Human Resourc Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating erating Proc Proc edure Upda te: 09.0 09.08.0 8.08 8 / C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-Inde x
Hotels Hote ls & Reso Reso rts Human Huma n Reso Reso urc urc e s SO P Inde Ind e x Cod e
To p i c To
Rec ruitment uitment Proced oc edur ures es 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.
C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-001 P-001 C O -HR -HR-SO -SO P-0 P-00 02 C O -HR -HR-SO -SO P-0 P-00 03 C O -HR -HR-SO -SO P-0 P-00 04 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-005 P-005 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-006 P-006 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-007 P-007 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-008 P-008 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-009 P-009 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-010 P-010 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-011 P-011 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-012 P-012 C O -HR -HR-SO -SO P-0 P-01 13
Solicit olic iting ing A p plica plic a tions for Employment mplo yment Rec eive-Review eive-Review Ap plicati plica tions ons-C -CV V Filin iling g of Ap plica tions tions a nd C V’s Respo espond nd to Ap plica tions tions Requisit Requisition ion Handli Hand ling ng Pre-Selec Pre-Selec ting ting of A p p lic lic a nts prior to a n Interview Interview Re-employment Re-emp loyment of former A ssoc iates Intervi Interview ew Prep Prep a ra tions tions The Interview Reques Reque sting of Ver Ve rb a l Referenc es O versea versea s Recr Rec ruitment uitment Process Proc ess for the Non-Im No n-Immigr migra a nt B Vis Visa a C ontra ontra c t Prep Prepa a rations
Induct Induction Proced oc edur ures 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-014 P-014 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-015 P-015 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-016 P-016 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-016. P-016.1 1 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-017 P-017
Induc tion tion Proc Proc ed ures ures Registeri Registering ng of New Emp Emp loyees loyee s in the Per Pe rsonnel onne l Record Rec ord A ssigning of A ssoc iate Housing Housing A ssoc iate C ommittee Trainees raine es from Unive Univers rsities ities a nd Instit Institute utes s
Oper perating Proced oc edur ures 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29.
C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-018 P-018 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-019 P-019 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-020 P-020 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-021 P-021 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-022 P-022 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-023 P-023 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-024 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-025 P-025 DC O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-026 P-026 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-027 P-027 C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-028 P-028
A ssoc iate A war wa rd s A ssoc iate News Ne wsletter letter Employee mplo yee Prob Prob a tion Evaluation va luation M onthly Tra ining ining Sc hed ule Extens Extension ion of the Proba tion tion Period Iss Issuing of a Work C ertifica ertifica te The Exit Exit Interview Ver Ve rb a l Referenc es Persona Persona l Data a nd A ssoc iate Status Payr Pa yroll oll Proced Proc ed ures ures Soc ial Sec urit urity y Proc Proc edur ed ures es
©This ©This material material is co pyright pyright p rotec ted and is prop prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Fae ssler.
Human Resourc Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating erating Proc Proc edure Upda te: 09.0 09.08.0 8.08 8 / C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-Inde x
Hotels Hote ls & Reso Reso rts Human Huma n Reso Reso urc urc e s SO P Inde Ind e x Cod e
To p i c To
Human Resource Resources Standar nda rd Letters 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
C O -HR-LT -HR-LTR-001 R-001 C O -HR-L -HR-LT TR-00 R-002 2 C O -HR-LT -HR-LTR-003 R-003 C O -HR-LT -HR-LTR-004 R-004 C O -HR-L -HR-LT TR-00 R-005 5 C O -HR-LT -HR-LTR-006 R-006
Letter o f M a nag na g ement eme nt Trainee raine e Internship Internship (Domesti (Do mestic c Unive Univers rsities) ities) Letter of C ertifi ertific c a tion/ tion/ G uar ua ra ntee (Ex (Exp a ts, ts, Non-B No n-B-Vis -Visa a) Letter o f Promotion Promo tion (internal) (interna l) Letter of Work C ertific ertific a tion Letter of M a nage na ge ment Tra inee C ertifi ertific c a tion tion Letter o f Sa lary Referenc Refe renc e
Human Re Resource sources Standar nda rd Forms Forms 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.
C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-00 001 1 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-00 002 2 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-00 003 3 C O -HR-FR -HR-FR-00 -004 4 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-00 005 5 C O -HR-FR -HR-FR-00 -006 6 C O -HR-FR -HR-FR-00 -007 7 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-00 008 8 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-00 009 9 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-01 010 0 C O -HR-FR -HR-FR-01 -011 1 C O -HR-FR-01 -HR-FR-012 2 C O -HR-FR -HR-FR-01 -013 3 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-01 014 4 C O -HR-F -HR-FR R-015 -015 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-01 016 6 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-01 017 7 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-01 018 8
C ontrac t - Sa mple Emplo Employee yee Per Pe rformanc e Evaluation Form Form Emp Emp loyee Performanc e Eva Eva luation Form (HOD, Supervi up ervis sor) Disc Disc iplinary iplina ry A c tion Form C ertifica ertifica te Req uest Form Form Pers Pe rso nnel nne l Requis Req uisiti ition on Form Promotion-Sala Promo tion-Salary ry Incr Inc re a se Form A ssoc iate Status C hange ha nge Form Form Working Working C hange ha nge Form Fina Finall Sa lary C lear lea ra nce nc e Form Form Resigna Resigna tion Form Exit Exit Interview Inte rview Training Log Form Tra ining ining A ttenda ttend a nce nc e Record Rec ord Form Form A p plica plic a tion tion Form Form A p p lic lic a tion a nd Resume Resume C ontrol Form Form Emp Emp loyee Uniform Uniform A greement gree ment Key C ontrol Sheet hee t
©This ©This material material is co pyright pyright p rotec ted and is prop prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Fae ssler.
Human Resourc Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating erating Proc Proc edure Upda te: 09.0 09.08.0 8.08 8 / C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-Inde x
Hotels Hote ls & Reso Reso rts Human Huma n Reso Reso urc urc e s SO P Inde Ind e x Cod e
To p i c To
Human Resource Resources Standar nda rd Letters 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35.
C O -HR-LT -HR-LTR-001 R-001 C O -HR-L -HR-LT TR-00 R-002 2 C O -HR-LT -HR-LTR-003 R-003 C O -HR-LT -HR-LTR-004 R-004 C O -HR-L -HR-LT TR-00 R-005 5 C O -HR-LT -HR-LTR-006 R-006
Letter o f M a nag na g ement eme nt Trainee raine e Internship Internship (Domesti (Do mestic c Unive Univers rsities) ities) Letter of C ertifi ertific c a tion/ tion/ G uar ua ra ntee (Ex (Exp a ts, ts, Non-B No n-B-Vis -Visa a) Letter o f Promotion Promo tion (internal) (interna l) Letter of Work C ertific ertific a tion Letter of M a nage na ge ment Tra inee C ertifi ertific c a tion tion Letter o f Sa lary Referenc Refe renc e
Human Re Resource sources Standar nda rd Forms Forms 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53.
C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-00 001 1 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-00 002 2 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-00 003 3 C O -HR-FR -HR-FR-00 -004 4 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-00 005 5 C O -HR-FR -HR-FR-00 -006 6 C O -HR-FR -HR-FR-00 -007 7 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-00 008 8 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-00 009 9 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-01 010 0 C O -HR-FR -HR-FR-01 -011 1 C O -HR-FR-01 -HR-FR-012 2 C O -HR-FR -HR-FR-01 -013 3 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-01 014 4 C O -HR-F -HR-FR R-015 -015 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-01 016 6 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-01 017 7 C O -HR-F -HR-FRR-01 018 8
C ontrac t - Sa mple Emplo Employee yee Per Pe rformanc e Evaluation Form Form Emp Emp loyee Performanc e Eva Eva luation Form (HOD, Supervi up ervis sor) Disc Disc iplinary iplina ry A c tion Form C ertifica ertifica te Req uest Form Form Pers Pe rso nnel nne l Requis Req uisiti ition on Form Promotion-Sala Promo tion-Salary ry Incr Inc re a se Form A ssoc iate Status C hange ha nge Form Form Working Working C hange ha nge Form Fina Finall Sa lary C lear lea ra nce nc e Form Form Resigna Resigna tion Form Exit Exit Interview Inte rview Training Log Form Tra ining ining A ttenda ttend a nce nc e Record Rec ord Form Form A p plica plic a tion tion Form Form A p p lic lic a tion a nd Resume Resume C ontrol Form Form Emp Emp loyee Uniform Uniform A greement gree ment Key C ontrol Sheet hee t
©This ©This material material is co pyright pyright p rotec ted and is prop prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Fae ssler.
Human Resourc Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating erating Proc Proc edure Upda te: 09.08 09.08.08 .08 / C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-001 P-001
So licit ic itin ing g A p p lic lic a tio tio ns for Employment Employment Objective This his SO P shall ensur ensure e that that suff suffiic ient ap plic plic ations ations are rec rec eived eived by b y the Hotel/Res Hotel/Resor ort. t.
Proced oc edur ure
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
The The Human Human Res Resour ourc c es Depa rtment tment wil will attrac attrac t and a verag verag e 10 10 ap plic plic ations ations per pe r week fr from c and idates idate s worth worth intervi interviewing ewing for a po sition ition at a t the hotel. Ad verti vertis se a pp ropr op riately in loc loc a l and national newspape newspa perrs. Respond courteously and with interest to phone enquiries and walk-ins. Use of word-of-mouth. Use employment agencies when appropriate. Place notices on the notice boards of relevant tertiary institutions. Approach people directly. Link Link and a nd liaise liaise with univers un iversiti itie e s. Use and line recruitment methods.
©This ©This material material is co pyright pyright p rotec ted and is prop prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Fae ssler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-002
Rec eive-Review Applications-CV Objective This SOP shall ensure the proper rec eiving and review of all incoming applications.
Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
The applicant will have their ap plication form reviewed b y the Assistant Human Resources Manager or rep resentative within 48 hours of rec eipt. If the a pp lication form is submitted by the ap plica nt personally for a va cant position, he/ she will be interviewed within 15 minute of arrival. The application is reviewed o n rec eipt and date stamped . The review will enab le a decision to be mad e on the likelihood of employment. ‘Hot prospects’ will be c ontac ted on the d ay of rec eiving the C V. All applications will rec eive a note acknowledging the rec eipt of their ap plication within the same day.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-003
Filing of Applications and C V’s Objective This SOP shall ensure the proper filing and doc umenting of all ap plications and C V’s.
Procedure 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
The application will be filled a ccording to the likelihood of employment and easy reference for a 6 month period. File in ‘Waitlist’ d rawer of filing cabinet. If on wa it list, file unde r appropriate sec tions i.e. Front O ffice/ Kitchen/C hef etc. If an application is unsuitable and would not be considered for any future positions, file in alphab etica l orde r in inap propriate sec tion of the wait list cab inet. At the end of the three-month ‘wait list’ period the file will be put into long term storage unless the candida te has requested otherwise. Ap plica nts must be notified it we d o not have a suitable position available a nd informed that we keep their file pending.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Update: 09.08.08 / HR-SOP-004
Respond to Applications Objective This SOP shall ensure that responses to employment ap plications are handled in the correc t way.
Procedure 1. 2.
The applicant will rec eive a c andid response to their ap plication within 5 da ys of its receipt. Rea d through the curriculum vitae/ app lication within 2 days of receipt. Pay special attention to po sition a pp lied for (P/FT) ac ade mic qua lifications, work experienc e, length of employment, positions held. Evaluate compatibility to positions available a. b. c.
If ba ckground and experienc e suitable c ontac t and screen over telephone. A rrange interview time if ap propriate or ask the c andida te to maintain contac t regularly. If not suitable – post regret letter ‘No’ from previous standard. If suitable but no vacancies at present hold on current wait list for 3 months and post ‘regret’ letter.
Unsuitable candidates are informed in writing and all application materials returned via mail if possible.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating erating Proc Proc edure Upda te: 09.08 09.08.08 .08 / C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-005 P-005
Requisition Handling Objective This his SO P shall ensur ensure e that that req requi uis sitions tions are prop proper erly ly handled a nd with withiin budget. budge t.
Proced oc edur ure 1.
The The req requi uis sition tion wil will be withi within n budget budge t and/ and / or ap proved by the G eneral Ma nager. nag er. It wil will be fil filled by by the person deemed ‘Best Available’ by the Human Resources Department and the Department Head Hea d in the time time fra fra me all a llowe owe d.
When requisition is received by the Human Resources Department, it will be signed , dated, a c knowled knowledge ged d a nd plac ed in current current requisi requisition tion ‘outs ‘o utstanding’ tand ing’ file. file. Disc Disc uss uss with with Depa Dep a rtment Heads any internal associates that maybe suitable.
A p p rop riate C urr urriculum Vitae a nd a pp lic lic a nts will will be pull pu lled ed from from ‘Wait ‘ Wait Lis List’ files files for for tra tra nsfer nsfer (it (it may be b e nec ne c ess essa ry for suitab uitable le c and idates idate s to be b e sourc sourc ed a s widely as possible).
C urr urric ulum ulum Vitae Vitae and ap plic plic ants wil will be reviewed eviewed then then c ontac ted by telephone.
First interview time will be arranged.
The The app lic ant wil will be inter intervi viewed ewed for ap proxi proximately half and hour givi giving ti time to to establi establis sh suitability, personality, stability. The job description and conditions of employment and any spec pe c ial req requi uirrements will will be c overed. overed .
G ive indic indic ation to the the a ppli pp lic c ation ation when they will will be c ontac ted with a d ec ision.
C omp lete intervi interview ew a ssessment fo rm.
Dec ide whether person person sui suitab table, le, if if so so refer to Depa Dep a rtment Hea Hea d for sec sec ond inter intervi view. ew. C ontac onta c t ap plic plic ant and arrang arrange e time. time.
A fter fter sec sec ond intervi interview ew dis disc c uss uss ap plica nt with with Depa Dep a rtment Hea Hea d.
If Department Head wishes to employ complete verbal reference check.
Ad vis vise Depa De pa rtment Hea Hea d o f res resul ultt of the verba verba l referenc referenc e c hec k.
Ad vis vise a pp lic lic ant of o f outco me as a s soon oo n as poss possible.
C omplete omp lete lower low er sec sec tion tion of Pers P ersonne onnell req req uisit uisition ion for fo rm in full – file file in ‘Fill ‘Filled ed Requisit Requisition’ ion’,, file file under und er departments.
©This ©This material material is co pyright pyright p rotec ted and is prop prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Fae ssler.
Human Resourc Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating erating Proc Proc edure Upda te: 09.08 09.08.08 .08 / C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-006 P-006
Pre-S Pre-Sele elec c ting ting o f App Ap p lica ic a nts p rio r to an a n Inter Intervi vie ew Objective This his SO P shall ensur ensure e that that sui suitable table ca ndidates ndida tes are selected elec ted pri prior to the the int inter ervi view. ew.
Proced oc edur ure 1.
The The ap plic plic ant wil will demons de monstr trate ate stabilit tability, y, intell intelliigenc e, initi nitiativ ative e and enthus enthusiasm asm to work at the hotel, suitable for the position applied for. The applicant will have been spoken to on the telepho ne a nd will will have demons de monstr tra a ted c ommunic ommunic a tion tion skil skills ls a t a level req requi uirred by the p osit osition. ion. If If this is not the c a se, the c a ndida nd idate te is not suitab suitab le for this p ositi osition. on.
Rea d through through ap plica nt/c urr urriculum vitae vitae estab establi lis shing hing suitab uitabil ilit ity y ‘on ‘o n p pa a per pe r’ for positi position on ava ilab ilab le.
C ontac t by telep hone and estab establi lis sh a per pe rsona lity lity,, c ommunic ommunic ation ski skill lls s and motivation motivation towa rds the posi p ositi tion on by a sking king a pp rop riate quest qu estions ions.. i.e.: i.e.: c urr urrent situation, situation, a vail va ila a bility. bility.
If appropriate arrange a time for interview, giving directions/instructions on where to come.
©This ©This material material is co pyright pyright p rotec ted and is prop prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Fae ssler.
Human Resourc Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating erating Proc Proc edure Upda te: 09.08 09.08.08 .08 / C O -HR-S -HR-SO O P-007 P-007
Re -employment -emp loyment of former former Ass Asso c ia tes Objective This his SO P shall ensur ensure e that that re-employ re-employment ment is handled in the the prop proper er way.
Proced oc edur ure 1.
Former associates will only be re-employed with the unanimous agreement of the divisional Head, Head , Depa rtment tment Head and Human Human Resour Resourc c es Ma nager nag er and expli explic c it approval ap proval of the the G M.
When a former former ass assoc iate app a pp lies lies for for work the pe rsonnel file file will will be loc ated a nd evaluated e valuated by Human Resources Department.
If the previous work record was very good and all parties on amicable terms in the previous employment then the Divisional Manager and Department Head concerned will be approached for a character reference.
Former associates are required to fulfill the same criteria as any prospective associate.
When an associate gives notice to resign and then wishes to withdraw the resignation it is at the discretion of the Department Head, Divisional Manager and Assistant Human Resources Ma nager nag er whether whether the the withdr withdrawa awa l is is ac c epted. ep ted.
©This ©This material material is co pyright pyright p rotec ted and is prop prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Fae ssler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-008
Interview Preparations Objective This SOP shall ensure that all relevant preparations prior to an interview are given.
Procedure 1.
All interview appointments will be allocated at half hourly intervals for rank & file and supervisory associate and one hour intervals for management associate. The standard for arranging interview appointments will be followed when confirming the appointment. At the end of the interview ea ch party will have the information they require to make a n informed d ec ision ab out suitability for emp loyment.
C hec k through the interview schedule rec ord for an app rop riate time.
Confirm the day/date, time and venue for the interview appointment with the candidate personally.
Request the c andida te to bring a long a copy of photog rap h, identity card, resume and relevant certificates and testimonials to support his/her application.
Write down the c andida te’s telephone c ontac t number for reference.
If necessary give proper direc tion/ information to c ome to the hotel.
Repe at the da y/date, time and venue with the c and ida te before ending the c onversation.
Record down the details in the next available time slot in the Interview Schedule Form.
Greet applicant in reception as soon as they arrive introducing yourself to them.
Lead them up into interview area. Ask them to sit down.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-009
The Interview Objective This SOP shall ensure that the interview structure is followed and a ll relevant topics are included .
Procedure 1. 2.
Start interview with familiar topics to make the a pp licant feel c omfortable. Then continue on giving and ga ining information but being ca reful not to ‘put words into the cand ida te’s mouth’.
Ask open questions (No ‘yes’ or ‘no’ questions).
Use the skills learnt at selection interview to gain a good understanding of: a) b) c) d) e) f) g)
Inform the p erson of: a) b) c) d) e) f) g)
Why the person wants the position How will it develop them personally Why they want to work at the Hotel/Resort Whether they will be here for at least 18 months - 2 years If they would fit the ‘culture’ of the G roup Whether the Hotel/Resort would benefit from their personal development here What motivates them
Hours of work/Housing/ Transportation etc C ommitment soug ht by the Hotel/Resort General requirements of associates What training and development the individual could expect What they would b e required to do in the position availab le What sort of people they would b e working with All other employment benefits applicable to this position
The interview will close with and indication of when the dec ision will be mad e. The ca ndidate may be asked to contact the Hotel if they wish to find out progress.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 /C O-HR-SOP-010
Requesting of Verbal Referenc es Objective This SOP shall ensure that at lea st one verba l reference is obtained by the interviewer.
Procedure 1.
Every person will have, preferably two, but at least one verba l reference c hec k ca rried out prior to employment. The verba l referenc e is from rec ent history. The Human Resources Department c onduc ts the reference c hec k.
The standa rd verba l referenc e chec k is conduc ted as the following: 2.
The person with whom you wish to conduc t a verba l referenc e chec k is to be confirmed with the applicant during the interview. (NB - This is mainly to avoid the current employer being made aware that the person is applying for jobs).
Telephone Supervisor/Ma nager of the most rec ent plac e of employment.
4. 5.
Question the basis of the attac hed verba l reference form. Thank them and explain all references are kept confidential.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-011
Overseas Rec ruitment Objective This SOP shall ensure that the application proce ss for oversea s candida tes is handled in the proper way.
Procedure 1.
If associates are recruited from overseas, all relevant tasks of the recruitment process will be action and an open communication channel kept between the potential associate and the Hotel/ Resort. The ability to ma ke a minimum persona l commitment of 2 months service is required. The applicant is given as much information as possible.
Open communication channels will be maintained by the Hotel/Resort and the applicant. The applic ant will have a minimum of 2 telephone conversations in English to demonstrate a c ompetent level of English.
A verbal offer will be followed by a written offer by post/fax or e-mail within 24 hours requesting a signature indicating a cceptanc e of the position as soon as possible.
App licant for ‘A pp roval in principle for a work pe rmit’ will be made to the Immigration Department as per the requirement of that Service.
When ap proval is ga ined the app licant is notified to app roa ch the country representative in the country of residence and obtain the appropriate visa.
Up to seven days accommodation will be provided to the associate before permanent ac commoda tion is found.
Me als will be p rovided following the established policy by management.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-012
Process for the Non-Immigrant B Visa Objective This SOP shall ensure that all necessary documents are send to the applicant prior to arrival to the Kingdom of Thailand in order to obtain a valid Non-immigrant B visa.
Procedure 1.
The ‘C ertification Letter’ from the co mpany for NON-B Visa required to issue a valid work permit is sent to the assoc iate, to b ring to the Thai Emba ssy/C onsulate of assoc iate’s country within one week of the foreigner accepting the position.
Request the foreigner to send their cop y of his/her pa sspo rt to the Human Resourc es Department for submission.
HUMAN RESOURC ES will send the following information to the Assoc iate to bring to the Thai Embassy/C onsulate or Immigration Dep artment in the A ssoc iate’s country to register for the NON-B Visa: a. b.
‘C ertifica tion Letter’ from the Hotel/ Resort that he/ she will be our assoc iate The contrac t and b enefits of employing the foreigner
When the Assoc iate arrives to Thailand and starts to work with the Hotel/Resort, HUMAN RESOURC ES Dep artment will proc ess with the valid work permit at the loc al Immigration Department.
Work permit of A ssoc iate is kept at the HUMAN RESOURC ES Department.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / -C O-HR-SOP-013
C ontract Prep arations Objective This SOP shall outline the correc t procedure to prepare and file an assoc iate’s contrac t.
Procedure 1.
HUMA N RESOURC ES Department will prepa re the c ontrac t for the General Manager and Assoc iate to sign with the enc losed do cuments of the A ssoc iate. The Department Hea d will return the application of the ac cepted Assoc iate to the HUMA N RESOURC ES Department with the agreed salary and starting date.
Final and agreed salary is to be upda ted in the c ontrac t and the c ontrac t to b e signed by the G eneral Ma nag er, Human Resources, Depa rtment Hea d a nd the Assoc iates.
Upd ate the data of the new Assoc iate in ‘Assoc iate file list’.
Keep the c ontrac t and enclosed document of new A ssoc iate in the c ab inet file.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / -C O-HR-SOP-014
Induction Proc ed ures Objective This SOP shall ensure that new Assoc iates rec eive the newest HR policy and introduction to the Hotel/Resort.
Procedure 1.
On the first da y of work of a new Assoc iate, the Assoc iate will meet the HUMAN RESOURC ES Department.
HUMAN RESOURCES Department will prepare the punch card/stamp card, name tag and uniform req uisition for the new Assoc iate. This is orga nized the d ay before.
New Assoc iate will rec eive the HUMAN RESOURC ES Policy of the hotel prop erty.
HUMA N RESOURC ES Officer will bring the new A ssoc iate to look around the hotel and introduces all Ma nag ement, Departments and Assoc iates of the Hotel/Resort.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-015
Registering of New Employees in the Personnel Rec ord Objective This SOP shall ensure that all new ac quired personnel of the property are listed in the Human Resources da tabase for further use and reference.
Procedure 1.
Every assoc iate will have ac curate personnel rec ords established and maintained sec urely during their employment. An a ssoc iate may peruse their file a t a c onvenient time. Interview notes and notes from verbal reference chec ks are not ava ilab le to a ssoc iates. The progress of the a ssoc iate through the hotel c areer steps will be ea sily ascertained.
Complete all details as stated on the application on to front page of the associate envelope i.e., name, address, Date of Birth, start date, department, position, pay rate.
C omplete index card for alphabetical listing.
Date of birthday to be put on Associate Newsletter Birthday list.
Write name and start date on Training List, under department of employment.
Write assoc iate name, start date, position on new start list.
Hand file over to payroll once the following has been obtained. a. b. c.
Signed acceptance of Associate Contract Tax Number Bank Ac count Number etc…
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-016
Assigning of Assoc iate Housing Objective This SOP shall ensure that new employees are provided with a suitable ac commoda tion by the Hotel/Resort.
Procedure 1.
Each hotel assoc iate, who requests accommoda tion from the Hotel/ Resort, has the right for an a ppropriate accommoda tion a t the a ssoc iate village/house.
Determine b y consulting the A ssoc iate Village/ House Plan, an available room for the new Associate with regards to sex and position.
Assign the available roo m and issue the respec tive room key to the new Assoc iate by signing into the corresponding form.
Upd ate the Assoc iate Village/ House Plan with full name and relevant da ta. Example: Building A Building B Building C
– Ma nagement level – Female and couples – Ma le and couples
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 14.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-016.1
Associate Committee
Associate Committee Accommodation Committee Charge: The Ac commoda tion C ommittee c onsiders the provision of ac commoda tion to hotel employees. The C ommittee shall advise the a ssoc iates on the living, and b e opened for any who have prob lems or suggestion. The C ommittee shall also review the sec urity of housing, a nd rec ommend chang es and improvements. Also the C ommittee shall consult with and ad vise the C ommittee on planning and budget with respect to matters relevant to this C ommittee's duties and expertise.
Membership: There are six members that are chosen from the building A, B and C to represent the ac commoda tion committee, a nd one representative who is from building A, B and C shall be invited to sit with the committee.
Example: Building X:
1 person (C hairman)
Building X:
1 male
(Committee), 1 fema le (Committee)
Building X:
1 male
(C ommittee), 1 female (Committee)
Meeting Frequency: Monthly
****A l l c o m m i tt e e a re e l e c t e d b y a s so c i a t e s* * * *
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 14.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-016.1
Associate Committee Employee’s Welfare Committee Charge: The goal of this committee is the forum where issues of c onc erns to depa rtments and employees are discussed . The spe cific elements of the committee’s charge include:
Raise welfare issues suc h a s: •
Work environment
Activities for employees
Employee o f the month award
Birthday for employees
Staff p arty
Sports day
English Training a nd career development
Also a dvise on impa ct of planning d ec isions on the welfare of: •
This offers a variety of committees and events to participa te in. Committees are op en to all members to become involved in.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 14.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-016.1
Associate Committee
Membership: There are nine members plus the Exec utive Sec retary who are elected by their own depa rtment which a re; •
Human Resource
Food and Beverage Service
Food and Beverage Kitchen
Front Office
Meeting Frequency: Monthly
Safety and Security Committee Charge: As we are in the hospitality industry, we need to be aware that managing emergencies, providing safety and security to guests, customers, employees, owners and the property itself are very necessary. So it is very important to require informed thorough planning with organization that the responsibility cannot be relegated to only few groups of people or cannot be considered as a “sep arate” field, but it becomes an integrate pa rt of all operationa l function.
Membership: This committee is selected by every Hea d of Department or Assistant Head of Department, ba sed on the ability of its members to plan, communicate, train, implement and c ontrol many a spects related to the prevention and management of safety, security and emergency to the organization. Moreover, it should be based on know-how, experience and the ability to coordinate, train and implement.
Meeting Frequency: Monthly
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Dara Hotels & Resorts Standa rd Op erating Proc edure
Upda te: 14.08.08 /-C O-HR-SOP-012
Associate Committee
So c ia lize Proc ess
To deal with the c rime, the hotel c an be divided it into internal and external in order to classify and play the significant role in deterring c rime by set up a special group, called a Protec tion Management Team*, with the focus specifically on the sec urity a nd safety of customers, employees, and hotel property. This unique team has responsibility and accountability for all departments. In addition, each department’s managers and employees should cooperate with this management team for the success of the security system. However, the hotel’s outside is difficult to deal with about the crime. Therefore, it is very important to create the way to dea l with these differences.
Internal Crim es
There are many c rimes that c ould be happened within the hotel such as robbery, rap e, murder, car theft and assault. Therefore, the first step to focus on is the hotel’s legal responsibility. It must provide a specific level of protection for each guest and employee with reasonable care. The hotel’s Protection Management Team has to analyze every function within the hotel where from all departments such as food and beverage to sales and marketing to housekeeping to engineering to protect their assets. This responsibility has to set the standpoint equally by all depa rtments.
Externa l C rim es
The external c rime is very difficult area to deal with because the hotel cannot play the role in deterring crime outside the hotel. Therefore the hotel’s itself should find the proper way to tell the customer or guest. As a result, it is the possible way the hotel can inform the customer with the reasonable care and the customer may feel that the hotel cares about the customer’s safety.
* This Team is assigned by the Management
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Dara Hotels & Resorts Standa rd Op erating Proc edure
Upda te: 14.08.08 /-C O-HR-SOP-012
Associate Committee
Training Prog ram
For the area of safety program which is basically concerned about First Aid Training Program and sec urity systems the hotel should willing to spe nd money eac h year on several formal courses and training prog rams to improve employees’ skills and abilities to immediately pe rform their jobs and learn the new internal operation, basic first aid and security systems. However, the human resource manager or assistant human resource manager is the person who should decide and form the specific training programs that employees need to take, which are suitable for their employees’ level for saving cost of productivity. Yet, training alone cannot overcome an individual’s incapability to understand and interpret knowledge. As employees’ job and career progresses, they will need to develop their analytical, human conceptual and specialized skills to enhance responsibilities so they are ready to face the real situation. This filed of training; all hotels’ employees should be trained in through the training program with Sec urity Comp any or Police Force. With this training, the staffs will know how to spot for potential troublemaker or criminal, deal with a criminal situation and alert the security personnel.
Trouble Spotting
Hotels’ staff should be trained to spot suspic ious behaviour because this skill is important for all hotels’ staff. It mea ns looking for what is extraordinary. It becomes aware and ha s c onc erns regarding the preventing, foreseeing, p redicting and removing ha zards and other causes of c rime and injury. For example, in most cases a suspicious-looking person could be a criminal who is looking for a victim or someone getting ready to pull a robbery. Therefore, if the hotel’s staff is trained to spot, he/ she will know when to a lert sec urity.
Criminal Situation
For examp le, if there is someone trying to rob restaurant cashiers with the gun, how should he/ she deal with that situation? Therefore, hotel’s staff should be trained how to handle with a crime situation in order to avoid someone to get hurt from the wrong decision making. With this training, the hotel’s staff will lea rn and know how to app ly the tec hnique to the real situation.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Dara Hotels & Resorts Standa rd Op erating Proc edure
Human Resourc es Upda te: 14.08.08 /-C O-HR-SOP-012
Associate Committee
With the protection hotel management for each manager to deal with the installation, protection, maintenance and work on the area where assigned, each department should monitor and look around for each area because they need to report to the safety and security committee at regular meetings. These meetings should meet every month to rea ssess the mea sures, disc uss problems, and find ways to solve problems, evaluate security performance, and report the results to the general manager. The general manager will convey the statement afterwards that the protection management department will take orders that he/she assign to develop what they do and they will set up the training provided to make sure that each department has understood the protection program.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-017
Trainees from Universities and Institutes Objective This SOP shall ensure that the proc ess for hiring student trainees from universities or institutes is handled properly.
Procedure Trainees send regularly letters from their universities or institutes to the HUMA N RESOURC ES Depa rtment to inquire for an internship.
HUMA N RESOURC ES Department forwards the letter to the G eneral Manag er for approval.
HUMAN RESOURC ES Depa rtment send s the c onfirmation back to the university or institute.
HUMA N RESOURC ES Department contac ts the trainee to c onfirm about the Department in which the Trainee is to be trained in.
Dep artment establishes the training log for the Trainee a nd the HUMAN RESOURC ES Dep artment prepares the respective c ontract.
HUMAN RESOURC ES Dep artment send s the c ontrac t, training p lan and a “to bring list” to the Trainee to sign.
HUMAN RESOURC ES Dep artment assigns the room in the Assoc iate Village/House for the Trainee.
On the first da y of training, HUMAN RESOURC ES Dep artment holds an orientation a nd introd uces the Trainee to a ll Ma nag ement a nd Departments as per Training Plan.
HUMAN RESOURC ES Dep artment prepares the p ayroll for the Trainee a nd for the last da y of work the certification letter of the Hotel/Resort.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-018
Assoc iate Awards Objective This SOP shall ensure the Assoc iate of the Month is monthly awa rded.
Procedure 1.
HR distributes the nomination form to all Department Heads in the ‘Morning Brief’, followed by voting the ‘A ssoc iate of the Month’.
HUMAN RESOURC ES Department prepares the c ertifica te and the prize for the winner.
HUMAN RESOURC ES Dep artment ensures that the winner rec eives his/her prize on the A ssoc iate Birthda y Party Day, held monthly at the Hotel/Resort.
HUMAN RESOURC ES Dep artment keeps a rec ord in the emp loyee’s file.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-019
Associate Newsletter Objective This SOP shall ensure the monthly newsletter to all assoc iates is implemented and d istributed to all employees.
Procedure An informative and interesting newsletter is published as a ‘Means of Communication’ of current Hotel/Resort happenings and reminders to all associates. 1.
Every assoc iate c an submit/ crea te/write an artic le to the Human Resources Department.
Human Resources Department updates news from outside the Hotel/Resort and its activities in ea ch newsletter.
A suitable printing shop a nd contract should b e c ontac t for monthly/b i-monthly or quarterly issues with an appropriate price.
Human Resources Department is responsible for the monthly/b i-monthly distribution of the newsletter/maga zine to a ll employees.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-020
Employee Probation Evaluation Objective This SOP shall ensure that assoc iates are evaluated by the Depa rtment Head by the end of the four month’s employment.
Procedure 1.
Human Resources Department will distribute a list ea ch month, 1 month prior the end of their probation p eriod , of assoc iates for an evaluation review.
At three month’s service the Department Head will initiate a formal Evaluation Form with the assoc iate a nd completes the individuals training rec ord.
The standard procedure as outlined in the Performance Review C ourse is used to form the ba sis of the review.
The Department Head and the assoc iate review the standard Evaluation Form and sign the final agreement.
The Department Head c ompletes the rec ommendation sec tion and forwards it to the Human Resources Department.
The Human Resources Ma nager review and forward it to the General Manager for signature.
The review will then be returned to the Human Resources Depa rtment, the confirmation letter prepared and the review o r training rec ord filed in the personal file of the employee.
The Assistant Human Resources Ma nager forwards it to the Human Resources Officer to amend the p ay rate if applicab le.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-021
Monthly Training Sc hedule Objective This SOP shall ensure monthly trainings scheduled by the Human Resources Depa rtment are distributed to each Department and attendees to follow up by HR.
Procedure A training sc hed ule for ea ch month is distributed to all Dep artment Heads at lea st 7 days prior to the commencement of the new month. The schedule is in accordance with the annual plan and the needs of the Hotel/Resort. 1.
Assistant Human Resources Ma nager prepares the schedule, following the a nnual training plan as the framework and includes special need s and opportunities.
Department Heads will register associate’s attendance at least two days prior to the training course.
3. 4.
The attendees’ names are written on the course attenda nce sheet upon registration. At the end of the c ourse the total number of attende es is logged on the monthly plan held by the Human Resources Department. The attendees will get the certificate after training.
On succ essful completion of the c ourse, the a ssoc iate’s training rec ord is updated.
Feed ba ck on the schedule from the Head of Departments is to be enc ourag ed.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 /C O-HR-SOP-022
Extension of the Probation Period Objective This SOP shall ensure the extension of a probation period is handled and communicated to the employee in the proper way.
Procedure Associates whose performance requires further improvement to meet the standards at the end of 4 months will have their probation period extended monthly, thereafter to a maximum of 2 months at the discretion of the Depa rtment Hea d. Extension proba tion will be informed by the Dep artment Hea d or Human Resources Department to the assoc iate 30 days before.
After completion of 119 days probation, a new assoc iate is due for confirmation of employment.
The Department Head will forward his/her Evaluation Form duly completed by both pa rties to Human Resources Office for review.
The Department Head will also indica te whether the assoc iate is confirmed or extended in his/her employment.
After evaluation and d iscussion with the Depa rtment Hea d, if the Dep artment Hea d a nd Human Resources Ma nager deem to extend his/her proba tion period, the letter of extension will be drawn.
The assoc iate is ap pointed for a meeting and in the presenc e of his/her Depa rtment Head will be informed, honestly, regarding his/her performance level and its employer’s expectations.
The assoc iate will also be informed of the grac e period to show improvement and pending review date.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-024
The Exit Interview Objective This SOP shall ensure every Hotel/Resort assoc iate has his/her final exit interview with the Department Head and Human Resources.
Procedure All assoc iates will have an exit interview cond ucted on their last da y of work, or shortly after. Human Resources Department will ensure that the associate leaves with a good impression of the Hotel/Resort and has returned all Hotel/Resort property. The interview does not exceed 30 minutes. The information received will be used to help identify training needs, reasons for associate turnover and morale.
Upo n rec eiving o f the resignation notice, the Department Hea d requests the assoc iate to ma ke an appointment with the Human Resources Department for the exit interview.
The exit interview is conduc ted in private, with no interruptions and a ll efforts are mad e to make the assoc iate relaxed.
Inform the associate that the information is used to assist in Human Resources matters (i.e.) training needs or associate food quality and will treat his/her input as important. The information is collec ted by following the standard form for the Exit interview.
An assoc iate survey form is offered to the assoc iate for completion.
Allow the a ssoc iate to speak freely and to a ir his/ her true feelings. This req uires not interrupting them or second-guessing their comments.
At the end of the interview, thank the associate and wish him/her well in their next endeavours.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-025
Verbal Referenc es Objective This SOP shall ensure verba l or written referenc es to employer seeking reference are given in the correc t and p roper way.
Procedure Former associates are entitled to a fair and accurate account of their employment at the hotel in which they were employed. Their employment details will be confirmed and a candid account of relevant strength and weaknesses given. 1.
All verba l references are g iven with due consideration to the Privac y of the Assoc iate.
All queries for verba l referenc es are direc ted to the Human Resources Department.
The former assoc iate file is loc ated a nd read with pa rticular referenc e to ap praisals, the exit interview comments and excessive counselling/disciplinary action.
Questions will be answered as ac curately, objectively and honest as possible.
C onside ration is given to the similarity of the job being for the position held at the Hotel and the amount of time lapsed since employment has terminated/ended.
Verbal references may be answered in writing (i.e.) requests from overseas.
If appropriate the request may be referred onto the Department Heads concerned.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-026
Personal Data and Associate Status Objective This SOP shall ensure that current rec ords are of ac curate state and that all relevant depa rtments are informed of the amendments.
Procedure 1.
Once notified of a chang e of an a ssoc iate’s information or employment status, a p ersonnel action form is to be completed. The Head of Department completes the personnel ac tion form. Any salary/transfer/ demotions or promotions will be a uthorized by the G eneral Mana ger only.
Human Resources Department upd ates the a ssoc iate’s information card in the a lphab etical index box.
Information is passed on to the payroll section.
Once the action form is returned, Human Resources changes the personnel file and files the form.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-027
Payroll Procedures Objective This SOP shall ensure that all assoc iates rec eive their pa yment at the end of eac h month, and their service charge.
Procedure All assoc iates rec eive their pa yment at the end of ea ch month and rec eive their service c harge from the month before at the mid of the month. The pe riod of the payroll is 26 until 25 of next month i.e. 26 J anuary until 25 February. 1.
All new contracts, Evaluation Forms and Resignation Forms are send to the Human Resources Depa rtment before cut-off period/dead line.
Assistant Human Resources Ma nag er upda tes all rec eived d ata in the Assoc iate data ba se a nd the Wage Administrator Officer uses this data for the Payroll.
After Wage Administrator Officer has completed the Payroll, the Assistant Human Resources Ma nag er will rec hec k the Pa yroll before sending to the Direc tor of Financ e/ FI Depa rtment.
For the Service C harge; HR sends the gua ranteed service charge to the Direc tor of Financ e then he/she will ca lculate the total extra service c harge for HR to a lloc ate to ea ch assoc iate. The final service c harge and extra service charge report will be sent to the Financ e Depa rtment for the final chec k and approval.
After finalizing both, the salary and the service charge, the report will be sent to the Chief Ac c ountant/ Assistant C hief A ccountant to key-in into the ba nking system then send to the bank.
Payment slip is printed-out and to b e send to a ll assoc iates, after rec eiving the service charge and extra service charge.
Remark: The service c harge and extra service charge shall be p aid-out in the midd le of ea ch month.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 09.08.08 / C O-HR-SOP-028
Soc ial Sec urity Proc edures Objective This SOP shall ensure Soc ial Sec urity is given to all employees of the Hotel/Resort, and the reimbursement proc ed ure is followed strictly.
Procedure Based on the Thai Labour Law, assoc iates have 5% off their salary ded ucted for their soc ial sec urity, and the Hotel/Resort pays another 5%. 1.
Human Resources Officer registers-in new a ssociates and registers-out resignations within the first week of each month. Assistant Human Resources Ma nag er is to sign and re-c hec k.
The Soc ial Sec urity Depa rtment will issue and send ea ch assoc iate its respective ca rd which the Human Resources Offic er distributes to ea ch assoc iate.
Soc ial Sec urity pa yment; the Human Resources Officer issues the rep ort to the FI Depa rtment, the Assistant Human Resources Manager will sign and re-check it. The Director of Finance does the final c hec k by rec onc iling with the G eneral Ledger. The p ayment to the Soc ial Sec urity Department is do ne by the FI Depa rtment before the 26th of each month.
In ca se of an a ccident, the assoc iate can reimburse the medica l fee from the Soc ial Sec urity by sending the doctor’s certificate and bill to the Human Resources Officer for reimbursement with the Soc ial Sec urity. The reimburse rate is based on the Soc ial Sec urity rate.
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resources
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure
Upda te: 13.08.08 / CO-HR-FR-001
C ontrac t - Sample [Date Today]
Employment C ontract 1.
This employment ag reement is made between the [Name of Property] C o. Ltd., [Add ress 1], [Address 2], [City], [Postal C ode/ Zip C ode], [Province], [Country] and Mr/Mrs/Ms [Name of new employee] [Ad dress 1], [Add ress 2], [City], [Postal C ode/ Zip C ode], [Province], [Country]. The assoc iate agrees to work at [Name of Prope rty] in the position of [Name of Position] from [dd/ mm/yy].
4. 5.
This contrac t includes a probation period of 119 da ys. During the probation period both, the employer and the a ssoc iate may terminate the c ontract within 5 days notice. The c ontract commenc es [first da y of work: dd /mm/yy]. Herea fter [Name o f Prop erty] Co . Ltd will be referred to a s the employer and Mr/Mrs/Ms [Name of new employee] as the assoc iate. The employer ag rees to pay the assoc iate a monthly ba se salary of THB [amount]. Se r v i c e C h a r g e f o r p r o p e r t ie s a f t e r o n e o p e ra t i o n a l f isc a l y e a r: As of [first day of work:
dd /mm/yy], the employer agrees to pay the a ssoc iate a monthly service charge of THB [fixed agreed amount]. The full service charge exceeding THB [amount] of a ll assoc iates will be equally distributed among all associates of [Name of Property]. Se r v i c e C h a r g e f o r p r o p e r t ie s w i t h i n o n e y e a r o f o p e r a t io n : As of [first day of work: dd/mm/yy],
the employer agrees to pay the a ssoc iate a monthly service charge of a minimum of [amount] % of the base salary of THB [salary as above]. The full service charge amount topping [amount] % of all associates will be equally distributed among all associates of [Name of Property]. 6.
Both the assoc iate and the employer agree that the a ssoc iate manual/Human Resources po licies, stipulating and outlining the policies of [Name of Property] is legally binding and a fac tual part of this work contract. Both pa rties agree to respect the assoc iate hand book and follow the rules and regulations outlined in it.
The employer will provide uniform clea ning stipend of THB [amount] per month. The assoc iate is responsible to maintain their uniform themselves.
The employer will provide an Accident Insuranc e and a n International Hea lth Insuranc e free of charge to the associate.
©This material is copyright protec ted and is property of Da niel G. Fuc hs and Stephan Faessler.
Human Resources
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure
Upda te: 13.08.08 / CO-HR-FR-001
C ontrac t - Sample 9.
The employer will supply suitable ac c ommoda tion in the assoc iate villag e/ house free of charge to the assoc iate. Electricity costs and water c harges are defrayed by the assoc iate.
10. The employer will supply 3 meals per da y in the assoc iate restaurant free of cha rge to the associate. 11.
While employed at [Name o f Prop erty] under the period c overed b y this contract, if the assoc iate fails to act or neglect to prac tice in ac cordance with his duty or commits any ac ts which c ause damage to [Name o f Property], the assoc iate ag rees to fully indemnify [Name of DHR Property] demands for compensation within due time.
12. The employer is entitled to immediately terminate employment in case the assoc iate ac ts in bad faith, acts dishonestly or behaves inappropriately towards employer, the Thai government or any go vernment official or customers. This shall include cases in whic h the a ssoc iate acts with gross negligenc e a nd c auses da mage to the employer. 13. This ag reement is made in duplicate and in English and Thai Language. The content is the very same. Both parties agree to have thoroughly rea d and understood the content of this agreement and found that the contents are true to their intention. In witness thereof, both parties have hereunto affixed their signatures in the presence of a witness and each part will retain one copy of the English and Thai as well as one original English and Thai version of the agreement.
_______________________ Assoc iate
_______________________ Head of Department
_______________________ Witness
_______________________ General Ma nag er
©This material is copyright protec ted and is property of Da niel G. Fuc hs and Stephan Faessler.
Human Resources
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure
Upda te: 09.08.08 / CO-HR-FR-002
Employee Performance Evaluation Form Employee Performance Evaluation Form Assoc iate Name: _______________________________
Surname: ___________________________________
Position: _______________________________________
Depa rtment: ________________________________
Assoc iate No. : _________________________________
Present Salary: _______________________________
Probation evaluation : Probation period from date _____________________
to _______________
Yearly evaluation : of Year's __________________________ Other evaluation : __________________________________ Punctuality & sick or business leave taken Sick leave __________ day / Absent ___________ day / Without Pay ___________ day
COMPETENCE EVALUATION (Please mark X in box)
Enthusiasm / กระตอรอรน
Service mind / ความใสใจในการบรการ
Quality of work / คณภาพของงาน
Work knowledge / ความร ในเน องาน
Work respo nsibility / ความรับผดชอบในเน องาน
Work co-operation / ความรวมมอในการทางาน
English proficienc y / ความชานาญในการใชภาษาอังกฤษ
Punctuality & leave taken / ความตรงตอเวลา
Exce llent
©This material is copyright protec ted and is property of Da niel G. Fuc hs and Stephan Faessler.
Human Resources
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure
Upda te: 09.08.08 / CO-HR-FR-002
Employee Performance Evaluation Form
SCORE BY HOD : _____________ SCORE AFTER EVALUIATED : ___________ HIGH : 40-33, MID-HIGH : 32-25, MEDIUM : 24-17, MID-LOW : 16-9, LOW : 8-1
การประเมนตนเองของพนักงาน 1. What do you consider you do well in your job?
กรณาระบถงหนาท หรอส งท คณประเมนวาตนเองสามารถทาไดดใ นระยะเวลาท ผานมา
2. What areas would you like to develop/learn about to help you do your job more effectively?
ในหนาท ของคณปจจบัน ส งใดท คณ ตองการไดรับการพัฒนา /เรยนร เพ มเตม เพ อท จะสามารถชวยใหหนาท ท ร ับผดชอบ สามารถ บรรลผลสาเรจไดดย ง ข น
©This material is copyright protec ted and is property of Da niel G. Fuc hs and Stephan Faessler.
Human Resources
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure
Upda te: 09.08.08 / CO-HR-FR-002
Employee Performance Evaluation Form
EVALUATION SUMMARY (ผลสรปการประเมนโดยรวม)
The evaluation interview is an ideal chanc e for any issues to be discussed, it should be properly planned and conducted in a q uiet atmosphere without interruptions.
การประเมนผลจากการสัมภาษณน ถอไดวา เปนแนวทางท กอ ใหเกดผลลัพธไดชัดเจน เน องจากมการเปดโอกาส ในการเสนอแนะ อธบาย ถกเถยง กอใหเกดความชัดเจน โดยผ ประเมนควรจัดสรรเวลาและจังหวะท เหมาะสม ไมใหมส ง ท ไมเก ยวของรบกวนหรอทาใหไมสะดวก
Depa rtment Head's Comment
RM/ EAM Comment
Name : _________________________________
Name : _________________________________
Signature : ______________________________
Signature : ______________________________
Date : _______________
Date : _______________
General Manager's Comment :
Increase of wage in percentage: _________________ Assoc iate Ac knowledge: ________________________
HOD Signature : ______________________________
Date : _______________
Date : ________________
©This material is copyright protec ted and is property of Da niel G. Fuc hs and Stephan Faessler.
Human Resources
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 13.08.08 / CO-HR-FR-003
Employee Performance Evaluation Form (HOD, Supervisor) Employee Performance Evaluation Form (HOD, Supervisor) Assoc iate Name: _______________________________
Surname: ___________________________________
Position: _______________________________________
Depa rtment: ________________________________
Assoc iate No. : _________________________________
Present Salary: _______________________________
Probation evaluation : Probation period from date _____________________
to _______________
Yearly evaluation : of Year's __________________________ Other evaluation : __________________________________ Punctuality & sick or business leave taken Sick leave __________ day / Absent ___________ day / Without Pay ___________ day
COMPETENCE EVALUATION (Please mark X in box)
Enthusiasm / กระตอรอรน
Service mind / ความใสใจในการบรการ
Quality of work / คณภาพของงาน
Work knowledge / ความร ในเน องาน
Work respo nsibility / ความรับผดชอบในเน องาน
Work co -operation / ความรวมมอในการทางาน
Leade rship / ความเปน ผนา
Assign and Ma nage / การมอบหมายงานและควบคมงาน
English proficienc y / ความชานาญในการใชภาษาอังกฤษ
Solve problem and Determination / การแกไขปญหาและการตัดสนใจ
Punctuality & leave taken / ความตรงตอเวลา
A verage
©This material is copyright protec ted and is property of Da niel G. Fuc hs and Stephan Faessler.
Human Resources
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 13.08.08 / CO-HR-FR-003
Employee Performance Evaluation Form (HOD, Supervisor)
SCORE BY HOD : _____________ SCORE AFTER EVALUIATED: ___________ HIGH : 55 - 45, MID-HIGH : 44 - 34, MEDIUM : 33 - 23, MID-LOW : 22 - 12, LOW : 11 - 1
การประเมนตนเองของพนักงาน 1. What do you co nsider you do well in your job?
กรณาระบถงหนาท หรอส งท คณประเมนวาตนเองสามารถทาไดดใ นระยะเวลาท ผานมา
2. What areas would you like to develop/learn about to help you do your job more effectively?
ในหนาท ของคณปจจบัน ส งใดท คณ ตองการไดรับการพัฒนา /เรยนร เพ มเตม เพ อท จะสามารถ ชวยใหหนาท ท ร ับผดชอบสามารถ บรรลผลสาเรจไดดย ง ข น
©This material is copyright protec ted and is property of Da niel G. Fuc hs and Stephan Faessler.
Human Resources
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 13.08.08 / CO-HR-FR-003
Employee Performance Evaluation Form (HOD, Supervisor)
EVALUATION SUMMARY (ผลสรปการประเมนโดยรวม)
The evaluation interview is an ideal chanc e for any issues to be discussed, it should be properly planned and conducted in a q uiet atmosphere without interruptions.
การประเมนผลจากการสัมภาษณน ถอไดวา เปนแนวทางท กอ ใหเกดผลลัพธไดชัดเจน เน องจากมการเปดโอกาส ในการเสนอแนะ อธบาย ถกเถยง กอใหเกดความชัดเจน โดยผ ประเมนควรจัดสรรเวลาและจังหวะท เหมาะสม ไมใหมส ง ท ไมเก ยวของรบกวนหรอทาใหไมสะดวก
Depa rtment Head's Comment
RM/ EAM Comment
Name: _________________________________
Name: _________________________________
Signature: ______________________________
Signature: ______________________________
Date: _______________
Date: _______________
General Manager's Comment:
Increase of wage in percentage: _________________ HOD Signature: ______________________________
GM Signature: ______________________________
Date: _______________
Date: ________________
©This material is copyright protec ted and is property of Da niel G. Fuc hs and Stephan Faessler.
Human Resources
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 13.08.08 / CO-HR-FR-004
Disc iplinary Ac tion Form Name:
ช อ
Date: _________
Violation against the Human Resources Policy
คณไดฝา ฝนขอบังคับเก ยวกับการทางาน ดังน 1.
Unreported Absence
หยดงานโดยไมแจง 2.
Drinking on Duty
กาวราว 5.
Fighting on C omp any Premises
Leaving work without Permission
Improper C ond uct
ปฏบัตต ัวไมเหมาะสม 10.
Defec tive and Improper Work
ละท งหนาท 9.
Violation of Safety Rules
มนเมาขณะปฏบัตห นาท 4.
ฝาฝนคาสั ง
Failure to Obe y Order
Destruction of C ompa ny Property
Reporting under the Influence of Alcohol
Other Offence :
อ น ๆ
Detail of misc onduc t / nega tive pe rformance / รายละเอยดในการกระทาผด
The following warning status is issued: ความผดดังกลาวตองถกลงโทษตามขอบังคับเก ยวกับการทางาน Verbal Warning and Rec ord
Written Warning No. 1
เตอนเปนหนังสอครั งท
Last Warning
Suspe nsion without pay ___ Day From ____ To __
เตอนเปนครั งสดทาย
ตั งแต
Dismissal effective ___________
เลกจาง ตั งแตวันท
Signature of Supervisor/M ana ger/ Date ลายมอช อ ผบังคับบัญชา/ วันท
Signature of Assoc iate/ Date ลายมอช อของพนักงาน/ วันท
Head of Depa rtment/ Date หัวหนาแผนก/ วันท
Human Resources Ma nage r/ Date ผจัดการฝายทรัพยากรบคคล/ วันท
General Manager/ Date ผจัดการทั วไป/ วันท
©This material is copyright protec ted and is property of Da niel G. Fuc hs and Stephan Faessler.
Human Resources
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure
Upda te: 13.08.08 / CO-HR-FR-005
C ertificate Request Form Certificate Request Form /
Emp. C ode / รหัสพนักงาน ______________
Name / ช อ ____________________________________________
Position / ตาแหนง _____________________________
Start Date / วันท เร มทางาน _______________________
Form Request / ตองการขอแบบฟอรม
ใบรับรองเงนเดอน / Salary C ertifica te
For / เพ อ ______________________________________
ใบรับรองการทางาน / Work C ertifica te
For / เพ อ ______________________________________
Language / ภาษาท ตอ งการ English / อังกฤษ
Thai / ไทย
วันท ตอ งการ / Due Date: __________________________
* Plea se send this form to HUMAN RESOURC ES, 3 days be fore due d ate/ กรณาสงแบบฟอรมกอนลวงหนา 3 วัน
©This material is copyright protec ted and is property of Da niel G. Fuc hs and Stephan Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 13.08.08 / C O-HR-FR-006
Personnel Requisition Form Personnel Requisition Form Permanent Associate
Temporary Associate
Casual Associate
No. Required :
Age Limit:
Ma l e
Qualification Required:
Reasons for replac ement o r addition:
Requested by
Agreed by Depa rtment Head
No. of Person in Ma npowe r Foreca st: C urrent Numbe r: Human Resource s Dep artment
General Manager’s Approval
Ge neral Ma nager
Original to Human Resource s Depa rtment Duplic ate to Dep artment Hea d
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 13.08.08 / C O-HR-FR-007
Promotion/ Salary Increase Form Assoc iate Hiring date
Depa rtment ………………………………… Name ……………………………………………………
( Position ) C urrent position …………………………………………..
Salary from ………………… Inc rea se …………… Baht Total Mo nth Salary …………….. Baht
Time in current position From ……………………… To ……………………………
Promotion To : ………………………………… Salary increase ………………………..
Effec tive from : …………………………………….
C ondition of promote …………………………………………………… ………………………………….
Depa rtment Hea d ………………………………. General Ma nager …………………………..
Ac knowledge by
Human Resourc es Mana ger ……………………………………………. Da te ……………..
Ac c ounting Department …………………………………………………. Date ……………..
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 13.08.08 / C O-HR-FR-008
Associate Status C hange Form Associate Status Change Form
ใบเปล ยนตาแหนงงาน Family Name / นามสกล:
First Name / ช อ:
Date of Birth / วัน เดอน ปเกด:
Location / บรษัท:
Salary Change / เปล ยนเงนเดอน:
Amount From/ จาก
Position Change / เปล ยนตาแหนง:
To/ ถง
Current Position / ตาแหนงปจจบัน
New Position / ตาแหนงใหม Department Change/ เปล ยนแผนก:
Previous Department/ แผนกปจจบัน
New Department / แผนกใหม Location Change / เปล ยนบรษัท :
Previous Location / บรษัทเดม
New Location / บรษัทใหม Reason for Change / เหตผลท เปล ยนแผนก :
Today’s Date / วันท ปจ จบัน : Date when change takes effect / วันท เปล ยน : Current Manager Signature / ลายเซน ผจัดการปจจบัน : Signature Associate / ลายเซนพนักงาน : New Manager Signature / ลายเซน ผจัดการใหม :
Approval General Manager / ความเหนชอบของหัวหนาออฟฟต : Date/ วันท :
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resources
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure
Upda te: 14.08.08 / CO-HR-FR-010
Final Salary Clearanc e Form Final Salary Clearance Form แบบฟอรมส ง คน ส ง ของ
ID No. :
Depa rtment: ______________________________
Start work: _______________________________
Last Working Date:_________________________
Note: This column below is the clearanc e items which you have to return to spec ification de pa rtment
คอลัมนดา นลางน คอ รายการส งของท พนักงานตองสงคนใหกับแผนกตามท ระบ
Time Attendant: Human Resources Department Requisitions:
Name Tag Locker key House key Insuranc e C ard Assoc iate house equipment Pillow Pillowcase Blanket Linen sheet Other________________________ ________________________
Public Holida y Vacation Overtime Compensation day off
………… ………… ………… …………
Over used Vac ation ………… Over used Public Holida y ………… Total……………..days Total…………….Baht.
C hecked by_______________________ Date______________________
Received by_______________________ Date______________________ Uniform (F&B Servic e) Housekeeping Department
Shirt ………… Trousers ………… Shoes ………. Hat ……… Apron ………. Decorations …….. Skirt ………. Other________________
…….. …….. …….. …….. …….. …….. …….. ……..
Received by_____________ Check by______________ Date____________________
Serene Restaurant Morning shift Polo Shirt color ………… shorts ………… Shoes ………. Serene Restaurant Afternoon shift Shirt ………… Trousers ………… Lanna Restaurant Shirt ………… Trousers ………… other……………
…….. …….. ……..
…….. ……..
…….. …….. …….
Date __________________
Total deduction ……………… Baht. Ple a se s e n d t h i s f o r m b a c k w i t h i t e m s in t h e la s t w o rk in g d a y . I f yo u d o n ’ t r e t u rn b y l ist , w e w i ll d e d u c t f ro m y o u r sa la r y .
กรณาสง คนแบบฟอรมน ในวั นส นส ดการทา งาน พรอมรายการส ง ของ ถาค ณไมส ง คนตามรายการ ทางโรงแรมฯจะหักเงน จากเงนเดอ นของ คณ Associate
©This material is copyright protec ted and is property of Da niel G. Fuc hs and Stephan Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 14.08.08 / C O-HR-FR-011
Resigna tion Form Resignation Form
ใบแจงออก Family Name / ช อสกล :
First Name / ช อ :
Date of Birth / ว/ด/ป เกด :
Position / ตาแหนง :
Last day of work / ทางานวันสดทาย : Salary days owed / จานวนวันในการทางาน : Salary amount owed / จานวนคาจางท ตอ งจาย :
Department / แผนก : Uniforms returned in good c ondition / สภาพยนฟอรมท สงคน :
อรม : Depositreturned / คนเงนคามัดจายนฟ Length of Employment / ระยะเวลาในการทางาน : Termination / ลาออกเน องจากบรษัทบังคับออก : Resignation / ลาออกเน องจากสมัครใจดวยตนเอง : Reason for Termination or Resignation / เหตผลในการลาออก :
Signature of Manager / ลงช อรับทราบ Signature of Executive Assistant Manager / ลงช อ Signature of General Manager / ลงช อ Payroll Department received signed pay-slip / เอกสารในการจายเงนเดอน Taken off Payroll / ลบประวัต : Signature Payroll / เซนรับเอกสารเรยบรอย :
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resources
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 14.08.08 / CO-HR-FR-012
Exit Interview Exit Interview Form
ช อ __________________________________
หมายเลขประจาตัว ____________________________
Name แผนก _________________________________ Department วันเร มงาน ______________________________ Start Date
Assoc iate No หนวยงาน _________________________________ Section วันท ออกจากงาน ______________________________ Lea ving Date
เหตผลท ออกจากงาน: ลาออก: ส นสดการทางาน Reinvasion for lea ve :Resignation \ Terminate _______________________________________________________________________________
กรณากรอกแบบฟอรมดานลาง เพ อทาง ดารา สมย จะไดปรับปรงระบบการสรหาบคคลสภาพแวดลอมการทางาน การฝกอบรมและสภาพโดยรวมของบรษัท คาตอบของทานจะถกปดเปน ความลับ
Please fill the following questionnaire “hotel company” to improve and refine our recruitment environment, training, and overall compa ny Your responses will be kept confidential. We need our input it counts and makes a difference. _______________________________________________________________________________ 1.ทานสนใจเขารวมงานกับ “ดารา สมย” ไดอยางไร. How d id you get interested in joining [Name of Property]? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… 2.อะไรคอเหตผลสาคัญ ท ทา นอยากเขารวมงานกับ ดารา สมย. C ould you tell us the important rea son why you joined [Name of DHR Prop erty]? A ) C areer advanc ement B) Reputation of the c ompany C ) Opp ortunity to earn better money D) Friend worked for the c ompany F) Other
เพ อความกาวหนาในสายอาชพ ความมช อเสยงของบบรษัท ไดรับคาตอบแทนท ดก วา มเพ อนทางานท บรษัทฯน อ นๆ
3.ทานคดวาอะไรอะไรเปนมลเหตสา คัญท สด ท ทา ใหทานตัดสนใจลาออก. From your point of view, what was the single most important rea son for you, leaving [Name of Property]? A ) Found better op portunity B) Poor c ompensation C ) Health reason D) C ould not get along with your supe rvisors E) Did not get along with your collea gues F) You did not perform ac cording to [Name of DHR Property] standards G ) Other
©This material is copyright protec ted and is property of Da niel G. Fuc hs and Stephan Faessler.
มโอกาสท ดกวา สวัสดการนอย เหตผลทางดานสขภาพ ไมสามารถทางานกับหัวหนางานได ไมสามารถทางานกับเพ อนรวมงานได ไมสามารถทางานไดมาตรฐานของ ดารา สมย อ นๆ
Human Resources
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 14.08.08 / CO-HR-FR-012
Exit Interview 4. โปรดระบลักษณะของ หัวหนางาน ของทานอยางตรงไปตรงมา. How would you describe your immediate Supervisor? What was he/she like?
ดเย ยม ด พอใช แย
A ) Exc ellent B) Good C ) Fair D) Poor
5.โดยสรปแลว ทานร สก อยางไรกับประสบการณของทาน ท ไดรวมงานกับ ดารา สมย. Overall, how d o you feel ab out your experienc es with [Name o f Prop erty]?
เปนบรษัทฯท นารวมทางานดวย เปนประสบการณการเรยนร ท ด เปนประสบการณท เ ลวรายมาก ไมมความคดเหนใดๆ
A ) Great company to work with B) A g ood learning experienc e C ) Terrible experienc e D) No Comment
6. คณ รสก วา ไดประสบความสาเรจ ใน “ดารา สมย” หรอไม. Do you feel you were suc cessful in [Name ofProp erty]? A ) Yes สาเรจ
B) No ไมสา เรจ
7.คณวัดระดับความสามารถของตนเอง เม อเทยบกับท ทา นรับผดชอบ ใน ดารา สมย. How would you rate your ability for the position that you held in [Name o f Property]? Low
ระดับต า
High 1
8. คณเคยร สก เบ อกับงาน ท คณ ทาอย บา งไหม. Did you ever bec ome bored with what you were d oing? A ) Yes เคย
B) No ไมเคย
9. คณกาลังจะไปประกอบอาชพอะไร กับสถานประกอบการท เปนธรกจประเภทใด .In what industry or particular compa ny are you now going to be employed in or considering employment? A ) Hospitality การโรงแรม B) Travel industry การทองเท ยว C ) Food Service ดานอาหาร D) Self employed ธรกจของตนเอง F) Tec hnician Service การบรการซอม G ) Remind unemployed ยังไมไดงาน H) Other อ นๆ
©This material is copyright protec ted and is property of Da niel G. Fuc hs and Stephan Faessler.
Human Resources
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 14.08.08 / CO-HR-FR-012
Exit Interview 10.กรณาใหระดับคะแนน ตามขอขางลาง เก ยวกับงานของทาน. Please rate each of the following:
A) Salary อัตราเงนเดอน B) Benefit สวัสดการ C ) Training การฝกอบรม D) C areer Advanc ement Opportunity ความกาวหนาในงาน E) Work atmosphere บรรยากาศในการทางาน F) J ob Sec urity ความปลอดภัยในงาน G) Work tools, equipment เคร องมอในการทางาน H) Rec ognition a nd reward การยอมรับและการใหรางวัล I) Assoc iate food อาหารพนักงาน J ) Assoc iate Fac ilities & Entertainment ส งอานวยความสะดวก
Poor Below Averag e 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
Good Excellent 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5
11.ดารา สมย ควรมขอ ปรับปรงในเร องใดบาง. What could [Name o f Prop erty] do to improve itself? ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………...……………………………………………………………………….
Assoc iate’ s Signature
©This material is copyright protec ted and is property of Da niel G. Fuc hs and Stephan Faessler.
Skill / Duration in hours
Perfect sco re. There were no mistakes in treatments or hesitation in verbal tests.
Above average. No more that two mistakes for each skill set.
Average. No more than three mistakes per skill set.
Below Average. No more than four mistakes per skill set.
Poor. More than four mistakes per skill set.
Retraining must be c onduc ted if the a ssoc iate rec eives a score o f four or less. RETRAINING :
Another eva luation for the b elow a verage skill must be scheduled no later than o ne we ek a fter retraining. If another below average score is recorded, employee counseling must be actioned.
©This material is co pyright protected and is prope rty of Da niel G. Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler. Reproduc tion without permission is prohibited.
Human Resources
Standard Operating Procedure
Upd ate: 16.06.08 / C O-HR-FR-014
Training Attendance Rec ord Form Topic: Trainer: Date & Time: Venue:
No. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Human Resources
Standard Operating Procedure
Upd ate: 16.06.08 / C O-HR-FR-014
Training Attendance Rec ord Form Topic: Trainer: Date & Time: Venue:
No. 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
©This material is cop yright protec ted a nd is prop erty of Daniel G. Fuchs and Stephan Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 14.08.08 / C O-HR-FR-015
DHR Applic ation Form APPLICATION FORM Position
Desired Salary
Date of Birth:
Ad dress of C ontac t:
Telephone Height
I.D. C ARD NO . Marital Status:
Blood Type
Name of Institution
2. EDUCATION Education
Diploma Bachelor’s Degree Other Please Specify
3. PARENTS DETAILS Father’s Name
Oc cupation
Oc cupation
Present Address Mother’s Name Present Address
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 14.08.08 / C O-HR-FR-015
DHR Applic ation Form 4. PRESENTJOB / LASTEMPLOYMENT Name of the C ompany Telephone
Brief Description of Duties
1. 2. 3.
Previous Company Name
Other Benefits
Reason of Leaving
Knowledge of Language
Speaking Very Good
Reading Fair
Very Good
Writing Fair
Very Good
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 14.08.08 / C O-HR-FR-015
MicrosoftOffice DOS System Excel Word Others…
Name Position applied for
Are you now employed? Yes, when would you be availab le to work with us? No, how long have you been unemployed?
Month (s)
Current or last employer: J ob Title:
Would you be willing to relocate? Are you willing to travel? Are you able to work overtime or shift?
What are (were) you duties?
Yes Yes Yes
No No No
What do you think the position involves?
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 14.08.08 / C O-HR-FR-015
DHR Applic ation Form Why do you want to work with us?
How qualified do you feel to perform in the job for which you applied?
What do you feel are your strong points?
What do you feel are you weak points?
How would you define your management or work philosophy?
How did you hear about us?
In which way you could help us to achieve our vision?
Interviewer Comments (To be completed by the Interviewer only):
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Upda te: 14.08.08 / C O-HR-FR-016
Applic ation and Resume C ontrol Form APPLICATION AND RESUME CONTROL FORM
Applicants Name:
Position applied:
Application form:
School certificates:
Work certifica tes: References:
Rec ent Picture:
Driving License: House registration:
ID card: C hec ked for completeness by: Resume tracking number assigned: Thank you letter sent by and da te: References: Re f e r e n c e 1 :
Name of c ompany: Name of person spoken to: Content of reference: Reference checked by: Re f e r e n c e 2 :
Name of C ompany: Name of person spoken to: Content of reference: Reference checked by: Re f e r e n c e 3 :
Name of C ompany: Name of person spoken to: Content of reference:
Reference checked by: In t e rv ie w d a t e :
In t e rv ie w d e c lin e d a n d re a so n :
A p p lic a n t n o tif ie d d a t e a n d b y w h o m :
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resources
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure
Upda te: 14.08.08 / CO-HR-FR-017
Employee Uniform Agreement Employee Uniform Agreement BETWEEN [Name of DHR Property] AND Employee Name: ช อพนักงาน Department: แผนก Today’s Date:
วันท Uniform(s) Given: __________________________________________________________ ชดท ไดรับ _____________________________________________ Total Value (Thai Baht):
เปนจานวนเงน (บาท) Keys Given: ______________________________________________________________
กญแจท ไดรับ Other Items Given: _________________________________________________
อปกรณอ นๆ
The employee will return all items in good condition, before receiving their final compensation
พนักงานจะตองคนอปกรณ ทังหมดในสภาพท ด กอนรับเงนคาจางงวดสดทาย AGREED: Employee Signature:
©This material is copyright protec ted and is property of Da niel G. Fuc hs and Stephan Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Update: 14.08.08 / C O-HR-FR-018
ตารางควบคมกญแจ KEY TYPE
ผ ใหกญ แจ
วันเวลา เขา
©This material is copyright protected and is property of Daniel G. Fuchs and Stephan Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Update: 13.08.08 / C O-HR-LTR-001
Letter of Management Trainee Internship (Domestic Universities) [Hotel Name] [Ad dress 1] [Ad dress 2] [Date Today]
[PERSONAL] [Rec ipients Name] [Ad dress 1] [Ad dress 2]
Dear [Rec ipients Name]
Letter of Management Internship Program at [Name of DHR property] With great plea sure I am able to confirm your internship with [Name of prop erty]. The Internship commenc es [dd /mm], [yea r] and finishes [dd/mm], [yea r].
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Update: 13.08.08 / C O-HR-LTR-001
Letter of Management Trainee Internship (Domestic Universities) [Hotel Name] [Ad dress 1] [Ad dress 2] [Date Today]
[PERSONAL] [Rec ipients Name] [Ad dress 1] [Ad dress 2]
Dear [Rec ipients Name]
Letter of Management Internship Program at [Name of DHR property] With great plea sure I am able to confirm your internship with [Name of prop erty]. The Internship commenc es [dd /mm], [yea r] and finishes [dd/mm], [yea r]. [Name of prop erty] is pleased to offer you the following provisions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Monthly stipend of THB [amount]. Accommodation in our associate village/house. Transportation to and from work (if ap plicab le). 3 meals per day in our Associate restaurant. Ac cident insurance while on Internship. Reimbursement of the Super VIP bus fare to and from Bangkok to (name of destination). Welcome Dinner hosted by the Management of [Name of property].
Training Plan: [dd/mm], [year] and finishes [dd/mm], [year]: Dep artment: [Name of Dep artment(s)]
Position: [Name of Position(s)]
I am c ertain that you will benefit greatly from this [number of Departments trained in] very important front line positions at [Name of DHR property] and I am looking forward to be working with you. Yours sincerely [Name of property]
Ac cepted
[Name] [Position/Department]
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
[Rec ipients Name] Ma nag ement Trainee
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Update: 13.08.08 / C O-HR-LTR-002
Letter of Certification/Guarantee (Expats, Non-B-Visa) [Hotel Name] [Ad dress 1] [Ad dress 2] [Date Today]
[PERSONAL] [Name of the Royal Thai C onsulate-G eneral] [Ad dress 1 of Thai Emba ssy/C onsulate] [Ad dress 2 of Thai Emba ssy/C onsulate]
Dear Sir/Ma da m [Name of the Royal Thai C onsulate-General]
Letter of Certification/ Guarantee of the [Name of Dproperty] This is to c ertify that [Name of property] Co. /Ltd. intends to employ [Name of Management Trainee], [Citizenship] nationa lity worker, holding pa sspo rt No. [Passport Number], in the position as “Management Trainee” from [dd/mm/yy] until [dd/mm/yy] employment shall be contingent upon having been given the relevant app roval from the Lab our Department. Under the Alien Employment Act of Thailand, the applicant, in the case [Name of Management Trainee] should essentially enter Thailand on [dd /mm/yy] with a Multiple-Entry, non-immigrant visa ‘B’. Your cooperation in issuing his/her requested visa would be highly ap preciated. Yours faithfully [Name of property]
[Name of General Manager/Owner] [Position]
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Update: 13.08.08 / C O-HR-LTR-003
Letter of Promotion (Internal)
To: From: C c: Subjec t: Date:
All Ma nagement Human Resource Ma nag er / Assistant Human Resource Ma nag er GM/ Owner’s Representative/Owner Promotion of [Name of employee] [dd/mm/yy]
Dear [Name of employee] Letter of Promotion
Please join me in congratulation [Name of employee] to his/her promotion. His/Her new title effec tive as of [dd/ mm/yy] is [Name of new position]. I would like to take this oppo rtunity to thank [Name of employee] for his/her very good attitude, qua lity of work and d iligenc e. Thank you and b est rega rds Yours sincerely
[Name] [Position/Department]
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.
Human Resourc es
Standa rd Op erating Proc edure Update: 13.08.08 / C O-HR-LTR-005
Letter of Management Trainee C ertification [Hotel Name] [Ad dress 1] [Ad dress 2] [Date Today]
[PERSONAL] [Name of Recipient/Company] [Ad dress 1] [Ad dress 2] To whom it may conc ern
Letter of Management/Trainee Certification This letter serves as a rec ommenda tion o n behalf of [name of trainee] who c ompleted a [number of month(s)]month Management Internship at our resort. His/ Her Internship started [dd/ mm/yy] and finished [dd/ mm/yy]. During this time [name o f trainee] spe nt ab out an equal amount of time in the [name of department] Department as a Management Trainee. [Name of prope rty] is a [deluxe/ luxury/first-class, etc.] [boutique/ c ity/G rand , etc.] [Hotel/Resort] comprised of [Number of rooms] rooms, spa (if applicable), [other facilities such as; meeting rooms, business centre, golf c ourse, etc.] a nd [number of restaurant outlets and ba rs] [fine d ining/ c ontemporary/ type of c uisine/ first-class, etc .] dining outlets, loc ated on [Name of loc ation/ Road ], in [Name of C ity], [Name o f Co untry]. Our c ustomers are mainly [Nationalities] and [Nationalities] nationals and their level of expectation is very high, expecting only the finest service that a [Hotel/ Resort] c an supply. [Name of trainee] integrated her/himself very well in our team and within a very short period of time became a respected and valued member of his/her assigned team. Even mannered and dependable as well as a quick learner best desc ribe [Attributes of the manag ement trainee’s] He/she performed all of his/her assigned duties to our fullest satisfaction and very much exceeded our expec tations. We would like to spec ially mention that [name of trainee] received many positive guest comments. We would like to mention that [name of trainee] is a very mature person that can work very well with a minimal amo unt of supervision and he / she wa s ab le to bea r a lot of respo nsibility, indeed we o ften forgot that she wa s an internship student. All of us at [Name of property] can only but recommend [name of trainee] and wish him/her the best of success in his/her future personal and career endeavours. We are certain that he/she will add value to any employer that c hooses to enga ge him/her. Should you ha ve a ny further questions please do not hesitate a nd c ontac t us direc tly. Yours faithfully [Name of property]
[Name] [Position]
©This material is co pyright p rotec ted and is prop erty of Daniel G . Fuchs and Stepha n Faessler.