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The Complete Net Psionics Handbook (c) Copyright 1993 Compiled and edited by Charon The Boatman ([email protected]) Original compilers Steven Hewhook
Introduction The idea o5 psionics has evolved tremeandously since itDs introduction in 1st ;dition as a DsubclassD. "n the days o5 1st ;dition it &as about as common to have a character &ith psionics as it &as to have a bard in the party. ince #nd ;dition6 the &hole thing has stayed the same6 the chance o5 having a character &ith psionics still is the same chance o5 having a bard in the party. :ucily 5or all o5 us6 bards have become possible 5or characters at 1st level and the psionicist character class &as also born6 Auite a bit later " admit. The psionicist opens up ne& doors o5 possibility &ith their ability to penetrate any magic resistance. These characters can Auicly mae enemies o5 any mage 5oolish enough to tangle &ith them. :ie mages though6 they are &ae at lo&er levels. One o5 the biggest problem &ith psionicists is that there &ere no rules laid do&n 5or psionicists or -,Ds alie to create ne& po&ers. The only thing that &as given &as a &hole boo o5 po&ers. :ucily6 most o5 the psionicist supporters have enough brains to use the given po&ers as a guideline and mae their o&n. To mae things easier6 " have also made up rules 5or the psionicists eAuivelent o5 DresearchingD lie a mage researches spells. ince a psionicists po&ers come &ithin themselves and not the enviroment and the magic po&er it provides6 a psionicist goes about po&er DresearchD in a di55erent manner. ,ore on that later in the netboo. This is my 5irst attempt at &riting a netboo6 but &hen " 5irst heard o5 the net.psionics.handboo6 " decided to get involved and put in the dreamer it " had tried to submit to -ragon ,aga+ine. (Bloody 5ools said it &as too longI) But since then6 the people compiling the net.psionics.handboo have dropped o55 lie proverbial 5lies. The 5irst lost interest6 the second (and last) lost net access. " &as able to get something o5 the last compiler be5ore he lost net access. /e said he &ould get it bac in the middle o5 eptember6 but " couldnDt &ait that longI Call me impatient6 or &hatever you &ant6 " have al&ays loved the psionicist class and use it most o5ten in a campaign i5 " can. The Complete *sionicists /andboo (C*/) is the second '-7- boo that " have read cover to cover6 no breas. The 5irst being The ,anual o5 the *lanes (
Complete $et *sinoic /andboo *age
"5 you have something that &ould go good in the netboo6 8/H -"-$DT HOE ;$- "T TO ,; B;O4; -',,"TIII " posted messages several times asing 5or more stu55 5or the netbooI "5 you made it 'T;4 " released the netboo6 then you have an ecuse6 other&ise6 ts tsI 'ny&ays6 i5 you do have something 5or it6 send to to me6 it &ill be included in the net version.
Complete $et *sinoic /andboo *age !
Copyriht Notice 4emember one thing6 &hen anything is uploaded or posted6 it becomes copy&rited. :ovely ehJ " have recieved permission 5rom the authors in o5 everything in here. Hou may use this netboo 5or your o&n use and distribute it 5reely. Hou may not sell this 5ile or use it in any ind o5 trade. "t is completely 5ree and is to be ept that &ay. 'ny attempts to stop the 5lo& and disrtibution o5 this 5ile is censorship and is punishable by public 5logging and hanging. 8ell6 maybe not6 but thatDs ho& " 5eel &e should treat people &ho censor anything. "5 you redistribute this netboo to your local non"nternet BB6 or any&here 5or that matter6 eep it in the same 5ormat that you recieved it in. "5 you do not6 " &ill be 5orced to send a horde o5 smur5s to hunt you do&n and DcuteD you to deathII Or even &orse6 " may tie you do&n and 5orce you to &atch Barney and riends and &atch you scream and yell in pain.
$e& Classes Ascetic Characters ' variation 5rom the classFit described in :egends 7 :ore p. 1#. 'lignmentG 'bility 4eAuirementsG *rime 4eAuisitesG 4aces 'llo&edG *atron -eityG
M The tet uses NheN but o5 course you can change to she. emale ascetics are not strange since &omen are part o5 Brahman too. One o5 the basic >edic doctrines is that in order to achieve unity &ith the Brahman6 it is necessary to release &orldly desires. "n accordance &ith this line o5 thought6 many people shunned &orldly pleasures and devoted themselves to meditation6 hoping to achieve some spiritual intuition that &ould allo& them to =oin the Brahman. O5ten6 they too their e55orts to the etreme6 5orsaing 5amily6 5riends6 possessions6 and even 5ood. 'lthough such e55orts may seem peculiar to &estern minds6 it must be noted that these NasceticsN achieved many remarable insights that allo&ed them to per5orm seemingly impossible 5eats and produce an incredible understanding o5 the true nature o5 the &orld. *layer characters &ho 5orsae their &orldly possessions and devote themselves to spiritual enlightenment may become ascetics. ' character &ho &ishes to become an ascetic gives a&ay all o5 the trappings (such as &eapons6 tools6 magical components6 etc.)6 saving only the clothing on his or her bac. ($oteG these items must truly be given a&ay6 not merely entrusted to another member o5 the party 5or sa5eeeping.) The ascetic must meditate 5our hours per day6 cannot possess any item other than a begging bo&l and the clothing on his bac6 and must deny himsel5 all pleasures o5 the 5lesh (such as eating 5ine 5ood6 drining epensive &ines6 the taing o5 a hot bath6 etc.). 4emember6 meditation is not sleep. 'n ascetic needs to sleep6 as any creature6 regardless o5 the meditation. The ascetic can lend items that are necessary to per5orm important tass6 but they must be immediately returned or given a&ay6 ho&ever6 or the ascetic loses all bene5its o5 being an ascetic. "n return6 the ascetic became a multiclass priestFpsionicist using the better o5 each class regardless o5 the race. /o&ever6 the ascetic casts &i+ard spells instead o5 priest spells6 and gains ne& spells as i5 he &ere a &i+ard o5 the appropriate ran. Through his long hours o5 spiritual devotion6 the character learns more and more about the true nature o5 the cosmos. /e can use this no&ledge in much the same &ay that &i+ards use their spells6 ecept that he never needs material components to cast a spell and does not need to record the spells he no&s in a spell boo. "nstead6 his daily meditation serves to re5resh these spells in much the same &ay that a priestDs daily prayer restores his po&ers.
Complete $et *sinoic /andboo *age 9
8isdom6 Constitution6 Charisma (his choice). "n this &ay6 an ascetic can raise any or all o5 these ability scores to a maimum o5 #2 (but never more). 'll the bene5its o5 been an ascetic are presented in the tables belo&. The usage o5 the 4eincarnation and arma points optional rules is recommended. Hou can 5ind it in :egend 7 :ore (pg 1#!). ' revised set o5 rules is presented in the end &ith some notes about the Brahman as a
irst6 " do not add any antimunchin rule since this is not the ind o5 character a muching &ill lie (no 12 s&ord o5 godslayer6 no ring o5 eternal stonesin6 etc.). /o&ever6 the ascetic can be very po&er5ul. " recommend an en5orcement on the role playing aspect. /ere some guidelinesG 'n ascetic is an etremist paci5ist (remember ampireIII 4unII 4unIIN The 'scetic G N $oI 8e must help him. ree his poor soul.N N
Paralysation, Poison, or -eath Maic
%od, Staff, or .and
Petrification, or Polymorph
Breath .eapon
/&0 1&2 3&4 /5&/6 /0&/7 /2&/8 /49
12 9 ! % #
1% 13 11 12 9 0 !
13 1# 12 9 0
1! 1 13 1# 11 12 0
1 1% 1# 11 12 9
Complete $et *sinoic /andboo *age 12
'scetic Proression Table
*riest Class (The psionicist class progression is eAual to normal psionicists) +evel / 6 0 1 7 2 3 8 4 /5 // /6 /0 /1 /7 /2 /3 /8 /4 65 6/
"n the #2th level the ascetic can choose to start an avagion trans5ormation (as described in -ragon ings) or continue as a psionicist. or -,Ds that do not allo& progression to 32th level an ascetic reach unity &ith Brahman at #1th (3.222.222 p). Psionics Disciplines Learnable Order G *sychometabolism6 *sychoinesis6 Clairsentient6 Telepathy6 ,etapsionic6
*sychoportive. Recommended Devotions G 'bsorb -isease6 Cell 'd=ustment6 :end /ealth6 ,artial Trance6 ,ind Over Body6
'ny very aggressive po&er (-, discretion) and o5 course any Nonly 5or evilN po&er. Proficiencies Bonus G ;ndurance6 4e=uvenation6 ,editative ocus and ,ind Over ,atter. Recommended G 4eligion6 pellcra5t6 'ncient /istory6 :anguages ('ny)
;ranted Powers
The ascetic gains the 5ollo&ing po&ers. (,ost o5 po&ers are normal psionic po&ers) :evel Bonus 7
Complete $et *sinoic /andboo *age 11
1# /eal (el5 only) (as a 5ast Complete /ealing 1Fday) 13 'utomatically learn a ne& spellG 4eincarnation 1 "gnore -eath M #2 -o not physically age (Can start 'vagion trans5ormation6 i5 human) # "mmune to all nonmagical damage (i5 not avangion) 32 4each unity &ith Brahman MM M The ascetic has the ability to continue 5unctioning normally 5or 1d12 rounds a5ter reaching 2 hit points. -uring this time6 any manner o5 healing magic may be used to restore the character to li5e by bringing his hit points bac to a positive value. MM 'scetic characters &ho attain the 32th level have acAuired an understanding o5 the universe so eact that they become one &ith the Brahman and are thus retired 5rom play. ' more &orthy or noble end 5or a character is hard to imagine.
Notes 'bout Brahman Brahman (edic 'ge)6 and many other names. /ere6 /iranyagarbha and *ra=apati are used interchangeably. Brahman is the &orld spirit that en5olds all o5 eistence and the divine essence that is hidden in all beings6 and o5 &hich all beings are a part. ;verything that eists the gods6 men6 animals6 plants6 even rocs is simply a mani5estation o5 the Brahman. 'ccording to legend6 in the beginning there &ere only the &aters. rom the &aters &as 5ormed a golden egg (/iranyagarbha). *ra=apati &as hatched 5rom the egg6 speaing the sounds Nbhur6N Nbhuvah6N and Nsvar6N thereby 5orming the earth6 the air6 and the sy. *ra=apatiFBrahman has every po&er that any god or mortal in the "ndian mythos possesses6 5or all things are a part o5 him. "n his true 5orm6 Brahman has a 5ace on each side o5 his head. There is also a vacant spot on the top o5 his head &here a 5i5th 5ace &as burned o55 by the ga+e o5 the god iva. 4oleplaying $otesG Though he sees and hears all6 Brahman is an aloo5 god and &ill involve himsel5 in the a55airs o5 men only &hen eistence itsel5 (i.e.6 Brahman himsel5) is threatened. tatisticsG 'lignment G $eutral 8orship 'lignmentG any 'rea o5 Control G everything ymbol G 5our5aced head. BrahmanDs 'vatar (5ighter6 &i+ard6 priest6 rogue and psionicist 32) BrahmanDs avatar can tae any 5orm6 but most o5ten appears as a 5ourarmed6 5our5aced man. /e can call upon any sphere or school o5 magic 5or his spells and he no&s all psionic sciences and devotions. "n his 5our hands6 he carries 5our di55erent &eapons6 each doing 1d12 damageG a scimitar6 a dagger6 a mace6 and a short s&ord. tr #1 -e #1 Con #1 "nt #1 8is #1 Cha #1 ,> #2 any ,4 2L 'C /- 32 /* #2 P'T % T/'CO 1 -mg 1d12 (any &eapon) 9 pecial 'ttF-e5G BrahmanDs avatar can only be harmed by magical spells or &eapons. The attacer also su55ers any damage or spell e55ect in5licted upon the avatar (because the attacer is part o5 the Brahman). -uties o5 the *riesthood
Complete $et *sinoic /andboo *age 1#
Brahman has no priests in the normal sense6 5or he is usually &orshipped through one o5 his mani5estations as another god. /o&ever6 all ascetics seeing true spiritual enlightenment may be considered priests o5 Brahman6 so anybody &ishing to &orship him directly must become an ascetic. The reAuirements 5or becoming an ascetic are discussed in the introduction to this section.
Notes 'bout Siva iva is po&er incarnate6 a 5ierce ascetic &ho repeatedly brings the &orld to brin o5 annihilation by dancing in 5ire. /e is the negative 5orce o5 the cosmos. 'nything that iva touches is utterly annihilated and can never be reconstructed6 raised6 or reincarnated. Though determined to destroy all o5 eistence (all o5 Brahman)6 iva does not consider himsel5 evil. /e is merely attempting to return everything to unity &ith the cosmic spirit. /e is an impersonal god &ho seldom ans&ers prayers. *riest o5 iva are noted 5or their monthly 5ire dance. '5ter scouring the countryside in search i5 sacri5ices (&hich includes everything 5rom 5urniture to living beings)6 the priests spend several hours dancing in huge bon5ire. They end the ceremony thro&ing everything they collected into the 5ire. " couldnDt 5ind anything about an encounter (Brahman iva) but since Brahman is everything (including iva) maybe this encounter never happens and Brahman avatar has one burned 5ace to include iva as a part o5 /im. 'nother possibility is to sho& the part o5 Brahman that iva &ere able to destroy (until no&).
Complete $et *sinoic /andboo *age 13
4ogueG 4ogue characters must attempt to accrue &ealth (usually 5or his o&n bene5it6 but occasionally 5or a cause or to help another). They can never leave a potential victim or inviting 5ortune untouched. Thie5G Thieves have the same dharma as rogues6 but must rely on cunning6 stealth6 tricery or something other than brute 5orce to accomplish their goals &henever possible. BardG ' bard must serve to entertain and enlighten. /e must pursue no&ledge in the 5orm o5 tales and songs6 not in the rigid manner o5 a &i+ard. /e must pass up no chance to tell others o5 the &onders he has seen and the tales he has heard. "5 a situation occurs &hich pits the dharma reAuirements o5 a characterDs alignment against those o5 his class6 violating the reAuirements o5 either is still a breach o5 his dharma and results in the arma penalties outlined belo&. "5 a multi or dualclass character has con5licting dharma reAuirements6 the same rule applies. ;ach time a character goes up a level6 he receives a point o5 arma. "n addition6 a character &ho does a truly outstanding =ob o5 roleplaying his character according to the dharma reAuirements6 such as 5inding a clever &ay to meet the con5licting demands o5 alignment and class dharma6 may receive an additional point o5 arma (never more than one per session). "5 a character signi5icantly violates his dharma (such as a la&5ul good character engaging in the5t)6 he loses a point o5 arma (there is no limit to the number o5 points that may be lost in this &ay). 8hen a reincarnation spell is used6 the player does not roll up a ne& character. "nstead6 he consults the ro& matching his number o5 arma points on the reincarnation table belo&6 then rolls #d! to see &hat he comes bac as (ascetics modi5y their roll by #). ometime a5ter a character death heFshe should reincarnate naturally6 but &ith no memories o5 the previous li5e and in any place (can be very 5ar 5rom the start. "n any plane6 or any &orld). This &ay the character &ill restart as a baby6 o5 course. 4eincarnation Table (#d! roll) =arma points 5 0&7 2&/5 //&/7 /2&65 659
slug table 1 table # table 3 table % human
table 1 table # table 3 table % human human(1)
table # table 3 table % human human(1) human(#)
table 3 table % human human(1) human(#) human(3)
table % human human(1) human(#) human(3) human(%)
lugG The character is removed 5rom play and the player must roll up a ne& one. TablesG The character ne& reincarnation should be rolled in the tables belo&. "5 the character is reincarnated as a monster o5 the type listed. ee rules 5or creating ne& *C races in the -ungeon ,asterDs
222 2!19 #2# #039 %2% %09 !2!0 !90 99 9!22
M or any animal in the same level o5 intelligence. Table 3G 4oll in the reincarnation spell Table %G 4oll 5or any player character race /umanG The player trans5ers his old characterDs "ntelligence6 8isdom6 and Charisma to his ne& character. 'll other attribute scores are rerolled. Character begins at level one in the same class(es) as the previous character. "n any N/umanN option the -, may allo& the player to choose bet&een any player character race. /uman(1)G The player trans5ers his old "ntelligence6 8isdom6 and Charisma to the ne& character and rerolls all other attributes. The ne& character retains the old oneDs class(es)6 but begins at 1d% levels lo&er than the previous character. /uman(#)G The player trans5ers all old ability scores to the ne& character6 and begins one level lo&er in the previous characterDs class(es). /uman(3)G The player may add 1d% points to any single ability score o5 his old character (to maimum 10)6 and then trans5er all o5 the old characterDs scores to ne& character. The ne& character begins at the same level as the old one and retains the previous characterDs class(es). $irvanaG The character achieves unity &ith the Brahman and is retired 5rom play. ' completely ne& character is generated to replace the old one6 but the ne& character receives 1 modi5ier on all o5 its abilities scores. 8hen a reincarnation spell is used the ne& body &ill appear having only vague memories o5 his previous li5e. 'll arma points 5rom the previous character are lost6 and the ne& character starts over at 2 arma. "n any case6 i5 a raise dead or similar spell is used on the previous characterDs body6 both the reincarnation and the old character die and are removed 5rom play.
NPC 'scetic !>ample '-7- #nd ;dition /ome&orldG 'ny ("ncluding -ar un Brahman is not a N$ormal ery thin and no hair. in lie bron+e dressed &ith a &hite tunic. 8i+ard pellsG FFFFF3F#F1 ( bonus 5or high &isdomG #F#F1F1) *sionicsG -isciplines6 9 ciences6 #% -evotions6 'll -e5ence modes
%afiki?s Staff of Healin Alignment: $< Intelligence: 1% Discipline: *sychometabolism Sciences: ,etamorphosisM6 4egenerate Devotions: Cell 'd=ustment6 ,ind Over Body Semipermanency: -etect -isease M this sta55 can trans5orm itsel5 in any tool.