Leonor v. Court of appeals Facts: Petitioner Virginia Leonor was married to private respondent Mauricio Leonor in San Carlos City. City. Mauricio became unfaithful unfaithf ul and lived with a certain Lynda Lynda Pond abroad. abroad. his induced petitioner to institute institute a civil action in !eneva" !eneva" Swit#erland Swit#erlan d for separation and alimony. alimony. Private responde respondent nt counter$sued counter$sued for divorce. divorce. Mauricio raised the issue of the alleged alleged non$e%istence non$e%istence of the marriage between between him and Virginia. Virginia. Meanwhile" Virgina Virgina learned learned that the solemni#ing o&cer in the Philippines failed to send a copy of their marriage contract to the Civil 'egistrar 'egistrar of San Carlos City for registration. registration. (ence" she applied for the late late registration registration of her marriage. marriage. Said application was granted. he trial court declared declared said marriage null and void void for being sham and )ctitious. Virginia Virginia )led a petition for certiorari certiorari with the C* which dismissed dismissed the same. +ssue: ,id the court err in refusing to decide upon the merits of the case" that is" to declare whether or not the -udgment of the trial court is null and void 'uling : he only errors errors that can be cancelled or corrected corrected under 'ule 'ule /01 are typographical of clerical errors" not material or substantial ones li2e the validity or nullity nullity of a marriage. 3here the e4ect e4ect of a correction correction in a civil registry will will change the civil status of petitioner and her children from legitimate" the same cannot be granted e%cept only in an adversarial proceeding. Further" Further" the respondent trial -udge gravely and seriously abused his discretion discretion in unceremoniously unceremoniously e%panding his very limited -urisdiction under such rule to hear evidence on such a controversial matter as nullity of a marriage under the Civil Code and5or a nd5or Family Family Code" a process that is proper only in ordinary adversarial proceedings under the 'ule. 'ule.
* *6*! V. V. *6*!$!*LL7' !.'. 8o. /9;10" March <" <001