CSR Activates By PTCL Sukkur Institute of Business Administration
SUBMITTED BY: BARKATULLAH, DANIYAL HAIDER, SAIFULLAH MUHAMMAD ALI & BAKHTAWR BAKHTA WR Service Provider in To be the leading Information and Communication Technology SUBMITTED DATE: and DATE: APRIL 15, 2016 the region by achieving customer satisfaction maximizing shareholders' values. shareholders'
MISSION: To achieve our vision by having:
An organizational organizational environment environment that fosters fosters professionalism professionalism motivation and !uality
An environment environment that is cost e"ective and !uality !uality conscious conscious
Services that are based on the most optimum technology
#$uality# and #Time# conscious customer service
Sustained gro%th in earnings and pro&tability
Professional Integrity
Customer Satisfactio Satisfaction n
(oyalty to the Company
COMPANY COMP ANY PRO!IE: Pakista Pakistan n Telecommunic elecommunication ation Company Company limited limited is the renowned renowned and the leading leading company company of telecommuni telecommunicati cation on industry industry It is main communicat communication ion authority authority in Pakistan that is partly government owned and partly privati!ed The corporation provides telephonic and internet service nationwide and is the "ack"one for the country#s telecommunication infrastructure despite the arrival of a several other telecommunication corporations It manages and operates around $%%% telephone e&changes across the country' providing the largest (&ed)line network *ata and "ack"one services such as +S,' -SPA.C*,A' LT/ "road"and internet' IPT0' and wholesale are an increasing part of its "usiness In the year 123$ a department was esta"lished with the name 4Pakistan telephone and telegraph department5 the service was (rstly provided as state owned entity later later in 1221 1221 the govern governmen mentt took took the decisi decision on to priva privati! ti!e e the PTCL PTCL In 1226 1226 government issues vouchers which are converti"le in to shares then government worked on it and in 1223 shares are given to people holding vouchers Later in $%%7 government decides to fully privati!e the PTCL and sold the shares to /tisalat which led country wide protests and strikes "y the PTCL workers They disrupted many connections of pu"lic sector "uildings then military overtook the control of e&changes and arrested many workers All this ended up with a 8%9 increase in the salaries of the workers The company remained the largest telecommunication provider in Pakistan Pakistan even facing so many terri"le situations It has also potential to add some value in to the grow growth th of the the Pakis akista tan n econ econom omy y It has has also also launc launched hed many many new new tech techno nolo logy gy oriented services and products for meeting consumers demands in a very e:ective way way PTCL has laid optical ("er access networks in the ma;or metropolitan centers of Pakistan
CSR IN "ROADER PERSPECTIVE: The corporate social responsi"ility is the view given "y many philanthropists of the history carol was the most famous personality personality in giving concepts concepts of the corporate corporate social responsi"ility and there were many others also who gave the view of welfare of the society and the corporation as whole The corporate social responsi"ility refers to the "usiness practices involves participating in initiatives that "ene(ts peopl people e and planet planet These These days days CSR is perfor performed med "y many many compan companies ies to gain gain sustaina"ility of the "usiness and loyalty of the consumers in simple words CSR is "ecoming more mainstream em"ed sustaina"ility into the core of their "usiness operations to create shared value for "usiness and society society CSR is a central point for many companies these days "ecause it#s not only for the society and the people it#s also a"out the growth of the "usiness and it gives a lot of
"ene(ts to the stake holders as well who are directly and indirectly engaged in the "usiness It#s responsi"ly of every organi!ation to take care of the place where they are running their "usiness as well as take care of the people who are living near "y the "usiness operations The concept of CSR suggests many things for the "etterment and improvement of the living standards of the society It is heavily followed "y the developed countries where as developing countries is also moving towards developing more activities regarding CSR The core motive of the CSR activities is to provide "ene(t to the economy "y creating healthy environment and ePL/ and PLA?/T The whole CSR is surrounded "y these two "odies
C!"!#$% S'#( R%)"*)'+'('$ '* 2011 B PTCL Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited @PTCL thinks that they are responsi"le corporate citi!en so they do many pro;ects for the development of
society in $%11 They sponsor in the /ducation' contri"ute in -ealth and Safety' -elp to ood victimi!ed' and /nvironment
#EP TO !OOD VICTIMS: The destructive oods in the middle of $%1%s make homeless to thousands of people They were su:ering in the camp -indered of housed were completely terminate and children were starving from the hunger' women were depressed a"out their deference People were facing the security pro"lems' people lost their home all the agricultural land were fully vanished to produce foods' so the PTCL contri"ute in a various way to support them They give donation to many houses to settle down' they o:er many temporary ;o"s in camps to support the ood a:ected people PTCL give donation of Rs 7 million to Pun;a" +overnment as a und for the ood a:ected =e also donate Rs 82 million to many local ?+> and agencies that they support to the ood a:ected people in the villages ,any people were su:ering from fever "ecause of not approaches to clean water so we donate medicine worth PDR %7 ,illion =e also provide free treatment to E%%% ood victims through 67 lood relief camps in di:erent villages and areas =e also visited $7$ ,o"ile ,edical units to remote areas Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited also introduces service to raise the fund to facilitate the ood a:ected people People who can#t approach to the ood a:ected people can also donate Rs1% "y su"scri"ing a short code for each time By this way we raise a lot of funds and facilitate hundreds of people in a short span of time People were donating "y this service "ecause ten rupees was not much to save the lives
#EAT# $ SA!ETY F PTCL also work for the health and safety of people' their philosophy to serve in the area of health is that if the people are healthy we are healthyG if people grow we will grow' so they care a"out their employee health and their families and along with that we also aware people a"out the health through health awareness program a"out common preventa"le diseases that are cause of demise of people >n =orld -epatitis *ay $%1%' PTCL arranged a health awareness program for the society welfare =e also do a program on the /mployee =orkplace and safetyG we also facilitate our employee "y providing the industrial grade safety kits to the sta: of our company =e do this program "ecause we care a"out our employee we are family where we strive together to achieve organi!ational o";ective and goals =e also launch an awareness campaign was also launched across the organi!ation' that e&plained the -ealth' Safety and /nvironment issues In this program we e&plain in detail information a"out the -ealth' Safety and /nvironment issues and also ways to cure form them
=e also organi!ed the "lood donation campaign with the colla"oration of Pakistan Red Crescent Society for the patient of Thalassemia' in which many employees donate the "lood to save the lives of their nation
ENVIRONMENT: PTCL initiated a tree plantation campaign and more than three hundreds plants were planted in the PTCL residential colonies PTCL was awarded the Eth /nvironment /&cellent Award $%11 "y the ?ational orum of /nvironment and -ealth
EDUCATIONF PTCL gives the donation of Rs1% million to *anish School This is a pro;ect of Pun;a" +overnment to provide free modern education to the children that are under privilege areas =e also sponsor to many universities for their social awareness events
PTC%S ANNUA REPORT EARNS SA!A%S A&ARD: PTCL was granted with South Asian ederation of Accountants @SAA award' in the category of 4Communication and Information Technology5 This award was "estowed to company "ecause he surpass the industry standards of the Huality and transparency of (nancial reporting parameters
C!"!#$% S'#( R%)"*)'+'('$ '* 2012 B PTCL Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited @PTCL as a socially aware and responsi"le entity is determined to do its utmost in furthering worthy causes that contri"ute to the lives of individuals and help "etter the standards of society as a whole Corporate Social Responsi"ility is a way of life at PTCL which focuses on the areas of -ealth' /ducation' /nvironment and Community *evelopment
EDUCAITON: =e opened the door of great opportunities of internship for the youth that are getting education in the di:erent universities across the Pakistan =e o:er the paid internship of one year program for the student in which 7%% candidate had "een facilitated in $%1$ at di:erent department in PTCL such as /lectrical /ngineering' ,echanical /ngineering' -R department' (nancial department and ,arketing and so on By this program students get the e&perience and opened the door of opportunities for the ;o" across the Pakistan Students get the "righter ;o" opportunities in the future ,oreover' a comprehensive ,oreover' Triple / Intern /ngagement Program was put into practice to encourage and professionally develop the internees during their tenure at PTCL >ur contri"ution is to develop a capa"le work force from our society to "ene(t the graduates who (nd it di
SPORTS: Pakistan Telecommunication Company limited also sponsored in the area of Sports and Play PTCL sponsored Dainat Pu"lic School on the sports day to make the awareness of e&tracurricular activities among the youth of Pakistan
#EAT#: PTCL has partnered with Pharm)/vo to develop 4=ii Jones5 in pu"lic and private hospitals The purpose of this !one was to facilitate to the doctor with uninterrupted Internet facility to healthcare professionals as they can facilitate to their patient By using this initiative doctors and health professional can easily access to the telemedicine and health screening and assessment information online This facility also facilitate to the emergency cases that cannot access Huickly to hospital such as remote areas of Pakistan *octor give telemedicine "y using internet and using online camera' he can su"scri"e the medicine PTCL also cele"rate the =orld -eart *ay in $%1$ =e organi!e an awareness campaign for employee on prevention from heart disease among the Children and =omen =e aware them a"out the heart related disease and symptom of disease as they cure from disease "efore they e:ected The key factors of this were to do
seminar on the awareness of Blood Pressure and medical centers across the country Another awareness program in the cele"ration of Breast Cancer was done The key purpose of this program was to aware the women a"out the early diagnosis of Breast Cancer among female employee and prevention of *ia"etes among the employee across the Pakistan *uring the period of $%1$ PTCL also sent forty employees to perform -a;; on the company e&penses and PTCL also provide ,otorcycles to CSRK,,BB
DONATION TO PA)SITAN S&EET #OMES: PTCL had given donation to Pakistan Bait)ul),aal#s of Rs$8 ,illion across the nation The donation was given for the cause of Huality education and Huality of housing nearly to 8%%% orphan children
C!"!#$% S'#( R%)"*)'+'('$ '* 201 B PTCL PTCL has always "een attentive of its social responsi"ility towards community This commitment is articulated in various socially responsi"le initiatives that form a idiosyncratic feature of our corporate thinking and philosophy In $%18 PTCL focus was mostly on the Mouth development and -ealth ?umerous activities has "een done on the to support health and youth development
EDUCATION AND YOUT# DEVEOPMENT: PTCL introduce its /&peria Summer Program in $%18 This was a "road learning and great platform for the undergraduates and graduates of top Pakistani universities This program plays a vivacious role to reduce the gap "etween the student and industry Students from various renowned universities gained applied e&perience "y working in di:erent departments of PTCL including marketing' (nance' human resource and technical functions This internship program provided a stage to students to apply their academic "usiness knowledge in real work situations and mentor them to have a successful career PTCL also work in the area of youth development To develop the youth PTCL introduce the si& to eight weeks internship program to $N%% candidates rom di:erent universities students get the opportunities in di:erent departments Students from di:erent department like marketing' (nance and technical Students were facilitate in di:erent training were given in their relevant (eld of speciali!ation Candidates were also shown the practical work of the education where they come to know the real application of the concepts and theories The training was ended "y su"mitting the report of that they have learned during the program =e again opened the door of great opportunities of internship for the youth that are getting education in the di:erent universities across the Pakistan =e o:er the paid internship of one year program for the student in which 7%% candidate had "een facilitated in $%18 at di:erent department in PTCL such as /lectrical /ngineering' ,echanical /ngineering' -R department' (nancial department and ,arketing and so on By this program students get the e&perience and opened the door of opportunities for the ;o" across the Pakistan Students get the "righter ;o" opportunities in the future ,oreover' a comprehensive ,oreover' Triple / Intern /ngagement Program was put into practice to encourage and professionally develop the internees during their tenure at PTCL >ur contri"ution is to develop a capa"le work force from our society to "ene(t the graduates who (nd it di
In $%18 it provides free medical care to the under privileged in remote areas or coming forward in helping the su:ering humanity in their hour of need during natural calamities and environmental disasters PTCL has always "een on the forefront of the screen in the area of health toward the nation and their employee =e always take care of our employee "ecause our philosophy of work is that if they are healthy we are healthy PTCL also organi!ed a seminar to aware the people a"out the prevention of hepatitis =e organi!ed this seminar at local school in Darachi This key purpose of this seminar was to make aware to student a"out the causes of hepatitis and prevention from the hepatitis >ur medical sta: makes aware them a"out the increasing rate of the hepatitis among the children and women A healthcare medical camp was held in the sport comple&' Islama"ad from ,arch 12 )$6 The medical camp provide free healthcare to more than 8%%% children within a week This was the social responsi"ility of the Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited to provide facilities to the children who participated in the Sport comple&' "ecause we also support to the youth development and sports programs "eyond the education PTCL ,edical Sta:' helped "y necessary paramedical sta: and am"ulance service' are given that the children with dental e&amination' updating of medical record' >P* cover' emergency services and "lood grouping and screening including minor surgical procedures at the medical camp PTCL also organi!ed a medical camp with the colla"oration of Pakistan Sweet -ome =e provide the free medical health and medical services to the children A Pro;ect of Pakistan Bait)u),aal @PPB' to provide e&cellence housing' -ealth and /ducation to the thousands of orphanage PTCL medical sta: provides the healthcare and diagnostic services to promote the awareness of common and preventa"le diseases This program was not only for the employees of PTCL "ut also for the general pu"lic =e also initiated the model of PTCL mo"ile medical unit In $%18 PTCL provide free medical treatment 0ia three hundred mo"ile medical units' twenty thousand patients
ROE IN EECTION: As PTCL is committed towards its society so PTCL also play a vital role in the general election of Pakistan PTCL was connecting to the 787 election os of /CP are "eing connected through PTCL network and additional
locations will also "e connected shortly It is a uniHue capa"ility of PTCL to "ring forth Telecom Systems Integration to render services for customer like /CP with a demand for the widest possi"le national coverage The state of the art connectivity has "een provided to /CP and O?*P o
PTC A&ARDED *"EST #R PRACTICES IN TEECOM SECTOR% A&ARD: Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited @PTCL has "een "estowed with the Best -R Practices in Telecom Sector5 award at the 6th +lo"al -R /&cellence Awards $%18 held in Darachi
C!"!#$% S'#( R%)"*)'+'('$ '* 201. B PTCL PTCL works in the promotion of education' to "oost the education company introduce the Illuminating Learning ,ovement @IL, program PTCL "elieve that the education is the only tool for the "righter Pakistan IL, program duration was for one year The program was initiative and "ased on the online @click$learn internet "y su"scri"ing you can access it This program facilitates 7%%% deserving students of matriculation and intermediate This program helps students to prepare for "oard and /ntry test Click$Learn is very supportive for the students that were easy to access and cover e:ective methodologies' covering learning' testing prating and training This program improves the performance of student and increase the chance of achieving the ying results >n the Corporate Social Responsi"ility front' PTCL lived up to its reputation of "eing a conscientious corporate citi!en =hether it was the plight of the drought stricken people from Thar or the misfortune of the internally displaced persons (ghting the devastation wreaked "y terrorism' PTCL remained at the forefront in responding to fellow countrymen PTCL#s initiatives included signi(cant (nancial contri"utions towards reha"ilitation as well as providing medical help Similarly' in the time when seasonal oods unleashed havoc across large swathes of Central and Southern Pun;a"' PTCL took upon itself to lend a helping hand to its "rethren in their hour of need Besides making su"stantial contri"utions in the form of food rations' the Company also managed to put in place medical camps to ensure that the people were provided with necessary medical help Similarly' on the education and knowledge front' PTCL maintained its tradition of "eing a leader on the national corporate scene >n a similar note' the second edition of the Triple)/ Internship program was successfully carried)out This uniHue program o:ered "usiness and engineering
graduates from local universities) who were selected through a transparent and rigorous merit)"ased process) an opportunity to undergo internship of one year at PTCL The magnitude of this program can "e gauged "y the fact that under its auspices a total of 7%% students were provided this internship facility The main idea "ehind this program was to provide on);o" practical e&perience of the corporate world' polishing their professional skills while getting paid a handsome stipend The real)time corporate environment and world)class systems at PTCL o:er a uniHue chance for the youth to get themselves grounded in the practicalities of the actual "usiness environment In order to raise awareness a"out the environmental issues and make people reali!e the importance of a green environment' the Company also organi!ed an /co =alk in the ,argalla -ills in colla"oration with the C*A @Capital *evelopment Authority The walk' attended "y a large num"er of students and faculty mem"ers from the local universities as well as PTCL employees' turned out to "e a good learning session /minent e&perts of the country held forth on the various environmental issues a:ecting the planet and PTCL#s role in com"ating these threats so as to "eHueath a sustaina"le and safe environment for future generations In order to further emphasi!e the message of a clean environment among PTCL employees' your Company launched >peration Clean Sweep that was carried out across all the installations of the Company' including o
C!"!#$% S'#( R%)"*)'+'('$ B PTCL PROMOTIN+ EDUCATION T#ROU+# ONINE EARNIN+: PTCL works in the promotion of education' to "oost the education company introduce the Illuminating Learning ,ovement @IL, program PTCL "elieve that the education is the only tool for the "righter Pakistan IL, program duration was for one year The program was initiative and "ased on the online @click$learn internet "y su"scri"ing you can access it This program facilitates 7%%% deserving students of matriculation and intermediate This program helps students to prepare for "oard and /ntry test Click$Learn is very supportive for the students that were easy to access and cover e:ective methodologies' covering learning' testing prating and training This program improves the performance of student and increase the chance of achieving the ying results
TREE PANTAION TO SAVE ENVIRONMENT: PTCL also works in the area of environment protection This event works on the philosophy of 4+o +reen5' so we plant the trees on ,argalla -ills to raise the awareness a"out the preservation of the society >ur social responsi"ly is not end at you "ut also o"liged to the environment where we live The purpose was to tell the people a"out the clean environment and of its "ene(ts ,ore than $8% hikers participated that included the students and employee The range for planning the tree was starting from the ,arfalla hill on Trial 87 and (nished at the Pir Sohawa The participant also takes the litter from the trail with the aim to make aware to the people a"out the clean environment Students and facility of universities were also invited to participate in it like Bahria' IHra and ast
PTC #ODS &OR)S#OP TO NURTURE T#E YOUT#: Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited @PTCL also takes care of employee children =e have launched an innovative program for children of PTCL employees' designed to development the children to "e more responsi"le' creative and accepting of changes
PTC SI+NS A+REEMENT &IT# C"A ENTAIIN+ #U+E "ENE!ITS !OR EMPOYEES: Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited' made an agreement with the Collective Bargaining Agent (CBA' covering several monetary "ene(ts to the employees' coupled with additional />BI pension "ene(ts protection to their post retirement life
PTC TA)ES EMPOYEE DEVEOPMENT TO NE& #EI+#TS: Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited also does the Corporate Social Responsi"ility for the employeeG they are loyal with their company and help their employee in growth and welfare So the company has taken various initiatives in this regard Recently' the company has given "ikes on ownership "asis to it Customer Services Representatives and technicians of (eld units as part of the company#s employee development initiatives This initiative has "een taken for the welfare of employee and sustaina"ility of Business The Bike was provided to their employee on 6E easy payments on ownership "asis And the other "ene(t that was given to the employee was that company was giving 8% liters of fuel every month This facility convenience their employee for (eld work and can give "etter facility to the customers
PTC EMPOYEES DONATE ONE,DAY SAARY !OR IDPS: Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited also perform corporate social responsi"ility with the employee' they also give a chance to their employee to contri"ute for the social cause so PTCL#s sta:s have donated their one day salary for the displaced people of Swat and other a:ected areas The amount total donation was Rs $% million C/> and President personally met with Mousaf Ra!a +illani and give him the cheHue of Rs$% million on the "ehalf of employee This contri"ution helped to I*P#s
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited has a healthy tradition to support the non)governmental organi!ation PTCL donated PDR $7 million to the S>S villages S>S is an organi!ation that works for the social development and education of orphans and the under privilege areas At S>S village Rawalpindi' PTCL organi!ed a special event where CheHue of Rs$7 million was handover to S>S village "y Prime ,inister of Pakistan that was donated "y PTCL
SC#OARS#IPS !OR PERSONS &IT# DISA"IITIES: >n ,ay 1N' $%%E' another recent CSR enterprise taken "y PTCL was declared at the =orld Telecommunication *ay held This year the worldwide theme for the *ay was 4Connecting Persons with *isa"ilities5 Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited is also donate for the cause of to raise awareness of this theme and to support this initiates was focusing on less privileged persons' so on the =orld Telecom *ay event was organi!ed in Islama"ad and contri"ute with Rs3E ,illion >n this special day PTCL#s president ,r =alid Irshaid was addressing to general pu"lic and he announced (ve academic scholarships per year The scholarship was announced for the purpose to show a:ection with the disa"le people who are getting education at di:erent college and universities and getting higher education for "righter Pakistan This scholarship includes the tuition fees and living e&penses of the student The total donation for the education of disa"le people was the Rs17 ,illion
COA"ORATION &IT# UNIVERSA SERVICE !UND -US!.: The Oniversal Service und @OS and PTCL have entered in a contract to provide "asic telephony and data services to the population in the yet un)served areas of Baluchistan districts of Pishin' Dilla A"dullah and Quetta PTCL is making consistent e:orts to enhance Pakistan#s capacity to develop and produce a glo"ally competitive telecom sector and industry
,aking a determined e:ort develop Pishin' a far ung area of Baluchistan is a clear manifestation of PTCL#s resolve to "ridge the digital divide =ith the support of OS' PTCL is set to e&tend the "ene(ts of its u"iHuitous network coverage to the under) served communities in the un)served areas PTCL is contri"uting Rs 162 million to this endeavor in an e:ort to "ring information and communication technology to the remotest areas The total cost of the pro;ect is PDR $%%% ,illion out of which PTCL contri"ution is PDR 1$N7 ,illion while OSCo contri"ution is PDR N$7 ,illion Thus' PTCL' as a socially responsi"le corporate entity' has "een pursuing di:erent social causes touching on areas of culture' sports' music' environment and general welfare "y supporting di:erent initiatives As such' PTCL#s CSR activities and new ventures are warmly welcomed
DONATION TO EART#/UA)E VICTIMS IN "AUC#ISTAN: The destructive earthHuake at Quetta cause terrifying destruction in the region The C/> and President of PTCL donated Rs1% ,illion for the reconstruction and reintegration of the area
DONATION TO "ENA0IR INCOME SUPPORT PRO+RAM: PTCL also donate Rs1% million to the Bena!ir Income Support Program This donation was only for the cause of the poor people BISP is introduced "y former president ,rAsif Ali Jardari on the name of his late =ife Bena!ir Bhutto This program supports to the poor families and donate them Rs17%% every month
SPONSORIN+ EVENT AT UMS: Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited also sponsor to the Synergies $%%E The 1st "usiness school competition in the Pakistan organi!ed "y the Lahore Oniversity of ,anagement Sciences The donation was of Rs 1% ,illion PTCL also sponsor to the event that are "ene(cial for the student or for the social cause
PTC PRESIDENT MR1 &AID IRS#AID ANNOUNCES RS 23 MIION !OR NATIONA PRESS CU" ISAMA"AD: The president of PTCL' =alid Irshaid has said that PTCL was still one of the most pro(ta"le ?ational organi!ations' despite all economic and (nancial crises and "ack draws
Addressing the inaugural of the new "uilding' alongside president ?PC @?ational press Clu"' TariH Chaudhry' general secretary Af!al Butt' and other luminaries' including S/0P PTCL Sikandar ?aHi' /0P Ali Qadir +ilani =alid Irshaid e&pressed the companys willingness and readiness to tackle any impending challenges with lan and preparedness
,r =alid Irshaid also assured press clu" a"out his full cooperation and assistance' and during the lunch hosted in his honor "y ?PC also announced a grant of Rs 1% million' *SL Internet services' IPT0 and other facilities -e said that PTCL would continue to work for "etterment of media in Pakistan' and also lauded media services rendered during the last few years
PTC +ETS ENVIRONMENT !RIENDY: The Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited @PTCL has decided to introduce a new "ill format for its customers' e:ective e"ruary $%%2
This decision was taken to ensure that PTCL stir towards adopting environmental) friendly and customer)friendly policies in line with the government of Pakistans e:orts' which recommends companies and institutions to go green
This initiative of PTCL also coincides with the +overnment#s decision to cele"rate $%%2 as the /nvironment Mear PTCLs decision to reduce the num"er of "illing pages is an environment friendly initiative and is a way forward towards "ecoming a paperless enterprise
According to *r Sadik Al)Uadir' S/0P Commercial PTCL' preceding "ill format comprising multiple pages' would "e replaced with a new one)page "ill format' thus packing all the essential "illing details on a single page This single page "ill format would help save' at least 1$ million papers every month that are "eing used for printing the "illing details
To facilitate the customers' itemi!ed "illing details would remain o"taina"le and accessi"le Customers would "e a"le to o"tain their itemi!ed "illing details "y visiting any customer service centre of PTCL and would also "e a"le to access essential "illing details through I0R "y dialing 1$%% PTCL Call center is also e&pected to start taking orders from customers for their itemi!ed "illing details Su"seHuently' these details would "e delivered to the customers through courier within a certain time frame
*r Sadik said' 4PTCL is determined to improve and "uild good relationship with its customers "y providing novel and superior telecom products and services to its valued customers and is striving hard to meet their e&pectations5
PTC4 CISCO AND NUST TO ESTA"IS# CENTER O! E5CEENCE !OR INTERNET TEC#NOO+IES: Islama"adF Onder the "anner of PTCL' CISC> and ?OST' Center of /&cellence for Internet Technologies is "eing esta"lished at ?OST S//CS' Islama"ad The Center a "rainchild of ,r =alid Irshaid' President and C/>' PTCL ) is to "e set up in the state of the art An ,>O to this e:ect was signed yesterday "y the three parties' with the Chief +uest "eing *r Ata ur Rahman' Chairman -/C The occasion was also graced "y high o
The ceremony was a huge success and PTCL' CISC> and ?OST#s leading role in taking up new challenges to improve the Huality of IT education in Pakistan was greatly lauded "y mem"ers of academia' industry and the media present at the ceremony ,r Sikander ?aHi /&ecutive 0ice President Corporate *evelopment speaking on the occasion said that "y setting up such a Center' PTCL will "e a"le to "ene(t from world class research that will "e of immense value to them In addition' the human resources that will "e developed at this Center will "e a"le to e&port their skills and e&pertise to the region and "eyond This will spur growth in the Pakistani IT sector' and will contri"ute towards enhancing the Huality and Huantity of e&porta"le IT related skills to the glo"al marketplace The Center' sta:ed "y researchers from ?OST' will work closely with Cisco engineers in the OS who will provide the thematic direction of the ;oint research The Center#s research is to "e funded "y the ?ational ICT R* fund *r Qasim Sheikh' the C/> of ICT R* fund' stated that his organi!ation is pleased that PTCL' ?OST and CISC> are forming a ;oint research group that will work on signi(cant pro"lems that are relevant to Pakistan A research pro;ect under similar arrangements' funded "y the ?ational ICT R* und' is currently underway with Cisco scientists and Pakistani researchers colla"orating to develop open source tools for performance monitoring of network tra
or the year under review' PTCL group#s pro(t after ta& was Rs E6 "illion compared to Rs 11N "illion last year PTCL#s pro(t at Rs N7 "illion was $%9 less than the previous year#s pro(t resulting in earnings per share @/PS of Rs 163 or the year $%1%)11' your Company declared a dividend of Rs 1N7 per share
77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 7 or the period under review' PTCL +roups pro(t after ta& was Rs 1$ "illion incorporating PTCLs loss after ta& of Rs %N76 "illion This loss was due to one)time cost of Rs 27 "illion on account of 0oluntary Separation Scheme @0SS implemented with the o";ective to optimi!e the human resources in line with current
"usiness needs In view of the foregoing' the Board of *irectors decided not to recommend dividend for the period under review
77777777777777 or the year under review' PTCL +roup#s pro(t after ta& was Rs 17N "illion The increased pro(ta"ility of Rs 1$N "illion for PTCL was contri"uted "y revenue growth Accordingly' the Board has recommended a (nal cash dividend of $%9 @Rs $%% per share for the (nancial year $%18 which is inclusive of the interim cash dividend already declared and paid to the shareholders /arnings per share for PTCL +roup for the year were Rs 8%2
The Company#s pro(ta"ility remained sta"le in spite of e&traordinary e&penses on account of a successfully completed voluntary separation scheme as well as losses due to (re and oods PTCL#s net pro(t for the year was Rs 7$ "illion mainly contri"uted "y revenue growth as well as e:ective cost optimi!ation measures' despite the e&ceptional e&penses of Rs E$ "illion and Rs %2 "illion on account of voluntary separation scheme and loss of assets due to (re incident respectively PTCL#s +roup pro(t after ta& for the year was a"out Rs 6 "illion The PTCL +roup pro(ta"ility during the year remained su"dued mainly due to amorti!ation of 8+ license acHuired "y Ofone @the 1%%9 owned su"sidiary of PTCL PTCL#s earnings per share @/PS for the year was Rs 1%$ whereas for PTCL +roup the /PS was Rs %NE
CONCUSION: After writing this whole report we can conclude that Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited is work for the society development in the area of the /ducation' Society welfare' /nvironmental Protection' Community development' Social /vents' ?atural *isaster They donate for the "etter cause of the society Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited is working in the area of /ducation PTCL sponsor in to the universities in di:erent events PTCL also announced scholarship for the disa"le people' and also facilitate to students with paid internship Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited is also sponsor for the natural disaster' they sponsor for ood a:ected areas in $%1% And also to the Quetta in /arthHuake Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited also plants the tree to show care for the environment Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited also works for the health of the employee and people they sponsor for the Pakistan Sweet -ome living Huality' health and education of orphanage Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited is also post weekly health related article on their employee portal PTCL cele"rated the =orld -ealth *ay' and Breast Cancer *ay Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited is also working for the employee PTCL facilitate their employee motor"ikes and also send their employee for the pilgrimage of -a;; on company e&penses