NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
Student Name:
Student Number:
Date of Submission:
IGC3 % The Health and Safety #ractical Application Candidate and cour&e pro'ider declaration&: !or co(pletion )y the candidate: I declare that the work submitted for this practical application assessment ie. the completed observation sheets and the report to management, management, is my own work. I recognise that contraventi contravention on of this statement statement constitutes constitutes malpractice and may result in my being subject to the penalties set out in the N!"S# $alpractice policy.
Name %&rint' Sign Signat atur ure e
(((( (((((( (((( ((( ((((( ((((( ((((( (((((( ((( ((((( ((((( ((((( (((((( ((( (
Date !or co(pletion )y a cour&e pro'ider repre&entati'e *e+,+ internal practical a&&e&&or-: I declare that the work marked is identical to that received from the candidate. I recognise that contravention of this statement constitutes malpractice and may result in my being subject to the penalties set out in the N!"S# $alpractice policy.
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Sign Signat atur ure e
(((( (((((( (((( ((( ((((( ((((( ((((( (((((( ((( ((((( ((((( ((((( (((((( ((( (
!or co(pletion )y the cour&e pro'ider.& internal practical a&&e&&or: I declare that I have marked this work and am both )ualified and approved by N!"S# to do so. I recognise that contravention of this statement constitutes malpractice and may result in my being subject to the penalties set out in the N!"S# $alpractice policy.
Name Name %&rint %&rint''
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Sign Signat atur ure e
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NB: Thi& declaration (u&t )e co(pleted in full &u)(itted and retained /ith the candidate.& &cript+ &cript+ If thi& declaration i& not &u)(itted the candidate.& candidate.& re&ult (ay )e declared 'oid+
A&&e&&or.& A&&e&&or. & (ar0in, &heet
IGC3 % THE HEALTH AN SA!ET" #$ACTICAL A##LICATION Date of practical application *ourse provider number
Student number
Name of assessor *ourse provider name
-reen orld -roup
Student name
4a5i(u( (ar0& a'aila)le
Co(pletion of o)&er'ation &heet&
/. /
0ange and outline of ha1ards and conse)uences
/. 2
Identification of suitable control measures and timescales
$eport 7 Introduction and E5ecuti'e Su((ary
2. /
Introduction providing an overview of the chosen area
2. 2
3ecutive summary
$eport 7 4ain findin,& of the in&pection
. /
4uality of interpretation of findings
. 2
Identification of possible breaches of international standards
&ersuasiveness 5 conciseness 5 technical content
$eport 7 Conclu&ion& and $eco((endation&
6 6 2
A&&e&&or.& (ar0& a/arded
NEBOSH (oderated (ar0&
%if different'
6. /
*lear and concise conclusions which are clearly related to report findings and are effective in convincing management to take action
6. 2
0ecommendations which present realistic actions to improve health and safety in the chosen area
Outcome: PASS
(60% or more)
(less than 60%)
Date assessed (((( 5 (((( 5 (((( 7ssessor8s signature (((((((((((((((((((((( Date received by course provider (((( 5 (((( 5 (((( Date received by N!"S# (if applicable) ((((( 5 ((((( 5 (((((
A&&e&&or.& additional co((ent& on the practical application:
ASSESSE B" *na(e in )loc0 letter&- ((((((((((( (((((((((((((((( ((((((((((( ((((((((((( ((((((((((( (((((((((((( ((((((((((( (((((((((( ((((( The (ar0 &heet (u&t )e retained )y the Cour&e #ro'ider and &ent to NEBOSH only if reue&ted+
NEBOSH 4oderator.& co((ent&:
Candidate.& o)&er'ation &heet
Studen Studentt na( na(e e ;;;;; ;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;;;; ;;;
Studen Studentt nu()er nu()er
#lace in&pected: #re&ti,e Group< !lyo'er con&truction< Surat< India ate of in&pection 32 4arch 128 O)&er'ation&
#a1ards and conse)uences
Control (ea&ure&
Immediate and longer term actions
Deep e3cavator hole si1e of 2323 meter wide without any shoring protection and has the high ha1ard of people5material can fall and has the potential for fatality, serious personal injury such as bone fracture 9head injury and also property damage%&hysical ha1ard'
Short Ter( 4ea&ure: &rovision of
warning signage on that area such as >Deep 3cavation? Lon, Ter( 4ea&ure: renching the
e3cavation area to avoid people5material falling from height. Introducing &ermit to work
/ $onth.
Developing safe system of work
2 weeks.
2.*onstruction 2.*onstruction materials were stacked too high outside area without any barricade where workers around working and also public walking close by has the serious potential of material falling from height and impact the workers 9public not limited to fatality, serious personal injury and also material damage.%&hysical #a1ard' . ipper lorry was reversing without the help of banks man and observed no beepers5reverse alarm were in place and has the potential to collide with pedestrians and lead to fatality and serious personal injury such as head injury, bone fracture.%&hysical #a1ard' 6. ower crane at site did not have an operational5safety operational5safety certification nor did the crane operator have his operator license on hand5demand..;ifting accessories were not inspected before and after the operation. 7ll above could lead to e)uipment failure and falling of object from height can cause fatality, crane to collapse and serious personal injury and damage to property. %&hysical #a1ard'
<.3cavator are backing up without the help of spotter could lead to accident and have the potential to cause property damage, damage, fatality by striking st riking the pedestrians pedestrians around%&hysical around%&hysical #a1ard'. =. No Segregation for pedestrians and vehicles at the flyover f lyover construction area which has the potential to cause
/ day.
Short ter( action: 0educe the height of
2 weeks
2 days
stacking using workforce. Lon, Ter( Action:
/' !arric !arricadi ading ng the the area area to to e3clu e3clude de the workers and public reaching the stacking area. 2' rain raining ing on safe safe stacki stacking ng for for all all workers. Short Ter( Action: 7ppoint a banks
/ $onth. / $onth.
man from the workforce. Lon, Ter( Action: 0ecruit banks man
/ $onth
and also fi3 reverse alarm for the tipper truck.
Short Ter( Action: Inform the
driver5crane operator to bring the necessary paper work. Lon, Ter( Action: Inspection training videos for crane operation before and after to the crane cr ane operator and banks man.
2 weeks
Short Ter( 4ea&ure : 7ppoint interim
2 hrs
banks man to guide operator. Lon, Ter( Action: $ecruit< Appoint and train the )an0& (an+
/ $onth.
Short Ter( action: &lace warning
collision between vehicle and pedestrians pedestrians and5or stationary objects lead to property damage.%&hysical #a1ard' +. Diesel -enerator in place for power supply during night time work and producing lots of noise which can lead to ear canal damage, tinnitus and also noise induces hearing loss%&hysical ha1ard' and no workers using hearing protection. @. orkers have been e3posed to hot weather and working for long time without ade)uate breaks provided leading to faint, dehydration and hyperthermia.%&hysical hyperthermia.%&hysical #a1ard' A. Diesel generator has found to be leaking and there are no spill trays to collect them hence fumes can lead to possible fire and 5or e3plosion having a potential damage to property and also loss of many lives %*hemical #a1ard'. /B. orkers were manually lifting cement bags from the warehouse and also found to be not using && while carrying out subject to ligament damage%rgonomic #a1ard' //.Drilling machine used at this construction where found to be producing lots of noise and worker not using && such as gloves to reduce to e3posure of vibration to his hand as it is directly passing through can lead to vibration white finger, muscle weakening weakening .%&hysical #a1ard' /2.*onstruction /2.*onstruction iron rods5sands unloaded in front of the site and it is not stored properly with any barricading in place leading to trip ha1ard and can cause head injury as it preventing access5egress. /.Drilling machine cord has kinks5splints at various places and also has scorch marks has the potential to give electric shock to driller and lead to heart fibrillation and cardiac arrest , death and secondary effects%&hysical
signage such as > !eware of Cehicles? Lon, Ter( Action: Separate pedestrian
/ $onth
and vehicles by constructing dividers
Short Ter( Action: nforce the
2 hrs.
workforce to use hearing protection such as ear defenders or ear plugs. Lon, Ter( Action: *arry out maintenance on diesel generator5!uy a new diesel generator.
6 weeks.
Short Ter( Action: Instruct the workers
to intake sufficient amount to prevent from dehydration. ;ong term action: 0evise the schedule and include break system for staff and provide ade)uate training on heat stress, dehydration and hyperthermia. Short Ter( 4ea&ure: !uy a spill tray
and fi3 where observed leakage. Lon, Ter( Action: Identify the cause for the leakage and rectify and impart training on the fire and 5or e3plosion. . Short Ter( Action : nforce to use
<#rs. eeks.
/ eek. / $onth.
&&9 0&. Lon, Ter( Action: &urchase of wheel
barrow where workers can avoid carrying manually. Short Ter( 4ea&ure: nforce workers to wear && as gloves for vibration, 0& to prevent from dust and hearing protection for the noise. Lon, Ter( Action: $aintenance should be carried out on the drilling machine to identify the root cause for noise if it cannot be fi3ed then buying of new drilling machine available in current market Short Ter( 4ea&ure: 0emove the materials and store it inside and should be away from the walk way. Lon, Ter( Action: !uild a secure storage area where it can have lock to prevent from theft and also from tripping ha1ard.
2 days.
2 days. / $onth.
days. Short Ter( Action: Insulate the kink
areas to prevent from electric leakage.
/ $onth. Lon, Ter( Action: 0eplace the cord
/6."il spillage in the warehouse area where it has the potential for slip ha1ard and could lead to head injury, bruises etc%&hysical #a1ard'
and carry out portable appliance testing to ensure the standard has been followed. 2 hrs. Short Ter( Action : *lean up the oil
/<.railing of cables at the drilling area where workers found to be walking around that area could lead to trip ha1ard and have the potential for head injury, bone fracture.%&hysical #a1ard'
spillage . Lon, Ter( Action: Inspection regime
and continuous supervision in the warehouse area to maintain proper housekeeping at all times.
/ week. 2 hrs.
Short Ter( 4ea&ure: arning signage
in place for trailing of cables >rip #a1ard? /=. Er,ono(ic Ha=ard: 7dministration department employees have a poor working posture looking at the computer in the remote office area at construction site due to nonE adjustable chairs and computer monitors can lead to musculoskeletal disorder, eye strain, fatigue and back pain. /+. Biolo,ical Ha=ard: !een observed that there is a pool of water stagnated located near right side of the construction area can cause biological effect of inhaling and5or absorption of harmful bacteria and viruses may lead to contagious diseases or ,;egionellosis, #epatitis 7, !.
/ eek Short Ter( Action: Fre)uent breaks
and job rotation by having tailor made good working schedule.
/ $onth.
Lon, ter( (ea&ure :&urchasing
adjustable chairs and monitors where workers can adjust to ade)uate level days. Short Ter( Action: ater treatment with
chlorine to kills germs, bacteria and virus. Lon, ter( Action: &urchase of biocides
/@. First aid provision at each construction sections.
to kill germs completely and proper housekeeping with ade)uate supervision.
/A. holesome drinking water at all construction areas.
Demonstrates the management *ommitment towards health and safety for workers. &otable drinking water to workers would help to hydrate themselves and employer mention with the signage board stating >Safe *ondition? at each drinking water facility areas.
2B. . 4echanical Ha=ard: lectric disc cutter machine %//BC' for cutting stones in the construction where it had no guards and could lead to potentially high risk for entanglement as he is wearing loose clothing, and cutting and5or abrasion as he is not using any && . 2/. mployees are at high risk of
Short Ter( 4ea&ure: nforce worker to
wear gloves && to minimi1e the abrasion. Lon, Ter( 4ea&ure: raining for all place workers on using the electric disc machine using ha1ard without using guard and replace the missing guard.
/ $onth.
/ day. eeks.
lung diseases from cement dust around the concrete mi3er. here is no protection measures have been taken for employees such as no &&,0& and hard hats can lead to asphy3iation, asphy3iation, scar lung tissue and also irritant to skin, eyes*Che(ical Ha=ard-+
22."ne of the workers were yelling at another in the construction area can cause stress and have the psychological effect as poor self esteem and depression%&sychologica depression%&sychologicall #a1ard'. 2.-as cutting work is ongoing nearby fuel storage area%Diesel'. here is no fire protection against burn flying objects and fire e3tinguisher e3tinguisher around that area. 0isk of the property damage5fire damage5fire incident5loss of lives'%*hemical lives'%*hemical 9&hysical #a1ard'. 26. elding work found to be happening around fuel storage area, ha1ard of fire5e3plosion as the spark from welding operation would do and risk of property damage, loss of lives, burn injury%&hysical #a1ard'. 2<. orkers were carrying bricks on their head manual handling risk can lead to headache, neck pain, bone damage on the neck area%&hysical ha1ard'.
Short Ter( 4ea&ure: nforce the
worker to use &&50& such as hard hat and gloves, 0& is single face piece mask respirator to protect from inhalation ha1ard. Lon, Ter( 4ea&ure: #igh impact training associated with the use of cement5concrete mi3er.
/ day
Short Ter( 4ea&ure: *onsultation with
both the employees to identify the cause.
/ day.
Lon, Ter( 4ea&ure: Formulating and implementing 1ero tolerance tolerance policy policy strictly for behavioural issues
2 eeks.
Short Ter( 4ea&ure : Interim
appointment of Fire atcher. atcher.
Lon, Ter( 4ea&ure: -as cutting
operation should be done in highly ventilated area where sufficient fire e3tinguishers, purchase of D*& fire e3tinguishers and construction of separate area to do gas cutting operation.
/ $onth.
Short Ter( 4ea&ure: 7ppoint fire
watcher in that area.
2 hrs.
Lon, Ter( 4ea&ure: !uy preEfabricated
welding pipes instead carrying out welding operations.
2 eeks.
Short Ter( 4ea&ure: Stop the manual
handling work.
Lon, Ter( 4ea&ure: &urchase of wheel
barrow where workers can use to carry the bricks. .
/ eek.
Candidate report te(plate
Student nu()er Location #re&ti,e Group< !lyo'er con&truction< Surat< India
ate of re'ie/32 re'ie/ 32 >2? >128
Introduction includin, o'er'ie/ of area in&pected and acti'itie& ta0in, place
he report follows a health and safety inspection of the construction, administration administration office and welfare facilities at #re&ti,e Group< !lyo'er con&truction< Surat< India where company involves construction projects of apartments and also road r oad projects like flyover and pavements + he inspection took place on B $arch 2B/6 between BABB and /=BB. he scope of this inspection is to highlight areas of concern because there have been serious accidents and nearE misses for the past month. 7round BB workers at site and using hand held tools such as hammer, chisel, a3e and power tools such as drilling machine, portable electric disk cutter, crane and cement mi3er etc.. Inspection has been conducted based on the visual observation and also in interviewing workforce and checking documents documents such as tool bo3 talk, investigation report of previous accident that has happened happened in this workplace for the past months ,&ermit to work , safe system of work documents to overview the general health and safety culture and commitment towards health and safety of the organisation. Site has ongoing work of stacking construction materials using crane, e3cavator to dig up the soil for the foundation ,welding operation ,gas cutting operation and concrete mi3ing operation.
Candidate report te(plate
UNIT IGC3 % THE HEALTH AN SA!ET" #$ACTICAL A##LICATION Student nu()er Location #re&ti,e Group< !lyo'er con&truction< Surat< India ate of re'ie/ 32>2? >128
E5ecuti'e Su((ary
7t the completion completion of this inspection, inspection, I have have concluded concluded with recommendation recommendation which which includes includes the time, effort, money and control measures to mitigate5eliminate the health and safety issues observed through are pointed out .Implementing on these control measures not only benefit the company business image also boost employee8s morale and avoid any legal implication from the e3ternal authorities, Direct and indirect cost associated for the company following an accident. Gey issues were found in the construction area activities are highlighted below. •
3cavation for the foundation of flyover with no shoring5trenching could lead to people5material people5material may fall. $aterials were stacked too much height and had the potential for falling from height on to the workers lead to head injury, fatality as some objects observed to be sharp ones. ipper ;orries and e3cavators are reversed without the help of banks man could lead to accident with fi3ed objects5pedestrians. objects5pedestrians. ower crane operator without any license and certification when spot checked and also no inspection being done on the lifting materials and only visual contact with operator and spotter no other communication device had been used for potential of blind spots for crane operation.
7 )uick )uick analysis of of the cost shown in the recommendation recommendation can help help to identify identify the cost implication implication to overcome the key areas which can in turn help to protect our workers, property and more importantly our IS" certification renewal and public image on our business.
Candidate report te(plate
UNIT IGC3 % THE HEALTH AN SA!ET" #$ACTICAL A##LICATION Student nu()er;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Location:; #re&ti,e Group< !lyo'er con&truction< Surat< India
ate of re'ie/ 32>2?>128
4ain findin,& of the in&pection The 0ey area& that ha'e )een identified are li&ted )elo/: @O)&er'ation:
Deep e3cavation were found for the foundation of flyover without any protection measures from the workers5materials to prevent fall and also soil heaped around the e3cavation area can caveEin and has the potential for workers can caught in lead to asphy3iation, death and also head injury, cuts, bruises when workers fall into e3cavation and it is breaching I;" legislation of *onvention */=+E Safety and #ealth in construction convention, /A@@%No./=+'. $eco((endation:
renching the e3cavation area would completely eliminate the soil from cave in and also warning signage around would caution the workers to understand the importance of signage and helps to protect themselves from falling 5also falling objects when workers working inside. For trenching would cost appro3imately H2
*onstruction materials materials such as iron rods ,bricks, cement bags were stacked too high where workers and publics are walking nearby and it has the potential to fall off from height , workers5public may get crushed and result in serious personal injury not limited to bone fracture,cuts,bruises etc... hich is against I;"E*/<< "ccupational #ealth and safety convention /A@/ and ork at height regulationE 2BB<%7#0'. $eco((endation:
#ighEImpact aversion therapy training training for all workers on safe stacking to completely eliminate this issue and also barricading the area helps to prevent the pedestrians movement safe which both could cost appro3imately SD2
Candidate report te(plate
UNIT IGC3 % THE HEALTH AN SA!ET" #$ACTICAL A##LICATION Student nu()er;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Location #re&ti,e Group< !lyo'er con&truction< Surat< India
ate of re'ie/ 32>2?>128
7t the outset, outset, I would like to thank thank the managemen managementt for giving me an an opportunity opportunity to inspect on on the place where there is heavy mounted traffic and it found to be challenging with one of the biggest construction of flyover project at Surat, India. 7lso would like to e3tend my thanks to each and every workforce who helped me throughout this inspection, by understanding the importance of why I am being here as it pertains to their safety instead that the inspector came to point out the issues out there and hence misbehaving like not providing sufficient information when asked5look at me like a police. orkforce seems to be happy with the sufficient welfare facilities and ade)uate workload on them with the shift basis, however there found to be still grey areas where management should focus on to rectify them, such as •
3cavation without protection could lead to falling of material5worker has the conse)uence of serious personal injury and fatality, constructing a trench with ade)uate warning signage would eliminate this ha1ard. *onstruction materials were stacked too high has the potential to fall from height on to workers can have significant head injury ,bone fracture etc. 0educing the height and training would help to mitigate this issue. ipper and 3cavators were reversed5operated without the help the banks man can lead to striking of pedestrians around that area, to rectify this issue an interim spotter should be identified to mitigate and to completely eliminate recruit and train the spotter. *rane operation being carried out without any inspection record and also no paper work on board such as crane operator8s licence and certification which could lead to cancelling the license for that vehicle to operate and any accident may found to be breaching the statutory
law,to rectify ensure inspection carried out on schedule and necessary paper work on board all the times. 7bove issues were were spotted as major which highlights the the concern of of serious moral, legal legal and economical problems which in turn could damage the public image and reputation on us. Suitable recommendation suggested on the spotted issue which I8m bringing to your attention through this report for implementation to rectify it without further delay. delay.
Candidate report te(plate
UNIT IGC3 % THE HEALTH AN SA!ET" #$ACTICALA##LICATION Student nu()er;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Location #re&ti,e Group< !lyo'er con&truction< Surat< India
ate of re'ie/ 32>2?>128
$eco((endation&: $eco((endation O)&er'ation:
renching the e3cavation area and provision of warning signage to minimi1e the people5material people5material falling from height.
Li0ely re&ource i(plication&
Tar,et date
2 manpower re)uired to implement ,trench would cost around SD 2
32 April 128* 4onth-
7rrangement 7rrangement of workplace training on safe stacking like purchasing training material would cost appro3imately SD
raining on safe stacking and reducing the height of the stacked material.
*327 April7128-
0ecruit, 7ppoint and rain the banks man for reverse operation of tipper.
0ecruiting cost would be appro3imately SD2BB and training could cost SD
nforcement nforcement of rules by supervisor to instruct the crane operator to carry all necessary paperwork and training videos for crane operator.
ould not cost anything to the organisation however it has the potential indirect cost like stopping the crane operation after an accident or any spot inspection carried by e3ternal authorities which is immeasurable.
$e $edium
2 eeks. %/6E7prilE2B/6'
0ecruiting cost would be appro3imately SD2BB and training could cost SD
4onth *327 April7128-
*327 April7128* 4onth-
0ecruit, 7ppoint and rain the banks man for reverse operation of e3cavator.