Base RF Engineering and Optimization Kolonel Bourgstraat 122 rue Colonel Bourg 1140 Brussel – Bruxelles
RF Design Guidelines UMTS, DCS and E-GSM
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Final R 21-6-2005 Eric Noordanus
Development RF Design Guidelines UMTS, DCS & E-GSM
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Table of contents
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INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................7
RBS EQUIPMENT ......................................................................................................................................8
2.1 RADIO BASE STATION CABINETS, CABINET TYPES, CAPACITY AND AMOUNTS .....................................................8 2.1.1 Cabinet amounts for macro cells......................................................................................................8 2.1.2 Cabinet capacity for E-GSM & DCS macro cell cabinet types 2x02 & 2x06....................................8 2.1.3 UMTS macro cell cabinets ...............................................................................................................9 2.2 E-GSM & DCS 2X02 AND 2X06 MACRO CABINET STRUCTURE.......................................................................10 2.3 DXU, CDU AND TRU TYPES & EDGE .........................................................................................................11 2.4 2X06 CABINET PSU AMOUNTS .....................................................................................................................12 2.5 CABINET SPACE REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................................12 2.6 RADIO BASE STATION MICRO CELLS 2302 .....................................................................................................13 2.6.1 Transmission ..................................................................................................................................14 2.6.2 Installation requirement ..................................................................................................................14 2.7 RADIO BASE STATION MACRO CELLS UMTS .................................................................................................14 2.8 BATTERY BACKUP ........................................................................................................................................15 2.8.1 2202 & 2206 power supply cabinets BBS 2202 and BBS 2000.....................................................15 2.8.2 2102, 2106 & 3101 cabinets...........................................................................................................15 2.8.3 2302 cabinets .................................................................................................................................15 2.8.4 3202 cabinets .................................................................................................................................15 2.9 CABINET NOISE ...........................................................................................................................................16 2.10 WHAT ARE PREFERRED CABINET CONFIGURATIONS? .....................................................................................16 2.10.1 Reducing the capacity of 2x02 configurations................................................................................16 2.10.2 Dual band cabinets.........................................................................................................................17 2.11 RADIO BASE STATION CONFIGURATIONS DCS MACRO CELLS .........................................................................17 2.11.1 2x06 configurations ........................................................................................................................17 2.11.2 2x02 & Maxite configurations .........................................................................................................18 2.12 RADIO BASE STATION CONFIGURATIONS E-GSM MACRO CELLS.....................................................................19 2.12.1 E-GSM (Capacity) upgrades ..........................................................................................................20 2.12.2 E-GSM configuration type names ..................................................................................................20 2.12.3 2x06 E-GSM configurations ...........................................................................................................21 2.13 RADIO BASE STATION CONFIGURATIONS DCS MICRO CELLS ..........................................................................21 2.14 RADIO BASE STATION CONFIGURATIONS UMTS MACRO CELLS ......................................................................21 2.15 RADIO BASE STATION CONFIGURATIONS UMTS MICRO CELLS .......................................................................22 2.16 RADIO BASE STATION CONFIGURATIONS DRAWINGS E-GSM 2X02 AND 2X06 MACRO CELLS ...........................23 2.17 RADIO BASE STATION CONFIGURATIONS DRAWINGS DCS 2X02 & 2302 MACRO CELLS...................................24 2.18 RADIO BASE STATION CONFIGURATIONS DRAWINGS DCS 2X06 MACRO CELLS ...............................................28 2.19 RADIO BASE STATION CONFIGURATIONS DRAWINGS DCS 2302 MICRO CELLS ................................................29 2.20 RADIO BASE STATION CONFIGURATIONS DRAWINGS UMTS MACRO CELLS .....................................................30 2.21 RADIO BASE STATION CONFIGURATIONS DRAWINGS UMTS MICRO CELLS.......................................................31 2.22 E-GSM CONFIGURATIONS EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................31 2.23 DCS CONFIGURATION EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................32 2.24 DCS MICRO CELL CONFIGURATION EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................33 2.25 UMTS MACRO CELL CONFIGURATION EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS .................................................................33 2.26 UMTS MICRO CELL CONFIGURATION EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................33 2.27 TYPICAL CONFIGURATION OUTPUT POWER ....................................................................................................34 3
OTHER SITE RF EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................34
3.1 TMA (TOWER MOUNTED AMPLIFIER)............................................................................................................34 3.1.1 E-GSM & DCS................................................................................................................................34 3.1.2 UMTS..............................................................................................................................................35 3.2 DUPLEX FILTERS .........................................................................................................................................36 3.3 DUAL-BAND COMBINER (ALSO CALLED DIPLEXER):........................................................................................37 3.3.1 Kathrein dual band combiners........................................................................................................38 3.4 DC BLOCK ..................................................................................................................................................39 3.5 FEEDERS AND JUMPERS...............................................................................................................................39 3.5.1 Feeders...........................................................................................................................................39 Prepared by: Approved by:
RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
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3.5.2 Jumpers ..........................................................................................................................................40 3.5.3 Feeder loss tool ..............................................................................................................................40 3.5.4 Specified Losses ............................................................................................................................41 3.6 ANTENNAE ..................................................................................................................................................42 3.6.1 Antenna installation ........................................................................................................................42 3.6.2 Possible number of antennae.........................................................................................................42 3.7 ADDING UMTS ON AN EXISTING E-GSM/DCS SITE.......................................................................................42 3.7.1 Option 1: Adding separate UMTS system, not changing existing system .....................................42 3.7.2 Option 2: Adding separate UMTS system, No space for extra antennae ......................................42 3.7.3 Option 3: Adding separate UMTS system, No space for extra cabinet .........................................43 3.7.4 Option 4: Adding separate UMTS system, No space for extra feeders .........................................43 3.7.5 Option 5: Sharing UMTS antenna with DCS/E-GSM .....................................................................43 3.8 ANTENNAE TO BE USED ................................................................................................................................43 3.8.1 Recommended antenna types .......................................................................................................43 3.8.2 Recommended E-GSM antenna types...........................................................................................44 3.9 STANDARD ANTENNAE AND ACCESSORIES .....................................................................................................45 3.10 ANTENNA DOWN TILT BRACKETS AND CLAMPS ...............................................................................................49 3.11 MICRO CELL ANTENNAE AND FEEDERS..........................................................................................................49 4
CELL PLANNING.....................................................................................................................................51
4.1 SITE TYPES .................................................................................................................................................51 4.2 SITE COORDINATES .....................................................................................................................................52 4.3 MACRO CELL ANTENNA PLACEMENT ..............................................................................................................52 4.3.1 Antenna placement on rooftops .....................................................................................................52 4.3.2 DCS, E-GSM and combined mounting on rooftop poles................................................................54 4.3.3 Dual band sites and difference in azimuths between DCS and E-GSM ........................................54 4.3.4 Antenna obstruction and shadowing ..............................................................................................55 4.3.5 Antenna installation on towers .......................................................................................................55 4.4 MICRO CELL ANTENNA PLACEMENT ...............................................................................................................56 4.5 ISOLATION AND ANTENNAE SEPARATION ........................................................................................................57 4.5.2 Isolation requirements UMTS.........................................................................................................59 4.5.3 Antenna spacing, diversity and horizontal free view ......................................................................59 4.6 ANTENNA SELECTION ...................................................................................................................................63 4.6.1 Antenna properties .........................................................................................................................63 4.6.2 The relationship between gain and beam width:............................................................................63 4.6.3 Which site behavior can be predicted from antenna patterns........................................................64 4.6.4 Vertical plane pattern......................................................................................................................64 4.6.5 Horizontal plane pattern .................................................................................................................65 4.6.6 Beam Tilt.........................................................................................................................................66 4.6.7 Tilt tool ............................................................................................................................................68 5
MICRO CELL PLANNING........................................................................................................................72
6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8
FREQUENCY BANDS .....................................................................................................................................74 DESIGN LEVELS ..........................................................................................................................................74 TRAFFIC, CONGESTION, BLOCKING AND THE USE OF THE ERLANG B TABLE ......................................................75 THE ERLANG B FORMULA ITSELF ..................................................................................................................77 ORIGIN OF THE HORIZONTAL PATHLOSS AND ISOLATION FORMULA ..................................................................78 TMA GAIN ...................................................................................................................................................79 UMTS BSDS INFORMATION ........................................................................................................................80 INFORMATION TO BE RETURNED BY A&B.......................................................................................................81
7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5
SEPARATE ANTENNAE FOR UMTS................................................................................................................82 SEPARATE FEEDERS FOR UMTS..................................................................................................................82 UMTS ISOLATION REQUIREMENT .................................................................................................................83 IM3 & IM5 ISSUES WHEN UMTS IS CO-LOCATED WITH E-GSM/DCS.............................................................83 WHY IS THE RACAL 1661 A BAD ANTENNA .....................................................................................................84
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RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
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Table index
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TABLE 1: CABINET AMOUNTS FOR MACRO CELLS .....................................................................................................8 TABLE 2: CDUS, CAPACITY AND REQUIRED ANTENNAE ............................................................................................8 TABLE 3: CDUS, CABINETS AND TRANSMITTED POWER............................................................................................8 TABLE 4: INDOOR AND OUTDOOR 2G CABINET TYPES ..............................................................................................9 TABLE 5: STANDARD MODULES IN THE RBS OF THE NETWORK OF BASE ...............................................................12 TABLE 6: CABINET CONFIGURATIONS AND BATTERY STRING AMOUNTS ....................................................................15 TABLE 7: ACOUSTIC NOISE OF BASE RBS EQUIPMENT .........................................................................................16 TABLE 8: CONFIGURATION MIGRATIONS ................................................................................................................16 TABLE 9: DUAL BAND UPGRADE CELL CAPACITY ....................................................................................................20 TABLE 10: NAMING CONVENTION E-GSM / DCS SHARING.....................................................................................21 TABLE 11: E-GSM GENERAL CONFIGURATION REQUIREMENTS. THE DRAWINGS CAN BE FOUND IN SECTION 2.16 .....31 TABLE 12: DCS GENERAL CONFIGURATION REQUIREMENTS. THE DRAWINGS CAN BE FOUND IN SECTION 2.17 AND 2.18............................................................................................................................................................32 TABLE 13: DCS GENERAL CONFIGURATION REQUIREMENTS. THE DRAWINGS CAN BE FOUND IN SECTION 2.19..........33 TABLE 14: TYPICAL CONFIGURATION OUTPUT POWER ............................................................................................34 TABLE 15: FEEDER LENGTH, BAND AND CABLE THICKNESS.....................................................................................39 TABLE 16: ALLOWED JUMPER LENGTHS AND LOSS BETWEEN BASE STATION AND ANTENNA. .....................................40 TABLE 17: ALLOWED MAXIMUM JUMPER LENGTHS .................................................................................................40 TABLE 18: JUMPER, FEEDER AND OTHER LOSSES AND BENDING RADII. ...................................................................41 TABLE 19: ONE SYSTEM ANTENNA TYPES DCS.....................................................................................................45 TABLE 20: ONE SYSTEM E-GSM ANTENNA TYPES (ALL KATHREIN) ........................................................................46 TABLE 21: DUAL SYSTEM ANTENNA TYPES (1661-904-01 IS FROM THALES/RACAL, THE OTHER TYPES FROM KATHREIN) ..................................................................................................................................................46 TABLE 22: SINGLE SYSTEM ANTENNA TYPES UMTS (1 SYSTEM CONNECTABLE)......................................................46 TABLE 23: DUAL SYSTEM ANTENNA TYPES E-GSM + DCS/UMTS (2 SYSTEMS CONNECTABLE) ..............................47 TABLE 24: DUAL SYSTEM ANTENNA TYPES DCS/UMTS + DCS/UMTS (2 SYSTEMS CONNECTABLE) .......................47 TABLE 25: TRIPLE SYSTEM ANTENNA TYPES E-GSM + DCS/UMTS+ DCS/UMTS (3 SYSTEMS CONNECTABLE) ......47 TABLE 26: TRIPLE SYSTEM ANTENNA TYPES E-GSM + DCS + UMTS (3 SYSTEMS CONNECTABLE) .........................47 TABLE 27: ANTENNA CLAMPS ...............................................................................................................................49 TABLE 28: DOWN TILT BRACKETS .........................................................................................................................49 TABLE 29: MICRO CELL ANTENNA TYPES ...............................................................................................................49 TABLE 30: SITE TYPES.........................................................................................................................................51 TABLE 31: ANTENNA PLACEMENT PREFERENCES ..................................................................................................53 TABLE 32: SYSTEM ISOLATION REQUIREMENTS .....................................................................................................58 TABLE 33: DISTANCE REQUIREMENTS UMTS TO OTHER ANTENNAE .......................................................................59 TABLE 34: MICRO-CELL PLANNING CHARACTERISTICS BASE & MOBILE ...................................................................72 TABLE 35: MOBILE FREQUENCY BANDS ................................................................................................................74 TABLE 36: BASE FREQUENCY BANDS ....................................................................................................................74 TABLE 37: NETWORK DESIGN LEVELS BASE ..........................................................................................................74 TABLE 38: TRU AMOUNTS AND CELL CAPACITY (INCREASE)...................................................................................75 TABLE 39: ERLANG B TABLE ................................................................................................................................76 TABLE 40: UMTS BSDS INFORMATION ................................................................................................................80 TABLE 41: C&I CABLE DATA DELIVERABLES ..........................................................................................................81 TABLE 42: UMTS LICENSES ................................................................................................................................84 TABLE 43: E-GSM / DCS LICENSES BASE ..........................................................................................................84
Figure Index
FIGURE 1: 2202 AND 2206 CABINET STRUCTURE ..................................................................................................10 FIGURE 2: CABINET CAPACITY LAYOUT .................................................................................................................10 FIGURE 3: 2X06 CABINET ARCHITECTURE .............................................................................................................11 FIGURE 4: 2106 CABINET DIMENSIONS .................................................................................................................12 FIGURE 5: 2206 CABINET DIMENSIONS .................................................................................................................13 FIGURE 6: 2302 CABINET SIZES AND SPACE REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................14 Prepared by: Approved by:
RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
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FIGURE 7: 2302 INSTALLED WITH PBC (NOT OBLIGATORY) ....................................................................................14 FIGURE 8: UMTS CABINET DIMENSIONS ...............................................................................................................15 FIGURE 9: 2X02 DUAL BAND CABINET LAYOUT .......................................................................................................17 FIGURE 10: DIFFERENT TMA TYPES ....................................................................................................................35 FIGURE 11: ASC ................................................................................................................................................35 FIGURE 12: RET AND RET MOUNTING .................................................................................................................36 FIGURE 13: DIFFERENT DUPLEXER TYPES.............................................................................................................36 FIGURE 14: DUAL-BAND COMBINER OR DIPLEXER FROM ERICSSON.......................................................................37 FIGURE 15: EXAMPLES OF FEEDER SHARING WITH TMA USAGE .............................................................................38 FIGURE 16: KATHREIN DUAL-BAND COMBINER 792903 AND 793363. NO LONGER TO BE USED!!! ....................38 FIGURE 17: DC-BLOCK 793301 FROM KATHREIN..................................................................................................39 FIGURE 18: KATHREIN INSTALLATION TOOL FOR 6 JUMPER ANTENNAE 850 10005 ..................................................48 FIGURE 19: ANTENNA INSTALLATION TYPES ..........................................................................................................49 FIGURE 20: MICRO CELL ANTENNAE .....................................................................................................................50 FIGURE 21: ANTENNA MOUNTING EXAMPLES ON ROOFTOPS IN SIDE VIEW. ..............................................................52 FIGURE 22: ANTENNA DISTRIBUTION ON ROOFTOPS ..............................................................................................53 FIGURE 23: MOUNTING SINGLE BAND E-GSM AND DCS ON A POLE .......................................................................54 FIGURE 24: E-GSM SHOULD ALWAYS REMAIN WITHIN THE -3DB PATTERN OF DCS ................................................54 FIGURE 25: RELEVANT PARAMETERS FOR SHADOWING CHECK...............................................................................55 FIGURE 26: ANTENNA MOUNTING ON A PYLON .......................................................................................................56 FIGURE 27: ANTENNA SEPARATION ......................................................................................................................57 FIGURE 28: MINIMUM DCS/UMTS ANTENNA ANGLE DIFFERENCE ..........................................................................59 FIGURE 29: ANTENNA DIVERSITY DISTANCES ........................................................................................................60 FIGURE 30: EFFECTIVE SPACE FOR DIVERSITY AND ROTATION IN PLAN VIEW ...........................................................60 FIGURE 31: ANTENNA FREE ANGLE REQUIREMENTS ..............................................................................................62 FIGURE 32: ANTENNA FREE ANGLE REQUIREMENTS WHEN MOUNTED IN THE CORNER OF A CONSTRUCTION ..............62 FIGURE 33: INSIDE A KATHREIN ADJUSTABLE TILT ANTENNA 742234......................................................................63 FIGURE 34: VERTICAL PATTERN WITH THE FOUR FEATURES OF MERIT DESCRIBED ABOVE DISPLAYED. ......................64 FIGURE 35: SHOWS THE REDUCTION OF THE GAIN FROM THE HORIZON AS A FUNCTION OF THE TILT. ........................65 FIGURE 36: VERTICAL PATTERN OF AN ANTENNA WITH A VERTICAL BEAM WIDTH OF 15°AND AN ELECTRICAL DOWN TILT OF 6°. THE GAIN REDUCTION ON THE HORIZON IS 3 DB. THE GREEN PATTERN IS THAT OF AN OMNI. ..................66 FIGURE 37: ELEVATION BEAM TILTING BY MECHANICAL TILT ...................................................................................67 FIGURE 38: ELEVATION BEAM TILTING BY ELECTRICAL TILT ....................................................................................67 FIGURE 39: DIFFERENCES IN CONSEQUENCES ON TILT ON ANTENNAE WITH DIFFERENT VERTICAL OPENING ANGLE ...68 FIGURE 40: CELL SERVICE & INTERFERENCE RINGS ...............................................................................................68 FIGURE 41: 739686, EDT -3º, 30M, SPIKE AT 30º IS ANGLE AT 50M FROM SITE, SPIKE AT 0º IS HORIZON. ................69 FIGURE 42: 739686, EDT -7º, 30M, SPIKE AT 30º IS ANGLE AT 50M FROM SITE, SPIKE AT 0º IS HORIZON..................70 FIGURE 43: 742266, EDT -7º, 100M, SPIKE AT 65º IS ANGLE AT 50M FROM SITE, SPIKE AT 0º IS HORIZON................70 FIGURE 44: CABLE LOSSES FOR UMTS................................................................................................................82 FIGURE 45: THALES 1661 GAIN VERSUS FREQUENCY AND VERTICAL ANGLE IN THE DCS BAND ................................84 FIGURE 46: THALES 1661 GAIN VERSUS FREQUENCY AND VERTICAL ANGLE IN THE E-GSM BAND............................85 FIGURE 47: THALES 1661 GAIN VERSUS FREQUENCY AND HORIZONTAL ANGLE IN THE DCS BAND ...........................85
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RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
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Site planning steps
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SITE PLANNING STEP 1: SELECTING THE REQUIRED CDU AND CABINET TYPE ............................................................9 SITE PLANNING STEP 2: SELECTING THE REQUIRED CONFIGURATION ......................................................................22 SITE PLANNING STEP 3: ARE THERE TMAS TO BE INSTALLED? ...............................................................................35 SITE PLANNING STEP 4: ARE THERE ANY DUPLEXERS TO BE INSTALLED? ................................................................36 SITE PLANNING STEP 5: SELECTING FEEDERS AND JUMPERS..................................................................................40 SITE PLANNING STEP 6: DETERMINING THE POSSIBLE NUMBER OF ANTENNAE PER SECTOR ......................................42 SITE PLANNING STEP 7: SELECTING THE NEEDED ANTENNAE..................................................................................44 SITE PLANNING STEP 8: DETERMINATION OF THE SITE GOAL...................................................................................52 SITE PLANNING STEP 9: SELECTING THE RIGHT POSITIONS FOR THE ANTENNAE .......................................................52
Configuration index
CONFIGURATION1C+-E2 & C+-E4 ......................................................................................................................23 CONFIGURATION2GU-E2 & GC-E4 ......................................................................................................................23 CONFIGURATION31 .............................................................................................................................................24 CONFIGURATION42 .............................................................................................................................................24 CONFIGURATION53 .............................................................................................................................................24 CONFIGURATION64 .............................................................................................................................................25 CONFIGURATION75 .............................................................................................................................................25 CONFIGURATION86 .............................................................................................................................................25 CONFIGURATION97 .............................................................................................................................................26 CONFIGURATION108 ...........................................................................................................................................26 CONFIGURATION118DIV ......................................................................................................................................26 CONFIGURATION129 ...........................................................................................................................................27 CONFIGURATION13MAXITE ..................................................................................................................................27 CONFIGURATION14GC-D4 ..................................................................................................................................28 CONFIGURATION15GC-D8 ..................................................................................................................................28 CONFIGURATION162302UC-D1 ...........................................................................................................................29 CONFIGURATION172302UC-D2 ...........................................................................................................................29 CONFIGURATION182302C-D2 .............................................................................................................................29 CONFIGURATION19UMTS...................................................................................................................................30
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INTRODUCTION This document is intended to be a guide to RF Engineering & Optimization for the UMTS, DCS and E-GSM network of BASE in Belgium. Many site equipment and planning related issues related to RF Engineering & Optimization are covered within this document, however undoubtedly situations will occur which have not been dealt with in this document. In such circumstances, the RF partner should contact RF BASE when this occurs. Whenever the RF partner wants to deviate from the configurations or materials written in this document, approval should be sought from the RF BASE.
Indicates a subject for which the KPI requirements can be found in the NRF of a site. For questions concerning what is technically described in this document call Eric Noordanus: 0485-544 964 or mail to:
[email protected] Update summary 2002 rev Q: • New document structure, many more direct indices • 2x06 documentation included • New micro cell antenna added • A new section on antenna patterns and their influence on site behavior • The Erlang B table section has been extended • Cabinet structure & configuration explanation has been extended • Cabinet new & upgrade preferences Update summary 2004 rev R: Again a totally new document structure Hardware & configurations: • Cabinet noise levels • Cabinet reservations related to area size and type • New 2x06 documentation and configurations • Updated antenna preferences • Clamps & down tilt brackets & heavy antenna down tilt bracket 850 10007. • Micro cell configurations • Feeder loss tool • Maximum feeder lengths UMTS 100m • New dual band combiner of Ericsson without integrated DC-block to enable sharing of feeders between E-GSM 2x06 and DCS 2x02 (mail Fri 7/01/2005 17:40). • NO DUAL BAND CABINETS • 1764 micro cell antenna • UMTS equipment Planning: • Results on penetration loss investigation by TNO and resulting effect on link budget calculations • Micro cell planning • UMTS antenna upgrade solutions • Antenna placement • Tilt tool • Roof-edge shadow calculation made easier • Reserved timeslots, EDGE/GPRS & cell capacity • Preferences for placing UMTS antennae on E-GSM & DCS sites. • KPI remarks
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RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
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RBS equipment The configuration describing what is planned or installed on site (e.g. RBS, feeder antennae) is to be registered in INFOBASE in the BSDS in its entirety and according to BSDS documentation.
Radio Base Station cabinets, cabinet types, capacity and amounts
Cabinet amounts for macro cells The cabinet amounts to take into account for macro cells are related to the service area size and type. Urban area size not so much relates to being in a city as well as the clutter type the site covers. Site urban area size < 0,5 km² >0,5 km² - < 1 km² > 1 km²
Cabinet space reservations 1x 2x06 E-GSM; 1x UMTS 1x 2x06 E-GSM; 1x 2x06 DCS; 1x UMTS 1x 2x06 E-GSM; 2x 2x06 DCS; 1x UMTS
Table 1: Cabinet amounts for macro cells
The urban area size is calculated using Asset on indoor residential signal level. If the amounts of Table 1 cannot be met, the minimum is one cabinet for each system mentioned in the KPI document plus power cabinet(s) (see requirements on power cabinets section 2.8) and one transmission cabinet (if applicable, to be indicated by BASE Transmission). These amounts apply if not specified otherwise in the KPI document of BASE.
Cabinet capacity for E-GSM & DCS macro cell cabinet types 2x02 & 2x06 The following table links the possible antennae per sector to the required capacity and the possible CDU-type:
1+1+1 Ant. CDU 1 C+/Gu 1 A/C+ 2 A
2+2+2 Ant. CDU 1 C+/Gu 1 A/C+ 2 A
Capacity 4+4+4 Ant. CDU 1 Gc 1 C+/Gc 2 A
6+6+6 CDU No No 2 C+
8+8+8 Ant. CDU No No 2 Gc
Table 2: CDUs, capacity and required antennae The table below shows the CDU-type, related type of cabinet and output power: CDU-TYPE 2x02 Band E-GSM DCS
A Not possible 43.5 dBm
2x06 C+ 40.5 dBm 40 dBm
Gc 42 dBm 41 dBm
Gu 45.5 dBm Not used
Table 3: CDUs, cabinets and transmitted power The maximum amount of TRUs in a 2x02 cabinet is 6 (6 single TRU modules), for a 2x06 cabinet 12 (6 double TRU modules). Technically an E-GSM CDU-C+ can share a cabinet with a DCS CDU-A (see also section 2.10.2). This has been used in the past, but is not allowed for new installations or upgrades. Full three sector E-GSM configurations should be used whenever three antennae can be installed. Remarks: • RF BASE will indicate the RF partner in the NRF what the required maximum capacity of a site needs to be. In the forecast the chosen configuration should be sufficient for at least a year if a capacity increase would require a cabinet to be swapped or added and 2 years if additional KPI antennas would be required (to get BP & lease arranged in time). This cannot always be Prepared by: Approved by:
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foreseen, but an effort in this direction should be aimed at. Otherwise an incompletely installed Gc-D4 or Gc-D8 can be chosen. For 2+2+2 DCS (or less) the use of a 2x02 cabinet is preferred. For larger capacities the GcD4/Gc-D8 is. For E-GSM site upgrades or new sites Gu-E2 or Gc-E4 is to be installed. The number of sectors to be used for planning by the RF partner is set in the NRF document. When a 2+2+2 or a 4+4+4 configuration is used in a 2x02, not all TRUs need to be installed (and not all installed TRUs need to be activated). The same applies for the 2x06, though for this cabinet always is an even number of TRUs per sector as a 2x06 is equipped with dual TRU modules.
The other question is whether the equipment is to be installed indoor or outdoor: Cabinet Indoor Outdoor
RBS 2202, 2206 2302, 2102, 2106
Table 4: Indoor and outdoor 2G cabinet types ¾ ¾
Required power, band, needed capacity and possible antennae result in CDU-and cabinet-type. From this results the needed number of TMAs, duplex filters and the number of required feeders. Indoor or outdoor cabinet?
Site planning step 1: Selecting the required CDU and cabinet type 2.1.3
UMTS macro cell cabinets UMTS requires a separate cabinet plus, for indoor, a separate power supply cabinet. The contents of the cabinet are standard until further notice. There are 2 types: The RBS 3101 (outdoor) and the RBS 3202 (outdoor) accompanied with an ACTURA (power supply). These are always installed as 1+1+1.
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RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
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E-GSM & DCS 2x02 and 2x06 macro cabinet structure
2206 cabinet
2202 cabinet
Figure 1: 2202 and 2206 cabinet structure TRU / dTRU = single / double TRU CDU = Combining and distribution unit CXU = Configuration switch unit DXU = Distribution switch unit
PSU = Power supply unit IDM = Internal distribution module OXU = Optional expansion unit DCCU = DC connection unit
Though an uneven numbers of TRUs can be installed in a sector, sectors can only begin on even positions. A CDU can not be shared by two sectors in a 2x02 and normally not in a 2x06. Therefore a 3+1+1 configuration is build using a 4+4+4 arrangement in a 2x06 cabinet or at least as a 4+2+2 arrangement in two 2x02 cabinets.
CDU A or C+
CDU A or C+
CDU A or C+
d T R U
d T R U
d T R U
2x02 TRU & CDU layout
d T R U
d T R U
d T R U
2x06 TRU & CDU layout
Figure 2: Cabinet capacity layout
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RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
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Figure 3: 2x06 cabinet architecture When the capacity needs to be extended beyond the capability of one cabinet, there are basically two ways to do this: 1. Synchronizing the DXUs of two cabinets (used for 2x06 cabinets) 2. Extending the control of the DXU in the first (master) cabinet to the second (extension) cabinet (used for 2x02 cabinets). The DXU from the second cabinet is removed in this case. Option 1 is technically also possible for 2x02 cabinets equipped with the DXU 11, but as also DXU01 and DXU-03 are used in 2x02 cabinets, only option 2 is used for these. How does this master/extension system work? One of the functions of the DXU is to multiplex the timeslots from the TRUs to the PCM link. It can do so for up to 12 TRUs. Bus timing and TRU control for the extension cabinet are directly derived from the master cabinet by means of 3 extra cables. The extension cabinet in this case has no DXU installed. This system requires that each sector in a cabinet has at least 1 TRU installed. When two cabinets share a sector the consequence is that the sector will have 1 TRU in the first and 1 TRU in the second cabinet. Synchronized cabinets: In case of synchronizing both cabinets the DXUs in both cabinets are linked by means of an ESB cable (external synchronization bus). The length of the cable is used as input in the IDB as this determines the timing delay to be compensated. This cable only links the timing between the cabinets. The PCM is linked from the first DXU to the second DXU to give the second cabinet its transmission link to the mobile network. A DXU-11 or DXU-21A needs to be installed to do this. Effectively, it's the BSC who is joining the PCM data from both cabinets together and making it one cell, not the cabinets themselves.
DXU, CDU and TRU types & EDGE For the 2x02 and 2x06 cabinets there are two 2 TRU types available: not EDGE compatible and EDGE compatible. For the 2x02 the EDGE compatible TRU is called the sTRU, this requires the DXU-01, DXU-03 or DXU 11 to be upgraded to DXU-21A, the not EDGE compatible is the cTRU. For the 2x06 the type can be recognized by the serial number of the TRU module. EDGE has no effect on the combiner. The modules mentioned below are all the types present in the network of BASE.
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Ericsson part number BOE 602 02/01 BOE 602 02/03 BOE 602 11/11 BOE 602 14/1 KRC 131 47/03, /15 KRC 131 137/01 KRC 131 48/01, /15, /16 KRC 131 138/01 KRC 131 1002/1 KRC 131 1002/2 KRC 131 1003/1 KRC 131 1003/2 BFL 119 123/1 BFL 119 106/1 BFL 119 127/1 BFL 119 142/1 BFL 119 143/1 BML 231 201/1 BML 231 202/1
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Cabinet type 2x02 2x02 2x02 2x02, 2x06 2x02 2x02 2x02 2x02 2x06 2x06 2x06 2x06 2x02 2x02 2x02 2x06 2x06 2x02 2x06
Table 5: Standard modules in the RBS of the network of BASE
2x06 cabinet PSU amounts In an uncombined mode cabinet the maximum installed amount is 3 dTRU. For this 3 PSU are sufficient. If a sector is changed to combined mode, the cabling for that sector should be changed accordingly and a 4th PSU must be installed. 4 PSU are sufficient to supply power for 6 dTRU as well.
Cabinet space requirements
The cabinet space requirements should be respected in the site design.
The 2106 cabinet sizes
2106 with open door requires at least 1300 + 710 =2010mm
Figure 4: 2106 cabinet dimensions The footprint and foot holing are the same as that of the 2102. Prepared by: Approved by:
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The 2206 indoor cabinet has the following dimensional requirements:
The 2206. To open the door 600mm in front of the cabinet is required.
The minimum recommended space in front of a cabinet is 100cm. This space can be shared with a cabinet opposite to it.
Figure 5: 2206 cabinet dimensions Indoor power cabinets need the same space per cabinet as a 2202/2206. The amount of power cabinets required depends on the amount of 2202/2206 cabinets. This is explained in section 2.8.
Radio Base station micro cells 2302 The standard equipment for micro cells is the 2302. This cabinet is not EDGE compatible. It is not produced by Ericsson anymore but there are still some in stock. For use on a site, special permission of RF BASE is required. The RBS 2302 is a weatherproof wall mounted cabinet with two TRUs. The maximum output power which can be generated of these TRUs is 33 dBm un-combined and 28.5 dBm combined by a multicasting box. This is often enough for a micro cell. A 2302 is much smaller than a 2102 or 2202. Note that for the 2102 and the 2202 the minimum output power after the CDU-C+ is 28.5 dBm (see section 2.27). In order to get more than two channels on one antenna with these cabinets, either on-air (cross-polar antenna) or external (outside the cabinet) combining is required. The 2302 can provide 4 or 6 TRUs by adding two or three RBS 2302 base stations beside each other (multi extension). The amount of Eirp given by a 2302 configuration can be calculated with the Microcell_Eirp tool. Some specifications of the 2302: − Only DCS capable (no E-GSM possible !) − GPRS, HSCSD and half-rate prepared (not EDGE capable). − 230 V connector, 150 VA, 120 W. − Standard 3 min. battery back-up. An external battery pack is possible but not used on micro cells as these fulfill a non-essential network addition. − The RF connectors are of the TNC type. − The 2302 has a weight of +/- 30 kg. − The cabinet produces no noise, as it doesn't use active equipment for cooling.
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Figure 6: 2302 cabinet sizes and space requirements The output power of the RBS 2401 is too low to be useful for our network: 26 dBm. It also has 2 TRUs but no internal combiner. This type is not produced by Ericsson anymore. 2.6.1
Transmission Fixed 2Mbps links are often the only option as there is no place to install a mini-link or to get a line of sight. 2 TRU need 2Mbps with 5x64kbps (LAPD-CONC). Links can be multi-dropped with cable losses up to 30 dB, but connecting micro cells from different locations is likely to be difficult.
Installation requirement A PBC is the backup for a 2302 cabinet. The 2302 has an inbuilt 3min. backup to send alarms to the BSC in case of a power failure (so if the PBC fails).
Figure 7: 2302 installed with PBC (not obligatory)
Radio Base Station macro cells UMTS Cabinet sizes for UMTS are given in the figures below.
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RBS 3101
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RBS 3202
Figure 8: UMTS cabinet dimensions
Battery backup
2202 & 2206 power supply cabinets BBS 2202 and BBS 2000 One, two or three power cabinets, depending on the amount and type of indoor RBS are needed for power supply and backup. There are two types of cabinets, the BBS 2202 and the BBS 2000. Both types have the same footprint and space requirements as indoor BTS cabinets. The BBS 2202 is designed for the RBS 2202, but is able to supply power to one (1!) 2206 cabinet by installing a BFU-E power unit (BMY 201 237/5). If 2 or more 2206 cabinets are to be connected, a BBS 2000 is needed. To connect a RBS 2202 to a BBS 2000 a different power unit in the BBS2000 is needed. This is the BFU-02 (BMY 201 237/3) The BBS2202 is not produced anymore and stocks are limited. For indoor 2G cabinets a BBS2000 is to be used therefore. Cabinet combinations 1x2202 1xGu-E2 1xGc-X4 1xGu-E2+1xGc-D4 1xGc-D8
Battery strings 1 2 3 5 5
Table 6: Cabinet configurations and battery string amounts In total 3 battery strings fit in one back-up cabinet. The battery string amount is calculated on the amount & type of RBS cabinets connected to a BBS (BBS2000 / BBS2202). The amount of power cabinets, the type and the amount of strings has to be specified on the BSDS. 2.8.2
2102, 2106 & 3101 cabinets For outdoor cabinets the battery backup is built-in. UMTS outdoor cabinets have the standard internal backup of 30 minutes for a 1+1+1 20 W configuration. UMTS indoor cabinets have no power backup.
2302 cabinets The power supply of the RBS 2302, the PBC, has an internal backup of approximately 2h.
3202 cabinets
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No power supply backup is installed for the RBS 3202, but an ACTURA power supply cabinet without battery backup is.
Cabinet noise The sound levels produced by the RBS in the network of BASE are: Temperature cabinet 2102 2202 2302 2106 2206 3101 3202 Actura
30ºC (dBa) 55 58 55 55 58 68 68 68
Max. (dBa) 65 63 65 65 63 69 72.5 73
Table 7: Acoustic noise of BASE RBS equipment This noise should be taken into account during site design.
What are preferred cabinet configurations? Preferred are non-mixed configurations like 2+2+2 or 4+4+4. This does not mean that al these TRU positions must be used, but it is preferred that a 2+3+2 is configured as a non-filled 4+4+4, rather than making it a 2+4+2 (unless the second cabinet is configured as a dual-band cabinet). It is also less expensive to install a Gc-D4 on a new site than a configuration 1, as this requires less material and installation.
Reducing the capacity of 2x02 configurations In oversized configurations much more TRU expansion is possible than will be used in the near future. This can be the case for a 4+4+4 site where only 2+2+2 is sufficient. New sites going on air in the best server area of an existing site can cause this, for example. For a 2x02 site this results in a spare cabinet which can be used to accommodate E-GSM. Configuration Current New 1 4 2 5 3 6
DCS equipment changes Existing D/DTMA used instead of DTMA (see also below) D/DTMA and duplexers installed D/DTMA and duplexers installed
Table 8: Configuration migrations − − − −
Sectors with a total daily traffic of less than 10 Erlang are candidates to be reduced from configuration 1 to 6 and the second antenna to be swapped to E-GSM. Sectors with more than 10 Erlang total a day, less than 6 Erlang in the busy hour and with the possibility to have an extra E-GSM antenna should be changed to configuration 4 and an extra E-GSM antenna. When the traffic in the busy hour is more than 6 Erlang, configuration 1 on DCS should be kept. DO NOT MIX IN ONE CABINET CDU-A AND CDU-C+ IF THEY’RE BOTH FOR DCS!
Surplus of CDUs and D/DTMAs are to be brought back to stock. D/DTMAs from a configuration 1 do not need to be replaced for DTMAs when migrating from configuration 1 to configuration 4. 2 D/DTMA per sectors can be brought back to stock. When a formerly configuration 1 site is to be upgrade with E-GSM and extra antennae are not possible, then the site can be reconfigured to a configuration 6. See also what is mentioned on reconfiguring a configuration 4 in the explanation of the flowchart in chapter 3. Prepared by: Approved by:
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The remaining cabinet can be configured as a Master and reused for E-GSM. 2.10.2
Dual band cabinets Dual band cabinets are to remain exceptional because of the limitations they pose. No new dual band cabinets should be installed therefore (2x02 & 2x06).
2x02 dual-band cabinets 2x02 dual band cabinets have been used in the past on sometimes, this is why these configurations are explained here. They are however, not to be used in new situations. There is no need to dismantle dual-band configurations if the current configuration provides sufficient possibility to provide the capacity needed, but no new ones should be created. If a sector in a dualband cabinet is installed with 1 TRU and a 2nd TRU is needed, it can be expanded without having to change the configuration, but if a CDU should be changed to accommodate capacity expansion, other solutions should be looked for (See section 2.1.2). A dual band cabinet needs a DXU to control the sectors in that cabinet. As a result of this the DXU of the first cabinet cannot extend its control to the second cabinet. Therefore a sector cannot 'flow over' from the first cabinet to a second dual-band cabinet. A 4+4+2 TRU configuration plus 1 or 2 E-GSM sectors can only be reduced to 4+2 in the first cabinet and 2 in the second cabinet and 2, 4 or 2+2 E-GSM. Changing the order of sectors to fit the cabinets (in the previous example building 4+4+2 DCS + 2 E-GSM as 4+2+4 DCS +2 E-GSM) is not allowed as this poses many risks for the maintenance. Master
T T R R U U C C D D U U 2+2+2
T T T T T T T T T T T T R R R R R R R R R R R R U U U U U U U U U U U U C C C C C C D D D D D D U U U U U U 2+2+2 2E+2E+2E
T T T T T R R R R R U U U U U C C C D D D U U U 2+4+2
T T T T T T T T T T T T R R R R R R R R R R R R U U U U U U U U U U U U C C C C C C D D D D D D U U U U U U 2+(2E+2E or 4E) 2+4
T T T T T T T T R R R R R R R R U U U U U U U U C C C C D D D D U U U U 2+4+4
T T T T T T T T T T T T R R R R R R R R R R R R U U U U U U U U U U U U C C C C C C D D D D D D U U U U U U 2+4 4+2E
Indicated TRUs are the maximum per sector. The minimum is 1, except for the sector shared by master + extension cabinet where the minimum is 2. Dual-band cabinets cannot share sectors with another cabinet as they are reconfigured to master cabinets. Figure 9: 2x02 dual band cabinet layout No new dual band cabinets are allowed to be created.
Radio Base Station configurations DCS macro cells Within a site having different configurations should be avoided if technically possible. For requirements on dual-band cabinets see chapter 2.10.2 page 17.
2x06 configurations
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These is the cabinet type to be used for new sites and site upgrades
Configuration Gc-D4, Preferred configuration for 4+4+4 This configuration will be implemented when the cabinet space is limited to 1 cabinet only or a new site with more than 2+2+2 is required. This configuration uses one 2x06 cabinet, 1 antenna/sector, 2 cables/sector, 2 D/DTMAs per sector and no duplex filters. Note that if more than one 2206 (indoor cabinet) is to be installed on a site, for example Gc-D4 next to Gu-E2, a BBS 2000 is required (see also section 2.8). Otherwise, an upgrade of a BBS2202 is sufficient.
Configuration Gc-D8, Preferred configuration for 6+6+6 and 8+8+8 This configuration is preferred when capacity of 6+6+6 or 8+8+8 is required. It uses two 2x06 cabinets, 2 antennae/sector, 4 cables/sector, 4 D/DTMAs/sector and no duplex filters. Note that if more than one 2206 (indoor cabinet) is to be installed on a site, a BBS 2000 is required (see also section 2.8).
2x02 & Maxite configurations These can only be used with reuse of RBS equipment already present on site (configuration 1 changed to 3 or 6 for example), or with special permission from RF BASE, as stocks are limited. In all other cases, 2x06 RBS should be used. The preference overview given below, are the gradients in preference WITHIN the choices for 2x02 and Maxite cabinets.
Configuration 1, preferred configuration for 4+4+4 This configuration is the default configuration for the macro sites that have a maximum TRU configuration of 4+4+4 when a site needs to be extended from a 2+2+2 configuration. This is the preferred solution as this solution gives a higher EIRP than configuration 2 because of the difference in BTS output power between CDU-A and CDU-C+. The difference in EIRP is +/- 2 dB, which gives us a gain in the coverage area of the sites in rural areas or a better indoor coverage in urban areas. Because of the better downlink, this configuration also allows you to use TMAs. If the antennae can’t be horizontally spaced on all sectors, it is worth it to put the antennae vertically separated (maximum distance 0.5 m) so this preferred configuration can still be installed. Another option is to use a dual-antenna like the 742234.
Configuration 2, Exceptional configuration for 4+4+4 This solution will only be implemented if configuration 1 is not possible due to problems with the cable runs (space, bending, etc.). The cross-polar antennae have only one entry that is used. In order to make use of the polar diversity they must use a different slant, so connection of antenna feeders must be done very carefully. Otherwise there is about 2 dB uplink loss instead of diversity gain.
Configuration 3, Non-preferred configuration for 4+4+4 This solution will only be implemented if configuration 1 is not possible due to problems with the cable runs (space, bending, etc.) or no possibility to put space diversity and only to extend existing configuration 8 or 8 div. The only difference between this configuration and configuration 2 is the number of antennae. Because of this, the resulting EIRP is the same but you don’t have the extra diversity gain.
Configuration 4, preferred configuration for 2+2+2 This configuration is the default configuration for the macro sites that have a maximum TRU configuration of 2+2+2. This is the preferred solution as this solution gives a higher EIRP then the configuration 5. This configuration has no extra duplexer loss or TMA TX insertion loss and uses fewer jumpers. The difference in EIRP is +/- 1.5 dB, which gives us a gain in the coverage area of the sites in rural areas or a better indoor coverage in urban areas. As this configuration requires 4 cables per sector, we will never use 1 5/8” cable. The 1 ¼” cable can be used even for cable runs higher then 60 m as the resulting EIRP is still higher. The TMA is a single duplex TMA where the entry for the TX must be terminated (don’t forget to order the termination plug!). This is called a no duplex TMA as it's only used like that.
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Configuration 5, Exceptional configuration for 2+2+2 This solution will only be implemented if configuration 4 is not possible due to problems with the cable runs (space, bending, etc.). The difference in EIRP between configuration 4 and 5 is shown on the graph next to configuration 4. The cross-polar antennae have only one entry that is used. In order to make use of the polar diversity opposite slants are used so connection of antenna feeders must be done very carefully. This configuration needs four jumpers. The length of the jumpers must be minimized as much as possible to reduce the total jumper loss.
Configuration 6, Non-preferred configuration for 2+2+2 This solution will only be implemented if configuration 4 is not possible due to problems with the cable runs (space, bending, etc.) or no possibility to put space diversity. The only difference between this configuration and configuration 5 is the number of antennae. Because of this, the resulting EIRP is the same but it hasn't got the advantage of having extra space diversity gain. This configuration needs four jumpers. The length of the jumpers should be minimized as much as possible to reduce the total jumper loss.
Configuration 7, Umbrella configuration for 6+6+6 This solution will be implemented on umbrella sites. Umbrella sites are not built any more because of the interference they generate. This configuration has to be escalated to get approval for. An alternative configuration is the Gc-D8 with the 2106 and 2206 cabinets.
Configuration 8, Exceptional configuration for 2+2+2 This solution will only be implemented if configuration 4, configuration 5 and configuration 6 are not possible due to problems with the cable runs (space, bending, etc.). This is a configuration, which only needs 1 cable / sector but has neither diversity nor CDU-A. This configuration has to be escalated to get approval for.
Configuration 8 div, non-preferred configuration for 2+2+2 This configuration will occur for sites that were formerly built as configuration 3, but were less capacity turned out to be required and a transformation to configuration 6 is not possible. This can occur for example for sites where only one or two sectors are to be reduced in capacity. Note that for sites with 2+2+2 using one antenna, configuration 6 is preferred, but CDU-A and CDU-C+ cannot be mixed in a cabinet if they’re both for DCS.
Configuration 9, Exceptional configuration for 1+1+1 This solution will only be implemented if configuration 4, configuration 5 and configuration 6 are not possible due to problems with the cable runs (space, bending, etc.) and the site needs the extra EIRP to cover the area. This is a configuration, which only needs 1 cable / sector but has no diversity CDU-A and no possibility to put more then 1 TRX per sector. This configuration has to be escalated to get approval for.
Maxite solution If implementing a full cabinet poses to be a problem because of room space or extremely long cable runs, the Maxite solution can be used. This solution consists of an active antenna unit and a RBS 2302. This solution guarantees always a constant EIRP of 56.5 dBm. The restrictions are a maximum feeder loss of 12 dB and a maximum distance of 110 m between the RBS and the antenna. This is because of the necessary DC cable and the gain and sensitivity of the active antenna. This configuration is not available for new sites or upgrades.
Radio Base Station configurations E-GSM macro cells It is preferred to build E-GSM separate from DCS on a site. The figure below shows which configuration can be chosen when E-GSM is added to an existing DCS site. One must bear in mind that not in all cases a solution is possible. Only one type of 90° dual band antennae is available. The Thales 1661-904 is an 85° dual-band antenna, but it has a number of disadvantages. Use this antenna therefore with care (see the information in section 7.5). Several
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vendors say they have types under development, but they’re not in production yet. So if a 90° opening angle antenna is currently present on a site, the antenna can only be shared by E-GSM if the Racal 1661-904 is suitable, even if building restrictions require this. If not, E-GSM cannot be built, unless a DCS space diversity antenna is exchanged for an E-GSM antenna. But the Eirp and site sensitivity consequences for DCS should be taken into consideration. 2.12.1
E-GSM (Capacity) upgrades Capacity upgrades on existing DCS sites is generally done according to the following table: Current capacity DCS 1 2 3 4 5 6
Upgrade capacity E-GSM 1 1 2 2 3 3
Table 9: Dual band upgrade cell capacity The figures from the table above apply unless other information is provided by RF BASE.
Upgrading C+-E2 The configuration C+-E4 is not to be used for new capacity upgrades. A cabinet swap of C+-E2 to Gc-E4 should be used instead. As the amount of 2x02 cabinets on stock is limited, this configuration can only be build with the reuse of 2x02 DCS RBS cabinets already present on a site, by reducing the DCS capacity (if traffic allows) or with special permission from RF BASE as 2x02 cabinet stocks are limited.
Upgrading Gu-E2 Increasing capacity for this configuration to Gc-E4 has output power consequences (see Table 14). These need to be considered. The estimated amount of customers effected by congestion should be more than the amount of customers effected by the reduction of output power caused from this cabinet upgrade. An upgrade using DCS to off-load the traffic of the E-GSM layer might also be considered, but the extra time this takes to realize needs to be taken into account.
E-GSM configuration type names In the past sharing of feeders and/or antennae was indicated with a figure between brackets. As this is also visible in the BSDS from the presence of a dual band combiner, antenna sharing can be recognized from the antenna type. The explanation below should not be used for new configuration indications, it is however shown to explain the meaning when found on existing site documentation. At this moment no longer an additional indication for sharing of feeders and/or antennae is considered to be necessary.
Old feeder and/or antenna sharing configuration indication (not to be used for new installations) The X in the flowchart below indicates an arbitrary DCS configuration type, found on the next pages for standard configurations. The number between brackets is the possible E-GSM configuration: X(1): Extra E-GSM antenna possible, no extra feeders possible X(2): No extra E-GSM antenna possible, but extra feeders are possible X(3): No extra E-GSM antenna or feeders possible Translated into a table:
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Feeders No Yes No Yes
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C+-E2 / E(3) X(1) X(2) X(3)
Table 10: Naming convention E-GSM / DCS sharing For example, if a DCS site with configuration 6 is extended with E-GSM and there are no extra antennae or cables possible and the DCS antennae have 65° opening angle, than configuration 6(3) was used The exception is X(4), which in fact is only the configuration 4(4) with the DCS space diversity antenna exchanged for a single-band E-GSM antenna. This way a 4(4) for E-GSM the DCS sector is actually reconfigured to 6, resulting in a 4/6/4 configuration for that site. To be able to recognize what has happened on that site in databases, the E-GSM configuration is labeled as being 4(4) and DCS to 6. The separately build E-GSM site was called configuration E(3) because this configuration strongly resembles to the DCS configuration 3, although the E-GSM version deploys one cabinet instead of the two required by the DCS version. 2.12.3
2x06 E-GSM configurations 2x06 E-GSM uses D/DTMAs for amplifying the uplink. The disadvantage to this is that sharing of feeders with DCS becomes impossible as both of the D/DTMAs of E-GSM as DCS use the feeders to get their power supply from. Using external Bias-T's for feeding the D/DTMA of either E-GSM or DCS adds extra loss and the need for an extra power supply feeder which by itself will need to be protected against lightning. This is under investigation, but not available yet.
2x06 feeder sharing is only possible together with 2x02 CDU-C+! To increase the coverage, the internal hybrid combiner of the dTRU is bypassed in a Gu-E2 and each of the two individual TRUs of the dTRU is directly connected to the CDU-G (this is called uncombined mode). The advantage of this is that the output power of the cabinet increases to 45.5 dBm, but the disadvantage is that, because a CDU-G has only two TX inputs, only 1 dTRU can be connected to it. The maximum capacity of a 2x06 is therefore reduced to 2 TRUs per sector.
Radio Base Station configurations DCS micro cells Only DCS micro cells are currently possible as the 2302 is not E-GSM compatible. There are 3 configurations: 2302uc-D1: The 2 TRUs of the 2302 are not combined and each TRU gets its own antenna. This is for 2 sector low traffic configurations. 2302uc-D2 (preferred): The 2 TRUs of the 2302 are on-air combined and each TRU gets a slant on a cross-polar antenna. This is for 1 sector configurations where maximum power and 2 TRU capacity is required. If omni antennae are used instead of a cross polar antenna, these will have to be installed not more than 50cm apart to get effective on air combining. Disadvantage: 2 feeders between 2302 and antenna are needed. 2302c-D2: For this configuration the outputs of the 2 TRUs are externally combined by means of a coupler. The additional loss is about 4.5 dB (3.5 of the coupler and 1 dB of the additional jumpers). The advantage is that only one feeder for the antenna is needed.
Radio Base Station configurations UMTS macro cells
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For UMTS separate feeders, antennae and cabinet are required. There is therefore only one configuration consisting of 1 RBS, 2 feeders/sector, 1 ASC/sector, 1 RET/sector and 1 antenna/sector. The consequence is that it is not necessary to give it a specific indicator.
Radio Base Station configurations UMTS micro cells ¾ ¾
Which systems are to be installed, what is the required capacity, how much feeder space is available, antenna space, how many cabinets? Choose the possible configuration(s) that meet the requirements best
Site planning step 2: Selecting the required configuration
On the next pages you can find all the possible configurations of BASE.
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Radio Base Station configurations drawings E-GSM 2x02 and 2x06 Macro cells x
x x x x x
x x x x x x
E-GSM 2x02 with 1 cabinet: 2TRU/sector 2 cabinets: maximum capacity 4 TRU/sector
One Cross polar Antenna per Sector Max jumper length 5m Total 2 jumpers per cable-run
E-GSM 2x06 with CDU-G in uncombined mode maximum capacity 2 TRU/sector In combined mode maximum capacity 4 TRU/sector One Cross-polar Antennas per Sector
Max total jumper length <6m
Three Jumper cables. Two per Cross Polar Antenna. Max. Length per Jumper 2M. Total length of the 3 jumpers < 7m D/DTMA E-GSM type: KRY 112 14/13 !!!
Two Feeders per Sector. Size of the Feeder is dependent on the length of the Feeder.
with by-pass included
RBS 2x02 CDU-C+ 2 TRU/sector 1 cabinet
Configuration1C+-E2 & C+-E4
Two RF Feeder Cable's One per TMA. Size of Feeder depends on the length.
RBS 2x06 CDU-G 2TRU/sector 1 cabinet
Configuration2Gu-E2 & Gc-E4
Configuration C+-E2 requires 1 cabinet and provides 2TRU/sector, configuration C+-E4 2 cabinet and 4 TRU/sector.
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Radio Base Station configurations drawings DCS 2x02 & 2302 Macro cells
Two Cross Polar Antennae per Sector. Minimum distance between Antenna's 2 meter
per Cross Polar Antenna. Max. Length per Jumper 2.5m. Total length of the 4 jumpers
Four Jumper cables. Two
x x x x x x
Minimum space between Antenna 2 meter
Max jumper length 2,5m
< 7m
Rx Tx
Max total jumper length <4m
from RBS.
Two Feeders per Sector.
The size of the feeder depends
Size of the feeder depends
on the length of the feeder.
on the length of the feeder.
Tx/Rx Two Jumpers per Sector
Max length 2,5 M.
Rx Eight Jumper Cable's From RBS to the External Duplexes. Max. length of jumpers 2 meter
RBS 2x02 CDU-A 4 TRU/sector 2 cabinets
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Total 2 jumpers per cable-run
Max jumper length 2,5m
Two feeders per Sector direct
depends on the length of the feeder
per Sector
Max total jumper length <4m
One per TMA. Size of the feeder
One Cross polar Antenna
Total 2 jumpers per cable-run
Four RF Feeder Cable's
x x x x x x
Two Antennae per Sector
- 45°
x x x x x x
x x x x x x - 45°
x x x x x x
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- 45°
: : :
RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
RBS 2x02 CDU-C+ 4 TRU/sector 2 cabinets
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Two jumpers per Sector. Tx/Rx
Max. Length of jumpers 2,5M.
RBS 2x02 CDU-C+ 4 TRU/sector 2 cabinets
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Three Jumper cables for Rx cable run.
Two Cross Polar Antenna's per Sector
Four Jumper cables per cablerun
Total Rx jumper length <7m
Max. Length per Jumper 2.5m.
Two Jumper cables for Tx cable run Total Tx jumper length <4m
Total length of the 4 jumpers
x x x x x
< 7m
One Cross Polar Antenna per Sector
- 45°
Max. Length per Jumper 2.5m.
per Sector
x x x x x x - 45°
Two Cross Polar Antenna's
- 45°
- 45°
x x x x x
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x x x x x x
x x x x x
: : :
Four Jumper cables per cablerun Max. Length per Jumper 2.5m. Total length of the 4 jumpers
< 7m
When configuration 1 is reduced to 4 DDTMA can be used instead Two Feeders per Sector.
Four Feeders per Sector.
Two Feeders per Sector.
Size of the feeder is depends
Size of the feeder depends
Size of the feeder depends
on the length of the feeder.
on the length of the feeder.
on the length of the Feeder.
1 dB from Eirp needs to be subtracted when feeders are shared with E-GSM
Tx Four Jumper cables. Max. Length per Jumper 2M.
Tx/Rx Tx/Rx EXT EXT DUPL DUPL Four Jumper cables. Tx Rx Tx Rx
Tx/Rx Tx/Rx EXT EXT DUPL DUPL Tx Rx Tx Rx Four Jumper cables.
Max' Length per Jumper 2M.
RBS 2x02 CDU-A 2 TRU/sector 1 cabinet
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RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
RBS 2x02 CDU-A 2 TRU/sector 1 cabinet
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Max' Length per Jumper 2M.
RBS 2x02 CDU-A 2 TRU/sector 1 cabinet
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x x x x x
Max jumper length 2,5m Total 2 jumpers per cable-run
One Antenna per Sector
- 45°
One Antenna per Sector
Two Cross-polar Antennae per Sector Minimum space between Antennae 2 meter
The cross jumpering shown is to give true space diversity.
x x x x x +45°
x x x x x - 45°
x x x x x - 45°
Development RF Design Guidelines UMTS, DCS & E-GSM
Max jumper length 2,5m Total 2 jumpers per cable-run
Max total jumper length <4m
Max total jumper length <4m
Three feeders per Sector direct from RBS.
Max total jumper length <4m
Two feeders per Sector.
The size of the feeder is dependent
(the added feeder shown in red) (cable specs are the same as for the other feeder)
on the length of the feeder.
The size of the feeder is dependent
One feeder per Sector.
on the length of the feeder.
Diversity feeder added ! Tx/Rx Tx/Rx
Tx/Rx Three Jumpers per Sector Max length 2,5M.
RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
Total 2 jumpers per cable-run
RBS 2x02 CDU-C+ 2 TRU/sector 1 cabinet
RBS 2x02 CDU-C+ 6 TRU/sector 3 cabinets
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Tx/Rx Max jumper length 2,5m
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Max length 2,5M.
RBS 2x02 CDU-C+ 2 TRU/sector 1 cabinet
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x x x x x x
One Jumper cable Max length 2.5m.
One Cross Polar Antenna per Sector
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Active antenna Unit 500W
- 45°
x x x x x
: : :
Two Jumper cables. Two per Cross Polar Antenna. Max. Length per Jumper 2.5m
Two RF Feeder Cable's
One Feeders per Sector. Size of the Feeder is dependent on the length of the Feeder.
One Jumper cable Max length 2 M.
RBS 2x02 CDU-A 1 TRU/sector 1 cabinet
RBS 2302 CDU-A PBC 2 TRU/sector 1/sector 1 cabinet/sector
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Radio Base Station configurations drawings DCS 2x06 Macro cells The naming convention for configurations for 2x06 configurations is different. The following system is used: CDU-type, CDU-mode, a minus, network type letter (D for DCS, E for E-GSM), maximum number of TRUs. Example: This means a CDU-G used in combined mode for DCS with a maximum capacity of 4 TRUs
Total jumper length <7m
- 45°
Two Cross-polar Antennas per Sector Minimum space between antennas is 2m. The cross jumpering shown is to give true space diversity.
Two RF Feeder Cable's One per TMA. Size of Feeder is dependent on its length.
Four RF Feeder Cable's One per TMA. Size of Feeder depends on the length.
Block diagram showing a single Sector using CDU-G with no external Duplexers.
RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
Standard DCS D/DTMA type is used
Standard DCS D/DTMA type is used
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DCS 2x06 with CDU-G in combined mode maximum capacity 8 TRU
Max. Length per Jumper 2.5m. D/D D/D D/D D/D Three Jumper cables for each cable run. TMA TMA TMA TMA Total jumper length <7m
RBS 2x06 CDU-G 4 TRU/sector 1 cabinet
+45° Three Jumper cables for each cable run.
x x x x x x - 45°
One Cross-polar Antennas per Sector
Max. Length per Jumper 2.5m.
x x x x x x
DCS 2x06 with CDU-G in combined mode maximum capacity 4 TRU
- 45°
x x x x x x
RBS 2x06 CDU-G 8 TRU/sector 2 cabinets
Block diagram showing a single Sector using CDU-G with no external Duplexers and Two Cross polar Antenna's per Sector. Two 2x06 cabinets configured as 4+4+4 and used in parallel
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Radio Base Station configurations drawings DCS 2302 Micro cells
JUMPER (if applicable) +45° -45°
JUMPERS (if applicable)
JUMPERS (if applicable)
JUMPER (if applicable) DUMMY LOAD
JUMPERS (if applicable)
JUMPERS (if applicable)
RBS 2302uc-D1
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RBS 2302c-D2
RBS 2302uc-D2
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Radio Base Station configurations drawings UMTS Macro cells One Cross-polar Antennas per Sector
- 45°
x x x x x x RET
Remote electrical adjustable tilt
Max. 1.5m jumper ASC Max. 1.5m jumper
Two RF Feeder Cable's Two per ASC. Size of Feeder is dependent on its length.
Total sum of jumper length <5m !
Max. 2 m jumper
Node-B 3101 / 3202 UMTS
UMTS cabinet Maximum capacity 2 carriers/sector One Node-B cabinet required. An ACTURA powercabinet can provide power for 2x 3202. Block diagram showing a single UMTS Sector
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Radio Base Station configurations drawings UMTS micro cells This is done using 3101/3202 cabinets without ASC support, no ASC and no RET (special ordering required). These cabinets will normally not be on stock.
E-GSM configurations equipment requirements There are two basic types of E-GSM configurations created with 2x02 and 2x06 cabinets as can be seen in the table below. E-GSM configurations made with 2x02 cabinets filled with CDU-C+ can be mixed with DCS configurations which leads to different types. These can be found in section 2.12. 2+2+2 Non-Preferred Preferred 40.5 dBm 45.5 dBm Configuration C+-E2 Configuration Gu-E2 uses one 2x02 cabinet uses one 2x06 cabinet CDU-C+ CDU-G uncombined per sector: per sector: 1 antenna 1 antenna no D/DTMA 2 D/DTMA E-GSM 2 cables 2 cables No external duplexing No external duplexing
4+4+4 Exceptional Preferred 40.5 dBm 42 dBm Configuration C+-E4 Configuration Gc-E4 uses two 2x02 cabinets uses one 2x06 cabinet CDU-C+ CDU-G combined per sector: per sector: 1 antenna 1 antenna no D/DTMA 2 D/DTMA E-GSM 2 cables 2 cables No external duplexing No external duplexing
Table 11: E-GSM general configuration requirements. The drawings can be found in section 2.16
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DCS configuration equipment requirements
8+8+8 2 antennas / sector Preferred Configuration Gc-D8 uses two 2x06 cabinets CDU-G per sector: 2 antennae 4 D/D TMA 4 cables No external duplexing 6+6+6 Exceptional Not to be installed new ! Configuration 7 uses three 2x02 cabinets CDU-C+ per sector: 2 antennae No TMA 3 cables No external duplexing
2 antennas / sector Preferred (existing site) only when extending site Configuration 1 uses two 2x02 cabinets CDU-A per sector: 2 antennae 4 D/D TMA 4 cables 4 external duplexers Exceptional If problems with cable run Configuration 2 uses two 2x02 cabinets CDU-C+ per sector: 2 antennae No TMA 2 cables No external duplexing
4+4+4 1 antenna / sector Preferred (for new sites) Preferred for new sites Configuration Gc-D4 uses one 2x06 cabinet CDU-G per sector: 1 antenna 2 D/D TMA 2 cables No external duplexing Exceptional Only for extending 8(div) Configuration 3 uses two 2x02 cabinets CDU-C+ per sector: 1 antenna No TMA 2 cables No external duplexing
2 antennas / sector Preferred
2+2+2 1 antenna / sector Non-Preferred
1 antenna / sector Exceptional
1+1+1 1 antenna / sector Exceptional
Configuration 4 uses one 2x02 cabinet CDU-A per sector: 2 antennae 2 DTMA or 2 D/DTMA 4 cables No external duplexing
Configuration 6 uses one 2x02 cabinet CDU-A per sector: 1 antenna 2 D/DTMA 2 cables 2 external duplexers
Maxite uses one 2302 cabinet a PBC and a Maxite ant. per sector: 1 active antenna no TMA 3 cables No external duplexing
Configuration 9 uses one 2x02 cabinet CDU-A per sector: 1 antenna 1 D/DTMA 1 cable 1 external duplexer
Exceptional If problems with cable run Configuration 5 uses one 2x02 cabinet CDU-A per sector: 2 antennae 2 D/DTMA 2 cables 2 external duplexers
Exceptional Only 1 Cable/sector Configuration 8 uses one 2x02 cabinet CDU-C+ per sector: 1 antenna No TMA 1 cable No external duplexing
Exceptional Preferred to config 8 Configuration 8div uses one 2x02 cabinet CDU-C+ per sector: 1 antenna No TMA 2 cables No external duplexing
Table 12: DCS general configuration requirements. The drawings can be found in section 2.17 and 2.18 There are 5 preferred and 8 exceptional DCS configurations defined: • For macro sites that need a 4+4+4 capacity, the preferred configuration for extending an existing DCS site with config 4 or 6 is configuration 1 because of the higher Eirp and sensitivity it offers, in comparison to configurations 2 and 3, which are not preferred. • For new macro sites that need a 4+4+4 capacity, the preferred configuration is Gc-D4 as only 1 cabinet and 1 antenna per sector is needed. • For macro sites that need a 2+2+2 capacity, the preferred configuration is configuration 4 if 2 antennae per sector are possible, which in fact offers the highest Eirp and sensitivity of all the described configurations. Configuration 5 and 6 are non-preferred configurations. • Configurations 7, 8, 9 and the Maxite are exceptional and have to be escalated to get approval for. See also section 2.19 on cabinet configuration preferences. The configurations given are per sector, so they can also be applied for two sector sites. For two sector sites you can chose between a 4+4 and a 2+2 configuration.
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DCS Micro cell configuration equipment requirements Preferred 2302uc-D2 uses one 2302 cabinet 1 sector 1 cross polar antenna No TMA 2 cables No external coupler
2 Non-preferred 2302c-D2 uses one 2302 cabinet 1 sector 1 omni antenna No TMA 1 cable 1 external coupler
1 Exceptional 2302uc-D1 uses one 2302 cabinet 2 sectors 2 omni antennae No TMA 2 cables No external coupler
Table 13: DCS general configuration requirements. The drawings can be found in section 2.19
UMTS Macro cell configuration equipment requirements 1+1+1 uses one 3101 or 3202 cabinet 3 sectors per sector: 1 cross polar antenna 1 ASC 1 RET 2 feeder cables
UMTS Micro cell configuration equipment requirements This is done using 3101/3202 cabinets without ASC support, no ASC and no RET (special ordering required).
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Typical configuration output power For the typical antenna connector power, these values can be expected:
Configuration 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8DIV 9 10 Gu-D2 Gc-D4 Gc-D8 2302uc-D1 2302uc-D2 2302c-D2 C+-E2 C+-E4 Gu-E2 Gc-E4
Jumper + Typical antenna TMA+ Typical connector Output duplex Feeder power Combiner power (dBm) loss loss (dBm) CDU-A 43,5 2,1 2,4 39 CDU-C+ 40 0,6 2,4 37 CDU-C+ 40 0,6 2,4 37 CDU-A 43,5 0,6 2,4 40,5 CDU-A 43,5 2,1 2,4 39 CDU-A 43,5 2,1 2,4 39 CDU-C+ 40 0,6 2,4 37 CDU-C+ 40 0,6 2,4 37 CDU-C+ 40 0,6 2,4 37 CDU-A 43,5 2,1 2,4 39 Maxite 57 0 0 57 CDU-Gu 44,5 1,1 2,4 41 CDU-Gc 41 1,1 2,4 37,5 CDU-Gc 41 1,1 2,4 37,5 No 33 0,5 1,5 31 No 33 0,5 1,5 31 Coupler 33 4,5 1,5 27 CDU-C+ 40,5 0,4 1,9 38,2 CDU-C+ 40,5 0,4 1,9 38,2 CDU-Gu 45,5 1,4 1,9 42,2 CDU-Gc 42 1,4 1,9 38,7
Table 14: Typical configuration output power The configuration C+E4 is not to be used for new capacity upgrades. A cabinet swap of C+E2 to Gc-E4 should be used instead. Note that this table any losses for feeder sharing into account. For this 1dB can be estimated. To make filling in the BIPT calculations a bit easier, the table above has been simplified. The values to be used in the BIPT calculations can be found in the manual of the tool.
Other site RF equipment
TMA (Tower Mounted Amplifier) TMAs (Tower Mast Amplifiers) should be installed as close as possible to the antennae to reduce feeder losses before the TMA (see also section 6.6).
E-GSM & DCS TMAs are mounted near the antenna to amplify the received signal before it enters the antenna feeder and this way increasing the strength of weak signals before the feeder loss makes them too weak to be of use for the base station. A short jumper between the antenna and the feeder of 11.5m is therefore strongly recommended. The amplification is about 12 dB (default). Not all this gain is 'used', because the input sensitivity of the TMA increases the site sensitivity with a only 0.51.5 dB, the rest is used to compensated feeder loss with (see also section 6.6). The TMA is always used for 2x06 cabinets and 2x02 installed with CDU-A.
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There are two kinds of Ericsson TMAs used in our network: • Duplex TMA (DTMA) (DCS) • Dual duplex TMA (D/DTMA) (DCS & E-GSM)
Figure 10: Different TMA types DTMA DCS properties: • three 7/16-socket connectors • Duplex functionality • Fixed 12 dB gain • Rx bypass functionality (in case of amplifier malfunction, the internal amplifier is bypassed) • Stop band attenuation is better than 40 dB (important when site is to be shared) • Used in DCS configuration 4 (see section 2.17) The duplex functionality isn't used, the Tx connector is therefore always terminated with a load. When a DCS site is reconfigured from configuration 1 to 4, the existing D/DTMAs do not have to be replaced by DTMAs. Ericsson has stopped production of the DTMA, but the stock in the warehouse of Base should be sufficient to fulfill the requirements for all new configuration 4 sites planned. If this stock is finished, D/DTMAs can be used instead. D/DTMA DCS & E-GSM properties: • two 7/16-socket connectors • All versions look the same, but they have been produced with (slightly) different sizes. • Tx bypass • Fixed 12 dB gain • D/DTMA DCS: No Rx bypass functionality (except for a small quantity installed in 12/2001) D/DTMA E-GSM: All provided with Rx bypass functionality • Stop band attenuation is better than 75 dB • Used in DCS configurations 1, 5, 6 (see section 2.16) and all 2x06 configurations. By means of a Tx bypass the downlink signal from the base station passes through the D/DTMA in the opposite direction of the Rx signal. ¾ ¾
2x02 with CDU-A uses 1 or 2 TMAs per antenna (DCS) 2x06 with CDU-G uses 2 TMAs per antenna (E-GSM and DCS)
Site planning step 3: Are there TMAs to be installed? See also the configuration requirement overviews in Table 11 and Table 12. 3.1.2
UMTS In UMTS the ASC is used as TMA. They are used on all UMTS macro/mini sites on every sector.
Figure 11: ASC Prepared by: Approved by:
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Development RF Design Guidelines UMTS, DCS & E-GSM Dimensions: Width ASC 160
Height 312
Depth 83
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Weight 5.0 Kg
The RET is used to remotely adjust the electrical tilt of the antenna. Each UMTS sector is installed with 1 RET.
Figure 12: RET and RET mounting Dimensions: Width Height Depth RET 130 150 85 (derived from Kathrein data)
Weight 1.1Kg
Duplex filters Duplex filters or duplexers are used only for DCS and only in several configurations to combine Rx and Tx signals and this way reduce the number of feeders and antennae per sector needed. The disadvantage of using duplexers from a RF point of view is that it introduces an additional loss and increases the VSWR in the downlink of about 0.7dB (filter + jumper). The loss in the uplink can mostly be neglected because TMAs are always used when a duplexer is (the loss can be neglected, but the noise increases, see section 6.6). They are used in all 2x02 CDU-A configurations except configuration 4.
Single duplexer
Dual duplexer
Figure 13: Different duplexer types Ericsson has stopped production of the single duplexer, but the stock in the warehouse of Base should be enough to fulfill the requirements. ¾
2x02 with CDU-A uses 1 dual or 2 single duplexers per antenna for all configurations except configuration 4 that uses none and configuration 9 that uses only 1 single duplexer.
Site planning step 4: Are there any duplexers to be installed? See also the configuration requirement overviews in Table 11 and Table 12.
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Dual-Band Combiner (also called Diplexer): This device is used to share a feeder between E-GSM and DCS (UMTS feeders cannot be shared). It’s got 3 connectors: 1. 824-960 MHz (on the figure below bottom left), 0.15 dB throughput loss 2. 1710-2170 MHz (on the figure below top left), 0.2 dB throughput loss. 3. band combined connector (on the figure below top right) The Dual-Band Combiner should be connected using 1m jumpers. Ericsson also calls this unit sometimes a distriplexer. Sometimes it is desired that feeders are shared between 2x06 (Hi-cap) and 2x02 (Low-cap). The problem is that TMAs receive their power supply and control through the feeders, so only one of the two systems can have TMAs and as all 2x06 configurations have TMAs, the 2x02 configuration should be without. So what are the possibilities? 1) Configurations 3 and 8div can share feeders with Gu-E2 or Gc-E4 2) Configuration C+-E2 can share feeders with Gc-D4 In order to have power for the TMAs not shorted, DC-blocks are needed in the system which uses no TMAs. For situation 1 this means DC-blocks on the DCS ports. This can be done using the FAB 102 863/3 and /4 (single and double) from Ericsson and adding the DC-blocks 793301 of Kathrein. For situation 2 this means DC-blocks on the E-GSM ports. This can done using the FAB 102 863/1 and /2 (single and double) from Ericsson which already has the DC block build-in on the E-GSM ports. BE SURE TO USE THE CORRECT /1, /2, /3 or /4 FOR THE DUAL BAND COMBINER TYPE! InfoBase will be adjusted so the type of dual-band combiner can be selected. In the meantime, mentioning the type in the comment field of the BSDS is required.
Figure 14: Dual-Band Combiner or Diplexer from Ericsson Dimensions Ericsson Dual band combiner: Diplexer Width Height Depth E-GSM/DCS 295 117 121 Prepared by: Approved by:
RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
Weight 3.45 Kg File: RF GUIDELINES 2005 rev R.doc Company confidential document
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Example of TMA for E-GSM while feeders are shared
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Example of TMA for DCS while feeders are shared
Figure 15: Examples of feeder sharing with TMA usage 3.3.1
Kathrein dual band combiners These are no longer allowed to be installed as these have corrosion problems. The Ericsson dualband combiner should be used instead. There are still a small number installed. The 792903 consists of two stacked 792902 units. It has no internal DC-blocks on the GSM port so these need to be installed on several configurations (see E-GSM cable sharing schematics). The loss is also higher than the dual band combiner from Ericsson (0.15dB for E-GSM and 0.25dB for DCS, but the loss of the DC-blocks on the E-GSM needs to be added to this, in several cases). The 793363, the wide-band version (E-GSM + DCS/UMTS), has a somewhat higher VSWR.
Figure 16: Kathrein dual-Band Combiner 792903 and 793363. NO LONGER TO BE USED!!!
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DC block Because of the DC transparency of the Dual-band combiner (except for the FAB 102 863 from Ericsson) in case TMAs for DCS and the feeders of E-GSM and DCS are shared, DC-blocks need to be used at the E-GSM antenna and the E-GSM RBS. This way the current supply for the TMA is not short-circuited by the antenna and the E-GSM RBS. The DC-Block is mounted directly on the E-GSM connector of the Dual-band combiner (without jumper). The jumpers shown in the drawings between Dual band combiners and DC-block are not actually there. The throughput loss for E-GSM is 0.1 dB.
Figure 17: DC-block 793301 from Kathrein
Feeders and jumpers
Feeders The size of the feeder is dependent on the length of the feeder, as this determines the feeder loss. The cable run possibilities on a site can also have an impact on the feeder type to be used. For that reason the resulting EIRP for each configuration has been calculated with the 4 standard feeder types (see section 2.16 and 2.12). These graphs show the consequence of deviating of the recommended feeder type because of problems with the cable run. These problems can be bending of the cables, not enough space to put cable tray, etc. The sizes of the feeder cable installed on behalf of E-GSM are different from DCS because of the lower cable losses for E-GSM. This leads to the following cable requirements: Cable type ½” 7/8” 1 ¼” 1 5/8” Max. length
Feeder length range E-GSM DCS UMTS 0-25m 0-20m 0-20m 25-50m 20-40m 20-40m 50-75m 40-60m 40-60m >75m >60m >60m 100m 100m 100m
Minimum Bending radius 15 cm 25 cm 40 cm 50 cm
Table 15: Feeder length, band and cable thickness The lengths in the table are feeders without jumpers. Feeder types and lengths mentioned are limits for the type of feeder to use. The values from Table 16 and Table 17 should be respected as well and jumpers should be no longer than necessary. Deviation of these limits has to be approved by the Masterplanner. The length, loss and the cell configuration has to be indicated. The loss can be calculated using the feeder loss tool. Only in case of constructional limitations (minimum-bending radii cannot be fulfilled, lack of space) deviation from these limits will be allowed. For the minimum allowed bending radius the value for the 10 times repeated bending have been taken because if the single bending minimum radius is used and the first installation needs to be changed, the cable needs to be replaced.
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Jumpers In all configurations also jumper cables are to be used on feeders larger ½” to avoid stress on the antenna connectors. Even straight stretches with feeders larger than ½” directly mounted to the antenna cause stress on the connectors because of the temperature coefficient of expansion of the cable. Therefore feeders larger than ½" need to be installed with jumpers. In order to minimize the attenuation of the jumpers, the length of the jumpers should be kept to what is required and using prefabricated jumpers to ensure quality. The allowed loss between RBS and antenna is dependent on the elements used, but should be less or equal to the sum of the elements found on the specified loss table plus 0.3 dB. In all cases the loss should remain below the values given in the table below.
Between RBS and antenna Duplexer Dual band TMA combiner No No No No Yes Yes
No No Yes Yes No Yes
No Yes No Yes Yes Yes
loss (dB) 3 4 4 4 N/A N/A
E-GSM Max. sum of jumpers (m) 6 6 9 9 N/A N/A
loss (dB) 4 5 5 5 5.5 6.5
DCS Max. sum of jumpers (m) 4 5 7 7 7 9
loss (dB) N/A 4.5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
UMTS Max. sum of jumpers (m) N/A 5 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Table 16: Allowed jumper lengths and loss between base station and antenna. Band E-GSM DCS UMTS
Maximum jumper length 5m 2.5m 1.5m (feeder->ASC & ASC->antenna), 2m (Node-B->feeder)
Table 17: Allowed maximum jumper lengths The values from Table 16 and Table 17 should be respected, and jumpers should be no longer than necessary. For jumpers longer than 1.5m 1/2" Low-Loss (non-Hi-Flex) are to be used in order to reduce total loss. Only jumpers of Quadrant are allowed. Jumpers ordered at Quadrant will automatically be of the correct type. ¾ ¾ ¾
Estimate the required feeder length Investigate if there is enough space for the required feeder or if there are bending radius issues What jumper lengths are required, are they within limits.
Site planning step 5: Selecting feeders and jumpers 3.5.3
Feeder loss tool The feeder loss tool can be used for calculation of losses of E-GSM, DCS and UMTS (for UMTS in UL and DL) and feeder delays for the different configurations as described in this manual. It also calculates the resulting delays, needed for UMTS. It also indicates if values are chosen outside the limits described in this document.
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RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
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Development RF Design Guidelines UMTS, DCS & E-GSM 3.5.4
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Specified Losses Typ. 0.3 dB
D-TMA GSM 1800 Insertion Loss TX to Antenna = <,4dB DD-TMA E-GSM Insertion Loss TX to Antenna = <,6dB GSM1800 Insertion Loss TX to Antenna = <,6dB Duplexer/Bias Unit GSM 1800 Insertion Loss TX input to Antenna output = < ,5dB DC Block (E/// dbc E-GSM internal DC-blocks !) E-GSM Insertion Loss TX input to Antenna output < Dual band combiner E-GSM Insertion Loss TX input to Antenna output < 792902/3 GSM1800 Insertion Loss TX input to Antenna output < FAB 102 863 E-GSM Insertion Loss TX input to Antenna output < (internal DC-block in E-GSM) GSM1800 Insertion Loss TX input to Antenna output < CABLES Jumpers total loss: m GSM 1800 1 0.2 1.5 0.285 2 0.26 2.5 0.3175 3 0.375 3.5 0.4325 4 0.49
E-GSM 0.142 0.198 0.174 0.21 0.246 0.282 0.318
1/2" Total loss L (m) GSM1800 5 0.51 10 1.02 15 1.53 20 2.04 25 2.55 30 3.06 35 3.57
E-GSM 0.345 0.69 1.035 1.38 1.725 2.07 2.415
1 1/4" Total loss L (m) GSM1800 40 2.032 45 2.286 50 2.54 55 2.794 60 3.048 65 3.302 70 3.556 75 3.81 80 4.064
E-GSM 1.304 1.467 1.63 1.793 1.956 2.119 2.282 2.445 2.608
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
Jumpers Quadrant 1/2" Flexible 1/2" Low loss connectors
0.5 dB 0.5 dB 0.45 dB 0.15 dB 0.15 0.25 0.15 0.2
dB dB dB dB
Jumpers >1.5m: 1/2" low loss Bending radius velocity GSM1800 E-GSM 30mm 82% 0.17 0.112 dB/m 125mm 88% 0.115 0.072 dB/m 0.03 0.03 dB
Feeders Feeder attenuation dB/100m Eupen 1/2" 7/8" Velocity 88% 88% E-GSM 6.9 3.92 GSM1800 10.2 5.91 Bending radius 15 cm 25 cm
1 1/4" 88% 3.26 5.08 40 cm
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
7/8" Total loss Length (m) GSM1800 20 1.182 25 1.4775 30 1.773 35 2.0685 40 2.364 45 2.6595 50 2.955
E-GSM 0.784 0.98 1.176 1.372 1.568 1.764 1.96
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
1 5/8" Total loss Length (m) GSM1800 60 2.214 65 2.3985 70 2.583 75 2.7675 80 2.952 85 3.1365 90 3.321 95 3.5055 100 3.69
E-GSM 1.422 1.5405 1.659 1.7775 1.896 2.0145 2.133 2.2515 2.37
dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB dB
1 5/8" 88% 2.37 3.69 50 cm
Table 18: Jumper, feeder and other losses and bending radii.
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RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
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Development RF Design Guidelines UMTS, DCS & E-GSM
Antenna installation
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More than anything else, antennae determine the behavior of a site. The correct understanding of the consequences of antenna behavior, selection and placement on a site is of crucial importance. 3.6.2
Possible number of antennae After the required capacity and coverage is defined in the nominal plan of a site, one has to investigate the maximum possible antenna amount and sizes on a site candidate. Being able to use separate antennae for DCS and E-GSM on a site candidate is an advantage as it gives the possibility to use 90º and adjust the antennae to what is required (tilt, direction, see also section 3.8.1). If this is not needed, separate antennae for 2G and 3G have priority. In the past many DCS cells were given two cross-polar antennae per sector. The combination of space– and polarization diversity gives a total diversity gain of about 3.5 dB. This is higher then the gain you get with polarization diversity only. It is no longer preferred to plan with space and cross polar diversity on new DCS cells as the purpose of new DCS is now to relieve traffic from an E-GSM with too much traffic. Only when it is expected that the 1 dB additional uplink gain is needed to do this effectively ¾ ¾
Are separate antennae for DCS and E-GSM possible on a site candidate? Which sizes? Reserve space for separate UMTS antennae.
Site planning step 6: Determining the possible number of antennae per sector The capacity, together with the number of antennae per sector, determines which CDU and cabinet types can be used.
Adding UMTS on an existing E-GSM/DCS site The options are arranged in order of preference.
Option 1: Adding separate UMTS system, not changing existing system In this case the existing systems are not changed and UMTS is added.
Option 2: Adding separate UMTS system, No space for extra antennae For the options 2a to 2c the amount of feeders and DDTMAs on the 2G systems remains unchanged. The simple solution is where there is currently a configuration 4 and there is no space for extra antenna. This configuration can be changed to configuration 6 and the 2nd antenna is replaced by a UMTS compatible type. The other situations can be gathered into 3 categories, each with its own option. Options 2a to 2c are only possible for 65° antennae. As an antenna change can have consequences for the existing coverage or other outstanding network plans, the RF partner needs to ask approval for this to BASE.
Option 2a: Combining two DCS antennae If DCS is 2 antennae per sector, these can also be combined into the dual DCS antenna 742234
Option 2b: Combining E-GSM and DCS If E-GSM and DCS are 65° separate antennae, these can be put together in a dual-band antenna like the 742266.
Option 2c: Combining two DCS antennae together with E-GSM Two DCS antennae can be combined together with E-GSM in the 742241.
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RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
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Option 2d: Replacing 2x02 by 2x06 Another option is that a DCS configuration 1 using 2 2x02 cabinets is replaced by 1 2x06 cabinet. This option frees up antenna space as well as feeders and cabinet space. See also Option 3. If there is space for separate 66 cm UMTS antennae and the site is not RF suppressed, this is preferred. This can therefore be a solution on low sites covering small, confined areas.
Option 3: Adding separate UMTS system, No space for extra cabinet If there are 2 DCS 2x02 cabinets currently, these can be replaced by 1 DCS 2x06 cabinet. A 2x06 cabinet is quite expensive, the cabinet itself, 4+4+4, without installation costs: 2106 €45000, so this cost should be compared to the cost of other solutions. DCS configuration currently: 1: Cabinet space is gained, 12 duplexers and 3 DDTMAs can be removed, and one DCS antenna per sector can be replaced for a UMTS antenna. Feeders can be reused for UMTS. 3: This way cabinet space is gained, extra DDTMAs for DCS 2x06 need to be added. No antenna is space regained.
Option 4: Adding separate UMTS system, No space for extra feeders If there are no DDTMAs on either DCS or E-GSM (or both), sharing is possible between E-GSM and DCS. Otherwise (Single band DCS or single band E-GSM site and no extra feeder space) the cause of the lack of feeder space must be solved (i.e. replace pylon) or another site must be selected. As this will reduce existing coverage, RF must check to see if the consequences are acceptable and give approval.
Option 5: Sharing UMTS antenna with DCS/E-GSM This induces a high risk of unsolvable substandard network quality for UMTS. Using dual-or triple band antennae is technically only possible for 65° antennae. There is no solution available for 90° antennae. If there is space for separate 66 cm UMTS antennae, this is preferred. Base, Proximus or Mobistar cannot share antennae for UMTS with E-GSM/DCS because of the risk of isolation and IM3 problems.
Antennae to be used When two antennae per sector are used for DCS, both should be of the same type. Azimuth and tilt should always be the same.
Recommended antenna types Below is a description of different antenna types and the situations where they will be used for DCS. Directional Antenna Gain = 18dBi, Beam width = 65° This is a high gain antenna for use where additional coverage is needed from a site. This antenna could be used in urban areas where extra gain is required to increase in building coverage. Note, due to the narrower vertical beam width (as compared with say a 15dBi antenna), a large reduction in cell coverage area can be achieved with a few degrees of downtilt (See section 4.6) The narrow beam has also of consequence that there will be holes between the sectors on larger distances from the site. In cities these will normally be filled by other sectors. This antenna should be predominantly used for the DCS network in the cities. Directional Antenna: Gain = 18dBi, Beam width = 90° When this antenna type is used in a three-sector configuration, the coverage area is more or less circular (using 65° antennae there are three distinct ‘leaves’). This antenna can be used in rural areas and for rural towns where there are no other sites to fill the holes between the sectors and this shape of footprint is desired, and where interference is not a major problem. Generally, this antenna should normally not be used in urban environments. This antenna should be predominantly used for the DCS network in rural areas.
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RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
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Directional Antenna Gain = 15dBi, Beam width = 65° This sector antenna is suitable in urban areas, particularly where large buildings surround the cell site. Its length is suitable for general installation. Note the tilt chosen for this antenna, will be based on whether the site is causing severe interference, or too much handoff with the neighboring cell. Due to the wide vertical beam width, this antenna will need considerable down tilt to reduce the effects of interference into neighboring cells. 3.8.2
Recommended E-GSM antenna types The purpose of using E-GSM in the network of BASE is to generate coverage. High gain antennae should be used as much as possible, as they generate much better coverage and are better to steer with tilting than antennae with a smaller gain and a larger vertical opening angle. Therefore antennae with 17 dBi or higher should be used. For dual-band sites the same opening angle and azimuth apply (see also section 4.3.3). ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾
What are the needed horizontal opening angle and tilt and minimum gain What is the maximum allowed vertical opening angle (related to antenna height) What antenna size is possible Is single band possible or does it need to be dual/triple-band In case of 2 DCS antennae both should be of the same type, azimuth and tilt and not differing more than 5% in height.
Site planning step 7: Selecting the needed antennae
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RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
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Standard antennae and accessories
The following tables the antenna types to be used for outdoor sites for E-GSM, DCS and UMTS. The terms preferred, non-preferred and exceptional as mentioned in the tables in this section have to following meaning: Preferred: These antennae are to be used for site-design in at least 80% of the sites. These antennae will normally be available on stock in sufficient amounts. Non-Preferred: These antennae have a reduced gain or other disadvantages for cell behavior (like fixed tilt) and should occur on less than 15% of the sites. There will be a limited amount of these types on stock and delays of 3 to 6 months in delivery can occur and should be taken into account by the RF partner. Exceptional: These antennae are to be used as a last resort and should occur on less than 5% of the sites. These antennae will normally NOT be on stock and delivery delays of up to 6 months can occur and should be taken into account by the RF partner. The percentages are to be calculated on the amount of sites in the batch assigned to the RF partner. Written consent of the RF BASE is required for breaching these limits. RF BASE will require a motivation for every site using the antenna preference type (Non-preferred and/or exceptional) for which the percentage limit is not met. The use of the -10dB multiplier is explained in section 4.3.4, but basically this figure should be multiplied with the distance to the edge of the roof and added with height of the edge (or other obstructions) itself to get the required height of the antenna on the roof and have no antenna pattern cut-off by the roof-edge. For usage of antennae with a vertical opening angle of more than 11°, permission from RF BASE is required. Preferred: Antenna
Gain (dBi)
739494 18.0 739495 18.0 739496 18.0 739707 16.5 739708 16.5 742215 17.7 741989 16.5 Non-preferred: 742211 14.7 741988 13.7
El. Tilt (°)
-10 dB angle
Height Antenna
6.5 7 7 7 7 6.8 7
0 -2 -6 -2 -6 0/-10 0/-8
(X) 0.16 0.21 0.29 0.21 0.29 0.29 0.27
1302 1302 1302 1302 1302 1302 1302
14.5 14.7
0/-10 0/-10
Hor. (°)
Vert. (°)
65 65 65 90 90 67 88 69 88
662 662
Antennae used in the past, not to be newly installed: Gain Hor. Vert. El. Tilt -10 dB Antenna (dBi) (°) (°) (°) angle (X)
Height (mm)
RA1866 RA1880 RA2004 RA2005 RA2007 739490
-4 0 0 -6 0 0
1260 590 1220 1220 672 662
18.0 14.0 15.2 15.2 12.0 15.5
65 60 85 85 85 65
Production stopped : 742212 17.5 67
Table 19: One system antenna types DCS
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RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
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8 18 8.5 8.5 17 13
Replacement 742215
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Development RF Design Guidelines UMTS, DCS & E-GSM E-GSM Preferred: Gain Antenna (dBi) 739686 17.5 739666 16 Non-preferred: 739630 18.0 739636 18.0 739650 17.0 739662 17.0 739685 16.5 739665 15
Hor. (°) 65 88
Vert. (°) 7 7
El. Tilt (°) 0/-7 0/-7
65 65 90 90 65 88
7 7 7 7 9.5 10
0 -6 0 -6 0.5/-10 0.5/-10
-10 dB angle (X) 0.23 0.25
Height (mm) 2580 2580
0.18 0.31 0.18 0.3 0.34 0.34
2580 2580 2580 2580 1996 1996
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E-GSM Non-preferred: Gain Antenna (dBi) 739634 17.0 739660 15.5 Exceptional: 739684 15 739664 13.5 Production stopped : 739639 16.5 739640 17.5 739681 15
Hor. (°) 65 90
Vert. (°) 9.5 9.5
El. Tilt (°) -6 -6
-10 dB angle (X) 0.45 0.34
Height (mm) 1936 1936
65 88
14.5 15
0/-14 0/-14
0.53 0.51
1296 1296
65 65 65
19.5 7 14.5
-2/-10 0/-7 0/-14
0.34 0.23
1996 2580 1296
Table 20: One system E-GSM antenna types (all Kathrein) E-GSM Gain Hor. Vert. El. Tilt -10 dB dBi (°) (°) (°) angle (X) 1661-904-01 16.2 85 8.6 -4 0.27 Antennae used in the past, not to be newly installed: 741327 17 65 9.5 0 0.24 741328 18 65 7 0 0.16 741344 17.5 65 7 -6 0.27 742151 14.5 65 14 0/ -10 0.47 742152 14.5 65 14 0/ -10 0.47 742047 17 65 7 -2/ -8 0.3 Preferred: Antenna
DCS Gain (dBi) 16.2
Hor. (°) 85
Vert. (°) 6.6
18.5 19.5 18 16.5 16.5 18
60 60 60 63 63 60
5.5 4 6.5 8.5 8.5 6
El. Tilt (°) -4 0 0 -6 -2 -2 -2
-10 dB angle (°)
0.13 0.09 0.25 0.26 0.26 0.19
4 4 4 2 4 2
1936 2580 2580 1296 1296 2580
Table 21: Dual system antenna types (1661-904-01 is from Thales/Racal, the other types from Kathrein) For other E-GSM antenna types (dual- & triple system) see tables on the next page. Preferred: Antenna 742215 Non-preferred: 742211 741989 Exceptional: 741988
UMTS Gain (dBi) 18
Hor. (°) 65
Vert. (°) 6.2
15.2 16.7
64 88
13 6.5
El. Tilt (°) 0/-10
-10 dB angle (X)
Height (mm)
0/-10 0/-8
0.42 0.28
662 1302
Table 22: Single system antenna types UMTS (1 system connectable) Prepared by: Approved by:
RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
Height (mm)
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Replacement 739685 739686 739684
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Development RF Design Guidelines UMTS, DCS & E-GSM E-GSM Preferred: Gain Hor. Antenna (dBi) (°) 742266 17 65 Non-preferred: 742265 16 65 Exceptional: 742264 16.5 65
DCS Gain (dBi) 17.8
Hor. (°) 66
Vert. (°) 5.2
El. Tilt (°) 0/-6
0.5/ -9.5
Vert. (°) 7.5
El. Tilt (°) 0.5/ -7
10 7.8
-10 dB angle (X)
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UMTS Gain (dBi) 18.5
Hor. (°) 63
Vert. (°) 4.7
El. Tilt (°) 0/-6
-10 dB angle (X)
-10 dB angle (X)
Height (mm) 2580
Table 23: Dual system antenna types E-GSM + DCS/UMTS (2 systems connectable)
Preferred: Antenna
DCS Gain dBi
Hor. (°) 66
Vert. (°) 7
El. Tilt (°) 0/-8
-10 dB angle (X)
UMTS Gain (dBi) 17.8
Hor. (°) 64
Vert. (°) 6.5
El. Tilt (°) 0/-8
-10 dB angle (X)
Height (mm)
Width (mm)
Table 24: Dual system antenna types DCS/UMTS + DCS/UMTS (2 systems connectable) The 742234 is very useful to combine two DCS antennae in one antenna, to free up space for UMTS, but 4 feeders for it. It is possible to combine DCS and UMTS in this antenna, but as the azimuths of UMTS cannot be planned independent from DCS, this should remain exceptional. Preferred: Antenna 742241*
E-GSM Gain Hor (dBi) (°) 17 65
Vert. (°) 7.5
El. Tilt (°) 0.5/-7
-10 dB angle (X)
UMTS (Lower ant. section S1) Gain Hor. Vert. El. Tilt (dBi) (°) (°) (°) 17 63 6.8 0/-8
-10 dB angle (X) 0.25
DCS (Upper antenna section S2) Gain Hor. Vert. El. Tilt -10 dB (dBi) (°) (°) (°) angle (°) 16 65 7.8 0/-8
Connectors 6
Height (mm) 2628
Table 25: Triple system antenna types E-GSM + DCS/UMTS+ DCS/UMTS (3 systems connectable) *=gain depends on the antenna section and frequency (diff. 0.5 dB). To reduce confusion it is recommended that the lower antenna section is used for UMTS (if used as a triple band antenna). The 742241 can be used to combine E-GSM with two DCS antennae in one antenna “box”. Triple band antenna: E-GSM+DCS+UMTS (3 systems connectable) E-GSM DCS Preferred: Gain Hor. Vert. El. Tilt Gain -10 dB Antenna (dBi) (°) (°) (°) angle (°) (dBi) 742271 16.3 67 9.8 0/-10 17.5
Hor. (°) 65
Vert. (°) 5.1
El. Tilt (°) 0/-6
-10 dB angle (°)
Table 26: Triple system antenna types E-GSM + DCS + UMTS (3 systems connectable) The antenna types 742241 and 742271 require 6 feeders. Prepared by: Approved by:
RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
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UMTS Gain (dBi) 18
Hor. (°) 65
Vert. (°) 4.8
El. Tilt (°) 0/-6
-10 dB angle (°)
Height (mm) 2058
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All antennae are cross polarized. On antennae with (adjustable) electrical tilt only the down tilt value is given. For further technical details for each antenna type listed, please refer to the supplier documentation. The 741327, 741328 and 741344 were temporarily used in the past when the 742265 and the 742266 were not available for several months. The 1661 (the short name for the vendor's code of 1661-904-01) has several RF disadvantages, like difference in gain, tilt and horizontal direction between up and downlink but also different housing, tilting brackets and connectors at the back of the antenna. This antenna is a special version of the standard 1661 found in the Thales manuals with no diplexer and slightly more gain on both bands. More background information on antenna RF properties can be found in section 6 For the installation of the jumpers to the antenna connectors on six connector antennae Kathrein advises the use of installation tool shown below.
Figure 18: Kathrein installation tool for 6 jumper antennae 850 10005
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Antenna down tilt brackets and clamps Antenna clamps are used to install the antennae around a pole. The pole itself should be vertical and stable and provide the antenna a rotation of no more than 1º over a return wind period of 10 years. The clamps and the down tilt brackets used should be strong enough to keep the antenna in its installed position over the same return wind period of 10 years. Down tilt brackets are used standard for 2G on all antenna types, unless a flat installation of the antenna on a surface is required, for adjustable and non-adjustable antennae. For 3G only adjustable tilt antennae are used and no down tilt brackets are used unless specifically required to enable down tilt beyond the capability of the antenna beyond its range for a certain location and specifically stated by the RF partner.
On flat surface
On pipe
Offset clamp
Down tilt installation
Figure 19: Antenna installation types These are the approved brackets and clamps for antenna constructions: Pipe diameter 60-80mm 50-115mm 110-220mm 210-380mm 115-210 (offset clamp)
Clamp 734361 738546 850 10002 850 10003 733678
Remark DCS/UMTS single band antenna only
Offset type
Table 27: Antenna clamps Antenna length 0.66m 1.3m 1.9m & 2.6m
Down tilt bracket 737972 737974 850 10007
Table 28: Down tilt brackets
Micro cell Antennae and feeders The antenna connectors of the 2302 are of the TNC type (female). Antennae need to be for indoor & outdoor use and can be mounted up or downward, with Vertical polarization (single connector, but cross-polar can be used as well, for on air-combining) The installation will often be limited to 1/2" feeders as the flexibility of this type of cable (bending radius of 15 cm) is often required. When even a smaller bending radius is required, hi-flex jumper cable (3cm radius allowed) can be used, but the total loss can become high. Micro cell antenna types are: Antenna 738446 738454 742210 MA431X28 1764
Supplier Kathrein Kathrein Kathrein Mat-Jaybeam Racal
Band E/D/U D/U D/U D D/U
Gain (dBi) 5/5.5/6.5 2 9 4.5 9/8
Hor. (°) 65º 360º 65º 360º 68º/63º
Po (W) 200 50 2x150 10 2x50
Connectors 1xN 1xN 2x7-16 1xN 2xN
Height Antenna 400 115 155 435 230
Table 29: micro cell antenna types Prepared by: Approved by:
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Omni Kathrein 738454 2 dBi
Bi dir Kathrein 738446 65º 5 dBi
Racal 1764
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MAT-Jaybeam MA431X28
Figure 20: Micro cell antennae N-connectors on antennae, splitters etc. for micro cells and indoor cells are easier during installation because of their smaller size. Due to the low isolation between the slants (typically 25 dB) is the antenna 1764 unsuitable to be used as antenna for 2x02 or 2x06 cabinets.
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RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
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Cell Planning
Site types
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When a new site is to be planned, the most important issue to be investigated is the size of area the cell needs to cover and add capacity to the network. Based on this purpose, five types of sites can be recognized: Site type Umbrella Macro Mini Micro Pico
Cell size (m) ≈5000 >500 100-500 20-100 <20
Cell height (m) >50 20-50 10-20 5-10 <5
Traffic type
Large area Area Limited local Street, slow moving Office room, shop
Very large coverage area Large coverage area Local coverage area/traffic offload Traffic offload/small coverage area Traffic offload
Table 30: Site types Micro cells and pico cells: As the covered area of these cell type show, micro and pico cells are not suitable to fill outdoor coverage holes left over by macro cells if the traffic speed is more than 10km/h. Traffic like cars move too fast to ensure a good service to the customer as the time and resulting distance to hand over to the next cell takes longer to detect and establish than the size of the cells themselves. Micro and pico cells are therefore of no use for providing mobile services to cars. Mini cells are better suited for this, but also not efficient. For micro cell of 1 or 2 TRUs the RBS 2302 DCS is used (see section 0). For capacities 2x02 is used (with CDU-C+ up to 4 TRU) and DCS as well as E-GSM. Using E-GSM for this is not necessary from a penetration point of view (the customers are normally within several dozens of meters from the antenna), but it might be needed when the cable stretches between RBS and antenna are long. More details on planning and equipment of micro and pico cells are given in section 0. UMTS is not offered yet with this cell type as indoor coverage is not targeted at the moment and there is not enough traffic to make this necessary. Micro cell planning with UMTS has specific problems totally different from 2G. This is not covered in these guidelines! Umbrella, macro and mini sites: DCS is used for all site types, E-GSM for sites except umbrellas as the frequency spectrum for EGSM is too small to be able to assign frequencies if E-GSM would be used for umbrella sites. New umbrella sites are not allowed (nor needed) as they cause too much interference. For UMTS umbrella sites are not allowed due to the consequences on the noise-rise. Isolated sites & assigning sites to different parameter layers than its physical site type: It is not desirable to have different physical site types within the same parameter layer, because of the created network imbalance. The consequence of ignoring this is that it makes the frequency plan more inefficient (resulting in problematic frequency assignment). Only when a site is isolated from the surrounding sites, this can be done without causing problems. Examples are sites in valleys and indoor sites such as in a building or a stadium. Priority to the use of E-GSM for network extensions: E-GSM is used for new sites to provide coverage or as an upgrade for an (existing) DCS site to fill in remaining coverage gaps. DCS will currently not be used for building new sites as E-GSM is more suitable for this purpose unless the RF master planner agrees otherwise. Capacity: The capacity required by the cell will need to be investigated. A rough indication can be derived from looking at the capacity of its future neighbors. If more than 50% are of a certain capacity and the cell size is comparable and the customers are roughly equally spread, it is likely it’ll need that capacity as well. Site candidate location: Prepared by: Approved by:
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As a result of the KPI requirements which a site candidate proposed by the RF partner has to be able to meet, a candidate site is not allowed to be shifted from the nominal site location for more than 20% of the distance between the nominal and its nearest neighboring site. It can be expected that the candidate site will not contribute to the network structure as it is required to do when it doesn’t fulfill this requirement. Result at this stage: Site nominal plan is: ¾ The area to be covered. ¾ The coverage levels the cell will need to provide in this area. ¾ The forecasted required site capacity. Site design requirement: ¾ It is not allowed to change the site type from the original type from the nominal plan nor its intended coverage area without approval from the RF master planner. ¾ The site candidate is not allowed to be shifted from the nominal candidate for more than 20% of the distance between the nominal and its nearest neighboring site. Site planning step 8: Determination of the site goal The type of cell and its purpose is determined in the Master plan. The site KPI requirements are based on this. The RF partner is not allowed to change the site type.
Site coordinates
The coordinates of a site are determined from the position of the first antenna of the site. Coordinates of all antennae are determined with GPS and registered in Lambert 72 in Asset within 10m accuracy. Only antennae less than 10m apart are considered to be on the same coordinates.
Macro cell antenna placement ¾
Select mounting locations for the antennae where its RF patterns aren't influenced by for the planning tool unexpected obstructions (e.g. trees, chimneys etc. on close range. Most hills are expected obstructions).
Site planning step 9: Selecting the right positions for the antennae
Antenna placement on rooftops When antennae are to be mounted on rooftops, several options are to be chosen out of, but as will be explained below, there are preferences from a RF point of view.
Figure 21: Antenna mounting examples on rooftops in side view. In the figure found above several mounting options are shown.
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RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
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Development RF Design Guidelines UMTS, DCS & E-GSM Mounting type F G
Preferred Yes, first option No, first alternative
No, second alternative No, third alternative
No, fourth alternative
No fifth alternative
No , no alternative
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Reason No shadowing, or possible influence by other antenna systems Same as type F, but jumpers are more difficult to connect and each antenna will need to be mounted separately and more difficult to get access to. May be a solution for some tall buildings which would otherwise be regarded as “too high” if antennae were to be mounted at roof level. If the extra height is required and the shadowing calculation shows no problems, this alternative can be selected Only to be selected instead of type C when only one antenna pole is allowed, shadowing is even more an issue than it is in type C. The disadvantage to this option is that other antenna systems or rooftop objects can influence the RF behavior of the antenna, but it has the advantage that more sectors can be mounted on one pole The same disadvantages as type E, but also the disadvantage that each antenna needs its own mounting and a shadowing calculation needs to be done carefully. It has the advantage of being unobtrusive. Shadowing will almost always be of influence. Therefore this mounting type should not occur.
Table 31: Antenna placement preferences For coverage reasons reason option G and F might be considered too low and options A to C preferred, but careful calculation on shadowing and interference is needed. The –10 dB of the vertical opening angle should remain unblocked, with future downtilting kept in mind. This is explained more in detail in chapter 4.3.4.
The arguments mentioned in Table 31 should of course be investigated in relation with the KPI height and coverage/interference requirements and height of the surrounding clutter. This might result in feedback back to RF BASE if these requirements contradict. Further remarks: • To reduce the visual impact of a cellular site, it maybe necessary to wall mount antennae (perhaps even paint them), in order to satisfy the owner and/or town planning requirements.
Proper antenna distribution along the poles
Wrong distribution of antenna along the poles
Figure 22: Antenna distribution on rooftops The second distribution is wrong for several reasons: • The ‘inwards’ pointing TX/RX antennae are likely to be influenced by shadowing than the outward pointing RX-div antenna or antenna from another system, if mounted close together (less than 5 meters), the poles themselves can become source of shadowing themselves if not designed well.
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The ‘inwards’ pointing antennae transmitted signal point directly into each other’s opening angles, Rx blocking can occur if distances are too short (see section 4.5).
DCS, E-GSM and combined mounting on rooftop poles
Figure 23: Mounting single band E-GSM and DCS on a pole The vertical space should be 50cm optimally (but always more than 20cm, 30cm if an RET is to be installed) and the horizontal space between DCS and E-GSM 10cm or more if separate antennae are used. DCS is preferred to be mounted above E-GSM to compensate the higher pathloss compared to EGSM. This way, DCS can provide capacity for a larger part of the sector. Another disadvantage of mounting E-GSM next to DCS is the higher wind load of this construction. 4.3.3
Dual band sites and difference in azimuths between DCS and E-GSM Azimuths of the DCS and E-GSM antennae will normally be the same, as will the opening angle be. The advantage of this is that the behavior for handovers and traffic in the overlapping areas becomes more predictable. There are cases however, where there is no space enough on a roof of a site for example, where the same free view for the antennae in both bands in the same direction can not be arranged (although dual-band antennae can often solve this). It is also sometimes needed to have that 1 dB in gain more from a 65° than to have a 90° antenna opening angle. When this is done, the antenna overlap should remain respected, as explained in the figure below.
Figure 24: E-GSM should always remain within the -3dB pattern of DCS
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If on a cell the multi-band cell feature is to be enabled, the coverage footprint should be the same for E-GSM and DCS as much as possible, resulting in the requirement of using same antenna opening angles, azimuths and adjustment of tilt of both layers in combination with the required coverage, to reach this goal. Antenna obstruction and shadowing
-10dB Antenna angle + Mech. downtilt
In this document: Downtilt is a negative figure; uptilt is positive ! Be careful, not in all tools and by everyone interpreted the same way!
Liftroom or roof
Figure 25: Relevant parameters for shadowing check H = the vertical distance between the roof or lift room edge and the bottom of the antenna L = the horizontal distance between the roof or lift room edge and the antenna
The –10 dB of the vertical opening angle should remain unblocked, as shown in Figure 25, with future downtilt increase to the maximum of the tilt range (the tilt-range of an adjustable tilt antenna or ½ the vertical opening angle, rounded down, for a fixed tilt antenna) taken into account. The –10dB vertical antenna opening angle is specified in the supplier documentation. These angles are calculated into multipliers in Table 19 to Table 26 on pages 45 to 47. For antennae with variable electrical tilt the value for the maximum tilt is taken. For example: A 739686 is mounted at 5m distance from the edge of the roof and the roof edge is 10cm high, the minimum required height for the antenna becomes:
H > 0.1 + 5 * 0.23 = 1.25m The minimum antenna middle height becomes 0.5x2.6 more, so 2.55m. In case of dual-band antennae, always take the larger of the two angles as multiplier. So more height should be used, or the antenna should be mounted closer to the roof edge. 4.3.5
Antenna installation on towers Separate installation with the DCS antennae a little above E-GSM is recommended to ensure DCS capable of giving capacity and taking over E-GSM as much as possible but is not mandatory. The same distance requirements (vertical optimum distance of 50cm and horizontally 10cm or more) apply.
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Figure 26: Antenna mounting on a pylon
Micro cell antenna placement The optimum height for micro cell antennae is often 5-10m to get a maximum covered area of about 150x150m. Installation should be inconspicuous but not hampering the antenna in its functioning. The goal is to make the antenna able to see as much as possible without being visible. For micro cells it is even more critical than macro cells because their mounting height is also that of the advertising signs which are there to be looked at. Painting the antenna or camouflage material is often required to reach this goal. A micro cell antenna covers the area what it can see, plus a few of meters more (due to reflections and short range penetration). To get a good handover between micro cells, coverage overlap of about a few dozen meters is required. The optimum signal level at antenna connector is 20-25 dBm in most cases, but this is also dependent on the locally available frequencies. Sometimes the power will need to be increased in order to reduce the influence of interfering surrounding macro cells on a micro cell. If this is the case it also means that the coverage in that area is too low or that the macro layer needs some antenna reworks. The transmitted power of a micro cell can be calculated with the help of the Micro cell Eirp tool.
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Isolation and antennae separation The isolation between the two base stations is defined as the attenuation from the connector from the transmitter on base station A to the connector on the receiver on base station B when the antennae are in their installation positions. The isolation is not only formed by the pathloss between two antennae. It is often the most important factor in the isolation between two base stations, but other important factors are: • The effective gain of each antenna in the direction of the other antenna in the frequency band of transmitted signal under consideration (to be looked up in the documentation of the vendor) • Cable losses • TMA gain (if the other signal is in the amplified band of the TMA, otherwise loss) • Duplex filter losses and out-of-band filtering To avoid unwanted signals into the receiver, at least 30 dB isolation between a transmitting and a receiving antenna and between two transmitting antennae is required. This requirement also applies to cross-polar antennae slant isolation. Feeder loss gives additional isolation increase. This is also valid for sites shared with the other operators. But with other operators not all data is known or might be subject to change, so extra precautions must be taken.
Isolation calculation To obtain the required isolation values the antennae must be positioned at a certain minimum distance from each other. The distance depends on the antenna types and on the configuration. In general, omni directional antennae must be positioned at a greater horizontal distance from each other than directional antennae. Vertical separation requires less separation distance than horizontal separation. α
Vertical separation
Horizontal separation
Combined separation
Figure 27: Antenna separation The pathloss between two antennae can be estimated with the free space loss between two point antennae. The free space formula is an approximation of the near field situation for this.
30 × Eirp (V/M) d
Translated into horizontal and vertical pathloss leads this for vertical separation:
d AV = 28 + 40 × log( ) AV in dB, d and λ in m.
For practical reasons (connectors, mounting) the vertical separation should be 20cm or more (30cm in case of a RET usage). For the horizontal separation the pathloss is calculated with:
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d AH = 22 + 20 × log( ) − (G1 + G 2) AV in dB, d and λ in m. G1 and G2 in dB, not dBi!
G1 and G2 are the gains of the antennae in the direction of the other antenna. G1 and G2 can be positive or negative, dependent on their respective angles (see also section 6.5). For λ for E-GSM 0.3 and for DCS & UMTS 0.15 can be taken. When antennae are vertically and horizontally separated, the formula becomes:
AC = AH +
α ° × ( AV − AH )
α = arctan(
AC in dB.
dvert ) dhor
dvert and dhor are the distance and the difference in height between two antennae. Only when the antennae, TMAs and duplex filters have the same frequency behavior, the isolation will be the same in both directions. Otherwise the isolation will be directionally different. When the antennae are from the same base station sector, the isolation between the antennae is there to make diversity effective (see chapter When the antennae are from different systems, e.g. operators, the separation is necessary to ensure the isolation is enough to prevent the interference and/or shadowing from one system to the other.
Isolation issues with antennae from other operators When the antennae are from the same base station sector, the isolation between the antennae is there to make diversity effective. When the antennae are from different systems, e.g. operators, the separation is necessary to ensure the isolation is enough to prevent the interference and/or shadowing from one system to the other. The allowed level of interference is according to the ETSI GSM 05.05 specifications: Rx blocking 'out of band'; GSM 900: +8 dBm; DCS: 0dBm In all configurations of Base duplex filters are used, either in the combiner itself or outside the RBS. DCS (D/)DTMA and external duplexers provide band filtering Apart from the duplex filter itself the DTMA and the D/DTMA also have in build duplex filtering capability. But as since December 2001 for DCS new external dual duplex filters are used with less filtering capabilities than the previous single duplexers, the duplex filtering is set to 30dB to the input of the receivers. This leads to the following requirements for sharing with other operators: E-GSM 46.5 3 3 18 58.5 18 3 30 8 35.5
DCS Tx side 46.5 TRU-out 3 Combiner 4 Cable loss 18 Antenna gain 57.5 Eirp (dBm) Rx side 18 Antenna gain 4 Cable loss 30 Duplex filter 0 Rx-Block 41.5 Required isolation
Table 32: System isolation requirements
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Because another operator can change the direction of his antennae or add a network without notice, it is assumed that the main beams are directed towards each other and transmit the same band. With the free space pathloss formula these values are reached at 2.5m horizontal distance in case we use DCS on a site and 3.5m in case of E-GSM. When mounted against a flat surface or when it is certain that the used angles of both operators are more than 120º different, a minimum horizontal distance of 1.5m is enough for E-GSM and 1m for DCS. But this is an absolute minimum requirement with no margins left! Vertically 0.5m is enough to fulfill the isolation requirement, but to prevent mutual antenna disturbance during antenna reworks 1m should be used. Between antenna and dish a 0.3m distance should be maintained. In order to make free rotation possible, it is preferred not to mount antennae next to dishes. If this is the only solution, then the free propagation view requirements should be met. --The next version will further specify requirements on isolation between operators for non-antenna pole mounting— 4.5.2
Isolation requirements UMTS Ericsson states that for sharing of antennae a minimum isolation of 30 dB is required between eGSM, DCS and UMTS. Kathrein dual and triple band antennae fulfill these requirements but for reasons mentioned elsewhere in this document, sharing UMTS antennae with E-GSM/DCS is not recommended. Placement Horizontal Vertical
UMTS<>DCS 10 cm (flat & front on same plane) 20 cm (2x15°) 50 cm (with camouflage material) 30 cm
UMTS<>E-GSM 10 cm
Proximus/Mobistar 2.5 m
30 cm
0.5 m
Table 33: Distance requirements UMTS to other antennae The minimum distance to other operators can be reduced to 1.5m if the antennae are installed as shown below. UMTS <> DCS distance of 20 cm is based on max 15° towards each other.
15,0° 15,0°
Side View
Plan View
Figure 28: Minimum DCS/UMTS antenna angle difference If a larger angle is needed, UMTS and DCS should swap position. If the antennae are mounted flat on the installation surface (or pole) or pointing away from each other, the distance between them can be 10 cm. This is without camouflage material in front of both antennae, because this reduces the isolation by the reflection to the surface of this material. In that case 50 cm is required. 4.5.3
Antenna spacing, diversity and horizontal free view
Minimum distance between two diversity receive antennae The minimum distance between two diversity antennae is given by approximately 10 to 15 wavelengths, which corresponds to 1.8m at 1800 MHz. Therefore 2.3 meters separation between two receive antennae will optimally increase the diversity performance of the base station.
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Lightning Rods 15cm RX / TX
> 2.3 m
2m TMA
Figure 29: Antenna diversity distances The real space diversity gain depends on the antenna separation, communications environment, mobile locations with respect to antenna azimuth and the height of the antennae. Uplink link signals arrive to the receive antennae from different paths with different phases. The cross-correlation between the envelopes of signal received on two antennae can be minimized by increasing the separation between two receive antennae. The estimated gain from the space diversity, combined with the cross-polar diversity could, in a certain situation, be less than the 2.5 dB, the value that is taken into account in standard link budget calculations. This gain will also be less when the diversity distance is reduced. The value will be reduced to the diversity gain given by the cross-polar effect itself of about 1.5 dB when mounted next to each other. The azimuths of the antennae have to be taken into account to calculate the separation between them. The separation may need to increase depending on the azimuth angle to get the optimum effective separation distance. This is explained in the example below. If, for example, the antennae have 75° azimuth angle and are mounted on a 0° plane, the effective diversity distance between antennae 2.3 meters mounted apart is 2.2m. It is calculated this way:
2.3m × sin 75° = 2.2m
75° 2.2 m RX / TX
Head Frame
Min 2.3 m
Figure 30: Effective space for diversity and rotation in plan view
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If you can’t put horizontally spaced antennae on all sectors then in some configurations it is worth it to put the antennae vertically separated in order to have space diversity on all sectors, but this is less effective than horizontal spacing. The distance should be kept to a minimum (<1m) in order to limit propagation behavior differences due to different heights.
Wall mounting of antennae and maximum rotation Flat mounting is preferred because there is no shadow effect caused by the wall itself. In the figure below, each antenna has a 2x90° free view.
Side View
Plan View
But this is often not possible, especially for all sectors from a site. An often-occurring situation is where the antennae have an angle with the wall to get the desired antenna angles. This reduces the free view and possibly compromises sector overlap.
Side View
Plan View
In order to have a sufficient hand-over angle at least 75° of the antenna should have a free view for 90° antennae and 70° for 65° antennae, the same way as is the case for camouflage material (see therefore the explanation for free angle requirements for camouflage materials.
Camouflage material free view requirements It is important that the hand-over angle between sectors on a site is sufficiently large enough to make reliable hand-over behavior possible. To do this, 15° of overlap is necessary for 90° antennae and 10° for 65° antennae. This corresponds with 75° and 70° as seen in the figure below. The angle for the 65° can be smaller because the signal drop is significantly larger in the overlap area than is the case for the 90° antenna.
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min. 30°
Area kept free of constructions. Only RF camouflage material is to be used
Possible location to use other materials for constructional purposes
Optimum: 50 - 100 mm Limits: 20 - 2000 mm
min. 30°
+45° -45°
RF unblocked angle: 70° for 65° opening angle antennas 75° for 85° opening angle antennas
Figure 31: Antenna free angle requirements Optimum: 50 - 100 mm Limits: 20 - 2000 mm
Non-Camouflage material allowed
RF unblocked angle: 70° for 65° opening angle antennas 75° for 85° opening angle antennas
Where the antenna is furthest away from the camouflage material, is where the minimum area of the camouflage material is determined !
Non-Camouflage material allowed At least 30° Depends on tilt angle
Non-Camouflage material allowed
Optimum: 50 - 100 mm Limits: 20 - 2000 mm
Optimum: 50 - 100 mm Limits: 20 - 2000 mm
Camouflage material
Non-Camouflage material allowed
At least 30°
Figure 32: Antenna free angle requirements when mounted in the corner of a construction Approved camouflage materials are Epoxy-glass and Polyester for which it is proven the loss is less than 1dB, reflection is less than 30dB on 15 cm of the antenna. Materials like slate and would are not allowed to install antennae behind. Glass only in special cases for micro cells.
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Antenna selection In this section some antenna behavior is discussed in general, further on the use of the antenna tilt tool is shown with which more specific antenna installation consequences can be visualized.
Antenna properties The most important parameters for selecting an antenna for a site are: • horizontal 3dB beam width, also called horizontal opening angle • gain in dBi (relative to an isotropic radiator) • vertical 3 dB beam width, also called vertical opening angle • electrical tilt range • For higher sites (>50m): Null-fill, upper side lobes and back-lobes • Size The RF engineer needs to select the right antenna, azimuth and tilt configuration with which the site candidate is able to meet the KPI requirements Additional antenna type approval parameters: • UL/DL gain balance: Antennae approved to be used by BASE are investigated on this. • Pattern/gain stability throughout the tilt range • Slant/intersystem isolation • RET compatibility • Gain versus size • Antenna sturdiness • Price and delivery lead time These are already investigated for the antenna types mentioned in this document.
The relationship between gain and beam width: The gain is related to the vertical and horizontal beam widths and frequency. In general: the narrower the beam (horizontal and/or vertical), the higher the gain. A narrower vertical beam may give higher gain, but it is not suitable for providing coverage to hilly areas where there is a large separation in height between areas to be covered at the tops of hills and at the bottoms of valleys (signaling overshoot might occur). The high gain antenna will also be much longer. A DCS 20 dBi gain antenna is 2m tall, while the 15.5dBi version is only 66cm tall. Taller antennae are often less acceptable to site owners and have a higher wind loading. Standard sizes are 2.6m for E-GSM and 1.3m for DCS and UMTS. As the wavelength of E-GSM is twice that of DCS, an antenna for EGSM is twice the size as a DCS antenna of the same vertical and horizontal beam width. The inside from a Kathrein DCS dual cross-polar antenna can be seen below. In an E-GSM antenna the dipoles are twice this size.
Knobs left and right at the bottom of the antenna are to adjust electrical tilt with.
Backside of the antenna. The box in the centre is the phase shifter. The white plastic is the tilt adjustment knob.
Figure 33: Inside a Kathrein adjustable tilt antenna 742234 Prepared by: Approved by:
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Which site behavior can be predicted from antenna patterns The antenna radiation pattern (best would be if analyzed in 3D) determines the site behavior. Most datasheets however only tell the horizontal and vertical opening angle and the gain of an antenna without any details. Only when the area to be covered is very small (e.g. a micro cell or indoor) this information is sufficient for planning. Even for these the BIPT requires the detailed vertical and horizontal antenna patterns for the BIPT safety forms. The antennae selected for a site (incl. azimuth, tilt and height) during site planning determines how a site will behave towards the customers. A closer look what can be learned from antenna patterns and their consequences on the behavior of a site becomes important. For practicality the 3-D antenna pattern is reduced to a cut through the vertical plane in the centre of the main beam (horizontal direction 0°) and a cut through the horizontal plane (vertical direction 0°). But for correct understanding it must be kept in mind that a cut through an apple in the middle is different than when taken out of the middle.
Vertical plane pattern This pattern shows a number of important features of an antenna: 1. Characterizations of the level of null fill in the lower (towards the earth) lobes. This is best measured relative to the main beam. A good null fill ensures a relative stable signal level development for the customers when moving inside the coverage area of a cell 2. Characterization of the gain of upper secondary lobes relative to that of the main beam. The most important feature is the reduction of the first upper side lobe relative to the main beam. The power transmitted in this range is directed above the horizon and contributes only to interference for higher situated customers. The consequence of good side lobe suppression is that a site should be at least as high as the customers it's serving. This can be important when trying to cover a high office block from another building (but also keep in mind reflection effects when other buildings block the antenna signal). 3. The vertical beam width of the antenna is determined by finding the 3dB points on the main beam and then measuring the angular separation between the two points. The size of it determines how soon the signal of a cell degrades at its coverage boundary and the size of the handover area (see Figure 38) 4. Last, the pointing angle of the main beam can be determined. This is referred to as down tilt angle. Applying more down tilt reduces the size of the cell (see section 4.6.6)
Figure 34: Vertical pattern with the four features of merit described above displayed. Prepared by: Approved by:
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Horizontal plane pattern This pattern is a cut is through the x-axis plane and demonstrates the basic coverage footprint that can be expected from the antenna. This is of critical importance as it defines the coverage and cell to cell overlap that can be expected from the combination of the antennae used in the neighboring cells. Ideally a cell only fills the area left over by the other cells surrounding it and overlapping only to ensure successful handover for the customers traveling from one cell service area to the other. This requires looking for the right spot for a site and adjusting the edge of the site by using the right down tilt with the right antenna. If the horizontal pattern is seen as a function on the gain of the antenna on the horizon, a pattern such as shown in Figure 38 will be found. Note however, that most of the horizontal patterns given by vendors are cut through the main beam. This hides the consequence of using antennae with a large vertical opening angle.
Figure 35: Shows the reduction of the gain from the horizon as a function of the tilt. By using down tilt, the gain on the horizon of the main beam (0°) is reduced, bringing effectively the edge of the cell closer to the site. This gain reduction is important as it helps avoiding cell to cell interference. Also, the increased tilt acts as a null fill, providing more intense signal strength in the covered area. This can be seen in Figure 36. Using electrical tilt doesn’t change the gain of the antenna significantly, only where the main beam is pointing at. There are some technical side effects by which the actual gain is quite often varies within a range of about 0.5 dB over the electrical tilting range, but these are considered to be of minor importance.
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Figure 36: Vertical pattern of an antenna with a vertical beam width of 15°and an electrical down tilt of 6°. The gain reduction on the horizon is 3 dB. The green pattern is that of an Omni. Only when the coverage must be as large as possible and interference is no issue, such as in a valley or a large area surrounded by trees, antennae with no tilt can be used but be careful with overshoot effect or shadowing, otherwise (electrical) down tilting is advisable. On the other hand, high levels of tilting (on top of hills, high buildings and towers, etc.) can also help to increase coverage in narrow streets, but excessive mechanical down tilting can cause pattern distortions that make actual coverage quality deteriorate (see section 4.6.6). There is also the line-of-sight effect: No matter how much an antenna is tilted, if there is a line of sight to that antenna and not to the one the customer would actually need to be served from, the serving antenna will often be the one the mobile ‘sees’. 4.6.6
Beam Tilt The antenna beam is often tilted to limit the interference to nearby cells or to focus coverage on particular areas closer to the site. There are 2 possible types of tilt possible: electrical and mechanical. To mechanically tilt an antenna it is physically tilted over by a few degrees, while an electrically tilted antenna must be manufactured with tilt built in. It is not allowed to mechanically tilt an antenna with more than ½ its vertical opening angle (rounded down and excluding any terrain angle). The electrical tilt is achieved by varying the phase of the RF feed to each of the elements in the array inside the antenna. The mechanical tilt may be varied by physically moving the antenna on site, while the electrical tilt is not usually adjustable. The difference between mechanical and electrical downtilting can be understood by reference to the diagrams shown in Figure (1) below. In Figure (1a), a BTS antenna with a zero degree electrical downtilt is tilted down mechanically. The resultant “family” of elevation beam patterns for a discrete set of azimuth angles show that only in the forward (zero azimuth angle) direction has the elevation beam actually tilted down by the full mechanical tilt angle. As the magnitude of the azimuth angle increases, the actual elevation beam tilt reduces from maximum according to a co sinusoidal function. Hence, for +/- 90° azimuth, the elevation beam has not tilted at all. For azimuth angles beyond +/- 90°, the elevation beam actually tilts upward for a mechanical downtilt. As will be discussed below, the result of this behavior of elevation beam tilting using mechanical tilt is to cause the “footprint” of the beam inter
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section with the ground to remain spread out left and right of beam centre and to only move in toward the tower fully in the forward direction. However, the back lobe does “fire” upward and as such does not intersect with the ground at its maximum level. (The actual back lobe level that intersects with the ground will depend upon the elevation beam width of the back lobe and the amount of mechanical tilt applied to the antenna.) In contrast to mechanical downtilt, electrical downtilt truly tilts the elevation beam down equally for all azimuth angles as shown in Figure (1b). The result of this behavior of elevation beam tilting, as will be discussed below, is to provide a “footprint” of the beam intersection with the ground that “tucks-in” in all azimuth directions around the tower. It is generally agreed that electrical downtilt is superior to mechanical downtilt because the beam is tilted down equally for all azimuth angles; however, it will be shown below that a combination of electrical and mechanical downtilts can provide a useful tool to network planners by making it possible to alter the shape of the beam “footprint” to some degree.
“Family” of Elevation Beam Patterns for a Discrete Set of Azimuth Angles (Main Beams Only Shown, i.e. No Sidelobes)
Azimuth Angle
Elevated BTS Antenna “Equator” of Sphere around Antenna
Backlobe Downtilt Angle (@ 0 deg Az) = Mechanical Tilt Angle
“Great Circle” Locus of Points of the Intersection of the Peak of the Elevation Beam @ Each Azimuth Angle & the Sphere Around the Antenna
Flat Earth
Figure 37: Elevation beam tilting by mechanical tilt “Family” of Elevation Beam Patterns for a Discrete Set of Azimuth Angles (Main Beams Only Shown, i.e. No Sidelobes)
Azimuth Angle
Elevated BTS Antenna “Equator” of Sphere around Antenna
Backlobe Downtilt Angle (@ All Az) = Electrical Tilt Angle
Circular Locus of Points of the Intersection of the Peak of the Elevation Beam @ Each Azimuth Angle & a Flat Earth
Flat Earth
Figure 38: Elevation beam tilting by electrical tilt Because of this, antennae should not be tilted mechanically by more than half the -3dB vertical opening angle (rounded down), otherwise the coverage footprint can be significantly distorted. Tilt is much more effective on an antenna with a narrow vertical beam width (higher gain). This can be understand easily if looked at the extreme case of a 739695, which has an opening angle of 55° when compared to a 739494 with an opening angle of 6.5°. Obviously the 4° has much more influence on the latter one. With the 4° tilt on this antenna, a large portion of the transmitted power is pointed not upwards, above horizon level, as still is the case for the 739695 Prepared by: Approved by:
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with 4° tilt, but most of it is pointed towards the ground. This can also be seen in the Tilt tool (see section 4.6.7).
739695 with 4 ° mechanical tilt
739494 with 4 ° mechanical tilt
Figure 39: Differences in consequences on tilt on antennae with different vertical opening angle Tilting is a powerful way to get good cell coverage, but if not used well, it reduces the sectorization of a site, which is necessary to get an efficient frequency plan. 4.6.7
Tilt tool The tilt tool is intended to help visualizing the consequences of tilting in the vertical plane. It is intended to be an aid for selecting the optimal downtilt for a site. It is not intended to replace Asset, but merely to make the effect of the vertical antenna pattern on the cell behavior visible in a way Asset can’t.
3 1 2
Figure 40: cell service & interference rings Two network situations, ring 1 is the serving cell, ring 2 is the interference area for a normal cell, ring 3 is the interference area if the cell is dominant. The consequences are on average: Ring 1: site service area. Ring 2: 1st interference ring. Average 6 cells co-+ 5 adjacent interfered by the serving cell. Prepared by: Approved by:
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Ring 3: 2nd interference ring. Average 11 cells co + 5 adjacent interfered by the serving cell. The drawing shows a number of sites evenly spread in an area. Whereas this is a theoretical situation, the principal is applicable everywhere. The allowed number of frequencies assignable to a serving cell can now be calculated quite simple: DCS frequency band size 110 frequencies: 1st ring No adjacent frequencies allowed: 6x2 (for adjacent) x6 (cells) = 72 frequencies Co frequencies allowed: 6x 1 (for co) x 5 (cells) = 30 72+30 = 102 If the network is designed less restrictive and the 2nd ring needs to be taken into account, the calculation becomes: 4x2x11=88 4x1x5=20 88+20=108 Now only 4 channels can be assigned on average. For E-GSM, with a band of 38 cells, the number of frequencies which can be assigned are much less: 1st ring: No adjacent: 2x2x6=24 No co: 2x1x5=10 24+10=35 Only an average of 2 frequencies is possible. 38-35=3. About 3 cells of the 11(6+5) can be assigned a 3rd frequency. If the DCS cells are upgraded with E-GSM and not carefully tilted, the 2nd ring also becomes important: 1x2x11=22 1x1x5=5 22+5=27 The 11 additional frequencies (38-27) have to be divided among 11+5=16 cells. Now these calculations are theoretical, but not too far from reality. This can be used as follows: If a number of inter-site distances is measured in an area and taken a rough average of, this figure can give an estimation to calculate the required tilt with on the vertical antenna pattern. The tilts and resulting pattern for different distances can be analyzed with the Tilt tool. The red line in the figures below is the UL antenna pattern, the black line the DL antenna pattern.
Figure 41: 739686, EDT -3º, 30m, Spike at 30º is angle at 50m from site, spike at 0º is horizon.
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Whereas it is visible from this screen that when a cell + handover range of 1km is required, this tilt is sufficient, but obviously if a smaller range is needed, a stronger tilt should be applied. For a cell range of 500m + handover range of 250m a configuration (for the same antenna and height) as can be seen in Figure 42 can be applied.
Figure 42: 739686, EDT -7º, 30m, spike at 30º is angle at 50m from site, spike at 0º is horizon. The gain of the antenna is stable in the service area (in this range a signal reduction of 1dB can be neglected) and reduces at 700m with 4 dB at ring 2 (as the next cells will normally be at about 1000m, if the cell range is 500m) and at ring 3, 1000 further, the antenna pattern reduces the DL interference signal by 6.5 dB. There is also a clear difference in gain between UL an DL, but as this remains in the cell + handover range within 1 dB this is acceptable. The spikes and/or gain differences in the first 200m In the figure below you can see when it is attempted to install a 742266 antenna a 100m with -7º downtilt. This tool can be an aid in selecting the optimum downtilt angle for a site in more difficult cases like calculating the optimum tilt for antennae with a vertical opening angle of more than 10º. Below is an extreme case where an antenna is installed on a very high site and a very high tilt.
Figure 43: 742266, EDT -7º, 100m, spike at 65º is angle at 50m from site, spike at 0º is horizon. As can be seen from the right graph the cell is over shooting the first 500m. There is a stronger signal at 200m, but the peak is so narrow that it can’t fill up the hole between 200 and 500m. This cell will likely experience coverage holes close to the site. This behavior was also detected on ultra high sites in Germany. Depending on the terrain (for example a site on a hill) this effect can also happen on much lower heights. Some basic functionality of hill slope simulation is also build-in in the Tilt-tool.
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Of course the results of the simulation needs to be checked in Asset as the tool, though using the same models as Asset, doesn’t have a terrain or clutter database incorporated.
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Micro cell planning REMARK:Micro cell planning for UMTS has specific problems totally different from 2G. This is not covered in these guidelines. At this moment BASE only has 2302 micro cell cabinets capable of DCS available. In the near future, these will be superseded with 2309 and 2109 cabinets. Micro cells are to be used when the following three conditions are applicable in a certain area of the network: Requirement Maximum inter-site distance Capacity on cells in macro-layer Minimum traffic density Bandwidth
KPN Mobile < 800m > 3 TRU >75 Erl/km2 63 ch GSM; 80 ch DCS
Base < 600m > 3 TRU >150 Erl/km2 38 ch EGSM 110 ch DCS
Calculated on Used band Bandwidth, equipment costs 1 TRU micro-cell
Table 34: Micro-cell planning characteristics Base & Mobile When to use micro-cells for coverage If in a city busy, narrow streets with slow traffic are lacking coverage, micro-cells can be a solution. The antennae are installed on 5 to 10m height and provide (roughly) only coverage on what they see plus a few dozen meters more and the buildings in sight. In general, the coverage cell range will be about 150-200m. When to use micro cells for capacity The maximum inter-site distance is the approximate distance from which the indoor coverage is expected to be good and for shorter distances the network quality is expected to degrade because of interference due to problems in controlling the cell coverage As KPN Mobile uses GSM to do this, an inter-site distance of less than 800 m, for DCS this limit is at about 600m. The cell capacity minimum is based on the k-factor of the network and macro-cell equipment costs. The k-factor is the average time a frequency can be re-used before interference starts to decrease the network quality. A network with an uneven structure needs a k factor of 15, a very good network requires less, like 12. As KPN mobile uses GSM on its micro cells and on all cells on the top layer, 63/15 gives 4 TRUs as a micro cell threshold. For Base this is 110/15=7 TRU on DCS. It is not based on E-GSM because only DCS micro cell equipment is available. The other factor equipment cost doesn't count much for KPN Mobile because this factor is for them at the same amount of TRUs as resulting from the k-factor. For Base however, above the 4 TRU 2106/2206 equipment is required, needing 2 antennae per sector. This equipment is very expensive and in Brussels in most cases only 1 antenna per sector is currently present and possible. Therefore the threshold is set to 5 TRU in the macro cell layer. KPN has a market penetration 3 times higher than Base. The minimum traffic average to get breakeven on a micro-cell is about 2 Erlang, The business case below shows that a micro cell will rarely reach this point in our network. The traffic for a micro cell can be estimated as follows. If in an area there of 100x100m (a square with restaurants for example) 1000 people are walking the average pedestrian has approximately 3x3m available (very crowded). If an area is more crowded, people will call less (noisy, no moving space, people bumping into each other). If our market penetration is 15% and 5% make a call in that area while being there of 3 minutes (=0.05 Erl), the traffic being generated is:
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1000x0.15x0.05x0.05=0.375 Erl. The traffic density is in this case: 0.75/(0.1*0.1)≈37.5 Erl/km2 But at least 7.5 Erlang daily traffic is required to give the micro cell a pay back time of 5 year. So 4 times higher traffic density and therefore more customers are required, which is highly unlikely. And if the capacity of the macro cell for that area is increased for 3 TRUs to 4 TRUs the capacity increases from 14.9 Erl to 21.9 Erl, giving an additional 7 Erl capacity, for a fraction of the costs of a micro cell.
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Frequency bands
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The standard frequency bands are: uplink (MHz) downlink (MHz) Band ch_min ch_max freq_min freq_max freq_min freq_max R-GSM 955 974 876 880 921 925 E-GSM 975 1023 880 890 925 935 GSM 1 124 890 915 935 960 GSM 1800 512 885 1710 1785 1805 1880 UMTS 1920 1980 2110 2170
Table 35: Mobile frequency bands BASE has the next frequency bands to its availability: BASE Band E-GSM
uplink (MHz) downlink (MHz) ch_min ch_max freq_min freq_max freq_min freq_max 975 999 880 885 925 930 1009 1024 887 890 932 935 GSM 1800 776 885 1763 1784,8 1858 1879,8 UMTS 1935,3 1950,1 2125,3 2140,1
Table 36: Base frequency bands
Design Levels The following design levels are to be used on Asset: MS Body Margin Avg Sensitivity loss penetration loss GSM 1800 outdoor
GSM 1800 in-car
GSM 1800 indoor residential
GSM 1800 indoor cities
E-GSM outdoor
E-GSM in-car
E-GSM indoor residential
E-GSM indoor cities
Margin log- Threshold normal fading 0
Table 37: Network design levels Base
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Traffic, congestion, blocking and the use of the Erlang B table This appendix describes how the allowed amount of traffic handled by a TRU can be calculated. The unit of traffic is the Erlang (E or Erl) and is determined as one connection on a single line for a period of one hour. In the analogue world without multiplexing, this is also the maximum what one line can have for during one hour. If a number of people try to use the same line, without multiplexing, there is a certain chance that the line is already occupied. The chance for a person being able to use the line will decrease when there are more people sharing the connection and also decreases when the average calling time per person increases. The Erlang B table shows this chance for the case where there is no waiting queue implemented (see also information after Table 39), as is the case in GSM. In the above case, with the help of the Erlang B table it can be calculated that when there are 3 persons during one hour each want to make a phone call of 5 minutes on one line the chance they succeed in this is:
3 x5 = 0.25 Erl 60 As can be seen from Table 39 below this can be translated into a chance of 20%, which is the chance for one out of 3 callers of finding their one shared line congested. In a network situation, as is the case for a site, it’s the other way around. The available amount of connection lines is set, the acceptable congestion is known, and the operator wants to know what amount of customers the site can handle. For BASE the acceptable congestion is 2%, for a sector with 2 TRUs the number of connection possibilities is 2x8 timeslots minus 2 for the BCCH, gives 14 traffic channels. Together this means that 8.2 Erl can be handled by this sector. If the average generated traffic per customer in that area is 0.01 Erl and 10% of the people living in the covered area of this sector, this sector can have 8200 customers. The standard 2% traffic values are, as can be seen from the table below: TRU 1 2 3 4 5 6
Erlang 2.276 7.402 13.18 20.15 26.44 33.76
Capacity increase (Erl) 2.276 5.126 5.778 6.97 6.29 7.32
Table 38: TRU amounts and cell capacity (increase) The figures in the table above are based on standard amounts of SDCCH and 1 fixed PDCH. If there is less voice traffic, more timeslots will be used for GPRS if required, but GPRS capacity is reduced if voice traffic increases. Voice has priority over data. As this capacity is adjusted with the traffic requirement, The Erlang B capacity only applies to the fixed timeslot amounts.
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Table 39: Erlang B table
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The Erlang B formula itself Erlang-B formula allows you to calculate the probability that a resource request from the customer will be denied due to lack of resources. The formula is:
Where: • • •
N is the total number of resources in the system E is the total traffic in Erlang Pb is the probability that a customer request will be rejected due to lack of resources
The formula works under the following conditions: • • • • • •
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The number of customers is much larger than the number of resources available to service them. In general, the formula gives acceptable results if the number of customers is at least 10 times the total number of resources (N). Requests from customers are independent of each other. This formula does not work if customer requests have been triggered by some common event like calling a talk show, natural calamity etc. Customer requests are blocked only when no resources are available to service them. When a customer cannot be serviced, the resource request is simply rejected. No attempt is made to queue the customer request. The customer does not retry the request after being denied service. (the customer would in effect, himself be forming a queue.) The resource is allocated exclusively to one customer for the specified period. The resource cannot be shared with other customers. (so the Erlang B table doesn't apply to calculate GPRS congestion chance with)
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Origin of the horizontal pathloss and isolation formula The power transmitted by a point in space in vacuum spreads out like a sphere. The size of the surface of a sphere is
S = 4πr 2 The power density received on a point in space then becomes
Pt 4πr 2 Where Pt is the transmitted power and ρ the Poynting vector for power density. The receiving
antenna at a distance r from the transmitting antenna with an aperture A will receive power
Pr = ρA =
Pt A 4πr 2
Pr is the received power at the receive dipole. The relationship between aperture A and the gain G is
For a short dipole, G=1. Then
λ2 4π
Substitution of this equation yields the free-space formula
Pr =
Pt ⎛ 4 ×π × r ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ λ ⎠ ⎝
The free-space loss now becomes
⎛P 10 log⎜⎜ t ⎝ Pr
⎞ ⎛ 4πr ⎞ ⎛ 4πr ⎞ ⎛r⎞ ⎛r⎞ ⎟⎟ = 10 log⎜ ⎟ = 20 log⎜ ⎟ = 20 log⎜ ⎟ + 20 log(4π ) = 20 log⎜ ⎟ + 22 ⎝ λ ⎠ ⎝ λ ⎠ ⎝λ⎠ ⎝λ⎠ ⎠
To compensate for the actual gain of the actually used antennae the formula for horizontal antenna isolation now becomes:
⎛r⎞ Ploss = 20 log⎜ ⎟ + 22 − (G1 + G 2 ) ⎝λ⎠ Where Ploss is in dB and G1 and G2 are the gains of the antenna in their respective directions. The values for these can be found in the antenna pattern data from the vendor. Of course this formula doesn't take near-field antenna behavior into account, which is much harder to calculate. This formula is therefore only an approximation. The formula for vertical isolation is derived similarly, but because of the vertical positioning in near field antenna gain cannot be approximated in the same way, thus resulting in a formula without specific antenna gain taken into account.
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TMA gain A 12 dB TMA gain doesn't result in a BTS sensitivity increase of 12 dB. This is why: The use of TMA is that it amplifies the uplink signal before the feeder cable weakens it. This needs to be done before because of the influence of thermal noise. At room temperature (290K, 17°C) the noise power is:
NP = −174 + 10 xLog (B ) B = Bandwidth in Hz The bandwidth can be explained as the frequency band the system 'listens' to. The larger the range, the more noise power is received. The movement of electrons in atoms causes thermal noise. At 0 Kelvin electrons don't move and therefore cause no noise at that temperature. For E-GSM and DCS the signal bandwidth is 200 kHz, but the actual bandwidth of the filters is 250 kHz. The noise power received by the BTS is therefore -120 dBm. To be able to retrieve the wanted information from the received signal, the quality of the retrievable information correlates to the amount it is stronger than the noise. The higher the signal to noise ratio becomes, the smaller the BER (bit error rate) will be. For 1% raw BER this is 7 dB. Also the coding scheme, fading and accepted sound quality influences this. Apart from this, the equipment adds noise to the signal as well.
NF = Rx sensitivity − NP − C / N ratio So the NF for a 2206 becomes:
NF = −110 − (−120) − 7 = 3 This means that, theoretically, a sensitivity of -113 dBm is possible, if the equipment itself doesn't add noise. This is impossible, in practice about 1.5 is the minimum, but also the jumper cable between antenna and TMA adds noise, so the sensitivity becomes about -111 dBm and not -122 dBm.
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UMTS BSDS information Site Identity: Ready for appr. Appr. by teaml.? First name: Site Name: Address:
State: Zipcode:
Latitude: Created By RF Designer: Frame agr.: Cabinet_number IP-B Cabinettype PSU amount TX-B (CE) HW installed TX-B (CE) SW activated RAX-B (CE) HW installed RAX-B (CE) SW activated 2 Mbps Sector_id MCPA type Carriers installed Carriers active MCPA mode ASC RET Antenna_height Antenna_azimuth Antenna_type Antenna_electrical downtilt Antenna_mechanical tilt Feedertype Feederlength
Longitude: Phone: Class code:
Table 40: UMTS BSDS information − − − −
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The cabinets will be ordered in bulk with standard configurations. When traffic grids and traffic growth become available, internal cabinet boards will be customized during ordering, but hardware/software capacity adaptations will be done after installation. During phase 1 and 2 quite likely only one UMTS Node-B will be required per site, but the data input systems will be prepared for two. For C&I only the type of cabinet, indoor or outdoor, will be of interest from the cabinet data on the BSDS. The feeder type and feeder length are used for preliminary calculation by RF and are agreed to during TR.
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Information to be returned by A&B Site_Identity Cabinet_number Sector_id Feedertype Feederlength Cable loss UL Node-B-> ASC Feeder Branch 1 (at 1943 MHz) Cable loss DL Node-B-> ASC Feeder Branch 1 (at 2133 MHz) Time delay Node-B-> ASC Feeder Branch 1 Jumper length ASC->Antenna Cable loss UL ASC-> Antenna jumper Branch 1 (at 1943 MHz) Cable loss DL ASC-> Antenna jumper Branch 1 (at 2133 MHz) Time delay ASC-> Antenna jumper Branch 1 Cable loss UL Node-B-> ASC Feeder Branch 2 (at 1943 MHz) Cable loss DL Node-B-> ASC Feeder Branch 2 (at 2133 MHz) Time delay Node-B-> ASC Feeder Branch 2 Jumper length ASC->Antenna Cable loss UL ASC-> Antenna jumper Branch 2 (at 1943 MHz) Cable loss DL ASC-> Antenna jumper Branch 2 (at 2133 MHz) Time delay ASC-> Antenna jumper Branch 2
01 2
02 2
Only Quadrant jumpers are allowed ! If standard 1 m and 1,5 m jumpers are used between ASC and Antenna, these values can be used: Jumper length 1 1,5 meter Total Jumper attenuation Rx/UL 0,36 0,44 dB Total Jumper attenuation Tx/DL 0,37 0,45 dB Total elektrical delay 4,07 6,1 ns
Table 41: C&I cable data deliverables Feeders should respect the same VSWR requirements as used for DCS
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dB dB ns dB dB ns dB dB ns dB dB ns
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Separate antennae for UMTS
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The requirement for separate antennae for UMTS is for two reasons: The network will be build up in stages. Some sites will be upgraded using UMTS and others later. To make the network covering as much as possible, the azimuths of the UMTS antennae will need to be adjusted to directions in a way the sites initially left out of the plan to save money are taken over as much as possible. Also, the traffic of UMTS will be very different than that for E-GSM and DCS. On a well designed, effective UMTS network, this will reflect on the antenna azimuths for UMTS. Neglecting this will result in substandard network quality (coverage + capacity). In extreme cases it can even be that this cannot be compensated by the installation of extra sites. The only option in such a case is removal of UMTS on the site(s) where separate antennae are not possible.
Separate feeders for UMTS Increased loss between Node-B and antenna increases noise and reduces possible output which results in reduced capacity, which limits the coverage when the traffic increases. The possibility of using a 2m jumper near the UMTS cabinet in combination with the same feeder size requirements as for DCS makes the reuse of DCS feeders already present on site easier, but in order to limit the total loss to maximum 3.6 dB (excluding 0.4 dB of loss for the ASC), the total jumper length is limited to 5m. This is already 0.1 dB more loss than allowed by KPN Mobile, but is expected to save money on sites, with limited consequences. UMTS feeder loss 5 4,5
Antenna feeder branch loss (dB)
4 3,5 3 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 10 12,5 15 17,5 20 22,5 25 27,5 30 32,5 35 37,5 40 42,5 45 47,5 50 52,5 55 57,5 60 62,5 65 67,5 70 72,5 75 77,5 80 Antenna feeder branch length (m)
Figure 44: Cable losses for UMTS When feeders would be shared, the loss would be increased by 1.2 dB (2x 0.4 per diplexer + 2x 0.2 dB per jumper). The limit of 3.6 dB can then only be kept for feeder ranges shorter than 25m, but on these lengths ½” feeder is used and adding extra feeders is only rarely a problem and always cheaper than using diplexers. Therefore sharing of feeders of UMTS with E-GSM or DCS is therefore not allowed. In cases where DCS or E-GSM use TMAs it is even not possible due to the fact that both D/DTMA and ASC receive there supply power by means of the feeder. An alternative can sometimes be when E-GSM or DCS or both, use no TMAs that feeders are shared at the expense of about 1 dB, but this shall always be discussed with RF for consequences. Prepared by: Approved by:
RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
File: RF GUIDELINES 2005 rev R.doc Company confidential document
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Development RF Design Guidelines UMTS, DCS & E-GSM
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UMTS Isolation requirement The required isolation between antenna systems for GSM, DCS and UMTS is build up by: GSM/DCS -> UMTS 1. The spurious emission from the GSM/DCS TX system 2. GSM/DCS Combiner loss (if present, a CDU-A has no internal combiner) 3. Duplex filter TX spurious emission dampening (internal of external) 4. Cable loss 5. GSM/DCS Masthead amplifier filtering (if present) 6. Jumper loss 7. Isolation between GSM/DCS antenna (section) and UMTS (section) 8. Jumper loss 9. ASC insertion loss According to ETSI GSM 05.05 is the spurious emission from a GSM/DCS TRU smaller than -30 dBm in a 3 MHz bandwidth. As the effective UMTS noise bandwidth is 4 MHz, this represents -28.8 dBm of in-band noise. The noise figure of UMTS the UMTS receiver is determined by the ASC, which is 2 dB, as the uplink gain of the ASC is 30 dB. As a result of this, the noise floor of the UMTS receiver becomes -106 dBm. When 0.4 dB degradation is accepted, this translates into 10 dB below noise floor, so smaller than -116 dBm. The required isolation between E-GSM/DCS and UMTS now becomes -116-(-28.8) = -87 dB This is to be provided by 2-9 from the list above. Effectively there are 2 cases. The first one is CDU-A, the second one is CDU-C+ As DCS, CDU-C+ is worst case, this is used in calculation. 2. Combiner loss 5dB 3. Duplex filter: 30-35 dB 4. Typically 3 dB 5. No TMA, so 0 dB 6. No jumper from TMA to antenna needed 7. Isolation between 2 antenna sections in a 742241: >38 dB 8. Jumper loss from antenna to ASC: 0.2 dB 9. ASC insertion loss: 0.2 dB So effectively 76.4-81.4 dB per TRU is provided and 87dB is needed when no TMA is used. This is about 5-10 dB loss too few per TRU. Ericsson specifies however, that the spurious emission is sufficiently lower than the GSM ETSI requirement that this is fulfilled, even when the antenna isolation is only 30 dB. This is however, not guaranteed when the UMTS antenna is installed in the vicinity of another operator.
IM3 & IM5 issues when UMTS is co-located with E-GSM/DCS These cannot occur from BASE to BASE (in the FDD band we will currently deploy, deployment of the TDD band is not foreseen yet). IM3 & IM5 are possible from DCS to UMTS block A from Proximus if antennae would be shared. This should therefore not be done. The IM3 levels will also need to be investigated on indoor equipment (fiber and coax repeaters etc).IM3 and IM5 These are the UMTS band licenses of several operators. Operator Proximus BASE Mobistar
Uplink (MHz) 1920.3 – 1935.3 1935.3 – 1950.1 1964.9 – 1979.7
Downlink (MHz) 2110.3 – 2125.3 2125.3 – 2140.1 2154.9 – 2169.7
E-Plus KPN Mobile UMTS range
1940.1 – 1950.0 1934.9 – 1949.7 1920.0 – 1980.0
2130.1 – 2140.0 2124.9 – 2139.7 2110.0 – 2170.0
Prepared by: Approved by:
RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
TDD (MHz) 1914.9-1920.3 1899.9-1904.9 1909.9-1914.9
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Table 42: UMTS licenses Unsolved question at this stage: what about cross border frequency and code coordination? KPN Mobile uses the same carrier as BASE, carrier 2, for first roll-out. The other frequency bands of Base are:
Band E-GSM GSM 1800
Channel range uplink (MHz) downlink (MHz) ch_min ch_max freq_min freq_max freq_min freq_max 975 1024 880 890 925 930 776 885 1763 1784,8 1858 1879,8
Table 43: E-GSM / DCS licenses BASE For E-GSM this is not true yet, but more frequencies might be purchased in the near future. This has already been taken into account in this table. A consequence of our frequency range is that, due to our downlink band, IM3 products might be generated in the UMTS band of Proximus when antennae would be installed too close (or shared). 2.5m horizontally (or 1.5m if antennae point in the same direction) and 0.5m vertically can be considered to be safe.
Why is the Racal 1661 a bad antenna Below you can see the vertical patterns of the 1661 between +10º above (350º in the graph) and 15º below horizon, for DCS and for E-GSM. What you can see is the large differences in gain and angle for the optimum gain. The part below horizon is the most important part as it shows the holes in the coverage below the horizon of the antenna. The part above horizon is important to see how effective downtilting is. DCS of this antenna has a problem, because the overall downlink will be stronger than the uplink up to almost 12dB. The TMA is not able to compensate that as can be read in section 6.6. 16
1 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359
1710 1800 1880
Figure 45: Thales 1661 gain versus frequency and vertical angle in the DCS band As you can see below, Racal has concentrated on the GSM behavior, expecting the antenna mainly to be used in a network where DCS is build only for capacity on top of a already coverage filled GSM layer, because this is not too bad. With Kathrein antennae, they show up almost as one line!
Prepared by: Approved by:
RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
File: RF GUIDELINES 2005 rev R.doc Company confidential document
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Development RF Design Guidelines UMTS, DCS & E-GSM
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1 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359
15 870 910 960
Figure 46: Thales 1661 gain versus frequency and vertical angle in the E-GSM band The same applies for the horizontal pattern: Acceptable for GSM (not shown), but substandard for DCS (see below). The optimum direction is not even at the same angle. 16
10 1710 1800 1880 8
2 1
96 101 106 111 116 121 126 131 136 141
Figure 47: Thales 1661 gain versus frequency and horizontal angle in the DCS band So, as you can understand the disadvantages of using these antennae are significant, but it's either this or no E-GSM for configuration 6 and 85º sites in the South. May 2005: Still no alternative for the Racal 1661.
Prepared by: Approved by:
RF Engineering & Optimisation (Eric Noordanus) Rene Pluijmers
File: RF GUIDELINES 2005 rev R.doc Company confidential document