Question 1. The stranger’s arrival at the inn was an unusual event. Moreover, his behaviour was very rude. Why did Mrs Hall put up with the antics of the stranger then? nswer. It was February when the stranger arrived at the “Coach and Horses” inn in Iping. It was a time of biting cold with wind and snow. snow. Not many people visited Iping in winters and hence, the inn business must have been low. low. o o have a guest at that time of the year was something unheard of. !rs Hall was very happy. !oreover, the stranger did no bargaining. He gave her two gold coins. However, he was a very rude character. character. He snubbed her many times and even destroyed some property of the inn. However, !rs Hall "ept her cool because every time she confronted him for the damage, he told her to bill him down. he money "ept coming in and !rs Hall didn#t want to lose the customer until it was holiday season again. Q !. "escribe the appearance of the stranger when he arrived at the inn. Why was Mrs Hall scared out of her wits by his appearance? nswer. he stranger was wrapped from head to toe and the large hat that he wore hid every inch of his face f ace e$cept e$cept the shiny tip of his h is nose. !rs Hall gave him a room. %hen she went there, she noticed that his clothes were still on. He was also wearing big blue spectacles with sidelights and had a bush side&whis" s ide&whis"er er over his coat& collar that completely hid his chee"s and face. he ne$t time she went into the room, she saw that the stranger had ta"en o' his overcoat and hat. He was holding a
hand"erchief to his mouth that hid the lower portion of his (aw and that made his voice mu)ed. *ut what was more startling was that his whole face, e$cept his pin" nose, was covered in bandages. His hair bent through the bandages and gave him the most grotes+ue appearance. It gave !rs Hall the shoc" of her life. Question #. "escribe Teddy Henfrey’s $rst i%pression of the &nvisible Man. nswer. he Invisible !an was sleeping when !rs Hall came with !r eddy Henfrey, the cloc"&(obber. He wo"e up with a startle. %hen eddy entered, he was ta"en abac"# by the bandaged appearance of the man. -etting his consent, !r eddy Henfrey proceeded to wor". *ut he wor"ed as slow as possible. He wanted to "now more about the stranger. he stranger "ept staring at him and the silence of the room made eddy nervous. He tried to start a conversation, but the stranger snubbed him. !oreover, the stranger told him that he was wasting time and he should concentrate on his wor" and leave. !r eddy was really annoyed at this behaviour. He was the rst one to spread rumours about the Invisible !an. He thought that the man was bandaged as he was trying to run away from the police. He told !r Hall the same thing and as"ed him to ta"e a note of the situation. Question '. (&t’s a ru%%y case altogether.) What was the *ru%%y case’? What possible e+planation was given for it? nswer. he unusual stranger was staying in the Coach and Horses# inn at Iping. He was eagerly waiting for his
luggage to arrive. Fearenside, the cart&driver brought the luggage and was standing outside the inn with !r Hall. he Invisible !an came running down. /ust as he was about to reach the cart, Fearenside#s dog attac"ed him. His glove and trousers were torn apart. *ut he said that he was not hurt. 0ater, !r eddy and Fearenside met at the bar and discussed the incident. Fearenside said that the man was blac" as when he saw through the tore trousers, he e$pected that his s"in would be pin"ish. *ut it was complete blac"ness. !r eddy Henfrey said that it was a rummy case# because his nose was pin". Fearenside said that the man was probably a piebald. He thought that the man was half&breed and therefore, "ept himself covered all the time Question . (&t’s a %ost re%ar-able story.) What %ade Mr unting say this? nswer. !r Cuss, the general practitioner at 1ping village, was a curious cat by nature. He heard about the stranger staying at 2ping. he news of him being covered in bandages e$cited his professional interest. He was also (ealous to learn that the stranger had numerous bottles of chemicals with him. He made the e$cuse of a subscription and was able to arrange a meeting with him. 3nfortunately, the interview ended abruptly and he ran straight to another bar where !r *unting was sitting. He told !r *unting that the stranger got irritated with him and what happened ne$t made him shiver and ran thin"ing that he had gone insane. 4ctually, -ri5n had scared him by showing his empty sleeve and po"ing his
nose with his invisible hand. hough !r *unting loo"ed suspiciously at !r Cuss, he said that “it#s a most remar"able story.” Question /. How did 0rin %ove about in the village of &ping? What were the ru%ours revolving around regarding his bandages? nswer. -ri5n#s behaviour was very unusual. He did not go to church. 6ome days he would be continuously busy in his wor" and on others, he would (ust pace up and down in his room. His temper was very unpredictable. !oreover, he rarely went abroad by daylight and had no communication with the outside world. However, he always "ept himself covered whether it was cold or hot. -ri5n would wal" on the loneliest paths and among the shades of the trees. 7eople often got scared when they met him wal"ing down the street. !oreover, his appearance made him the tal" of the town. !rs Hall "ept telling everybody that he was an 8e$perimental investigator#. However, many also believed that he was a criminal trying to hide himself in bandages. 6ome thought that he was an anarchist. hen there were people li"e Fearenside who believed that he was a piebald. Question 2. "escribe the burglary that too- place at Mr unting’s house in your own words. nswer. In the wee hours of %hit !onday, !rs *unting was wo"en up by a strong impression that the door of the bedroom had opened and closed. %hen she was sure that there was an intruder in the house, she wo"e !r *unting
up. !r *unting didn#t act in haste and after ma"ing sure that a burglar was at wor", armed himself with a po"er and went down. he couple could hear the study drawers being opened and rustle of papers. 4 match was lit in the study. !r *unting tried to pee", but he could spot no one. 6uddenly, they heard the chin" of money and realised that the burglar had found the reserve. !r *unting barged into the room only to nd the room perfectly empty. hey were completely astonished. he candle was lit and the money was gone, but there was no one in the room. hen they ran towards the sound coming from the "itchen but not a soul was to be found. Question 3. (My good old furniture4 (Twas in that very chair %y poor dear %other used to sit when & was a little girl. To thin- it should rise up against %e now4) What had happened to Mrs Hall’s furniture? nswer. In the early hours of %hit !onday, the Halls wo"e up to attend a private matter. hey were to add sarsaparilla to their beer. !r Hall went upstairs to get the bottle and was surprised to notice that the stranger#s door was open hen he found the front door open which they had bolted last night. Curiously, he "noc"ed at the door of the room but the room was empty. He called !rs Hall up. 4ll the stranger#s clothes were lying here and there. !rs Hall touched them and concluded from the coldness that he had been out for long. /ust then, the bed clothes gathered themselves aside. he stranger#s hat attac"ed !rs Hall#s face. he chair (umped came to life
and charged at !rs Hall#s face. he chair threw the couple outside. !rs Hall thought that her furniture was haunted and it was the stranger who put spirits in them. Question 5. Why did the narrator say that Mrs Hall had the better of the &nvisible Man in the bar?
4nswer. 4fter the attac" by the furniture, the Halls were thin"ing of throwing out the stranger. !rs Hall was very upset at what had happened. !oreover, when !r Hall demanded an e$planation, the stranger was very rude and as"ed to be left alone. he Halls had enough of his temper and !rs Hall decided that she would not serve him any longer. 6he could hear the stranger in rage and ringing the bell, but she was resolute. %hen the stranger as"ed for her, she immediately demanded her payment and as"ed him to "eep his swearing to himself. Her furiousness made the stranger bac" down and it was felt in the bar that !rs Hall had had the better of him. 6he also accused him of stealing and demanded e$planation for his unusual disappearances. Question 16. The people of &ping village were no %atch for the &nvisible Man. What happened when they all tried to get hi% arrested? nswer. he stranger was very furious when !rs Hall accused him of stealing money from !r *unting#s house. In a t of rage, the stranger unveiled himself. he inn was not prepared for this sight and the panic"ed people ran outside. !r /a'ers came with the warrant to arrest him. He said that head or no head, he would arrest the man. 4
ght ensued between the stranger and him and !r /a'ers got brutally beaten up. However, with the help of !r Hall, !r %adgers and others, the Invisible !an was subdued. *ut before anyone could suspect, the Invisible !an too" o' all his clothes and the people were left ghting with an invisible gure. 9bviously, they were no match for him. 4nyone who tried to catch him was hit. !r /a'ers tried his best to get hold of him but was so forcefully hit that he was rendered :at on the gravel. Question 11. (7ull yourself together,) said the 8oice, (for you have to do the 9ob &’ve chosen for you.) Why had the &nvisible Man chosen Mr Marvel? "id Mr Marvel prove his worth? nswer. 4fter running away from the Iping village, the Invisible !an was lled with murderous rage. He was hungry and without shelter or clothes in the biting cold. It was then that he spotted !r homas !arvel. He perceived !arvel to be an outcast li"e him and thought that he could be of great help. He wanted !arvel to aid him and act as a side"ic". he Invisible !an promised him rewards for his services. *ut he also threatened him of dire conse+uences if !arvel tried to cheat him. However, !r !arvel was an opportunist. He tried to run away from him at Iping, but was caught. He also tried to reveal the secret to a mariner at 7ort 6towe. He managed to escape from -ri5n at *urdoc", with his invaluable three boo"s and all his heist. hus, we can conclude that, he was a poor side"ic" and very much responsible for -ri5n#s downfall.
Question 1!. Mr :uss and Mr unting tried to play investigators, but 0rin hu%iliated the% and still %anaged to escape with his three precious boo-s. ;laborate. nswer. he Invisible !an escaped from the Coach and Horses# even though many villagers tried to stop him. hey were all perple$ed and nobody "new about his true identity. !r Cuss and !r *unting appear to be the most lettered persons of the village. hey started to investigate the Invisible !an#s belongings. !r !arvel was successful in letting -ri5n enter into the room. *efore they could realise, -ri5n started banging their heads. He was angry and wanted his boo"s. he two were no match for him and easily gave in. He made !r Cuss wear a "ilt and too" away all the vicar#s clothes. 4ided by !r !arvel, -ri5n was able to get away with his boo"s. In this way, he humiliated and ridiculed the two investigators. He managed to snea" out the boo"s right under their noses. Question 1#. The &nvisible Man lost his te%per and left the village of &ping in ruins. :o%%ent. nswer. he Invisible !an, -ri5n, had planned with !r !arvel that they would get his boo"s bac". he plan went good until !r !arvel was suspected of thievery and !r Hu$ter started chasing him. His chase was brought to a halt by -ri5n. However, the whole village also started chasing him. !r !arvel had -ri5n#s precious boo"s. If he would have been caught, -ri5n would have had a ma(or setbac". Hence, he started hurting the pursuers. Initially he wanted to aid !r !arvel#s escape, but then he lost his
temper. He set to smiting and overthrowing people for the mere pleasure of causing harm. hen he bro"e all the windows of the Coach and Horses# and thrust a street lamp through the parlour window of !rs -ribble. he streets of Iping were left deserted, all "inds of stu' lay scattered and no soul was to be seen. Question 1'. Why did Mr Marvel want to resign fro% the post of 0rin’s side-ic-? "id 0rin let hi% go? nswer. !r !arvel was able to get away with -ri5n#s things with some help from the latter. *ut he tried to snea" away from -ri5n too. However, -ri5n caught up with him and probably hurt him. He also threatened to "ill !r !arvel if he tried that sort of thing ever again. Initially, !r !arvel had to give in before -ri5n as he was chosen for his wor". He was also promised to be rewarded handsomely. *ut perhaps, the heist that he had to do at ping was too much for him. He no longer wanted to be a part of -ri5n#s plans. He told him that he was a very bad aid and would probably get his plans failed. *ut -ri5n was not ready to let go of him. He could easily empower the short man and needed him to carry his things around. !oreover, !r !arvel could prove to be of more help. He didn#t want to lose this advantage by giving up his services. Question 1. t 7ort
nswer. !r !arvel was sitting an$ious on a bench in 7ort 6towe. 4 mariner came to him and started tal"ing about a news published in the newspaper. It was about the Invisible !an. !r !arvel was nervous. He tried to relate to the mariner that he "new many things about the Invisible !an. However, -ri5n was (ust around him and started hurting him. !r !arvel got up abruptly and leaving his listener hanging, left the place. he mariner was left irate. He shouted at !r !arvel and said that he had no elementary manners. he mariner appears to be a lonely sort of a guy who would see" company in aw"ward news and wouldn#t mind tal"ing to tramps. He was also easily in:uenced as he believed that the story of the Invisible !an was true because it came from a real place, e+uipped with names and details. He held his temper when !r !arvel ignored him, but when he lost it, he came out shouting curses at him. Question 1/. How did the people at the *=olly :ric-eters’ react when Mr Marvel ca%e running to the% as-ing for refuge? nswer. he atmosphere at the /olly Cric"eters# was rela$ed when they heard shouting down the street. 6uddenly, !r !arvel opened the door and shouted that the Invisible !an was after him. He told the crowd that the Invisible !an wanted to murder him. he people there were +uic" to react and the policeman as"ed the door to be closed. he blac" beard man said that !r !arvel was safe. hen there was rapping on the door. he barman provided !r !arvel refuge. hey were all brave and swift.
hey made a plan to catch the Invisible !an. he blac" beard man got his revolver out, but the policeman told him that he (ust couldn#t "ill a man. He replied that he "new his laws and wanted to shoot at the legs. -ri5n entered through the bac" door and got !r !arvel. *ut they all (umped to save him. Finally, the struggle ended when the blac" beard man red all ends out. Question 12. (ll %en, however highly educated, retain so%e superstitious in-lings.) How did the eerie feelings ta-e over "r >e%p? nswer. ;r
nswer. -ri5n was a gifted scientist. *ut it is also true that he was eccentric. He was the only one to be blamed for his tragic end. He might derive sympathy from the reader when he was chased for being di'erent. However, on a deeper level, we have realised that he adopted many evil ways to accomplish his desires. %hen he ran out of money, he robbed his own father which led to his suicide. He also hurt the owner of the costume shop. hough he was misunderstood by the people at -reat 7ortland street, where all the asco started, he burned the whole house down (ust to hide his discovery. He wanted to establish a reign of terror and believed that his invisibility provided him with godly powers. He turned against his own race and died a tragic end. Question 15. 0rin got into the %niu%s e%pty handed and left e%pty handed. How had his planned failed? nswer. -ri5n was star" na"ed and without food and shelter in the streets of 0ondon. hen he got a brilliant idea. He managed to enter the huge shop. He clambered up a collection of bedsteads and waited till the shop was completely empty. 4fter the place was immersed in silence, -ri5n got down. He went straight towards the clothing section and adorned many things=from soc"s to hat. hen his ne$t hit was the food. Near the toy department, he had another brilliant idea. He could fa"e an appearance by using false items. Finally, he went to sleep and was at peace after a long time. 3nfortunately for him, he slept till late and the store opened. He was
spotted. he wor"ers ran after him. -ri5n tried to hide, but somebody saw him. He resorted to hurting his pursuers and created a mess at the store. Finally, he had to ta"e all his clothes o' to go out of sight. Question !6. 0rin thought that as he was invisible, he could easily rob anyone. However, the hunchbac- %ade it a hard tas-. ;laborate. nswer. -ri5n reached the desired shop in ;rury 0ane. here was no one in the shop when -ri5n entered. he gate had a clan"ing bell and immediately the owner of the house, a short hunched man, came running down. -ri5n tried to follow the man, but he sensed it. he +uic"ness of his ear surprised -ri5n. he man was busy washing his plates when -ri5n put some coal in the re. Immediately, the man came running upstairs. %hen -ri5n was following him on the stairs, he suddenly stopped and was (ust an inch away from -ri5n#s face. -ri5n was nearly caught when he was searching for clothes. his made the hunchbac" furious. He started loc"ing the doors of the house and before -ri5n could do anything, he was loc"ed in a room. -ri5n could hardly control himself and he "noc"ed him out cold. He e$plained that the hunchbac" gave him no choice. Question !1. How did "r >e%p’s plan to get the &nvisible Man arrested fail? nswer. >ven before ;r
-ri5n came into his house, informing Colonel 4dye about his presence. -ri5n was narrating the incidents that had led to his invisibility and further his encounter with ;r
e%p use the -nowledge given to hi% by 0rin hi%self to get hi% arrested? Were his atte%pts fruitful? nswer. 4fter the plan to get -ri5n arrested failed, ;r
-ri5n was are feet. 4las1 In spite of these elaborate plans -ri5n was able to sleep and eat. Question !#. How did 0rin %eet his tragic end? nswer. -ri5n was lled with murderous rage. His condant, ;r e%p was really a traitor as he cheated 0rin and let out all his secrets? 0ive reasons. nswer. -ri5n and ;r
the other hand, ;r ven before -ri5n had mentioned his sinister plans, ;r
nswer. 0ight fascinated -ri5n and he dropped medicine to pursue physics. He wor"ed li"e a slave. 4fter si$ months of hard labour, he found a general principle of pigments and refraction and deduced a formula. He researched and concluded that to ma"e something invisible in air, its refractive inde$ must be lowered so as to e+uate with that of air. He also "new that humans were also transparent theoretically. 4fter si$ years of toil, and with ideas in his mind, he went to 0ondon. He hid his e$periments from everyone, including his professor. For three more years, he fought with e$asperation and realised that he was out of money. 4t this point he robbed his father which led to his death. His secret nature made people suspicious. Finally, at -reat 7ortland 6treet, he had to carry out the e$periment in haste. He burned the house down to cover his trails. No, the methods that he adopted for achieving his dream were not moral. His ways were vile and sinister. Question !2. 0rin’s invisibility. &t was li-e having a godly power. ven his wal" was clumsy. However, he was great (oy and his mind was busy in the things he could do without behind. he man carrying being seen. 6uddenly, he was hit from the bas"et was greatly surprised and this made -ri5n laugh. 4 cabman rushed to catch the bas"et and his hands met -ri5n#s nec". -ri5n was hurt and the crowd rushed to
the scene. -ri5n was in the danger of being discovered. 6o, he ran away from the place. 9n the street, his feet got stamped, his shoulder got bruised and most of all he was star" na"ed and thus, caught a cold. -ri5n#s initial happiness had :own away and he thought how he was going to get out of the mess he was in. He was feeling so helpless that he nearly cried. Q !3. What had happened to Wic-steed? What e@ect did it have on the people of urdoc-? nswer. !r %ic"steed was a man of forty ve or forty si$. His demeanor could hardly entice anyone to cause any harm to him. *ut he was found brutally murdered. he incidents leading to his death were not clear. he author says that his murder was a mystery as no one had seen what actually happened. However, everyone suspected that it was the Invisible !an who carried out the "illing. he narration ta"es an imaginative turn. he author says that probably -ri5n was lled with rage and carried an iron rod. he :ying rod caught !r %ic"steed#s attention and he went after it. -ri5n did not want to be discovered so he attac"ed him and as a result !r %ic"steed was "illed. *urdoc" was immersed in a thrill of horror after this. Question !5. &llustrate is the ending of the novel (The &nvisible Man) happy and 9ust? What is your reaction when 0rin gets -illed and Marvel gets to -eep all the stolen %oney? re you glad that the invisibility for%ula is hidden fro% >e%p , who could use it? A:<;
nswer. he novel, he Invisible !an ends on a happy note. 4s science is always viewed by humans from an ethical angle, this novel clearly indicates that when science and its ndings are vitiated for personal gain or against the good of humanity, it not only gets destroyed by the forces of good but also ma"es sure that the originator of the evil perpetration is also destroyed in the bargain. In this wor", the evil genius -ri5n not only meets a sad end but also su'ers untold miseries because of his misuse of his ndings and his personal behaviour under the in:uence of drugs and medication.