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Chapter: 1.0
Organization Part
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Organizational Overview DHAKA CENTRENIC IT Limited is web and graphics solutions provider at its core with the highl !uali"ied !uali"ied designers having e#perience e#perience o" more than $ ears in various various and comple# comple# designs% designs% &ther than our core service li'e web design and development DHAKA CENTRENIC IT Limited has satis"ied the clients with the services li'e (obile app Design and development) *o"tware and (obile Testing) *E& and *ocial (edia Designing + Development% ,e are customer centric and divert our e""orts to act as a one stop solution provider in the area o" IT% In ever area o" our operations we wor' hard in understanding the Client-s re!uirement and providing the DHAKA CENTRENIC IT Limited made solution%
Our Philosophy ,e "irml believe in the philosoph o" .&ur Asset &ur /eople-% ,e ta'e pride in a team o" highl !uali"ied) s'illed and motivated /ro"essionals who are encouraged to lead) innovate and e#cel% &ur team consists o" top pro"essionals who share a common vision and passion) providing our clients with critical insights and advise to succeed in toda0s competitive environment% ,e believe in delivering E#pertise) E#cellence *ervices through our past E#perience and providing the highest and best end use o" services to our client%
Our Services • • •
Apps Development ,eb Design *o"tware Development
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pps !evelop"ent In the past two ears) the app mar'et has e#ploded% In less than 1 months the Apple store reported over a billion downloads) and then doubled that number in hal" the time% The app cra2e has spread to Android) 3lac'berr) i&* and ever other mobile mar'et under the sun% Having an app "or our business or promotion or whatever it ma be can be a game changing mar'eting tool to drive tra""ic and revenue% &n the highest end o" the spectrum) ou see Angr 3irds ma'ing 456( o"" a simple game% Then ou also see people who put out basic "ree apps and still get thousands o" downloads "or doing nothing% A lot o" conversations I-ve had in the past ear don-t even tal' about apps because the client thin's it-s clearl going to be too e#pensive and the have no idea where to even start% The most important news "or client is that apps development is not much e#pensive what ou thing% #ypes o$ apps we develop
7ou 7ou can develop di""erent 'inds o" apps it-s actuall depend on our re!uirement and wanting what tpe o" apps ou want to develop %e develop
8% 3asic table "unctionalit% "unctionalit% 9% Database driven custom "unctionalit% :% ;ames <% Enhancement or modi"ication o" the device "irmware or hardware% 5% =ull dnamic apps% >% Everthing else% =or di""erent mobile plat"orm li'e
,indows Apps
*ocial apps
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Our pps !evelop"ent Process
,e develop apps in "our di""erent parts 8% The Idea? 7ou need idea to build apps% *o @ust give us our idea what ou want to develop "or our compan we will develop apps on the basis o" our ideas% 9% =unctionalit Laout? The amount o" "unctionalit that needs to be de"ined and built will also pla a part in the cost o" our apps% :% Design? ,e ensure our e#clusive design% ,e have an e#perience team those who will design our desire apps "or our compan% <% ;oing Live? This is a "inal stage o" our apps development
%eb&!esign At DHAKA CENTRENIC IT Limited we "ocus on creating search engine "riendl) aestheticall appealing and interactive website designs% It is a 'nown "act that to build a strong web presence and to secure the countless mar'eting opportunities available on the internet) a good website is imperative) thus triggering a race "or ,ebsite Design while designing and developing our website) our pro"essionals 'eep in mind 'e "actors li'e easnavigation) overall consistenc and content !ualit) stipulated time"rames and budget% Higher ran'ed on the *earch Engine result pages%
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So$tware !evelop"ent At DHAKA CENTRENIC IT Limited we o""ers "ull integrated so"tware development and technical support solutions% DHAKA CENTRENIC IT Limited is welle#perienced custom so"tware Development Compan and so"tware outsourcing compan% ,e have great e#pertise in the development o" custom so"tware applications due to our pro"essional team e""orts in per"orming the wor' according to the need o" our o""shore clients% ,e strive to "ocus on the customer and deliver solutions designed around their re!uirements rather than "ocusing on a speci"ic technolog and e#pecting the customer to adapt to the technolog and plat"orm o" our choice% ,e use to "ul"ill speci"ic needs o" our clients as per their convenience "or their business%
Our 'ocation at (angladesh 'ocation House? :<) 1th =loor) *onargaon Banapath% *ector? 88) ttara% Dha'a89:6% 3angladesh%
To build a trusted IT Companies in 3angladesh To be the largest *o"tware Companies in 3angladesh To be the largest online retailer To be the best choice "or people when the li'e to Apps Development To be the largest *E& search engine optimi2ation (ar'eting Compan in 3angladesh To be the largest IT compan in ,orld%
*ission 5
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Report On /roduce e#cellent service in the "ield o" IT *ervice) *o"tware Development) ,ebsite Design + Development) Apps Development) *E& *earch Engine &ptimi2ation) *(( *ocial (edia (ar'eting) &nline Advertisement) edatabase sstems and ban'ing home and abroad) Ecommerce and Consultanc with ma#imum e""ort driven toward customer satis"action%
Our *ission at a glance:
To achieve ma#imum customer satis"action over the entire li"e ccle o" our customer solution via our e#cellence o" products and solutions% To consistentl enhance our competitiveness and deliver pro"itable growth% To practice highest standards o" corporate governance and be a "inanciall sound compan% To be a partner in nation building and contribute towards 3angladesh economic growth% To encourage ideas) talent and value sstems and become the customers o" choice% To earn the trust and con"idence o" all customers) e#ceeding their e#pectations% To uphold the guiding principles o" trust) integrit and transparenc in all aspects o" interactions and dealings% Fision to build upon a reputation o" being one o" the most innovative IT *olution and *ervice provider% ,e believe in doing our wor' in the most e""icient wa with robust and structured methodolog) with gradual evolution "rom hardwor' to smart wor' culture) at client-s end also%
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Chapter: +.0
Pro,ect -ntroduction
-ntroduction 7
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Report On Internship is a practical e#posure o" theoreticall gained 'nowledge and can be measured as a preliminar trial to be aware with an organi2ation and to ma'e onesel" con"ident enough to enter into service li"e and start building career% As the outside world is ver much competitive "or anone a"ter graduation) I3ATInternational niversit o" 3usiness Agricultural and Technolog provides such an opportunit to build up the capabilit with most appropriate opportunities% The student gets the chance to appl his theoretical 'nowledge and practical s'ill that he has gained in the entire under graduation student li"e% This documentation includes the details description o" m pro@ect wor' during m internship at The Dha'a CertreNIC IT Ltd% The internship period was "or at least 8> wee's% As I am intern at Dha'a CertreNIC IT Ltd this pro@ect named as Shop *anage"ent syste" has been assigned to me% This report is generated to describe the processes and wor's done in di""erent levels o" management sstem development% In this report we have described ever part o" the development segments with proper illustrations%
(ac/ground O$ Study
Now a da-s management so"tware is common so"tware "or all o" us% Each and ever o""ice needs management so"tware "or manage all the wor' done in the o""ice% 3e"ore start the wor' we have done some stud such as which tpe o" compan it is% ,hat the want in the so"tware is) to add emploee in"ormation) ta'e dail attendance) calculate their emploee salar) add products b categor and last o" all purchase report or generate billing paper%
Around in attendance world) everthing is technicall sophisticated% There"ore) throughout the emergent o" this scheme I tried to give an intercontinental stance% The ultimate ob@ective o" the sstem is to 8
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Report On provide "acilit to the user "or management o" a compan% *ecurit o" this sstem is ver high and the possibilit o" doing wrong in the calculation is low% *ince) nowadas ever sstem become increasingl technicall advanced) the proposed sstem will involve computeri2ed Appl sstem) Recruitment sstem) database storage) retrieval through several "unctions) evaluation) agreement) modi"ications and decision ma'ing supports which will ma'e all processes involving the sstem much "aster and easier "or the users% The main ob@ective o" this sstem is to record all in"ormation including stoc's and pro"it o" a month) which is essential when we need an 'ind o" in"ormation than we can easil "ind out whenever needed% This so"tware provides to "ind out the in"ormation o" emploee% It will also generate the report o" all "eatures o" retail shop%
+..1 (road Ob,ective The broad ob@ective o" this pro@ect is to use our institutional educational e#perience in the real li"e
wor'ing environment b developing Shop *anage"ent Syste" $or S. Co"puter.
Speci$ic Ob,ective
8% Add) Edit) Delete emploee% 9% pdate emploee details :% Ta'e dail attendance o" emploee and also chec' monthl status o" an emploee% <% *tore all the product details with necessar in"ormation b its Categor% 5% Calculate emploee salar) chec' all paid salar and print salar report% >% Calculate monthl pro"it store and print the pro"it% $% Create 3ill according to customer purchase and print bill%
Proposed Syste" 9
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Report On (anagement sstem is a sstem which can control and manage a compan% &ur proposed sstem is management so"tware which can store emploee details) calculate the salar o" the emploee) and ta'e everda attendance to the emploee% The sstem can calculate ever month pro"it) also calculate the salar o" ever emploee) and store the all products b its categor and generate purchase report o" a customer%
The development process on G*hop (anagement *stem "or *% Computer through ,ater"all /rocess (anagement (odel will complete "ollowing the structure described later on *o"tware Analsis + Design% This stud on G*hop (anagement *stem "or *% Computer ,ater"all /rocess (anagement (odel is tentative in nature% It aims to development o" management *stem% The variables identi"ied to manipulate through a hand inspection and "rom primar and secondar data%
!ata Sources:
=or this pro@ect in data collection phase we collected two tpes o" data i%e% /rimar Data *econdar Data
Pri"ary data are generated within the organi2ation% The organi2ations practical e#perience) observation) and "aceto"ace interview with our own web administrators helped us generate the primar data% Secondary data are generated b studing di""erent articles) newspapers) research papers and o" course in"ormation collected via Internet% Data) "acts and statistics collected "rom di""erent web sites and sources made us understand the pro@ect better%
'i"itation o$ the Pro,ect 10
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Report On As we had mentioned earl in this report that practicum is the bridge between theoretical and practical li"e) practicum program at I3AT has given me this great opportunit to see how theories are put into action% =rom our point o" view) a 898> wee's practicum program is not good enough "or a "resh graduate to undergo% In m case) there were lots o" terms) conditions and sstems that were not understandable "or us at the beginning o" our organi2ational attachmentJ however) latel I made our sel" "amiliar with those terms that too' over "ive wee's% *o "ar) we have learned seeing m senior classmates and "riends) the had e#perienced the same during their time as well% &ne o" the limitations o" this internship pro@ect is constraints o" time% A"ter appling the so"tware engineering procedures) it is ver di""icult to develop the complete so"tware within short time% =or this reason) the scope o" the internship pro@ect has become short% (oreover) man problems have been arisen in the data collection "or the so"tware and also have load shading% There"ore) we thin' personall that practicum program duration should last "or at least si# months "or the sa'e o" clari"ing theories put into practice and to better prepare "or the wor'ing world% 3ut at the later stage I made msel" "amiliar with the overall scenario%
Process "odel 11
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In our pro@ect we are using the ,ater"all (odel% The ,ater"all (odel is a linear&se6uential li$e cycle "odel % It is ver simple to understand and use% In a water"all model) each phase must be
completed "ull be"ore the ne#t phase can begin% This tpe o" model is basicall used "or the pro@ect which is small and there are no uncertain re!uirements% That-s wh we are chosen this tpe o" process (odel%
7igure +.+: %ater$all "odel
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Report On +.5.1 %hy %ater$all *odel 8% *imple and eas to understand and use% 9% Eas to manage due to the rigidit o" the model each phase has speci"ic deliverables and a review process% :% /hases are processed and completed one at a time% /hases do not overlap% <% ,or's well "or smaller pro@ects where re!uirements are ver well understood%
7easibility Study =easibilit stud determines whether that solution is "easible or achievable "or the organi2ation% There are three ma@or areas o" "easibilit stud%
Technical "easibilit
Economical "easibilit
&perational "easibilit
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#echnical $easibility The technical "easibilit assessment is "ocused on gaining an understanding o" the present technical resources o" the organi2ation and their applicabilit to the e#pected needs o" the proposed sstem% It is an evaluation o" the hardware and so"tware and how it meets the need o" the proposed sstem% The proposed sstem is compatible with a low !uali"ication o" computer with an internet connection onl) as because it-s a web based so"tware% As our client have well organi2ed laptop and des'top% To maintain our sstem need a computer with a browser and internet connection which is alread e#ists within the organi2ation% In this wa we can sa that our so"tware is technicall "easible%
Econo"ical $easibility The purpose o" the economic "easibilit assessment is to determine the positive economic bene"its to the organi2ation that the proposed sstem will provide% &ur sstem is economicall "easible because b using the proposed sstem man wor's can be done within small time and which is not possible b man power within the same time% It also reduces the man power needed "or providing the inventor report) sales report) stoc' report and billing report% *o the have to pa less salar where the current sstem needs man emploee and the are paing much salar% *o we can sa that) i" the use proposed sstem the will be economicall bene"ited%
Operational 7easibility ser can easil operate the proposed sstem because the sstem is user "riendl% It-s eas to insert inventor products and eas to create stoc's% I" the stu"" o" the organi2ation has the basic to computer 'nowledge the could operate the so"tware easil% Ever "eatures and the activit that are combined within the sstem is designed and developed belongs to previous "ormat the had used with a more attractive user inter"ace%
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Chapter: .0
Re6uire"ent Engineering
9ardware Re6uire"ent: 15
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The hardware listed b no means a minimum re!uirement to run the sstem) but rather a base limit "or running the sstem smoothl and com"ortabl% This is also considering the potential amount o" tra""ic that ma go through the server%
8 # Intel /entium Dual Core ;:956 :%9 ;H2 /rocessor%
9 ;3 DDR: RA(%
6 ;3 $966 rpm *ATA Hard Drive%
9 # 86M866M8666 Ethernet) 8 /CIe 9%6#8> slot%
So$tware Re6uire"ent:
,eb *erver ampp *erver
*erver *ide *cripting /H/ 8%:
Database Engine (*OL 5%8%:<
Database Tools (*OL Administrator (*OL Ouer 3rowser
Designing Tools Adobe /hotoshop C*>
Te#t Editor Notepad PP
,ord /rocessor (icroso"t ,ord 9686
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So$tware Re6uire"ent $or client:
3rowser ,indows Internet E#plorer %6 or above (o2illa =ire"o# version <$%6%8 ;oogle Chrome 52.0.2743.82
(ene$its O$ #he Syste" i% ii%
Administrator will be able to maintain this sstem more accuratel% All the in"ormation will be stored on to the computer with its "ormatted
screens and built in databases% All the in"ormation can be carried out more easil or !uic'l than an other
manual process% Admin can easil ta'e all in"ormation an time when he needs that stored b
himsel" previousl% Admin can easil input the pro"it and cost in"ormation so that heMshe can create a report "or pro"it analsis%
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Chapter: 2.0
Syste" Planning
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Report On 2.1
7unction Proposed Syste"
Login into the *stem
Add Emploee
Edit Emploee
Remove Emploee
Ta'e In Attendance
Add *toc'
Add *alar
Calculate *alar
Add /ro"it
Create 3ill
A detailed view o" the e""ort distribution chart illustrated below
Pro,ect Scheduling
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Report On /ro@ect scheduling is an activit o" distributing the estimated e""orts within the planned pro@ect duration% There are some basic rules "or pro@ect scheduling% The are as "ollows
Compartmentali2ation The pro@ect must compartmentali2e into a number o" manageable activities and tas's%
Interdependenc The interdependenc o" each compartmentali2ed activit or tas' must be determined% *ome tas's must occur in se!uence while others can occur in parallel%
Time allocation Each tas' to be scheduled must allocated some number o" wor' units%
E""ort validation Ever pro@ect has a de"ined number o" sta"" members% It should ensure that no more than the allocated number o" people has scheduled at an given time%
De"ined responsibilities Ever tas' that is scheduled should assign to a speci"ic team member%
De"ined outcomes Ever tas' that is scheduled should have a de"ined outcome% The outcome is normall a wor' product or a part o" a wor' product%
2.+.1 Pro,ect Scheduling Chart 20
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Report On Total sstem development is a combination o" set o" tas's% These set o" tas's should done se!uentiall and timel% /ro@ect schedule wor's as the guideline o" the sstem developer% The "ollowing is the schedule chart o" this pro@ect%
ctivities Re6uire"ent nalysis ; !esign Coding ;
7igure 2.: Pro,ect Schedule Chart
2.+.+ Personnel Re6uire"ent Chart
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1c c
1 anal ze
1 designer
!evelop"en t
1 coder
1 tester
7igure 2.2: Personnel Schedule Chart
2.+. Resource Re6uire"ent Chart
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(usiness *odeling
Pa er Pen !es/to PCs Phone -nternet
!ata *odeling Process *odeling
%indows 5 *icroso$t O$$ice +010 -nternet
=eneration #esting ; >
@ote adAA
%indows 5 (rowser
7igure 2.3: Resource Schedule Chart
Cost Esti"ation
Cost analsis represents the total cost to complete an pro@ect% In this pro@ect) there are "ive "actors to anal2e and calculate the cost% The "actors are personnel cost) so"tware cost) hardware cost and other cost% /ersonnel cost? /ersonnel cost is the salar o" the customer communicator) sstem analst and designer) coder and tester% =or estimating the cost the anal2er used the minimum industrial average%
*o"tware cost? It is the cost o" the so"tware is which used in this pro@ect 23
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Report On ii% iii%
Hardware cost? cost o" the computer that used to complete the pro@ect% &ther cost? &ther cost includes the cost o" the house rent) telephone bill) electricit bill) convenience and so on%
iv% v% vi% vii% viii% i#% #% #i% #ii% #iii%
Number o" das in a ear Q :>5 Number o" government holidas in a ear Q 9< Number o" wee'l holidas in a ear Q 59 Total number o" wor'ing das in a ear Q :>559P9< Q 91 das Total number o" wor'ing das per months to develop the pro@ect Q 91 M89 Q 9<%6 das &rgani2ation-s wor'ing hours per da Q hours &rgani2ation-s wor'ing hours per month Q 9<%6 Q 819%>< hours Duration o" the pro@ect Q < months Total wor'ing hours per month Q 819 hours Total wor'ing hours "or the pro@ect Q 819< Q $> hours
2..1 Personal Esti"ation Cost Position Syste" nalyst !esigner Coder
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SalaryB *onth :6$96 9<1>6 81966
Salary B9our 8>6%66 8:6%66 866%66
Report On
@o. o$
20 Salary
in 2
at 40
o$ Salary
o$ Salary
Each *onth
Syste" nalyst !esigner
9>9<6 #otal
2..+ 9ardware Cost Cost o" the computer that used to complete the pro@ect% Name Computer Router /rinter
Number 9 8 8
/rice >6666 9<66 5>66
Total Hardware Cost 86666 P 66 P 8166 Q 89$66 TK
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Description >6666 M 9< < 9<66 M 89 < 5>66 M 89 <
Total 86666 66 8166
Report On 2.. So$tware So$tware Cost It is the cost o" the so"tware is which used in this pro@ect%
&* ,indows $
(* &""ice
2..2 2..2 Oth Other er Cost Cost &thers CostQ8666MQ
2..3 #otal Cost #otal #otal Cost D(!# F 9>9<6 P 89$66 P 866 P 8666
Q +8+020 #G -n word: *i#t nine thousand and one hundred ta'a onl
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Chapter: 3.0
Ris/ *anage"ent
Ris/ *anage"ent 27
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Ris' analsis and management are a series o" wor's that help a sstem development team to understand and manage uncertaint% (an problems can arise while developing a sstem% A ris' is a potential problem it ma happen happ en ma not% There are several steps to anal2e and manage ris's% The "irst step is ris' identi"ication% Ne#t each ris' is anal2ed to determine the li'elihood that it will occur and the damage that it will do i" it does occur% &nce this in"ormation is established ris's are remar'ed% =inall) =inall) a plan is developed to manage those ris's with high probabilit and impact% #here are di$$erent Stages o$ ris/s. #hey area:
1. Ris/ Ris/ iden identi ti$i $ica cati tion on:: Ris' identi"ication is the process o" detecting potential ris's or ha2ards through data collection% A range o" data collection and manipulation tools and techni!ues e#ists% Thee team Th team is usin using g both both autom automat ated ed and manua manuall tech techni ni!u !ues es to colle collect ct data data and and begi begin n to characteri2e potential ris's to ,eb resources% ,eb crawling is one e""ective wa to collect in"ormation about the state o" ,eb ,eb pages and an d sites%
Ris' classi classi"i "icat cation ion is the process process o" develop developing ing a struct structure ured d model model to +. Ris/ Ris/ clas classi si$i $ica cati tion on:: Ris' categor categori2e i2e ris' ris' and "ittin "itting g obs observ ervable able ris' ris' attrib attribute utess and events events into into the mod model% el% The team combines !uantitative and !ualitative methods to characteri2e% chara cteri2e% . Ris/ Ris/ ass asses ess" s"en ent: t: Ris' assessment is the process o" de"ining relevant ris' scenarios or se!uences o" events that could result in damage or loss and the probabilit o" these events% (an sources "ocus on ris' assessment% Rosenthal describes the characteristics o" a generic standard "or ris' assessment assessment as Stransparen Stransparent) t) coherent) coherent) consistent) consistent) complete) complete) comprehensi comprehensive) ve) impartial) impartial) uni"orm) uni"orm) balanced) de"ensible) sustainable) "le#ible) and accompanied b suitable and su""icient guidance% 2. Ris/ is/ analysi lysis: s: Ris' analsis determines the potential impact o" ris' patterns or scenarios) the possible e#tent o" loss) and the direct and indirect costs o" recover% This step identi"ies vulnera vulnerabil biliti ities) es) consid considers ers the willin willingnes gnesss o" the organi organi2at 2ation ion to accept accept ris' ris' given given potenti potential al conse!uences) and develops mitigation responses% 3. Ris' management implementation? de"ines policies) procedures) and mechanisms to manage and respond respond to identi"iab identi"iable le ris's% The implemented implemented program should balance the value o" assets assets and the direct and indirect costs o" preventing or recovering "rom damage or loss%
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#he R*** Plan R*** Plane @o: (R&01
Description Impact /revention Cure *tatus
Installment ris' "or the pro@ect It will ma'e misunderstanding between client and organi2ation ,e will tr to sell the pro@ect with "ull down pament% License code implementation ,or'ing on process
3usiness Ris' Disaster
R*** Plane @o: (R&0+
Description Impact /revention Cure *tatus
The pro@ect obsolescence to the clients 3usiness Ris' It will e""ect to clients when the organi2ed it% Disaster *ome e#tra "eatures include within the pro@ects% It will help us% Reduce the pro@ect sstem "or clients and develop much updated wa% Done
R*** Plane @o: (R&0
Description Impact /revention Cure *tatus
Competition o" di""erent mar'et competitors% 3usiness Ris' It will increase the competition among organi2ations% Disaster Include some e#tra "eatures within the pro@ects% It will help us to convince the clients% Reduce the pro@ect cost "or clients and "ocus on Done R*** Plane @o: (R&02
Description Impact /revention Cure *tatus
/rivac and securit ris' o" pro@ect Client will hamper and hopeless about the sstem% Included e#tra privac and securit sstem% Resell the pro@ect ver strongl b password sstem Done
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3usiness Ris' Disaster
Report On
R*** Plane @o: #R&01 Lac' o" adept technical persons "or organi2ation
Technical Ris' I" it is happen then the client organi2ation will be unable to (arginal operate the sstem% Arrange the training session "or operators% To send an e#pert process to the client organi2ation "or solve this problem Done
R*** Plane @o: #R&0+ Lac' o" implementation "or organi2ation
Impact /revention Cure
Impact /revention Cure *tatus
The client "all in danger situation% It will manage "or the client to operate the sstem% =or solving this problem) modi" this sstem with more implement% Done
R*** Plane @o: #R&0 Responsive "or di""erent devices
Impact /revention Cure *tatus
Description Impact /revention Cure *tatus
I" the sstem is not responsive then it will not possible to browse the site b di""erent devices li'e tabs) mobiles etc% Develop the sstem as responsive% I" problem arise then need to update the sstem "or responsive% ,or'ing on process%
Technical Ris' (arginal
Technical Ris' Disaster
R*** Plane @o: PR&01 Lac' o" re!uired 'nowledge or s'ill /ro@ect Ris' The development will hamper% (arginal (a'e detail conversation with the clients about their re!uirement be"ore% To needed update the sstem according the client-s re!uirements% Done%
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Descriptio n Impact /revention Cure *tatus
Description Impact /revention Cure *tatus
R*** Plane @o: PR&0+ E#pire the pro@ect accomplishment time%
The agreement can be dismissed b the client Tr to complete the pro@ect within time limit% Add e#tra team member with the development team% Considered this term%
/ro@ect Ris' Disaster
R*** Plane @o: PR&0 nclear or misunderstood scopeMob@ectives /ro@ect Ris' It will e""ete to the client organi2ation and that will be unable to (arginal operate the sstem% Clean and clearl declared "or operators% Change some scopeMob@ectives "or solve this problem ,e will wor' this wa in "uture%
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Chapter: 4.0
nalysis ; !esign
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Report On In sstem analsis a stud o" the sstem as detailed as possible will occur with the help o" some diagrams i%e% se Case Diagram) Activit Diagram) *wim Lane Diagram Data "low Diagram and Entit Relational Diagram etc%
A use case diagram at its simplest is a representation o" a user0s interaction with the sstem that shows the relationship between the user and the di""erent se Cases in which the user is involved% A use case diagram can identi" the di""erent tpes o" users o" a sstem and the di""erent use cases and will o"ten be accompanied b other tpes o" diagrams as well%
=ig >%8? se Case Diagram
4.+ 33
ctivity !iagra" Engineered by:
Report On Activit diagrams) which are related to program "low plans "lowcharts) are used to illustrate activities% In the e#ternal view) I use activit diagrams "or the description o" those business processes that describe the "unctionalit o" the business sstem% Contrar to use case diagrams) in activit diagrams it is obvious whether actors can per"orm business use cases together or independentl "rom one another%
ctivity An activit diagram illustrates one individual activit% In m conte#t) an activit represents a business process% =undamental elements o" the activit are actions and control elements decision) division) merge) initiation) end) etc%?
Elements are connected b socalled Sactivit edgesS and "orm the Scontrol "lowS) which can also be casuall called 0"low0% The e#ecution o" an activit can contain parallel "lows% A border can surround the activit) meaning the entire activit diagram% ction
An action is an individual step within an activit) "or e#ample) a calculation step that is not deconstructed an "urther% That does not necessaril mean that the action cannot be subdivided in the real world) but in this diagram will not be re"ined an "urther%
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Report On The action can possess input and output in"ormation The output o" one action can be the input o" a subse!uent action within an activit% *peci"ic actions are calling other actions) receiving an event) and sending signals% Edge DControl 7low
Edges) represented b arrows) connect the individual components o" activit diagrams and illustrate the control "low o" the activit?
,ithin the control "low an incoming arrow starts a single step o" an activitJ a"ter the step is completed the "low continues along the outgoing arrow% A name can be attached to an edge close to the arrow% -nitial @ode
The initial node is the starting point o" an activit% An activit can have more than one initial nodeJ in this case several "lows start at the beginning o" an activit?
It is also possible that an activit has no initial node) but is initiated b an event action? accepting an event% ctivity 7inal @ode
The activit "inal node indicates that an activit is completed% An activit diagram can have more than one e#it in the "orm o" activit "inal nodes?
I" several parallel "lows are present within an activit) all "lows are stopped at the time the activit "inal node is reached%
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Report On Activit Diagram o" *hop (anagement *stem
=ig >%9%8? Activit Diagram
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Report On ctivity $or dd E"ployee
=ig >%9%9? Activit Diagram "or Add Emploee
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Report On ctivity $or Edit B !elete E"ployee
=ig >%9%:? Activit Diagram "or Edit M Delete Emploee
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Report On ctivity $or #a/e ttendance
=ig >%9% Activit Diagram "or Ta'e Attendance
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Report On ctivity $or dd Category
=ig >%9%5? Activit Diagram "or Add Categor
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Report On ctivity $or dd Product
=ig >%9%>? Activit Diagram "or Add /roduct
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Report On ctivity $or dd Pro$it
=ig >%9%$? Activit Diagram "or Add /ro"it
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Report On ctivity $or =enerate (ill
=ig >%9%? Activit Diagram "or ;enerate 3ill
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Report On 4.
Entity Relationship !iagra" DER!
The Entit Relationship Diagram ERD enables a so"tware engineer to speci" the data ob@ects that are input and output "rom a sstem) the attributes that de"ine the properties o" these ob@ects and their relationship% It provides an e#cellent graphical representation o" the data structures and relationship% The provide a clear view o" the logical structure o" data within the boundar o" interest and allow the engineer to model the data without considering the phsical "orm% *ome o" the basic terms used in ERD described below? Entit? An entit is an ob@ect with phsical e#istence or ma be an ob@ect with conceptual e#istence% =or e#ample a car) a student) an emploee) an applicant%
An entit represented b a rectangle% Relationship? A relationship is a logical lin'age between two or more entities which describes how the entities are associated with each other% A relationship described b a diamond%
Attribute? Attribute is a piece o" in"ormation that describes a particular entit%
/rimar Ke? A primar 'e is an attribute or collection o" attributes that allow us to identi" an entit uni!uel%
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Report On =oreign 'e? A "oreign 'e is an attribute o" a relation) which re"ers to an e#isting attribute o" another relationship%
Relationship Cardinalit Relationship cardinalit re"ers to the number o" entit instances involved in the relationship% The cardinalit ratios are?
8?8 &ne to &ne
8?( &ne to (an
(?( (an to (an
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Report On %
=ig >%:%8? Entit Relationship Diagram
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Report On 4.2
!ata 7low !iagra" D!7!
A Data =low Diagram D=D is a graphical representation o" the S"lowS o" data through an in"ormation sstem) modeling its process aspects% A D=D is o"ten used as a preliminar step to create an overview o" the sstem) which can later be elaborated% D=Ds can also be used "or the visuali2ation o" data processing structured design% A D=D shows what 'ind o" in"ormation will be input to and output "rom the sstem) where the data will come "rom and go to) and where the data will be stored% It does not show in"ormation about the timing o" process or in"ormation about whether processes will operate in se!uence or in parallel which is shown on a "lowchart%
A conte#t level D=D o" the sstem is given below
=igure >%<%8? Conte#t Level D=D
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Report On 'evel 1 !7!
=igure >%<%9? D=D Level 8
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Report On
'evel + Process 1
=igure >%<%:? D=D Level 9 /rocess 8
'evel + Process +
=igure >%<% D=D Level 9 /rocess 9
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Report On 'evel + Process
=igure >%<%5? D=D Level 9 /rocess :
'evel + Process 2
=igure >%<%>? D=D Level 9 /rocess <
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Report On 'evel + Process 3
=igure >%<%$? D=D Level 9 /rocess 5
'evel + Process 4
=igure >%<%? D=D Level 9 /rocess >
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Report On 'evel + Process 5
=igure >%<%1? D=D Level 9 /rocess $
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Report On 4.3
Swi" 'ane !iagra"
=igure >%5%8? *wim Lane Diagram
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Chapter: 5.0
-nter$ace !esign
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Report On 9o"e Page
dd E"ployee
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Report On *anage E"ployee
#a/e ttendance
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Report On #odayHs ttendance
*onthly ttendance
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Report On dd Category
dd Product
)iew ll Products 58
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Report On
Calculate Salary
ll Paid Salary 59
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Report On
dd Pro$it *onth
ll *onth Pro$it
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Report On
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Report On
Chapter: 8.0
>uality ssurance
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Report On 8.1
Syste" testing
According to the common process "ramewor' C/=) the so"tware testing is the "inal activit that has to initiate a"ter testing% *o"tware testing is a critical element o" so"tware !ualit assurance and represents the ultimate review o" speci"ication) design and code generation% The ob@ectives o" so"tware testing are?
• Testing is a process o" e#ecuting a program with the intent o" "inding an error% • A good test case is one that has a high probabilit o" "inding an asetundiscovered error% • A success"ul test is one that uncovers an asetundiscovered error% The design o" tests "or so"tware can be challenging as the initial design o" the product itsel"% *o"tware can be tested in one o" two was?
• Knowing the speci"ied "unction that the so"tware has been designed to per"orm) tests can be conducted that demonstrate each "unction "ull while at the same time searching "or errors in each "unction% This approach is 'nown as blac'bo# testing%
• Knowing the internal wor'ings o" so"tware) tests can be conducted to ensure that internal operations are per"ormed according to speci"ications and all internal components have been ade!uatel e#ercised% This approach is 'nown as whitebo# testing
8.1.1 So$tware #esting Strategy A strateg "or so"tware testing integrates so"tware test case design methods into a wellplanned series o" steps that result in the success"ul construction o" a so"tware% The strateg provides a road map that describes the steps to be conducted as part o" testing% Testing strateg that will be "ollowed in this so"tware pro@ect •
nit testing
Integration testing
Falidation testing
The "irst step in so"tware testing is unit testing% nit testing concentrates on each unit o" the so"tware as implemented in source code% nit testing "ocuses on each component individuall% The unit test is white bo# oriented% Thus) unit testing o" this librar so"tware will be done a"ter completion o" ever module or component% 63
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Report On The ne#t step is integration testing% Integration testing is a sstematic techni!ue "or constructing the program structure while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with inter"acing% The ob@ective o" integration testing is to ta'e unit tested components and build a program structure that has been dictated b design% The integration testing strateg that has been chosen "or this pro@ect is top down testing% 3lac'bo# testing method is the most prevalent "or integration testing% Top down integration strateg will be used to per"orm integration testing% Top down integration will be done b breadth"irst manner% 3readth"irst integration incorporates all components directl subordinate at each level) moving across the structure hori2ontall% A"ter the so"tware has been integrated) a set o" high order tests are conducted% Hence) the validation criteria that have been mentioned in re!uirements engineering should be tested% Falidation testing provides "inal assurance that so"tware meets all "unctional) behavioral and per"ormance re!uirements% The blac'bo# testing method is e#clusivel used in validation%
Syste" #esting *ethodology
(lac/&boI #esting 3lac'bo# testing which is also 'nown as behavioral testing "ocuses on the "unctional re!uirements o" the so"tware% It enables the so"tware engineer to derive sets o" input conditions that will "ull e#ercise all "unctional re!uirements "or a program% 3lac'bo# testing method will be applied to test the modules o" L(*%
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Report On
=igure %8? 3lac' bo# + ,hite bo# testing
%hite&boI #esting ,hitebo# testing) which also 'nown as glass-box testing ) is a test case design method that uses the control structure o" the procedural design to derived test cases% sing whitebo# testing methods) so"tware engineer can derive test cases that) 8%
guarantee that all independent paths within a module have been e#ercised at least once
e#ercise all logical decisions on their true and "alse sides
e#ecute all loops at their boundaries and within their operational bounds
E#ercise internal data structures to ensure their validit%
The modules that contain some comple# calculations or decision ma'ing code such as chec' the availabilit o" the librar item will be tested using whitebo# method%
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Report On 8.
#esting !esign
*cenario Input-s Desired &utput-s Actual &utput-s Ferdict
*cenario Input-s Desired &utput-s Actual &utput-s Ferdict
*cenario Input-s Desired &utput-s Actual &utput-s Ferdict
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Testing scenario No? 8 Admin Login testing s cenario o" our sstem sername) password o" admin "or Login ,hen enter username) password then get access level de"ine% =or login our sstem wor' correctl ;etting result "rom Desired &utput-s and Actual &utput-s decided this sstem is success"ul "or login%
Testing scenario No? 9 Admin can add emploees emploees basic in"o "or registration ,hen enter all basic in"o correctl) emploee will be registered in the sstem% =or emploee registration our sstem wor' correctl ;etting result "rom Desired &utput-s and Actual &utput-s decided this sstem is success"ul "or emploee-s registration%
Testing scenario No? : Admin can edit and delete emploee-s details% emploees basic in"o updated and deleted b the admin ,hen changed basic in"ormation "or the emploee b the admin% =or update and delete emploee in"o our sstem wor' correctl The process is wor'ed correctl and success"ull%
Report On
*cenario Input-s Desired &utput-s Actual &utput-s *cenario Ferdict Input-s Desired &utput-s Actual &utput-s Ferdict
Testing scenario No? < ;ive attendance to the emploee Admin can give attendance Attendances save in the database% Testingand scenario No? outputs 5 I chec' this process get actual *stem adds is the stoc's correctl product with basic in"ormation% The process wor'ed and success"ull% Admin adds stoc's with all in"ormation% *stem ta'es all in"ormation displa the product in stoc's% I chec' this process and get actual outputs% The process is wor'ed correctl and success"ull%
*cenario Input-s Desired &utput-s Actual &utput-s Ferdict
Testing scenario No? > Calculate emploee salar with a calculator% Admin ta'es emploee-s monthl attendance "rom database% *stems ta'e all the attendance and calculate the salar% I chec' this process and get actual outputs The process is wor'ed correctl and success"ull%
Actual &utput-s Ferdict
Testing scenario No?$ Calculate monthl pro"it and view all pro"its% Admin give whole month all cost and incomes% *stems ta'e the in"ormation and calculate monthl pro"it and show the all month-s pro"it% I chec' this process and get actual outputs The process is wor'ed correctl and success"ull%
*cenario Input-s Desired &utput-s Actual &utput-s Ferdict
Testing scenario No? Create) save and print bill% Admin gives customer details along with product in"o% *stems ta'e all the attendance and calculate the salar% I chec' this process and get actual outputs The process is wor'ed correctl and success"ull%
*cenario Input-s Desired &utput-s
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Report On
>uality ssurance *atriI
Re!uirement /rovided outputs Decision
Oualit Assurance scenario no? 8 The sstem wor'ed according to re!uirement% ( re!uirement was Admin enters the sstem using username and password% This sstem wor'ing correctl% ,e hope our sstem will wor' in "uture%
Re!uirement /rovided outputs Decision
Oualit Assurance scenario no? 9 The sstem wor'ed according to re!uirement% ( re!uirement was admin can add emploees with their details% This sstem wor'ing correctl% ,e hope our sstem will wor' in "uture%
Re!uirement /rovided outputs Decision
Oualit Assurance scenario no? : The sstem wor'ed according to re!uirement% ( re!uirement was admin can update and delete emploee in"ormation% This sstem wor'ing correctl% ,e hope our sstem will wor' in "uture%
Re!uirement /rovided outputs Decision
Oualit Assurance scenario no? < The sstem wor'ed according to re!uirement ( re!uirement was admin can ta'e attendance and view month wise This sstem wor'ing correctl% ,e hope our sstem will wor' in "uture%
Re!uirement /rovided outputs Decision
Oualit Assurance scenario no? 5 The sstem wor'ed according to re!uirement ( re!uirement was admin can add stoc's product with all necessar in"ormation-s% This sstem wor'ing correctl% ,e hope our sstem will wor' in "uture%
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Report On
Re!uirement /rovided outputs Re!uirement Decision /rovided outputs Decision
Oualit Assurance scenario no? > The sstem wor'ed according to re!uirement Oualit Assurance scenario no? $ ( re!uirement was admin can calculate salar using a salar calculator% The sstem wor'ed according to re!uirement This sstem wor'ing correctl% ,e hope our sstem will wor' in "uture% ( re!uirement was admin can calculate the pro"it and generate a report% This sstem wor'ing correctl% ,e hope our sstem will wor' in "uture%
Re!uirement /rovided outputs Decision
Oualit Assurance scenario no? The sstem wor'ed according to re!uirement ( re!uirement was admin can create bill according customer purchase This sstem wor'ing correctl% ,e hope our sstem will wor' in "uture%
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Report On
Chapter: .0
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Report On The "our ears o" undergraduate engineering studies gives a student theoretical and practical 'nowledge% sing that 'nowledge and observing live operational sstem) the practicum program clari"ies those sub@ects- matters to another level blessed with practical wor'ing s'ills% Considering this "act) it gives us an immense pleasure to sa that our practicum was a success"ul event%
/ractical wor' e#perience doesn-t have an other alternatives% 3e"ore getting into the @ob student should have a real world wor' e#periences in a ma@or "ield o" stud% Now a das recruiter no longer consider @ust high grades ) good communication s'ill) part time wor' e#periences% The highl consider the wor' e#periences o" an applicant% *tudents with better wor' e#periences are getting the better @ob opportunities%
/remier Trade *ndicate gives us the opportunit o" wor'ing in a pro"essional wor'ing environment% During the internship period I have tried m level best to ma'e m sstem e""icient% I "ollowed the lessons) methods) tools and techni!ues that I have learned during m stud period at I3AT% *uccess"ul so"tware development is a blend o" standard development practices) proper theoretical 'nowledge and the developer-s creativit%
7uture -"ple"entation
Bibliography Books and Internet Data:
Engineered by:
Report On 8U Chen)
U Kubilus) N% B% 9666% Designing an e
Consumers? A Technolog Acceptance
commerce site "or users% *eptember 9666)
/erspective Research in/rogress%AC(
Crossroads) Folume $ Issue 8%
/roceedings) *I;C/R%
1U ,ordpress(arch9685 &nlineU%
9U *ilberschat2) Abraham) Korth) Henr =)
and *udarshan *% Database System
86U ;ithub (arch 9685 &nlineU%
Available? https?MMgithub%comMpani!ueMphpmvc
:U Kendall) E% Kendall%
System Analysis
and Design. |
/rentice Hall) 8111%
88U php%net (arch 9685 &nlineU% Available?http?MMphp%netMmanualMenMpdo%prepared statements%php 89U Codeigniter (arch 9685 &nlineU%
Available? http?MMwww%codeigniter%comMdocs
Engineering:A Practitioner’s Approach.
8:U 3ootstrap (arch 9685 &nlineU%
5th edition% 3oston? (c;raw Hill) 966<%
5U Roger
Engineering A practitioner-s approach) $th Ed% 3*%
International ed%966% $U (iller) Dave% Data Communication and Networ's%8st ed%966>%
>U &-3rien) Bames and (% (ar'as) ;eorge% (anagement
Engineered by:
Available?http?MMwww%eba%comMclnMinspiredbc harmMni!ueContainer;ardensM81<$$55168 8>U Kamu (arch 9685 &nlineU% Available?http?MMwww%'amu%com%bdMW gclidQC&m:r&O$(OC=m@god@67A'A