Generally the profit center in sales orders is derived based profit center in the material master and it flows through to the billing. However in cert...
This PPT will provide you with a in depth knowledge about the Profit Center accounting in SAP FI module
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This document shows how to change the profit center in material master while the material has balance quantity.Full description
Quail Breeding
Validation and Substitution in SAP
Mrs Jackson, Paris Jackson, Prince Jackson and Blanket Jackson Wrongful Death lawsuit against concert promoters of the canceled "This Is It" Shows, AEGLiveFull description
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compilation of some of our digested cases in sales with csu law 2be. i also copied some digested cases
1. Intr Introdu oductio ction n Generally the proft center in sales orders is derived based proft center in the material master and it ows through to the billing. However in certain scenarios there could be a need to post to a dierent proft center as an e!ception or it could be that the business wants to "ollow a dierent rule altogether# i.e. post to a proft center based on a dierent logic such as $ derive based on the %&istribution Channel' o" the sale order. (his could be handled by by the use o" a substitution substitution rule using transaction code code )*+, with "ew simple steps# let-s tae a loo at it/ (his wors "or the traditional traditional +C$0C $ 0roft 0roft center accounting as well as ew G34.
2. Basic setti settings ngs Transaction code – )*+, Clic on Create 5ubstitution icon highlighted below.
Give a name and save
6nce you have saved the substitution substitution you need to create a step# clic on the icon.
5elect on the proft center since we are looing at substituting the proft center. 6nce you select that# your ne!t pop up would be to select the substitution substitution method.
Here you can select i" the value need to be substituted by a constant value# or you want to write a logic using an e!it# or even i" you want to substitute with the value o" another feld. In this simple e!ample I am going to substitute with a constant value. ow save the substitution.
e!t step is to defne the prere7uisites "or the substitution to be valid.
I want to substitute the proft center i" the distribution channel is %8)'. 9ou can add this by double clicing on the re7uired feld :distribution channel; in the table feld list which will be moved to the top bo!. (hen speci"y the re7uirement by using the eys on your right. I have cliced on the %<' sign and then %constant' bo! and then typed in %8)' on the bo! that pops up.
e!t step is to go in the substitution and assign the constant proft center code that I want.
ow we have success"ully created a substitution rule# ne!t step is to assign it and activate it.
Transaction code – 0KEL Here# you need to give the Controlling area# the substitution and the active status. =hen you are selecting the active status there are fve options you can either select "or all transactions including cross company billing documents or either o" the two.
I am going with status %8'
ow the substitution is activated# ne!t time I create a sales order with distribution channel %8)' the proft center will be substituted