Certified SAP FI Functional Consultant
Name E-mail: Phone: Certifcation ID:
OBJICTIVE To To obtain a challenging challenging position position in a proessional proessional technology-dr technology-driven iven organization organization o repute that ould best utilize my e!pertise as a SAP FI "unctional Consultant# I loo$ orard to use my s$ills to help my organization achieve its ob%ectives and bring in continuous groth and complement my proessional groth#
Certifed &'P ECC (#) "I Consultant rom *+, Institute# anagement graduate ith .#/ years o e!perience in accounting domains# /#( years o e!perience in 'ccounts 0eceivable as &'P end user and 1#2 +ears as "inance 3 'ccounts E!ecutive#
ACADEMIC CREDENTIALS 2008 - 2010 4niversity
MBA – Finance Ma!"e#in$
200% - 200& B' C(m College or 4niversity An) a**i#i(na+ c(,!e SAP CERTIFICATION SAP ERP Financia+. Ve!i(n ECC /'0 In#i#,#e 5Date 6 F(c, A!ea
FI-L Confguring and Customizing o enterprise structure7 "inancial 'ccounting global setting7 8e 9eneral ledger 'ccounting#
Acc(,n# Pa)a+e Confguring 'nd Customizing endor ';C group7 endor master data7 'utomatic payment Program7 Program7
Acc(,n# Recei3a+e Confguring and Customizing Customer ';C group7 customer master data7
Confguring dunning areas and dunning procedure#
Ae# Acc(,n#in$ Confguration and customizing customizing o 'ssets 'ssets 7 aintained 'sset aster Data-'c>uisitions7 0etirements7 Transers7 0evaluation o 'ssets 'nd Depreciation 0un# - 1-
Certified SAP FI Functional Consultant
In#e$!a#i(n "I integration ith 7 "I integration ith &D#
M(*,+e C(3e!e* ? "inancial 'ccounting I T"I8.) ? "inancial 'ccounting II T"I8.@ PROFESSIONAL E4PERIENCE 4Y4 C(' Ti++ *a#e Designation ? 'ccounts 0eceivable
Ma) 201% –
Ensure accurate application o cash receipts consistently ater donloading ban$ statements# Ta$e accountability and gather the re>uired inormation or accurate application and balance all entries in ban$ fle regularly# &end dunning letters to customers as a standard process# Perorm payment runs based on re>uests rom customers# Possess $noledge o transaction codes in &'P 'ccounts 0eceivables process ith end-user perspective#
ABC c( – Ma) 201% Designation ? 'ccounts 0eceivable
A5!i+ 2012
Perorm daily cash receipts application accurately and eBciently 9ather all inormation necessary to ma$e accurate application to customer accounts =alance all entries in ban$ fle daily Communicate ith internal and e!ternal sources as needed to complete the application process hich includes a lot o research 0esponsible to send onthly ; ee$ly reports on issues to 9enpact Internal and client eadership Elevating the issue promptly to the ne!t level i no proper response is received ithin the T'T time Initiated conerence calls regarding the process improvement updates#
4Y6 C('. 2012 "inance 3 'ccounts E!ecutive
A5!i+ 2010 – Jan
Preparation o =an$ reconciliation statement# - 2-
Certified SAP FI Functional Consultant
Preparation o "inancial &tatements as per the 'ccounting &tandards and 9uidelines# Internal chec$ing and reconciliation o Cash 3 =an$ =oo$s# "iling o Income Ta! returns or Individual and "irms as per provisions o Income Ta! 'ct# "iling o E-TD& returns# "iling o 'T 0eturns# "iling o &ervice Ta!#
&'P E0P ? "inancials7 ersion ECC (#) Computer =asics7 & Bce7 Internet#
0eceived =est Employee 'ard or the month o arch-@)1. in '=C co## 0eceived =ronze 'ard7 and Team &ilver 'ard in *+, co#7#
PERSONAL INFORMATION Date o =irth : arital &tatus anguage : "atherFs 8ame otherFs 8ame: ocal 'ddress Passport 8o :
: : :
I hereby declare that all the above information given by me is true of my best knowledge.
Date: Place:
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