these course give the people the usefulness of physics in understanding the behavior of the body, these lecture covers two board areas of medical physics:- the application of physics such as mechanics, heat, light, sound electricity, and magnetism to medicine and the physics of various organ system such as the eyes, ears, lungs, and the heart. Since most important applications of physics in medicine involve the field of radiology, they cover diagnostic radiology, nuclear medicine, radiotherapy, and radiation protection.
Forms of teaching Different types of teaching .ill e used to reach the o/ective of the su/ect+! point0 over head0 and different animation flash for all su/ect of thermodynamic su/ect' Grading The exam along t.o courses has 1# marks0 classroom activates2 Participate of student of the su/ect and 3ui4 along t.o courses has $# marks' Therefore the marks of t.o courses are 5#6' 7inal exam+ ! 8#6
Physics of the Body: ($;;;-0 y >ohn 9'Cameron Skofronic 0 Medical physics pulishing
>ames : !"
medical phy?m'physics site?Medical Physics'htm ?+ !1
Academic year programmed Week 1:- ctober !"1" 'Terminology0 Modeling0 and Measurement Week !:- ctober 07orces on and in the ody0 Static Week #:- ctober 7ractional forces0 Dynamics Week $:- ctober Physics of the skeleton0 .hat is one made of0 ho. strong are your ones Week %:- &ovember &urication of one /oints0 measurement of one mineral in the ody 0 Week ':- &ovember @eat and cold in medicine0 physical asis of heat and temperature0 thermometry and temperature scales0 thermograph! mapping the odyAs temperature' Week (:- &ovember
@eat therapy0 use of cold in medicine' Week ):- &ovember
Cryosurgery0 safety .ith cryosurgery0 energy0 .ork0 and of the ody' Week *:-+ecember
Conservation of energy in the ody0 energy changes in the ody0 .ork and Week 1":- +ecember
@eat losses from the ody' Week 11:- +ecember
Pressure0 measurement of pressure in the ody0 pressure in the skull0 eye pressure0 pressure in the digestive system Week 1!:- +ecember
Pressure in the skeleton0 pressure in the urinary ladder 0 pressure effect .hile diving Week 1#:- ,anuary @yperolic oxygen therapy(@T-0 the physics of the lungs and reathing0 the air.ays' Week 1$:- ,anuary @o. the lood and lungs interact Week 1%:- ,anuary measurment of lung volumes0 pressure! airflo.!volume relationships of the lungs Week 1':- February physics of the alveoli0 the reathing mechanisms0 air.ays resistance0 .ork of reathing
Week 1(:- February
Physics of some common lung diseases0 physics of the cardiovascular system0 ma/or components of the cardiovascular system Week 1):- February .ork done y the heart0 " and co" exchange in the capillary system0 lood pressure and its measurement Week 1*:- February Pressure across the lood vessel .all (transmural pressure-0 hoe fast does your lood flo.0 Week !":- arch Blood flo.! laminar and turulent0 hearts sounds0 the physics of some cardiovascular disease' Some other function of lood Week !1:- arch
*lectricity .ithin the ody0 the nervous system and the neuron0 electrical potentials of nerves0 Week !!:- arch
*lectrical signals from muscles! the electromyogram Week !#:- arch *lectrical signals from the heart! the electrocardiogram Week !$ :- April *lectrical signals from the rain! the electroencephalogram0 electrical signals from the eye! the electroretinogram and the electrooculogram'
Week !% :- April Magnetic signals from te heart and rain! the megnetocardigram and the magnetoephalogram0 current research involving electricity in the ody'
Week !' :- April Cardiovascular instrument0 iopotential of the heart0 electrodes Week !( :- April mplifiers0 patient monitoring0 defirillators0 pacemakers
Week !) :- ay
pplications of electricity and magnetism in medicine0 electrical shock0 Week !* :- ay
@igh fre3uency electricity in medicine0 lo. fre3uency electricity and magnetism in medicine0 current research involving electricity applied to the ody Week #" :- ay
sound in medicine0 general properties0 the ody as a drum (pressure in medicine-0 the stethoscope0 ultrasound pictures of the ody'
.ypical e/amination f Medical physics $% .hat is the ratio of your pulse rate to your reathing "% .hat is the asic type of force that causes muscle contraction' 1% @o. does ultrasonic diathermy differ from micro.ave diathermy' 5% y .hat percent does your metaolic rate increase if you have a fever "C aove normal % .hat is negative pressure