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Green Building Council of Sri Lanka GBCSL Associate Professional Examination – SAMPLE QUESTION PAPER QUESTION PAPER - 2
Answer any THREE Questions – All Questions Carry Equal Marks Time Allocated: 90 Minutes Question 1
You have been asked to develop a concept paper on adapting ancient architectural techniques to achieve sustainability in a design for a modern ‘green’ residential area .
Considering key design factors, develop the concept paper at least highlighting three key areas. (50%) ii) Explain the impact of the design and construction process on the air quality of a functioning building (50%) Question 2
Assume that you are the Green Consultant for a Warehouse Complex to be located in Seeduwa. Management is planning to import a pre-fabricated steel building from China for this purpose.
The building is facing the sea. No ground water can be used used for the the
construction stage or at the operational stage. You are required to identify and discuss three (03) opportunities (based on the given facts) for making the above building a GREEN
certified project. Question 3
Until recently, tall buildings have been viewed as mega-scale energy consumers with little regard for sustainable architecture. However, this is changing with a new generation of high-rise buildings that have been designed with energy conservation and sustainability as their principal criteria. i)
Briefly explain what is meant by a tall building? (10%)
ii) List ecological features which can be adopted for a tall building. (20%) iii) Discuss possible measures available for improving water efficiency for a tall building (70%) Question 4
What is construction waste? Discuss the disposal options for non-hazardous waste in Sri Lanka and the ways to minimize it. (50%) ii) Discuss what is recycling economy and its applicability to Sri Lanka. (50%)
Question 5
Assume that you are the green consultant for designing a building for a shopping complex in the suburbs of Colombo. The owner requires obtaining the Green Rating for the shopping complex. The following details are available.
Figure 1 shows the land selected for the building. The size of the land is 3000 m . The land contains several small buildings that are to be demolished. The land is surrounded by several important facilities such as public bus routes, Institutions etc.
The tentative ground floor area of the proposed building is 800 m . Building should 2
contain three floors including the ground floor; then the total floor area is 1800 m . Parking should be provided for at least 100 vehicles (car / van / few busses). i)
Discuss the credits you can easily obtain for the site (land) under “Sustainable Sites in Green SL Rating System”. (50%)
ii) Summarize the features you can adapt to the building design to gain points under Social and Cultural Awareness in the construction of the shopping complex. (50%)
Figure 1: Map showing the land selected for the proposed shopping complex