Raft foundation design based on BS8110Full description
Full description
The piled raft foundation system is a type of composite foundation which involves the contribution of piles, raft, and soil to transmit heavy loads of the superstructure to the ground. In th…Full description
slabFull description
Design of Raft FoundationFull description
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Eng Ahmad Al Omari , Eng Essam Ghaith Eng & Qutaiba HameediFull description
Descripción completa
Raft Design based on bs8110Full description
Raft DesignFull description
This file describes what is piled raft foundation along with 2 world famous examples
designFull description
Spread Sheet
Design calculation for Equipment block foundation
Pile cap with two piles
Project :
Raft Foundation Design
Ref: Date : Design By : Checked By :
Raft design assume raft thk fy fcu Assume reinforcement dia. Cover Edge beam length cantilever Edge beam length Maximum line load Load factor Ultimate line load Ultimate moment (dn) Ultimate moment (up) M Edge beam size d k= M/bd^2*fcu zd z As = M/0.87fyz There fore use As provided As min
180 0.545454545 0.892727273 1.427783264 250 168.2085786 R 0.75d 412.5
kN N/mm2
= = = =
3700 kN 6.096 x 107.435904 m2 34.43913871 kN/m
mm mm m m kN/m kN/m kNm kNm KnM x mm
mm mm2 Y mm2 mm2
Shear V v 100As/bd vc minimum links required (s) Asv there fore use links maximum spacing of links
N/mm2 mm mm2 8
Raft slab design Total load on raft Load spread on
average bearing preasure below slab Assume slab span simply supported and max. span = 4 Ultimate design load = 51.65870806 kN/m2 less weight of slab = 10.08 kN/m2 = 41.57870806 kN/m2
(uplift pressure)
Project :
Raft Foundation Design
Ref: Date : Design By : Checked By :
Try 2 way spanning slab simply supported at edges. Provide spine beam across centre of raft lx = 6.35 ly = 6.096 msx = asx n lx2 msy = asy n lx2 From table 3.14 lx/ly = 1.041666667 asx = 0.074 asy = 0.061 msx = 124.0652517 msy = 102.2700048 max M = 120 d k= M/bd^2*fcu zd z As = M/0.87fyz There fore use As provided As min
= = = = = = = =
250 0.064 0.922952585 230.7381462 1458.004075 Y 1609 299.95959