"Shear wall in a building construction, a rigid vertical diaphragm capable of transferring lateral forces from exterior wall , floors and roofs to the ground foundation in a direction parallel to their planes . Example,.reinforced concrete wall. Wind
Paper Title Analysis and Design of Vertical Post-Tensioned Precast Shear Wall Authors Rutuja Chavan, M. Ramesh Kannan Abstract This study aims to provide analysis and design of Vertical…Full description
Design of Shear Key
Rasio tegangan pada shear wall apartemenFull description
The vertical elements in the lateral force-resisting system (LFRS) Support the roof/floor diaphragms and transfer the lateral forces into the foundations
Materials Most typically used to develop shear wall action: Wood structural panels (e.g. plywood and oriented strand board (OSB)) Lumber sheathing (diagonal or horizontal “strips”)
Sheathing-type loads and spacing of wall studs may determine thickness Unit shear often controls May also be governed by the required fire rating of a wall e.g.,
1-hour fire rating for 2x4 wall studs @16”o.c., with 5/8” gypsum on the interior, and 5/8” Type X gypsum sheathing & minimum 3/8” plywood siding together on the outside.
Nailing, Chords, Collectors
Nailing Function
of unit shear in the wall and materials
Chords As
with diaphragms, these are designed to carry the moment Required at both ends of a shear wall
Collector (strut) Same
collector we discussed with diaphragm design
Shearwall Proportions
Measured by height-to-width ratio, h/b In buildings with two or more stories, the height, h, is the vertical clear distance between diaphragms IBC sets upper limits on h/b for various wall sheathing materials used as shear walls Shear walls satisfying h/b limits considered to be better with regards to deflection control
Height-to-Width Ratios
IBC sets h/b limit for wood structural panel shear walls to 3.5 for wind (SDPWS
uses this limit, blocked shear walls; Table 4.3.4)
IBC sets h/b limit to 2.0 for seismic
Height-to-Width Ratios
For tables, may increase h/b for seismic up to 3.5 provided that tabulated allowable unit shears reduced by multiplier 2bs/h (SDPWS
Allowable Unit Shears
Tabulated values assume framing members are Douglas Fir-Larch or Southern Pine Adjustment
factors for other species given in footnote
Panels resisting wind loads are permitted to use unit shear capacities 40% higher than for seismic Note that tables are for short-term forces (wind and seismic) If
panels used to support loads of longer duration, tabulated unit shear must be reduced
Allowable Unit Shears
LRFD – use resistance factor (SDPWS
= 0.80
Section 4.3.3)
Tabulated values apply to panels installed vertically or horizontally Assumed that all panel edges are supported by and are edge nailed to wall studs or blocking
Unit Shears
Can be obtained with more than one layer on other side of the wall If same nail size and spacing is used, second layer can double shear capacity of the wall
Unit Shears
Generally wall covering (gypsum wallboard, plaster, stucco) capacity not additive to shear capacity of wood structural panel sheathing One exception is gypsum wallboard under wood structural panel exterior (as in Table 4.3B) Plywood siding can also be used
Unit Shears
Three Methods
Segmented shearwall (SDPWS Most common Each segment designed separately
Design for force transfer around openings (SDPWS above and below openings designed as coupling beams Requires special detailing around openings
Perforated shear wall method (SDPWS
Semi-empirical method, like 2nd method but less detailing requirements and with capacity adjustment factor for openings (Table
Segmented Shearwall
Force Transfer Around Openings
Perforated Shearwall
Shearwall Chord Members
Shearwall Chord Members
Shearwall Chord Members
Some designers will include overturning resistance due to dead load; others neglect Force in compression chord can be underestimated when dead load neglected
Anchorage Considerations
Critical locations are where diaphragms connect to shearwalls and where shearwalls tie into the foundation Commonly use „tie-downs‟ or „hold-downs‟ (engineered prefabricated metal brackets) Must consider: Vertical
(gravity) loads Lateral forces parallel to the wall Lateral forces perpendicular to the wall
Shear Anchorage
Attachment of sheathing to bottom wall plate will transfer shear to base of the wall Anchor bolts are designed to transfer shear to foundation
Anchorage for Perpendicular Force
Anchorage for Perpendicular Force
Must rely on nail connection between stud and bottom wall plate, etc.
SDPWS eq. C4.3.2-1
Can also use SDPWS eq. 4.3-1 with Ga – apparent shear stiffness (including nail slip)