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Job interviews are usually the clincher in the job application process. Even the most intelligent candidate can fail if he doesn't know how to handle an interview. The best way to make sure that we...
Salesforce Interview Questions and Answers for Clearing the Interview.
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MVC Interview questions and answers PDF. Covers the below questions What is MVC(Model view controller)? Can you explain the complete flow of MVC? Is MVC suitable for both windows an…Full description
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Descripción: MVC Interview questions and answers PDF. Covers the below questions What is MVC(Model view controller)? Can you explain the complete flow of MVC? Is MVC suitable for both windows and web a...
Teradata Interview Questions and answers
Question.1 What is the diference between FastLoad and MultiLoad? Answer: FastLoad uses multiple sessions to quickly load large amount of data on empty table. MultiLoad is used for high-volume maintenance on tables and views. It works with non-empty tables also. Maximum tables can be used in MultiLoad. Question.2 Which is aster? Answer: FastLoad. Question.3 Diference between nner !oin and outer !oin? Answer: !n inner "oin gets data from both tables where the speci#ed data exists in both tables. !n outer "oin gets data from the source table at all times$ and returns data from the outer "oined table %&L' if it matches the criteria.(sociallocker) Question." What is #ulti nsert? Answer: Inserting data records into the table using multiple insert statements. *utting a semi colon in front of the key word I&+, in the next statement rather than terminating the #rst statement with a semi colon achieves it. Insert into +ales /select 0 from customer1 Insert into Loan /select 0 from customer12 Question.$ s #ulti insert A%& standard? Answer: &o. Question.' (o (ow w do )o )ou u cr crea eate te a ta tabl ble e wi with th an e* e*is isti tin+ n+ st stru ruct ctur ure e o another table with data and with no data? Answer: 3reate table 3ustomer dummy as 3ustomer with data 4 with no data2 Question., What is the o-enin+ ste- in asic /eradata /eradata Quer) scri-t? Answer: Logon tdipid4username$ password. Question.0 ou ou are callin+ a te scri-t which dro-s a table table and creates a table. t will throw an error i the table does not e*ist. (ow can )ou do it without throwin+ the error? Answer: ' Answer: 'ou ou can it by setting error level to 5ero before dropping and resetting the error level to 6 after dropping. Question.4 56676L585L 930,; Answer: +,7,I' 62 Question.1 e) b) -uttin+ eualit) on that >e)? Answer: &o. Question.11 Did )ou write stored -rocedures in /eradata?