This is a comprehensive preparation plan in drilling engineering for GATE aspirants.
This is for petroleum production operations and probably the last one in the series. As all the rest topics are either small or adequately available in terms of source materials, I won't be uploadi...
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Reservoir Engineering I have divided reservoir engineering into five broad sections.
Fluid Properties
Rock Properties
Fluid Flow in Porous Media
Immiscible Displacement
Performance Prediction
Fluid Properties 1.Composition of Reservoir Fluids: Chapter 3 Heriot Watt 2.Phase Behavior of Hydrocarbons: Chapter 4 Heriot Watt (for conceptual understanding), Chapter 1 Tarek Ahmed (for your personal notes, if any. Questions will be asked from here.) 3. Behavior of Gases: Chapter 5 Heriot Watt (Avoid remembering lengthy correlations. It is precisely because of this that I would encourage you to read from Heriot Watt instead of Tarek Ahmed. If you study from Tarek Ahmed, use your discretion well considering the above point. It is however important to consider the trends of variation, for example the variation of pseudocritical temperature with specific gravity of the gas. No need to remember the specific correlation formula. Just an idea of the trend is required. For other equations of state, just make a table citing the limits of applicability of each. Again, there is no need to remember the lengthy equations. Section 5.2 and 6.7 can be skipped) 4.Properties of Reservoir Liquids: Chapter 6 Heriot Watt (Upto 6.8) and Chapter 2 Tarek Ahmed (for the study of important trends). Water properties can be skipped. Avoid methods of viscosity calculation in Tarek. Learn only the trends from the correlations. 5. PVT Analysis: Chapter 2 L.P Dake (especially sampling), Chapter 3 Tarek Ahmed. Skip correction of data part.
Rock Properties 1.Fundamental of Rock Properties: Chapter 4 Tarek Ahmed ( Concentrate especially on the permeability variation concepts) Chapter 2 Amyx (Concentrate on calculations related to measurement of porosity, saturation etc. ) Make sure you read Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 from Heriot Watt before reading these two. Chapter 8 needs only a one time reading.
Reservoir Engineering 2.Relative Permeability: Chapter 5 Tarek Ahmed (Three phase can be avoided). Chapter 3 Amyx Upto ‘Effective and Relative Permeability’ is advised.
Fluid Flow in Porous Media Chapter 5, 6 and 7(Upto 7.3) from L.P Dake, Chapter 6 Tarek Ahmed. Theory can understood in great detail from L.P Dake. All derivations are done in Darcy’s units which is easy to understand. While reading Tarek, you only need to understand and remember the corresponding portions in field units. No need to read the chapter over again. It is important to remember equations in field units as numerical questions are directly asked.
Performance Prediction 1.Performance of Oil Reservoirs: Chapter 4 Advanced Tarek Ahmed (Tracy’s Form not needed. Concepts of water influx, wherever used, can be avoided). Material Balance can be additionally referred from Dake, especially the lucid derivation. 2.Performance Prediction: Chapter 5 Advanced Tarek Ahmed (Only Tarner’s method is sufficient just to understand how the equations are combined to predict reservoir performance. Everything else in section 5.1 can be ignored. Section 5.2 dealing with well performance has to be covered completely including basics of horizontal wells.) 3. Performance of Gas Reservoirs: Chapter 1 LP Dake (for gas material balance), Chapter 8 Tarek Ahmed (for gas well performance. Horizontal can be neglected here.) 4. Decline Curve: Lyons book