CHAPTER 1 PRELIMINARY 1.1Background The use of information technology that is currently growing found many provide feedback is positive. Like many new business opportunities that created especially the utilizat utilization ion on the interne internet. t. The The develo developme pment nt of the inform informatio ation n technol technology ogy allows allows everyone with easy to do the activities of the sale and purchase through a computer network with either using the internet, extranet or intranet. In its development, a System Information anagement !SI" is part of the internal control of a business that includes the management of mankind, documents, technologies and procedures by management to solve business problems such as production cost, services or a business strategy. SI differentiated with ordinary information system because the SI is used to analyze other information system that applied in the operational activities of the organization. In academic, the term is generally used to refer to a group of information management methods that relates to the automation or support of decision#making, for example decision support system, expert system and executive information system. The development of a System Information anagement has caused a significant change in the pattern of decision making that is done by good management at the operational level !technical practitioners" or leadership at all levels. The efforts of the company in producing reliable information must be done to develop a System Information anagement. System Information anagement reflects the ability of the company in managing the computer#based information in comprehensive and coordinated that is able to transform the data to the information through a series of ways that can improve the productivity and performance of the company in conducting their activities. The role of management is very important in producing the information related to the mapping of information needs the determination of the type and $ualification for the information and use of the information that is based on the %core business% and the purpose of the company. In other words, a System Information anagement has a wider scope of information technology that is part of the System Information anagement. The use of the internet is not only limited to the utilization of the information can be accessed through the media, but can also be used as a means to make a &ommerce transaction transaction through through electronic commerce or commerce or more known with '#&ommerce. (lthough internet users in Indonesia has reached )* million people and *+ million other people 1
are wireless#based internet users, but the service provider '#&ommerce in Indonesia recently reached )-. The existence of '#&ommerce is a business alternative that is promising to be applied at this time, because '#&ommerce provides many ease for both sides, from both seller !merchant " or from the buying party !buyer " in doing &ommerce transaction, though both parties involved separately in a very far distance. n the business of land transportation especially o/ek shelter in Indonesia, 0o#/ek is first services company with mobile-based services in the operational demands. (lthough this time is still debated about whether or not valid 0o#/ek as an official transportation because not o/ek shelter including modal carriers ground transportation on (ct 1o.22 233, but does not affect the consumers to stop use it, even some government officials to give appreciation about this creative business opportunities. 0o#/ek as a services company engaged in the land transportation have utilize means '#&ommerce in marketing services produced by their company. '#&ommerce 4acility was used by the company to support the strategy adopted 0o#/ek in order to win the competition in the business when this is done by the company.
1.2Problems ormula!"on The problems of this paper is5 *. 6ow does the role of a System Information anagement in business7 2. 6ow does the implementation of a System Information anagement on 8T 0o/ek Indonesia7
1.#$b%ec!"&es The ob/ectives of this paper is5 *. To know the analyzing the role of System Information anagement in the business. 2. To know how the implementation of a System Information anagement on the business of 8T 0o/ek Indonesia.
2.1T*e Role o+ (,s!em In+orma!"on Managemen! -(IM "n Bus"ness System Information anagement !SI" according to 9:rien !2332" said that the SI is an integrated system that provides information to support the operational activities, management and the function of the decision making of an organization. System Information anagement !SI" is an information system that produces the results of the output using input and various process that is re$uired to meet the specific ob/ectives in a management activities !;ikipedia, 23*3". The purpose of SI, such as5 a. 8rovides information that is used in the calculation of the cost of services and products and other purpose that desired management. b. 8rovides information that is used in planning, control, pengevaluasian, and continuous improvements. c. 8rovides information for decision#making. In a simple way it can be said that an information system to do data processing and then change it to the information. (ccording to 9brien !23*3" SI is an orderly combination between people, hardware, software, communication network and data resources !fifth element is called the system components information" gather, alter and disseminate information in the organization. There are ) main roles of information systems in business such as5 a. Support business process and operational. b. Support decision making. c. Support strategy for the competitive advantages. Some
system operation or management of , while the other is running various functions, that is5
*. The
T8S developed from the information system of the manual for the system data process with the help of the machine to the system data process !electronic data processing systems". =oting records and processing data results from business transactions such as sales, purchase, and changes the preparation>inventories. T8S produces various product information for internal and external use. (s an example, T8S make statement consumers, check the employee salary, sales receipt, purchase order, our tax and financial account. b" Process Control Systems (PCS) perating information system routinely make decisions that control the operational process, such as the decision of the control of production. This involves process control systems !8&S" that its decision to set the physical production process that is automatically generated by the computer. il refinery petroleum and assembly lines from the factories that automatically using this system. c" Office Automation Systems (OAS) (S gather, process, save, and send the data and information in the form of
from the office
automation !(" is the word processing electronic mail teleconferencing and others!
2. The
a" The
initial plan
by information reporting systems. b" Ad "oc and interactive support for the decision by the managers done by decission support systems. c" &ritical Information for the management of assigned by the e#ecutive information systems. d" The (dvice of experts to decision#making operational or managerial assigned by e#pert systems and $nowledge-based information systems. e" ?irect support and continue to managerial and operational applications from end users specified by the end user computing systems! f" The application of operational and managerial skills in supporting business functions specified by the business function information systems! g" The products and services that compete to achieve strategic benefits specified by the strategic information systems! In the real work world, information system that is used is a combination of various kinds of information system that has been mentioned above. In practice the various roles are integrated into a composite or cross#function. Cross functional information system that perform various functions. ). The
a. The competition from their competitors in the same industry,
b. The threat from the new company, c. The threat of replacement products, d. :argaining power of consumers, and e. :argaining power of suppliers. Some strategies compete that can be built to win the competition is5 a. Cost leadership. The superiority of the cost to the manufacturer of products or services with low cost. b. Product differentiation. The difference of developing ways to produce different products or services with a competitor. c. %nnovation#find new ways to run your business, including the development of new products and new ways to produce or distribute products and services.
2.2E/Commerce on PT 0o%ek Indones"a (ccording to 9:rien !23**", '#&ommerce is purchasing, sales, marketing, product and services, services and information through various computer network. any companies now use the internet, intranet, their extranet and other networks to support each step of the commercial process, including everything from advertising support, sales and customer in the ;orld ;ide ;eb for internet security and payment mechanisms that ensure the settlement of delivery and payment process. (s an example, e#commerce system including internet web site for the sale of online access to the database preparation extranet by ma/or customers and the use of the intranet company with sales force to access the note the customer to customer relationship management.
'#&ommerce itself is divided into three types of, such as5 *. 'lectronic arkets !'s".
's is a means of using information and communication technology to perform>present the offer in a market segment, so that the buyer can compare various kinds of the offered prices and exchange information about product !goods" offered along with the price list. 2. 'lectronic ?ata Interchange !'?I". '?I is the means of the exchange of structured data with standard format that has been approved by the inter#organization interchange that is done from one computer system to another computer system using electronic media. '?I very wide usage, usually used by large retail groups when doing business trademarks with suppliers they. ). Internet &ommerce. Internet commerce is the use of the internet that is used to exchange information and communication for trade. There are activities in the internet commerce is usually in the form of advertising in the sale of products and services. The
reservations>purchase goods which goods will be sent by post or other means after the money is transferred to the account of the seller. 0o#@ek develops one type of '#&ommerce, namely business to customer is done with personal online boo$ings. '#&ommerce features on 0o#@ek very complete when compared with the features of '#&ommerce from modal carriers other transport. 0o#@ek offers integrated '#&ommerce that allows potential or passenger 0o#@ek to use courier services, transportation, food delivery services and services spending. 0o#@ek feature of interest is the passengers can use &redit 0o#@ek in each of their transactions so more practics and that is not less interesting is the passengers can provide ratings and suggestions for ?river 0o#@ek. Some of the menu are there on the services 0o#@ek app that is5
Ins!an! Cour"er
%nstant Courier or courier services, 0o#@ek can be used as the delivery of goods by %real time%. The cost is paid for the course in accordance with the distance of that automatically is indicated on the application. :oth the document and the goods can be delivered. ;ith the note for goods that will be sent cannot exceed from on high and motor stang distance driver. 0o#@ek offer fast enough time for delivery of goods namely 3 minutes until anywhere as long as it is still in the city. Transor!
Transport or transportation services in accordance with his name 0o#@ek used as transport
media especially
as difficulties
transportation. 'xcess on 0o#@ek is at the beginning of the book we determine where the existence of potential passengers and determining purpose, and immediately the application gives confirmation of the price that must be paid for by the potential passengers. ;ith this feature potential passengers feel more efficient due to the price transparency and does not need to bother to do bargaining chip. n this transport services passengers get hair cover and mask free. ood 'el"&er,
&ood 'elivery or delivery of services food, with this service we can order food in our favorite restaurant without having to go around. Stay order and notify the application only in the restaurant that we meaning and any menu that we want to order. 'ven in this service is the types of food that is recommended to ease. (*o"ng
Shopping or services, spending on this service 0o#@ek can help to shopping in the supermarket with the details of the goods which he wills. Interestingly cost will be covered first by 0o#@ek and will be replaced when it came to standstill destination with the maximum limit of
4eatures found on the A main menu on the services 0o#@ek (pp including 5 8
'a!a Inu!
8otential passengers to determine the location of the transfer and the location of the purpose of then 0o#@ek will recalculate payment. (nd then the potential passengers choose payment !cash or &redit 0o#@ek".
*.* ?ata input B total cost that must be paid. T*e 'r"&ers $n T*e a,
(fter you make your reservation, applications will respond to search for driver 0o# @ek closest to the location of the potential passengers. n this feature, potential passengers will see the 08S about the existence of a driver 0o#@ek that will carry him even there how long the estimation needed a driver 0o#@ek until the candidate to be pushed passengers.
*.2 See the drivers already until where through 08S Services. (M( 3 Call
;hen a driver 0o#@ek is not yet coming, potential passengers can take advantage of the SS features B &all that has been provided by 0o#@ek (pps.
*.) SS or phone when persistent drivers come.
Re&"e4 'r"&ers
4or this feature passengers can give rating and comment about services done by a driver 0o#@ek, because of this rating 0o#@ek driver will get a monthly bonus.
This feature makes it easier to passengers in payment, because it does not re$uire cash#money. 4or passengers for the first time you want to use, 0o#@ek provide voucher code worth
*.+ 1umber f 0o#@ek &redit. 11
CHAPTER III ()MMARY Information system has a very important role in a company. Information system has a role in supporting the operational business activities, supporting the management in decision making and supporting the superiority of the strategy kompetetif company. The implementation of '#&ommerce on 8T 0o/ek Indonesia has been integrated with good enough. This can be seen through the architecture of the corporate applications that provide the conceptual framework that connects between the process and the interface from the application of the '#&ommerce, namely start from how consumers order, service process and until the completion of the services. 'ach product that is produced by human beings always have flaws and excess, on the implementation of the application SI 8T 0o/ek Indonesia also. 'xcess on 8T 0o/ek Indonesia 5 a. 'ase of transactions between the potential customers with go/ek drivers effectively and efficiently. b. ?oes not need to be done bargaining cargo. c. Supports Cashless movement . The Lack in 8T 0o/ek Indonesia 5 a. The lack of o/ek shelter fleet compared with the interest of potential customers so that the need to search for the old load drivers. b. 4eared to turn off the production of the conventional o/ek shelter.
REERENCE( Irmawati, ?ewi. 23**. The utilization of '#&ommerce in the business world. Scientific @ournal :usiness ration. Intan, Cessy. 23**. Da/ian Strategi Dompetisi dan 8enerapan '#&ommerce pada 8T. 0aruda Indonesia. agrizal, (gung. 23*2. System Information anagement !Implementation of e#ticketing in the field of air transportation". www.go#/ https5>>> https5>>>233E>3+>*3>*)>