JUL 2013 Tuesday
(Blog Masters Note: According to Frank Austin England III this should be printed on the back side of your birth certificate. I have had several people ask. This Bond assumes you have already filed your UCC-1 Financial Statement, so please do. ) (For Frank ‘Austin’ England III)
NON-NEGOTIABLE UNLIMITED PRIVATE BOND FOR SET-OFF Issued by: «ManFullName «ManFullName», », Principal c/o temporary mailing location: U. S. P. O. Postmaster «ManStreetAddress» «ManCityState» non domestic without the United States Beneficiary: Timothy Timothy F. Geithner, Geithner, U.S. Trustee d/b/a d/b/a Secretary of the Treasury Department of the Treasury
c/o 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W. Washington, D.C. 20220
NON-NEGOTIABLE UNLIMITED PRIVATE BOND FOR SET-OFF In accordance with H.J.R. 192, 05 June 1933, Chapter 48, 48 Stat. 112 In the matter of: Certificate of Live Birth No.«BCNumber», No.«BCNumber», Accepted for Value and Exempt from Levy For deposit to the Departm Department ent of the Treasury For further credit to: «StrawmanAlt «StrawmanAlt2», 2», «SocSec» The undersigned «ManFullName» «ManFullName» (“Principal”), a living Christian man in rerum natura, herewith accepts for value the enclosed bond, Certificate of Live Birth No. «BCNumber» and all endorsements endorseme nts front and back in accord with Public Law found at Chapter 48, 48 Stat. 112, Public Policy found at House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933, and the Uniform Commercial Code, the Principal being the sole authorized acceptor of the said bond, contributor of value thereto, and contributing beneficiary thereof.
Please deposit this bond to an account bearing the Registered Mail No. «BCBondRegMailNo» for future identification purposes, purposes, to be used for setoff of any and all bills, taxes, liabilities and claims (i) against «ManFirstName» «ManMiddleName» «ManMiddleName» «ManLastName» «ManLastName» as listed on Certificate of Live Birth, No. «BCNumber» a/k/a «StrawmanAlt1», «StrawmanAlt1», (ii) against the Principal’s debtor: «StrawmanFullName» a/k/a «StrawmanAlt1» «StrawmanAl t1» a/k/a «StrawmanAlt2» a/k/a any and all similar alphanumeric derivatives («SocSec»; File No. «UCCFileNoPre «UCCFileNoPresentState»; sentState»; «DateofUCCPresentState «DateofUCCPresentState», », annexed hereto), or (iii) against any of the Principal’s various debtors or beneficiaries, beneficiaries, the said claims to be identified by the Principal’s acceptance for value and endorsement noted thereon.. Please transfer all assets from the Principal’s previous such accounts bearing the Registered Mail Numbers RR ___________ US (Date) and RR ___________ US (________) to the said account No.
«BCBondRegMailNo».. Please (i) adjust any and all such bills, taxes, claims and liabilities to a zero (-0-) ending balance or ending balance favorable to the Principal; (ii) charge, settle and close any such account, and (iii) return all interest to the Principal via «StrawmanFullName» («SocSec») in care of the above location. Respondent shall have thirty (30) days from the date of verified receipt of this Bond to perform or dishonor this Bond by returning it with all attachments to the Principal at the above-noted location by non domestic post. Failure to so return shall constitute Respondent’s acceptance of and performance on all terms and provisions herein.. This Bond shall be posted as an asset to the benefit of the United States Department of the Treasury and shall expire upon expiration of the Principal..
We, the undersigned witnesses, do hereby solemnly attest to the authenticity of the foregoing signatures and seals on this the ______________ day of _____________________ in the Year of Our Lord Two Thousand and ____________. ________________________ ________________________ ________________________________ _______ Signature Print
________________________ ________________________ ________________________________ _______ Signature Print
Accepted for value by drawee ________________________ «ManFullName»
Exemption ID. No. «EIN» This is an issue of currency for cause. Deposit to the U.S. Treasury and credit to the Account of and benefit of «StrawmanFullName» ID No. «SocSec»