Rema!,s &an#y 'ntro# 'ntro#u$ u$tio tions ns is a get)to)!no")you game game that that hel* hel*s s *eo* *eo*le le lear learn n ne" ne" fa$t fa$ts s a+ou a+outt ea$h ea$h othe otherr in an easy easy "ay. 't hel*s the Earth Earthqu quak ake e drill drill stu#ent stu#ents s *re*are *re*are presentation for *ossi+le %The Qualit Qualities ies of natural $alamities. a Leader” “What would you do?”
%3ut %3utur ure e $$u $ $u*a *ati tion on 4io)Poem( %Pro+ %Pro+lem lem Sol1i Sol1ing ng A$ti1ity( A$ti1ity( %Sharing of 2o$ation(
Stu#y S!ills Stress Management /ime Management
%Stu#y S!ills A$ti1ity( %Stress for su$$ess( %/imeline(
All a+out a+out +ullying7a+use So$ial s!ills
%0it$h the ,a+els( – slogan ma!ing using only 8 $hara$ters
't hel*s the stu#ents to *re* *re*are are for for their their future 5o+ or o$$u*ation. 't also hel*s stu#ents so$iali6e an# +roa#en their 1o$ation. 't hel*s hel*s stu#e stu#ents nts re$ogni6e an# #is$o1er their *ro*er stu#y s!ills. 't also hel*s their stu# stu#en entt mana manage ge their time an# measure the things ngs they are #oing to a1oi# stress. 't hel*s stu#ents to +e a"are of the issues aroun# them a+out +ullying.
%Ste* +y Ste*( Surf the Angry Sea an# 0ra"ing the Emotion of ;a1es Stress Relie1ing /e$hniues – #is$ussion only Journal7 Refle$tion ;riting a+out the Psy$hology of Human Se:uality
Alrea#y #is$usse# #is$usse# on the month of August 2alues &larifi$ation ;or!sheet
&ommuni$ation origami Self)&are E:er$ises an# A$ti1ities – #is$ussion only
;in#o"s of Res*onsi+ilities Man#ala Session – E:*loring 3eelings through &olour
/ea$hers< Name an# Signature= Signatur e=
Ms. Hannah Ange'a G. N$-o Gra#e 9) 9)St. Agatha A#1iser
Su+mitte# to=
M!s. A!e'$a T. Da($d/ RGC Gui#an$e &ounselor
Ms. A!') Pa!'$ Gra#e 9)St. Agnes of of Ro Rome A#1iser
't hel*s stu#ents to manage their tem*er an# "hat to #o to $alm themsel1es.
't hel*s stu#ents to #is$o1er an# to +e !no"le#gea+le a+out their o"n se:uality an# refle$t on them. 't hel*s stu#ents to share their 1alues an# refle$t on ea$h other +y so$iali6ing. 't hel*s stu#ents to $ommuni$ate an# $are for themsel1es an# the *eo*le that surroun#s them. 't hel*s stu#ents to +e a"are of the ha**ening aroun# them an# tea$hes ea$h other to +e resilient in #ifferent times.