CARRIER JOB/BUSSINESS 1. Consider the houses 2nd 6th 10th and 11th bhava significators and the sub lord of the 10th cusp for employment. For promotion take the the sub lord of the 6th and the 10th cusp sub and analyse analyse their significations. significations. 2. If the 10th cusp sub lord signifies the 3rd house !hich is 12th to your permanent residing house and the "th !hich sho!s changes and the 10th !hich is #th to the opponent that is indicated by the person !ho is !aiting to by a house. $ the 10th sub lord has to signify the houses 3rd "th and 10th houses for disposal of your house 3. WILL THERE BE TROUBLE FROM INCOME TAX OFFICE ? Consider the houses%th &th and 12th significators. It depends upon the 10th cusp sub lord's connection to %th &th and 12th. #. Business #. Business or service? service? If If the 10th cusp sub lord signifies the %th house one becomes a businessman. If the same is a significator to the 6th house one !ill be service person !ith regard to his profession. ". For ". For reinstatement reinstatement in service. service. If If the 10th sub lord signifies 2nd 6th and 10th he !ill be reinstated in service after suspension etc. If the same 10th sub lord is signifying the houses 1st "th .(th and 12th he !ill never be reinstated in the same post at least. 6. Ho 6. Ho to !in" "ua# $ro!essio $ro!ession n !or a native? For native? For one to earn money by self e)ertion the sub lord of the 10th should be significator to the 2nd *the house of self ac+uisition, and the 6th *indicates service matters, and the 10th !hich indicates ones profession If the 10th 10th cusp sub is a significator significator to the %th house house and 2nd he or she becomes a trader trader or business person. person. For dual type of earnings the "th cusp sub lord !hen connected to the 6th and %th house and the 2nd - 10th houses one does service for certain period during the dhasa and bhukthi of the 6th house. hen the dhasa changes and if the dhasa lord is a significator to %th and 2nd - 10th one starts a business for his earnings. /ne must see the I house occupants and the sub lord of the I cusp sub lord's significations significations for fruitions. %. %o#itics& %. %o#itics& ' o o become become a politician the 10th sub lord should signify 1st 6th (th 10th and the 11th houses. he 10th house indicates a higher chair in the overnment. he (th sho!s an element of achievement *$adhana,. he planets upiter 4ars 4ercury and $aturn and 5ahu should have connections to the 10th house. he 1st house indicates success to the native. he 6th denotes defeat to the opponents. he (th denotes the general prosperity and $adhana. he 10th signifies honour and popularity. popularity. he 11th 11th house signification signification says desire fulfillment. fulfillment. &. If the 10th cusp sub lord is $aturn and becomes the significator to the 11th. /ne !ill earn money by illegal !ays and mostly be having thieving habits. (. If the sub lord of the 10th is a total significator to the %th and not a significator to any other houses he !ill be a man of public activities activities !ithout any material material return or happiness. happiness. 10. he 10th house is generally kno!n as ones armasthana. hen the armasthanadhipathi operates his dhasa and connected his father or mother's bhadhaka and maraka houses or 12th house *4oksha sthana, he tends to kill his parents. 777777777777777777
8ouses 2 6 10 and 11 houses are considered for employment and services because 9 2nd 8ouse denotes money matters profit and gain one can earn earn financial prosperity bank bank position. 6th 8ouse denotes ob : $ervice :;ay< to < day attendance . 10th 8ouse denotes =rofession :/ccupation :>ame - fame : =o!er - =restige . 11th 8ouse denotes ;esires hopes aspirations -their reali?ation . p gives rules clearly that < 11th cuspal sub lord should be a significator through its star lord of 2nd or 6th or 10th or 11th house . /r 6th cuspal sub lord should be a significator through its star lord of 2nd or 10th or 11th lord or 10th cuspal sub lord should be a significator through its star lord of 2nd or 11th or 6th house lord . =ermanent or emporary emporary @ob
I am trying to change my @ob as I do not see any future in my present one * very less paid and too much of tension and agony,. I !as hospitali?ed till last @une 2012 and started looking for a ne! @ob ever since. Can some one suggest !hen there !ill be a change and if it !ill be to!ards my settlement and desirableB irth ;etails Feb 3rd 1(&0
2D2& am arangal Ansawer
I have constructed your chart as per rishnamurti =adhati. For success in $ervice and good Income the 6th 8ouse sub lord should be the significator of house 2 *!ealth, and 11 *ains : Income, . If the person also en@oys authority on the @ob then 10 th house signification is also there sho!ing po!er. Aets see !hat is in your chart. Eour $ub $ub lord of the 6 th house of service is 4ars. he significations !ill !ork in follo!ing serial order. 1. =lanet 4ars is in constellation of enus !ho is positioned in #th house and o!ns %th and 12th house. Gs per = theory planets in the constellations of occupants give strongest results. >o! #th house is 11th from 6th house. his represents gains by serving in a place !here you !ere born. 2. enus is also resulting in signification of 12th house !hich represents loss. 8ence due to simultaneous significations of 12th house your gains may be nullified. his means !orking in foreign land or place far off from your place of birth ma y not suit you. Gnalysis of your 10th 8ouse $ub sub lord <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Eour 10th house sub sub lord is 5ahu !ho is in etu $tar. herefore 5ahu is significating 3rd and (th house !hich are both bad for profession. 3rd house is 6th from 10th and (th house is 12th from 10 house. oth of them !ill result in disputes at !ork place and end of @ob because 12th from any house represents dissolution of that house. Eour current 4ahadasa is 4oon<$aturn 4ahadasa. Ggain here 4oon is significator of 3 and ( house and saturn is significating 3#10 house. he signification of (th house !ill bring change of ob. I think by 26th an 2013 you !ill +uit your current @ob. 77777777777
6th House sub sub lord Your 6th sub Sub lord is Mars who is in star of Jupiter. Jupiter is placed in 9th house in your chart and is also owner of 1, 7 house .Hence on Star level , it is sinificatin 1,7,9 house. Mars is owner of 11th house and 6th house and is placed in 11th house. Hence Mars will sinify 6,11 house. !herefore the sub sub lord Mars bein in constellation of Jupiter who is in 9th house is not ood for profession. Venus "enus is Sub Sub lord of 9th #usp. $ts in Star of Sun who is owner of %rd house and is stationed in 9th house. !herefore aain 9th house is ettin i&pacted. "enus is also lord of 'th house and 1(th house. !here is no planet in star ) constellation of "enus . !herefore "enus hi&self will ive effects of 'th house and 1(th house and 7th house. Hence durin "enus Mahadasa you will face issues in profession due to sinification of 'th house. Mercury Mercury is in star of *ahu and sub sub of Mars. *ahu is stationed in 6th house but in sin. So *ahu will ive i&pact of +th house ,9th house and 1(th house because Saturn is owner of +,9 h ouse but placed in 1(th house. So Mercury will sinify 1,,6,9 houses. !he houses 1 and 9 are proble&atic because 1st house is +th fro& 6th. Hence you will face issues durin this period of "enus-Mercury dasa. Business Prospects (7th house sub sub lord) Your 7th house sub sub lord is Saturn. Hence Saturn is sinificatin affairs of 6,+,9,11,1(. !houh the sinification of 11th house is ood for business, rest of the houses sinification is bad for business. i.e 6,+,1(. ont even try your hands at /usiness.
Being an NRI (1th house sub sub lord) /eco&in 0*$ &eans that 1(th sub sub lord should sinificate %rd house because %rd house is 1(th fro& th2 of "ice "ersa that %rd house sub sub lord should sinificate 1(th house. $f any of these sub sub lords of % or 1( house also sinificate th house then there is no chance of beco&in 0*$ and you will 3eep co&in bac3 to ho&e land. Your 1(th Sub Sub lord is Mars. Mars is sinification %,6,9,11. Since 1(th Sub sub lord is also sinificatin %rd house. !here is hih chance that you can settle in forein land. Your th house sub sub lord is Saturn. Saturn is in constellation of Mars who is a sinificator of %rd house as discussed above2. Saturn hi&self is placed in 1(th house. Hence this is stron indication of your forein settle&ent. However both Mars and saturn Mahadasa are appearin in very late part of your life. 7
Business and Profession Yoga in Kundli Generally, it has been found that businessmen are richer and wealthier than the servicemen. The possibilities to achieve success and progress are higher in business as compared to jobs. This sector provides a person with ample of opportunities to show his talent and earn prots. Due to other benets of business, a person prefers to do business rather than a job. On the one hand, business sector is associated with benets while on the other hand, this sector requires the qualities of courage to tae ris and accept the challenges. Those who lac these qualities may face a huge loss in their business. !et us now about the yogas of business and profession in the undli.
Position of Venus in Third House "f #enus is in the house of wealth and the third house is strong in the undli, the person is interested in business. This $oga gives the person opportunity to increase his wealth and prosperity.
The third house is the house of courage and bravery. "f this house is strong in the birth chart, the person is courageous and he can tae ris in business. #enus is the planet of wealth and prosperity, and lavish lifestyle. Therefore, due to the auspiciousness of this yoga, the person may run a business of creative items or lu%ury products.
Position of Venus in Second or Eleventh House &hen #enus is located in second or eleventh house, the person earns prots in business. 'lso, if #enus is the second lord and located in the third house or forms a relationship with the eleventh house, the economic condition of the person gets improved. Mercury as The Kaarak Planet of Business 'll the business activities are in(uenced by the planet )ercury. The e*ciency of a person at the professional front is analy+ed through the position of )ercury in the birthchart. "f )ercury is stable in the birth chart, the person completes the intellectual wor easily. The positive in(uence of )ercury maes the person practical and e*cient. "f )ercury is the tenth lord and located in the eleventh house, the person earns prot in his business. "f the aara planet is auspicious and strong in the birth chart, the person gets the ability to tae quic decisions. "f )ercury forms a direct relationship with the second house, eleventh house or si%th house, the person gets a lot of benets from the intellectual wor.
Planets Related to Medical Field &hen -un, )ars and )ercury are strongly placed in the water signs, i.e., th, /th, 01th sign and form a relationship with the tenth lord of the D23, the person gets success in the business of medicines. nalysis of Profession through at!akarak Planet "f auspicious planets aspect aatmaara planet, -un or 4ahu, the person runs a business of medicines. "f they have an auspicious in(uence, the person gets success in the medical eld. The aatmaara planet is the one which has highest number of degrees. "t is most commonly used in 5aimini method of astrology to mae predictions. "on#unction of Mars and Sun "f )ars is in conjunction with -un and forms a relationship with tenth house, the person should prefer to run a business to get favorable results. nalysis of Profession through Karkansh Planet The livelihood of person can also be analy+ed through 6aransh planet of 5aimini method of 'strology. &hen 6aransh planet is located with 6etu in the birth chart, the person may run a business. Due to this yoga, the person may do the business of hospitality or construction. Saturn and Venus in the Seventh House -eventh house is also one of the houses of business. &hen -aturn and #enus are located in seventh house or they aspect the house, the person will get favorable results in business partnership. This yoga is auspicious for the person to run a salepurchase business, transport business or construction wor. Role of Rahu in Profession
4ahu is considered as a malec planet in the undli. "t is said that the in(uence of 4ahu on any house, planet or sign leads to malec e7ects. 4ahu is criticised for its negative e7ects, due to which, people often ignore its positive e7ects.
4elationship of 4ahu and 6etu blesses the person with technical nowledge. &hen these two planets form a relationship with tenth house2tenth lord or eleventh house, the technical nowledge of the person gets increased.
&hen )ars and 6etu form a relationship, the person has the nowledge of instrumental technology. -aturn gives the person nowledge of machines. The positive in(uence of #enus gives the person nowledge to design machines.
The in(uence of -aturn on 'scendant house provides the person with the qualities of telepathy, indepth nowledge and ability to mae plans. The in(uence of -aturn, )ars or 6etu on tenth house2tenth lord is commonly found in the birth chart of engineers.
-aturn or )ars are also strong in the birth chart of an engineer. 'part from this, !eo also increases the auspiciousness of this $oga.
Yogas to $eco!e a %octor
"f -un, )ars and )ercury or -un, )ercury and 5upiter form a conjunction with the ascendant, second, fth or tenth house in the #irgo, -corpio or 'quarius sign, the person may become a good doctor. -un maes a person selfcondent and )ars maes him courageous.
&hen -un is located in tenth house and forms a conjunction with #enus, the person becomes a surgeon. This $oga motivates the person to move ahead in this eld with condence.
The conjunction of -un and -aturn in tenth house helps the person to become a child specialist. 8owever, it is also said that if -aturn and -un form a conjunction in any house, the auspicious results of that house may get a7ected.
"f )ars and -aturn form a conjunction in tenth house, the person becomes a dentist. 8ence, for a person to get associated with medical eld, the tenth house2lord should form a relationship with the house of diseases in his birth chart.
"f )ars is in tenth house and !ibra sign, the person becomes a surgeon.
"f #enus and )ars form an aspect relationship or conjunction and -un aspects them, the person becomes a surgeon.
9onjunction of #enus and )oon and aspect of -un on these planets maes the person a physician.
++++++++++++++++++++ 1ST CUSP
1. A/>HIE D< $ A/5; /F 8H G$CH>;G> C$= IF $I>IFIH$ 8G;GG G>; 4G5GG 8/$H$ $8/5 AIFH. IF $I>IFIH$ 1"(10 GA/>I8 3 - & =5/4I$H; A/> AIFH. G CGI/> I$ >HCH$$G5E 8H5H. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H G$CH>;G> $I>IFIH$ I G>; G$CH>;G> FGAA$ I> G 4/GAH $I> AIFH I$ $8/5
IF I FGAA$ I> G FIH; $I> G>; $I>IFIH$ I AIFH I$ $8/5. 2. $ICAE >GIH D< IF 8H $A/; /F 8H AG>G C$= I$ I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F =AG>H I> I />H IAA H $ICAE. 8H =H5I/; /F $IC>H$$ 8H>HH5 8H $I>IFICG/5$ /F 1 G>; 6 /=H5GH$. 3. IF 8H G$CH;G> $ A/5; /F G I5A I$ FAA $I>IFICG/5 /F I G>; HAA C/>>HCH; / =IH5 $8H I$ 5HGAAE C8G$H G>; C8G$IEG 4GI>GI>H;. #. IF 8H $A/5; /F 8H G$CH>;G> I$ C/>>HCH; FAAE / $G5> 4G5$ G>; H>$ G>; G>; I $ A/5;$ C/>>HCH; / HI8H5 /F 8H$H =AG>H$ />H IAA H ;HGC8 HH> / 8H HH> /F C/44II> I>CH$. ". $ A/5; /F 8H 1$ C$= I>;ICGH$ 8H H>H5GA 8HGA8 /F 8H >GIH G>; GA$/ /F 8H H>H5GA C/>;II/> /F 8H 8HG;. 6. 8H $A/5; /F 8H G$CH>;G> I$ I> 8H C/>$GAAGI/> /F =AG>H 8/ I$ =/$IH; I> 4G5GG$8G>G /F 8G;8GG$8G>G 8H AIFH I$ H5E $8/5. %. $ A/5; /F 8H G$CH>;G> HAA$ />H$ =8E$ICGA FHG5H$ I> H54$ /F I$ C/>>HCIG/> I8 8H $I>$ G>; C/4I>GI/> I8 /8H5 =AG>H$. &.
FG4H /F G =H5$/> I$ >/> 85/8 8H 1$ C$= $A/5; C/>>HCH; / 85/8 $G5.
(. IAA I C/44I 45;H5 D< 8H $ A/5; /F 8H JI5IH$'$ G$CH>;G> I$ ;H=/$IH; I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F =AG>H 8IC8 I$ $I>IFICG/5 /F 8H ICI4'$ 8G;8GG$8G>G /5 4G5GG$88G>G G>; GA$/ 8H $I>IFICG/5 /F JI5IH$'$ II 8/$H 8H> 8H C/44I$ 45;H5. 10. / AHG; G $=I5IGA AIFH 8H $ A/5; /F G$CH>;G> HI> H8 ;H=/$IH; I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F =AG>H I> (8 8H G>; H8 I> $/4H 4G>>H5 C/>>HCH; / $G5> G>; 128 IF 8H 8G$ H>$ HAA C/>>HCH; / 4G5$ 8H IAA AHG; G FG4IAE AIFH G>; $=I5IGA AIFH I8/ GI> $G>EG$G 4G5G4 *H8 >G>GG5GG I =8IA/$/=8E G>; 8I8H5 >/AH;H 128 F/5 $H5ICH / /8H5$,. 11. I> 8H JH$I/> /F 8H 4I$$I> =H5$/> 8H $A/5; /F 8H 1$ C$= $I>IFIH$ II III G>; I 8H I$ $5H / 5H5> I> 8H =H5I/; /F 8H $I>IFICG/5$ /F 2 & G>; 11 G$ I$ 8H CG$H HI> C/>$AH; E 8H I8 G>; I> /F 8H 4I$$I> />H. 12. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H G$CH>;G> I$ ;H=/$IH; I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F 8H =AG>H /CC=EI> 8/$H$ I - I 8HGA8 I$ H>H5GAAE H5E //;. 13. G /4G> CG> H G IC8 />AE 8H> 8H $ A/5; /F G$CH>;G> I$ I> G FIH5E $I> 8GI> $5/> C/>>HCI/> I8 GAA 8H 85HH HIA 8/$H$ I.H. 6 G>; & G>; 12 GA/> I8 $G5> G>; 4G5$ /5 H8 C/>>HCH; IG> $/4H GE /5 8H /8H5. 1#. AG>G ;H>/H$ 4H>GA ;I$=/$II/> G>; C8G>H$ I> I>;II;GA AIFH IF 8H $A/5; /F AG>G 8G===H>$ / H H8 8/ I$ 4/$8G G5GG G$ HAA G$ >G>GG5GG G>; $IGH; I> 8H $G5 /F G =AH>H I> 12 G>; C/>>HCH; ( 85/8 $ /5 $/4H /8H5 4G>>H5 8H >GIH'$ 4H>GA ;I$=/$II/> IAA H =/I$H; /G5;$ 4/$8G$8G>G.
$=HGI> 58D $ A/5; /F 8H 2>; C$= I$ 4G5$ D< >58 G>; 4I$C8IHH/$ $G5> D< 8I;H$ $/4H >H$ 4H5 D< ;HGIAH; I>F/54GI/> H>$ D< =HGCH 4GH5 $> D< >/AH >HH5 AIH$ =IH5 D< 58 />AE.
2. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 2 C$= I$ 4G5$ /5 I> 8H $G5 /F 4G5$ $=H>; 85IF $G5> K HC/>/4ICGA G>; $HG; FG$>H$$. 3. / C8HG G>/8H5 D $ A/5; /F 8H 2 C$= $8/A; H ;H=/$IH; I> 8H $G5 /F 8H $I>IFICG/5 /F 6 G>; 10 G>; $G5> G>; 4H5C55E C/>>HCH; / 8H $A/5; I> $/4H 4G>>H5. #. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 2 C$= I$ HI8H5 H8 /5 5G8 G>; F/>; I> G 4H $I> 8H5H I$ ;HFHC I> $=HHC8 *C$= GA$/ / H F/54H; I> 8H $G5 /F =AG>H />I> 4H $I>,. ". 2>; C$= I>;ICGH$ FI>G>CH FG4IAE 4G55IGH G>; 48G4 C8IA;I58 G>; 4G5GG*;HG8,HC. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 2 C$= $I>IFIH$ " G>; 11 =5H;IC C8IA; I58 % G>; 11 =5H;IC 4G55IGH 6 />AE /55/I> 4/>HE G>; I>C/4I> ;H % />AE FI>G>CH 85/8 =AIC C/>GC$ 6
G>; 11 $CCH$$ I> AIIGI/> /5 HI> =5/4/I/> I> $H5ICH 6 G>; 1 /55/I> 4/>HE ;H / IAA 8HGA8 % G>; 10 AC5GIH I>C/4H 85/8 $I>H$$ % G>; 8G;GG 8/$H ;HG8. 6. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 2 C$= I$ HAA C/>>HCH; / % $HC/>; 4G55IGH IF C/>>HCH; />AE / 118 8/$H />H IAA 8GH G HH= G$ *% 8/$H $8/$ AHGA />;GH 8H5H G$ 11 I>;ICGH$ GGC84H> G>; F5IH>;$8I= />AE, %. 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 2 C$= I$ HAA C/>>HCH; / 12 ;HFHC I> HEH CG> H H>I$GH; I> H>H5GA. &. 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 2 C$= I$ 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F G ;H=/$I/5 /F 6 G>; 11 $8/$ H5E //; FI>G>CIGA $G$. I> 8/$H$ 2 G>; 10 4/;H5GH GFFAH>CH I> 8/$H$ 1 G>; 3 $ $GI$FGC/5E FI>G>CIGA C/>;II/>. I4=5/I> 8/$H$*i.e. 123610 G>; 11, G5H FG/5GAH F5/4 8H FI>G>CIGA =/I> /F IH. (. IF 8H $A/5; /F 8H 2 C$= H C/>>HCH; I> G>E 4G>>H5 I8 8H 11 8/$H 8H> />H 4GE 8GH C/>>HCI/> I8 G>/8H5'$ IFH /8H5 8G> 8I$ AHGA =G5>H5 =5/I;H; " I$ C/>>HCH; I8 2 */8H5I$H I HAA$ G/ $I> G>/8H5 4G>'$ =5/=H5E,.
8/$H$ 2" G>; 11 $8/A; H C/>$I;H5H; F/5 =H5I/;$ G>; I4I> 8H HH>. 10. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 2 C$= I$ =IH5 G>; $I>IFIH$ 11 8/$H 8GHH5 8H $=HG$ I$ 5H G>; IAA C/4H / =G$$*G$I;;8G,. 11. IF 4G5$ 8G==H>$ / H 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 2 C$= 8H I$ G54H>GIH G>; G8/5IGIH IF I $I>IFIH$ & I =/5H>;$ JG55HA$/4H >G5H I> $=HHC8. 12. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 2 C$= I$ H>$ G>; $I>IFIH$ 11 /5 " />H IAA C/>>HC $H I> $=HHC8 I>G5IGA I> GAA 4GH5$. 13. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 2 C$= I$ $G5> />H IAA $H 8I;H G>; $HH G>; AH5 /F /5;$ 8IAH $=HGI> HH>8/8 8H 4GH5 I$ H>I>H G>; //; />H. 1#. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 2 C$= I$ C/>>HCH; 2 G>; 12 />H IAA H 4/>HE 85/8 H8I>; 8H $C5HH> 4GH5$ *I> $HC5H 4G>>H5,.
HI/> G HAH=8/>H 8/$H$ 3( G>; 11 $ A/5;$ /F 8H 3 C$= $I>IFI> 3 G>; 11.
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
IF 35; C$= $ A/5; I$ C/>>HCH; / 3 G>; 11 >H/IGI/> IAA H $CCH$$FA
&. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 35; C$= I$ HI8H5 =IH5 $> 4G5$ /5 H>$ />H 8G$ C/5GH G>; C/>FI;H>CH / C/4=HH G>E C/4=HIIH HG4I>GI/>. 8/$H$ #( G>; 11 $8/A; H ;H; F/5 I4I> HH> G>; $CCH$$ G>; F/5 ;H=G54H>GA HG4I>GI/>$ G>; GA$/ I>H5IH$ I>CAH;H 6 G>; 10. (. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 35; C$= $I>IFIH$ 11 G>; GA$/ C/>>HCH; / 4H5C55E G>; =IH5 />H 8G$ /5>GAI$IC CG=GCIIH$.
10. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 35; C$= $I>IFEI> 3 G>; 11 HAA$ 5HCHI= /F AHH5 3 G>; 11 8/$H$ /G H ;H; G>; 4//> =5/5H$$H; F/5 I4I> 8H HH>. 11. IF 8H $ A/5; / 8H 35; C$= I$ ;H=/$IH; I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F 8H $I>IFICG/5$ /F 6 G>; 11 8H5H IAA H $ECCH$$ I> G==HGA 9 /> =HII/> 9 5HJH$ I> C/5$. 12. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 35; C$= I$ 8H FAA $I>GFICIG/5 /F 1$ 8GG 8H I$ ;G5I> G =H5$/>. 13. >H/IGI/>D IF 8H >H/IGI/> I$ F/5 4G55IGH 8H %8 C$= 8G$ / H ;H; G=G5 F5/4 3 G>; ( IF I I$ F/5 $I>H$$ 10 G>; 6 8GH / H ;H; I> G;;II/> / 3 G>; (. F/5 HI> AII> GCC/4G;GI/> #8 8/$H GA$/ >HH;$ C/>$I;H5GI/> G=G5 F5/4 3 G>; ( IF 8/$H$ 3 G>; ( $I>IFE 118 I I$ $CH$$FA G>; IF /> 8H C/>5G5E C/>>HCH; 128 I>;ICGH$ FGIA5H $/ 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 35; C$= I$ I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F G =AG>H I> 3 /5 ( G>; GA$/ $I>IFE 11 8H >H/IGI/> I$ $CCH$$FA. 8H $I>IFICG/5$ /F 3 ( G>; 11 IAA 4G5 8H I4H /F F5CIFICGI/>. 1#. IF 8H 35; C$= $ A/5; H$ 8H $I>IFICGI/> /F 8/$H />H IAA =/$$H$$ G G55I/5$ >G5H. 1". IF 8H $A/5; /F 8H 35; C$= $I>IFEI> 12 8/$H ;AE HAA C/>>HCH; / 4G5$ />H $8/A; =5H;IC ;HFHCIH 8HG5I>.
;I$C8G5H F5/4 8/$=IGA 8/$H$ 2 # G>; 11 $ A/5; /F 8H #8 C$=.
C/>$5CI/> /F 8/$H D 8/$H$ # 11 G>; 11 $ A/5; /F 8H #8 C$=.
3. IAA G =G5ICAG5 C8IA; / I> G;/=I/> IF 8H #8 C$= $ A/5; /F 8H C8IA; I$ ;H=/$IH; I>G ;GA $I> /5 IF 8H $ A/5; I $HAF I$ 4H5C55E G>; IF 8H $ A/5; I$ G $I>IFICG/5 /F &8 8/$H *8/$H F/5 AHGCE,. 8H C8IA; I$ IH> I> G;/=I/>. 8H C/>/I>I> =H5I/; /F 8H $I>IFICG/5$ /F # G>; & 8/$H$ /F 8H C8IGA; / H C/>$I;H5H; F/5 I4I> 8H HH>. #. G>E 5HG$5H I> 4E IA;I> IF 8H $ GA/5; /F 8H # 8 C$= I$ ;H=/$IH; I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F =AG>H$ 2 6 G>; 11 E/ IAA 8GH 5HG$5H. 8H A/5; /F 8H C/>$HAAGI/> 4$ 8GH $/4H C/>>HCI/> I8 $G5> I> ;I5HC 4/I/>. ". 8H 8/$H >;H5 JI5E I$ G 8G>H; />H IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H #8 C$= $I>IFIH$ 3 /5 ( G>; I> G>E 4G>>H5 C/>>HCH; I8 $G5> G>; 4G5$ 5G>$ G>; >H=>H. 6.
IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H #8 C$= $I>IFIH$ & /5 12 /5 # E/ IAA 4G55E G CG5HH5 I5A.
8H> IAA H 5HGC8 8/4H B
IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H #8 C$= I$ I> 8H C/>$AAGI/> /F G =AG>H $I>IFEI> 11. G>; I> G 4/GAH $I> H IAA 5HGC8 8/4H $//>. IF FIH; $I> 9 A/> ;5GI/> IF C/44/> $I> >;H ;HAGE. &. 4H;ICGA HG4I>GI/>A=8E$ICGA,D IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H #8 C$= I$ G $I>IFICG/5 /F 10 8/$H G>; HAA C/>>HCH; / 118 E/ IAA G==HG5 F/5 4H;ICGA HG4I>GI/> G>; C/4H / $CCH$$FA (. 5HAHG$H F5/4 GIAD $ A/5; /F 8H #8 C$= $IF>IFIH$ 2 # G>; 11 5HAHG$H IAA H I> C/>/I>I> =H5I/; /F 2 # G>; 11. 10.
;/4H$IC H>I5/>4H>$ G5H $8/> 85/8 8H $ A/5; /F 8H #8 C$=.
11. $ A/5; /F 8H #8 C$= I$ I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F 4H5C5E /5 =IH5 =5/4I$H$ H;CGI/> G>; =AG>H$ $I>GIFEI> # ( G>; 11 IH H;CGI/> I> 8H =H5I/;$ G>; I$ / H ;H; F5/4 8H $ A/5;$ /F 8H C$=$ /F ( G>; 11 GA$/. 8H $ A/5; /F 8H (8 C$= 85/$ AI8 /> 8I8H5 $;IH$ G>; 5H$HG5C8. 12. #8 C$= 5H=5H$H>$ 8H H;CGI/>GA I>$II/>*C/AAHH,. $/ 8H $ A/5; /F 8H #8 C$= IF =/$IH; I> 8H $G5 /F =AG>H$ $I>IFEI> # G>; 11 G;4I$$I/> I>/ 8H I>$II/>*C/AAHH, I$ CH5GI>. 13. $ A/5; /F 8H #8 C$= $I>IFEI> & G>; 12 CG$H$ 5HG$ I> H;CGI/> /5 >/ H;CGI/> I> CH5GI> CG$H$. 1#. / $HAA G 8/$H 8H $ GA/5; /F 8H 108 C$= $I>IFIH$ 3 G>; 10 *4G5$ $8/A; 8GH $/4H 5HAHG>CH I8 108,. 8/$H$ 3 " G>; 10 / H ;H; F/5 $HAAI> G>; 3 G>; 12 F/5 II> =/$$H$$I/>. >/H D #8 5H=5H$H>$ I44/GAH =5/=H5E *AG>; IA;I> HC, 4G5$ I$ 8H G5GG F/5 $C8 =5/=H5IH$. 8H =5C8G$H5 I$ 5H=5H$H>H; E 8H %8 C$= /F 8H C8G5 G>; 8I$ GCJI$II/> /F =5/=H5E I$ ;H>/H; E 8H #8 F5/4 %8 I.H. 108. 8H8H5 G>E =G5E /A; =5C8G$H 8H JH5H>'$ =5/=H5E*I.H. 8H8H5 8H JH5H> IAA H GAH / $HAA 8H =5/=H5E, I$ 8H5HF/5H / H ;H; F5/4 108 C$= /F 8H C8G5. 8H JH5H>'$ =5/=H5E I$ ;H>/H; E 8H #8 C$= G>; 8I$ =G5I> I8 I E 8H 35; 8/$H *8IC8 I$ 12 F5/4 #,. 8$ $/4H =G5E /A; =5C8G$H />AE IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 108 C$= I$ G $I>GIFICG/5 /F 35; G>; 108. 8H "8 8/$H I$ GA$/ 5HAHG> / 8H 4GH5 G$ I I$ 8H 118 8/$H F5/4 8H %8 5H=5H$H>I> =5C8G$H5. 1". 8/$H D IF 8H $ GA/5; /F 8H #8 C$= $I>IFIH$ # 11 G>; 12 />H IAA C/>$5C G 8/$H G>; 4G5$ GA$/ $8/A; C/4H I>/ 8H =IC5H F/5 I44/GAH =5/=H5IH$ G>; IA;I>$ G>; $G5> F/5 C/>$5CI/>. 118 *FAFIAA4H> G/F ;H$I5H$ G>; 128 F/5 I>H$4H> /F 4/>HE.
>/H D< G$ 8H =5C8G$H; 8/$H I$ >/ G >H IA;I> 6 G>; ( 8GG$ G5H GA$/ / H ;H; HCG$H 68 I$ 128 F/5 8H %8 8IC8 $G>;$ F/5 8H =H5$/> 8/ $HAA$ G>; 8H (8 I$ 128 / #8 /F 8H %8.
16. 5G>$FH5 I> $H5ICH D 8H $ A/5; /F 8H #8 C$= $I>IFIH$ 3 10 G>; 12 G>; 8H C/>/I> =H5I/; /F 8H$H 8/$H$ /=H5GH 5G>$FH5 I$ HFFHCH;. IF #8 C$= $ GA/5; $I>IFIH$ #8 8/$H G>; IF 8H5H I$ G 5G>$FH5 /5;H5 I$$H; I IAA H CG>CHAAH; IF 8H 118 C$= $ GA/5; $I>IFIH$ 12#10 G>; 11 G>; 8H IAA H 5HGI>H; IF 8H$H $I>GIFICG/5$ /=H5GH. 1%. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H #8 C$= I$ I> 8H $G5 /F G =AG>H $I>IFEI> 3 G>; 12 C8G>H I> 5H$I;H>CH CG> >/ H 5AH; /. 1&. / G$CH5GI> 8H / C/4H /F G> HG4I>GI/> />H 8G$ / A// 8H $ A/5; /F 8H #8 C$=. 8H $G4H $8/A; H C/>>HCH; /G 8H 11 8/$H G>; G 8H $G4H I4H $8/A; 8GH >/ C/>>HCI/> I8 8H 35; 8IC8 I$ >HGI/> / 8H #8 8/$H 4GH5$. 8H> 8H IAA H $CCH$$FA. 1(. IF 8H #8 C$= $A/5; I$ H>$ I$HAF G>; C/>>HCH; / G>E /F 8H I4=5/I> 8/$H$ I> 4/GAH $I>$ />H IAA 8GH HC8ICAH$ G>; H8ICAG5 C/4F/5$ IF I> FIH;; $I>$ F5>I5H G>; IF I> C/44/> $I>$ 5/CI> C8GI/5 AIH G5ICAH$ II> /;IAE C/4F/5$.
C8IA; I58 D 8/$H 2 " G>; 11. $ A/5; /F 8H "8 C$= $I>IFEI> 2 " G>; 11.
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
#. IAA I>GAI; C8IA; =GIC = 8HGA8 IF 8H JH5H> I$ 8H =G5H> GH 8H C$=G /F 8H "8 8/$H G$ 8H G$CH>;G> G/F 8H C8IA; G>; IF 8H $ GA/5; /F 8H "8 8/$H *G$CH;G> /F C8IA;, I$ 8H $I>IFICG/5 3 G>; " 8H C8IA; IAA =IC = 8HGA8 IF I $I>IFIH; 108 G>; C/>>HCH; / $G5> GA$/ I> G>E 4G>>H5 8H C8IA; IAA >/ 5HC/H5. ". IF 8H A/5; /F 8H "8 C$= I$ ;H=/$IH; I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F G =AG>H $IGH; I> 1$ 8/$H 8IC8 4GE H HI8H5 AH/ /5 GJG5I$ />H 8G$ 4$ICGA GAH>. 6. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H "8 C$= I$ ;H=/$IH; I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F " 6 G>; 10 G>; I> G>E 4G>>H5 C/>>HCH; / H>$ />H HC/4H$ G =/=AG5 GC/5. %. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H "8 C$= I$ ;H=/$IH; I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F G =AG>H $I>IFEI> % G>; 11 4GH5IGAIG$GI/> /F A/H GFFGI5 I>/ 4G55IGH I$ ;HFI>IH. IF I> 8H C/>$HAAGIG/> C/>>HCH; / 6 G>; 12 I IAA >/ 4GH5IGAILH. &.
/>H$ =5H$IH I$ A/$ G$ ;HGC8 IF 8H "8 C$= $ A/5; $I>IFIH$ 10 G>; 12.
(. />H$ =5/=H5E I$ A/$ IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H "8 C$= I$ G $I>IFICG/5 /F # G>; 12 85/8 ;HGC8H5E. 10.
CG$8 I$ A/$ IF 8H "8 C$= $ A/5; $I>IFIH$ 2 G>; 12 85/8 ;HGC8H5E.
11. I>IIGI/> /F 4G>85G$ G>; $I;;8I IF 8H "8 C$= $A/5; I$ C/>>HCH; / 118 G>; $G5> I> $/4H 4G>>H5 C/>>HCH; * $G5> I$ 8H =AG>H F/5 5H>>CIGI/> G>; G=G$,.
12. 8H $ A/5; /F 8H "8 C$= $I>IFEI> " /5 % /5 /8 G>; HI> C/>>HCH; I8 H>$ 8H G5GG /F 4$IC $8/$ =5/FICIH>CE I> 4$IC*"8 8/$H I$ F/5 4$IC G>; %8 F/5 FI>H G5$,. 13. $=HCAGI/> D IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H "8 C$= $I>IFIH$ 2 6 " G>; 11 />H GI>$ I> $=HCAGI/>.
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
1. /H5 ;5GF FGCIAIE D $ A/5; /F 8H 68 C$= $I>IFEI> 2 6 G>; 11 G>; I> 8H C/>/I>I> =H5I/; /F 8H$H $I>IFICG/5$. 2.
IAA>H$$ D< 8/$H$ 6 & G>; 12 . $ A/5; /F 8H 68 C$= $I>IFEI> G>E /F 8H G/H 8/$H$ /5 GAA.
I> 8H C/>/I>I> =H5I/; /F G$CH>;G> G>; 68 8/$H $I>IFICGI/> $IC>H$$ I$ 8H5H 12 I$ C/>>HCH; 8/$=IGAILGI/> I$ 8H5H & HAA$ $H5I/$>H$$ /F 8H ;I$HG$H G>;H ;G>H5 / AIFH CG> H H>I$GH;. 3.
=5/4/I/>D< $ A/5; /F 8H 6 G>; 10 C$=$ I> 8H C/>/I>I> =H5I/; /F 2 6 G>; 11.
HI> G H>G> D $ A/5; /F 8H 68 C$= I> 8H C/>/I>I> =H5I/; /F #6 G>; 11.
". F/5 5HG==/I>4H> I> $H5ICH 8H $ GA/5; /F 8H 68 CF$= $8/A; $I>IFE 6 /5 10 /5 2 G>; IF $I>IFIH$ 1 " ( /5 12 >/ 5HG==/I>4H>. 6. I> HC8G>H $I>H$$ IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H "8G C$= $I>IFIH$ 6 G>; 11 E/ GI> G>; IF " G>; 12 E/ $G>; / A//$H. %. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 68 C$= $I>IFIH$ 2 6 G>; 11 8H5H I$ 5HCHI= /F G4/>HE G$ G/>H ;H$I5H$. &.
/ H ;/>GI/> $HH 8H $ GA/5; /F 8H 68 C$= $I>IFIH$ 2 /5 6 /5 11.
(. / H GC H>G>AH; G4/>HE 8H $ GA/5; /F 8H 68 C$= $8/A; $I>IFE 2 6 G>; 11 G>; $8/A; 8GH >/8I> / ;/ I8 $G5>. 10. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 68 C$= $I>IFIH$ 1 6 G>; 11 $CCH$$ I> AIIGI/> I$ =5/4I$H;. AH ;I$HG$H. 11. 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 68 C$= 5HHGA$ 8H E=H /F ;I$HG$H I> H54$ /F I$ =AGCH4H>$ I> 8H I58 C8G5 /5 8/5G5E C8G5 G>; I I$ $HH> 85/8 8H $I> A/5; $G5 A/5;. 12. 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 68 C$= I$ I> 8H 128 F5/4 AG>G G>; HC/4H$ G $5/> $I>IFICG/5 /F 68 8H >GIH IAA ;HFI>IHAE $FFH5 F5/4 G> I>C5GAH ;I$HG$H. 13. 8H> IAA 8H H>G> GCGH B 68G 8/$H I>;ICGH$ H>G> #8 G>; 118 C/>H; 8H5H F5/4 ;H>/H /CC=GI/> /F E/5 8/$H. IF 8H I$ / GCGH 8H 35; F5/4 68 $8/A; /=H5GH. $/ 8H $I>IFICG/5 /F &8 *35; F5/4 68, $8/A; H C/>>HCH; I8 68. 8H>CH ;5I> 8H C/>/I>I> =H5I/; /F 8H $I>IFICG/5 /F 6 G>; & 8H GCGH$. 1#. / H G A/G> D 8H $ GMA/5; /F 8H 68 C$= $8/A; >/ H I> 5H5/5G;H 4/I/> /5 I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F G =AG>H I> 5H5/5G;H $G$ G>; GA$/ 8GH $/4H C/G>>HCI/> I8 8H 8/$H$ 2 /5 6 /5 11. 1". I> H>H5GA IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 68 C$= H$ G //; $I>IFICGI/> I> G 8/5/$C/=H I.H. C/G>>HCH; / I4=5/I> 8/$H$ *1 2 3 6 10 G>; 11, 8H IAA H G 4G> /F $CCH$$ I> GAA 8HG5H$ /F AIFH 8IAH ;HGAGI> I8 /8H5$.
16. =H G>I4GA$ G>; G/ 4GH5>GA >CAH />H CG> 5HG; 85/8 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 68 C$= IF C/>>HCH; / *$I>IFIH$, 8H I/4=5/I> 8/$H$ H>HFI 85/8 8H4 CG> H H>/EH; IF C/>>HCH; / " & G>; 12 A/$$ G>; 5/AH F5/4 8H$H $/5CH$. #T OUSE
1. 4G55IGH D IF 8H $ GA/5; /F 8H %8 C$= $I>IFIH$ 2 % G>; 11 G>; I8 >GFFAICH; H>$ 4G55IGH I$ =5/4I$H; G>; 8H $G4H F5CIFIH$ I> 8H C/>/I> =H5I/; /F 8H $I>IFICG/5$ /F 2 % G>; 11. 2. 4G55IGH $/==H; D IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H %8G C$= I$ 8H $I>IFICG/5 /F 1 6 10 /5 12 4G55IGH IAA >/ GH =AGCH I8 8H =G5E I> JEH$I/> =/$II/> /F H>$ / H A//H; I>/. 3. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H %8 C$= I$ I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F G =AG>H $I>IFEI> 6 G>; 11 E/ CG> 8GH G =G5>H5 I> $I>H$$. IF $I>IFIH$ 6 G>; 12 =G5>H5$8I= IAA 5HG. IF $I>IFIH$ " G>; 11 =H54G>H>G IH I8 =G5>H5. IF $I>IFIH$ " & G>; 12 =G5>H5 IAA H H>HFIH; G>; E/ $G>; / A//$H 4C8. #. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H %8 C$= I$ 8H $I>IFICG/5 /F % & 12 G>; " /==/>H> I$ H5E =/H5FAA I> GAA GA$ /F AIFH. ". IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H %8 C$= $I>IFIH$ 2 % G>; 11 G>; 8H I5A /5> I8 $C8 5AAI> =AG>H$* G$ G5H 8H $I>IFICG/5$ /F 2 % G>; 11,> E/ CG> 4G55E 5IC8 I5A F/5 8G54/>I/$ 4G55IH; AIFH. IF 1 6 G>; 10 $8H IAA >/ C/4H >;H5 4G55IGH F/A;. 6.
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
11. %8 C$= $ GA/5; I$ 4H5C55E /5 G>E =AG>H /CC=EI> ;GA $I> 4/5H 8G> />H IFH G>; IF 8H $G4H $ A/5; $I>IFIH; 2 G>; 11. 12. IF E/ G> / >/ E8/5 F5H F5/4 G> G$5/A/H5 8H %8 C$= ;H>/H; 8H G$5/A/H5. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H %8 C$= I$ G FG$ G4/I> =AG>H 8H IAA =5H;IC I44H;IGHAE $A/ 4/I> =AG>H 8H5H IAA H ;HAGE I> G>GAE$I$ /F 8H =5/AH4. 13. 8HF D IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H %8 C$= I$ 4H5C55E 8HIF I$ H5E E/> H>$ 9 E/8FAA G>; E/> FH4GAH 4G5$ 9 FAA /F GH =IH5 9 4I;;AH GH $G5> 9 HA;H5AE =H5$/> $> 9 E/> G>; $H 9 $HH 8H $ A/5; I> H54$ /F 8H =AG>H$ $H. 1#. =G5>H5 I> $I>H$$ I$ $8/> E %8 C$= . IF 8H $ A/5; I$ 4H5C55E HAA$ 4/5H 8G> />H =G5>H5 G>; IF $I>IFIH$ 118 $5/> IH /F =G5>H5$8I= G>; IF IAA C/>>HCH; / H>$ 85/8 $ C/5;IGA 5HAGI/>$8I= G5H =5/4I$H;. 1". / FI>; / IF />H ;IH; /F 45;H5 D 8H $ A/5; /F 8H %8 C$= I$ ;H=/$IH; I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F G =AG>H 8GIC8 I$ 8H I$>IFICG/5 /F 8G;8GG /5 4G5GG$8G>G$ I> H54$ /F 8H 1$ C$= G>; GA$/ &8 8/$H. 8H =/H5$/> 45;H5H; 5H=5H$H>$ 8H 1$ C$=. $T OUSE
IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H &8 C$= $I>IFIH$ "6& G>; 12 8H IAA H /55/I> F5/4 G / L.
IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H &8 C$= $I>IFIH$ 2 10 /5 11 8H 5H5>$ 8H /55/H; 4/>HE.
IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H &8 C$= $I>FIH$ 6 G>; 11 E/ 5HCHIH; C8HJH G>; 8H A//$H$.
#. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H &8 C$= ;H=/$IH; I> 8H $G5 /F G =AG>H $I>IFEI> 4G5GG /5 8G;8GG 8/$H$ G>; GA$/ &8 8/$H G>; 4/5H C/>>HCH; / 4G5$ $ICI;GJA ;HG8 I$ / H =5H;ICH;. ". >G5H /F ;HG8 D $ A/5; /F 8H &8 C$= G>; I$ C/>>HCI/> / /8H5 8/$H$ 85/8 $G5 G>; HAH4H>$ / H C/>$I;H5H; *# HAH4H>$ FIH5E HG58E GI5E GG>; GH5E,. 6. 8IAH 68 C$= $ A/5; HAA$ G/ 8H >G5H /F 8H ;I$HG$H 8G /F &8 HAA$ G/ ;G>H5 G>; FGGAIE I$ FI>GAAE /A;. %. ;HG8 E $ICI;H D 8H $ A/5; /F 8H &8 C$= 4$ H ;H=/$IH; I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F G =AG>H $I>IFEI> HI8H5 8G;8GG$8G> /5 4G5GG$8G>G G>; 4/5H/H5 /F 8H &8 8/$H F58H5 8H A/5; /F 8H C/>$HAAGI/> 4$ 8GH $/4H C/>>HCIG/> I8 45$ G5GG /F >>G5GA ;HG8. &. GCCI;H> CG> 8G==H> />AE 8H> 8H $ A/5; /F 8H &8 C$= I$ ;H=/$IH; I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F G =AG>H $I>IFEI> &8 8/$H G>; I 8G==H>$ I> 8H C/>/I>H; =H5I/; /F 8H $I>IFICG/5$ /F 1 G>; &. I IAA H FGGA />AE IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H &8 C$= I$ I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F 8H $I>IFICG/5 /F 8G;8GG /5 4G5GG$8G>G$. (. $5H5E I$ ;H>/H; E 8H &8 8/$H. F/5 />H / >;H5/ $5H5E*G> /=H5GI/>,. 8H $ A/5; /F 8H &8 C$= $8/A; H HAA C/>>HCH; I8 68 *8/$H /F $IC>H$$, &8 *8H 8/$H /F $5H5E , /5 128 *8/$H 8G I>;ICGH$ 8/$=IGAILGI/> C/>FI>H4H> / H;,. 8H
$G4H $ GA/5; $8/A; GA$/ I> $/4H 4G>>H5 H C/>>H; / 4G5$ 8H G5GG F/5 >IH$*$5H5E,. /=H5GI/> GH$ =AGCH I> 8H C/>/I> =H5I/; /F 6 & 128 8/$H$. (8 8/$H 1. A/>HIE /F FG8H5 D 8/$H$ 3 G>; 108 G>; 8G;8GG$8G>GG$ 5HC/>H; I> H54$ /F (8 HI> 4/GAH FIH; G>; C/44/> $I>$. $ A/5; /F 8H (8 C$= $I>IFEI> /8H5 8G> 8H G/H 8/$H; I.H. (1116 F/5 A/> AIFH /F 8H FG8H5. 2.
(8 C$= $ A/5; $I>IFEI> 1 G>; 11 =GH5>GA =5/=H5IH$ G5H $5H.
3. (8 C$= $ A/5; C/>>HCH; / 3 ( G>; 10 I>;ICGH$ =IA5I4GH G>; /5>HE / 8/AE =AGCH$. #. 8/ I$ G> G$5/A/H5 D IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H (8 C$= I$ ;H=/$IH; I> 8H $G5 /F =AG>H$ $I>IFEI> 2 ( G>; 11 />H CG> HC/4H $CCH$$FA G$5/A/H5 =IH5 G>; 4//> $8/A; H C/>>HCH; / ( G>; 12. 1%T OUSE
H4=A/E4H> D 8/$H$ 2 6 10 G>; 11 $ A/5; /F 8H 108 C$=.
=5/4/I/> D< 8/$H$ 2 6 10 G>; 11 $ A/5; /F 10 G>; 6 .
=IA5I4GH D 8/$H$ 3 ( G>; 10 $ A/5; /F 108 C$=.
;I$=/$GA /F I44/GAH =5/=H5E D 8/$H$ 3 " G>; 10 $ /F 108 C$= $I>IFEI> 3 " G>; 10.
I>C/4H G 5/AH D 8/$H$ % & G>; 12 $ A/5; /F 8H 108 C$=.
6. IF 8H 108 C$= $ A/5; $I>IFIH$ % 8I$ =5/FH$$I/>*4GI>, I$ $I>H$$ G>; IF $I>IFIH$ 6 =5/FH$$I/> I$ $H5ICH. %. F/5 5HI>$GH4H> I> $H5ICH 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 108 C$= $I>IFIH$ 2 6 G>; 10 G>; IAA >HH5 H 5HI>$GH; IF $I>IFIH$ 1 " ( G>; 12. &. F/5 />H / HG5> E $HAF HH5I/> 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 108 C$= $8/A; H $I>IFICG/5 /F 2* 8H 8/$H /F $HAF GCJI$II/>, /5 10 *8H 8/$H /F =5/FH$$I/>,. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 108 C/>>HCH; I8 G ;GA $I> G>; I8 /8 6 G>; % />H IAA HG5> E $H5ICH G$ HAA G$ $I>H$$ G>; $/ />. (. =/AIIC$ D 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 108 C$= $8/A; $I>IFE 1 6 ( 10 G>; 11 G>; =AG>H$ =IH5 4H5C55E 4G5$ G>; $G5> GA$/ $8/A; 8GH C/>>HCI/> / 108. F/5 =IH5 9 CHAH$IGA C8IHF 4I>I$H5 F/5 4H5C55E 9 4H$$H>H5 /F /; F/5 4G5$ 9 C/44G>;H5 I> C8IHF F/5 $G5> 9 =/$II/> /F 5$ F/5 G$CH>;G> 9 ;H>/H$ $CCH$$
F/5 68 9 ;HFHG /F /==/>H>$ F/5 (8 9 H>H5GA F/5>H F/5 108 9 8/>/5 G>; =/=AG5IE F/5 118 9 G4II/> GC8IHH; 10. IF 8H 108 C$= $ A/5; I$ $G5> G>; $I>IFIH$ 118 8/$H />H IAA HG5> 4/>HE 85/8 IAAHGA GE$. 11. IF 8H 108 C$= $ GA/5; I$ /GA $I>IFICG/5 /F %8 8/$H G>; I> >/ GE I 8G$ C/>>HCI/> I8 G>E /8H5 8/$H 9 8H IAA H G 4G> /F =AIC GCIIIH$ I8/ G>E 4GH5IGA 8G==I>H$$ /5 5H5>. 11T OUSE
1. 5H>I/> I8 8H 8$G>; D 8/$H 2 % G>; 11 $ /F 8H 118 C$= $I>IEI> 2 % G>; 11 F5CIFICGI/> I> 8H C/>/I> =H5I/; /F $I>IFICG/5$ /F 2 % G>; 11. 2. 5HC/H5E /F 8H A/$ =5/=H5E D $ A/5; /F 8H 118H C$= $I>IFEI> 8/$H$ 2 6 G>; 11 G>; F5CIFICGI/> I> 8HI5 C/>/I> =H5I/;. 3. 5H5> /F 8H 4I$$I> =H5$/> D $ A/5; /F 8H 118 C$= $I>IFEI> 2 # 6 G>; 11. I> 8H C/>/I>I> =H5I/; /F 8H $I>IFICG/5$ /F 2 & G>; 11. #. IAA I G= GH5 D IF 8H $ GA/5; /F 8H 118 C$= I$ ;H=/$IH; I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F G =AG>H I> G GH5E $I> E/ IAA G= GH5. IF I> G G55H> $I> CG> >/ G= GH5. ". IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 118 C$= $I>IFIH$ 1 G>; 2 G>; GA$/ 11 />H 8G$ $CCH$$ I> G>E H>H5=5I$H 8H >;H5GH$ G>; 8H5H I$ FAFIAA4H> /F 8I$ ;H$I5H$. 6. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 118 C$= I$ I> 8H 128 8GG /5 C/>>HCH; I> G>E 4G>>H5 / 128 G>; GA$/ C/>>HCH; / ( G>; 11 I $8/$ 8I$ $CH$$ I> 8I$ GH4=$ / ;/ 5H$HG5C8 G>; 8H $ A/5;'$ =AGCH4H> I> 12 I>;ICGH; ;/I> $/ I> G F/5HI8 C/>5E. %. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 11 C$=G I> 8H C/>$HAAGI/> /F 8H $I>IFICG/5$ /F # G>; ( G>; I> $/4H GE C/>>HCH; / =IH5 =8; I$ / IF 8H $G4H $ A/5; I$ I> G 4/GAH $I> 8H IAA HC/4H =8; H5E HG5AE. &. F/5 I>>I> HAHCI/> 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 118 C$= $8/A; $I>IFE 1 6 10 G>; 11 G>; F/5 FGIA5H " & G>; 12. F/5 >/ /F $HG$ I> G> HAHCI/> F/5>G I$ / H A//H; I>/. (. F/5 =5/$=H5IE /F G> I>$II/> 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 11 C$= $I>IFIH$ 6 G>; 10 =5/$=H5IE I$ =5/4I$H;. 10. $ A/5; /F 8H 118 C$= $I>IFEI> G>E /F 8H 8/$H$ 1 2 3 6 10 G>; 11 IAA 8GH F5IH>;$ 8/ IAA H 8A=FA G>; H>HFICIGA. 11. I>H5IH D IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 118 C$= I$ ;I5HC G>; $I>IFIH$ 3 G>; ( I>H5IH I$ $CCH$$FA I> 8H C/>/I>I> =H5I/; /F 3 G>; (.
12. C8IA;'$ 5H5> F5/4 $C8//A D 8I$ I$ 5ICAE /5H; / /> >4H5 IH> E 8H 4/8H5 /F 8H C8IA;. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 11. C$= $I>IFIH$ " G>; 11 C8IA; IAA 5H5> 8H> 8H 5G>$II> AG>G ;H5HH /C8H$ 8H " G>; 11 $I>IFICG/5$. 13. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 11 C$= $I>IFIH$ 2 6 G>; 11 I> GAA CG$H$ /F 8HF A/$ =5/=H5E IAA H 5HC/H5H; IF 8H $I>IFICG/5$ /F 2 6 G>; 11 G5HH$ I8 8H 5AAI> =AG>H$. 1#. 4G5IGl AIFH I$ I>;ICGH; E 8H $ A/5; /F 8H %8 C$= 8H >G5H /F 4G5IGA AIFH I$ G$$H$$H; 85/8 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 11 C$= />AE. 1". / H =G5E ICH F/5 G$$H4AE HAHCI/> D 11 C$= $ A/5; $8/A; H 8H $I>IFICG/5 /F 35; HI> 8H 8/$H F/5 G5HH4H> /5 =H54I$$I/> / / G8HG; I8 8H HAHCI/>. 16. 8H 118 C$= $ A/5; $I>IFEI> " 10 G>; 11 $8/$ $I;;8I F/AA/I> I>IIGI/>. "8 $8/$ 4G>85G 108 HAAH 5HAG5 =5GCICH G>; 118 =/I>$ / GC8IHH4H>. 1%. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 118G C$= I$ G $I>IFICG/5 /F 8/$H$ 2 " % /5 11 =H5FHC 8G54/>E G>; 8G==GE 4G5I4/>IGA AIFH I$ I>;ICGH;. 1&. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 118 C$= I$ G $I>IFICG/5 /F 6 G>; 12 8H5H I$ >/ C5H /5 5HC/H5E F5/4 IAA>H$$.G IF 8H $G4H $ GA/5; $I>IFIH$ " G>; 11 5HC/H5E F5/4 IAA>H$$ I$ =5/4I$H;. 12T OUSE
F/5HI> 5I= D 8/$H 3 ( G>; 12.
$ A/=5; /F 8H 128 C$= $8/A; $I>IFE 3 /5 ( /5 12 *3 $8/$ AHGI> 8/4H G>; 8/4H AG>; (8 $8/$ A/> /5>HE 12 HAA$ >H G4/$=8H5H G>; H>I5/>4H>,. 2. A/$$ /F 5H=GI/> D $ A/5; /F 8H 128 C$= $I>IFEI> &8 G>; 128 G>; 8G==H>$ I> 8H C/>/I>I> =H5I/; /F 8H $I>IFICG/5$ /F & G>; 12. 3. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 128G C$= I$ G $I>IFICG/5 /F 3 /5 ( /5 12 G>; GA$/ G $5/> $I>IFICG/5 /F 68 5I= I$ 8H5H /> F/5HI> G$$I>4H>. #. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 128 C$= $I>IFIH$ 2 3 & G>; 12 G>; 5G8 GA$/ HAA C/>>HCH; / 8H $ A/5; I4=5I$/>4H> I$ I>;ICGH;*=5HFH5GAE 5G8 % H 8H $ A/5; I $HAF G>; $I>IFE 3 & G>; 12,. 2 D GFFAICH; 9 $H=H5GI/> F5/4 FG4IAE 3 D AHGI> 8/4H G>; 5H$I;H>CH & D 5H$5ICI/> I> 4/H4H>$. 12D C/>FI>H4H> I8I> # GAA$ G>; AIFH I> H>I5HAE ;IFFH5H> $55/>;I>$.
". IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 128 C$= I$ G >G5GA H>HFIC G>; $I>IFIH$ 2 6 G>; 11 />H I$ ACE I> GAA G>; 8H5H IAA H 4/5H 5H5> I8I> H=H>$H$. 6. 8H G;HFHC$ G5H $8/> E 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 128 C$=. F/5 G >GIH / 8GH G ;HFHC 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 128 C$= $8/A; H G $I>IFICG/5 /F />H /F 8H HIA 8/$H$ 6 & G>; 12. 8H >G5H /F 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 128 C$= G>; 8GG *$, I $I>IFIH$ 85/ AI8 /> 8H =G5 /F 8H /;E GFFHCH;. %. IF 8H $ A/5; /F 8H 128 C$= $I>IFIH$ 6 & G>; 12 G>; $/4H GE C/>>HCH; / 2 >; 8/$H 4G/5 ;HFHC / AHF HEH I$ $8/>. httpD::!!!