " to
1 32
" ) dashed lines.
47 includes the:
A Top, front, and right side. B Top, front, and left side.
B Thick, solid lines.
C Top, front, right side, left side, and back.
C Thin, solid lines.
D Top and right side.
D Uniform
1 8
" dashes. The number of ORTHOGRAPHIC views 48 provided by the planes of a box is:
Which is a CENTER LINE?
A 1. B 3. C 6. D 9.
When making an orthographic drawing, the
49 THICKEST lines should be the:
In a FRONT VIEW, the distance across an 44 object, from one side to other side, is the: A Altitude. B Width. C Height. D Depth.
A Center lines. B Visible (object) lines. C Extension lines. D Hidden lines.
The FRONT TO BACK dimension of an 50 object is known as the:
A MITER LINE is drawn at an angle of:
A Altitude.
A 30º.
B Depth.
B 45º.
C Height.
C 60º.
D Width.
D 90º.
Page 9 of 15 Surfaces and edges that CANNOT be seen from 51 the outside of the object are identified by:
Surfaces or edges that CANNOT be seen in the
56 views are drawn with:
A Hidden lines.
A Centerlines.
B Invisible lines.
B Visible/Object lines.
C Opaque lines.
C Hidden lines.
D Unseen lines.
D No lines.
Another term for ORTHOGRAPHIC
52 DRAWING is:
Orthographic projection involves the use of
57 three planes. They are:
A Isometric drawing.
A Vertical (frontal), profile, and level.
B Oblique drawing.
B Horizontal, vertical (frontal), and profile.
C Multiview drawing.
C Horizontal, profile, and level.
D Perspective.
D Straight, level, and inclined.
Drawings of objects with very little thickness 53 (like an erasing shield) require:
The distance from the BOTTOM of an object to 58 the TOP of the object is:
A One view.
A Circumference.
B Two views.
B Width.
C Three views.
C Height.
D Four views.
D Depth.
In the term “ORTHOGRAPHIC 54 PROJECTION,” the “GRAPHIC” refers to:
How many views should be drawn if the object's
59 thickness is given in a note?
A To throw.
A One
B Forward.
B Two
C Written or drawn.
C Three
D At right angles.
D Six
On a technical drawing, a plane is an imaginary
55 flat surface that has:
In an orthographic drawing, a circular surface
60 may NOT appear as a/an:
A No thickness.
A Ellipse.
B Height and width.
B Circle.
C Depth and height.
C Straight line.
D Very little thickness.
D Parabola.
Page 10 of 15 A line at an angle of less than 90° to a plane of
61 projection will appear as a:
The FRONT view consists of: A Depth and height.
A Point.
B Width and depth.
B True length line.
C Height and circumference.
C Curved line.
D Width and height.
D Foreshortened line.
When a surface slants away from a plane of
A Depth and height.
62 projection, it appears as a:
B Width and depth.
A Foreshortened surface.
C Height and circumference.
B Foreshortened line.
D Width and height.
C Normal surface. D True-shaped surface. 68 63
B Width and depth. C Height and circumference.
B Angle, height, and depth
D Width and height.
C Height, width, and depth D Angle, depth, and radius 69
B Frontal plane.
A Depth and height.
C Vertical plane.
Width and depth.
D Profile plane.
C Height and circumference. D Width and height. 70 65
The REAR view consists of: A Height and depth. B
Width and height.
C Height and length. D Width and length.
The RIGHT SIDE view is taken from the: A Horizontal plane.
The LEFT SIDE view consists of:
The TOP view consists of: A Depth and height.
What three dimensions do all objects have? A Height, width, and radius
The RIGHT SIDE view consists of:
CENTER lines should be: A Thick. B Medium thick. C Thin. D Very thin, very light.
Page 11 of 15
HIDDEN lines should be: A Thick. B Medium thick. C Thin. D Very thin, light lines.
The TOP VIEW is normally placed above the: A Right side. B Front. C Left side. D Back.
When two surfaces intersect they form a: A Line. B Point. C Solid. D Surface.
When a surface ALWAYS appears as a 74 FORESHORTENED SURFACE (never as a line) on the six, regular planes of projection it is classified as what type of surface? A Inclined B Normal C Sloping D Oblique
The slot in Figure D1005.02.02 above is hidden
75 in the:
A Front view. B Top view. C Left side view. D Bottom view.
Page 12 of 15 Directions for Numbers s 76- 98 :Read each of the following multiple-choice items and the possible answers carefully. Mark the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet or as instructed by your teacher. REMEMBER: MAKE NO MARKS ON THIS TEST. What type of surface is EFG in Figure
79 D1005.02.04 above?
A Frontal B Horizontal C Inclined D Profile
What type of surface is GHJ in Figure
80 D1005.02.04 above?
Figure D1005.02.04
A Frontal B Horizontal
How will surface ADEG in Figure 76 D1005.02.04 above appear in the RIGHT SIDE view?
C Inclined D Profile
A True size and shape B As an edge C Foreshortened D Skewed
What type of surface is CJL in Figure
81 D1005.02.04 above?
A Frontal B Horizontal C Inclined
What type of surface is ABCG in Figure
77 D1005.02.04 above?
D Profile
A Frontal B Horizontal C Inclined D Profile
What type of surface is FHLK in Figure
82 D1005.02.04 above?
A Frontal B Horizontal C Inclined
What type of surface is ADEG in Figure
78 D1005.02.04 above?
A Frontal B Horizontal C Inclined D Profile
D Profile
Page 13 of 15 What type of surface is HJL in Figure
83 D1005.02.04 above?
A Frontal B Horizontal C Inclined D Profile
What type of surface is CJG in Figure
84 D1005.02.04 above?
Figure D1005.02.02
A Frontal B Horizontal C Inclined D Oblique
How will surface ADEG in Figure 85 D1005.02.04 above appear in the TOP view?
The hole in Figure D1005.02.02 above is 88 visible in the: A Bottom view. B Front view. C Left side view. D Right side view.
A True size and shape B As an edge C Foreshortened D Skewed
How will surface HJL in Figure D1005.02.04 86 above appear in the BACK view?
The slot in Figure D1005.02.02 above is visible
89 in the:
A Bottom view. B Rear view. C Left side view. D Right side view.
A True size and shape B As an edge C Foreshortened D Skewed
How will surface HJL in Figure D1005.02.04 87 above appear in the RIGHT SIDE view? A True size and shape B As an edge C Foreshortened D Skewed
The hole in Figure D1005.02.02 above is 90 hidden in the: A Front view. B Left side view. C Rear view. D Pictorial view.
Page 14 of 15
Line F in the figure above is a/an: A Visible (Object) line. B Square line. C Center line. D Hidden line.
Figure D1005.01.01
Line AB in the figure above is a/an: A Square line. B Miter line. C Isometric line. Figure D1005.02.01
D Perpendicular line.
Line CD in the figure above is a/an: A Isometric line. B Center line. C Hidden line. D Visible line.
Line E in the figure above is a/an: A Center line.
Which line in the figure above is parallel to the
95 DEPTH of the object?
Which line is parallel to the HEIGHT of the
96 object shown above?
B Visible line.
C Square line.
D Hidden line.
Page 15 of 15
Figure D1005.02.03
Which is the FRONTAL surface in Figure 97 D1005.02.03 above? A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5
Which is the PROFILE surface in Figure 98 D1005.02.03 above? A 2 B 3 C 4 D 5