Rolling and Jamming with Bollinger's Band (5 mins) A strategy is as good as the strategist.
Make sure your BB setting is this. Which i believe is the default settings. This is the crux of this strategy.
Primarily, we are trading momentary bounce, pull back or full reversal. We are making educated guess that the next min candle is going to go against the current candle.Alert being the current candle while Entry being the next min candle. This setup is essentially what we are seeking. This scenario being the !"##.
And this setup is for PUT scenario.
Now, this is the Cardinal Rule that these 2 scenario setups has in common and is VITAL. Both the ALERT candles, CL!E" outside of the BB.
!pecificall#, the# $oth OP!" while inside the BB and CLO#" outside and CLAR" o$ the BB.
The BB lines has to $e completel# %&&' cleared from the closed candle. That is the closed end of the candle has to $e awa# and cleared from the BB lines. And not touchin( the BB lines.
Pro)imit# is not a concern here $ut the CAR"I!AL Rule is the ed(e of the closed candle has to $e cleared from the BB lines, that is all.
!trate(# or !#stem alone does not (i*e u winners.
Market gives u winners when u are properly equipped and prepared . This strate(# will assist u in the e+uipped department. The followin( AR" and !-T rules will hopefull# mae u prepared, more or less.
There is no $ad strate(# onl# $ad strate(ist.
This is a trade i made and won /& mins a(o. i will use this chart setup for a simple illustration on the $ac$one of this strate(#.
As i mentioned earlier, the CAR"0NAL RULE, is to ha*e the alert candle closed outside of the BB, $efore an# entr# can $e made.
!o how do we (et there 1 The indicators that i used, does not re+uire u to $e seated throu(hout #our tradin( session. There are 2 important indicators alerts that mae thin(s much easier. Bol and VCustom%. l i To uch er
Now for a candle to fulfill our CAR"0NAL RULE and $e eli(i$le for an entr#, the candle must of course *enture out of the BB. And since we are tradin( for momentar# pull $acs, full re*ersal and $ounce, we must ensure the pairs are in B!.
As lon( as a candle *enture out of the BB within the time frame of the candle 3in this case 4 mins5,
Bol l i To uch er will
sound off. 0 will onl# scan pairs for pro$a$le setups when this alert sounds off.
Then the 6o$ of the VCustom% is to sound off B! conditions. !o in a perfect scenario, the Bol sound off followed $# VCustom% , then its time to sit up and (et #our checlist for entr# l i To uch er read#.
-or those who are usin( this strate(# for the first time, i would su((est the moment the off, start scannin( for pro$a$le setups.
sounds Bol l i To uch er
this is the e)act chart settin( as a$o*e $ut in 7T8. if u loo at the 9C window, u will see the trend stron( and the Alert :% candle can onl# punch 6ust a$o*e the ;.& mar in 9C.
0 $elie*e there is more momentum to it. !o i waited for another candle to open. And once the second candle opened it punched hi(her than the first candle in the 9C window. Punchin( in at ;.; mar. Notice the len(th of the candle in 9C window, it is short. Also !TC 6ust crossed o*er the B settin(. Now, that is an entr# with stren(th and $etter odds.
That. No particular reason as i ha*e $een tradin( them for a while.
toda# was ?@ 0T7 3;4'5
The entr# which was a lost was the classic case of enterin( at the Alert :% where i should ha*e waited for Alert :2 for more stren(th and $etter odds of winnin(. Patience, "iscipline, Understandin( and Tradin( #our plan. Well, $ guess a few points are very clear, the BB break is %ust an alert, that makes sense. &econdly looking at the screenshot example with '! which $ don(t use but you can compare it to another stoch like oscillator, you see the level at the very far left compared to the entry, you(lll see clear divergence. Then also look at pinbars at the very left side, )ght was going on and there was a clear winner, resistance becomes support...
7an i feel lie the downer (u# here. All m# post seem to $e ne(ati*e. All them candles closin( outside the Boilin(er $ands is called a stron( trend. Price can sit in o*er$ou(ht for a lon( time.
0N -ACT when #ou see price on !tochastic (o up into B area, tae a call. alter Peters 3naed fore)5 calls this the !tochastic Pop. 0t 6ust means that price eeps (oin( up. The wa# we<*e $een tau(ht is to trade the cross down $ac under B...$ut if that wored we would all $e rich.
The shaft c#cle has no place in $inar# options. 0<*e spend 3and a few others $ac in the da#5 a lot of time usin( it with other ind#s. 0ts 6ust wa# to slow. e*en if #ou speed it up, its still to far $ehind price. e don
Better off with *c and sa# macd cross. 0 hope somethin( comes out of #our trials. ther wise this thread falls to the $ottome of the $ucet. aterfall. "ont trade durin( waterfall and that was a candle waterfall. Also tr# not to tae trade when multipel candle close outside $$. Best is to taen when $$ is narrow and a candle $reas it with *c and stc confirmation
*ust won that no news so dunno why the big candle. will be taking every single trade according to rules
Won that too. Was a + pip win according to broker charts. There was four consecutive green candles but the support looked strong as it stopped a trend b."t the same time lost aud-usd and this was during eur and / bull news. "nd i think news did e0ect it. $ will avoid all news even + bull news from now on although its so tempting to trade. The score is /1+ but i am going to start it again. "lso i notice the )rst valid trade which comes after the stc 2ips from ob to os or from os to ob it is likely a good trade
These are what i am going to follow. +. 3ormal BB-'!-&T! rules /. "void strong trends . "void continuous break of BB . "void Multiple '! ob-os . "void waterfall41 !andles if its candles i look for good s-r5 6. &-7 as )nal con)rmation 8. 3o news
This trade was a no$rainer. 0n fact if i were attenti*e, i would ha*e entered another PUT after i won m# trade.
And a(ain i missed another (ood setup as shown in the #ellow $o). The setup in the $o) is a little tric# $ut mana(ea$le if u follow the rules with some understandin(. 0f u refer to the 7T8 settin(s and template u will find that the first candle in the $o) would ha*e satisf# all the conditions.
0t reall# looed lie a (ood setup. And if u ha*e entered at the ne)t candle u ha*e a chance of winnin( it as the close was ti(ht.
But if u refer $ac to the 7T8 template u will find a (reen dotted line 6ust a$o*e the first (reen candle. That is the round num$er le*el.
Personall# i respect the RN le*el, and if i were not awa# from m# des. 0 would wait for another candle which is the second (reen candle in the #ellow to close first. Then chec if all the conditions are met. 0f the# are met, i (o for it.
0 would (o for it $ecause i want to stac as much odds in m# fa*our as possi$le. And that RN le*el is an icin( on this cae. >ust loo at the PA and u will understand.
he# Tomm$stone
Fou are most welcome here. And no u are not a downer. But it is (ood to ha*e such percei*ed Dne(ati*eD post so that it can dilute the GoolAid we ha*e $een part#in( with here
Thans for tain( the time to read the thread and also share #our *iews. i tae that an# time of the da#. $ein( a new$ie m#self i am not a$le to discern (ood and $ad mo*es for the maret trades. so i rel# solel# on the communit#
i understand #our concern and thans. 0f an#one would to 6ust use this strate(# without understandin( or thinin( it is an automated decisionmain( s#stem, #es the# will fail 6ust lie what u ha*e pointed out.
Tae me for instance. i trade li*e. And all i want is to mae some on a (ood da# and lose a little on a $ad da#. !o $esides usin( this strate(#, i also run m# own ris mana(ement on a ti(ht leash.
for e*er# entr# decision i mae, i $ac it up with as man# 0T7 pro$a$ilities as possi$le. At the same time, i tr# to reduce the amount of *aria$les when i trade. -or e)ample i dont trade at certain windows, i respect hu(e candles, i respect candle $odies with wic and so on.
All these are personal tradin( traits which i $elie*e all traders will hone o*er time. And with these traits, the# will also appl# it with an# strate(# the# are usin(. hich is what i am doin(.
0 am still at the *er# initial sta(e of postin( in this thread. and to list out all these
These are what i am (oin( to follow. %. Normal BB9C!TC rules (It is a good start& hen u now how the wor* u +an start tweaing their le,els to our own stle)
2. A*oid stron( trends (e +an +he+ mt$ to +on$irm and a+t a++ordingl& !ot all trends are against us& Below the V sha-ed VC is a good +ase during trend)
/. A*oid continuous $rea of BB (I$ this is a +ontinuous .rea .ut hugging along BB lines* i would sta with it& #ome o$ m .est trades were $rom this s+enario)
8. A*oid 7ultiple 9C o$os (/ae sure to +on$irm with the mo,ement o$ the -airs)
4. A*oid waterfall384 Candles if its 8 candles i loo for (ood sr5 (as -er answer at !o& 0)
?. !R as final confirmation (alwas)
@. No news ( i -ersonall dont trade 15 mins .e$ore and a$ter)
this was a $onus. 6ust $efore i decided to switch off m# pc, the alert sounded off. too a loo, its (ood. same scenario as m# pre*ious chart post. $ut !TC was alread# in place while 9C was at ; and not $reain( it. E*er#thin( else was in place plus 4& !7A a(ain. =ood da# no complaints i too took that but wasnt '! at 8. but the s-r was really strong and price stopped right at it. "nd as my master 9M7 aka &imeon said when price stops right at s-r its the time u got to be rdy. "lso
said by hmr aka simeon when previous support is broken and is tested again as a resistance for the )rst time after the break there are higher odds of winning. Perfect trade
first trade of the da#. it was an eas# one. Alert :% sounded as it touched $ut didnt close $e#ond the BB. Alert :2 met all criteria. i didnt enter $ecause it was *er# near to the nearest RN. -inal Alert met all criteria plus the $onus of $ustin( and pull $aced from the RN. Entered and won at the open of the ne)t candle.
2nd trade was also an eas# one. Alert :% $roe out of channel. 9C was stron( at a$out %&./ all criteria was met e)cept !TC. i waited as 6ust ahead was a R line for %. And i wanted to mae sure 9C and !TC are in s#nc. Alert :2, all fulfilled. Entr# made and won.
as luc# to mae 2 trades within 2& mins.
-or Entr# :%, it was strai(ht forward. Alert met all criteria. -irst candle out of channel with a decent $od# siHe.
-or Entr# :2, 6ust little patience was needed. Alert :% met all criteria. Alert :2 met all too and 9C shot up to .; from the pre*ious of ;. And then the candle pull $aced swiftl#.
7ade entr# and won.
88 0T7 for toda#.
This trade 6ust fell on m# lap 4 mins after i made the last post, so i (ladl# too it.
ant to illustrate the credi$ilit# of this strate(#.
Alert :% was attemptin( to $rea out of the channel and it sounded off the BB and 9C alarm. 0t met all criteria e)cept not closed $e#ond BB and !TC was not at B #et.
aited for Alert :2 to close and $# then, all criteria was met e)cept !TC was not at B #et. 0 decided to mae an entr# $ecause !TC was *er# near B settin(s $ut not #et. And Alert :2 6ust closed at the % R line.
All these factors are (ood enou(h to con*ince me for a PUT. n top of these, i lie those candles at this siHes. And it won.
0f u tae the time to read all m# chart posts, u will see that this strate(# with its indicators is a$le to identif# at least the first candle that pulled $ac durin( trends. -or this strate(# to wor to its optimal condition, the user needs to now how to appl# it. !o if u are concern a$out trendin( marets, loo at the charts i posted. and scroll $ac the charts on #our settin(s. U will $e a$le to see either this strate(# when applied correctl#, not onl# it can ad*ice u to a*oid stron( trend, it can also assist u in identif#in( a momentar# pull $ac, re(ardless maret conditions. U 6ust need to understand the strate(# and its arm# of indicators.
44 0T7. done. satisfied. i u$$a u$$a,
Than #ou for sharin( this (reat strate(#. 0 ha*e $een usin( it since its inception here in BE $ut there are still some clarifications which i hope #ou can help clear withI
a5 Fou did mention that when a candle closes outside BB, it can $e used as an alert candle once the 9C is in the B! Hone and liewise the !TC. Now, i saw in #our earlier e)planation once this criteria are met #ou can tae a trade at the ne)t candle n that appropriate direction. But on some later charts, where the scenarios were similar, #ou decided to tae a 2nd candle into consideration 32nd Alert5 $efore placin( a trade on the ne)t candle. 7# +uestion is, how much confluence are we looin( at $efore it is deemed safe to place a trade on a su$se+uent candle after the conditions are met1 0 also saw in one of #our charts that #ou waited for / candle alerts $efore main( an entr#.
Can #ou (i*e a more in depth e)planation as to the characteristic of the 9C which will mae it fa*ora$le for #our entr#1 Fou did mention that the 9C candle has to $e short with more punch piercin( throu(h the ; or ; re(ions so that it (i*es more winnin( pro$a$ilities... can #ou (i*e more insi(ht on how we ha*e to loo at the 9C candles to determine an entr# pro$a$ilit#1
c5 ow the BB channel must $e formed $efore a trade can $e taen for #our strate(# to wor1 0 found that when the channel is ti(hter with a candle closin( outside of it, the pro$a$ilit# of it $ein( in 0T7 is hi(h...are there an# such rules that must $e taen into consideration1
d5 The siHe of the alert candle. 0 noticed that most of the trades #ou had taen had a lar(e Alert candle...can #ou also (i*e a $it more detail on this lie how $i( the candle must $e or must the candle $e $i((er or smaller than the pre*ious candle J how can one determine the siHe of the candle with re(ard to that of the 9C candle to decide whether or not to mae a trade.
ello fellow traders, This is a simple #et effecti*e strate(# coupled with a set of popular nonrepaintin( indicators. 0t was initiall# incepted $# Tradesmart where he uses BB with a settin( of 2&,/ for ?& secs e)pir#. No indicators are re+uired and he has $een achie*in( *er# (ood 0T7 performance, consistentl#. Trade setups are much lesser per da# and that is understanda$le (i*en the settin(s of BB. As 0 do not ha*e the $alls for ?& secs trades, 0 adopted his entr# rule into m# own st#le of tradin(, for 4 mins e)pir#. 0 6ust added TradesmartKs rule for entr# into a list of other entr# re+uirements 0 alread# ha*e. 0 do not solel# use this strate(# for m# dail# trades $ut 0 use it when the setups are *alid. A$out @&' of m# dail# trades are $ased on this strate(#Ks entr# while the rest are another set of rules. *erall, we are all tradin( the same strate(#. e are tradin( for momentar# $ounce, pull $ac and re*ersal under 4 mins, nothin( more nothin( less. To full# understand and $enefit from this strate(#, start with the simplicit# of it. And o*ertime when u are full# con*ersant with it, u can twea it to #our own liin(. But for now, ha*e faith in the strate(# with its s#stem and determine how $est it suits and $e of ser*ice to u. Reminder2 U own the strategy, it does not own u.
The rules laid out here are to assist e*er# trader who is new to this strate(#. 0n order to reap the full potential of this strate(# with its supportin( tradin( indicators, complete adherence is re+uired. There is onl# one and it is a Cardinal Rule for this strate(#.
That is we will only make an entry after the close of a complete 5-min candle. This candle had to open within the BB and then closes outside of the BB, with its closing end of the candle ody, completely cleared and away from the BB line. 0f there is an# dou$t a$out an# of these, please refer to ALL m# posted charts in the pre*ious pa(es for *erification. This candle will $e called the Alert Candle in this thread for clarit# purposes. The Entr# Candle will $e the new candle after the Alert Candle is closed. ntr Candle is where we place the trade when the new candle opens. There ma#$e occasions where we ha*e 2 or / Alert Candles $efore all criteria are met to mae an entr# on the Entr# Candle. 0f there is an# dou$t a$out an# of these, please refer to ALL m# posted charts in the pre*ious pa(es for *erification. -ollowin( are the supportin( rules to assist the Cardinal Rule. The !upportin( rules consist of AR" and !-T rules. AR" !upportin( Rules I Under N circumstance these rules are to $e compromised.
%. 9C candles and !TC line has to $e at the same condition to(ether. Both must $e at B or ! at the same time $efore an# entr# is to $e made. 2. 9C settin(s for B! ha*e to $e at least @ or @. !TC settin(s at & and %4. /. BB settin(s at 2&,2 8. No entr# %4 mins $efore and after an# news flash or economic releases. !-T !upportin( Rules I !uch are in place to further enhance our chances of winnin( on top of identif#in( Alert Candles. These are ideall# (ood to ha*eK $ut not mustha*esK. %. len(th of Alert Candle candle. should $e a lon(er $od# candle compare to the past /8 candles. e are looin( forThe a momentar# e)haustedK 0f there is an# dou$t a$out an# of these, please refer to ALL m# posted charts in the pre*ious pa(es for *erification. 2. hen the Alert Candle has a short, a*era(e or same $od# len(th as the past /8 candles, i(nore and wait. /. hen Alert Candle has the a$o*e attri$utes, re(ardless it is trendin( or not, wait for it to reach the nearest Ge# PA le*els. !uch le*els are the coloured lines, $lue and red solid and not dotted lines. Also watch for (re# lines which will $e the Round Num$er le*els. atch for these t#pe of candles to reach these lines and chec the 9C and !TC. 0f the# are still at B!, #ou ma# decide to stand$# to enter once Alert Candle is formed at the a$o*e coloured lines.
8. hen an Alert Candle is short and still *alid. This can onl# $e accepted when the pre*ious candle meet the criteria as Alert Candle and has a lon(er candle $od#. That is, if u spot a short candle and is #our Alert Candle, then that must $e AT LEA!T #our Alert Candle :2. Remem$er the candle e)haustion theor#. 4. 0f the Alert Candle :% is a $reaout candle, supported $# the si(ht of $reain( out of the BB channel, lon(er candle $od# than the pre*ious /8 candles. 0t is a (ood setup. ?. "urin( most trendin(, #our Alert Candle :% will meet ALL the re+uirements. "o not mae an entr# first. !ince it is trendin(, correspond the stren(th of this trend with 9C. @. 9C candles. !ettin(s of the 9C window is $# default @,@. 0 set m# to ;,; $ecause 0 6ust want to filter those alert sounds awa#. owe*er 0 would recommend all of u to tr# the @,@ settin( first. That is $ecause it (i*es u more time to prep for entr#. 0t doesnKt hurt to ha*e earlier alarms. ;. ow to a*oid a waterfallK. 9C candles stren(th. This strate(# is a$le to spot those momentar# pull $acs in the midst of a trend as shown $# the man# charts 0 posted which 0 too the trade. Lets refer to the 9C indicator window. The candles show us the stren(th of the pairs on the main chart window. Each 9C candle will mo*e accordin( to the stren(th in relation to the condition of B!. The mean readin( is & which is in the middle of the window. E*er# time the 9C candles mo*e from the middle of the window to the upper or lower e)tremities, the candle will ha*e its $od# coloured accordin( to the penetrationK depth from #our settin(.
Lets sa# a 9C candle is now at the B le*el, readin( at %2.& which is (ood news for us $ecause that is an e)tremel# B condition for 9C. owe*er a pair can $e at such le*el for e)tended period. Bein( B for an# pair doesnKt mean it has to $ounce. 0n fact it can $e B and #et continue to clim$. !o how do we mae use of the 9C to see if the B! condition will sta# lon(er than we e)pect it to $e1 Loo at the colour of penetrationK. 0f #our settin( is at @, and the candle is now at %2, the penetration colour started at @. ow much of the 9C candle is now $e#ond the @ or how much of the candle $od# now $ecomes red1 The hi(her the percenta(e or the lar(er the area of penetration, the stron(er is the trend. Lets loo at this a(ain. 0f u ha*e a 9C candle readin( at %2, u will thin it is wa# o*er$ou(ht and chances for the re$ound could $e the ne)t candle. But if more than 24' of the candle $od# has penetrated into the B, then sta# clear and wait. The re$ound will not come in the ne)t or e*en the candle after. Loo throu(h all #our charts. 9erif# this. That all #our successful Alert Candle are those who ha*e less than 24' of its $od# penetrated, e)tended or coloured at the B! le*el. 0n fact those who ha*e the hi(hest 9C B! readin( are those that failed as Alert Candle. . Rule of Thum$. 0f u want to now if the Alert Candle will $e a le(it one e*en durin( a midst of trendin(. Loo at the 9C candles. 7ae sure it has less than 24' penetration into B! %&. !pottin( the stren(th of trend usin( 9C. atch the 9C candles. There will $e occasions when more than 2 9C candles are at B! and the f) pair is still trendin(. Pa# attention to the len(th of 9C candle and its penetration. Usuall#, the penetration le*el remains the same $ut the len(th of 9C candle will $ecomes shorter. And usuall# after the /rd or 8th 9C candle, watch for the nearest Ge# PA le*els, if an#. 0f $# now at the /rd or 8th 9C candle, it is still a *alid Alert Candle, and it is near a Ge# PA le*el, u ma# want tae the entr# when the Alert Candle closes nearest to the Ge# PA le*el. 0 would usuall# tae it $efore it touches the Ge# PA le*el. %%. BB. As of now 0 ha*e not found an# affect the shape of BB has on this strate(#. Althou(h ultimatel# tradin( usin( the BB is for ran(in(. ence if the BB forms a tunnellie shape that would increase our success rate. But so far all m# successful trades were won re(ardless the shape BB was in. %2. !TC This can $e replaced $# other c#cle indicators lie R!0. But the# all ser*e the same purpose as 0 ha*e tested it $efore. !TC ser*es one purpose here which is to ensure it is in s#nc with 9C. 0 ha*e seen more winners when !TC and 9C are in s#nc.
the challen(e we usuall# ha*e with a strate(# or a s#stem is that we are so pinhole focus on the
!tartin( from the top, :% showed us that it attempted to $rea out twice and failed. And thats when it (athered speed and rolled down :2. Then it too a $reather and sidewa#s for a while :/. Before it continue its downwards trend :8.
Four Alert Candle meets all re+uirements. E*en the siHe of it. But u ma# ha*e missed out one thin(. Four Alert Candle was smac on the openin( of To#o session. That is wh# from :%/, the To#o session 6ust opened the flood (ate and let it rolled down stream. ence the conditions at :8.
ne of the rules to $etter enhance #our chance of winnin(. 10. Spot t i ng t he st r engt h of t r end usi ng VC. Wat ch he t VC can dl es. The r e w i l lbeocca si on s w he n mor e ha tn 2VC can dl es r e a a t OB/ OS an d he t f x pa i ri s s t i l lt re ndi ng. Payat t ent i on t ot he l engt h of VC ca ndl e and i t s penet r at i on. Usu al l y,t he penet r at i on l eve lr emai ns t he sa me but t he l engt h of VC ca ndl e wi l l beco mes sh or t er . And usu al l y a f t er t he 3r d or 4t h VC ca ndl e, wat chf or t he near estKey PA l eve l s,i f any.I f by n ow at t he 3r d or 4t h VC ca ndl e, i ti s st i l l a va l i d Al er t Candl e, and i ti s n ear a KeyPA l eve l ,u m aywant t ake he t e nt r y w hen t he Al er t Candl e cl ose s n ear estt ot he KeyPA l eve l . I woul d usu al l yt akei t bef or e i tt ouch es t he Key PA l eve l . So i f u ar e bent on t aki ng t hi s p ai rt o t he bank,u sh oul d wai tf or i tt o r each#6. How eve r ba se d on#5 , an dt heab ove r ul e,t hene xtcan dl e nol on ge r mee t s he t r ul ef or bei nganAl er t Can dl e. be cau seVC i s al r ea dyat6. 1 mar k. U got t he pr i nci pl e of exe cu t i ng i tr i ght .U j ustove r l ooke d on t he moment um t hat t hi s p ai r had j ustbef or e t he Tokyo on sessi op ene d. UJ ke pt f al l i ng f or t he next2 hour s a f t er yo ur ent r y.And t her e wer e NO se t ups a t al l unt i li t bot t omed out . And t her e was apr et t y g ood se t up at t he bot t om. my o wn t r adi ngr ul es,i l eave t he mar ket al one f or 1530 mi ns a f t er t he openi ng of eachse ssi ons.
m# fa*e setup $ac to $ac.
Alert Candle met all rules. on. %& mins later, attempt failed at dail# pi*ot and RN, pin$ar formed. i entered at the ne)t candle. this pla# was PA and not related to this strategy. at the close of candle, saw the 9C is still (ainin( speed to the lower $and, lied the circled formation. made another trade. // 0T7.
Looin( at the charts of the ma6ors, the le*el the# are at, at the economic forecast for toda#, and toda# $ein( a -rida#. i (uess this is it and welcome the weeend.
This is m# o$ser*ation and i mae it as m# own tradin( rules. i didnt include it here $ecause it mi(ht $e o*erloadin( and confusin(. so this is what i loo out for, further confirmation. $esides most of the rules $ein( met for this particular Alert Candle, its 9C is at ;. !TC is near $ut not at B, which is set at &. !o wh# i went ahead1
i notice that for a pair to mo*e from the center line of the BB to the ed(e or out of the BB line, within % or 2 candles, the ne)t immediate, new candle, it will pull $ac.
Loo at the first candle sittin( on the $ase of the center line. Ne)t candle pushed throu(h BB line. the third candle, it pulled $ac which was m# Entr# Candle 3=reen *ertical line5.
Loo throu(h #our charts, this
i prefer tradin( midda# of To#o session until /& mins $efore London. Resume /& mins after the open. Then all the wa# /& mins $efore U! open. 0 dont trade into U! much.
from the charts, it attempted and failed to $ust throu(h the !upport and RN le*el. 3(reen dotted line5 At the /rd attempt, a nice lon( candle was formed. i lie it. !ince this is another attempt, i would wait. >ust lie the pre*ious pa(es, man# traders had the same pro$lem. The# entered one candle earl# $ecause it was a lon(, $reaout of channel candle. But the# didnt see that 6ust a$o*e is another R line or RN le*el. 0n this chart is the red dotted line.
0 would use this lon( candle as Alert :%. ait for it to touch or near the ne)t R or RN le*el, in this chart is the red dotted line. nce it is near or touched, i made that Alert :2 with Confirmation. Then i will mae entr#. 0f $ased on m# entr# as mentioned on this chart, it would $e a winner.
This is a classic failed entr# mentioned a few times alread# in this thread. i ha*e also illustrated *er# earl# in this thread.
!f u have a long or short "lert #andle, and there is a $ey %" level neary, wait for it to e an additional confirmation. 0t is a *er# powerful confirmation. B# now u should remem$er this.
we are all main( the same mistaes. o*er and o*er a(ain. "o u see the reason1 Because we cant wait to mae an entr#.
iust $# this window alone, we should wait patientl#. There is no need to 6ump at e*er# setups. 0nstead, we should stren(then each one with confirmation as much as possi$le.
Four Alert Candle met the Cardinal Rule. Althou(h i prefer the 9C to $e lesser than 24' $ut then this is a !-T Rule. 0ts a (ood to ha*e, not a must ha*e.
0f u loo at #our Alert Candle. 0t $usted throu(h the first RN line, went throu(h half wa# towards the ne)t RN line and pull $ac, hence that wic. But it closed a$o*e the RN line and out of the BB line. This position sa#s a lot of what the candle wanted to do. hich is to $rea out and (o towards the ne)t RN line.
if $asedtoon assumption, #ouruAlert Candle $e :% and the ne)t candle $e :2 and nearer thethis ne)t RN line. 0fi uwould ha*e let waited would ha*e noticed thesee 9Cifcandle would $e can shorter and so$e is the depth of coloured tip. And the new candle is nearer to the ne)t RN line with a much shorter wic. And for all of this, i would mae the ne)t candle as Entr#.
$ased on all the posts re(ardin( Entr# (one $ad, i ha*e ti(htened the rules to this strate(#. i am currentl# e)perimentin( it and i am satisfied with the results.
0 will update the new rules ne)t wee. 0t is not a ma6or re*amp or e)treme maeo*er $ut 6ust %2 added steps. These are *er# lo(ical steps for #our understandin(. U are encoura(e to scroll throu(h #our charts and determine for #ourself if the new tweaed rules are $eneficial to #our tradin( st#le.
0t is also not a hassle t#pe of rules. Nonrestricti*e $ut added confirmation for hi(her chances of main( it 0T7.
Thans for all #our feed$ac. app# Thans(i*in( e*er#one
u$$a, than #ou a lot for sharin( #our results for toda#.
0 too a *iew of them and mae these o$ser*ations, in order to understand #our rules
EURU!" %88&hs "oes not meet 9C and !TC hard rules 0N EURU!" 2&&&hs "oes not meet cardinal rule L!! U!">PF %%4&hs "oes not meet !TC hard rule 0N U!">PF 2&4&hs "oes not meet cardinal and !TC rules 0N U!">PF 22&&hs "oes not meet cardinal rule, candle starts outside BB 0N U!">PF 2/24hs "oes not meet !TC hard rule 0N AU"U!" 2%84hs "oes not meet !TC hard rule 0N
=BPU!" %&&hs 0ts G for hard rules, $ut wh# didnt #ou entered %;44hs1 Candle at %;4&hs meet hard rules and stopped ri(ht at RN !o, tr#in( to mae some conclusions, 0<*e o$ser*ed that the !TC hard rule of $eein( o*er & or under %4, is not that hard1 0snt it1 0 saw also some trades that did not fill e*en the cardinal rule. 0f #ou can e)plain them a $it, will $e *er# (ratefull Thans Re(ards
This is m# personal e)perience. i ha*e read man# threads a$out a strate(#, a winnin( one. Before it reaches its half wa# mar, the entire thread is sewed toward a totall# different strate(# and s#stem focusin( on (ettin( %&&' 0T7.
0 ma# $e old school, $ut i $elie*e that (ettin( a %&&' 0T7 performance does not solel# comes from a strate(#. 0t comes from the user and the wa# the user e)ecutes hisher strate(#. The user is d#namic lie the maret, the strate(# is 6ust a list of do and donts.
0n this conte)t, let
m# apolo(ies if i offend an#one. 0 thou(ht i should reemphasiHes this, The strate(# or s#stem does not own u. U own it.
Trade :% 3 PUT won.
-ollowed the strate(#. Cardinal and AR" rules all met. plus !R le*el as shown.
Trade :2 3J PUT won. -ollowed the strate(#. Cardinal and AR" rules all met e)cept for !TC. plus !R le*el as shown. "espite !TC not met, i lie the how the Alert Candle went $e#ond the R line and closed $elow. Alert Candle looed lie an o*erstretched candle to me which was wh# i decided to enter althou(h !TC not met.
Trade :/ A3 PUT Lost. "id not follow the strate(#. Entered $ased on the red candle with wic near to the R line. Apart from the Cardinal rule, all rules are met. !hould ha*e waited and entered at the ne)t candle.
Trade :8 J 4 3 Both PUT won. "id not follow the strate(# for trade:8. Each entr# were $ased on the pre*ious candle position and condition. Trade:8, "o6i and pierced $ut closed $elow the R line. ence entered at the ne)t candle. Trade:4, $reaout candle, (ood $od# len(th, lon( wic pierced throu(h $ut closed $elow R line. Cardinal and AR" rules all met.
Lie This
Trade :? J @ 43 PUT and then CALL .oth won. -ollowed the strate(#. Cardinal and AR" rules all met plus !R RN le*el as shown for trade :@ Trade :? had a (ood $reaout candle $od#.
Trade :;, J %& 3 Trade :; PUT Lost -ollowed strate(# $ut lost. All Rules met e)cept the 9C tip was o*er 24'. !hould ha*e waited for another Alert Candle. That would ha*e won. Trade : PUT Lost "id not follow strate(# and lost. as $ased on the red candle that closed $elow the BB. Trade :%& PUT on -ollowed the strate(#.
and AR" rules all$ac met to plus le*elence as shown for trade :%&it did ho*er around that le*el for some iCardinal was e)pectin( it to retrace the!R R line. the PUT. hich time later.
Trade :%% 3J PUT won. "id not follow the strate(#. Entr# was $ased on the pre*ious candle position and condition. "o6i and pierced $ut closed $elow the R line. ence entered at the ne)t candle.
Trade :%2 A3 CALL won. -ollowed the strate(#. Cardinal and AR" rules all met e)cept for !TC. plus !R le*el as shown. "espite !TC not met, i lie the how the Alert Candle stopped at the R line and closed. This was a R line which AU ho*ered for some time earlier in the da#. Alert Candle looed lie an o*erstretched candle to me which was wh# i decided to enter althou(h !TC not met.
Trade :%/ 3J PUT won. -ollowed the strate(#. Cardinal and AR" rules all met and mana(ed to a*oid the trend with the help of 9C. Classic (ood setup despite the trend.
rowish lies this Lie This
Trade :%8 3 CALL won. -ollowed the strate(#. Cardinal and AR" rules all met plus !R le*el. And mana(ed to a*oid the trend with the help of 9C. Classic (ood setup despite the trend.
Trade :%4 3J 3Last trade5 PUT won. -ollowed the strate(#. Cardinal and AR" rules all met e)cept for !TC. plus !R le*el as shown. "espite !TC not met, the $reaout candle met Alert Candle
=reat or u$$a u$$a 0 do ha*e few +uestions for #our trade :%/I
a50f #ou loo at #our chart, there were clear entr# opportunities at multiple areas where the candle had closed outside the BB meetin( all conditions. !o wh# did #ou not tae an# of these trades
0s there a specific reason for #ou to tae that particular trade as we saw that multiple candles had closed outside the BB J wouldnt it $e safer to a*oid this t#pe of trade1
ind re(ards u$$a, these post that #ou ha*e 6ust done are in*alua$le for all of us. Than #ou *er# much for tain( the time for such a detailed e)planation of each trade.
0<*e onl# a pair of dou$ts 3some similar to the +uestion arafad 6ust ased5
Trade :%/ %5 Cardinal rule sa#s that alert candle must open within the BB. But this is not the case. h# do #ou sa# this trade meets cardinal rule1 25 hen #ou sa# Dmana(ed to a*oid the trend with the help of 9CD, this is the hard part for me. ow do #ou mana(e it1 nl# with the 24' 9C rule1 3see trade :%8 $elow5
Trade :%8 /5 !ame issue, a*oid the trend. h# didnt #ou enter at %?I841. 7eet all the rules, e*en the 24' rule for 9C, !R and RN are far awa#.
=eneral +uestion 85 0n #our set of rules, #ou detailed that 9C le*els should $e @@ $ut in #our charts are ;;. The 24' rule should $e taen with @ or ; le*els1
-inall#, than #ou a(ain. 0<*e read man# forums and man# posts. But it
=reat or u$$a u$$a 0 do ha*e few +uestions for #our trade :%/I
a50f #ou loo at #our chart, there were clear entr# opportunities at multiple areas where the candle had closed outside the BB meetin( all conditions. !o wh# did #ou not tae an# of these trades
0s there a specific reason for #ou to tae that particular trade as we saw that multiple candles had closed outside the BB J wouldnt it $e safer to a*oid this t#pe of trade1
ind re(ards
thans arafad. trade :%/, those pre*ious candles $efore m# Entr# does meet most re+uirements $ut not the !-T rules for 9C. A(ain !-T rules are not a must-have ut ideally good to haveas i listed.
0 was 6ust waitin( for an indication that the upward trend would $e wanin( off soon. And from the B ' of the coloured tip 9C tells me that. Based on m# !-T rules for ' of coloured tip 9C, most of the candles didnt cut it. Until the Alert Candle closed with wics on $oth ends, 9C coloured tip ' was accepta$le. Then i now it was (oin( to wear off the upward trend soon. ence the Entr#.
u$$a, these post that #ou ha*e 6ust done are in*alua$le for all of us. Than #ou *er# much for tain( the time for such a detailed e)planation of each trade.
0<*e onl# a pair of dou$ts 3some similar to the +uestion arafad 6ust ased5
Trade :%/ %5 Cardinal rule sa#s that alert candle must open within the BB. But this is not the case. h# do #ou sa# this trade meets cardinal rule1
25 hen #ou sa# Dmana(ed to a*oid the trend with the help of 9CD, this is the hard part for me. ow do #ou mana(e it1 nl# with the 24' 9C rule1 3see trade :%8 $elow5
Trade :%8 /5 !ame issue, a*oid the trend. h# didnt #ou enter at %?I841. 7eet all the rules, e*en the 24' rule for 9C, !R and RN are far awa#.
thans =aston,
Repl# to M%I
4. When an Al er t Candl e i s s hor t and st i l l va l i d. Thi s ca n on l y b e acc ep t edwhe nt hepr evi ou s ca nd l e mee tt hecr i t er i a asAl ert Can dl e an d ha s al on ge r ca nd l e body. That i s,i f u sp ota sh or t ca nd l e and i s yo ur Al er t Candl e, t hent hat mustbe AT LEAST you r Al er t Candl e #2 . Rem em be rt hecan dl e exha ust i ont he or y .
Repl# to M2I
6. Dur i ng mostt r endi ng, you r Al er t Candl e #1 wi l l meetALL t he r equi r ement s.Do notmakean ent r y fir st . Si nce i ti st r endi ng, co r r esp ond t he st r engt h of t hi st r end wi t h VC.
8. How t o avo i d a ‘ wat er f al l ’ . VC ca ndl es st r engt h. Thi s st r at egy s i a bl et o sp ott hos e moment ar y p ul lbacks i nt he mi dstof a t r end as sh ow n byt he manych ar t s Ipost ed whi chI t ook h t et r ade. Let s e r f er t ot he VC i ndi ca t or wi ndow . The ca ndl es sh ow us h t e st r engt h of t he pai r s o nt he mai n ch ar t wi ndow . EachVC ca ndl e wi l l move acco r di ng t ot he st r engt hi nr el at i on t ot he co ndi t i on of OB/ OS. The mean r eadi ng i s 0 w hi chi s n it hemi dd l e oft hewi nd ow . Ever y i t t me heVC can dl esmove f r om t hemi dd l e oft hewi nd ow t ot he upper or l ower ex t r emi t i es,t he ca ndl e wi l l havei t s b ody o cl our ed acc or di ng t o t he ‘ penet r at i on’ dept h f r om yo ur s et t i ng. Le t s sa y aVC ca nd l ei s n ow att heOB l eve l ,r ea di ngat12 . 0 whi chi s g oo d ne ws or f usbe ca use t ha ti s a n ext r emel y O B co ndi t i on f or VC. How eve r a pai r ca n be a t su chl eve lf or ext ended per i od. Bei ng OB f or any a p i r does nt ’mean i t has o t bounce .I nf acti t ca n be OB and yet co nt i nue t o cl i mb. So h ow dowe m ake use oft heVC t o se e f it heOB/ OS co nd i t i onwi l lst ayon l ge rt ha n w e e xp ect i tt o b e?Lo ok at t he co l our of pen ‘ et r at i on’ . I f yo ur se t t i ng i s a t 7, and t he ca ndl ei s n ow at 12, t he penet r at i on co l our st ar t ed at 7. How muchof t he VC candl e s i now beyond t he7 o r howmuchfo t hecandl e bod y now becom es ed? r The hi gher t he per ce nt age or t he l ar ger t he ar ea of penet r at i on, t he st r onger i s h t e t r end. Let s o l ok a tt hi s a gai n. I f u have a VC ca ndl er eadi ng at 12, u wi l lt hi nk t ii s w ayove r bought and ch ance s o f rt he r eb ou ndcou l d bet hene xtca nd l e.Buti f mor et ha n 25 % oft heca nd l e bo dyha s p en et r at edi nt ot heOB, t he n st aycl ear and wai t . The r ebound wi l l not co me i nt he nex t or ev en t he ca ndl e af t er . Look t hr ough al l yo ur ch ar t s.Ver i f yt hi s.That al l yo ur su cce ssf ul Al er t Candl e ar et hosewho have l esst han 25% of i t s b ody p enet r at ed, ext ended o r co l our ed a tt he O B/ OS l eve l . I nf actt hosewho have t he h i ghestVC OB/ OS r eadi ng ar e h t oset hat f ai l ed as A l er t Candl e. 9. Rul e of Thumb. I f u want t o kn ow i ft he Al er t Candl e wi l l be a l egi t one eve n dur i ng a mi dstof t r endi ng. Look att heVC ca nd l es . Make su r ei t ha s es ls ha tn 25 % pe ne t r at i oni nt o OB/ OS
Repl# to M/I
Please refer to m# repl# for arafad in the pre*ious post.
u$$a, these post that #ou ha*e 6ust done are in*alua$le for all of us. Than #ou *er# much for tain( the time for such a detailed e)planation of each trade.
0<*e onl# a pair of dou$ts 3some similar to the +uestion arafad 6ust ased5
=eneral +uestion 85 0n #our set of rules, #ou detailed that 9C le*els should $e @@ $ut in #our charts are ;;. The 24' rule should $e taen with @ or ; le*els1
Repl# to M8I
7.VC can dl es. Set t i ngs of t he VC wi ndow i s b y d ef aul t 7, 7. I se t my o t 8, 8 beca useI j ustwant t o fil t er t hoseal er t so unds aw ay. Howeve r I woul d r eco mmend al l of u t ot r y h t e 7, 7 se t t i ng fir st . That i s b eca usei t gi ve s umor et i me t o pr ep f or ent r y.I t doesn ’ t hur tt o haveear l i er al ar ms. i hope i haveansw er ed al l yo ur quest i ons o t yo ur exp ect at i ons.Feel f r ee t o cl ar i f y a nd ve r i f y yo ur doubt s.
$n respect with the previous answer, /: beyond 8-18 threshold is ;uite di0erent than /: beyond <-1< threshold. =oesn(t this a0ect the 7ule of the Thumb, only for the luxury of getting rid of too many sound alerts> "lso take into account that this version of '! indicator gets its values in relation to the 9ights and #ows of current candle, including wicks while we are looking at the !lose of the candle in order to ;ualify it as an "lert !andle. &orry if $ tend to be too annoying.
he# rowish, thans for the feed$ac, i appreciate it.
U are ri(ht in that perspecti*e of how much ' of a coloured 9C tip in relation to the settin(s of @ or ;.
hich is wh# i lea*e this as a !-T Rule. hen i first chanced a$out this 9C indicator, it was o*er at B", the 7B-O9C thread. i remem$ered the settin( then was at ?. i tried it for m#self, there were hits and misses and also $ecause i was a total noo$. !ince then, i still use 9C as part of m# tradin( strate(# and i find that 9C set at ; is comf# for me.
0 encoura(e new users to this strate(# to set the 9C to @ is simpl# wantin( them to use it for themsel*es and (au(e. 9C at @ does tri((er off a lot more alerts than ; and that is essential for me.
howe*er the ' of coloured tip 9C or the penetration depth into the B! $and. 0t is not an a$solute fi(ure to wor with. as i laid in m# rules, re(ardless what ' of the coloured tip is, we are looin( for the stren(th of its B! condition with reference to the precedin( 9C candles and thereafter.
But if the Alert Candle has a nice lon( $od#, $reain( out of the channel, hittin( or (oin( to hit the nearest !R line. And the 9C is near or at @ or ;, re(ardless the lac of coloured tip 9C or penetration depth, i tae the Entr# ne)t.
in m# AR" Rules, the onl# re+uirement is for 9C to $e at least @. And this AR" Rule is to support the Cardinal Rule.
0 hope i ha*e at least pro*ide some clarit# into this. Than u for #our comment
i u$$a
Althou(h it does not redraw, the BB chan(es its position to ali(n to the ne)t candle. !o when #ou enter the trade, BB seems far apart, $ut suddenl# the price mo*es a(ainst #our trade, and BB touches the alert candle. 0f #ou see these candles in a $actestin(, #ou surel# wouldnt ha*e traded them, $ut in li*e tradin( #ou will . ow we can a*oid this1
e# =aston. There are a couple of approaches to #our concern.
%. hen u see a candle $reas out, and its seems to $e startin( a trend, a*oid it. 2. Lie what u su((ested, twea the BB settin(s to 2.4 or /. U will see a si(nificant drop in setups. This will also wor. /. nl# tae an Alert Candle when it is a certain distance cleared from BB lines. ere we are talin( a$out pro)imit# of the clearance $etween the BB line and the closed ed(e of the candle.
All the a$o*e su((estions are sound, lo(ical and wora$le. 0f these suits #our tradin( st#le, ris appetite and #our e)pectations, (i*e it a tr#.
7a# i su((est this. Tae a closer loo at m# -rida# trades screenshots. 0 $elie*e a$out ;&' of them are in a trend and rather stron(. Fet, with the rules and indicators, i was a$le to sin(le out most of the Entr# Candle and win.
The Cardinal Rules, AR" J !-T supportin( rules, the default settin(s of BB and the template of indicators assisted me in main( a sound decision. 7a#$e it mi(ht not suit u. r simpl# u ha*e not (i*en it and #ourself enou(h time. r e*en u mi(ht ha*e certain e)pectations from it.
>ust tae it eas#, (o throu(h the rules a(ain. !ee it in #our mind how it would pan out in li*e tradin( maret. RationaliHe e*er# rules, the indicators and read throu(h the thread a(ain. Up to this point, i still thin that this is a simple #et effecti*e strate(#.
Lastl#, the maret is d#namic. There will $e misses $ut with this strate(#, there will $e more hits than misses.
Thans u$$a, *er# helpful #our answer.
hen #ou said
1. When u se e a ca ndl e br eaks u o t , and i t s se ems o t be st ar t i ng a t r end, avo i di t .
ow can 0 realiHe that it seems to $e startin( a trend1 0s there an# other tip or soft rule appart from the 24' 9C1
This strate(# is *er# accurate. The onl# issue 0 see dificult to a*oid for a non trained e#e 3lie mine5, are waterfalls. !o that is m# insistance a$out it, hope not $ein( anno#in( a$out that
Thans and re(ards
#et me try an explanation too. $ don(t know which pair that is but from the Bollinger Band on the left it looks like it has been strongly bullish. Then it went into a ranging market. &eller and buyers were not sure which way to go. $ added two white lines to visuali?e the range, marked with / white arrows. $f a candle breaks this line $ have to ad%ust it as $ don(t have the correct range or it starts trending again.
Periods like this are a pure treasure chest for Binary @ptions traders. Aou could have easily wins 4marked with the green arrows5 as the candles stopped exactly at the &-7 lines.$f you are ok with more risk you can even trade the wicks touching the line. inally it broke out of this range and that(s where you placed your trade. That would be exactly the moment when $ would stop trading.
he# Thaiminator, thans for #our e)planation, appreciate it. 0t reall# looed (ood with the drawn lines and i am not sure if an#one tradin( real time would ha*e such confidence and foresi(ht lie u do. At least not me as i am +uite new to this.
>ust to add, the moment u stop tradin( is e)actl# where i come in $ase on the strate(# in this thread. As this thread is focusin( on tradin( when the mo*ement is out of the BB, i would lie to eep it ti(ht and focus on the conte)t of the discussion here, for all those readin( this.
thans for #our post a(ain.
1. When u se e a ca ndl e br eaks u o t , and i t s se ems o t be st ar t i ng a t r end, avo i di t .
ow can 0 realiHe that it seems to $e startin( a trend1 0s there an# other tip or soft rule appart from the 24' 9C1
-ranl# with m# limited e)perience in the tradin( maret, these are the few thin(s i li*e $# re(ardin( spottin( trends.
%. Chec the mtf. 7%4, 7/& J %. Are the# formin( the same pattern. 2. is the trend result of a $reaout due to news or data1 /. is the trend due to the start of a tradin( session1 8. is there a (lo$al impact, lie the plun(e of oil prices1
The pro$lem we ha*e here is that we are looin( at 74 charts. e are lie a fro( in a well, restricted *iew. Thinin( the world is all within the well. 9er# often we are not aware of the formed trend. This is a lac of situation awareness we ha*e to acnowled(e.
m# su((estion is that if u are not comf# spottin( $reaouts, then wait for momentar# pull $acs, $ounce or re*ersal. This, the 9C, !TC and e*en E7A!7A can assist.
e dont ha*e to $e the first to pull the tri((er whene*er somethin( mo*es. e can also wait for it to $e slopp#, slow and e)hausted then we pull the tri((er.
$etter to miss an opportunit# at the start of a trend than to lose a trade at the start of a trend.
Loo at the importance of !TC durin( this waterfall. within the rectan(le is ; candles in main window and ; 9C candles. at the 8th candle, it seems that !TC is near the ! le*el $ut not there #et. But 9C tip is at 24', so no deal accordin( to rules. Then $# the ;th candle, !TC and 9C tip all met rules. And the ne)t candle $ecomes the Entr#. 0t was a (ood entr#.
this is one of the man# NBRA0NER. >ust read up the rules, follow it and appl# it. 0t will (uide u out of waterfall. There is no conflict in an# indicators or with the rules.
eas# does it, NBRA0NER. >ust need the disciple, patience and dili(ence. please refer to the a$o*e post for the reason $ehind the entr# and a*oidance.
smoki, the 8th candle as mentioned $# u, it did not meet all the rules. it is the one la$elled as <-ailed Alert Candle<.
Accordin( to rule I 1.Thel en gt h ofAl er t Can dl e sho ul d bea l on ge r bo dyca nd l e com pa r et ot hepa st34 ca nd l es . We ar el oo ki ng f or a mom ent ar y exh ‘ aust ed’ ca ndl e. I ft her ei s a nydoubt about anyof t hese , pl easer ef er t o ALL my p ost ed ch ar t s n it he pr ev i ous p ages o f r ve r i fic at i on. 2.Wh ent heAl er tCandl ehasas hor t ,av er ageors amebodyl engt hast hepas t34c andl es ,i gnor eandwai t . The nex t ca ndl et o m e w i l l be t he Al er t Candl e beca usei t meet s h t e si zer equi r ement . But i ti s m y A l er t #1 beca usei tf ai l ed t o meet t he VC r ul e, i t br oket he m or et han 2 5% r ul e. Acc or di ng t o r ul e: 6. Dur i ng mostt r endi ng, you r Al er t Candl e #1 wi l l meetALL t he r equ i r ement s.Do notmakean ent r y fir st . Si nce i ti st r endi ng, co r r esp ond t he st r engt h of t hi st r end wi t h VC. Nex t ca ndl e wi l l be Al er t #2. According to rule :
4. When an Al er t Candl e i s sh or t and st i l l va l i d. Thi s ca n o nl y b e a cce pt ed w hen h t e p r evi ous ca ndl e meett he c r i t er i a a s A l er t Candl e and h as a on l ge r ca ndl e body. That i s,i f u sp ota sh or t ca ndl e and i s yo ur Al er t Candl e, t hen t hat mustbe AT LEAST you r Al er t Candl e #2 . Rem em be rt hecan dl e exha ust i ont he or y . 5. I ft he Al er t Candl e #1 i s abr eako ut ca ndl e, su ppor t ed byt he si ght of br eaki ng out of t he BB ch annel ,l onger ca ndl e body h t an t he pr ev i ous 3 4 ca ndl es.I ti s agood se t up. TheAl ert #2mee t s A LLt her ul es . Hen cet hene xtcan dl e wou l d bet heEnt r y . Thebo nu s s i b oh t Al er t #1& 2 t ou che s he t RN l i nean d b ou nce d o ff. i hope t hi si l l us t r at i on i sc l ear o f r , us mok i .
A6 71.
0 ha*e followed all the rules, Cardinal, ard and !oft supportin( ones. And #et i lost that trade, wh# 1 AN! I Because all the rules and indicators used are all la((in(. The# onl# assist in main( a *er# narrow and isolated educated (uess. The# are not holistic in an# wa#. Use this strate(# realisticall#.
A6 70.
Can this strate(# $e use in other time frames and e)pir#1 AN!I i ha*e onl# tried it on 74 and 7%4 for 4 min and %4 min e)pir# respecti*el#. There is no chan(e to the rules.
e# !calperO, thans and welcome
#es i am still usin( this strate(# for most of m# trades. i primaril# trades momentar# pull $acs , $ounce and re*ersal. This particular strate(#, i ha*e $een usin( it since No* last #ear. owe*er i ha*e $een usin( BB as m# core tradin( strate(# for a$out %; months. But i am not a trader $# profession, i onl# tr# to s+ueeHe in trades in the midst of m# da# 6o$ at the office.
(ood 6o$ on the trades. i $elie*e this strate(# can assist in main( *er# (ood and profita$le decision. i was tellin( the s#pe chat (roup that if u use this strate(# correctl#, ha*in( // 0T7 per da# is hi(hl# doa$le.