(Please note this was not anna's actual loaf, hers was much better looking) When not being a superstar drummer for Metronomy and Primary 1, Anna is also an ecellent baker! "ere is her recipe #warning# this is etremely addicti$e %anana &ea %read g * +lour 1- teaspoon %icarb pinch salt .g %utter 1.g /aster sugar eggs, beaten -0g bananas weighed with skin, peeled and mashed 100g Walnuts, chopped (optional) 1 "eat o$en 120c (3as -) 3rease and line the loaf tin Mi together flour, bicarb and salt 4 /ream the butter and sugar until pale and fluffy, add the eggs a little at a time alternately with the flour - tir in the remaining flour, bananas and walnuts, place in the prepared tin and bake for about 1 1- hours /ool on a wire rack
Apricots 4 11 010
*ate &his
Health Benefits of Eating Apricots
How to consume Apricots: Apricot can be consumed raw or as a dry fruit 5t can also be blended or taken in the 6uice form 5t is also used in the preparation of 6am Benefits: •
Apricot is rich in beta carotene, antioidant antioidant that that protects against the cell damage that occurs when the body burns oygen &his damage is thought to be instrumental in aging and the de$elopment of heart disease, neurological disease, eye disease, and cancer +resh apricots are rich in $itamin /, but most of the $itamin / is lost when apricots are canned or dried 7itamin / can help strengthens the immune system and is good for repairing skin tissues and healing skin wounds &hey are also rich in lycopene lycopene which which can help gi$e a healthy glow to skin Apricots ha$e a high le$el of alkaline, making them an ecellent choice for anyone who is prone to gall stones8 the alkaline helps dissol$e the stones Apricot is a good source of iron and copper which helps in the formation of hemoglobin &hus, it is etremely beneficial for those suffering from anemia
Apricot tea: Apricot tea is an ecellent stress buster and soothes the digesti$e system Apricot oil: •
Apricot oil which is etracted from apricot kernels is often used for body massage and for keeping the skin glowing and healthy 5t is also good or treating skin diseases like scabies scabies,, itching and ec9ema Apricot oil has a lot of anti:asthmatic element 5t helps in treating bronchial diseases, whee9ing and asthma
Note: 5f you want an added boost of beta:carotene try eating canned apricots instead of fresh apricots +resh apricots ha$e less beta:carotene than canned apricots as the canning process releases added beta:carotene from the apricot cell wall Drawback: Apricots contain a natural salicylate, the ma6or ingredient in aspirin People sensiti$e to aspirin may eperience allergic response ;nless dried apricots are labeled as sulfite:free, anyone with asthma should a$oid them
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Banana 4 11 010
*ate &his
Health Benefits of Eating Bananas
Benefits: • • •
• •
%anana is an ideal early food for babies because of its soft teture and it is easy to digest %anana is a recommended fruit for people suffering from diarrhea %anana can help normali9e blood pressure
Banana for dry skin: %ananas are a great natural remedy for dry skin Dou can apply one mashed banana mied with two tablespoons of honey and 1-th cup of yogurt on your dry skin >ea$e on for 10 minutes and then rinse it off %ananas and honey face mask is the most popular remedy to get rid of dry skin ses of Banana eel: •
%anana peel can help remo$e warts Eust take a piece of banana peel and place it on the wart, with the yellow side out /arefully hold the skin in place with a plaster or surgical tape &he inner peel of banana can help reduce swelling and irritation cause by insect bites Eust rub the banana peel on the affected area for a few minutes
"mportant thing to know: •
• •
&he anti:cancer effect of most fruits will depend on the ripeness of the fruit, so the riper the banana, the higher its anti:cancer properties Dellow skin bananas with dark spots on them, are 2 times more effecti$e in enhancing the property of white blood cells than the green:skin $ersions &he recommendation is to eat 1 to bananas a day to increase your body immunity to diseases like cold, flu and others %ananas lose their pleasant taste when they are refrigerated, but it doesnBt diminish their nutritional $alue and it most certainly makes them last longer 5tBs 6ust changes the taste Share! hare
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Apples 4 11 010
*ate &his
Benefits: •
• •
• •
• •
Apples are a good source of pectin (a soluble fiber) +iber helps in regulating bowel mo$ements which ultimately reduces the risk of colon cancer8 the skin of apple also contains phytonutrients which can help to slow the pace of colon cancer Apples can help lower cholesterol le$els in the body &he pectin in apples (.2grams per 100grams) which binds to cholesterol helps lower its le$el in the bloodstream therefore reducing the damage that can lead to cardio$ascular disease Apples contain Fuercitin which ha$e been found to help pre$ent the growth of prostate cancer Apples protect ner$e cells from neuro:toicity caused by oidati$e stress which ultimately pre$ents neurodegenerati$e diseases According to research applesB antioidant can protect brain cells against the damage that contributes to the kind of memory loss associated with aging and Al9heimerBs Apple cider $inegar when added to a glass of water pre$ents the formation of kidney stones *egular consumption of Apples can promote hair growth Apple 6uice can help reduce or eliminate asthma attack ne study shows that children with asthma who drank apple 6uice on a daily basis suffered from less whee9ing than children who drank apple 6uice only once per month Another study showed that children born to women who eat a lot of apples during pregnancy ha$e lower rates of asthma than children whose mothers ate few apples Apples are beneficial in diabetes &he pectin in apples supplies galacturonic acid to the body which lowers the bodyBs need for insulin and may help in the management of diabetes Apples can help in weight management A medium apple contains about fi$e grams of fiber which helps you feel full longer and it contain almost 9ero fat and cholesterol
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A#ocado 4 11 010
*ate &his
Health Benefits of Eating A#ocados
Health Benefits: •
A$ocado is rich in monounsaturated fat, which some studies show to actually help reduce cholesterol A week long study in$ol$ing - $olunteers who ate a$ocados e$eryday reported an a$erage 1.@ drop in total cholesterol, >G> cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides, and an 11@ increase in "G> cholesterol (good cholesterol) le$els A$ocados contain glutathione, an important antioidant that researchers say is important in pre$enting aging, cancer, and heart disease A$ocados are rich in lutein and 9eaanthin, which help to pre$ent age related mascular degeneration and cataracts A$ocado is rich in folate tudies show that people who eat diets rich in folate ha$e a much lower incidence of heart disease than those who donBt 5t is also important for pregnant women to eat folate rich foods because it is necessary for healthy fetal cell and tissue de$elopment A$ocados are the best fruit source of $itamin <, which is not only essential for the normal functioning of the body but is also a potent anti:oidant which protects polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes from free:radical attack A$ocado is a good source of potassium, a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure AdeFuate intake of potassium can help guard against circulatory diseases, like high blood
pressure, heart disease, or stroke &he potassium content and calories of an a$ocado is three times that of a banana A$ocado is used to help people who ha$e seual problems because it is rich in healthy fat which is essential to normal functioning of the seual organ A$ocado is effecti$e in remo$ing intestinal putrefaction or decomposition which is the real cause of bad breath A$ocados contain good amounts of 7itamin / (necessary for the production of collagen needed for the growth of new cells and tissues, pre$ents $iruses from penetrating cell membranes, and also a powerful anti:oidant
A#ocado oil: • •
• •
A$ocado oil is a more effecti$e sunscreen than most plant oil A$ocado oil strengthens the skin by stimulating collagen, thereby reducing wrinkles and impro$ing skin teture A$ocados are also rich in $itamin <, a free radical sca$enger that will assist in slowing the aging process A$ocado oil has better skin penetration than almond, oli$e, or soy oil &he a$ocado oil is beneficial in the treatment of psoriasis Apply regularly on affected parts to remo$e the scales
"mportant $hing to %now About A#ocados: •
• •
*esearch has found that certain nutrients are absorbed better when eaten with a$ocado 5n one study, when participants ate a salad containing a$ocados, they absorbed fi$e times the amount of carotenoids (a group of nutrients that includes lycopene and beta carotene) than those who didnBt include a$ocados A$ocado flesh that is eposed to air can Fuickly turn to brown color because of its high iron content8 you can pre$ent this from happening by sprinkling it with some lemon 6uice ;nlike most fruits, a$ocados start to ripen only after being cut from the tree 5n fact, the mature fruit can be left on the tree for si months without spoiling nce picked, howe$er, a green a$ocado will ripen in a few days Share! hare
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Health Benefits of Eating Beans 4 11 010
*ate &his
Health Benefits of Eating Beans
Health Benefits= •
• • •
%eans are good source of protein, pro$iding about 1 grams per cup H soybean has the most protein content which is C grams per cup %eans are high in soluble fiber which can help lower cholesterol le$els 5n a study it was found that eating legumes (beans) four times a week, as opposed to only once, was associated with a @ lower risk of coronary heart disease %eans also contain insoluble fiber &his insoluble fiber pre$ents and e$en combats diseases such as, colon cancer, constipation, and many other conditions of the intestinal tract 5nsoluble fiber swells the si9e of the stool which pressuri9es the intestines to mo$e things along Fuickly &his creates a natural cleansing mechanism for the colon %eans are a great food for a fat:restricted diet, because most beans contain only :4@ fat %eans ha$e also been pro$en to help people with diabetes ome $arieties of beans, especially chick peas, are rich in plant substances known as phytoestrogens which ha$e an action similar to, though far weaker than, the hormone oestrogen in the body %eans are high in folate which is beneficial for pregnant women because it can help pre$ent birth defect Share! hare
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&ood roperties and Benefits 'ist 4 11 010
*ate &his
"n alphabetical (rder! Acai %erry %eets /hia eeds /hocolate (dark) /innamon Mint oy • •
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&ish (il Benefits ) Side Effects of &ish (il 4 11 010
*ate &his
&ish (il Benefits ) Side Effects of &ish (il
+ish, those slippery suckers ha$e so many health benefits peaking from seafood lo$ers point of $iew 5 donBt need a reason to eat fish but one of the main reasons 5 eat it personally is its good to ha$e a $aried diet and seafood and fish is a great alternati$e protein source if youBre a big meat eater Dosage
+or adults take 1 to /apsules 4 times daily , with meals or as prescribed this gi$es you roughly 1020mg of
%enefits Asthma
&his may not apply to you but its great to know that fish can benefit a whole lot of conditions and one of them being asthma +ish is known to reduce chronic inflammation that is associated with asthma
Eye and Brain health*
+ish ha$e benefits to eye and brain health because of the properties of fish oil that smooth blood $essels and increase blood flow and nutrients to important organs like the brain and eyes +ardio#ascular disease
We all know fish oil or fish is gi$en to hyperacti$e kiddies to get them to settle down +ish oil has also been trialed on children with AG"G and has shown to significantly reduce le$els of AG"G associated chemicals in the blood stream Dementia
>ike most of the health benefits from fish fish oil its due mainly to the increase in blood flow that fish oil pro$ides which in turn means better working organs and when talking about dementia the increase blood flow will help the brain perform better and will reduce the risk of Al9heimerBs "nflammatory
+ish oil is known to help reduce conditions in$ol$ing inflammation such as rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and autoimmune disease +ish is also great for people who work out do physical work as it will help there 6oints and muscles reco$er Fuicker rematurity
tudies ha$e shown that eating fish during pregnancy may help reduce the risk of deli$ering a baby prematurely Dandruff
Again the benefits of fish and circulation will help to impro$e dry skin and especially dandruff 5 definitely notice my skin feeling dryer after stopping my fish oil
Side Effects of &ish (il Mercury Many people worry about the mercury found in some fish as mercury is naturally occurring in our oceans and can be hard to a$oid /hildren should definitely a$oid any sort of fish that may contain mercury as it presents a danger for young children ome fish that usually contain high amounts of mercury include shark , swordfish, orange roughy (sea perch and blue fin tuna A good way to a$oid mercury would be to buy farmed fish preferably ones being fed on an organic natural diet which will ensure high Fuality oils being produced in the fish therwise a good fish oil that has been tested for mercury can be a good way to get your fish oil intake • •
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Health Benefits of (range 11 010
*ate &his
Health Benefits of (range
range is one of the most fa$orite fruit in the world range is loaded with $itamins, and the most abundant $itamin in orange is 7itamin / &his powerful $itamin protect our body against harmful elements (range is Beneficial in the following cases : • • • • • • • • • • •
Asthma %ronchitis &uberculosis Pneumonia *heumatism Pre$ent kidney stone "elps lower cholesterol "elps pre$ent diabetes Arthritis "igh blood pressure Persons addicted to alcohol ha$e found that the desire for liFuor is greatly reduced by drinking of orange 6uice /onsumption of large Fuantities of oranges will decrease the outpouring of mucus secretions from the nose
Nutritional +ontents of (range :
1 4 -
%etacarotene, another powerful antioidant that protects our cells from being damage /alcium that helps protect and maintain the health of our bone and teeth +olic Acid for proper brain de$elopment Magnesium helps maintain blood pressure Potassium helps maintain electrolyte balance in the cells, and is important in maintaining a healthy cardio$ascular system I &hiamin helps to con$ert food into energy . 7itamin %I helps support the production of hemoglobin that carries oygen to all parts of the body Nutriti#e ,alues : er -.. gm* • • • • • •
• •
7itamin A = 1C0 5; 7itamin % = &hiamine 02 mg8 7itamin / = -C mg /alcium = 44 mg Phosphorus = 4 mg Potassium = 400 mg Share! hare
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Health Benefits of /ua#a 11 010
*ate &his
Health Benefits of /ua#a
3ua$a is a tropical fruit that is like the shape of pear, with green rind and pinkish or white flesh and small seeds ome people say /ua#a is better than orange because gua#a contain more ,itamin + than orange and gua$a is a lot cheaper than orange /ua#a +ontains : • • • • • • • • •
7itamin / the skin of gua$a contains more than times 7it / than that of an orange 7itamin A and % /alcium Jicotinic Acid Phosphorus Potassium 5ron +olic acid +iber
Nutriti#e ,alues of /ua#a : er -.. gm* • • • • •
7itamin A = 0 5; 7itamin % = &hiamine 0. mg8 Jiacin = 1 mg 7itamin / = 40 mg /alcium = 40 mg
• • • •
Phosphorus = C mg /arbohydrates = 1.1 gm Protein = 10 gm /alories = .0
/ua#a is Beneficial in the following cases :
1 4 - I . 2 C • •
Prolonged menstruation "igh blood pressure Poor circulation (strengthen the heart) /ongestion of the lungs Acidosis Asthma /atarrh besity cur$y Share! hare
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/uide to Sprouts and Sprouting 11 10 010
1 7ote
$he Benefit of Sprouting Most people arenBt aware of the benefits of sprouting f course there are many benefits, but there is one benefit most people are not aware of and it is as followsK A seed, nut or bean will contain what is known as en9yme inhibitors &hese en9yme inhibitors ha$e the sole responsibility of pre$enting the seed, bean or nut from sprouting until the en$ironmental or climatic conditions are suitable for growing &his is why many who eats nuts or beans ha$e digesti$e problems &he en9yme inhibitors are doing their 6ob, but within your body! After eating the nut or bean, the en9yme inhibitors counteract or deHacti$ate your bodyBs own digesti$e en9ymes Jow seeds, nuts and beans are loaded with $aluable nutrition, especially once sprouted &he reason why is because once a seed, nut or bean begins to sprout, the en9yme inhibitors cease doing their 6ob L and this is why a sprout is started o by sprouting, you neutrali9e the en9yme inhibitors allowing your body to more easily digest thenutrition in the seed, nut or bean "ow do we neutrali9e these en9yme inhibitors imple, we trick the seed, nut or bean by soaking it in water and then keeping it moist &his NsimulatesO nature and the see, nut or bean thinks it is time to start growing
How $o Sprout prouting is simple!
5n order to sprout, you simply need to go to your local health food store and buy a sprouting 6ar &hese 6ars are specifically designed for sprouting As you might epect, you can also buy sprouting 6ars online ;sually instructions are pro$ided on how to sprout when you buy a 6ar 5f not, chances are a clerk in the store can help you %ut 6ust in case, here is a simple guide
0here $o Buy Seeds1 Nuts or Beans &he best place to buy your seeds, nuts or beans for sprouting is your local health food store Dour local health food store will pro$ide a $ariety of $arious seeds, nuts, beans and grains for sprouting Most of them should be organic as well!
Beans Many beans such as kidney beans, white beans, na$y beans, etc can be sprouted and then 6uiced andor eaten "owe$er, many beans contain toins that can only be destroyed through the soaking of the beans and then the cooking of the beans 5tBs for this reason that 5 suggest you do not eat or 6uice bean sprouts &here are some eceptions to this rule such as mung bean sprouts %ut for the most part, beans should be a$oided when it comes to 6uicing While beans should, for the most part, be a$oided while 6uicing Dou can still sprout the beans and then cook the beans to help release the en9yme inhibitors 5n fact, if you are cooking beans you should free9e the beans for - hours, then soak them and then finally sprout the beans (optional) +ree9ing and soaking the beans prior to cooking them helps to eliminate a large percentage of the en9yme inhibitors 5f you decide to sprout the beans as well then when it comes time to eat your beans, chances of ha$ing any digestion difficulties is almost gone completely 5n case you ha$enBt reali9ed, the reason why so many ha$e a lot of gas after eating beans is due to the en9yme inhibitors <cess gas after eating beans is a clear sign you did not kill, destroy and eliminate enough of the en9yme inhibitors
Sprouting /uide 1 elect the type of seed or bean from the chart below Place the suggested amount of seeds or beans in the sprouting 6ar and fill with enough purified water to co$er the seeds or beans 4 oak the seeds or beans for the suggested amount of time - Grain the water from the 6ar after the suggested amount of soaking time Put the 6ar in a dark place such as a kitchen cupboard I *inse the seeds or beans e$ery 1 hours . After rinsing, replace the 6ar back to the dark cupboard 2 nce sprouting begins, that you see the shoots, put the 6ar into sunlight &his allows the sprouts to de$elop chlorophyll C >et the sprouts grow for the suggested number of days
10 Dou can ad6ust the growing time based on whether you are planning on eating the sprouts or 6uicing the sprouts 5f you want to eat the sprouts, then you can eat them when they are a little smaller 5f you want to 6uice the sprouts, then they will need to be a little bigger
All %eans Alfalfa Almond %uckwheat /lo$er /orn +enugreek >entils Millet at 3roats Peas uinoa *ice *ye esame eeds pelt unflower eeds &riticale Wheatgrass • •
Soaking $ime C H 1 hours H 10 hours 2 H 10 hours 10 H 1 hours 2 H 10 hours 10 H 1 hours 10 H 1 hours 10 H 1 hours 2 H 11 hours 2 H 10 hours C H 1 hours 2 H 10 hours C H 1 hours C H 1 hours 2 H 11 hours I H 1 hours I H 2 hours C H 1 hours 10 H 1 hours
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-. &ood that 2elie#e Stress 11 10 010
1 7ote
Sprouting $ime H 4 days 4 H days H 4 days H 4 days 4 H - days 4 H days - H days H 4 days 1 H days 1 H days H 4 days H 4 days 4 H - days H - days 4 H - days 4 H - days H 4 days H - days . H 10 days
N3BE2 -. Almonds &hese crunchy little dudes are great stress relie$ers= theyBre packed with $itamin % (ribofla$in), $itamin <, magnesium, and 9inc % $itamins and magnesium are in$ol$ed in the production of serotonin, which helps regulate mood and relie$e stress Qinc has also been shown to fight some of the negati$e effects of stress, while $itamin < is an antioidant that destroys the free radicals related to stress and heart disease "owe$er, you should only eat a small handful at a time since almonds are high in fat Although it is mostly healthy fat of the unsaturated $ariety, it could still make you pack on the pounds
N3BE2 4 &ish Most types of fish are replete with all:important % $itamins, particularly the renowned stress fighters %I and %1 5n fact, %1 is one of the most important $itamins in$ol$ed in the synthesis of the NhappyO brain chemical serotonin8 a $itamin %1 deficiency can e$en lead to depression +or lunch, try a tuna salad or sandwich (with light mayo) A good dinner option is grilled salmon or mackerel with a side of leafy greens and whole:grain rice8 see below for more on the stress:fighting benefits of these foods
N3BE2 5 Broccoli Det another food that is chock:full of stress:relie$ing % $itamins, broccoli has the added benefit of containing folic acid, which is also part of the % $itamin family +olic acid helps relie$e stress, aniety, panic, and e$en depression
&ry broccoli as a simple accompaniment to fish or chicken, or toss it into a stir:fry along with a few other $egetables and some beef or shrimp
N3BE2 6 0hole7grain rice or pasta 5tBs a good thing carbohydrates are finally back in style now that e$eryone has reali9ed those low: carb diets were a bunch of hooey8 carbs boost serotonin le$els and thus ha$e a calming, soothing effect While all carbs will gi$e you this kick, stick to whole:grain bread, rice and pasta imple carbs like white bread and pastries will only gi$e you a momentary boost followed by a crash, and they will make you pack on the pounds n the other hand, whole grains (comple carbs) are digested more slowly and will thus keep you feeling fuller L and concei$ably happier L for a longer period of time A small portion of brown rice or whole:wheat pasta as a side dish for dinner should gi$e you the boost you need
N3BE2 8 Sushi Aside from the benefits of fish described on the first page, the seaweed in maki (rolls) also has aniety:fighting properties 5t is packed with stress:relie$ing magnesium, as well as pantothenic acid and $itamin % (ribofla$in) Pantothenic acid is crucial, as it contributes to the health of the adrenal glands, which play a $ital role in stress management 5n times of stress, a deficiency in pantothenic acid can lead to feelings of aniety and increased $ulnerability to infection, illness and chronic fatigue o be Mr +ancy Pants and take your girlfriend out to a swank sushi resto8 this might relie$e your stress in other ways, too
N3BE2 9 3uacamole Jo need to look any further if you ha$e a cra$ing for something creamy! A$ocados 6ust happen to be loaded with % $itamins, which your body needs to maintain healthy brain cells and ner$es tress depletes your body of these $itamins Fuickly ;se whole:grain NbakedO chips to scoop it up Additionally, the crunching will keep you from gritting your teeth!
N3BE2 +antaloupe
/antaloupe is an ecellent source of $itamin /, which is crucial in combating stress 5n fact, prolonged periods of stress deplete le$els of $itamin / in the adrenal glands, so itBs important to consume foods that contain high le$els of it
N3BE2 ; Asparagus
talks of asparagus are tender and are a good source of the natural mood:lightener, folic acid A fat: free yogurt or sour cream makes a good dip for these spears and will also add a hint of calcium in each delicious bite
N3BE2 < &ortified breakfast cereal &hese days, many breakfast cereals are fortified with a slew of essential $itamins and minerals, so they can be a great one:stop source of stress:fighting % $itamins, folic acid, $itamin /, and fiber
N3BE2 Blueberries &hese little blue miracle workers are 6am:packed with antioidants and $itamin /, which are potent stress busters As an added bonus, theyBre low in calories, so they wonBt make you blimp:like %lueberries are also a good source of fiber, which can help relie$e the cramps and constipation that can occur in times of stress Mi the little suckers with some cottage cheese or eat them on their own as a snack or dessert
EA$ =(2SE'& >EN GonBt you feel calmer already Dour diet plays a crucial role in your o$erall well:being and specifically your le$el of stress 5n addition to incorporating these stress:fighting foods into your diet, try to eliminate substances that may be contributing to your aniety &hese include=
/offee, tea and other caffeinated be$erages8 switch to black tea, which has one:third the caffeine content of coffee +ried and fatty foods Animal foods8 although some can help relie$e stress, donBt go o$erboard, as high amounts of protein increase le$els of stress:causing dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain • •
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+hiaSeed Bubble $ea? . 10 010
*ate &his
+alories: -6.
rotein: 6 grams
=ou 0ill Need: - tbsp of +hia seeds soaked in -@< cup of green tea1 -@< cup of soy milk and -@< of your fa#orite real uice in my case " like a blend with Acai berryC* 3i and Enoy ! •
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/omments = >ea$e a /omment ? /ategories = Grinksmooties
Be 2oyalty for Breakfast! - 10 010
1 7ote
+alories: 69
rotein: << grams
=ou 0ill Need: &or the pancake: < free range eggs1 -@; cup of stone ground buckwheat flour1 -@; cup of either simply water or green tea and a tiny pinch of salt* 3ake sure to mi well1 use a electric miing de#ice if needed* re7heat a pan and cook on eat side for about < minutes with a lid on top* &or the am: -. grams of 9 &ruit blend cut in smaller pieces1 - tbsp of chia seeds1 -@< cup of acai berry uice or your fa#orite pure uice* 3i together and cook in a small pot on low co#ered for -. minutes1 stirring now and then* 0hen e#erything is really1 top off the pancake with the home made am and enoy it* "t is a etremely healthy and filling recipe to start off your day really well!
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$he 3agic of +hia Seeds - 10 010
1 7ote
0hat are they: +hia seeds are har#ested from the Salvia hispanica plant1 a type of sage in the 3int family* $he seeds ha#e di#erse uses in the culinary field* +hia seeds were a staple of the ancient Atec diet* +hia was a maor food crop* "n fact1 these peoples considered chia a sacred food and medicine1 and tribal kings1 rulers1 and royalty greatly pried its seed1 which was also used in religious ceremonies* $heir se: +hia seeds may be eaten raw or prepared in a number of dishes* 2aw1 they are an ecellent source of dietary fiber and (mega7; fatty acids* +hia seeds may be ground into
pinole1 a meal that can be used for porridge or baked goods* $hey may also be soaked in fruit uice or water to make a dish known as chia fresca in 3eico*+hia seeds are #ery absorbent and de#elop a gelatinous teture when soaked in water* $he benefits: F Super7Energiing owerG&or /reater Endurance and /o owerI! Due to its uniJue blend of rotein1 Essential &ats1 &iber1 +omple +arbohydrates1 and Antioidants1 chia is unri#alled among seeds and grains for pro#iding energy to your body* F "mpro#es +ardio#ascular HealthGsuper high le#els of heart7healthy E&As Essential &atty AcidsCGchiaKs oil contains the highest7known percentage of omega7; alpha7linolenic acid1 a whopping 8
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&la#or7&ull Salad - 10 010
1 7ote
+alories: ;;.
rotein: -; grams
=ou 0ill Need: < cups of baby spinach1 -@< cup of chopped almonds1 -@< cup of fresh cranberries1 -@< cup of black eye peas1 - tbsp of oli#e oil1 - tbsp of honey1 - tbsp of lemon uice and - tbsp of balsamic #inegar along with a pinch of salt to the taste* 3ake the sauce first by miing all the condiments and then pour o#er the salad* Enoy1 you will fall in lo#e with this one! • •
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+hestnut ) Beet Salad - 10 010
1 7ote
/alories= .2
Protein= g
Dou Will Jeed= big beets, 1 big carrot, 1 cup of crushed chestnuts, some fresh coriander, 1 tbsp of balsamic $inegar, 1 tbsp of oli$e oil, 1 tbsp of lemon 6uice and a pinch of salt Peel and grate roughly the fresh beets and the carrot /hop finely the coriander and mi all the following ingredients
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&all +olors: 2atatouille . 0C 010
1 7ote
4 er$ings
/alories= ..
Protein= 1 grams
Dou Will Jeed= cups of black beans, 1 cup of tomato sauce, 1 cup of baby spinach, medium redorange or yellow bell peppers, 100 grams of pealed potatoes, 1 tbsp of oli$e oil, salt, pepper, fresh parsley and garlic to the taste Pre:heat the o$en at 40 degrees /ut the bell peppers R potatoes in sFuares Mi all the ingredients in an o$en:made dish and co$ered it to bake for 1 hour in the o$en tir once again before ser$ing
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Sweet (nions Side7Dish 4 0C 010
1 7ote
/alories= 140
Protein= grams
Dou Will Jeed= 1 large white onion, 1 tbsp of sweet smoked paprika powder, tsp of grape:seed oil, some basil and some salt
Mi well all the ingredients together and make sure you di$ide $ery well the onion layers as it is important to make e$ery layers tasty %ake at 400 degrees in a co$ered dish for 0 minutes &his is a really en6oyable side dish for any hot meal
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Eotically &la#ored 2ice 4 0C 010
1 7ote
/alories= -
Protein= I grams
Dou Will Jeed= - grams of wild rice, 1 teaspoon of safflower oil, grams of fla seeds, 1 tsp of cinnamon, grams of fresh ground ginger root and some salt to the taste Mi well all the ingredients together and put in rice cooker *eady in 1 minutes!!! 5t tastes so good and $ery eotic, so if you want to surprise someone with your cooking skills, this is a good choice!
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+aceboo +ace book k
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0heree to /et rotein 0her rot ein on A lant Based Ba sed Diet QQQ QQ Q +HA2$! +HA2 $!
4 0C 010
*ate &his
Where to 3et Protein on A Plant %ased Giet
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Healt Hea lthi hiest est Br Brown ownies ies!! !! 4 0C 010
1 7ote
2 %rownies but the total is
/alories= 4CI
Protein= -0 grams
Dou Will Jeed= 1 cup of &eturi9ed 7egetable Protein(&7P), egg yolks, tbsp of alba seeds, tbsp of pure cacao powder, 4- cup of chocolate almond milk %lend e$erything together and bake at 40 for :40 minutes in a sFuare pan Jo ;3A*! +ull of Protein and 3ood /arbohydrates for sustained energy
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,ineg ,in egar ars: s: all about abou t th them! em!
1I 0C 010
*ate &his
&he historic background of 7inegar dates from old
Plain distilled $inegar= 5t is made from grain alcohol and has a $ery sharp, unpleasant taste ;se it in $ery small Fuantities 5t is also used for cleaning purposes All $inegars should be stored tightly closed in a cool, dark place &hey will last for about a year after opening8 after that time, the fla$ors will diminish Purchase epensi$e $inegars in $ery small Fuantities and be sure to use them within one year • •
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otato ) Beet 2ussian Style Salad 10 0C 010
1 7ote
otato ) Beet 2ussian Style Salad ; ser#ings
+alories: <56
rotein: 8 grams
=ou 0ill Need: ;9. grams of beets1 ;9. grams of thin skin white potato1 < tbsp of grape7seed oil1 < tbsp of apple cider #inegar1 < green onion1 a couple of parsley sticks1 salt and some garlic powder* Before you begin manipulating the beets1 use /'(,ES as your hands will turn to fuchsia for a least < days* +lean the beets by taking off top and bottom* Boil the potatoes and beets until you can poke with a fork easily through them* +ut in small sJuares all the ingredients and add the spices* Ser#e cold* Enoy! • •
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-. 2easons to add BEE$S to your Diet! 10 0C 010
1 7ote
1 4 -
&he fiber in beets, helps reduce blood cholesterol from 40:-0@ &hey help normali9e blood pressure
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apaya ) +ranberry Smoothie
C 0C 010
1 7ote
apaya ) +ranberry Smoothie < ser#ings
+alories: -69
rotein:9 grams
=ou 0ill Need: 00 grams of ripe papaya, .0 grams of cranberries, 1 cup of soy, 0 grams of sunflower seeds and ice cubes Blend the papaya1 cranberries and milk@soy together with the ice cubes* $op each ser#ing with -. grams of sunflower seeds* Enoy! • •
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/omments = >ea$e a /omment ? /ategories = Grinksmooties
2ussian Borscht ! 2 0C 010
1 7ote
2ussian Borscht Ser#ings
rotein: 8 grams
=ou 0ill Need: 9.grams of cleaned beets1 - cup of parsley1 ; eggs1 ; tbsp of oli#e oil1 < tbsp of lemon uice and a pinch of salt* /rate the beets with the rougher side of the grater* ut them in a casserole with - and a half cup of water* Add the finely chopped parsley1 oli#e oil1 lemon uice and pinch of salt* +ook on medium heat for ;. minutes* Separately hard boil the ; eggs and when ready cut them in small sJuares* Add them to the borscht and preferably ser#e cold with a tbsp of sour cream the 2ussian wayC* Enoy! 2oughly chop the salad leafsR cut in sJuares the tomato 1 onion and green pepper* Add the beans* "n a separate small bowl: 3i the oils with the wine and spices and then pour on the salad* Enoy! • •
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3editerranean Salad 2 0C 010
1 7ote 3editerranean Salad < Ser#ings of +alories:<. rotein: 6 grams
=ou 0ill Need: -@< of a medium sie green pepper1 - medium tomato1 leafs of Boston lettuce and leafs of iceberg lettuce1 - small white onion1 -@< cup of mied beans1 - tbsp of red wine1 - tbsp of oli#e oil1 - tbsp of grape seed oil1 - pinch of sundried tomatoes1 - pinch of coriander and - pinch of salt* 2oughly chop the salad leafsR cut in sJuares the tomato 1 onion and green pepper* Add the beans* "n a separate small bowl: 3i the oils with the wine and spices and then pour on the salad*
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+ooking (ils roperties 0C 010
1 7ote Name: se:
(li#e (il tir:frying, cooking, sauteing, ingredient for salads high content of monounsaturated fatty acids and its high content of roperties: antioidati$e substances, omega I to omega 4, itamins <, S, and A protection against heart disease by controlling >G> (NbadO) cholesterol le$els while raising "G> (the NgoodO cholesterol) le$els, help to lower Health Benefits: blood pressure, helps with Alheimers as this disease is associated with the clogging of arteries caused by cholesterol and saturated fat *eplacing other fats with oli$e oil will reduce the risk Name: eanut (il se: A great oil to use at high frying temperatures, roperties: "igh content of palmitic acid, oleic acid, and linoleic acid, Health Benefits: Arthritis, Acne, %lackheads Name: Sunflower (il ;sed as ingredients for snacks such as chips ;sed at home for fry, se: cook and in salads roperties: +air amounts of $itamin < and high le$els of the essential fatty acids "elps the skin retain moisture, lowers cholesterol and pre$ents Health Benefits: heart disease Name:
+orn (il ;sed to make margarine, frying, baking but only on medium se: temperatures as it tend to burn roperties: >ow in both saturated and mono unsaturated fats /holesterol:lowering effects, good for skin, ecessi$e intake of corn Health Benefits: oil is not recommended due to some cancer research results being positi$e for colon and esophageal cancers
+anola (il ;sed for frying at temperatures less than -0 degrees, ingredient for se: salad dressing >ow in saturated fats and high in mono unsaturated fats and the best roperties: source of omega:4 fats of all popular oils Health Benefits: *educes the risk of coronary heart disease Name:
Soybean (il 5t is healthiest when consumed uncooked, such as in salad dressings, se: not stable enough to withstand high cooking temperatures /ontains no cholesterol, linoliec and linolenic fatty acids, contain roperties: phytosteols, 3reat source of $itamin <, high in mega 4 "elps the body to absorb nutrients from food and help grow healthy Health Benefits: cells, natural painkiller and has anti:inflammatory agents
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3eat Ball Sauce ) whole wheat asta ,egetable StyleC 4 0C 010
1 7ote
3eat Ball Sauce ) whole wheat asta ,egetable StyleC +alories:<5. rotein: -< grams
=ou 0ill Need: &or the Sauce: - cup of water1 - big tomato1 - onion1 garlic1 ; tbsp of lemon uice1 ; tbsp of $abasco sauce1 salt and coriander* &or the #egetarian meat balls: ;9 grams of burgol1 < grams of $eturied #egetable protein $,C1 - tbsp of oli#e oil and salt* And 9 grams of whole wheat pasta*
&inely chop the tomato and onion and add them in a cup of boiling water in a medium sie pot* Add the spices and cook on high unco#ered <. minutes1 then for another <. minutes on low and half co#ered* &or the meat balls #eggie style1 mi the burgol and $, with - cup of water1 - tbsp of oli#e oil and some salt and cook in a rice steamer* (nce ready1 let it cool down in the refrigerator so that you can shape them without burning yourself* 0et your hands now and then when rolling the miture because it tends to stick to your hands* +ook the pasta separately and when e#erything is ready1 first put the pasta on the plate1 then top it with some meat7balls and pour the sauce on top* =ummy!! • •
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otato ) Almond Dish 0C 010
1 7ote
otato ) Almond Dish +alories: ;95
rotein: -8 grams
=ou 0ill Need: - medium sie potato -<9 gramsC1 - cup of mied froen #egetable such as diced carrots@green peas@corn1 -@< cup of almond milk1 ;8 grams of diced almonds1 garlic powder or freshC1 salt and pepper* eal the potato and then slice it in #ery thin pieces* nfreee the cup of mied #egetables* 3i the almond milk with the spices and the almonds* $hem put all the ingredients together in a dish made for the o#en* +ook it unco#ered at ;.. degrees for . minutes* Stir it e#ery -. minutes so that it cooks e#enly* Enoy! • •
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Summer Dish: 0ater 3elon Salad 0C 010
1 7ote
Summer Dish: 0ater 3elon Salad +alories: ;4.
rotein: -. grams
=ou 0ill Need: 9 grams of steamed cooled barley1 -<9 grams tomato or one medium tomato1 <.. grams of seedless watermelon1 - tbsp of oli#e oil1 -. grams of sunflower seeds and some salt and pepper* Steam the barley and once itKs cooked1 let it cool down in the fridge while you prepare e#erything* Dice in small sJuares the tomato and water melon* Add the spices and the sunflower seeds* (nce the barley is cooled add it to the salad* Enoy! • •
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+hocolate ) +oconut Soft bakes! 41 02 010
1 7ote
+hocolate ) +oconut Soft bakes! 9 cookies
+alories:--. rotein: 9 grams
=ou 0ill Need: 1 cup of coconut milk, 1- cup of water,40 grams of 7ital wheat gluten, I0 grams of Fuick oats, tsp of fla seed oil, tbsp of cacao powder, tsp of organic raw sugar and a cooking pate
3i the steamed ingredients together really well* Heat the o#en at <49 degrees and bake the cookies for ;9 minutes* Enoy! Share! hare
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/omments = 1 /omment ? /ategories = nacks
Hemp Seeds: High rotein Nourishing &ood! 41 02 010
1 7ote
Hemp Seeds: High rotein Nourishing &ood! "n some areas of the world1 Hemp seeds are sold are naturally as pop7corn1 thus in North American1 rare are those who know about them* Here are three amaing nutritional reasons to consume Hemp Seeds: -7 $hey are loaded with (mega ;1 omega 8 to sustain an ultimate health <7$hey are a #egetable form of +omplete rotein
;7$hey had a #ery high content of minerals 7$hey contain Antioidants Hemp Seeds come in form of: -7 A handful of seeds added to a Smoothie <7$hey are sold in form of 3ilk at any organic food store ;7(il is also make of Hemp Seeds And a wide #ariety of organic products such as bread and pasta are made with hemp seeds* HereKs a few good reasons to try something new • •
Non Smokable but Highly Nourishing
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Stuffed Bell epper with &ish ) Basmati 2 02 010
*ate &his
Stuffed Bell epper with &ish ) Basmati er epper
rotein: -8 grams
=ou 0ill Need: < red bell peppers1 9 grams of steamed basmati rice1 -<9 gram of cooked fish e: tuna1 soleC1 - chopped green onion1 - tsp of oli#e oil and salt and pepper as desired* 3i the steamed rice and fish with the spices and green onion* re7heat the o#en at ;<9 degrees* Stuff the red bell pepper and co#er them with their own top* +ook until you see the red bell pepper soften* Approimately ;9 minutes* Enoy! • •
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Aca Berry
. 02 010
1 7ote
$he aca berry is a small fruit from the rain forest that typically looks like a small grape or blueberry that is found in large palm tree of the Amaon* "t is in facts one of the most nutritious #egetable product of earth* $he aca berry surpasses by ten time the anti7oidant #alues of grapes* "t is rich in these compounds: (mega &ats Electrolytes Antioidants rotein amino acidsC ,itamin A1 B- and E 0hat has been pro#en to be good for: Boost energy le#el Eliminate toins and waste in the body Help keep a good blood pressure Help maintain stable blood sugar le#els
&ights free7radial pre#ention cancers to de#elop Benefits for your bones and muscles romotes better memory Enhances seual functions romotes weight7loss And much more! 0here to find itQ 0hat to do with itQ =ou can find it in e#ery health food store and also in many groceries* "t comes in form of dried berries1 uice1 uice blends1 supplements such as in form of powder and capsules =ou can add it to a #ariety of dishes and create wonderful shakes and smoothies* " will begin doing some recipes including this wonder of the earth* Stay osted!! • •
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Sweet Stew I 02 010
1 7ote
Sweet Stew ; ser#ings of
+alories: <.
rotein: 6 grams
=ou 0ill Need: - cup of water1 < ripe tomatoes1 < small sweet potatoes1 -@< of green peas ) corn1 - medium carrot1 -<9 ml of 2omano beans1 < tbsp of oli#e oil1 some salt and pepper* &irst cook on medium@high co#ered the sweet potatoes and carrot as they are the longest to cookC in the cup of water and add the oil and spices* As the potatoes and carrots begin to soften1 add the remaining ingredients and let it cook on low lightly co#ered for a good <. minutes* Enoy! • •
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+oconut ) Aca Smoothie I 02 010
1 7ote
+oconut ) Aca Smoothie
+alories: <9.
rotein: 8 grams
=ou 0ill Need: -@< cup of real coconut uice1 < tbsp of grated coconut pulp1 - cup of ,5 Aca berry uice or any other Aca uice you like* Blend it and enoy it! • •
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/omments = >ea$e a /omment ? /ategories = Grinksmooties
Appetite ,S Hunger I 02 010
1 7ote
Appetite ,s Hunger
0e often confuse the two of them as they seem to be drawn on a #ery close line* Appetite
Socially speaking1 we are encouraged to eat for social gatherings1 reunions or ust for company* 0e eat to taste new things but we also eat out of boredom which is a lack of acti#ities to fill in a daily lifestyle* nconsciously we can eat enormous Juantities without noticing it because we are doing them while focusing of something else1 such as tele#ision1 studying or ust about anything that reJuires our attention* Emotionally1 we are comforted by foods that taste good and make us all of a sudden feel less stressed1 depressed etc* 0hen we are happy we also eat1 to celebrate the happiness* "tKs always about treating oursel#es with food way more times than we treat oursel#es of things that we really need* "tKs simply a wrong mindset that has been brought to us through a #ery consumer oriented society* But this appetite cannot make us happier1 healthy or change our li#es around1 until we decide to analye our own eating beha#iors Hunger the physical oneC "t occurs when the body is running out of fuel to function* "t happens when our metabolic clock sends physical signs that itKs time to eat: such as a sudden lack of energy1 grunting stomach1 abundant sali#a production and so on* "f you let it come to your attention1 we are rarely really hungry because we are on a constant feeding pattern* But your body needs rest time in between the feedings to properly absorb and process the pre#ious meal* "t needs nutritious food to get you going through the day feeling well and ha#ing a good mood no matter what happens* 0hen you are hungry1 physical hungryR then itKs time to eat* 0hen you are boredR make a creati#e lists of things to do1 acti#ities1 plans to better your life* /et the snacks off the tables and #isible areas not to ha#e as a habit to grab some as you walk by them* 2estaurants and dinning occasions should be an occasional acti#ity1 as you can try to substitute food by way more interesting acti#ities with your friends and family* Acti#ities that will make you mo#e1 socially interact and learn new things* =( A2E &'' 0HEN =( A2E N( '(N/E2 HN/2=G beyond that =(K2E (,E2EA$"N/* • •
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/ategories = ;ncategori9ed
>ucchini atties I 02 010
1 7ote
>ucchini atties patties
+alories: ;..
rotein: -6 grams
=ou 0ill Need: ;. grams of cut oatmeal flakes1 -@; cup of egg whites1 - medium sie ucchini1 - tbsp of oli#e oil and some garlic powder and salt as desired* re7cook the oatmeal1 finely grate the ucchini1 mi the both with egg whites1 oli#e oil and spices and cook in a pre7heated pan for ; minutes one sie then the other and Enoy! Anecdote about this recipe: 0hile doing the photo shoot for my ucchini patties1 " play around with the camera and when " turned around my little ersian cat had eaten half of a patty!! " had to make some new patties to finish the photo shoot ! "f a ersian +at likes1 they must be good* • • •
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2oasted Soy &lakes with =ellow >ucchini 02 010
1 7ote
2oasted Soy &lakes with =ellow >ucchini +alories: ;6.
rotein: -6 grams
=ou 0ill Need: 8. grams of soy flakes1 -@< cup of tomato sauce1 - medium yellow ucchini1 - small onion1 tbsp of flaseed oil1 -@< cup of water and preferred spices are some salt and lemon pepper*
"n a pot1 add -@< cup of water with the spices and the oil* Add the soy flakes and let them cook unco#ered for a good ;7 minutes on high so that they can absorb the water* 3eanwhile cut in the small sJuares the onion and in bigger sJuares the ucchini* Add the tomato sauce and the onions first1 let them cook with the soy flakes for <7; minutes still unco#ered and then add the ucchini for a <7; minutes on low and co#ered* Enoy! • •
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/inger@Banana cookies! 1C 02 010
*ate &his
/inger@Banana cookies! < cookies
Each +alories: -49 rotein: 8 grams
=ou 0ill Need: - large banana1 -@< cup milk or substitute1 9grams of barley flakes1 <7grams of grated ginger and < tsp of fla seed oil* Soak the barley flakes in the milk until it is absorbed* Slice banana in small sJuares* 3i all the ingredients and bake it at ;9. degrees for ;.7. minutes until the cookies are solid and a bit crispy of the edges* Enoy! • •
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>esty +ouscous !
1C 02 010
*ate &his
>esty +ouscous < Ser#ings
+alories: <.9 rotein: 6 grams
=ou 0ill Need:
- grams of couscous, 1 small yellow 9ucchini, 1 green onion, fresh parsley, I0 grams of mied beans, 40 grams of baby corn, tsp of oli$e oil, some salt and a lime "n a rice cooker1 steam the couscous with half a cup of water and the < tsp of oli#e oil1 on top steam the sliced ucchini and green onion* 0hen ready1 let it cool down and add the parsley1 beans1 sJueeed lime uice and baby corn* Salt if needed* Enoy!
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Banana ancake < pancakes 1. 02 010
1 7ote
Banana ancakes < pancakes +alories: 8. rotein: 5 grams
=ou 0ill Need: - large banana1 -@< cup of egg whites* Blend them together1 pre7heat a pan and cook on low slightly co#ered1 flip after ;7 minutes and itKs ready to ser#e! Enoy! • •
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Dark +hocolate 1. 02 010
*ate &his
Dark +hocolate
0ho says you ha#e to stop eating chocolate in order to stay healthyQ &irst what is considered to be dark chocolateQ $o the sadness of some1 perhaps many ones of you that thought " would grant you permission to eat all these brand named chocolate barsR Dark +hocolate does not come with 9.L milk products and the other 9.L refines sugar* Dark chocolate content is best describes as: cacao beans with some sugar1 an emulsifier such as soy lecithin to preser#e teture1 and fla#orings such as #anilla* Dark chocolate is often put into ; categories determined by the percentage of cacaos solids* Sweet to Semi7Sweet: ranging from ;.L up to 6.L1
Dark: 69L1 ,ery Dark: 5.L to 44L HereKs ten good reasons to add some DA2% +H(+('A$E to your diet* -7 Eases +hronic &atigue Syndrome <7 "mpro#es blood circulation to the brain ;7re#ents cell damage 72educes ricks of heart attacks 97Had been use to fight against tuberculosis 87"mpro#es the le#els of Blood Sugar 67Acts as a mood booster 57"mpro#es the metabolism of blood sugar reducing the risk of diabetes 47Eases coughs -.72educes the high blood pressure $ake the sinfulness out of eating chocolate and indulge yourself into a piece of rich Dark +hocolate* • •
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Antioidants: 0hat are theyQ 0here are they foundQ 0hat purpose do they ser#eQ 1. 02 010
Antioidants: 0hat are theyQ 0here are they foundQ 0hat purpose do they ser#eQ
Antioidants are natural substances that pre#ent our cell from being affected by free radicals which are cells with an unpaired number of electrons and can become the cause of #arious diseases and cancersC* Antioidants are like sca#engers towards those free7radials* Antioidants considerably reduce the risk of ha#ing a stroke* $hey also boost our immune system1 lowering the risk of cancer and infectious illnesses* $hey also support brain functions*
Anti7oidants are present in foods that contain these elements: ,itamin +: fruits1 #egetables and berries ,itamin A and +arotenoids: 2ed or orange colored fruits or #egetables ,itamin E: 0hole grains1 seed ) nuts1 beans1 green leafy #egetables and #egetable oils* Selenium: &ish1 eggs1 grains1 garlic and meat* Dark +hocolateG +ontains antioidants! • •
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Easy /reen Shake 1. 02 010
*ate &his
Easy /reen Shake +alories: -<.
rotein: grams
=ou 0ill Need: - banana1 < cups of fresh baby spinach and - cup of cold water* Blend it and enoy! • •
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/omments = >ea$e a /omment ? /ategories = Grinksmooties
&ettuccini 3eat7free sauce 1. 02 010
1 7ote
&ettuccini 3eat7free sauce +alories: 9<.
rotein: << grams
=ou 0ill Need: 98 grams brown rice &ettuccine pasta1 69 grams of organic $ofu1 - green onion1 < tsp of flaseed oil and - cup of #egetable pasta sauce* 3eanwhile the pasta cooks1 grate the tofu* 3i the sauce1 green onion and tofu together and cook on low in a co#ered casserole for 9 minutes* (nce e#erything is ready1 add the flaseed oil to the pasta and top it off with the meat7free sauce* Bon appTtit! • •
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Soy: +ontro#ersy and Scientific &indings
1 02 010
1 7ote
Soy: +ontro#ersy and Scientific &indings
$hereKs has been rumors of all kinds about Soy* Some only preach by it1 some ha#e nothing but negati#e to bring upon this product* But letKs get to the bottom of things and analye it* Soy is in facts a #ery healthy product that brings a good Juality #egetable protein* 0hen properly fermented o#er an etended period of time1 the resulting product is #ery good for us* But with the #arious processing techniJues that the food industry applies on soy1 the process of fermentation and the processing of the beans by binding them with chemical components turning them into food like Soy Burgers or Soy Drinks brings it to a whole new le#el* Soy de#elops a le#el of toicity and we are then in presence of "sofla#ones which act like pro7 estrogen but deri#ed from plant* "t does ha#e an effect on the body but only on an etended period of time and this mainly in indi#iduals that already ha#e a hormonal sensiti#ity* Also when the right way of making soy into traditional products is not applied1 the toicity in Soy can pre#ent of the gastro7intestinal track to absorb necessary nutrients and minerals leading primarily to a deficiency of +alcium and ,itamin D* "t takes from 8 month to three ; years to ferment Soy* Hold on1 good news is on the way! Adding only - o of ground fla7seed can counterpart the estrogenic effects of unfermented Soy roducts* Not only &la seed come to the rescue in this case but it also contains healthy (mega ;* "t is best to choose fla7seeds from a cold climate like +anada
Now that we ha#e co#ered this subect 1 " wanted to add this link that made me laugh* Sometimes ignorance can lead to things like thisG* http:@@www*wnd*com@news@article*aspQ A2$"+'EU"DV9;;<6 • •
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+ake: Almond7+arrot 1- 02 010
1 7ote
+ake: Almond7+arrot ser#ings
+alories: <<<
rotein: -- grams
=ou 0ill Need: - -@< cup of Juick oats1 -@< cup of egg whites1 ;. grams of sliced almonds1 ; medium sie carrots1 -@ cup of orange uice1 -@< cup of milk or substitute*
0ith a calorie7free spray1 spray a sJuare o#en dish and preheat the o#en at ;.. degrees* &inely grate the carrots and mi the other ingredients1 then add in the dish* 'et it bake for 9 minutes until cake becomes solid* S hare it with friends! • •
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DadKs +hickpea Soup 1- 02 010
*ate &his
DadKs +hickpea Soup ; ser#ings
+alories: -85
rotein: 8 grams
=ou 0ill Need: ; cups of water1 - cup of chickpeas1 ; medium sie carrots1 -@< cup of lemon uice1 ; green onions1 < tbsp of oli#e oil1 - tsp of curry powder1 - tsp f garlic powder and salt* &irst add the ; finely cut carrots into ; cups of boiling water for 9 minutes* $hen add the chickpeas1 lemon uice1 oli#e oil and spices* 'et it cook for 9 more minutes and when itKs ready add the green onions* Enoy! • •
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Sweet otato ) arsley 3ash 1- 02 010
1 7ote
Sweet otato ) arsley 3ash +alories: -65
rotein: 8 grams
=ou 0ill Need: - medium sie sweet potato1 -@ cup of soy or milk1 -@< cup of parsley and some ginger fresh or powderC* Bake the sweet potato for 9. minutes in the o#en or boil it until it is soft* $hen mash it adding the other ingredients and Enoy! • •
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/ategories = >unch
otatoes 1- 02 010
4 7otes
DimitriKs Style otatoes < ser#ings +alories: -9. rotein: 9 grams
=ou 0ill Need: 9 baby potatoes1 < green onions1 -@ cup of lemon uice1 - tbsp of oli#e oil1 salt is optional* Boil the potatoes and when you can easily pass fork points through them take them out of the water1 let them cool down a little while and slice them into medium sie pieces* +hop the onion and mi them with the oli#e oil and lemon uice* 3eanwhile pre7heat a stick7free pan and cook the potatoes on one side for ; minutes at medium heat until they are golden* $hen turn them around for another ; minutes and within the last minute add in the other ingredients to make sure not to o#ercook the green onions* ,oila!
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Baked aprika lantain 1- 02 010
1 7ote
Baked aprika lantain +alories: ;..
=ou 0ill Need:
rotein: grams
- medium sie plantain1 - tbsp of oli#e oil1 - pinch of paprika and tin foil* +ut the plantain in the middle and add inside the tbsp of oli#e oil and the paprika* 0rap it in tin foil and bake it at ;9. degrees for ;. minutes* Add a side salad and itKs mouth watering ! • •
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Benefits of /reen $ea 14 02 010
Benefits of /reen $ea
"tKs been part of the +hinese culture for centuries and has been known for its numerous health benefits* /reen tea is not only refreshing but has medicinal proprieties* (bser#ations ha#e shown that /reen $ea can reduce the risk of cardio7#ascular diseases1 it can impro#e bone density1 it regulates blood pressure but one of its special benefits is it can increase fat oidation during moderate intensity eercise and regulate insulin sensiti#ity and glucose tolerance promoting weight loss* Now that is good news! Besides this1 /reen $ea is also a great antioidant and it is loaded with #itamins and minerals* (n a side note1 /reen $ea is also great for your oral hygiene pre#enting dental decay* Easy way to incorporate /reen $ea into your diet* Drink it in the morning1 after lunch1 in the e#ening1 cold or hot1 green tea can be included to #irtually any menu or occasion* Now what " can suggest you do to make sure you get some /reen $ea in your diet1 is to add two bags of /reen $ea into your pitcher of water that you keep in your refrigerator* E#ery time youKre thirsty1 drink a glass of natural ice tea! • •
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/ategories = ;ncategori9ed
/ood &at ,s Bad &at 14 02 010
1 7ote
/ood &at ,s Bad &at
&irst we need to know which are which and how to differentiate them and recognie them* 0hile reading labels of the food you consume1 you may stumble upon a few of these words referred to as the &ats: 3onounsaturated1 olyunsaturated1 Saturated and $rans &ats* Now the &irst two are from #egetable source and referred to as /ood &ats* 3onounsaturated fats are commonly found in the big family of nuts but also in a#ocados and oils like oli#e and canola* olyunsaturated fats can be found in fish such as salmon1 mackerel and oils like corn1 sunflower and soy* $hey are referred to as (mega ; fatty acids* So these two groups of &ats ha#e the beneficial effects of lowering bad 'D' cholesterol1 help with weight loss1 uncloak arteries and most of all pre#ent us from an early death* $urning now to the dark side: $he Bad &ats* 3emorie these words for this category: Saturated founds in animal products and some plant foods like coconut1 palm and kernel oilsC and $rans &ats packaged1 fried and other of the alike foodsC* (n labels in the ingredients section1 they can be subtly referred to as hydrogenated and shortening* Beware these words as these types of fats do all the opposite of the /ood &ats* $hey cloak the arteries leading to higher risk of heart attacks1 strokes1 they significantly increase your weight and they cause cancers and other significant diseases*
"tKs #ery understandable that fat makes food taste better1 but now that you know the information below1 make sure to choose the right types of fats to add into your daily diet and a#oid putting your health at risk for a simple matter of taste buds* • •
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Almond73ushroom 0ild 2ice 14 02 010
1 7ote
Almond73ushroom 0ild 2ice +alories: <8
rotein: -; grams
=ou 0ill Need: 9 grams of wild rice1 -@< cup of sliced mushrooms1 - small onion chopped to small pieces1 ;. grams of sliced almonds and -@ cup of your fa#orite tomato sauce* Salt ) pepper are optional*
$o make things easier1 steam the rice and on the top compartment steam the onion and mushrooms* (nce itKs ready add in the sauce and the almonds* Enoy! • •
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0hy do we get sickQ "mmune System Analysis 1 02 010
4 7otes
0e ha#e come accustom to think that ha#ing a cold e#ery once in a while is a normal thing* E#eryone gets a cold1 rightQ Since we were kids1 we were eposed to thousands of different branches of bacteria and #iruses to which we should of created antibodies to pre#ent us from getting sick* So why do we still get sickG e#ery once in a whileQ HereKs how it all works* (ur immune system is eJuipped of a special protein attached to each of our white blood cells called antigens* $hese antigens are like identity cards that allow our immune system to recognie the in#ader organisms* 0hen this happens protein antibody binds to the in#ader organism to destroys it* But sometimes itKs not strong enough to fight it off like it shouldG HereKs why* $he weakening of oneKs immune system can be caused by se#eral factors* Stress1 depression but the most se#ere is a long term mal7nourishment* 0hat " mean here by malnourishment is the intake of useless calories and a diet deficient in important nutrients to support a healthy
immune system* +onducted by a scientific study1 it had been shown than the mere consumption of ;*9 o of simply sugar glucose1 sucroseC a day had a deleterious effect on the white blood cell corpuscles* $he fast food products we consume1 along with the processed froen meals1 pre7packaged meals and all of the alike1 are impairing our immune system to fight off and eliminate bacteria* So what does this tell us* "f we get sick e#ery once in a while1 itKs not a normal thing1 itKs because of our deficient nutrition and lack of #itamins1 minerals1 anti7oidants and other significant nutrients* Antibiotics wonKt sol#e our problems because they kill all the bacteria in our body1 the good necessary ones and the bad* Eat well fresh di#erse food and you wonKt get sickG • •
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Homemade am Sandwich 11 02 010
1 7ote
Homemade am Sandwich < ser#ings +alories: <.. rotein: -4grams
=ou 0ill Need: < piece of whole grain toast1 - cup of egg whites1 - -@< cup of blueberries or other berry1 - tbsp of honey* repare the egg whites separately in a pan on medium heat* $ake a small pot and put the blueberries in it along with the tbsp of honey1 co#er it for a few minutes and stir until they melt with the honey and become a am7like teture* $o a#oid getting the bread soft1 top of the toast with the egg whites first1 then add the am on top of the egg whites* Enoy! • •
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A#ocado Benefits 10 02 010
1 7ote
A#ocado Benefits
A#ocado is the most powerful of all fruits! "t has #itamin %1 potassium1 dietary fiber1 folic acid1 #itamin + and B81 and copper*
1 "t protects cholesterol related heart diseases* "t reduces the risk of cardio#ascular diseases* "t is used both in pre#ention and treatment of prostate and breast cancers* Scientists ha#e pro#ed that a toin in a#ocado kills the cancer cells* So7called toin has a great effect on the tissues1 particularly heart muscle tissues* 4 A#ocado includes necessary minerals like potassium1 calcium1 #itamin + and %1 folic acid1 copper1 sodium and dietary fibers* $hese are used to pro#ide the mineral necessity of the body* eople who li#e in hot climates ha#e great mineral and water loss* So1 a#ocado is suggested strongly by the medicals* - (leic acid in a#ocado can be used to lower cholesterol le#el in the blood* otassium in a#ocado regulates pressure of blood* I Sodium reduces the risk of high blood pressure and stoke* . "t impro#es the ability of the body to absorb carotenoids* 2 A#ocado is used to help people who ha#e seual problems* C "t is a good antioidant* 10 "t can be used in the treatment of skin disorders* 11 "t is used to heal people who suffer from digesti#e and circulatory problems* • •
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