Initial &'affi in ea) *i'etion on o$nting +ea' Const'$tion #e'io* sine last t'affi o$nt Design ife of #avement to be onsi*e'e* Design C2R of s$bg'a*e soil to be em#lo+e* &'affi g'owt) 'ate e)ile *amage fato' as #e' axle loa* s$'ve+ ane Dist'ib$tion fato' Di'etional Dist'ib$tion
, , , , , , , ,
884 15 .! 4.! - .! 5 -.5-
Initial &'affi in ea) *i'etion in t)e +ea' of om#letion of onst'$tion ,P(1:'"x 6)e'e7 P, N$me' of omme'ial ve)iles as #e' last o$nt ', nn$al g'owt) 'ate of omme'ial ve)iles x,Const$tion #e'o* sine last t'affi o$nt , 88- -.5- x (1:.!/1--"4, (1:.!/1--"4,
5!1.5 C/*a+
C$m$lative n$mbe' of stan*a'* axle to be a''ie* *$'ing *$'ing *esign life in msa 35 x ;(1:'"n 1< N,
x xDxF '
, D, F, n, ',
Initial t'affi in in t)e +ea' of o om#letion of o onst'$tion ane *ist'ib *ist'ib$tion $tion fato' e)ile e)ile *amage *amage fato' fato' Design Design life life in +ea' +ea'ss nn$al nn$al g'owt g'owt)) 'ate
N, 35=((1:.!/1--">151"=5!1.5=-.!5=4.!/(.!/1--"/1-----35=((1:.!/1--">151"=5!1.5=-.!5=4.!/(.!/1--"/1-----N, 18.3!1-9-3 msa , 18 ?a+ - msa Pavement t)i@ness an* om#osition (Refe' IRC3!7--17 Fig. an* Plate" &otal Pavement t)i@ness fo' &'affi - msa an* C2R of , , 4- mm Aoweve' t)e t)i@ness of t)e *'ainage la+e' )as been in'ese* f 'om -.m to -.3m. &)i@ness of t)e om#onent la+e's #'o#ose* a'e % P'ovisions ma*e to t)e a+e's B &)@.
2C, 2C, -.-4 -.-4-- m D2, D2, -.-9 -.-9-- m 6 1st 1st a+e' a+e', , -.15 -.15 m 6 n* n* a+e' a+e', , -.15 -.15 m ?2 1st a+e a+e', ', -.15-.15- m ?2 (D'ainage a+e'", -.15- m
C C /*a+ 0ea's 0e 0ea's 0e
-.8- m
P?I log1- 4. 1.5 : .3= log1- (R" 8.-!
og1- Ns , H'=?o:9.3 =log1- (?N : 1" -. : -.4 :
1-94 (?N :1" 5.19
6)e'e7 Ns
P'e*ite* n$mbe' of 18 Ji#s (8.1 &" e$ivalent single axle loa* a#liations.
?tan*a'* no'mal *eviate
Combine* stan*a'* e''o' of t)e t'affi #'e*ition an* #e'fo'mane #'e*ition
Dffe'ene between t)e initial *esign se'vieabilit+ in*ex an* t)e te'minal
Resilient mo*$l$s (#si"
?t'$t$'al n$mbe' in*iative of t)e total #avement/t)i@ness 'e$i'e* I.e.
a1D1 : aDm : a3D3m3
.. ("
6)e'e7 a17 a B a3 a'e t)e la+e' oeffiients of s$'fae o$'se7 b ase o$'se an* s$bbase o$'se 'es#etivel+ D17 D B D3 (in)es" a'e t)ei' 'es#etive t)i@nesses. m B m3 a'e t)e *'ainage oeffiients of base an* s$bbase 'es#etivel+.
&)e in#$t #a'amete's selete* an* $se* in t)e *esign a'e as follows%
ve'age val$e of la+e' oeffiient fo' mate'ials selete* a'e % Dense'a*e* bit$mino$s on'ete s$'fae o$'se , C'$s)e* ?tone / 6 base o$'se , ?an*+g'avel s$bbase o$'se , &)e *'ainage oeffiients fo' 2ase m , &)e *'ainage oeffiients fo' ?$bbase m3 a" Ns b" C2R " Reliabilit+ (R" ?o *" e"
H' P?I
-.44 -.14 -.11 1
, , , ,
-.9 - msa 9-
, ,
1.8 1.!
Fo' C2R val$e of 7 R (#si" is wo'@e* o$t f'om t)e following e$ation % R (#si",15-- C2R o'
R (#si", 15-- ,
9--- #si
og1- Ns
Fo' ?N, 5.154 H'=?o 9.3 =log1- (?N : 1" -.
, ,
-.5!9 !.185141
log1-(P?I/(4.1.5""/(-.4:(1-94/(?N:1"5.19"" , .3= log1- (R" 8.-!
-.4119144 , 1.1-384 &otal, !.3-1548
Fo' Ns , - msa an* $sing ?A&E *esign e$ation7 t)e val$e of ?N 'e$i'e* )as been al$late* as 5.154. &)e *esign t)i@nesses a'e wo'@e* o$t f'om e$ation. ?N, -.44 x(2C:D2 t)i@ness in in)" : -.14 x 1 x(6 t)i@ness in in)" :-.11 x -.9 x (?2 t)i@ness in in)" ?N, -.44x (-.-4:-.115"/-.-54 : -.14x1x (-.15:-.15"/-.-54 : -.11 x-.9x (-.15:-.15"/-.-54 , 5.15 > Safe 5.3
P'ovisions ma*e to t)e a+e's B &)@.
2C, -.-4- m D2, -.115 m 6 1st a+e', -.15 m 6 n* a+e', -.15 m ?2 1st a+e', -.15- m ?2 (D'ainage a+e'", -.15- m &otal,
-.!-5 m
?N nee*e* , ?N 'e$i'e* ?N exit Fo' al$lating t)e st'$t$'al n$mbe' of existing #avement base* on *efletion vol$me7 t)e following e$ations 'eommen*e* in ADIII mo*el *o$ment.
?N exist , ?N 22D ?N ? ?N 22D , 3. x (22D"-.3
..(Fo' 'an$la' 2ase"
?N ? , 3.51x og1-(C2R" -.85 x (og1-(C2R" " 1.43 6)e'e7 ?N exist , ?t'$t$'al n$mbe' of t)e existing #avement ?N 22D , o*ifie* st'$t$'al n$mbe' ont'ib$te* ?N ? , ?t'$t$'al n$mbe' of t)e s$bg'a*e C2R, ?$bg'a*e C2R 22D, 2en@elman 2eam Defletion $n*e' 8.1 & xle oa* &a@ing mean of mean of 22D val$es to be 1.83 mm In#$t *ata 'e$i'e* Dense'a*e* bit$mino$s on'ete s$'fae o$'se C'$s)e* ?tone / 6 base o$'se &)e *'ainage oeffiients fo' 2ase m &)e *'ainage oeffiients fo' ?$bbase m3 a" 22D (8- of max al$e" b" Ns " C2R *" Reliabilit+ (R" ?o e" f" g"
H' P?I
, ,
-.44 -.14
, , , , ,
-.9 1.83 mm - msa .-- 9-
, ,
1.8 1.!
?N 22D , 3. x (1.83"-.3 , .19 ?N ? , 3.51x og1-(C2R" -.85 x (og1-(C2R" " 1.43 , .!31 1.33 1.43, -.- (&)$s7 t)e #avement )as little 'esi*$al st'engt) left" ?N exist , .19 -.,
?N 'e$i'e* , &)is will be al$late* b+ ?A&E e$ation as follows
Fo' C2R val$e of 7 R (#si" is wo'@e* o$t f'om t)e following e$ation % R (#si",15-- C2R
R (#si", 15-- ,
9--- #si
Cal$lations fo' *esign t)i@nesses of new flexible #avements A?,
og1- Ns
?N 'e$i'e* , 5.154 H'=?o 9.3 =log1- (?N : 1" -.
, ,
-.5!! !.18!
log1-(P?I/(4.1.5""/(-.4:(1-94/(?N:1"5.19"" , .3= log1- (R" 8.-! , &otal,
-.41 1.1-4 !.3-
?N nee*e* , ?N 'e$i'e* ?N exit , .9! Fo' Ns , - msa an* $sing ?A&E *esign e$ation7 t)e val$e of ?N 'e$i'e* )as been al$late* as 5.154. &)e *esign t)i@nesses a'e wo'@e* o$t f'om e$ation. ?N, -.38 (2C:D2 t)i@ness in in)" : -.14 (6 t)i@ness in in)" ?N, -.44x (-.-4:-.135"/-.-54 : -.14x1x (-:-"/-.-54 , > Safe
P'ovisions ma*e to t)e a+e's B &)@.
2C, -.-4- m D2, -.135 m 6 1st a+e', -.--- m 6 n* a+e', -.--- m &otal,
-.1!5 m
G$ivalent &)i@ness fo' D2
-.-85 m -.-!5 m
In#$t *ata 'e$i'e* Dense'a*e* bit$mino$s on'ete s$'fae o$'se 6 Eve'la+ Gxisting 2it$meno$s C'$st la+e' Gxisting 62 la+e's &)e *'ainage oeffiients fo' 2ase m
&)e *'ainage oeffiients fo' ?$bbase m3 b" Ns " C2R *" Reliabilit+ (R" ?o e" f" g"
H' P?I
, ,
-.44 -.14 -.19 -.11
, , , ,
-.9 - msa .-- 9-
, ,
1.8 1.!
Gxisting 2it. C'$st, -.1- m Gxisting 62 , -.!5 m ?N exist , -.19(Gxt. 2it. t)i@ness in in)":-.11(Gxt. 2it.62 t)i@ness in in)" .-9 ?N 'e$i'e* , &)is will be al$late* b+ ?A&E e$ation as follows Fo' C2R val$e of 7 R (#si" is wo'@e* o$t f'om t)e following e$ation % R (#si",15-- C2R o'
R (#si", 15-- ,
9--- #si
Cal$lations fo' *esign t)i@nesses of new flexible #avements A?,
og1- Ns ?N 'e$i'e* , 5.154 H'=?o 9.3 =log1- (?N : 1" -.
, ,
-.5!! !.18!
log1-(P?I/(4.1.5""/(-.4:(1-94/(?N:1"5.19"" , .3= log1- (R" 8.-! , &otal,
?N nee*e* , ?N 'e$i'e* ?N exit,
-.41 1.1-4 !.3-
Fo' Ns , - msa an* $sing ?A&E *esign e$ation7 t)e val$e of ?N 'e$i'e* )as been al$late* as 5.154. &)e *esign t)i@nesses a'e wo'@e* o$t f'om e$ation. ?N, -.44 (2C:D2 t)i@ness in in)" :-.14 (6 t)i@ness in in)" ?N, -.44x (-.-4:-.14"/-.-54 : -.14x1x (-:-"/-.-54 , > Safe
P'ovisions ma*e to t)e a+e's B &)@.
2C, -.-4- m D2, -.14- m 6 1st a+e', -.--- m 6 n* a+e', -.--- m
G$ivalent &)i@ness fo' D2
-.-9- m -.-!5 m
-.18- m
Design C2R of s$bg'a*e soil
o*$l$s of s$bg'a*e soil 'eation
4.5 @g/m3 (F'om &able"
P'ovi*e *'+ lean Cement/D'+ lean ementfl+as) on'ete on'ete as s$bbase of t)i@ness
15- mm
o*ifie* mo*$l$s of 'eation on t)e s$bbase7 @
Design flex$'al st'engt) of on'ete at 8 *a+s in t)e fiel*
4- @g/m
Design flex$'al st'engt) of on'ete ta@ent at 9- *a+s
45 @g/m
o*$l$s of elastiit+ of on'ete (G" PoissonMs 'atio (m"
, ,
3.--G:-5 @g/m -.15
Coeffiient of t)e'mal ex#ansion of on'ete (a"
1-.-G / -C
N$mbe' of omme'ial ve)iles in bot) *i'etions/*a+ &'affi g'owt) 'ate #e' an$m
, ,
&+#e #'ess$'e7 (#" oa* safet+ fato' (?F" fo' maKo' Aig)wa+s No. of lanes ane wi*t) Cont'ation Loint ?#aing Fato' fo' *i'etional *ist'ib$tion Fato' fo' lane *is'ib$tion e)ile *amage fato' as #e' axle loa* s$'ve+ Pe'ent t'$@ t'affi of t)e omme'ial ve)iles (as #e' t'affi s$'ve+" No. of t'$@s #e' *a+ ( axles7 3 axles7 m$lti axles t'$@s" Design ife of #avement to be onsi*e'e* Const$tion #e'o* sine last t'affi o$nt
, , , , , , , , , , , ,
,P(1:'"x 6)e'e7 P, N$me' of omme'ial ve)iles as #e' last ont ', nn$al g'owt) 'ate of omme'ial ve)iles x,Const$tion #e'o* sine last t'affi o$nt , ! (1:.!/1--"4, 995 C/*a+
35 x ;(1:'"n 1< N, 6)e'e7
x xDxF ' , Initial t'affi in t)e +ea' of om#letion of onst'$tion D, ane *ist'ib$tion fato' F, Di'etional *ist'ib$tion fato' n, Design life in +ea's ', nn$al g'owt) 'ate N, 35 x ((1:.! / 1--">3-1" x 995 x -.5 x -.!5 / (.! / 1--" 13319
4.5 @g/m3 (F'om &able4"
88- C/*a+ .! #e'ent 8 @g/m 1. 3.5 m 4.5 m -.5 -.!5 4.! 8! ! 3- +ea's 4 +ea's
, 1 millions
1 3 5 ! 9 11 13 15 1! 19 1 3
13 4! 18 5 15 1 -
-.--- 3.1!1 11.43 4.8!8 4.39- 1.- 3.59 -.44 -.--- -.--- -.--- -.---
-.-G:!81.4G:3 .8G: 1.G: 1.1G: 3--.5G:3 9-1.G:3 -.1G:3 -.-G:-.-G:-.-G:-.-G:-
1 -
4 !5 114 19 1 1 -
-.--- -.--- -.488 -.9! 1!.-!3 15.854 !.8-5 4.34 .439 1.43 -.44 -.---
-.-G:-.-G:1-.G:3 4-.4G:3 4.G: 3.9G: .9G: 1.1G: -1.1G:3 3-.!G:3 -.1G:3 -.-G:-
&)e loa* st'ess fo' e*ge 'egion ( s le " fo' *iffe'ent w)eel loa*s wit) ?F , 1.7 a'e om#$te* f'om (IRC 58 --" an* a'e tab$late*. P, Design w)eel loa* in Jg. ), Pavement slab t)i@ness in m. m,Poissions 'atio fo' on'ete G,o*$l$s of elastiit+ of on'ete l , Ra*i$s of 'elative stiffness in m ,;(Gx)3"/(1 x (1 m " x J"< -.5 , !8.4b , Ra*i$s of e$ivalent *ist'ib$tion of #'ess$'e at bottom of slab in m., ;1. x a : )<-.5 -.!5 x ) b, a fo' a/)O,1.!4 a , 'a*i$s of w)eel loa* *ist'ib$tion in m (ass$me* i'$la'" , ; P / (# x #"<-.5 , -.
&)e fatig$e anal+sis )as been #e'fo'me*7 ta@ing t)e flex$'al st'engt) of on'ete e$al to 45 Jg/m fo' om#$ting st'ess 'atios. &)e 'es$lts a'e s)own in t)e table.
1 3 5 ! 9 11 13 15 1! 19 1
1. 3. 8.4 1-.8 13. 15. 18 -.4 .8 5.
1.488 3.88 !.991 9.9 11.!45 13.53 15.!9 1.98 18.49 -.85
-.-3 -.-9 -.13 -.18 -. -. -.3-.34 -.38 -.41 -.45
-.-G:- nlimite* !81.4G:3 nlimite* .8G: nlimite* 1.G: nlimite* 1.1G: nlimite* 3--.5G:3 nlimite* 9-1.G:3 nlimite* -.1G:3 nlimite* -.-G:- nlimite* -.-G:- nlimite* -.-G:- !9-!1
1 3 5 ! 9 11 13 15 1! 19 1 3
1. 3. 8.4 1-.8 13. 15. 18 -.4 .8 5. !.
-.93 1.85 .81 3.!15 4.5!1 5.39 .18 .959 !.!13 8.45 9.1! 9.881
-.- -.-4 -.- -.-8 -.1-.1 -.14 -.15 -.1! -.19 -.-.
-.-G:-.-G:1-.G:3 4-.4G:3 4.G: 3.9G: .9G: 1.1G: -1.1G:3 3-.!G:3 -.1G:3 -.-G:-
nlimite* nlimite* nlimite* nlimite* nlimite* nlimite* nlimite* nlimite* nlimite* nlimite* nlimite* nlimite* &otal, -
&em#e'at$'e *iffe'ential in 2i)a' (& " , 15.8 &em#e'at$'e st'ess ( ?te" fo' e*ge 'egion ma+ be om#$te* as $n*e' Cont'ation Koint s#aing (" /I o' 2/I,
(fo' ) ,33m"
, 4.5 m , 5.!4
2'a*be'+ oeffiient val$e C, -.9 (IRC % 58 % --" &em#e'at$'e st'ess at e*ge 'egion ( ?te" , Ga t C/ ?te , 1.33
( ?le:?te", 9.9:1.33 , 31.3 @g/m Q45 EJ
Co'ne' loa* st'ess (s ", (3xP/)"x;1 (a=s$'t("/l"1.< Fo' P , 1-.8 Jg7 ) , 33m. 1 ,!8.4 m7 a , -. m s , -.-3Design C'oss ?etion of New Rigi* Pavement &)i@ness of on'ete slab
33- mm
D C/ DFC t)i@ness as s$b base
15- mm
'an$al ?$b2ase
15- mm
D'ainage la+e (g'avel san*"
15- mm !8- mm
@g/m Q45 EJ
&)e Po'tlan* Cement ssoiation (PC" met)o* )as been $se* fo' t)i@ness *esign of new 'igi* #avement an* 'i on t)e *ist'esse* flexible #avement of t)e #'oKet 'oa*. &)is met)o* is base* on st'ess anal+sis te)ni$es *ev 6este'ga'*. in t)is met)o* of *esign7 t)i@ness of on'ete #avement is *e#en*ent $#on t)e magnit$*e an* 'e#eate* loa*s7 flex$'al st'engt) of on'ete7 an* t)e mo*$l$s of s$bg'a*e 'eation. In PC met)o*7 fo' *esign of )ig)wa+ on'ete #avements7 $se is ma*e of fatig$e )a'ate'istis of on'ete i flex$'e. 6)en #lain on'ete is s$bKete* to 'e#eate* loa*ing7 t)e n$mbe' of 'e#etitions of loa* it will s$stain *e# t)e magnit$*e of loa*. Resea') fin*ings on fatig$e be)avio$' of on'ete $n*e' 'e#eate* loa*ing )ave *emons t)e on'ete will gene'all+ s$stain an infinite n$mbe' of st'ess 'e#etitions7 as long as t)e flex$'al st'engt) of o )ig)e' st'ess val$es7 t)e on'ete will s$stain a lesse' n$mbe' of loa* 'e#etitions. &)e *ata a'e #'esente* in t st'ess 'atios an* t)ese val$es a'e $se* t o mo*if+ t)e t)i@ness *ete'mine* $sing stati loa*s.
ene'all+7 t)e 8*a+s flex$'al st'engt) of on'ete is $se* fo' t)e t)i@ness *esign of st'eet an* 'oa* on'ete # In t)is met)o*7 )oweve'7 *esigns a'e base* $#on a flex$'al st'engt) of on'ete at 9-*a+s7 t)at is ta@en a #e'ent of t)e 8*a+s st'engt).
&)is met)o* 'eommen*s t)at t)e at$al w)eel loa* t)at will be a##lie* to t)e #avement be in'ease* b+ a fato ent. &)is in'ease ao$nts fo' #ossible in'ease of loa* *$e to im#at an* a**s a fato' of safet+ to t)e *esign a &)e t'affi is atego'ie*7 fo' *esign #$'#oses7 into axle loa* g'o$#s an* st'ess fo' ass$me* t)i@ness of #av *ete'mine*. &)e allowable 'e#etitions fo' ea) loa* a'e *ete'mine* an* t)is val$e is om#a'e* to t)e estimate* loa* a##liations. 2+ a##l+ing t)e ino'Ms #'ini#le on $m$lative *amage7 t)e ons$m#tion of on'ete fatig$e lif s)all not exee* 1-- #e' ent.
&)e t+#e of t)e s$bbase $n*e' t)e 'igi* #avement )as been onsi*e'e*. 6)en ext'a *'ainage la+e' is insta on'ete #avement7 #'ovision of a ement t'eate* s$bbase s$) as lean ement on'ete of a*e$ate t) benefiial bea$se it is st'onge' t)an onve'ntional $nt'eate* g'an$la' mate'ial7 besi*es being e'osion 'esista s$bbase wo$l* also se've man+ ot)e' f$ntions % (1" ont'ol of #$m#ing (" #'ovi*es $nifo'm s$#o't (3" ont'ol of swell of t)e s$bg'a*e (4" Cont'ol of f'ost ation (5" smoot) wo'@ing #latfo'm to ex#e*ite onst'$tion In t)e ase of Kointe* #lain on'ete #avement7 *esign onsi*e'ation fo' *iffe'ent t+#es of Koints in PCC #avemen be a**'esse* fo' longte'm #e'fo'mane of on'ete #avements.
Design C2R of s$bg'a*e soil
o*$l$s of s$bg'a*e soil 'eation
4.5 @g/m3 (f'om PC C)
P'ovi*e *'+ lean Cement/D'+ lean ementfl+as) on'ete on'ete as s$bbase of t)i@ness *K$ste* soil s$##o't val$e7 C2R
, ,
15- mm 35
o*ifie* mo*$l$s of 'eation on t)e s$bbase7 @
Design flex$'al st'engt) of on'ete at 8 *a+s in t)e fiel*
4- @g/m
Design flex$'al st'engt) of on'ete ta@ent at 9- *a+s
45 @g/m
o*$l$s of elastiit+ of on'ete (G" PoissonMs 'atio (m"
, ,
3.-G:-5 @g/m -.15
Coeffiient of t)e'mal ex#ansion of on'ete (a"
1-.-G / -C
1-.385 @g/m3 (f'om PC C)
N$mbe' of omme'ial ve)iles in bot) *i'etions/*a+ &'affi g'owt) 'ate #e' an$m
, ,
&+#e #'ess$'e7 (#" oa* safet+ fato' (?F" fo' maKo' Aig)wa+s No. of lanes ane wi*t) Cont'ation Loint ?#aing Fato' fo' *i'etional *ist'ib$tion Fato' fo' lane *is'ib$tion e)ile *amage fato' as #e' axle loa* s$'ve+ Pe'ent t'$@ t'affi of t)e omme'ial ve)iles (as #e' t'affi s$'ve+" No. of t'$@s #e' *a+ ( axles7 3 axles7 m$lti axles t'$@s" Design ife of #avement to be onsi*e'e* Const$tion #e'o* sine last t'affi o$nt
, , , , , , , , , , , ,
,P(1:'"x 6)e'e7 P, N$me' of omme'ial ve)iles as #e' last ont ', nn$al g'owt) 'ate of omme'ial ve)iles x,Const$tion #e'o* sine last t'affi o$nt , ! (1:.!/1--"4, 995 C/*a+
35 x ;(1:'"n 1< N,
x xDxF '
6)e'e7 , D, F, n, ', N, , ,
-.5 1.5 .5 3.5 4.5 5.5 .5 !.5 8.5 9.5 1-.5 11.5
13 49 4 88 !19 1 1 -
Initial t'affi in t)e +ea' of om#letion of onst'$tion ane *ist'ib$tion fato' Di'etional *ist'ib$tion fato' Design life in +ea's nn$al g'owt) 'ate 35 x ((1:.! / 1--">3-1" x 995 x -.5 x -.!5 / (.! / 1--" 13319 1 millions
-.--- 3.1!1 11.951 5.854 1.43 1!.-!3 31.43 4.8!8 .439 1.43 -.44 -.---
-.-G:!81.4G:3 .9G: 1.4G: 5.3G: 4.G: !.8G: 1.G: -1.1G:3 3-.!G:3 -.1G:3 -.-G:-
88- C/*a+ .! #e'ent 8 @g/m 1. 3.5 m 4.5 m -.5 -.!5 4.! 8! ! 3- +ea's 4 +ea's
&)e loa* st'ess fo' e*ge 'egion ( s le " fo' *iffe'ent w)eel loa*s wit) ?F , 1.7 a'e om#$te* f'om t)e following e$ation (IRC 58 1988" an* a'e tab$late*. s le, (-.59xP/) " (1 : -.54m" S4xlog1-(l/b" : log1- b-. 4-48T 6)e'e7 P, Design w)eel loa* in Jg. ), Pavement slab t)i@ness in m. m,Poissions 'atio fo' on'ete G,o*$l$s of elastiit+ of on'ete l , Ra*i$s of 'elative stiffness in m ,;(Gx)3"/(1 x (1 m " x J"< -.5 ,
b , Ra*i$s of e$ivalent *ist'ib$tion of #'ess$'e at bottom of slab in m., ;1. x a : )<-.5 -.!5 x ) b, a fo' a/)O,1.!4 a , 'a*i$s of w)eel loa* *ist'ib$tion in m (ass$me* i'$la'" , ; P / (p x #"<-.5
&)e fatig$e anal+sis )as been #e'fo'me*7 ta@ing t)e flex$'al st'engt) of on'ete e$al to 45 Jg/m fo' om#$ting st'ess 'atios. &)e 'es$lts a'e s)own in t)e table.
6)eel loa* (w" &onnes (1" -.5 1.5 .5 3.5 4.5 5.5 .5 !.5 8.5 9.5 1-.5 11.5
6 x 1. (P"
&onnes (" -18-3--4-54--!8-9--1--114-1-138--
m (5" 4.898.41-.931.9314.1.11!.18.9-.151.3-.393.43-
-.148 -.5 -.331 -.39 -.444 -.491 -.534 -.5!3 -.11 -.45 -.!8 -.!1-
m (4" 11.3-1.413.5-14.515.581.581!.5518.4919.4-.331.1.-8-
G*ge loa* ?t'ess llow. Design st'ess 1e Re#t. &o 'atio 'e#etitions fatig$e (@g/m " (3" (4" (5" (" 1.38 -.-3 nlimite* -.-G:4.-3 -.-9 nlimite* !81.4G:3 .54 -.15 nlimite* .9G: 8.94 -.- nlimite* 1.4G: 11.4 -.5 nlimite* 5.3G: 13.4 -.3- nlimite* 4.G: 15. -.35 nlimite* !.8G: 1!.8 -.39 nlimite* 1.G: 19.! -.44 nlimite* -1.1G:3 1. -.48 4-!54 3-.!G:3 3.5! -.5 3334 -.1G:3 5.44 -.5! !19 -.-G:&otal
&em#e'at$'e *iffe'ential in 2i)a' (& " , 1. &em#e'at$'e st'ess ( ?te" fo' e*ge 'egion ma+ be om#$te* as $n*e' Cont'ation Koint s#aing ("
, 4.5 m /I o' 2/I,
, 4.4
2'a*be'+ oeffiient val$e C, -. (IRC % 58 % --" &em#e'at$'e st'ess at e*ge 'egion ( ?te" , Ga t C/
(fo' ) ,33m"
?te ,
15.59 @g/m ?le:?te", 11.4:15.59 , .83 @g/m Q45 EJ
Co'ne' loa* st'ess (s ", (3xP/)"x;1 (a=s$'t("/l"1.< Fo' P , 54-- Jg7 ) , 33m. 1 ,9.99 m7 a , 14. m s , 1.54-4595 @g/m Q45 EJ
Design C'oss ?etion of New Rigi* Pavement &)i@ness of on'ete slab
33- mm
D C/ DFC t)i@ness as s$b base
15- mm
'an$al ?$b2ase
15- mm
D'ainage la+e (g'avel san*"
15- mm !8- mm
i* ove'la+ elo#e* b+ n$mbe' of
'e#eate* n*s $#on t'ate* t)at 'ete. Fo' e fo'm of
avements. o$t 11.5
' of - #e' s well. ement a'e n$mbe' of gene'all+
lle* $n*e' i@ness is t. ?$) a s)'in@ an*
t )as also
Fatig$e 'esistan e $se* (" Col./Col. 15.--999 18.4194 33.4945 EJ
6i*t) of Diffe'ent a+e's
P'ovisions ma*e to t)e a+e's B &)@.
6i*t) of 2C, 8.!5- m
2C, -.-4- m
6i*t) of D2, 8.!5- m
D2, -.15 m
6i*t) of 6 1st a+e', 9.15 m
6 1st a+e', -.15 m
6i*t) of 6 n* a+e', 9.515 m
6 n* a+e', -.15 m
6i*t) of ?2 , 9.815 m
?2 , -.15- m
6i*t) of ?2 ( n* la+e' ", 11.445 m
?2 ( n* la+e' ", -.15- m &otal -.!15 m
&a@ ove' 2it$meno$s s$'fae
U Rs. .3
U Rs. 419.45
&a@ ove' P'ime* ?$'fae
U Rs. .8!
U Rs. 38-3.55
P'ime' oat ove' 6
U Rs. 18.14
U Rs. 19!.95
U Rs. 3-1.4 ?2
35-.-- m3
U Rs. 419.45
, Rs. 14593-8.--
Const'$tion of Dense 2it$mino$s aa*am as #e' Cla$se 5-! of .E.?.&. ?#eifiation. D2,1--- 8.!5 -.15 ,
U Rs. 4.3
Const'$tion of 2it$mino$s 2C,1--- 8.!5 -.-4 ,
1-93.!5 m3
U Rs. 38-3.55
, Rs. 41-133.--
P'ovi*ing ta@ oat as #e' Cla$se 5-3 of .E.?.&. ?#eifiation (I" 2elow 2C s$'fae %
1--- 8.!5,
8!5-.-- m
(I" 2elow D2 s$'fae %
1--- 8.!5,
8!5-.-- m 1!5--.-- m
U Rs. .3
, Rs. 1113--.--
8!5-.-- m
U Rs. .8!
, Rs. -113.--
(ii" Eve' #'ime* 6 % 1--- 8.!5, 4"
P'ovi*ing P'iming oat on 6 s$'fae as #e' Cla$se 5- of .E.?.&. ?#eifiation. Eve' 6..
1--- 8.!5,
8!5-.-- m
U Rs. 18.14
, Rs. 158!5.--
Const'$tion of 6 as #e' Cla$se 4- of .E.?.& ?#eifiation. Eve' 6
1--- 9.15 -.15,
1151.88 m3
Eve' .?.2.
1--- 9.515 -.15,
1189.38 m3 341.5 m3 U Rs. 19!.95
, Rs. 3-3885.--
Const'$tion of g'an$la' s$bbase as #e' Cla$se 4-1of .E.?.&. ?#eifiation. 1--- 9.815 -.15,
14!.5 m3 U Rs. 4.3 , Rs. 94553.--
Const'$tion of g'an$la' s$bbase (D'ainage la+e'" a* #e' Cla$se 4-1.1 of .E.?.&. ?#eifiation. 1--- 11.445 -.15,
1!1.!5 m3 U Rs. 4.3 , Rs. 11-548.--
6i*t) of Diffe'ent a+e's
P'ovisions ma*e to t)e a+e's B &)@.
6i*t) of PVC, 8.!5- m
U Rs. 445-.--
PVC, -.33- m
6i*t) of DC, 9.15 m
U Rs. 4!5.--
DC, -.15- m
6i*t) of ?2 , 9.515 m
?2 , -.15- m
6i*t) of ?2(D'ainage a+e' , 11.45 m
?2(D'ainage a+e' , -.15- m
6i*t) of Cement soil stablisation 11.45 m
Cement soil stablisation -.5-- m &otal, -.!8- m
Const'$tion of 4- #avement $alit+ on'ete as #e' Cla$se of .E.?.&. ?#eifiation. PVC,1--- 8.!5 -.33 ,
138.5 m3
14!.5 m3
, Rs. 341-9.--
, Rs. 913.--
, Rs. 11--.--
P'ovisions ma*e to t)e a+e's B &)@. 6 1st a+e', -.15 m
6i*t) of 6 n* a+e', .35- m
6 n* a+e', -.15 m
6i*t) of ?2 1st a+e' , .35- m
?2 1st a+e' , -.15- m
6i*t) of ?2 n* a+e', 3.1- m
?2 n* a+e', -.15- m
Const'$tion of 6 in two la+e' as #e' Clas$e 4- of .E.?.&. ?#eifiation. 58!.5- m3
U Rs. 19!.95
, Rs. !54.--
P'ovi*ing P'ime' oat on 6 s$'fae as #e' Cla$se 5- of .E.?.&. ?#eifiation. Eve' 6%
1--- .35,
35-.-- m3
U Rs. 18.14
, Rs. 49.--
U Rs. 4.3
, Rs. 38.--
Const'$tionof g'an$la' s$bbase as #e' Cla$se 4-1 of .E.?.&. ?#eifiation. ?2,1--- .35 -.15 ,
U Rs. 4.3
6i*t) of 6 1st a+e', .35- m
6,1--- .35 (-.15:-.15" ,
U Rs. 4.3
1!13.!5 m3
6i*t) of Diffe'ent a+e's
U Rs. 4!5.--
Const'$tion of g'an$la' s$bbase (D'ainage la+e'" as #e' Cla$se 4-1 of .E.?.&. ?#eifiation. ?2,1--- 11.45 -.15 ,
, Rs. 18493!5.--
Const'$tion of g'an$la' s$bbase (D'ainage la+e'" as #e' Cla$se 4-1of .E.?.&. ?#eifiation. ?2,1--- 9.515 -.15 ,
U Rs. 445-.--
Const'$tion of 15 D'+ lean on'ete s$bbase #e' Cla$se of .E.?.&. ?#eifiation. DC,1--- 9.15 -.15 ,
88!.5- m3
35.5- m3
Const'$tionof g'an$la' s$bbase (D'ainage la+e's" as #e' Cla$se 4-1 of .E.?.&. ?#eifiation. ?2,1--- 3.1 -.15 ,
541.5- m3
U Rs. 4.3
, Rs. 34!!8.--
6i*t) of Diffe'ent a+e's
6i*t) of 2C, 8.!5- m
2C, -.-4- m
6i*t) of D2, 8.9-- m
D2, -.-9- m
6i*t) of P'ofile o''etive 2, .55- m
P'ofile o''etive 2, -.-!5 m
Const'$tion of 2itimino$s aa*am as a #'ofile o''etive la+e' as #e' Cla$se 5-4 of .E.?.&. ?#eifiation. Re+le* 2,1--- .55 -.-!5 ,
8-1.-- m3
35-.-- m3
, Rs. 1484184.--
U Rs. 38-3.55
, Rs. 3-444.--
U Rs. 419.45
, Rs. 14593-8.--
P'ovi*ing ta@ oat on bla@ to# s$'fae Cla$se 5-3 of .E.?.&. ?#eifiation.(&wo la+e' D2 B 2 one la+e'" 3 1--- 8.!5 ,
U Rs. 3-1.4
Const'$tion of 5- mm t)i@ 2it$mino$s on'ete Cla$se 5-9 of .E.?.&. ?#eifiation. 2C,1--- 8.!5 -.-4 ,
491.5 m3
Const'$tion of Dense 2it$mino$s aa*am (two la+e'" Cla$se 5-! of .E.?.&. ?#eifiation D2,1--- 8.9 -.-9 ,
P'ovisions ma*e to t)e a+e's B &)@.
5-.- m
U Rs. .3
, Rs. 195-.--
P'ovi*ing P'ime' oat ove' sa'ifie* to s$'fae as #e' Cla$se 4- of .E.?.&. ?#eifiation. 1--- .55,
5--.-- m
U Rs. 18.14
, Rs. 11!91-.--
E#tion 1 % ?t'engt)ening of existing two lane bit$mino$s #avement an* Const'$tion of New 2it$mino$s Pavement (&otal engt) ,34.5 Jm. exl$*ing b'i*ge lengt)"
?t'engt)ening of existing Roa* wit) 2it$mino$s ove'la+ wit) #ave* s)o$l*e'
Const'$tion of **itional lane 2it$mino$s Pavement
&otal ost of Pavement (exl$*ing ?e'vie ane" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . E#tion % ?t'engt)ening of existing two lane bit$mino$s #avement an* Const'$tion of New Rigi* Pavement (&otal engt) , 34.5 Jm."
?t'engt)ening of existing Roa* wit) 2it$mino$s ove'la+ wit) #ave* s)o$l*e'
Const'$tion of **itional lane Rigi* Pavement
&otal ost of Pavement (exl$*ing ?e'vie lane". . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ss$m#tion% 1. Inflation% . Diso$nt Rate
--3 --4 5483-!.---5 !315-!.--- 5483-!.-Gstimate* &otal Const'$tion Cost ( 2ase* on 'ate of 0ea' --3 " --! 314.---8 911.---9 !-9.--1!518.--11 !99.--1 844!4.--13 8954.--14 94915.--15 1--1-.--1 1-4.--1! 113-45.--18 11988.--19 1!-18.--13439.--1 14!1!.-- 1518-.--3 1-35!.--4 199!8.--5 18-1!!.-- 19-98!.--! -44!.--8 14594.--9 !49.--34111!.--31 55584.--3 !-919.--33 8!1!5.--34 3-44-5.--35 39.--3 34-9.-ife C+le Cost Fo' 3- 0ea's (2ase 0ea' --!"
5815485.-- ma'@et 'ates #'evailing on 0ea' --3, 81919.-Rs.5-7--534!9.--
Table - 5.3
Flexible Pavement
ss$m#tion% 1. Inflation% . Diso$nt Rate
--3 --4 331-943.---5 441459-.--- 331-943.-Gstimate* &otal Const'$tion Cost ( 2ase* on 'ate of 0ea' --3 " --! 5495.---8 !45.---9 83!-4.--13--!.--11 318!!-.--1 33!89.--13 3581!-.--14 3!9-.--15 4-439.--1 4311--.--1! 45181.--18 4!931.--19 5-8-!-.--538555.--1 5!-88.-- -51-.--3 414!.--4 !9913.--5 !-!-!.-- !!-!-.--! 8-9!8!.--8 8583!4.--9 9-98!!.--39449.--31 1-33!.--3 1-83!8.--33 114898.--34 11!-.--35 19-!!.--3 138118.-ife C+le Cost Fo' 3- 0ea's (2ase 0ea' --!"
35-9--.-49-33.-394338.-Rs.117-374! 5495.-!45.-83!-4.-3--!.-318!!-.-33!89.-3581!-.-3!9-.-4-439.-4311--.-45181.-4!931.-5-8-!-.-538555.-5!-88.--51-.-414!.-!9913.-!-!-!.-!!-!-.-8-9!8!.-8583!4.-9-98!!.-9449.-1-33!.-1-83!8.-114898.-11!-.-19-!!.-138118.--
35-9--.-- ma'@et 'ates #'evailing on 0ea' --3, 49-33.-Rs.--7--394338.- at 1-t) an* -t) 0ea' Gstimate* ost of ove'la+ at ma'@et 5495.-- 'ates #'evailing on 0ea' --3, 3899.-Rs.7-1759 1!.-&)i@ness% (ss$me*" 14-51.-- D2 1--584.-- 2C 4191!31.-1814-.-1!1!39.-1538.-1554.-14559-.-13!!91.-13-4-9.-1343.-11811.-11-553.-1-431.-99-5.-93!1.-894.-83948.-!9451.-!5194.-!11.-!354.-3!45.--331.-5!-99.-54-4-.-51145.-Rs.1874317---.--