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Christo Christophe pherr Martin Martin from from Implem Implement entatio ation n Technologi chnologies es has consult consulted ed our team team to provide an in depth analysis of the problems that he has encountered with the Ariba implementation at MED-X Through an earned value analysis of the past ! months" our team has identified the source of these problems and has proposed a series of changes and recommendations to alleviate these problems PROBLEMS
#ur team has found that the following high level issues contributed to the pro$ects problems% & Chri Christ stop ophe herr has limi limite ted d e'per e'perie ienc ncee manag managin ing g pro$e pro$ect ctss with with multi multipl plee criti critica call paths ( Ther Th eree was was a lac) lac) of prop proper er rep repor orti ting ng and and data data ana analy lysi siss thro throug ugho hout ut the the pro$ pro$ec ect t *roblems could have have been identified earlier with periodic Earned +alue Analysis on the critical pro$ect components , Ther Th eree was was a lac) lac) of comm communi unica catio tion n bet betwe ween en ma$or ma$or pro$ pro$ec ectt sta) sta)eh ehold older erss MED MED-X" Implementation Technologies" Technologies" and Ariba. / 0ac) 0ac) of of a cons consis iste tent nt pro pro$e $ect ct tea team m as a part part-t -tim imee team team mem membe bers rs fro from m MEDMED-X X had been repeatedly ta)en off the pro$ect 1
A ris) ris) regis registe terr or or ass asses essm smen entt was was neve neverr don donee on on pos possib sible le pro$e pro$ect ct set bac) bac)s s
The Earned Earned +alue Analy Analysis sis E+A E+A. our team team conduc conducted ted focuse focused d on three three ma$or ma$or indicators% &
2chedu hedulle *e *erform ormance In Indica icator 2 2*I.
Cost *e *erformance In Indicator C C*I.
Cost +ariance +ariance C+.
3e studied both the combined and individual analysis of the two critical path components of the pro$ect" which were the Technical Infrastructure and the 2oftware Customi4ation The following slides show this analysis PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS
The Technical Infrastructure *lan is under performing according to an analysis of both the C*I and 2*I The 2*I is an inde' that shows how efficient the pro$ect team is utili4ing the time that has been planned for the pro$ect An 2*I value below &556 indicates that the pro$ect is behind schedule The C*I is an inde' that shows how efficient the pro$ect team is utili4ing the pro$ects resources A C*I value below &556 indicates that the cost to complete the pro$ect is higher than planned As you can see from the graphs on the ne't slide" there has been an overall negative trend in both C*I and 2*I over the past ! months for the Technical Infrastructure component 3hile there has been a positive trend for the 2oftware Customi4ation component
A Cost +ariance C+. analysis" indicated how much over or under budget the pro$ect was The C+ analysis indicated that the 2oftware Customi4ation *lan is under budget and the Technical Infrastructure *lan is over budget As you can see from the graph on the ne't slide" it shows the C+ of the two critical plans along with one that combines the two 7ou can easily see the negative cost variance with the Technical Infrastructure *lan and the positive cost variance with the 2oftware Customi4ation *lan
The combined Earned +alue Analysis was not useful in determining and isolating the root cause of the pro$ects problems The graph on the following slide shows the combined E+A analysis 8esides for the month of 9une" the graph indicate that the pro$ect is ahead of schedule with a schedule variance 2+. of :!;"(15 and under budget with a cost variance C+. of :<,";15 =rom the surface" the combined E+A analysis loo)s li)e the pro$ect is ahead of schedule and under budget >owever when a pro$ect goes through two or more critical paths" a combined E+A analysis can be misleading 8eing ahead of schedule and under budget on one critical path" can not ma)e up for being behind schedule and over budget on another critical path 3e have seen in the previous slides that the Technical Infrastructure *lan is behind schedule and over budget >owever" it would be impossible to draw this conclusion if you relied solely on the combined E+A analysis results
?ot sure of this analysis EARLY PROJECT MISTAKES
#ur team uncovered a few mista)es that Christopher had made early in the pro$ect" they are listed below & Martin should have performed an individual Earned +alue Analysis E+A. on each of the critical plans on the pro$ect every month If this was done Christopher could have @uic)ly identified which plan was behind schedule and over budget ( As soon as the pro$ect began to e'perience delays" such as the 2un server e@uipment being delivered late and the system testing being scheduled late" Christopher should have performed an Earned +alue Analysis and developed an action plan to reset the pro$ect bac) on schedule and within budget , 0astly" Christopher should have developed a clear communications plan that reviewed and analy4ed the correct set of data" so that )ey sta)eholders could address ma$or pro$ect problems / *ro$ect Milestones were not established These milestones would have monitored )ey pro$ect aspects and alerted the pro$ect team if they were behind schedule 1 Christopher should have re@uested a full time pro$ect team member from MED-X to eliminate any further delays to the pro$ect schedule
! A ris) assessment was not done on the ma$or components of the pro$ect Therefore a proper action plan to handle these pro$ect ris)s was never established
A *ro$ect Manager has four main ways to ad$ust the pro$ect schedule >owever" each choice has its trade-offs & Add esources - Increase the cost ( Change esources - Increase the cost and time , Cut 2cope - Decrease @uality / =ast Trac)ing Do wor) in parallel. - Increase ris) At this time" the pro$ect deadline is one month away 2ince the pro$ect has a strict set of deliverable" cutting the scope is not an option 3hile adding resources may speed up the completion time of certain tas)s" fast trac)ing will be ChristopherBs best shot at completing the pro$ect on time The following chart depicts the proposed schedule change that our team recommends It involves adding resources to the Evolve stage and fast trac)ing it to wor) in con$unction with the Deploy stage
It is important to note that this recommendation has some inherit ris)s associated with it =ast trac)ing the Evolve stage to wor) in con$unction with the Deploy stage will limit the amount of time that the team has to ma)e changes to the system Any ma$or problems that are encountered while the pro$ect is being Deployed will ultimately delay the Evolving stage
The goal of this pro$ect was to implement the Ariba software at MED-X 2ince this pro$ect ran through two critical paths" the success of the pro$ect relied on the successful completion of both those components #ur analysis of this pro$ect has revealed the importance of properly monitoring and controlling the pro$ect Clear communication plans" ris) assessments" and contingency plans needed to be prepared and ready for implementation Also" pro$ect milestones and proper reporting metrics needed to be established to act as guidelines for managing the pro$ects schedule and costs >opefully the recommendations our team proposed will result in the completion of the pro$ect on schedule 3e hope that our analysis can serve as a tool and template for future implementation pro$ects