The Ar Arbit bitrat ration ion and Con Concil ciliat iation ion Ac Act, t, 199 19966 (h (here ereina inafte fterr the "19 "1996 96 Ac Act") t") sup suppla plants nts the Arbitration Act, 1940. In the 1996 Act, interention b! Courts as li#ited so that the ob$ect behind speed! $ustice $ustice could be ell achieed. achieed. To To further further the aforesaid aforesaid ob$ectie, the 1996 Act harbours #an! proisions. %ection & of the 1996 Act denotes one such proision hich proides for li#ited $udicial interention and furthers the ob$ectie b! directin' the parties to 'et inoled in arbitration on the basis of the arbitration a'ree#ent. In do#estic arbitrations , the uses of %ection & applications in the Courts hae spiraled oer the !ears. This piece proides an indepth anal!sis of %ection & of the 1996 Act b! focusin' on the $udicial precedents. FACTS
The ashtri!a Ispat i'a# is a *ublic %ector +ndertain'. It is en'a'ed, inter alia, in the business of #anufacturin' and #aretin' of iron and steel products. The espondent is a partnership fir#. It is en'a'ed in the business of consi'n#ent a'ents. It has its office at -alandhar. A contract as entered into b! and beteen the parties hereto in re'ard to the handlin' and stora'e of iron and steel #aterials of the Appellant at udhiana. The Appellants Appellants contend that one %hri Anil /er#a, *artner of the espondentir# had constituted arious fir#s and co#panies and obtained seeral consi'n#ent a'enc! contracts fro# the Appellant pertainin' to 2elhi, aridabad, Chandi'arh and udhiana etc. ho conspired ith certain officials of the Appellants and obtained pa!#ents 3 s.140 per 5.T. in place of s.6 per 5.T. on a false plea that the Transport Transport +nion at 7ahadur'arh 7ahadur'arh did not per#it transportation of 'oods ithout le! of a fee of s.100 per 5.T. on transportation of such 'oods. An inesti'ation as conducted b! the Central 7ureau of Inesti'ation and a cri#inal case as initiated a'ainst %hri Anil /er#a and the concerned officials of the Appellants. Alle'edl!, ith the ob$ect of presentin' a clean i#a'e to the Appellants and ith a ie to aoid ter#ination of all the contracts b! the#, a plea as put forth that %hri Anil /er#a had resi'ned fro# the partnership fir# as also fro# his other fir#sco#panies. Accordin' to the Appellants, the said %hri Anil /er#a as replaced b! his fa#il! #e#bers as a partner of the said fir# but he continued to be in co#plete control oer the fir#sco#panies. The contract of the espondent as ter#inated b! the Appellants on 8.0.8008. :n the sa#e da!, a sho cause notice as also issued to %hri Anil /e /er#a as to h! he and his fir#sco#panies fir#sco#panies should not be blac listed.