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Totally Integrated PowerTM Application Manual – Part 2: Draft Planning
Application Manual – Part 2: Draft Planning www.siemens.com/tip The information provided in this manual contains merely general descriptions or characteristics of performance which in case of actual use do not always apply as described or which may change as a result of further development of the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of contract. All product designations may be trademarks or product names of Siemens AG or supplier companies whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Automation and Drives
Power Transmission and Distribution
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Order No. E20001-A70-M104-V1-7600
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Integrated solutions for power distribution in commercial and industrial buildings
totally integrated
Contents 1
Planning with Totally Integrated Power
Draft Planning (System and Integration Planning)
Requirements of the Switchgear in the Three Circuit Types
Container Solutions
Busbar Trunking Systems, Cables and Wires
Power System
Dimensioning of Power Distribution Systems
System Protection and Safety Coordination
Busbar Trunking Systems
Protection Equipment for Low-Voltage Power Systems
Cables and Wires
Selectivity in Low-Voltage Systems
Protection of Capacitors
Protection of Distribution Transformers
Subdistribution Systems
Selectivity and Back-up Protection
Small Distribution Boards and
Protection of Technical Building Installations – Lightning Current and Overvoltage Protection
Medium Voltage
Basics of Switchgear
Requirements on Medium-Voltage Switchgear
Siemens Medium-Voltage Switchgear
From Medium-Voltage Switchgear to Turnkey Solutions
Protection of Power Distribution Systems and Switchgear
Wall- or Floor-Mounted Distribution Boards
Circuit Protection Devices
Power Consumers
Starting, Switching and Protecting Motors
Elevator Systems
10 Ease of Operation, Safety and Control Engineering
Distribution Transformers
10.1 Power Management with SIMATIC powercontrol
Control and Isolating Transformers
10.2 Building Management System
Power Generation
Grid-Connected Photovoltaic (PV) Systems
Basis for the Use of UPS
Low Voltage
Low-Voltage Switchgear
10.3 Energy Automation for the Industry
10.4 Safety Lighting Systems
10.5 Robust Remote Terminal Unit for Extreme Environmental Conditions (SIPLUS RIC)
11 Appendix
Protective and Switching Devices in the Low-Voltage Power Distribution
Conversion Factors and Tables
Volume Non-metric SI unit unit
Volume flow rate
Non-metric SI unit unit
Non-metric SI unit unit
Non-metric SI unit unit
3 1 1 in cm3
3 3= 16.387 0.061 incm 0.034 fl oz
3 1 1 ft dm3
3 3 28.317 61.024dm in3 == 0.028 m
1 1 l/s gallon/s l/h 1 gallon/min
0.264 3.785 gallons/s l/s 3/h = 227 l/h 0.0044 0.227 mgallons/min
3 1 = yd 1l
0.765 0.035 m ft3 = 1.057 quarts =
/h 1m ft33/s
1 fl oz
3 0.264 gallons 2.114 pint 29.574 cm=
4.405 gallons/min = 101.941 m3/h 0.589 ft33/min = 0.0098 ft3/s 1.699 m /h
1 quart m3
3 = 0.946 l 0.946 0.629 dm barrels
1 ft3/min Non-metric unit SI unit 1 gallon/s 1 l/s 1 gallon/min 1 l/h 1 ft3/s 1 m3/h 1 ft3/min
1 pint Non-metric unit 1 gallon
= 0.473 l SI unit = 3.785 l
33 dm
1 ft3
158,987 16.387 cm = 1.589 = 159 l 28.317 dm3 = 0.028 m3
1 yd3 SI unit 1 fl oz
0.765 m3 Non-metric unit 29.574 cm3
cm3 1 quart
0.061 dm in33==0.034 0.946 0.946 fll oz
1 barrel 1 in3
1 pint
61.024dm in33 = = 0.473 l 0.473
= gallon 1l 1 1 barrel
0.035 dm ft3 3==1.057 = 3.785 3.785quarts l 2. 1 14 pint = 0.264 gallons 3 3 158,987 dm = 1.589 m
Non-metric SI unit unit
1 m3
= 159 lbarrels 0.629
1 tonf Non-metric unit SI unit 1 lbf 1 1N kgf
Velocity Non-metric SI unit unit m/s 1 ft/s km/h 1 mile/h SI unit Non-metric unit 1 ft/s m/s 1 1 mile/h km/h 1
lbf 1N 1 kN kgf 1
Non-metric SI unit unit 3.281 m/s ft/s ==2.237 0.305 1,098 miles/h km/h 0.911 ft/s 0.447 m/s==0.621 1,609 miles/h km/h Non-metric SI unit unit 3.281 m/s ft/s ==2.237 0.305 1,098 miles/h km/h 0.911 ft/s = 0.621 0.447 m/s = 1,609 miles/h km/h
1 1 kN tonf
Non-metric SI unit unit 1 lbf Nmin 1 lbf ft
1 lbf ft
28.35 0.035 g oz
1 lb kg
0.454 kg==35.27 453.6oz g 2.205 lb
1 sh t ton
0.907 t =ton 907=.22,205 kg lb 1.102 sh
SI unit Non-metric unit 1g 1 oz 1 kg 1 lb 1t 1 sh ton
SI unit Non-metric unit 4.448 N 0.225 9.807 lbf N = 0.102 kgf
0.100 9.964 tonf kN
Non-metric unit SI unit 0.035 oz 28.35 g 2.205 lb = 35.27 oz 0.454 kg = 453.6 g 1.102 sh ton = 2,205 lb 0.907 t = 907.2 kg
154.443 bar = 2 unit 157.488 kgf/cmSI
1 in HG SI unit 1 psi bar 2 11 lbf/ft = 105 pa = 102 kpa 1 lbf/in2
Non-metric 0.034 bar unit 0.069 bar 29.53 xin10 Hg = = -4 bar 4.788 14.504x psi 4.882 10-4=kgf/cm2 2088.54 lbf/ft2 = 0.069 = 0.070 kgf/cm2 2= 14.504bar lbf/in 2 1.072 = 1.093 = kgf/cm2 0.932 bar tonf/ft -3 tonf/in2 6.457 x 10 154.443 bar = 2 (= 1.02 157 .488kgf/cm kgf/cm2)
1 tonf/in2
Energy, y work Non-metric SI unit unit
Non-metric SI unit unit 0.113 = 0.012 kgflbf m ft 8.851Nm lbf in = 0.738 (= 0.102 m) kgf m 1.356 Nmkgf = 0.138 Non-metric SI unit unit 8.851Nm lbf in = 0.738 0.113 = 0.012 kgflbf m ft (= 0.102 kgf m) 1.356 Nm = 0.138 kgf m
Moment of inertia J
Non-metric SI unit unit lbf m ft22 1 kg
Non-metric SI unit unit 2 1 1 kg lbf m ft2
6J 0.746 kWh = 2.655 2.684 kgf x 10m 1.341 hp h= = 2.737 x 510J5 kgf m 3.6 x 10
-7 hp h = 0.138 3.725 kgf x 10m 0.738 ft lbf = 1.055 kJ = 1055.06 J 1 Btu -4 Btu 9.478 x 10 (= 0.252 kcal) (= 2.388 x 10-4 kcal) Non-metric 1 kgf m 3.653 x 10-6 hp h = SI unit unit 7.233 ft lbf 1.341 hp h = 2.655 kgf m 1 kWh Non-metric = 3.6 x 105 J SI unit unit 1J 3.725 x 10-7 hp h = 0.746 kWh = 2.684 x 106 J 1 hp h 0.738 ft lbf =5 kgf m = 2.737 x 10 9.478 x 10-4 Btu 0.138 kgfxm10-4 kcal) 1 ft lbf (= 2.388
kgf m 1 Btu
Numerical value equation:
Non-metric SI unit unit
1 Jft lbf
Non-metric SI unit unit
1 oz g
1 tonf/in2 Non-metric unit
9.807 tonf N 0.100 9.964 kN
Torque, moment of force
Nmin 1 lbf
Non-metric SI unit unit
1 tonf/ft2
1 lbf/in2
1 tonf/ft2
Non-metric SI unit unit 4.448 lbf N = 0.102 kgf 0.225
Non-metric SI unit unit 0.034 29.53 bar in Hg = 14.504bar psi = 0.069 2088.54 lbf/ft2 = 4.788 x 10-4 bar = 14.504 lbf/in2 = 2 4.882 x 10-4 kgf/cm 2 0.932 tonf/ft = -3 2 0.069 tonf/inkgf/cm2 6.457 bar x 10= 0.070 2) (= 1.02 kgf/cm 1.072 bar = 1.093 kgf/cm2
1 in barHG 105 pa 1= psi = 102 kpa 1 lbf/ft2
1 hp h kWh
Non-metric SI unit unit
Mass, weight
SI unit Non-metric unit 3.785 l/s 0.264 gallons/s 0.227 m3/h = 227 l/h 0.0044 gallons/min 101.941 m3/h 4.405 gallons/min = 3/h 1.699 m 0.589 ft3/min = 0.0098 ft3/s
Non-metric SI unit unit
GD2 = Wr 2 4
Non-metric SI unit unit 0.04214 kg2 m2 23.73 lb ft Non-metric SI unit unit 2 23.73 lb ft 0.04214 kg m2
1.055 kJ = 61055.06 3.653 x 10hp h = J (= 0.252 kcal) 7 .233 ft lbf
Conversion Factors and Tables
Conductor cross section
Equivalent metric CSA
26.670 33.630
3 2
120.00 150.00 185.00
107.200 126.640 152.000
4/0 250 MCM 300
304.000 354.710 405.350 506.710
600 700 800 1000
400.00 500.00 625.00
11 m
9 8
6.630 8.370
11 10
4.170 5.260
13 m
7m 12
15 14
1.650 2.080
M 1 : 100
19 AWG
M 1 : 50
M 1 : 20
15 m
American Wire Gauge (AWG)
Metric cross sections acc. to IEC
Conductor cross sections in the Metric and US System
Conversion Factors and Tables
Specific steam consumption Non-metric unit 1 lb/hp h SI unit 1 kg/kWh
SI unit 0.608 kg/kWh Non-metric unit 1.644 lb/hp h
Planning with Totally Integrated Power
chapter 1 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Draft Planning (System and Integration Planning)
1 Planning with Totally Integrated Power 1.1 Introduction Today, the focus is on cost of investment, when power supply systems for commercial, institutional and industrial building projects are planned. Operating and energy costs, on the other hand, may not be neglected, as they can have a lasting effect on the total cost balance across the building’s life cycle. Investigations of the Scientific Council of the German Federal Government on Global Environmental Change found in 2003 that world consumption of primary energy is going to double by 2050 (assumption: world population growth to 9 to 10 billion people). Among other consequences, this would mean that energy would become noticeably more expensive. If sustainable building management and
optimal utilization of resources is considered in the planning stage already, an important step will have been made toward the minimization of a building’s operating costs, and thus toward its longterm value increase. So electrical engineering consultants are entrusted with the responsible task of designing power supply systems under the aspects of operational safety and energy efficiency. Services rendered must be in accordance with the generally accepted rules of good practice. This means that implementing orders, administrative regulations, relevant IEC, European (EN) and national DIN standards as well as the general building inspection certificates and general building permits must also be observed across building contract sections in the planning.*
* Also see Chapter 11, A1, Standards, Regulations and Guidelines
Concepts like Totally Integrated Power (TIP) now provide support for increasingly complex engineering tasks. They facilitate planning with integrated solutions for power distribution and efficient engineering tools. Totally Integrated Power with its wellmatched components and optimized interfaces offers everything that can be expected from a future-oriented power distribution system. Very good engineering support is also rendered by the TÜV-approved and certified dimensioning tool SIMARIS design. Using SIMARIS design for dimensioning electrical power distribution systems in commercial, institutional and industrial buildings produces easy, fast and safe results. Further information on Totally Integrated Power SIMARIS design can be obtained on the Internet at www.siemens.com/tip
Fig. 1.1/1: Safety, environmental compatibility and profitability of power supply and distribution are demanding challenges to the planning of modern building and infrastructure projects
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Planning with Totally Integrated Power
1.2 Draft Planning (System and Integration Planning) Building upon the concept drafted in the “Preliminary Planning” phase 2, power distribution must be planned in detail in the “Draft Planning” phase 3. The Application Manual “Totally Integrated Power – Draft Planning” provides technical assistance and information on components for technical installations in buildings with a focus on “electrical power supply.” Services in detail, which are an integral part of “Draft Planning”, are defined in the Regulation of Architects' and Engineers' Fees (HOAI) in Germany. Based upon preliminary planning results, Draft Planning represents the definite planning concept including all components specified. In projects requiring a permit, the Draft Planning is the basis for the subsequent Approval Planning phase.
Basic services Elaboration of the planning concept (step by step preparation of drawings) that takes into account requirements concerning aspects of urban development and design, functions, technology, building physics, profitability, energy management (e.g. regarding efficient power utilization and the use of renewable energies) and landscape ecology, and integrates contributions of other parties involved in the planning, until a complete draft is presented Integration of services rendered by other experts involved in the planning Description of the building project including an explanation of compensation and substitution measures as stipulated by the impact regulation under nature protection law Graphic presentation of the overall draft, e.g. elaborated, complete preliminary outline and/or outline drawings (scale
depending on the size of the building project; for outdoor facilities at scales of 1:500 to 1:100, detailing in particular the improvements for biotope functions, preventive, protective, care and development activities as well as on differentiated planting; for space enclosing developments: in scales of 1:50 to 1:20, in particular with details of wall design as well as color, light and material design; if necessary including detailed plans of repetitive groups of enclosed space; negotiations with public authorities and other experts involved in planning as to whether an official approval can be obtained Cost calculations in compliance with DIN 276 or according to statutory provisions for cost calculations of residential dwellings Summary of all draft documents Cost controlling by a comparison of the cost calculation with the cost estimate
Special services
Table 1.2/1:
Overview of the planner’s major tasks in the first two project stages according to the HOAI (Regulation of Architects' and Engineers' Fees) (excerpt)
Analysis of alternatives/variants and their assessment including an investigation into costs involved (optimization) Profitability calculation Cost calculation by setting up quantity structures or a catalog of components Elaboration of special measures for the optimization of the building or building sections, which exceed the normal range of
engineering services, on the reduction of energy consumption as well as pollutant and CO2 emissions, and for the use of renewable energies in coordination with other experts involved in planning. The normal measure for energy saving activities means the fulfillment of requirements set by statutory provisions and generally accepted rules of good practice.
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Power System
chapter 2 2.1 Overview
2.5 Selectivity in Low-Voltage Systems
2.2 Dimensioning of Power Distribution Systems
2.6 Protection of Capacitors
2.3 System Protection and Safety Coordination
2.7 Protection of Distribution Transformers
2.4 Protection Equipment for Low-Voltage Power Systems
2.8 Protection of Technical Building Installations – Lightning Current and Overvoltage Protection
2 Power System 2.1 Overview 2.1.1 System Configurations Table 2.1/1 illustrates the technical aspects and influencing factors that should be taken into account when electrical power distribution systems are planned and network components are dimensioned. Simple radial system (spur line topology) All consumers are centrally supplied from one power source. Each connecting line has an unambiguous direction of energy flow. Radial system with changeover connection as power reserve – partial load: All consumers are centrally supplied from two to n power sources. They are rated as such that each of it is capable
of supplying all consumers directly connected to the main power distribution system (stand-alone operation with open couplings). If one power source fails, the remaining sources of supply can also supply some consumers connected to the other power source. In this case, any other consumer must be disconnected (load shedding).
power sources or more, other supply principles, e.g. the (n-2) principle would also be possible. In this case, these power sources will be rated as such that two out of three transformers can fail without the continuous supply of all consumers connected being affected. Radial system in an interconnected grid Individual radial networks in which the consumers connected are centrally supplied by one power source are additionally coupled electrically with other radial networks by means of coupling connections. All couplings are normally closed.
Radial system with changeover connection as power reserve – full load: All consumers are centrally supplied from two to n power sources (standalone operation with open couplings). They are rated as such that, if one power source fails, the remaining power sources are capable of additionally supplying all those consumers normally supplied by this power source. No consumer must be disconnected. In this case, we speak of rating the power sources according to the (n-1) principle. With three parallel
Depending on the rating of the power sources in relation to the total load connected, the application of the (n-1) principle, (n-2) principle etc. can ensure continuous and faultless power supply of all consumers by means of additional connecting lines.
LV- side system configurations
1 Low cost of investment
Radial system with changeover connection as power reserve
Simple radial system
Quality criterion
Partial load 5
Full load 5
• •
High reliability of supply
Great voltage stability
Easy and clear system protection High adaptability
• • •
• •
Radial system with power distribution via busbars
Easy operation
Low power losses
Low fire load
Radial system in an inter- connected grid
• •
Rating: very good (1) to poor (5) fulfillment of a quality criterion Table 2.1/1:
Exemplary quality rating dependent on the power system configuration
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Power System
The direction of energy flow through the coupling connections may vary depending on the line of supply, which must be taken into account for subsequent rating of switching/protective devices, and above all for making protection settings. Radial system with power distribution via busbars In this special case of radial systems that can be operated in an interconnected grid, busbar trunking systems are used instead of cables. In the coupling circuits, these busbar trunking systems are either used for power transmission (from radial system A to radial system B etc.) or power distribution to the respective consumers.
2.1.2 Power Supply Systems according to the Type of Connection to Ground TN-C, TN-C/S, TN-S, IT and TT systems The implementation of IT systems may be required by national or international standards. For parts of installations which have to meet particularly high requirements regarding operational and human safety (e.g. in medical rooms, such as the OT, intensive care or post-anaesthesia care unit) For installations erected and operated outdoors (e.g. in mining, at cranes, garbage transfer stations and in the chemical industry). Depending on the power system and nominal system voltage there may be different requirements regarding the disconnection times to be met (protection of persons against indirect contact with live parts by means of automatic disconnection).
TN-C/S 2
Low cost of investment
Little expense for system extensions
Any switchgear/protective technology can be used
• •
Ground fault detection can be implemented
TN-S 3
IT system TT system 3
• •
• • •
Fault currents and impedance conditions in the system can be calculated
Stability of the grounding system
High degree of operational safety
High degree of protection
High degree of shock hazard protection
High degree of fire safety
Automatic disconnection for protection purposes can be implemented
• •
Equipment functions maintained in case of 1st ground or enclosure fault
• •
Fault localization during system operation
• •
• •
Reduction of system downtimes by controlled disconnection
• 1 = true
2 = conditionally true
3 = not true
Table 2.1/2: Exemplary quality rating dependent on the power supply system according to its type of connection to ground
Power systems in which electromagnetic interference plays an important part should preferably be configured as TN-S systems immediately downstream of the point of supply. Later, it will mean a comparatively high expense to turn existing TN-C or TN-C/S systems into an EMC-compatible system. The state of the art for TN systems is an EMC-compatible design as TN-S system.
Further information Power system engineering: Siemens AG (Ed.): TIP Application Manual Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, 2006, Chapters 4.1 and 7 EMC: Siemens AG (Ed.): TIP Application Manual Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, 2006, Chapter 7 Design of the low-voltage main distribution system Siemens AG (Ed.): TIP Application Manual Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, 2006, Section 5.8 Motors see Chapter 9 in this manual
Checklist Important electrical parameters of the higher-level medium-voltage systems Local supply network operator
Point of supply: Under responsibility of local supply network operator / customer Neutral-point connection of power system
Maximum short-circuit current Ik" max Alternatively, maximum system short-circuit rating Sk" max Minimum short-circuit current Ik" min Alternatively, minimum system short-circuit rating Sk" min
low resistance grounded
........................ kA ........................ MVA ........................ kA ........................ MVA
Data of higher-level medium-voltage protection Current transformer Iprim
........................ A
........................ A
Type of protection relay applied: Thermal overload protection available? Type of characteristic curve:
Setting zone Ith
........................ A / time constant ........................ min
Setting zone I >
........................ A / t > ........................ s
Setting zone I >>
........................ A / t >> ........................ s
Note: For preparing a comprehensive, end-to-end protection concept, the precise data of the higher-level medium-voltage protection applied are required, so that the lower-level low-voltage protection system can be adapted in accordance with the MV protection settings. Further information on medium-voltage switchgear: Siemens AG (Ed.), TIP Application Manual - Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, 2006, Section 5.1
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Power System
Checklist Important electrical parameters of transformers Uprim / Usec Rating Rated short-circuit voltage ukr
........................ kV ........................ kVA ........................ %
Winding losses Pk
........................ kW
No-load losses P0
........................ kW
Overload capability (vented/unvented transformers)
........................ %
Power reserve
........................ %
Note: The rated short-circuit voltage ukr is a measure for the amount of voltage to be applied at the primary side in order to reach the rated current level, when the secondary-side winding is shorted. ukr is a measure for the transformer’s short-circuit power. As a rule, the higher ukr, the lower the short-circuit power. High-quality transformers (e.g. GEAFOL) are characterized by reduced winding and no-load losses, which should be taken into account for a profitability evaluation. if transformers with cross-flow fans are used, their overloadability must be considered for rating the feeding lines, switching devices and their protection settings. Short-circuit current determination: The level of short-circuit current which a transformer can supply is independent of its design with or without cross-flow ventilation. The magnitude of the short-circuit current is solely determined by the rated short-circuit voltage ukr . Technical considerations for the connection of motor loads: to determine regenerative feedback from motors in the event of a short circuit, the sum total of installed motor loads is required. Further information on distribution transformers: Siemens AG (Ed.), TIP Application Manual - Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, 2006, Section 5.2
Checklist Important electrical parameters of generators Main use: No-break standby generating set*
Quick-starting standby generating set*
Safety power supply*
Nominal voltage Rating Subtransient reactance xd" Initial symmetrical short-circuit current Ik"
........................ V ........................ kVA ........................ % ........................ kA
1-phase sustained short-circuit current Ik1D
........................ A
Available for period t
........................ s
3-phase sustained short-circuit current Ik1D
........................ A
Available for period t
........................ s
R/X ratio
* Safety power supply in compliance with IEC 60364-7-710, DIN VDE 0100-710 and -718; designed as no-break standby generating set according to customer specifications
Note: Normally, generators can only supply the initial symmetrical short-circuit AC current Ik" for a period of few milliseconds. Therefore, the sustained short-circuit currents which the generator can carry over a longer period of time are relevant for the protective settings of devices using time-delayed short-circuit releases. Above data must be obtained from the equipment manufacturer. Rating of switching/protective devices for generator operation: selective response of these switching/protective devices can be expected if the rating of the largest consumer connected is less than 1/3 of the generator output. What is important for emergency lighting is the full compliance with standards from the point of supply to the consumers (also see Section 10.4 “Safety Lighting Systems”). Further information on generators: Siemens AG (Ed.): TIP Application Manual - Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, 2006, Section 5.7
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Power System
Checklist Important electrical parameters of a combined heat and power plant Main use: Safety power supply*
Redundant power supply
Nominal voltage Rating Subtransient reactance xd" Initial symmetrical short-circuit current Ik"
........................ V ........................ kVA ........................ % ........................ kA
1-phase sustained short-circuit current Ik 1D
........................ A
Available for period t
........................ s
3-phase sustained short-circuit current Ik 1D
........................ A
Available for period t
........................ s
R/X ratio
* Safety power supply in compliance with IEC 60364-7-710, DIN VDE 0100-710 and -718; designed as no-break standby generating set according to customer specifications
Note: Normally, combined heat and power plants are modularly designed and supply electricity and heat. They are based on the principle of combined heat and power generation. The output of a combined heat and power plant is usually designed as such that only a part of the maximum heating energy demand of the connected consumers is covered when the plant is operated under full load. These co-generating plants are operated on a heat-demand basis. What is important for emergency lighting is the full compliance with standards from the point of supply to the consumers (also see Section 10.4 “Safety Lighting Systems”).
Checklist Important electrical parameters of uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) Nominal voltage Rating
........................ V ........................ kVA
Load power factor
UPS factor
Static or dynamic system
Time curve of short-circuit currents (1-phase, 2-phase, 3-phase)
Interconnection of primary circuits
Availability of internal protection equipment in the primary circuits
Switching/protective response of internal protection equipment
Internal operational response in the event of a short circuit
Note: Uninterruptible power supplies for power supply systems are available in ratings of about 5 kW up to several 100 kW. Their rating basically depends on the load carrying capability of the power converters. Another important feature of a UPS is the maximum power outage bridging time which depends on the capacity of the storage batteries. Depending on requirements, it may be just a few seconds or several hours. If high power and long bridging times are required, power generating sets, so-called dynamic systems, are also used. Above data must be obtained from the equipment manufacturer. Further information on UPS! Siemens AG (Ed.): TIP Application Manual - Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, 2006, Section 5.6, and Section 5.2 in this manual.
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Power System
Checklist Compilation of the intended system operating modes in the supply section Which system operating mode is intended for this plant? System operating mode 1:
System operating mode 2:
System operating mode 3:
Examples: System operating mode 1: Normal power supply 3 out of 3 transformers connected Generator down Coupling 1 closed Coupling 2 closed System operating mode 2: Transformer T1 in maintenance 2 out of 3 transformers connected (transformer 1 down) Generator down Coupling 1 closed Coupling 2 closed System operating mode 3: Emergency power supply Transformers down Generator connected into supply Coupling 1 open Coupling 2 open
Note: Alternative system operating modes from different sources of supply are important for determining minimum and maximum short-circuit currents as well as subsequent device protection settings even if merely an extension of the existing plant is considered.
2.2 Dimensioning of Power Distribution Systems When the basic supply concept for the electricity supply system has been established, it is necessary to dimension the electrical power system. Dimensioning means the sizing/rating of all equipment and components to be used in this power system. The dimensioning target is to obtain a technically permissible combination of
switching/protective devices and connecting line for each circuit in the power system.
On principle, circuit dimensioning shall be performed in compliance with the technical rules / standards listed in Fig. 2.2/1. Details are explained below under Section 2.2.1 Circuit Types.
ically efficient overall system can be designed. This cross-circuit matching of network components may bear any degree of complexity, as subsequent modifications to certain components, e.g. a switch or protective device, may have effects on the neighboring, higher-level, or all lower-level network sections (high testing expense, high planning risk).
Cross-circuit dimensioning
Dimensioning principles
When selected network components and systems are matched, an econom-
For each circuit, the dimensioning process comprises the selection of
Basic rules
Protection against overload
IEC 60364-4-43
DIN VDE 0100 Part 430
Protection against short circuit
IEC 60364-4-43 / IEC 60364-5-54
DIN VDE 0100 Part 430 / Part 540
Protection against electric shock
IEC 60364-4-41
DIN VDE 0100 Part 410
Dynamic/static voltage drop
IEC 60364-5-520 IEC 60038
DIN VDE 0100 Part 520 DIN VDE 0175
Dynamic/static selectivity
IEC 60364-7-710 IEC 60947-2 IEC 60898-1
DIN VDE 0100 Part 710 and 718 VDE 0660-101 VDE 0641 Part 11
Fig. 2.2/1: Relevant standards for circuit dimensioning
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Power System
Connecting line between distribution boards
overload (e.g. using vented transformers).
Load feeders in final circuits
Start node Transmission medium Load
Target node
Fig. 2.2/2: Schematic representation of the different circuit types
one, or more than one switching/protective device to be used at the beginning or end of a connecting line, as well as the selection of the connecting line itself (cable/line or busbar connection) under consideration of the technical features of the corresponding switching/protective devices. For supply circuits in particular, dimensioning also includes rating the power sources.
Supply circuits
The objectives of dimensioning may vary depending on the circuit type. The dimensioning target of overload and short-circuit protection can be attained in correlation to the mounting location of the protective equipment. Devices applied at the end of a connecting line can ensure overload protection for this line at best, not, however, short-circuit protection!
Load conditions in the entire power system are established by taking the energy balance (in an “energy report”). Reserve power and operational safety in the vicinity of the supply system are usually established by building up appropriate redundancies, for example by
2.2.1 Circuit types The basic dimensioning rules and standards listed in Fig. 2.2/1 principally apply to all circuit types. In addition, there are specific requirements for these circuit types which will be explained in detail below.
Particularly high requirements apply to the dimensioning of supply circuits. This starts with the rating of the power sources. Power sources are rated according to the maximum load current to be expected for the power system, the desired amount of reserve power, and the degree of supply reliability required in case of a fault (overload / short circuit).
providing additional power sources (transformer, generator, UPS); rating the power sources according to the failure principle, n- or (n–1) principle: applying the (n–1) principle means that two out of three supply units are principally capable of continually supplying the total load for the power system without any trouble if the smallest power source fails; rating those power sources that can temporarily be operated under
Independent of the load currents established, dimensioning of any further component in a supply circuit is oriented to the ratings of the power sources, the system operating modes configured and all the related switching states in the vicinity of the supply system. As a rule, switching/protective devices must be selected in such a way that the planned performance maximum can be transferred. In addition, the different minimum/maximum shortcircuit current conditions in the vicinity of the supply system, which are dependent on the switching status, must be determined. When connecting lines are rated (cable or busbar), appropriate reduction factors must be taken into account, which depend on the number of systems laid in parallel and the installation type. When devices are rated, special attention should be paid on their rated short-circuit breaking capacity. You should also opt for a high-quality tripping unit with variable settings, as this component is an important basis for attaining the best possible selectivity towards all upstream and downstream devices. Distribution circuit Dimensioning of cable routes and devices follows the maximum load currents to be expected at this distribution level. As a rule Ib max = ∑ installed capacity x simultaneity factor Switching/protective device and connecting line are to be matched with regard to overload and shortcircuit protection.
In order to ensure overload protection, you must also observe the standardized conventional (non-)tripping currents referring to the devices in application. A verification based merely on the rated device current or the setting value Ir would be insufficient. Basic rules for ensuring overload protection: Rated current rule Non-adjustable protective equipment Ib ≤ In ≤ Iz The rated current In of the selected device must be between the calculated maximum load current Ib and the maximum permissible load current Iz of the selected transmission medium (cable or busbar). Adjustable protective equipment Ib ≤ Ir ≤ Iz The rated current Ir of overload release must be between the calculated maximum load current Ib and the maximum permissible load current Iz of the selected transmission medium (cable or busbar). Tripping current rule I2 ≤ 1.45 x Iz The maximum permissible load current Iz of the selected transmission medium (cable or busbar) must be above the conventional tripping current I2 /1.45 of the selected device. The test value I2 is standardized and varies according to type and characteristics of the protective equipment applied. Basic rules for ensuring shortcircuit protection: Short-circuit energy K 2S 2 ≥ I 2t
(K = material coefficient; S = cross section) The amount of energy that is set free from the moment, when a short circuit occurs, until it is cleared automatically, must at any time be less than the energy which the transmission medium can carry as a maximum before irreparable damage is caused. As standard, this basic rule applies in the time range up to max. 5 s. Below 100 ms of short-circuit breaking time, the let-through energy of the protective device (acc. to equipment manufacturer’s specification) must be taken into account. When devices with a tripping unit are used, observance of this rule across the entire characteristic device curve must be verified. A mere verification in the range of the maximum short-circuit current applied (Ik max) is not always sufficient, in particular, when time-delayed releases are used.
Short-circuit time ta (Ik min) ≤ 5 s The resulting current breaking time of the selected protective equipment must ensure that the calculated minimum short-circuit current Ik min at the end of the transmission line or protected line is automatically cleared within 5 s at the latest. Overload and short-circuit protection needn’t necessarily be provided by one and the same device. If required, these two protection targets may be realized by a device combination. The use of separate switching/protective devices could also be considered, i.e. at the start and end of a cable route. As a rule, devices applied at the end
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of a cable route can ensure overload protection for this line only. Final circuits The method for coordinating overload and short-circuit protection is practically identical for distribution and final circuits. Besides overload and shortcircuit protection, the protection of human life is also important for all circuits.
Protection against electric shock ta (Ik1 min) ≤ ta perm If a 1-phase fault to ground (Ik1 min) occurs, the resulting current breaking time ta for the selected protective equipment must be shorter than the maximum permissible breaking time ta perm which is required for this circuit according to IEC 60364-4-41 / DIN VDE 0100-410 to ensure the protection of persons. As the required maximum current breaking time varies according to the nominal system voltage and the type of load connected (stationary and non-stationary loads), protection requirements regarding minimum breaking times ta perm may be transferred from one load circuit to other circuits. Alternatively, this protection target may also be achieved by observing a maximum touch voltage. As final circuits are often characterized by long supply lines, their dimensioning is often affected by the maximum permissible voltage drop. As far as the choice of switching/protective devices is concerned, it is important to bear in mind that long connecting lines are characterized by high impedances and thus strong attenuation of the calculated shortcircuit currents.
Power System
Depending on the system operating mode (coupling open, coupling closed) and the medium of supply (transformer or generator), the protective equipment and its settings must be configured for the worst case concerning short-circuit currents.
For reasons of risk minimization and time efficiency, a number of engineering companies generally use advanced calculation software, such as SIMARIS design, to perform dimensioning and verification processes in electrical power systems.
In contrast to supply or distribution circuits, where the choice of a highquality tripping unit is considered very important, there are no special requirements on the protective equipment of final circuits regarding the degree of selectivity to be achieved. The use of a tripping unit with LI characteristics is normally sufficient.
2.2.3 Summary Basically, the dimensioning process itself is easy to understand and can be performed using simple means. Its complexity lies in the procurement of the technical data on products and systems required, which can be found in various technical standards and regulations on the one hand and numerous product catalogs on the other. An important aspect in this context is the cross-circuit manipulation of dimensioned components owing to their technical data, for example, the above mentioned inheritance of minimum current breaking times of the non-stationary load circuit to other stationary load or distribution circuits. Another aspect is the mutual impact of dimensioning <—> network calculation (short circuit), e.g. for the use of short-circuit current limiting devices. In addition, the complexity of the matter rises, when different national standards or installation practices are to be taken into account for dimensioning.
2.3 System Protection and Safety Coordination This chapter basically comprises the installation of electrical equipment in LV systems. Therefore, the emphasis lies on the low-voltage side also when dealing with network protection. Specific network protection requirements for medium voltage are dealt with in Section 3.6 ”Protection of Medium-Voltage Switchgear.” System configurations While in building and industrial power systems ring-system configurations are normally used for medium voltage, radial system configurations are normally preferred for the low-voltage side (radial systems, double spur systems). A number of switchgear substations and distribution boards are required for distributing power from the point of supply to the consumers. The protective devices for these items of equipment are connected in series. Objectives of system protection The objective of system protection is to detect faults and to selectively isolate faulted parts of the system. It must also permit short clearance times to limit the fault power and the effect of arcing faults. High power density, high individual power outputs, and the relatively short distances in industrial and building power systems mean that low-voltage and medium-voltage systems are closely linked. Activities in the LV system (short circuits, starting currents) also have an effect on the MV system, and vice versa, the control state of the MV system affects the
selectivity criteria in the secondary power system. It is, therefore, necessary to adjust the power system and its protection throughout the entire distribution system and to coordinate the protective functions.
2.3.1 Definitions Electrical installations in a power system are protected either by protection equipment allocated to the installation components or by combinations of these protective elements. Standby protection When a protective device fails, the higher-level device must take over this protective function. Back-up protection If a short circuit, which is higher than the rated switching capacity of the protective device used, occurs at a particular point in the system, back-up protection must provide protection for the downstream installation component and for the protection device by means of an upstream protective device. Rated short-circuit breaking capacity The rated short-circuit breaking capacity is the maximum value of the short circuit that the protective device is able to clear according to specifications. The protection device may be used in power systems for rated switching capacities up to this value. Selectivity Selectivity, in particular, has become a topic for discussion in the previous years. Partly, it has become a general requirement in tender specifications. Due to the complexity of this issue, information about proper selection and application is often insufficient. These requirements as well as the effects of full or partial selectivity in power distribution systems within the
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context of the relevant standard, industry, country, system configuration or structure should be clarified in advance with the network planners, installation companies and system operators involved. The system interconnection together with the five rules of circuit dimensioning must also be taken into account. Some terms and definitions shall be described in this chapter for a better understanding of the issue. If you wish to obtain more detailed information regarding further applications, please contact your Siemens representative. Note: Proof of selectivity is required in IEC 60364-7-710 and DIN VDE 100-710 and -718. Full selectivity To maintain the supply reliability of power distribution systems, full selectivity is increasingly demanded. A power system is considered fully selective, if only the protective device upstream of the fault location disconnects from supply, as seen in the direction of energy flow (from the point of supply to the consumer). Note: Full selectivity always refers to the maximum, fault current Ik at the mounting location. Partial selectivity The corresponding device combination (upstream and downstream) is not selective up to a dead, 3-phase, i.e. maximum, fault current Ik max. In certain situations, partial selectivity (up to a particular short-circuit current) is sufficient. The probability of faults occurring and the effects of these on the load must then be considered for unfavorable scenarios.
Power System
t = constant
t = constant Inverse-timedelayed
Short-circuit tripping
t = constant
not delayed HV HRC fuse
Medium-voltage circuit-breaker with overcurrent-time protection
LV HRC fuse
Adjustable characteristic curves or setting ranges
Adjustable characteristic curves or setting ranges
Fig. 2.3/1: Protective characteristic of LV HRC fuse and LV circuit-breaker with releases
2.3.2 Protective Equipment Medium-voltage protection equipment HV HRC fuses High-voltage high-breaking-capacity (HV HRC) fuses can only be used for short-circuit protection. They do not provide overload protection. A minimum short-circuit current is, therefore, required for correct operation. HV HRC fuses restrict the peak shortcircuit current. The protective characteristic is determined by the selected rated current (Fig. 2.3/1). Medium-voltage circuit-breakers (IEC 62271-100/VDE 0671-100) Circuit-breakers can provide timeovercurrent protection (definite-time or inverse-time-delay), time-overcurrent protection with additional directional function, or differential protection. Distance protection is rarely used in the distribution systems described here.
Low-voltage circuit-breaker with releases
Fig. 2.3/2: Protective characteristic of HV HRC fuse and MV time-overcurrent protection
Protective characteristics Secondary relays, whose characteristic curves are also determined by the actual current transformation ratio, are normally used as protective devices in medium-voltage systems. Static digital protection devices are also being used to an increasing extent. Low-voltage protective devices* Low-voltage high-rupturingcapacity fuses Low-voltage high-rupturing-capacity (LV HRC) fuses have a high breaking capacity. They fuse quickly to restrict the short-circuit current to the utmost degree. The protective characteristic is determined by the selected utilization category of the LV HRC fuse (e. g. full-range fuse for overload and shortcircuit protection, or back-up fuse for short-circuit protection only) and the rated current (Fig. 2.3/2).
Low-voltage circuit-breakers (IEC 60947-2 / VDE 660-101) Basically, circuit-breakers for power distribution systems are distinguished according to their type design (open or compact design), mounting type (fixed mounting, plug-in, withdrawable), rated current (maximum design current of the switch), method of operation: currentlimiting (MCCB – molded-case circuit-breaker), or non-currentlimiting (ACB – air circuit-breaker) protective functions (see releases), communication capability (capability to transmit data to and from the switch), utilization category (A or B, see IEC 60947-2).
* For descriptions and modes of operation of lowvoltage protection devices, controlgear and switchgear, please also refer to the 4th edition of the Siemens AG handbook “Switching, Protection and Distribution in Low-Voltage Networks”, published by Publicis, Erlangen, 1997.
Releases / protective functions The protective function of the circuitbreaker in the power distribution system is determined by the selection of the appropriate release. Releases can be divided into thermo-magnetic releases (previously also called electromechanical releases) and electronic tripping units (ETU). Overload protection Designation: “L” or earlier “a” (“L” for long-time delay). Depending on the type of release, inverse-time-delay overload releases are also available with optional characteristic curves. Protection of neutral conductor Designation: N (neutral) Inverse-time-delay overload releases for neutral conductors are available in a 50% or 100% ratio of the overload release. Short-circuit protection, instantaneous Designation: I (instantaneous), previously also called “n” release. Example: solenoid release. Depending on the application, I-releases are also offered with a fixed, adjustable or OFF function. Short-circuit protection, with delay Designation: “S” (short-time delay), previously also “z” release. For a temporal adjustment of protective functions in series connections. Besides the standard curves and settings, there are also optional functions for special applications. – Definite-time-delay overcurrent releases: For this “standard S-function,” the desired delay time (tsd) is set to a definite value when a set current value (limit-value Isd) is exceeded (definite time; similar to the DMT function in medium voltage)
– Inverse-time-delay overcurrent release: For this optional S-function applies I2t constant. This function is generally used to ensure a higher degree of selectivity (inverse time; similar to the inverse-time-delay function in medium voltage) Ground fault protection Designation: “G” (ground fault), previously also called “g” release. Besides the standard function (definite-time), there is also an optional function (I2t inverse-time delay). Fault current protection Designation: RCD (= residual current device), previously also called “DI.” To detect differential fault currents up to 3 A, similar to the RCCB function for the protection of persons (up to 500 mA). Electronic releases also permit new tripping criteria which are not possible with electromechanical releases. Protective characteristics The protective characteristic curve is determined by the rated circuit-breaker current as well as the setting and the operating values of the releases. Low-voltage miniature circuitbreakers (MCB) IEC 608981/VDE 0641-11 Miniature circuit-breakers are distinguished according to their method of operation, showing a high current-limiting, or low current-limiting capacity. Their protective functions are determined by electromechanical releases: Overload protection by means of inverse-time-delayed overload releases, e.g. bimetallic releases
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Short-circuit protection by means of instantaneous overload releases, e.g. solenoid releases
2.3.3 Low-Voltage Protective Switchgear Assemblies With series-connected distribution boards, it is possible to arrange the following protective devices in series (relative to the direction of power flow): Fuse with downstream fuse Circuit-breaker with downstream miniature circuit-breaker Circuit-breaker with downstream fuse Fuse with downstream circuitbreaker Fuse with downstream miniature circuit-breaker Several parallel feeding systems with or without coupler units with downstream circuit-breaker or downstream fuse Current selectivity must be verified in the case of meshed LV systems. The high- and low-voltage protection for the transformers feeding power to the LV system must be harmonized and matched to ensure protection of the secondary power system. Appropriate checks must be carried out to determine the effects on the primary MV system. In MV systems, HV HRC fuses are normally installed upstream of the transformers in the LV feeding system only. With the upstream circuitbreakers, only time-overcurrent protection devices with different characteristics are usually connected in series. Differential protection does not affect, or only slightly influences the grading of the other protective devices.
Power System
2.3.4 Selectivity Criteria In addition to factors such as rated current and rated switching capacity, another criterion to be considered is selectivity. Selectivity is important because it ensures optimum supply reliability. The following criteria can be applied for selective operation of series-connected protection devices: Time difference for clearance (time grading) Current difference for operating values (current grading) Combination of time and current grading (inverse-time grading) Power direction (directional protection), impedance (distance protection) and current difference (differential protection) are also used. Requirements for selective behavior of protective devices Protective devices can only act selectively if both the highest and the lowest short-circuit currents for the relevant system points are known at the project planning stage. As a result: The highest short-circuit current determines the required rated short-circuit switching capacity Icu/Ics of the circuit-breaker. Criterion: Icu or Ics > Ik max The lowest short-circuit current is important for setting the shortcircuit release; the operating value of this release must be less than the lowest short-circuit current at the end of the line to be protected, since only this setting of Isd or Ii guarantees that the overcurrent release can fulfill its operator and system protection functions. Attention When using these settings, permissible setting tolerances of ± 20%, or the
tolerance specifications given by the manufacturer must be observed!
fies narrower tolerances, this factor is reduced accordingly.
Criterion: Isd or Ii ≤ Ik min – 20% The requirement that defined tripping conditions be observed determines the maximum conductor lengths or their cross sections. Selective current grading is only possible if the short-circuit currents are known. In addition to current grading, partial selectivity can be achieved using combinations of carefully matched protective devices. In addition to current grading, partial selectivity can be achieved using combinations of carefully matched protective devices. With feeding into LV power systems, the single-phase fault current will be greater than the three-phase fault current if transformers with the Dy connection are used. The single-phase short-circuit current will be the lowest fault current if the damping zero phase-sequence impedance of the LV cable is active.
Plotting the tripping characteristics of the graded protective devices in a grading diagram will help to verify and visualize selectivity.
With large installations, it is advisable to determine all short-circuit currents using a special computer program. Here, our SIMARIS design® planning and calculation software comes as the optimum solution. Grading the operating currents with time grading Grading of the operating currents is also taken into consideration with time grading, i.e. the operating value of the overcurrent release of the upstream circuit-breaker must be at least 1.5 times the operating value of the downstream circuit-breaker. Tolerances of operating currents in definite-time-delay overcurrent Sreleases (±20%) are thus compensated. When the manufacturer speci-
2.3.5 Preparing CurrentTime Diagrams (Grading Diagrams) When characteristic tripping curves are entered on log-log graph paper, the following must be observed: To ensure positive selectivity, the tripping curves must neither cross nor touch. With electronic inverse-time-delay (long-time delay) overcurrent releases, there is only one tripping curve, as it is not affected by preloading. The selected characteristic curve must, therefore, be suitable for the motor or transformer at operating temperature. With mechanical (thermal) inversetime-delay overload releases (L), the characteristic curves shown in the manufacturer catalog apply to cold releases. The opening times to are reduced by up to 25% at normal operating temperatures. Tolerance range of tripping curves The tripping curves of circuit-breakers given in the manufacturer catalogs are usually only average values and must be extended to include tolerance ranges (explicitly shown in Fig. 3/4, 3/20 and 3/24 only). With overcurrent releases – instantaneous (I) and definite-time delayed releases (S) – the tolerance may be ±20% of the current setting (according to IEC 60947-2 / VDE 0660 Part 101).
Significant tripping times For the sake of clarity, only the delay time (td) is plotted for circuitbreakers with definite-time-delay overcurrent releases (S), and only the opening time (to) for circuit-breakers with instantaneous overcurrent releases (I). Grading principle Delay times and operating currents are graded in the opposite direction to the flow of power, starting with the final circuit: without fuses, for the load breaker with the highest current setting of the overcurrent release, with fuses, for the fused outgoing circuit from the busbars with the highest rated fuse-link current. Circuit-breakers are preferred to fuses in cases where fuse links with high rated currents do not provide selectivity vis-à-vis the definite-time-delay overcurrent release (S) of the transformer feeder circuit-breaker, or only with very long delay times tsd (400 to 500 ms). Furthermore, circuit-breakers are used where high system availability is required, as they help to clear faults faster and the circuitbreakers’ releases are not subject to aging – especially with consumers with very long feeding distances. Procedure with two or more voltage levels In the case of selectivity involving two or more voltage levels (Fig. 2.7/2ff.), all currents and tripping curves on the high-voltage side are converted and referred to the low-voltage side on the basis of the transformer’s transformation ratio. Tools for preparing grading diagrams Standard forms with paired current values for commonly used voltages,
120 100 40 t 20 min 10
L (cold)
4 2 1
20 10 4 2 1 400 200 100
S t st
40 20 10 2 101
150 ms
t sd 180 ms t i < 30 ms
3 4 6
3 4 6 103
3 4 6 10 4 2 3 4 6 105 Current (r.m.s. value)
Fig. 2.3/3: Grading diagram with tripping curves of the circuit-breakers Q1 and Q2
e. g. 20/0.4 kV, 10/0.4 kV, 13.8/ 0.4 kV, etc. Templates for plotting the tripping characteristics Fig. 2.3/3 shows a hand-drawn grading diagram with tripping curves for two series-connected circuit-breakers, not taking into account tolerances. When the SIMARIS design planning software is used, a manual preparation of grading diagrams is no longer necessary. Medium-voltage time grading Tripping command and grading time The following must be observed when determining the grading time tgt on the medium-voltage side: Once the protective device has been energized (Fig. 2.3/4), the set time must elapse, before the device issues the tripping command to the shunt or
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undervoltage release of the circuitbreaker (command time tk). The release causes the circuit-breaker to open. The short-circuit current is interrupted when the arc has been extinguished. Only then does the protection system revert to the normal (rest) position (release time). The grading time tst between successive protective devices must be greater than the sum of the total disconnection time tg of the breaker and the release time of the protection system. Since response time tolerances, which depend on a number of factors, have to be expected for the protective devices (including circuit-breakers), a safety margin is incorporated in the grading time. Whereas grading times tst of less than 400 to 300 ms are not possible with
Power System
protective devices with mechanical releases, electronic releases have grading times of 300 ms, and digital releases used with modern vacuum circuit-breakers even provide grading times of only 250 or 200 ms. Low-voltage time grading Grading and delay times Only the grading time tst and delay time tsd are relevant for time grading between several series-connected circuit-breakers or in conjunction with LV HRC fuses. Proven grading times tst Series-connected circuit-breakers: Those so-called “proven grading times” are guiding values or rules of thumb. Precise information must be obtained from the equipment manufacturers. Grading between two circuit-breakers with electronic overcurrent releases should be about 70-80 ms Grading between two circuit-breakers with different release types (ETU and TM) should be about 100 ms For circuit-breakers with ZSI (zoneselective interlocking, i.e. shorttime grading control) the grading distance of the unblocked release has been defined as 50 ms.
Current I Shortcircuit current Operating current Load current
Time setting of overlaid protection Time setting of Grading time t st protective device Command time t k Scatter band of protective tripping
Disconnection time of circuitbreaker
Scatter band Scatter band of circuitof protective breaker tripping
t Release time
Safety time
Total disconnection time t g of circuit-breaker Fig. 2.3/4: Time grading in medium-voltage switchgear
to prevent any damage being caused by short-circuit currents. The DIN VDE and IEC standards also permit a switching device to be protected by one of the upstream protective devices with an adequate rated short-circuit switching capacity if both the branch circuit and the downstream protective device are also protected.
If the release is blocked, the switch trips within the set time tsd. Irrespective of the type of S-release (mechanical or electronic), a grading time of 70 ms to 100 ms is necessary between a circuit-breaker and a downstream LV HRC fuse. Back-up protection According to the Technical Supply Conditions of the supply network operators (see ”Electrical Installations Handbook”), miniature circuit-breakers must be fitted with back-up fuses with a rated current of 100 A (max.)
Further information on low-voltage switchgear and protective devices Siemens AG (Ed.), Switching, Protection and Distribution in Low-Voltage Networks, 4th ed., published by Publicis , Erlangen, 1997 Seip, Günther (Ed.), Electrical Installations Handbook, published by Publicis, Erlangen, 2000.
2.4 Protective Equipment for LowVoltage Power Systems Overcurrent protection devices must be used to protect lines and cables against overheating which may result from operational overloads or dead short circuits.* The protective switching devices and safety systems dealt with in this chapter are further described in Chapter 5. Tables 2.4/1 and 2.4/2 provide an overview of the protection equipment for LV systems. The protection equipment in the MV system of transformer branches has also been listed in Table 2.4/2.
* cf. Seip, Günther G. (Ed.): Electrical Installations Handbook, 4th edition, Publicis, Erlangen, 2000, Section 1.7
Miniature circuit-breakers for cable and line protection acc. to EN 60898/ IEC 60898 / DIN VDE 0641-11
2.4.1 Circuit-Breakers with Protective Functions Protective functions of LV circuitbreakers
Zero-current interrupters / current limiters
Circuit-breakers are used, first and foremost, for overload and shortcircuit protection. In order to increase their protective functions, they can also be equipped with additional releases, e.g. for disconnection on undervoltage, or with supplementary modules for detecting fault/residual currents (also see Chapter 6).
Depending on their method of operation, circuit-breakers are available as: Zero-current interrupters Current limiters (fuse-type current limiting)
Circuit-breakers are distinguished according to their protective function: Circuit-breakers for system protection acc. to IEC 60947-2 / DIN VDE 0660-101 Circuit-breakers for motor protection acc. to IEC 60947-2 / DIN VDE 0660-101 Circuit-breakers used in motor starters acc. to IEC 60947-4-2 / DIN VDE 0660-102
When configuring selective distribution boards, zero-current interrupters are more suitable as upstream protection devices and current limiters as downstream protection devices. Overload and overcurrent protection Table 2.4/3 provides an overview of releases and relays in LV circuitbreakers.
Overcurrent protection devices
Overload protection
Short-circuit protection
Line-protection fuses, gL
IEC 60269/DIN VDE 0636
Miniature circuit-breakers
IEC 60898/DIN VDE 0641-11
Circuit-breakers w. overload and overcurrent releases
IEC 60947-2/DIN VDE 0660-101
Switchgear fuses, aM
IEC 60269/DIN VDE 0636
Switchgear assembly consisting of line-side fuse in utilization category gL or aM and contactor w. overload relay
IEC 60269/DIN VDE 0636
IEC 60947-4-1/DIN VDE 0660-102
or starter circuit-breaker and contactor w. overload relay
IEC 60947-2/DIN VDE 0660-101 IEC 60947-4-1/DIN VDE 0660-102
– ×
× –
× Protection ensured – protection not ensured Table 2.4/1: Overview of overcurrent protection devices for lines and cables together with their protection range
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Power System MV protection devices applied
Switch-disconnectors, HV HRC fuses
Circuit-breaker, current transformer, overcurrenttime protection
Circuit-breakers or LV HRC fuses
Tie breakers
Medium-voltage side
Transformers with temp. detectors or thermal protection Low-voltage side with series connections of various protective devices in radial networks, and parallel connections of LV HRC fuses in interconnected grids
II >> II >>>>
LV Typically single and parallel operation
LV Typically single and parallel operation
optionally ≤ 630 A
≤ 50 A, ≤ 100 A
HV HRC fuse or LV HRC fuse > >>
Independent two-zone definite-time overcurrent-time protection, > and >>, to current transformer
Withdrawable circuit-breaker (with isolating point)
Reactive-power control unit
Overload relay
Table 2.4/2: Overview of protection grading schemes for transformer branch and LV branch circuits
Overcurrent releases Instantaneous electromagnetic overcurrent releases have either fixed or adjustable settings, whereas the electronic overcurrent releases used in Siemens circuit-breakers all have adjustable settings. Modules The overcurrent releases can be integrated in the circuit-breaker or supplied as separate modules for
retrofitting or replacement. For possible exceptions, please refer to the manufacturers' specifications. Overload releases Mechanical (thermal) inverse-timedelay overload releases (L-releases) are not always suitable for networks with a high harmonic content. Circuitbreakers with electronic overload releases must be used in such cases.
Short-circuit protection with S-releases If circuit-breakers with definite (short) time-delay overcurrent releases (S) are used for time-graded short-circuit protection, it should be noted that the circuit-breakers are designed for a specific maximum permissible thermal and dynamic load. If the time delay causes this load limit to be exceeded in the event of a short circuit, an I-release must also be used to ensure
that the circuit-breaker is opened instantaneously in case of very high short-circuit currents. The information supplied by the manufacturer should be consulted when selecting an appropriate release. Reclosing lockout after short-circuit tripping Some circuit-breakers can be fitted with a mechanical and/or electrical reclosing lockout which prevents reclosing to the short circuit after tripping on this fault. The circuitbreaker can only be closed again after the fault has been eliminated and the lockout has been reset manually. Fault-current/residual-current protection Fault-current protection devices have acquired a position of vital importance in safety engineering all over the world, due to the high level of protection they provide (protection of human life and property) and their extended scope of protection features (alternating and pulsating current sensitivity). Apart from residual-current-operated circuit-breakers, miniature circuitbreaker assemblies, e. g. miniature circuit-breakers with fault-current tripping, are being used to an increasing extent for commercial and industrial applications. Miniature circuit-breakers (MCB) with fault-current tripping These circuit-breaker assemblies are available as compact factory-built devices or may be assembled from a miniature circuit-breaker as the basic device and an add-on module. Miniature circuit-breakers with fault-current/residual-current tripping The assembly comprising a circuitbreaker and add-on module has established itself for circuit-breakers
Protective function
Delay type of the release
Symbols acc. to EN 60617 / DIN 40713 Schematic symbol or
Overload protection
Stromabhängig verzögert
Selective shortS1) circuit protection (with delay)
definite-timedelayed by timer Zeitglied or with I2-dependent delay
Fault-current/ G1) residual-current/ ground-fault protection (RCD)
definite-timedelayed or with I2-dependent delay
Short-circuit protection (instantaneous)
Graphic symbol
>> I>
For SENTRON 3WL and SENTRON 3VL circuit-breakers also with “zone-selective interlocking” (ZSI) Combinations of releases will only be referred to by their codes as L-, S- and I-releases etc.
Table 2.4/3: Symbols for releases according to protective function
with rated currents In of up to 400 A and fault-current/residual-current tripping. Technical features The add-on module for residualcurrent tripping used in system protection applications includes such the technical features as: Rated residual current I∆n adjustable in steps, e.g. 30 mA/ 100 mA/ 300 mA/ 1,000 mA/ 3,000 mA Tripping time ta adjustable in steps, e.g. instantaneous 60 ms/ 100 ms/ 250 ms/ 500 ms/ 1,000 ms
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Operation depends on the system voltage Sensitivity: tripping with alternating and pulsating DC fault currents ( ) Reset button ”R” for resetting after residual-current tripping Test button ”T” for testing the circuit-breaker assembly Status display for the present leakage/residual current I∆ in the downstream circuit, e. g. by means of colored LEDs: – green:
I∆ ≤ 0,25 I∆n
– yellow: 0,25 I∆n < I∆ ≤ 0,5 I∆n
Power System
– red:
IA > I∆ > 0.5 I∆n IA = Tripping current of additional residualcurrent module
Disconnection of the electronics’ overvoltage protection prior to insulation measurements in the installation ”Remote tripping” ”Auxiliary switch (AS)” Interface to bus systems The circuit-breaker assemblies can be equipped to bus systems using appropriate interfaces, to enable the exchange of information and interaction with other components in the electrical installation. Circuit-breaker assemblies sensitive to universal current Miniature circuit-breaker assemblies, which are sensitive to universal current (AC/DC-sensitive), are required for industrial applications for electrical installations in which smooth DC fault currents or currents with a low residual ripple occur in the event of a fault. Standards The standards IEC 60947-2 / DIN VDE 0660-101 apply to circuitbreakers with add-on fault-current or residual-current modules. Selection criteria for circuitbreakers When selecting the appropriate circuit-breakers for system protection, special attention must be paid to the following characteristics: Type of circuit-breaker and its releases according to the respective protective function and tasks Rated voltages Short-circuit strength Icu/ Ics and rated short-circuit making (Icm) and breaking capacity (Icn) Rated and maximum load currents
The system voltage and system frequency are crucial factors for selecting the circuit-breakers according to rated insulation voltage Ui and rated operating voltage Ue Rated insulation voltage Ui The rated insulation voltage Ui is the standardized voltage value for which the insulation of the circuit-breakers and their associated components is rated in accordance with HD 625 / IEC 60664 / DIN VDE 0110, Insulation Group C. Rated operating voltage Ue The rated operating voltage Ue of a circuit-breaker is the voltage value to which the rated short-circuit making and breaking capacities and the shortcircuit performance category refer. Short-circuit current The maximum short-circuit current at the mounting location is a crucial factor for selecting the circuit-breakers according to short-circuit strength Icu/ Ics, as well as rated short-circuit making (Icm) and breaking capacities (Icn). Dynamic short-circuit strength The dynamic short-circuit strength is the maximum asymmetric short-circuit current. It is the highest permissible instantaneous value of the prospective short-circuit current along the conducting path with the highest load. Thermal short-circuit strength (1-s current) The permissible thermal short-circuit strength is referred to as the rated short-time current Icw. It is the maximum current which the breaker is capable of withstanding for a defined time without being damaged. Generally, the Icw current refers to 1 s. Other time values > 1 s can be converted assuming Icn = constant.
Rated switching capacity The rated switching capacity of the circuit-breakers is specified as the rated short-circuit making capacity Icm and rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icn. Rated short-circuit making capacity Icm The rated short-circuit making capacity Icm is the short-circuit current which the circuit-breaker is capable of making at the rated operating voltage +10%, rated frequency and a specified power factor. It is expressed as the maximum peak value of the prospective short-circuit current, and is at least equal to the rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icn, multiplied by the factor n specified in Table 2.4/4. Rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icn The rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icn is the short-circuit current which the circuit-breaker is capable of breaking at the rated operating voltage +10%, rated frequency and a specified power factor cos ϕ. It is expressed as the r.m.s. value of the alternating current component. Switching capacity category Switching capacity categories, which specify how often a circuit-breaker can switch its rated making and breaking current as well as the condition of the breaker after the specified switching cycle, are defined for circuit-breakers in IEC 60947/ DIN VDE 0660 and in accordance with IEC 157-1 (Table 2.4/5). The rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icn is based on the test sequence O-t-CO-tCO. The rated service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics can also be specified on the basis of the shortened switching sequence O-t-CO (see Table 2.4/5 for explanation of O, t, and C).
Short-circuit breaking capacity Icn (r.m.s. value) [kA]
Power factor cos ϕ
Minimum value n short-circuit making capacity n= short-circuit breaking capacity
4.5 6 10 20 50
0.7 0.5 0.3 0.25 0.2
1.5 1.7 2.0 2.1 2.2
Rated current Ie The rated operating current Ie is the current that is determined by the following parameters:
Tabelle 2.4/4: Ratio n between short-circuit making and breaking capacity and corresponding power factor (for AC circuit-breakers)
The rated short-circuit breaking capacity is indicated with two parameters:
Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity
Rated service short-circuit breaking capacity
Test sequence
Testing of
• ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity Verification of • tripping on overload • dielectric strength • heating
• service short-circuit breaking capacity Verification of • tripping on overload • dielectric strength • heating
Switching capacity
With adjustable inverse-time-delay releases and relays, the maximum current setting is the rated continuous current Iu.
The operating conditions of the switching device Rated operating voltage Rated frequency Rated switching capacity Rated duty
O Breaking (O = Open); CO Making/Breaking (C = Close); t Pause (t = time) Table 2.4/5: Switching performance categories acc. to IEC 60947 / DIN VDE 0660 and IEC 157-1
Rated circuit-breaker currents The rated duty, e.g. continuous operation, intermittent operation or shorttime operation, plays a decisive role in selecting the switchgear according to its rated currents. The following rated currents are distinguished according to the thermal characteristics: Conventional rated thermal current Ith Rated continuous current Iu Rated operating current Ie
Conventional rated thermal current Ith, rated continuous current Iu The conventional rated thermal current Ith or Ithe for motor starters in enclosures is defined as an 8-h current in accordance with IEC 60947-1, -4-1, -3 / DIN VDE 0660-100, -102, -107. It is the maximum current which can be carried during this time without the temperature limit being exceeded. The rated continuous current Iu can be carried for an unlimited time.
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* The utilization category describes the switching devices’ application and stress, see device standards IEC 60947 / DIN VDE 0660.
Power System
Application examples for Siemens circuit-breakers and their typical tripping characteristics Switch type
Rated current
Air CircuitBreaker (ACB)
630 A to 6,300 A
For the protection of distribution systems, motors, transformers and generators
– High rated short-time current for time selectivity – Two product series, SENTRON 3WL1 and SENTRON 3WL6, with high and medium rated switching capacity – Electronic overcurrent releases, independent of external voltages, based on microprocessors – Zone-selective interlocking (ZSI) with 50 ms total delay time
Current-limiting circuit-breaker (MCCB) SENTRON 3VL
Built and tested in compliance with IEC 60947/DIN VDE 0660 and suitable for use as/in:
Circuit-breaker 3RV1
TM-release: 6 A to 630 A ETU release: 63 A to 1,600 A
For system protection up to 1,600 A Option: adjustable overload and overcurrent releases: accurate adaptation to protection requirements
ETU releases: 63 A to 500 A
For motor protection up to 500 A electronic overload releases with adjustable time lag class: effective protection when the motor is at full duty
M-releases: 63 A to 500 A
For starter combinations up to 500 A, unaffected by inrush peak currents: Release doesn’t trip on direct-on-line start of motor
M-releases: 100 A to 1,600 A
Isolating function up to 1,600 A with integrated overcurrent releases, no line-side fuse required
0.16 A to 100 A
For motor protection with overload and overcurrent protection
Tripping characteristic L S G
Tripping cause: L overload S short-time delayed overcurrent I instantaneous tripping on overcurrent G ground fault
Table 2.4/6: Application examples for Siemens circuit-breakers and their typical tripping characteristics
2.4.2 Switchgear Assemblies
Switchgear assemblies are seriesconnected switching and protection devices which perform specific tasks for protecting a system component; the first device (relative to the flow of power) provides the short-circuit protection.
Fuse Fuse
A A k cn
L Inverse-time delay overload release I Instantaneous electromagnetic overcurrent release Icn Rated short-circuit breaking capacity Ik Sustained shortcircuit current at the mounting location A Spacings of characteristic curves
Switchgear assemblies with fuses Fuses and molded-case circuitbreakers If the prospective short-circuit current Ik exceeds the rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icn of the circuitbreaker at its mounting location, the latter must be provided with upstream fuses (Fig. 2.4/1). Protection and operating ranges Defined protection and operating ranges are assigned to each device in the switchgear assembly. The L-release monitors overload currents, while the I-release detects shortcircuit currents up to the rated shortcircuit breaking capacity of the circuitbreaker. The circuit-breaker provides protection against all overcurrents up to its rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icn and ensures all-pole opening and reclosing. The fuses will only be responsible for clearing the short-circuit, when higher short-circuit currents Ik are present. In this case too, the circuitbreaker disconnects all-pole almost simultaneously via its I-release, triggered by the let-through current ID of the fuse. The fuse must, therefore, be selected such that its let-through current ID is less than the rated shortcircuit breaking capacity Icn of the circuit-breaker.
Operating: Disconnecting:
Fuse Fuse + Breaker
Fig. 2.4/1: Switchgear assembly comprising fuse and circuit-breaker
Fuse, contactor, and thermal inverse-time-delay overload relay The switchgear assembly comprising contactor and overload relay is referred to as a motor starter or, if a three-phase motor is started directly, a direct-on-line starter. The contactor is used to switch the motor on and off. The overload relay protects the motor, motor supply conductors, and contactor against overloading. The fuse upstream of the contactor and overload relay provides protection against short circuits. For this reason, the protection ranges and characteristics of all the components (Fig. 2.4./2) must be carefully coordinated with each other.
assemblies, a distinction is made between various types of protection according to the permissible degree of damage as defined in IEC 60947-4-1 / DIN VDE 0660-102:
Specifications for contactors and motor starters The standards IEC 60947-4-1 / DIN VDE 0660-102 apply to contactors and motor starters up to 1,000 V for direct-on-line starting (with maximum voltage).
Grading diagram for a motor starter The protection ranges and the relevant characteristics of the equipment constituting a switchgear assembly used as a motor starter are illustrated in the grading diagram in Fig. 2.4/2.
When short-circuit current protection equipment is selected for switchgear
The fuses in this assembly must satisfy a number of conditions:
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Coordination type 1: Destruction of contactor and overload relay are permissible. The contactor and/or overload relay must be replaced if necessary. Coordination type 2: The overload relay must not be damaged. Contact welding at the contactor is, however, permissible, given the contacts can easily be separated or the contactor can easily be replaced. Protection and operating ranges of equipment
Power System
Assembly with LV HRC fuse, contactor and thermal overload relay (motor starter)
1 1 min 2 B A
4 (depending on current limiting by the fuse) 5 C 6
1 Tripping curve of (thermal) inverse-timedelay overload relay 2 Destruction curve of thermal overload relay 3 Rated breaking capacity of contactor 4 Characteristic curve of the contactor for easily separable contact welding 5 Prearcing-time/current characteristic curve of the fuse, utilization category aM 6 Total clearing time curve of the fuse, category aM
1 ms
A, B, C Safety margins for correctly working short-circuit protection
Fig. 2.4/2: Switchgear assembly comprising fuse, contactor, and thermal inverse-time-delay overload relay
The time-current characteristics of fuses and overload relays must allow the motor to be run up to speed. The fuses must protect the overload relay from being destroyed by currents approximately 10 times higher than the rated current of the relay. The fuses must interrupt overcurrents beyond the capability of the contactor (i.e. currents approximately 10 times higher than the rated operating current Ie of the contactor). In the event of a short-circuit, the fuses must protect the contactor such that any damage does not exceed the specified degrees of damage (see above). Depending on the rated operating current Ie , contactors must be able to withstand motor starting currents of between 8 and 12 times the rated
operating current Ie without the contacts being welded. To satisfy these conditions, the following safety margins A, B and C must be maintained between certain characteristic curves of the devices: Protection of overload relay In order to protect the overload relay, the prearcing-time/current characteristic of the fuse must lie in margin A below the intersection of the tripping curve of the overload relay (1) with its destruction curve (2) (an LV HRC switchgear fuse of utilization category aM was used in this example, please refer to the section ”Selecting fuses” below). Protection of contactor In order to protect the contactor against excessively high breaking currents, the prearcing-time/current characteristic of the fuse from the current value, which corresponds to the breaking capacity of the contactor
(3), must lie in margin B below the tripping characteristic of the overload relay (1). In order to protect the contactor against contact welding, time-current characteristics, up to which load currents can be applied, can be specified for each contactor, which either result in no contact welding or welded contacts that can easily be separated (characteristic curve 4 in Fig. 2.4/2). In both cases, therefore, the fuse must respond in good time. The total clearing time curve of the fuse (6) must lie in margin C below the characteristic curve of the contactor for easily separable contact welding (4) (total fault clearing time = prearcing time + extinction time). Selecting fuses LV HRC switchgear fuses Fuses for motor starters are selected according to the aforementioned criteria. Compared with LV HRC fuses in utilization category gL used to protect conductors and cables, LV HRC switchgear fuses in utilization category aM provide the advantage of weld-free short-circuit protection for the maximum motor power which the contactor is capable of switching. Owing to their more effective currentlimiting abilities (as compared with those of line-protection fuses), they are very effective in relieving contactors of high peak short-circuit currents Ip, since they respond more rapidly in the upper short-circuit range as shown in Fig. 2.4/3. It is therefore preferable to use switchgear fuses rather than line-
Functional category
Utilization category
Rated continuous Rated breaking current up to current
Protection of
Prearcing time [s] 10 4 t s 10 3
Full-range fuses g
≥ Ia min
gL/gG gR gB
Cables and lines Semiconductors Mining facilities
Back-up fuses a
≥ 4 In ≥ 2.7 In
aM aR
Switchgear Semiconductors
Ia min lowest rated breaking current
Utilization category gL aM
10 2 10 1 10 0 10
8 4 10
10 4
10 3
5 [A]
Table 2.4/7: Classification of LV HRC fuses based on their functional characteristics defined in IEC 60269-1/DIN VDE 0636-10
Fig. 2.4/3: Comparison of prearcing-time/current characteristics of LV HRC fuses of utilization categories gL and aM, rated current 200 A
protection fuses with relay settings > 80 A at higher operating currents with correspondingly lower shortcircuit current attenuation.
extinguished. As a result, the downstream circuit-breaker with a lower rated switching capacity can be installed at a location where the possible maximum short-circuit current exceeds its rated switching capacity (see Section 2.3.1 “Back-up Protection”).
Table 2.4/7 shows the classification of the fuses based on functional features.
Classification of LV HRC fuses and comparison of characteristics of gL and aM utilization categories LV HRC fuses are divided into functional and utilization categories in accordance with their type. They can continuously carry currents up to their rated current. Functional category g (full-range fuses) Functional category g applies to fullrange fuses which can interrupt currents from the minimum fusing current up to the rated short-circuit breaking current. Utilization category gL This category includes fuses in utilization category gL for cable and line protection. Functional category a (back-up fuses) Functional category a applies to fuses for partial-range protection (back-up fuses), which can interrupt currents above a specified multiple of their
rated current up to the rated shortcircuit breaking current. Utilization category aM Utilization category aM applies to switchgear fuses whose minimum breaking current is approximately four times the rated current. Therefore, these fuses are only intended for short-circuit protection. For this reason, fuses of functional category “a” must not be used above their rated current. A means of overload protection, e.g. a thermal time-delay relay, must always be provided. The prearcing-time/current characteristics of LV HRC of utilization category gL and aM for 200 A are compared in Fig. 2.4/3. Switchgear assemblies without fuses (circuit-breaker protected design) Back-up protection (cascadeconnected circuit-breakers) If two circuit-breakers with I-releases of the same type are connected in series along one conducting path, they will open simultaneously in the event of a fault (K) in the vicinity of the distribution board (Fig. 2.4/4, 2.4/5). The short-circuit current is thereby detected by two series-connected interrupting devices and effectively
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Protection and operating ranges of the circuit-breakers Fig. 2.4/4 shows the single-line diagram and Fig. 2.4/5 the principle of a cascade connection. The rated current of the upstream circuit-breaker Q2 is selected in accordance with its rated operating current. The circuit-breaker Q2 is, for example, used as a main circuit-breaker or group circuit-breaker for several branch circuits in subdistribution
Circuitbreaker with I-release
and Q1
Circuit-breaker with L- and I-release
Fig. 2.4/4: Block diagram of a back-up protection circuit (cascade connection) in a subdistribution board
Power System
boards. Its I-release is set to a very high operating current, if possible to the rated short-circuit breaking capacity (Icn) of the downstream circuitbreakers. The branch circuit-breaker Q1 provides overload protection and also clears autonomously relatively low short-circuit currents, which may be caused by short circuits to exposed conductive parts, insulation faults or short circuits at the end of long lines and cables. The upstream circuitbreaker Q2 only opens at the same time if high short-circuit currents flow as a result of a dead short circuit in the vicinity of the branch circuitbreaker Q1 (limited selectivity). Circuit-breakers with L- and Ireleases and contactor Protection and operating ranges The circuit-breaker provides overload and short-circuit protection also for the contactor, while the contactor performs switching duties (Fig. 2.4/6). The requirements that must be fulfilled by the circuit-breaker are the same as those that apply to the fuse in switchgear assemblies comprising fuse, contactor and overload relay (see Fig. 2.4/2). Starter circuit-breaker with Irelease, contactor, and overload relay Readiness for reclosing Overload protection is provided by the overload relay in conjunction with the contactor, while short-circuit protection is provided by the starter circuitbreaker. The operating current of its I-release is set as low as the starting cycle will permit, in order to include low short-circuit currents in the instantaneous breaking range as well (Fig. 2.4/7). The advantage of this switchgear assembly is that it is possible to determine whether the fault was an overload or short circuit
according to whether the contactor, triggered by the overload relay, or the starter circuit-breaker has opened. Further advantages of the starter circuit-breaker following short-circuit tripping are three-phase circuit interruption and immediate readiness for reclosing.
ip i i D1 i D(1+2)
Switchgear assemblies with starter circuit-breakers are becoming increasingly important in control units without fuses. Switchgear assemblies with thermistor motor-protection devices
ue u B(1+2)
Overload relays and releases cease to provide reliable overload protection when it is no longer possible to establish the winding temperature from the motor current. This is the case with
u B1
high switching frequencies, irregular, intermittent duty, restricted cooling and high ambient temperatures. In these cases, switchgear assemblies with thermistor motor-protection devices are used. The switchgear assemblies are designed with or without fuses depending on the installation configuration. The degree of protection that can be attained depends on whether the motor to be protected has a thermally critical stator or rotor. The operating temperature, coupling time constant, and the position of the temperature sensor in the motor winding are also crucial factors. They are usually specified by the motor manufacturer.
Peak short-circuit current (maximum value)
Let-through current of branch circuit-breaker Q1
iD (1+ 2) Actual let-through current (lower than iD1) ue
Driving voltage (operating voltage)
uB (1+ 2) Sum of the arc voltages of the upstream circuit breaker Q2 and the outgoing feeder circuit-breaker Q1 uB1
Arc voltage of branch circuit-breaker Q1
Fig. 2.4/5: Principle of a back-up protection circuit (cascade connection)
Circuitbreaker with L -releases
Contactor 1
Circuit-breaker with -release for starter assemblies
Inverse-timedelay overload relay with L-release Einstellbereich
Disconnecting: Contactor
1 Rated breaking capacity of contactor 2 Rated making capacity of contactor 3 Characteristic curve of the contactor for easily separable contact welding
L Characteristic curve of the inverse-time-delay overload release I Characteristic curve of the instantaneous electromagnetic overovercurrent release Icn Rated short-circuit breaking capacity of circuit-breaker
Fig. 2.4/6: Switchgear assembly comprising circuit-breaker and contactor
L Characteristic curve of (thermal) inverse-timedelay overload relay
I Characteristic curve of adjustable instantaneous overcurrent release
Fig. 2.4/7: Switchgear assembly comprising circuit-breaker, adjustable overcurrent release, contactor, and overload relay
Fuse Circuit-breaker with L- and I-release
Circuit-breaker with L- and I-release
Circuit-breaker with I-release
Overload relay
Overload relay
Thermistor motor protection
Thermistor motor protection
Thermistor motor protection
Thermistor motor protection
Fig. 2.4/8: Switchgear assembly comprising comprising thermistor motor protection plus additional overload relay or release (schematic circuit diagram)
Motors with thermally critical stators Motors with thermally critical stators can be adequately protected against overloads and overheating by means of thermistor motor-protection devices without overload relays. Feeder cables are protected against short circuits and overloads either by fuses and circuit-breakers (Fig2.4/8a) or by fuses alone (Fig. 2.4/8b).
Motors with thermally critical rotors Motors with thermally critical rotors, even if started with a locked rotor, can only be provided with adequate protection if they are fitted with an additional overload relay or release. The overload relay or release also protects the cabling against overloads (Fig. 2.4/8a, c and d).
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Note: We recommend the use of an electronic motor protection system such as SIMOCODE (with or without thermistor protection) for motors. Advantages: broad performance range, comprehensive control functionalities, bus interfacing (PROFIBUS-DP), etc.
Power System 2h
[kA] 10A cos
i p, i D
cos cos
13 10 8
t 63 A i D
10 s a, a´
100 A
iD cos
63 A
1 b 10 ms
Short-circuit current
iD Let-through currents ip Peak short-circuit currents
Fig. 2.4/9: Current-limiting characteristics of circuit-breaker (63 A) and LV HRC fuses (63 A or 100 A)
Short-circuit protection of branch circuits Branch circuits in distribution boards and control units can be provided with short-circuit protection by means of fuses or by means of circuit-breakers without fuses. The level of anticipated current limiting, which is higher in fuses with low rated currents than in current-limiting circuit-breakers with the same rated current, may also be a crucial factor in making a choice in favor of one or the other solution. Comparing the protective characteristics of fuses with those of current-limiting circuit-breakers The following should be taken into consideration when comparing the protection characteristics of fuses and circuit-breakers: The rated short-circuit breaking capacity, which can vary considerably; The level of current limiting which is always higher with fuses of up to 400 A than for current-limiting circuit-breakers with the same rated current; The shape of the prearcingtime/current characteristics of fuses
r ,( e)
100 [kA]
100 k
For example for Ik = 10 kA: iD Fuse (100 A) 7.5 kA iD Circuit-breaker 8 kA
2.4.3 Selecting Protective Equipment
1 1,3 1,6 1,05 1,2
1 2 3 A
Current-limiting range Overload range Short-circuit current range Test range for fuse currents
B Test range for the limiting tripping currents of the circuit-breaker Icn Rated short-circuit breaking capacity
Fig. 2.4/10: Characteristic curves and switching capacities of a fuse (a) and circuit-breaker (b) with LI-releases
and the tripping characteristics of circuit-breakers, Fault clearing conditions in accordance with IEC 60 364-4-41/ DIN VDE 0100-410, Section 6.1.3 ”Protection Measures in TN Systems”.* Comparison of current-limiting characteristics of LV HRC fuses and circuit-breakers Fig. 2.4/9 shows the current-limiting characteristics of a circuit-breaker with rated continuous current of 63 A, at 400 V and 50 Hz compared to an LV HRC fuse of type 3NA, utilization category gL, rated currents 63 A and 100 A. Owing to the high motor starting currents, however, the rated current of the fuse must be higher than the rated operating current of the motor, i.e. a circuit-breaker with a minimum rated current of 63 A or a fuse with a minimum rated current of 100 A is required for a 30 kW motor. Comparison between the tripping curves of fuses with those of circuit-breakers with the same rated current The prearcing-time/current characteristic curve a of the 63 A fuse link, utilization category gL, and the “LI” tripping curve b of a circuit-breaker
are plotted in the time-current diagram in Fig. 2.4/10. The setting current for the inverse-time-delay overload release of the circuit-breaker corresponds to the rated current of the fuse link. Current limiting range (1) The typical test range for fuse currents (A) is, for example, between 1.3 and 1.6 times the rated current while the test range for the limiting tripping currents of the overload release (B) is between 1.05 and 1.2 times the current setting. The adjustable overload release allows for the current setting and, therefore, the limiting tripping current to be matched more closely to the continuous loading capability of the equipment to be protected than it would be possible with a fuse, whose different current ratings would only permit approximate matching. Although the limit current of the fuse is adequate for providing overload protection of lines and cables, it is not sufficient for the starting current of motors, where a fuse with the characteristic a’ would be needed.
* Also see Seip, Günther (Ed.), Electrical Installations Handbook, 4th ed., Erlangen, 2000, Chapter 2.
Overload range (2) In the overload range, the prearcingtime/current characteristic curve of the fuse is steeper than the tripping curve of the overload release. This is desirable for overload protection of cables and conductors; the flatter tripping characteristic b is, however, required for the overload protection of motors. Short-circuit current range (3) In the short-circuit current range, the instantaneous release of the circuitbreaker detects short-circuit currents above its operating value faster than the fuse. Higher currents are broken more quickly by the fuse. And for this reason, a fuse limits the short-circuit current more effectively than a circuitbreaker. This results in an extremely high rated breaking capacity for fuses of over 100 kA at an operating voltage of 690 V AC. The rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icn of circuit-breakers, however, depends on a number of factors, e.g. the rated operating voltage Ue and the type. A comparison between the protection characteristics of fuses, circuit-breakers and their switchgear assemblies can be found in Tables 2.4/6 and 2.4/9.
Rated switching capacity at alternating voltage
> 100 kA, 690 V f (Ir Ue type1))
Current limiting
f (Ir Ik)
f (Ir Ik Ue type1))
Additional arcing space
f (Ir Ik Ue type1))
Operability status visible from outside
extra expense required2)
Safe actuation during operation Remote control
Signaling option
no extra expense required3) extra expense required4)
Readiness for reclosing after disconnection on overload short-circuit clearing
no no
yes f (condition)
Interruption of operations
f (condition)
Maintenance expense
(no. of switching operations f and condition)
no expense
extra expense required
if the same make
Short-circuit protection Line Motor
very good very good
good good
Overload protection Line Motor
sufficient not possible
good good
Automatic all-pole opening
Selecting circuit-breakers for circuits with and without fuses 2)
Circuits and control units can be designed with or without fuses. Circuits with fuses (fuse-protected design) The standard design with fuses intended for system protection includes fuse-switch-disconnectors switch-disconnectors with fuses, and fuse and base arrangements (Table 2.4/10). The feeder circuit-breaker provides
Type of construction may be: arc quenching method, short-circuit strength owing to specific resistance, constructive design For example, by means of shockhazard protected fuse-switch-discon-
4) 5)
yes yes
nectors with high-speed closing By means of fuse monitoring and dedicated circuit-breaker By means of fuse monitoring Standardized
Table 2.4/8: Comparison between the protective characteristics of fuses and circuit-breakers
overload protection and selective short-circuit protection for the transformer and distribution board. Siemens circuit-breakers SENTRON WL are ideal for this purpose. Transformers featuring lower output ratings, and/or if selectivity is not required,
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
may also be protected by a moldedcase circuit-breaker, type SENTRON 3VL. The fuse, providing system protection, protects the lines to the subdistribution board against overloads and short circuits as well as nonmotor consumers. The switchgear
Power System
Equipment to be protected and switching frequency
Protective devices with fuses
Fuse Circuit-breaker Contactor Overload protection Thermistormotor protection M 3~
M 3~
Overload protection – Line – Motors (with thermally critical stators) – Motors (with thermally critical rotors)
++ ++1) ++1)
++ ++ ++
+ ++ +
+ ++ +
++ ++ ++
++ ++ ++
Short-circuit protection – Line – Motor
++ ++
++ ++
++ ++
++ ++
++ ++
++ ++
Switching frequency
Equipment to be protected and switching frequency
Protective devices without fuses
– Circuit-breaker Contactor Overload protection Thermistor-/ SIMOCODE motor protection
M 3~
M 3~
M 3~
Overload protection – Line – Motors (with thermally critical stators) – Motors (with thermally critical rotors)
++ ++1) ++1)
++ ++ ++
++ ++ ++
++ ++ ++
++ ++1) ++1)
+ ++ ++
Short-circuit protection – Line – Motor
++ ++
++ ++
++ ++
++ ++
++ ++
++ ++
Switching frequency
1) Protection with little restriction in case of phase failure ++ Very good + Good – Poor
Table 2.4/9: Comparison between the protective characteristics of different switchgear assemblies (schematic circuit diagrams)
Version Rated shortcircuit breaking capacity Icn
Type of release or relay L S I AdFixed AdFixed Adjustsetting justsetting justable able able
Tripping curve
Icn > 100 kA
No. Type of circuitbreaker
↔ release
Feeder circuit-breaker 1
Circuit-breaker 3WL for system protection with selectivity requirement
≥ Ik1
t k1
Distribution circuit-breaker
2 2
Fuse for system protection
≥ Ik2
t k2
Load circuit-breaker k2
3 5 4 3
4 k3
M 3~
M 3~
Fuse and circuitbreaker for motor protection
3NA 3RV1
Fuse and direct-online starter for motor protection
Fuse for power consumer
≥ Ik3 ≤ Ik3
– ×
– –
– –
– ×
– –
× –
t k3
≥ Ik3
– × –
– – –
– – –
– – –
– – –
× – –
t k3
≥ Ik3
t k3
Table 2.4/10: Distribution boards combining fuses and circuit-breakers
assemblies comprising fuse and circuit-breaker, which provide motor protection, as well as fuses, contactor, and overload relay protect the motor feeder cable and the motor against
overloads and short circuits. Circuits without fuses (circuitbreaker protected design) In the case of distribution boards
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
without fuses (Table 2.4/11), shortcircuit protection is provided by circuit-breakers for system protection. In the case of load circuit-breakers, short-circuit protection is provided by
Power System
Version Rated shortcircuit breaking capacity Icn
Type of release or relay L S I AdFixed AdFixed justsetjustsetable ting able ting
Tripping characteristic Adjustable
No. Type of circuitbreaker
Adjustable release
Feeder circuit-breaker 1 1 k1
Circuit-breaker 3WL for system protection without selectivity requirement
≥ Ik1
t k1
Distribution circuit-breaker 3
2* Circuit-breakers 3VL for system protection without selectivity requirement
≥ Ik2
≥ Ik2
– × ×
× – –
– – –
× × –
– – ×
t k2 * 3 Varianten möglich, Variante 3 bildlich dargestellt
Circuit-breaker 3WL for system 3VL protection with selectivity requirement
t k2
Load circuit-breaker 4 k3
M 3~
M 3~
Circuitbreaker for motor protection
Circuit-breaker 3RA and direct-online starter for motor protection
≥ Ik3
t k3
≥ Ik3
t k3
Table 2.4/11: Power distribution using circuit-breaker without fuses
circuit-breakers for motor protection only or for starter assemblies together with the contactor. The protection ranges of the switchgear assemblies comprising circuit-breaker, contactor
and overload relay have already been dealt with in this chapter. Further technical data can be found in the literature supplied by the manufacturer.
2.4.4 Miniature CircuitBreakers (MCBs)
1st condition b ≤ n≤ z
2st condition 2 ≤ 1.45· z
Operating current to be expected, i.e. current drawn by the power consumer under normal operating conditions
Permissible continuous load current for a conductor, when the maximum continuously applied temperature of the insulation is not exceeded
Task Miniature circuit-breakers (MCBs) are mainly designed for the protection of cables and lines against overload and short circuit, thus ensuring the protection of electrical equipment against excessively high heating in compliance with the relevant standards, e.g. IEC 60364-4-43 / DIN VDE 0100-430.
Time t 1
Under certain conditions, MCBs in a TN system also provide protection against electrical stroke at excessively high contact voltage due to wrong insulation, e.g. according to IEC 364-4-41 / DIN VDE 0100-410.
1.45·Iz Maximum permissible overload current of limited duration, at which a sudden, temporary exceeding of the maximum continuously applied temperature has not yet resulted in a safetyrelevant reduction of insulation properties
Miniature circuit-breakers are used in all distribution networks, both for commercial buildings and industrial buildings. Due to a wide range of versions and accessories (e.g. auxiliary contacts, fault signal contacts, open-circuit shunt releases), they are able to meet the various requirements of the most diverse areas of application.
Tripping characteristics Four tripping characteristics A, B, C and D are available for any kind of application; they correspond to the equipment being connected in the circuit to be protected. Tripping characteristic A is particularly suitable for the protection of transducers in measuring circuits, for electronically controlled circuits and where disconnection within 0.4 s is required in accordance with IEC 60364-4-41/ DIN VDE 0100-410. Tripping characteristic B is the standard characteristic for walloutlet circuits in residential and
Rated current, i.e. the current the miniature circuitbreaker has been laid out for and other rating parameters refer to (setting value)
Conventional non-tripping current, i.e. the current which does not result in disconnection under defined conditions
Conventional tripping current, i.e. the current which is broken under defined conditions (In ≤ 63 A) within one hour
Tolerance margins
Withstand current of the instantaneous electromagnetic overcurrent release (short-circuit release)
Tripping current of the instantaneous electromagnetic overcurrent release (short-circuit release)
Fig. 2.4/11: Schematic reference value diagram of lines and their protective device
commercial buildings. Tripping characteristic C is advantageous wherever equipment with higher inrush currents, e.g. luminaires and motors, is used. Tripping characteristic D is adapted to highly pulse-generating equipment, such as transformers, solenoid valves or capacitors.
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Operating method Miniature circuit-breakers are protective switches for manual operation, including overcurrent remote tripping (via thermal overcurrent instantaneous release). Multi-pole devices are coupled mechanically at the outside via handles and simultaneously inside via their releases.
Power System
Standards The international basic standard is IEC 60898. The German national standard DIN VDE 0641-11 is based upon it. Device sizes are described in DIN 43880. For the protection against personal injury, the relevant standards, e.g. concerning fault clearing requirements in compliance with IEC 60364-4-41 / DIN VDE 0100-410 have to be met. Versions MCBs are available in many different versions: 1-pole, 2-pole, 3-pole, 4-pole and with connected neutral 1-pole+N and 3-pole+N. Corresponding to the preferred series according to IEC 60898 and DIN 43880, MCBs are allocated the following rated currents: Devices with 55 mm in depth 0.3 A to 63 A Devices with 70 mm depth 0.3 A to 125 A Depending on the device type, an auxiliary switch (AS), fault-signal contact (FC), open-circuit shunt release (ST), undervoltage release (UR) or residual-current-operated circuit-breaker (RCCB module) can be retrofitted. By fitting an RCCB module to an MCB, an RCBO assembly is created. As a complete system, it can be used for line protection as well as for protection against electrically ignited fires and personal injury in the event of direct or indirect contact voltages. Auxiliary switches (AS) signal the switching state of the MCB and indicate whether it has been switched off manually or automatically. Faultsignal contacts (FC) indicate tripping of the MCB due to overload or short
circuit. Open-circuit shunt releases (ST) are suitable for remote switching of MCBs. Undervoltage releases (UR) protect devices connected in the circuit against impacts of insufficiently low supply voltage. By connecting the AS and the FC to an instabus KNX/EIB binary input, the signals may also be read into an instabus KNX/EIBEIB system (e.g. GAMMA instabus). When using an instabus KNX/EIB binary output, the MCB which is tripped via the opencircuit shunt release (AA) can also be remotely tripped via instabus KNX/EIB. Depending on the device type, miniature circuit-breakers by Siemens have the following features: Excellent current-limiting and selectivity characteristics Identical terminals on both sides for optional feeding from the top or bottom Installation and dismantling without the use of tools Rapid and easy removal from the system Terminals safe-to-touch by fingers or the back of the hand according to VDE 0106-100 Combined terminals for simultaneous connection of busbars and feeder cables Main switch characteristics according to IEC 60204 / VDE 0113 Separate switch position indicator Alternating-current type MCBs are suitable for all AC and three-phase networks up to a voltage of 240/ 415 V and all DC networks up to 60 V (1-pole) and 120 V (2-pole). The MCB voltage rating is 230/400 V AC. AC/DC-current type MCBs may also be used for 220 V DC (1-pole) and 440 V DC (2-pole).
In order to avoid damaging of the conductor insulation in case of faults, temperatures must not rise above certain values. For PVC insulation, these values are 70 °C permanently or 160 °C for a maximum of 5 s (short circuit). For line-overcurrent protection, the MCBs usually have two independent releases. In the event of overload, a bimetal contact opens inverse-timedelayed corresponding to the current value. If a certain threshold is exceeded in the event of a short circuit, however, an electro-magnetic overcurrent release instantaneously trips without delay. The tripping range (time-current threshold zone) of the MCB according IEC 60898 / DIN VDE 0641-11 is defined via parameters I1 to I5 (Fig. 2.4/12). The line parameters Ib and Iz (see Fig. 2.4/11) are related to it. When the IEC 60898 was published, new characteristics B, C and D were defined internationally. They were also adopted in DIN VDE 0641-11. The new tripping requirements of MCBs facilitate their assignment to conductor cross sections. In the relevant standards, e.g. IEC 60364-4-43 / DIN/VDE 0100-430, the following conditions are listed: Rated current rule Ib ≤ In ≤ Iz Tripping current rule I2 ≤ 1.45 x Iz As the second condition is automatically fulfilled with the new characteristic curves due the fact that these curves have been defined (Iz = In), the MCB merely needs to be selected according to the simplified criterion In ≤ Iz Resulting from this, a new allocation of rated currents for MCBs and con-
Rated cross section qn mm2 1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 35
Rated MCB current In for protection of 2 conductors under load 3 conductors under load A A 16 25 32 40 63 80 100 125
Iz (line) Permissible continuous load current if 2 conductors under load 3 conductors under load A A
16 20 32 40 50 63 80 100
19.5 27 36 46 63 85 112 138
17.5 24 32 41 57 76 96 119
Table 2.4/12: MCB and conductor cross section matrix Example: flat-webbed cable, stranded cable, on or in the wall, installation type C*), at +30 ºC ambient temperature * Installation type C in compliance with IEC 60364-5-52 / DIN VDE 0298-4: cables are fixed in such a way that the spacing between them and the wall surface is less than 0.3 times the outer cable diameter.
MCB Tripping characteristics B, C, D acc. to IEC 60898 / DIN VDE 0641-11
300 Time t
1 2
60 Minutes
ductor cross sections can be given (see Table 2.4/12), related to an ambient temperature of +30 °C, as it is considered appropriate according to IEC 60364-4-43 / DIN VDE 0100-430, and in relation to the type of installation and accumulation of equipment. Siemens MCBs are available with the tripping characteristics B, C and D, bearing, among other things, the VDE mark based upon the CCA procedure (CENELEC Certification Agreement).
1 (t > 1h)
A1) 1.13 x
n 1.13 x n
D 1.13 x
2 (t < 1h)
1.45 x
n 1.45 x n 1.45 x n
1.45 x
C 1.13 x
1) Meets n n
4 (t > 0,1s)
10 x
5 (t < 0,1s)
10 x
20 x
Figure 2.4/12 represents all tripping characteristics. Due to the position of the tripping bands, the following features vary in intensity with a rising degree from curve A to D:
Current pulse withstand strength, rising Permissible line and cable length for the protection of persons, decreasing
Disconnection condition acc. to IEC 60364-4-41/ DIN VDE 0100-410
1 0.4
0.1 4
5 4
Temperature impact The tripping characteristics are standard defined at an ambient temperature of +30 °C. At higher temperatures, the thermal tripping curve in Fig. 2.4/12 shifts to the left, and to the right at lower temperatures. This
the requirements of IEC 60364-4-41/ DIN VDE 0100-410
0.01 1
3 4
6 8 10
x Rated current
Fig. 2.4/12: Time-current limit ranges of MCBs
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30 40 60 80 100 n
Power System
means that tripping becomes effective even with lower currents present (higher temperatures) or only with higher currents (lower temperatures). This has to be taken into account in particular for an installation in hot rooms, in encapsulated distribution boards where, owing to the currentinduced heat losses of the built-in devices, higher temperatures may prevail and for distribution boards installed outdoors. MCBs can be used at temperatures ranging from –25 °C to +55 °C. The relative humidity may be 95%. Resistance to climate Miniature circuit-breakers by Siemens are resistant to climate in compliance with IEC 68-2-30. They were successfully tested in six climatic cycles. Degree of protection As MCBs are mainly installed in distribution boards, their degree of protection must meet the requirements of the respective type of room. MCBs without an encapsulation can reach IP30 according to IEC 60529 / DIN VDE 0470-1 provided that they have adequate terminal covers.
Standards IEC 60898 / DIN VDE 0641-11
All MCBs are equipped with a snap-on fixing for rapid fitting on 35-mm wide standard mounting rails according to DIN EN 50022. Some versions may additionally be screwed on mounting plates. Installation Moreover, some type series are available with a rapid wiring system for manual handling without the use of tools, which even enables the removal of individual MCBs from the busbar system. Rated switching capacity Besides a reliable adherence to characteristic curves, an important performance feature of MCBs is their rated short-circuit breaking capacity. It is divided into short-circuit breaking capacity classes and indicates up to which level short-circuit currents can be broken according to IEC 60898/ DIN VDE 0641-11 (Table 2.4/13). Depending on their design, MCBs by Siemens have short-circuit breaking capacity ratings up to 25,000 A and VDE approval. Current-limiting classes As a selectivity indicator with regard to upstream fuses, miniature circuit-
Rated switching capacity classes 1,500 A 3,000 A 4,500 A 6,000 A 10,000 A 15,000 A 20,000 A 25,000 A
Table 2.4/13: Rated switching capacity classes of MCBs
breakers with characteristic B and C up to 40 A are divided in to three current-limiting classes according to their current-limiting capability. For permissible let-through I2t values, please refer to the standards IEC 60898 / DIN VDE 0641-11. For reasons of selectivity, only Class 3 MCBs with a rated switching capacity of at least 6,000 A may be used in distribution boards connected downstream of the meter for residential and commercial buildings in compliance with the Technical Supply Conditions of German supply network operators. Devices must be labeled:
Selectivity Selectivity means that only that protective device will trip in the event of a fault which is closest to the fault location in the course of the current path. This way the energy flow can be maintained in circuits which are connected in parallel. In the diagram in Fig. 2.4/13, the current curve in a disconnection process is shown schematically with regard to currentlimiting classes. Siemens MCBs of type B16 reduce the energy flow to much lower values than defined for currentlimiting class 3. Figure 2.4/13 shows the selectivity limits of MCBs with different currentlimiting classes as the intersection of the MCB tripping curve with the melting curve of the fuse. The highly effective current limitation of the MCB also affects the high current discrimination towards the upstream fuse. Curve B16 relates to 16 A Siemens breakers, tripping characteristic B.
Permissible t [A 2 s]
t value of calbe 1,5 mm 2
3 B 16
10 4
B 16
Sine half-wave
5 t
10 [ms]
10 3 10 -1
10 0
6 k
1 2
10 1 [kA]
Fig. 2.4/13: Selectivity of MCBs with current limiting classes as described and towards back-up fuses Curve B16 applies to 16 A Siemens breakers, tripping characteristic B.
Back-up protection If the short-circuit current at the point where the MCB is installed exceeds its rated switching capacity, another short-circuit protecting device has to be connected upstream. Without affecting the operability of the breaker in such cases, the switching capacity of such an assembly will be increased up to 50 kA. In some countries, circuit-breakers rather than LV HRC fuses are connected upstream instead, which – depending on the type – reduces the combined switching capacity considerably. Although circuit-breakers have a high inherent rated breaking capacity, they
do not switch sufficiently currentlimiting in the range of the MCB switching capacity limit (6 kA / 10 kA), so that they cannot provide much support. Therefore, miniature circuitbreakers with a rated current of 6 A to 32 A are only protected by an upstream circuit-breaker up to the defined rated switching capacity of the MCB (back-up protection).
For further product information on MCBs please refer to the ET B1 Catalog ”BETA Low-Voltage Control Systems”, Order no. E86060-K8220-A101-A8
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Power System
2.5 Selectivity in Low-Voltage Systems Proof of selectivity is required in IEC 60364-7-710 and DIN VDE 100-710 and -718.
Dynamic/energy selectivity Selectivity based on the evaluation of the let-through energy of the downstream devices and the tripping energy of the upstream protective device. Determining the selectivity type
Full selectivity is achieved with two series-connected protective devices if, when a fault occurs after the downstream protection device, only the downstream device disconnects from supply.
According to IEC 60947-2, Appendix A, and VDE 660-101, the determination or verification of the desired type of selectivity is divided in two time ranges.
A distinction is made between two types of selectivity:
The time range above 100 ms can be analyzed by a comparison of characteristic curves in the L- or S-range, taking the tolerances, required protective settings, curve representation in identical scales etc. into account.
Partial selectivity acc. to IEC 60947-2, VDE 660-101: Overcurrent discrimination of two series-connected overcurrent protection devices, where the load-side protective device takes over the full protection task up to a defined overcurrent level without the other protective device being active. Full selectivity acc. to IEC 60947-2, VDE 660-101: Overcurrent discrimination of two series-connected overcurrent protection devices, where the load-side protective device takes over the full protection task without the other protective device being active. Selectivity types Selective current breaking capacity by grading the instantaneous shortcircuit releases of Ii circuit-breakers with Ii characteristic. Time selectivity: Grading of the configurable tripping times (tsd in the S-part) of the shortcircuit releases. This applies to standard as well as to optional characteristic curves. Circuit-breaker with LSI characteristics: it is often required in main distribution boards and at transfer points using devices of different manufacturers.
Time range ≥ 100 ms:
Time range < 100 ms: The standard requires selectivity in this time range to be verified by testing. Due to the fact that the time and cost expense involved are very high, when different devices are used in the power distribution system, selectivity limits can often be obtained from renowned equipment manufacturers only. In practice, letthrough currents are therefore often compared to the operating or pickup currents or, the let-through currents of the protective devices are compared to each other. The prerequisite being that the relevant data is available from the equipment manufacturer and that it is analyzed thoroughly.
Since these characteristic curves are compared over several orders of magnitude, they are usually plotted on log-log paper. All characteristic curves must – if not already specified by the manufacturer – be assigned a tolerance band to enable selectivity to be determined reliably. In the case of switchgear, IEC 60 947–2 / DIN VDE 0660–101 specify a tolerance of ± 20% for the instantaneous overcurrent release. The operating times, which are sometimes considerably shorter at normal operating temperatures, must be taken into consideration for electromechanical overload releases. Determination of the selectivity limit As a rule, all selectivity limits between two protective devices can be determined by carrying out measurements or tests. These measurements are virtually indispensable, particularly when assessing selectivity in the event of a short circuit, owing to the extremely rapid switching operations when current-limiting protection equipment is used. The measurements can, however, be very costly and complicated, which is why many manufacturers publish selectivity tables for their switchgear. The SIMARIS design software automatically takes all these criteria into account and selects suitable Siemens products.
Comparing characteristic curves Three diagram types can be used for comparing characteristic curves: Time-current diagram Let-through current diagram Let-through energy diagram
2.5.1 Selectivity in Radial Systems
Selectivity between seriesconnected fuses
Selectivity between seriesconnected fuses with identical utilization categories When fuses of the same utilization category (e.g. gL or gG) are used, selectivity is ensured across the entire overcurrent range up to the rated switching capacity (absolute selectivity) if the rated currents differ by a factor of 1.6 or higher (Fig. 2.5/1). The Joulean heat values (I2t values) should be compared in case of high short-circuit currents. In the example shown, a 160 A LV HRC fuse would also have absolute selectivity with respect to a 100 A LV HRC fuse.
100 A Size 00
200 A (160)
The feeding line and the outgoing circuits branching from the busbar of a distribution board carry different operating currents and, therefore, also have different cross sections. Consequently, they are usually protected by fuses with different rated currents, which ensure selectivity on account of their different operating behaviors.
k =1,300
A 1,4
50 A
50 A
100 A k=
1,300 A
1.37 s 0,03
K1 101 a) Selective disconnection of short-circuit fault location K1
Current grading with differently configured I-releases The rated currents and, therefore, the I-release values of the upstream and downstream circuit-breakers differ accordingly. 5-second breaking and line-protection conditions
Current grading with different short-circuit currents The short-circuit currents in the event of a short circuit at the respective locations of the circuit-breakers are sufficiently different.
Only partial selectivity can be established by comparing characteristic curves for current grading, since the curve in the range < 100 ms – which
Selectivity can be achieved by grading the operating currents of instantaneous overcurrent releases (I-releases) (Fig. 2.5/2). Prerequisites for this are:
10 2
b) Prearcing times at
10 3 1.3 k
10 4 [A]
= 1,300 A
Fig. 2.5/1: Selectivity between series-connected LV HRC fuses with identical utilization categories (example)
In compliance with the 5-second breaking condition specified in IEC 60364-4-41 / DIN VDE 0100-410 or the 5-second line-protection condition specified in IEC 60364-4-43 / DIN VDE 0100-430 (if line protection cannot be provided in any other way), the I-release must generally be set to 4,000 A so that even very small short circuits are cleared at the input terminals of the downstream circuitbreaker Q1 within the specified time.
Selectivity between seriesconnected circuit-breakers
200 A Size 1
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is frequently, and quite rightly represented by broken lines – does not permit any conclusions with regard to selectivity owing to the complicated dynamic switching and tripping operations. Selectivity through circuit-breaker coordination (dynamic selectivity) With high-speed operations, e.g. in the event of a short circuit, and the interaction of series-connected protection devices, the dynamic processes in the circuit and in the electromechanical releases have a considerable effect on selectivity behavior, particularly if current limiters are used. Selectivity is also achieved if the downstream current-limiting protection device trips so quickly that, although the let-through current does momentarily exceed the operating value of the upstream protection device, the ”mechanically slow”
Power System
[s] Opening time t 10 4
Sr = 400 kVA at 400 V, 50 Hz
min. ukr = 4% r = 577 A k = 15 kA
10 3
Q2 k
= 10 kA
= 600 A (L-release) = 4,000 A (I-release)
10 2 10 0 L
10 1
II e
5.0 kA
10 0
= 60 A (L-release) = 720 A (I-release)
I 2.1 kA
10-2 M 3~
Block diagram
Q1 Circuit-breaker for motor protection (current-limiting)
4 5
10 2
10 3
10 4 Current
5 [A]
b) Tripping curves L
Definite-time delayed overload release
Instantaneous electromagnetic overcurrent release
Q2 Circuit-breaker (zero-current interrupter)
Fig. 2.5/2: Current selectivity for two series-connected circuit-breakers at different short-circuit current levels (example)
release does not have time to trigger. The let-through current depends on the maximum asymmetrical shortcircuit current and current limiting characteristics. Selectivity limits of two seriesconnected circuit-breakers A maximum short-circuit value – the selectivity limit – up to which the downstream circuit-breaker can open more quickly and alone, i.e. selectively, can be determined for each switchgear assembly. The selectivity limit may be well above the operating value of the instantaneous overcurrent release in the upstream circuit-breaker (see Fig. 2.5/3).
Irrespective of this, it is important to verify selectivity in the event of an overload by comparing the characteristic curves and by checking that tripping times are in accordance with the relevant regulations. Generally speaking, dynamic selectivity in a short circuit only provides partial selectivity. This may be sufficient (full selectivity) if the prospective maximum short-circuit current at the downstream protective device is lower than the established selectivity limit. With partial selectivity, which usually arises with current grading owing to the fault clearing condition (see Fig. 2.5/2), a consideration of
dynamic selectivity provides a good possibility for verifying full selectivity without having to use switchgear with short-time-delay overcurrent releases. Selectivity by means of short-timedelay overcurrent releases (time grading) If current grading is not possible and cannot be achieved by selecting the switchgear in accordance with selectivity tables (dynamic selectivity), selectivity can be provided by timegrading short-time-delay overcurrent releases. This requires grading of both the tripping delays and the appropriate operating currents.
Power system
Delay time t v of S-release
300 ms
3WL1 3VL
200 ms
100 ms
Fig. 2.5/3: Required delay time settings for electromagnetic short-time-delay releases for selective short-circuit protection
Time grading with virtually identical short-circuit currents The upstream circuit-breaker is equipped with short-time-delay overcurrent releases (S) so that, if a fault occurs, only the downstream circuitbreaker disconnects the affected part of the installation from the system. Time grading can be implemented to safeguard selectivity if the prospective short-circuit currents are almost identical. This requires grading of both the tripping delays and the operating currents of the overcurrent releases. In addition to the diagram with the four series-connected circuit-breakers, Fig. 2.5/3 also contains the associated grading diagram. The necessary grading time, which allows for all tolerances, depends on the operating principle of the release and the type of circuit-breaker.
Electronic S-releases With electronic short-time-delay overcurrent releases (S-releases), a grading time of approximately 70 ms to 100 ms from circuit-breaker to circuit-breaker is sufficient to allow for all tolerances. Operating current The operating current of the shorttime-delay overcurrent release should be set to at least 1.45 times (twice per 20% tolerance, unless other values are specified by the manufacturer) the value of the downstream circuitbreaker. Additional I-releases In order to reduce the short-circuit stress in the event of a “dead” short circuit at the upstream circuit-breakers, they can be fitted with instantaneous electromagnetic overcurrent releases in addition to the short-time delay releases (Fig. 2.5/4). The value selected for the operating current of the instantaneous electromagnetic overcurrent releases must be high enough to ensure that the releases only operate in case of direct ”dead” short circuits and, under normal operating conditions, do not interfere with selective grading. Zone-selective interlocking (ZSI) A microprocessor-controlled shorttime grading control, also called “zone-selective interlocking”, has been developed for circuit-breakers to prevent excessively long tripping times when several circuit-breakers are connected in series. This control function allows the tripping delay to be reduced to 50 ms (maximum) for the circuit-breakers located upstream of the short circuit. The method of operation regarding zone-selective interlocking is illustrated in Fig. 2.5/5. A short circuit at K1 is detected by Q1, Q3, and Q5. If ZSI is active, Q3 is temporarily disabled by Q1 and Q5 by Q3 by means
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of appropriate communication lines. Since Q1 does not receive any disabling signal, it trips after 10 ms. A short circuit at K2 is only detected by Q5; since it does not receive any disabling signal, it trips after 50 ms. Without “ZSI”, tripping would only occur after 150 ms. Selectivity between circuit-breaker and fuse When considering selectivity in conjunction with fuses, a permissible tolerance of ± 10% in the direction of current flow must be allowed for in the time-current characteristics. Circuit-breaker with downstream fuse Selectivity between LI-releases and fuses with very low rated currents In the overload range up to the operating current Ii of the instantaneous overcurrent release, partial selectivity is achieved if the upper tolerance band of the characteristic fuse curve does not touch the tripping curve of the fully preloaded, thermally delayed overcurrent release (L). A reduction in the tripping time of up to 25% must be allowed for at normal operating temperatures (unless the manufacturer states otherwise). Full selectivity for circuit-breakers without short-time-delay overcurrent releases is achieved if the let-through current of the fuse I D does not reach the operating current of the instantaneous overcurrent release.* This is, however, only to be expected for a fuse, the rated current of which is very low compared with the rated continuous current of a circuitbreaker. * See the current-limiting diagram for LV HRC fuses in Seip, Günther G. (Ed.): Electrical Installations Handbook, 4th edition, Erlangen, 2000, Section 4.1.1.
Power System
[s] Sn = 1000 kVA at 400 V, 50 Hz
Opening time t 10 4
ukr = 6% n = 1,445 A k = 24.1 kA
10 3
Q1 t sd3 = 200 ms i (20 kA)
Q3 Main distribution board
10 2 L
10 1
t sd2 = 100 ms
10 0 k=
subdistribution board
17 kA
S tsd3 = 200 ms
tsd2 = 100 ms 10 -1
Q1 k=
10 kA 10 -2 10 2
M ~
10 3
10 4
2 Current
10 5 [A]
Fig. 2.5/4: Selectivity between three series-connected circuit-breakers with limitation of short-circuit stress by means of an additional I-release in circuit-breaker Q3
[s] tsd = 100 ms A E
Opening time t
10 4
tzss = 50 ms 10 3
10 2 Q3
tsd = 100 ms
tzss = 50 ms Q4
tsd = 10 ms tzss = tsd
10 1
10 0
tsd = 100 ms tzss
10 -1
tsd = 10 ms tzss = tsd
tsd = 10 ms 10 -2
K1 communication line
10 2
10 3
10 4 Current
10 5 [A]
Fig. 2.5/5: Zone-selective interlocking (ZSI) of series- or parallel-connected circuit-breakers (block diagram)
F1 Q1
Q1 Circuit-breaker L
Definite-time delayed overload release
Instantaneous electromagnetic overcurrent release i
The time-current curves (tolerance bands) do not touch
Operating current of I-release
Overcurrent limit Fig. 2.5/6: Selectivity between circuit-breaker and downstream fuse in overload range
F1 Q1
Definite-time delayed overload release
Short-time-delayed overcurrent release
t A Safety margin L S
sd Operating current of S-release t s Prearcing time of fuse
t sd Delay time of S-release
tA > 100 ms
F1 ts
t sd
characteristic curve of the inversetime-delay overload release (Fig. 2.5/8). In the case of short-circuits, it is important to remember that, after the releases in the circuit-breaker have tripped, the fuse continues to be heated during the arcing time. The selectivity limit lies approximately at the point where a safety margin of 70 ms between the lower tolerance band of the fuse and the operating time of the instantaneous overcurrent release or the delay time of the shorttime-delay overcurrent release is undershot. Selectivity ratios in the short-circuit range A reliable and usually relatively high selectivity limit for the short-circuit range can be determined in the I 2t diagram. In this diagram, the maximum let-through I 2t value of the circuit-breaker is compared with the minimum prearcing I 2t value of the fuse (Fig. 2.5/9). Since these values are maximum and minimum values, tolerances are obsolete.
Selectivity with parallel supply
Fig. 2.5/7: Selectivity between circuit-breaker with LS-releases and downstream fuse; short-circuit current range
Selectivity between LS-releases and fuses with relatively high rated currents Due to the dynamic processes that take place in electromagnetic releases, absolute selectivity can also be achieved with fuses, whose I D briefly exceeds the operating current. Once again, selectivity can only be verified by means of appropriate measurements of I. Absolute selectivity can be achieved by using circuitbreakers with short-time-delay overcurrent releases (S-releases) if the
characteristic curves – including safety margins – do not touch. In practice, a safety margin of 100 ms between the reference curves is usually sufficient (Fig. 2.5/7). Selectivity between fuse and downstream circuit-breaker Selectivity ratios in the overload range In order to achieve selectivity in the overload range, a safety margin of tA ≥ 1 s is required between the lower tolerance band of the fuse and the
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Improving selectivity with parallel feeding systems When feeding in parallel to a busbar, the total short-circuit current I k ∑ that occurs in the faulted outgoing circuit comprises the partial short-circuit currents I k Part in the individual feeding lines and represents the base current in the grading diagram (Fig. 2.5/10). This is the case for all fault types. Two identical feeding systems If a short circuit occurs in the outgoing circuit downstream of the circuitbreaker Q1, the total short-circuit current I k ∑ of ≤ 20 kA, for example, flows through this circuit, while the
Power System
feeder circuit-breakers Q2 and Q3, with the outgoing circuit connected centrally to the busbars and feeding lines of equal length, each carry only half this current, i.e. ≤ 10 kA.
Fuse Circuit-breaker Definite-time delayed overload release Instantaneous electromagnetic overcurrent release Safety margin Operating current of I-release
F1 Q1 L
t I L
tA≥ 1 s
tA i
The time-current curves (tolerance bands) do not touch
Additional current selectivity with parallel transformer operation In the grading diagram, the tripping characteristic of circuit-breakers Q2 and Q3 must, therefore, be considered in relation to the base current of the circuit-breaker Q1.
Overload limit
Fig. 2.5/8: Selectivity between fuse and downstream circuit-breaker; overload range
Since the total short-circuit current is ideally distributed equally among the two feeding lines (ignoring the load currents in the other outgoing circuits) with the outgoing circuit located at the center of the busbars, the tripping curve of circuit-breakers Q2 and Q3 can be shifted optimally to the right along the current scale by a characteristic displacement factor of 2 up to the line I k ∑, which represents the base current for this fault condition. The result of this is selectivity both with regard to time and current.
Miniature circuitbreaker
Q1 Q1
Selectivity limit
Fig. 2.5/9: Selectivity between fuse and downstream circuit-breaker; short circuit
[s] t T2
Equal output
Separate 10 4
Parallel Basis
Q2 Q2+Q3
Q1 L
r = sd = i = k <
600 A 3,000 A 12,000 A 10 kA
L kTeil
10 3 Q2
Circuit-breaker (max. let-through value) Fuse (min. prearcing value) Selectivity limit
If the characteristic curve of the individual circuit-breaker is used
10 2 k<
10 kA
101 S
r = 200 A i = 2,400 A
Q1 L I
10 0
tsd = 100 ms (> 70 ms)
i -1
10 k
M ~
10 2 10 2
6 10 3
10 4
4 3
4 [A]
Fig. 2.5/10: Selectivity with two feeding transformers of the same rating and operating simultaneously. Example with outgoing circuit in the center of the busbar
k Part 1 kS
< 30 kA L Q1 S
15 kA
the I-releases, only the faulted transformer branch circuit will be disconnected on the high-voltage and lowvoltage side. The circuit-breakers in the “healthy” feeding systems remain operative.
< 15 kA
< 15 kA
k Part 2
Q2 Q3
15 kA
Fig. 2.5/11: Selectivity with three feeding transformers operating simultaneously
Fig. 2.5/12: Short-circuit distribution via the tie breaker Q3 with two feeders Q1 and Q2
instead of the shifted characteristic, the exact short-circuit current (distribution) which flows through the circuit-breaker must be taken into consideration.
For cost-related reasons, S-releases for the feeder circuit-breakers must also be provided for low and medium rated fuse currents as the resulting current selectivity of I-releases is insufficient.
With asymmetrical configurations and with incoming (feeding) and outgoing circuits located in the busbars, shortcircuit current distribution will differ according to the impedance along the feeding lines. This is particularly significant in the event of fused branch circuits with high current ratings, e.g. 630 A to 1,000 A. It is important to ensure that a safety margin of ≥ 100 ms between the tripping characteristic of the S-release and the prearcing-time/ current characteristic of the LV HRC fuse is provided not only with parallel operation, but also with individual transformer operation. When setting the releases of circuitbreakers Q1, Q2 and Q3, it must be ensured that selectivity is also achieved for operation with one transformer and for all short-circuit currents (single- to three-phase).
Three identical feeding systems With parallel operation of three transformers, the selectivity ratios will, owing to the additional current selectivity, be more favorable than with two units since the characteristic displacement factor is > 2 and < 3. Once again, LS-releases are required for the circuit-breakers in the feeding lines in order to achieve unambiguous selectivity ratios. Furthermore, it is necessary to provide additional I-releases to allow a fault between the transformer and feeder circuit-breaker to be detected, as shown in Fig. 2.5/11. For this purpose, the S-releases of circuit-breakers Q1 to Q3 must be set to a value < Ik and the I-releases to a value > Ik but < < Ik ∑. The highest and lowest fault currents are important here. Due to
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Parallel-connected feeding lines via tie breakers Tie breakers must perform the following protective functions in fault situations: Instantaneous tripping with faults in the vicinity of the busbars and relief of branch circuits of the effects of high total short-circuit currents. Selecting the circuit-breakers The type of device used in the branch circuits and the selectivity ratios depend primarily on whether circuitbreakers with current-zero cut-off, i.e. without current limiting, or with current limiting are used as tie breakers. Instantaneous, current-limiting tie breakers relieve the outgoing circuits of the effects of high unlimited total peak short-circuit currents Ip and, therefore, permit the use of lowerduty and less expensive circuit-breakers. Setting the overcurrent releases in tie breakers The values set for the overcurrent releases must be as high as possible in order to prevent operational interference caused by the tie breakers opening at relatively low short-circuit currents, e.g. in the branch circuits of the subdistribution boards. With two feeding lines With two feeding lines and depending on the fault location (left or right busbar section or outgoing circuit),
Power System
a) Fault in the outgoing circuit of center busbar section
k Part 1
k Part 2
k Part
Q2 Q4
Q3 Q5
k Part
Fig. 2.5/14 illustrates the voltage conditions in LV switchgear with a ”dead” short circuit.
b) Fault in the outgoing circuit of outer busbar section
k Part
Fig. 2.5/13: Distribution of the short-circuit currents used in determining the settings for the overcurrent release – in the tie breakers Q4 and Q5 with three feeders and faults a and b – in the outgoing circuits in different busbar sections
only the associated partial shortcircuit current (e.g. I k Part 2) flows through the tie breaker Q3 as shown in Fig. 2.5/12. With three feeding lines and fault With three feeding lines, the ratios are different according to which of the branch circuits shown in Fig. 2.5/13a and b is faulted. In the center busbar section If a fault occurs at the outgoing circuit of the center busbar section (Fig. 2.5/13a), approximately equal partial short-circuit currents flow through the tie breakers Q4 and Q5. In the outer busbar section If a fault occurs at the outgoing circuit of the outer busbar section, (Fig. 2.5/13b), two partial short-circuit currents flow through the tie breaker Q4. Computer-assisted selectivity check Precise values for the short-circuit currents, which flow through the tie breakers, are required to permit
optimum setting of the overcurrent releases. They provide information concerning selective characteristics with a large number of different fault currents, and are determined and evaluated with the aid of a computer program. Selectivity and undervoltage protection If a short circuit occurs, the system voltage collapses to a residual voltage at the short-circuit location. The magnitude of the residual voltage depends on the fault impedance. With a ”dead” short circuit, the fault impedance and, therefore, the voltage at the short-circuit location drops to almost zero. Generally speaking, however, arcs with arc-drop voltages between approximately 30 V and 70 V occur with short circuits. This voltage, starting at the fault location, increases proportionately to the intermediate impedance with increasing proximity to the power source.
If a short circuit occurs at K (Fig. 2.5/14a), the rated operating voltage Ue drops to 0.13 Ue at the busbar of the subdistribution board and to 0.5 x Ue at the busbar of the main distribution board. The next upstream circuit-breaker Q1 clears the fault. Depending on the size and type of the circuit-breaker, the total breaking time is ≤ 30 ms for zero-current interrupters and a maximum of 10 ms for current-limiting circuit-breakers. If a short-circuit occurs at K2 (Fig. 2.5/14b), the circuit-breaker Q2 opens. It is equipped with a shorttime-delay overcurrent release (S). The delay time is at least 100 ms. During this time, the rated operating voltage at the busbar of the main distribution board is reduced to 0.13 x Ue. If the rated operating voltage drops to 0.7 – 0.35 times this value and voltage reduction takes longer than approximately 20 ms, all of the circuit-breakers with undervoltage releases open. All contactors also open if the rated control supply voltage collapses to below 75% of its rated value for longer than 5 to 30 ms. Tripping delay for contactors and undervoltage releases Undervoltage releases and contactors with tripping delay are required to ensure that the selective overcurrent protection is not interrupted prematurely. They are not necessary if current-limiting circuit-breakers, which have a maximum total clearing time of 10 ms, are used.
a) Short circuit in subdistribution board
b) Short circuit in main distribution board
Q3 0.5.Ue
0.13 Ue
tv > 100 ms
80 m 3 x 95 mm2 Cu
Main distribution board
0.13 Ue
Subdistribution board
Q1 tv = 0
Ue Rated operating voltage tv Delay time
Fig. 2.5/14: Voltage conditions for short-circuited LV switchgear with a main and subdistribution board
k3 =
k1 + k2
F3 k3 + k4
k4 k
Fig. 2.5/15: Short-circuited cable with its two feeder nodes a and b
Fig. 2.5/16: Example of a meshed system with multi-phase feeding
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Power System
2.5.2 Selectivity in Meshed Systems Two selectivity functions must be performed in meshed systems: Only the short-circuited cable may be disconnected from the system. If a short-circuit occurs at the terminals of a feeding transformer, only the faulted terminal may be disconnected from the system. Node fuses The nodes of a meshed LV system are normally equipped with cables with the same cross section and with LV HRC fuses of utilization category gL of the same type and rated current (Fig. 2.5/15).
If a short circuit (K1) occurs along the meshed system cable, the short-circuit currents I k3 and I k4 flow to the fault location. Short-circuit current I k3 from node ”a” comprises the partial currents I k1 and I k2 which may differ greatly depending on the impedance ratios.
breaker, this circuit-breaker will trip fast enough and thus selectively, owing to its I 2t characteristic.
Permissible current ratio Selectivity of the fuses at node a is achieved if fuse F3, through which the total current I k3 flows, melts and fuse F1 or F2, through which the partial short-circuit I k1 or I k2 flows, remains operative. In the case of Siemens LV HRC fuses (400 V, max. 400 A), the permissible current ratio I k1 /(I k1 + I k2 ) for high short-circuit currents is 0.8. Power transformers in meshed systems
a K1
K2 b
a HV HRC fuses c
LV circuit-breaker with I²t characteristic in the S-release
Node fuses
Fig. 2.5/17: Block diagram showing the feeding point of a meshed LV power system
Feeder circuit-breaker In multi-phase meshed systems (Fig. 2.5/16), i.e. feeding several mediumvoltage lines and transformers, power feedback from the LV system to the fault location should be prevented if a fault occurs in a transformer substation or medium-voltage line. A network master relay (reverse power relay) used to perform this task at the low-voltage side of the transformer. Today, circuit-breakers with electronic releases, e.g. an S-release with an I 2t characteristic, are used for this task. If a short circuit occurs on the HV side of the transformer (K1) or between the transformer and network circuitbreaker (K2) or along the cable (K3) (Fig. 2.5/17), the HV HRC fuse operates on the HV side; on the LV side, power flows back to the fault location via the low-voltage circuit-breaker and its S-release (with I 2t characteristic). As the sum of all short-circuit current quantities from all the other transformers flows through this circuit-
2.6 Protection of Capacitors According to IEC 60358 / VDE 0560 Part 4, capacitor units must be suitable for continuous operation with a current whose r.m.s. value does not exceed 1.3 times the current which flows with a sinusoidal voltage and rated frequency. Owing to the abovementioned dimensioning requirements, no overload protection is provided for capacitor units in the majority of cases. Capacitors in systems with harmonic components The capacitors can only be overloaded in systems with devices which generate high harmonics (e.g. generators and converter-fed drives). The capacitors, together with the series-connected transformer and short-circuit reactance of the primary system, form an anti-resonant circuit. Resonance phenomena occur if the natural frequency of the resonant circuit matches or is close to the frequency of a harmonic current generated by the power converter. Reactor-connected capacitors The capacitors must be equipped with reactors to prevent resonance.* An LC resonant circuit, whose resonance frequency is below the lowest har-
monic component (250 Hz) in the load current, is used instead of the capacitor. The capacitor unit is thus inductive for all harmonic currents that occur in the load current and can, therefore, no longer form a resonant circuit with the system reactance.
As a result, the impedance is almost zero.
Settings of the overload relay
A rated fuse current of 1.6 to 1.7 times the rated current of the connected capacitor modules is selected to prevent the fuses from tripping in the overload range and when the capacitors switch.
If thermal time-delay overload relays are used to provide protection against overcurrents, the tripping value can be set at 1.3 to 1.43 times the rated current of the capacitor since, allowing for the permissible capacitance deviation, the capacitor current can be 1.1 x 1.3 = 1.43 times the rated capacitor current. With transformer-heated overload relays or releases, a higher secondary current flows due to the changed transformation ratio of the transformers caused by the harmonic components. This may result in premature tripping.
Short-circuit protection LV HRC fuses with utilization category gL are typically used in capacitor units for short-circuit protection.
Note: Fuses, fuse-switch-disconnectors, capacitors and contactors must be matched during configuration. We recommend using complete assembly kits (see Application Manual – Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, Section 5.8)
Harmonics suppression by means of filter circuits An alternative solution would be to use filter circuits to remove the majority of harmonics from the primary system. ** The filter circuits are also series-resonant circuits which, unlike the reactor-connected capacitors, are tuned precisely to the frequencies of the harmonic currents to be filtered.
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Seip, Günther G. (Ed.): Electrical Installations Handbook, 4th edition, Erlangen, 2000, Section 1.6. ** Seip, Günther G. (Ed.): Electrical Installations Handbook, 4th edition, Erlangen, 2000, Sections 1.6.3, 16.4.
Power System
2.7 Protection of Distribution Transformers The following devices are used for protection tasks in medium-voltage systems: HV HRC fuses High-voltage high-rupturing-capacity (HV HRC) fuses usually used in conjunction with switch-disconnectors to protect radial feeders and transformers against short circuits. Circuit-breakers with protection Protection relays Protection relays connected to current transformers (protection core) can be used to perform all protection-related tasks irrespective of the magnitude of the short-circuit currents and rated operating currents of the required circuit-breakers. Digital protection Modern protection equipment is controlled by microprocessors (digital protection) and supports all of the protective functions required for a medium-voltage branch circuit. Protection as component of the energy automation system Digital protection also allows operat-
ing and fault data, which can be called up via serial data interfaces, to be collected and stored. Digital protection can, therefore, be incorporated in substation control and protection systems as an autonomous component. Current transformer rating for protection purposes Current transformers are subject to the standards DIN VDE 0414, Parts 1 to 3, as well as IEC 185 and IEC 186. Current transformers with 5P or 10P cores must be used for connecting protection equipment. The required rated output and overcurrent factor must both be determined on the basis of the information provided in the protection relay descriptions.
operation are also attained in the event of faults during emergency operation using generators with relatively low rated outputs. Three-phase time-overcurrent protection In the interests of future system safety, it is advisable to configure the time-overcurrent protection as a three-phase system, irrespective of the method of neutral-point connection. Note: Protection against internal faults (excess temperature etc.), see Section 2.7.2.
Overcurrent protection Overcurrent protection via current transformers for protecting cables and transformer branches can be either two-phase or three-phase. The neutral-point connection of the mediumvoltage network must be considered here. Relay operating currents with emergency generator operation Care should be taken to ensure that the operating currents of the protection relays provided for normal system
2.7.1 Protection with Overreaching Selectivity
10 kV
3GD 50 A Basis
Ideally, transformer branches should be protected by:
< 10.5 kA 3GD 50 A
HV HRC fuses High-voltage high-rupturing-capacity (HV HRC) fuses used in conjunction with switch-disconnectors for rated transformer outputs of up to approx. 1,250 kVA for low switching rates, or
400 kVA u kr 6% k < 10.5 kA
0.4 kV s
Circuit-breakers with protection Circuit-breakers with protection of about 800 kVA of higher, and for high switching rates; also when several circuit-breakers with S-releases are arranged in series on the low-voltage side and selectivity is not possible with upstream HV HRC fuses.
a min
25% safety margin
The anticipated selectivity conditions must, therefore, be checked before the protection concept is chosen and details determined.
0.1 20% safety margin
Protection by means of HV HRC fuses Dimensioning HV HRC fuses The rated current of the HV HRC fuses specified by the manufacturers for the rated output of each transformer should be used when dimensioning the HV HRC fuses. The lowest rated current is dictated by the rush currents generated when the transformers are energized and is 1.5 to 2 times the rated transformer currents. Energizing current of the transformer The lowest rated current is dimensioned by the rush currents generated when the transformers are energized and is 1.5 to 2 times the rated transformer current. In practice it is normally sufficient if the maximum energizing current of the transformer has a selective clearance of 20% from the fuse curve at 0.1 s
0.01 1,000 A at 0.4 kV
A at 10 kV
10,000 2,000 3,000 80
Prearcing time of fuses Lowest breaking current
a min
5,000 7,50010,000 200
40 0
/ A at 0.4 kV
50 ,000
80 0
of HV HRC fuse
Fig. 2.7/1: Example for dimensioning a HV HRC fuse acc. to the minimum breaking current of the HV HRC fuse and the energizing current of the transformer
In order to determine the maximum rated current, the minimum breaking current Ia min of the fuse must be exceeded in the event of a short circuit on the secondary side of the transformer reaching as far as the busbars in the installation. Actual practice has shown that a 25% minimum safety margin of Ia min should be established in relation to the short-circuit current Ik of the transformer between the calcu-
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lated maximum short-circuit current in the vicinity of the busbar on the lowvoltage side (converted to the medium-voltage side) and the minimum breaking current Ia min (the circle in the prearcing-time/current characteristic). The fuse link can be chosen between the above specified limits according to the selectivity requirements (see Fig. 2.7/1).
Power System
Protection by switch-disconnectors and HV HRC fuses As a load interrupter switch is normally used for transformer protection, when HV HRC fuses are used, its limited current breaking capacity must be taken into account. According to IEC 62271-105 / VDE 0671-105, the following two conditions must be met among others: The transient current of the HV HRC fuse / switch-disconnector combination must be lower than the breaking capacity of the load interrupter switch. A secondary-side transformer short circuit should be cleared by the HV HRC fuse in order to relieve the load interrupter switch from high transient recovery voltages. On account of the extremely complex interaction of this combination and the data required, such as the characteristic time-current curve of the HV HRC fuse, time to contact separation and rated transient current of the load interrupter switch, the manufacturer of the medium-voltage switchgear must provide the fuse type and rated current to be used for the specified transformer. In practice it may happen under difficult conditions, that simultaneous compliance with both standards IEC 60787 / DIN VDE 0670-402 and IEC 62271-105 / VDE 0671-105 is not possible. In these cases, the switchgear manufacturer should be consulted, or a circuit-breaker should be used for transformer protection. Working range covered by standby protection HV HRC fuses must provide sufficient standby protection in case of a failure of the downstream protective device. The required working range can be
ment and interruption will occur in all cases (limited selectivity). HV HRC fuses with higher rated currents (e. g. 80 A as shown in Fig. 2.7/3) would not be suitable here, since their minimum breaking current Ia min has no safety margin of at least 25% below the short-circuit current Ik which the transformer can carry (max. 10.5 kA).
seen in Fig. 2.7/2, illustrated for three circuit diagrams. The working range of the standby protection is inversely proportional to the rated fuse current. Further information on safety margins, e.g. for gradings as shown in Fig. 2.7/2, case b and c, is given below. Grading of HV HRC with LV HRC fuses in supply circuits Grading HV HRC fuses and LV HRC fuses is mainly used for transformers with rated outputs of max. 400 kVA, when LV HRC fuse switch-disconnectors or motor fuse-disconnectors (maximum rated current 630 A) are also applied (example: Fig. 2.7/3); circuit-breakers with overcurrent releases are used at the low-voltage side for rated outputs ≥ 500 kVA. It is acceptable for the prearcingtime/current characteristics F2 (LV HRC) and F3 (HV HRC) – referred to 0.4 kV – to touch or intersect, and the switch-disconnector to be possibly tripped on the high-voltage side by the upstream HV HRC fuse, since both fuses protect the same system ele-
Required scope of standby protection
A non-selective fuse response, as demonstrated in the example of the 50 A HV HRC fuse towards the 630 A low-voltage fuse (Fig. 2.7/3) may result in damage of unblown fuse links in case of faults in the LV busbar, so that the tripping characteristic is changed and the fuse may trip at any time under any load – even its rated current. In the event of protective tripping by the HV HRC fuse, or the low-voltage fuse, both fuse links should always be replaced altogether. This applies to all descriptions below and the examples given for HV HRC fuses, where non-selective protection at the transformers’ low-voltage side is provided (Fig. 2.7/4 to Fig. 2.7/6).
400 V
c NH
S Network master relay 7RM
Fig. 2.7/2: Necessary scope of standby protection of HV HRC fuses when different protection equipment is used at the low-voltage side
10 kV
3GD 80 A F2 3NA 630 A
< 10.5 kA
F1 3NA 400 A
3GD 50 A (80 A)
F2 Q1 3WL 1000 A
400 kVA u kr 6% F2
10 kV F2 3GD 80 A
F3 3GD 50 A
3NA 630 A
3GD 80 A
16.4 kA 630 kVA u kr 6%
3WL 1,000 A t sd 300 ms
0,4 kV
0.4 kV
F1 3NA 315 A
3NA 315 A
3NA 400 A k<
a min
A at 10 kV
0.01 1,000
t sd
25% safety margin is not maintained!
A at 0.4 kV
10,000 2,000 3,000 80
Prearcing time of fuses Lowest breaking current
a min
5,000 7,500 10,000 2 00
40 0
/ A at 0,4 kV
50 ,000
80 0
A at 0.4 kV
A at 10 kV
of HV HRC fuse
12 0
/ A at 0.4 kV
5,000 7,50010,000 2 00
40 0
12 800
100,000 50 ,000 2,000
Fig. 2.7/4: Example of grading a HV HRC fuse F2 with circuit-breaker Q1 and downstream LV HRC fuse F1 in the branch circuit
Grading of HV HRC fuses with LV circuit-breakers and downstream LV HRC fuses
the delay times tR and tsd must be matched to the transformer output and the downstream LV HRC fuse.
Requirements Selectivity is to be established between the protective devices of the branch circuits and those of the supply, which together form a functional unit; the safety margins of the protective devices must also be taken into account (Fig. 2.7/4 and Fig. 2.7/5).
If a low-voltage circuit-breaker is used with an additional I4t characteristic in the L-release, higher LV HRC fuses can be used in the branch circuits owing to characteristics, and selectivity will still be maintained (Fig. 2.7/5).
Grading between LV HRC fuses and L/S releases Selectivity is ensured with the 315 A fuse link used in the example (Fig. 2.7/4). With L- and S-releases, the excitation values IR and Isd as well as
10,000 2,000 3,000
t s Prearcing time of fuses t sd Delay time of S-release (Q1)
Fig. 2.7/3: Example of grading HV HRC fuses – LV HRC fuses in the branch circuit, and a 400 kVA transformer
16.4 kA
< 10.5 kA
If circuit-breakers, such as the SENTRON 3WL, are used instead of LV HRC fuses, branch circuits can be configured with higher currents while maintaining selectivity (Fig. 2.7/6), as the S-releases can be adapted accordingly with regard to their excitation currents Isd and delay times tsd .
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Grading between HV HRC fuses and L/S releases Since the protective devices in the feeding system form a functional unit, a restriction in selectivity in the upper short-circuit current range is accepted in case of faults in the vicinity of the busbars (as indicated by the circle in the diagram for the 80 A HV HRC fuse in Fig. 2.7/4 to 2.7/6), because faults inside the switchgear in this shortcircuit range can virtually be outruled for Siemens low-voltage SIVACON switchboards. Even partial selectivity of the lowvoltage circuit-breaker in the branch circuit with the HV HRC fuse (see Fig. 2.7/6) in the upper short-circuit range is often acceptable, as dead 3-phase
Power System
10 kV
10 kV
Q1 3WL 1,000 A 4t characteristic
F2 3GD 80 A
F2 Basis
F2 3GD 80 A
3GD 80 A
16.4 kA
630 kVA u kr 6% Q1
Q2 3WL 1,000 A 2t characteristic
16.4 kA 630 kVA u kr 6%
Q1 3WL 630 A 2t characteristic
3WL 1,000 A sd 4,000 A t sd 300 ms
3GD 80 A
3WL 1,000 A sd 4,000 A t sd 300 ms 0.4 kV
0.4 kV F1 3NA 400 A
3NA 315 A
3WL 630 A sd 2,520 A t sd 200 ms
16.4 kA
16.4 kA
t sd2
t sd
t sd1 0.1
0.01 1,000 A at 0.4 kV
A at 10 kV
10,000 2,000 3,000 80
5,000 7,50010,000 2 00
40 0
/ A at 0,4 kV 20,000
50 ,000
80 0
A at 0.4 kV
A at 10 kV
10,000 2,000 3,000 80
5,000 7,50010,000 2 00
40 0
/ A at 0.4 kV
50 ,000
80 0
ts Prearcing time of fuses t sd1 Delay time of S-release (Q1) t sd2 Delay time of S-release (Q2)
t s Prearcing time of fuses t sd Delay time of S-release (Q1)
Fig. 2.7/5: Example of grading a HV HRC fuse F2 with circuit-breaker Q1 (optional I4t characteristic of the L-release) and downstream LV HRC fuse F1 in the branch circuit
short-circuit currents can be outruled in practice, and faults will be below the selectivity level just a few meters downstream of the protective device (here: the intersection of the HV HRC fuse curve and S-release curve). In these cases, the focus is on improved cost-efficiency, as offered by a HV HRC fuse compared to a medium-voltage circuit-breaker, rather than on the criterion of 100% selectivity.
Fig. 2.7/6: Example of grading a HV HRC fuse F2 with circuit-breaker Q2 and downstream circuit-breaker Q1 with an LSI-release in the branch circuit
Attention: Tie breakers connecting safety power supply networks (SPS networks) must fulfill the criterion of full selectivity towards line-side HV HRC fuses in compliance with IEC 60364-7-710 / VDE 0100-710 and VDE 0100-718!
The requirement of full selectivity and the use of HV HRC fuses can often be met by implementing zone-selective interlocking with low-voltage circuitbreakers. All of the downstream distribution systems and protective devices, as well as the short-circuit currents likely to be present at the fault locations must then be taken into account. Tolerances of HV HRC fuses According to EN 60282-1 / DIN VDE 0670-4, the tolerance of HV HRC fuse links can be ±20%. Siemens HV HRC fuse links have a tolerance of ±10%.
1,000 10 kV
Q3 > >>
60/1 A
Basis Q2 3WL 1,000 A 2t characteristic
Protection by means of circuitbreakers with definite-time overcurrent protection (DMT)
66 A/500 ms 780 A/50 ms
630 kVA u kr 6%
< 16.4 kA
3WL 1,000 A sd 4,000 A t sd 300 ms 0.4 kV 3WL 630 A sd 1,260 A t sd 200 ms
Requirements The two feeder circuit-breakers (in Fig. 2.7/7, 2.7/8 and Fig.2.7/9, 2.7/10) form a functional unit and require selectivity with respect to the protection devices on the low-voltage side.
10 F1
3NA 160 A
16.4 kA
Q3 > / t>
DMT protection Nowadays, digital devices are used to provide DMT protection in practically all applications. They have broader setting ranges, allow a choice between definite-time and inversetime overcurrent protection or overload protection, provide a greater and more consistent level of measuring accuracy and are self-monitoring.
16.4 kA
t sd2 F1 3NA 160 A
Q3 >> / t >>
2-zone DMT protection If DMT protection is applied, whose protective function merely consists of the two I> (ANSI Code 51) and I>> (ANSI Code 50) short-circuit zones, and if no further measures are taken for transformer protection, the I> zone is normally used as standby protection for the low-voltage side, i.e. the I> zone is set to 1.5 up to 2.0 times the transformer’s rated current value. This means that the size of the branch circuits in the main distribution system at the low-voltage level is limited in order to ensure selectivity there. For example, with a 630 kVA transformer this means: A fuse of a maximum size of 160 A can be used in the main distribution (Fig. 2.7/7). In practice this roughly corresponds to 20% of the rated transformer current. With circuit-breakers, their maximum size depends on the setting ranges of the circuit-breakers’ releases and their tolerances, as well as the protective devices in the branch circuits of the subdistribution board. Selective grading using
1,000 A at 0.4 kV
A at 10 kV
ts t sd1 t sd2 t > / t >>
10,000 2,000 3,000 80
5,000 7,50010,000 2 00
40 0
/ A at 0,4 kV
80 0
Prearcing time of fuses Delay time of S-release (Q1) Delay time of S-release (Q2) Delay times of short-circuit tripping zones > / >> of the DMT protection (Q3)
Grafik 2.7/7: Example of grading a circuit-breaker with DMT protection (Q3), circuit-breaker 3WL, 1,000 A with LSI-release (Q2) and downstream branch circuits, e.g. LV HRC fuse 160 A (F1), and a transformer supplying 630 kVA
a SENTRON 3WL, 630 A, or even 800 A is possible (Fig. 2.7/8). Generally speaking, circuit-breakers can be used with current ratings of 50% up to 80% of the rated transformer current. Intersection of the characteristic curves Q2 and Q3 in the middle shortcircuit range is permissible, because the low-voltage circuit-breaker and the medium-voltage circuit-breaker form a functional unit; the L-release of the low-voltage circuit-breaker Q2 protects the transformer against overloading,
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which practically applies in the range of 1.0 – 1.3 times the rated current of the transformer only; a safety margin of 50 ms to 100 ms exists between the tripping value of the I> zone of the DMT protection (lower tolerance band) and the upper tolerance bands of the characteristic LV HRC fuse curve F1 and the S-release of the circuit-breaker Q1 in the branch circuits, which means that selectivity is ensured. 2-zone DMT protection with overload protection If advanced DMT protection equipment is applied, which provides
Power System
1,000 10 kV
Q3 > >>
60/1 A
Q1 3WL 630 A 2t characteristic
630 kVA u kr 6%
16.4 kA
Q2 3WL 1,000 A 2t characteristic
3WL 1,000 A sd 4,000 A t sd 300 ms
50% up to 80% of the rated transformer current. 0.4 kV
66 A/500 ms 780 A/50 ms
10 F1
3WL 630 A sd 1,260 A t sd 200 ms
3NA 160 A
16.4 kA
16.4 kA
Q3 > / t>
t sd2
t sd1 Q3 >> / t >>
0.01 1,000 A at 0.4 kV
A at 10 kV
ts t sd1 t sd2 t > / t >>
10,000 2,000 3,000 80
5,000 7,50010,000 2 00
40 0
/ A at 0.4 kV
50 ,000
80 0
Prearcing time of fuses Delay time of S-release (Q1) Delay time of S-release (Q2) Delay times of short-circuit tripping zones > / >> of the DMT protection (Q3)
Fig. 2.7/8: Example of grading a circuit-breaker with DMT protection and overload protection (Q3), circuit-breaker 3WL, 1,000 A with LSI-release (Q2) and downstream branch circuits, e.g. LV HRC fuse 160 A (F1), and a transformer supplying 630 kVA
additional overload protection Ith (ANSI Code 49) besides the two standard short-circuit protection zones I> and I>>, the I> zone can act as a “proper” short-circuit protection zone, and the overload protection can be used as transformer protection and standby protection for the lowvoltage side. Above all, this allows the use of larger fuses in the lowvoltage branch circuits. With regard to overload protection, it must be ensured that the initial load is also taken into account for a selectivity evaluation. For a 630 kVA transformer this means:
A fuse of a maximum size of 315 A can be used in the main distribution (Fig. 2.7/9). In practice this roughly corresponds to 35% of the rated transformer current. With circuit-breakers, their maximum size depends on the setting ranges of the circuit-breakers’ releases and their tolerances, as well as the protective devices in the branch circuits of the subdistribution board. Selective grading using a SENTRON 3WL, 630 A, or even 800 A is possible (Fig. 2.7/10). Generally speaking, circuit-breakers can be used with current ratings of
Current transformer sizing for protection purposes Dimensioning a current transformer depends on many parameters if correct functioning of the relays is to be ensured. This includes maximum short-circuit currents present, requirements set by the protective devices on the current transformers, secondary-side rated current transformer current, burden of the connecting cables and other connected protective devices, power output and inherent burden of the current transformer, rated accuracy limit factor of the current transformer. Authorized information on the precise rating of these current transformers matching the protection relays applied and the prevailing boundary conditions can only be given by the specialized technical departments of the equipment manufacturer. In practice, the rated currents of the current transformers used for DMT protection devices can be determined as follows: General use of 1-A transformers (secondary side) if numerical protection technology is applied: usually, this approach almost completely outrules possible problems regarding non-saturated transmission of short-circuit currents and the burdening of the current transformers for DMT protection in advance. The primary rated current of the current transformer should be 1.2 to 2.0 times the transformer rated current. This protects the current transformer against damage from overload, as for cost reasons, cur-
1,000 10 kV
th th
60/1 A
> >>
0% Vorlast 100% Vorlast Basis
630 kVA u kr 6%
16.4 kA
Q2 3WL 1,000 A 2t characteristic
rent transformers without overload capability are nowadays used in applications, unless requirements are explicitly defined otherwise. The primary rated current of the current transformer should not exceed 4 times the transformer rated current in order to prevent significant impacts of current transformers tolerances on measurements and current evaluations.
3WL 1,000 A sd 4,000 A t sd 300 ms 0,4 kV Q1
42 A 210 A/500 ms 780 A/50 ms
10 F1
3WL 630 A sd 2,560 A t sd 200 ms
3NA 315 A
F1 3NA 315 A k<
16.4 kA
16.4 kA
Q3 > / t>
For our example this means:
t sd2 ms
Rated transformer current 36.4 A (630 kVA, 10 kV) –> rated current of current transformer, primary side [1.2 x InTr ... 2 x InTr] = [43.7 A ... 72.8 A] –> A 60/1-A current transformer is chosen.
Q3 >> / t >>
Setting the short-circuit current zones I >, I>> and time delays t >, t >>
Short-circuit current zone I >: (Fig. 2.7/9 and Fig. 2.7/10) Assuming that additional overload protection Ith has also been set in the DMT protection device, the shortcircuit current zone is chosen in such a way that it will excite at a safety margin of approx. 20% towards the minimum single-phase fault on the secondary side of the transformer. Please note that on account of the transformer’s Dy vector group, this fault is shown on the primary side as follows:
A at 0.4 kV
A at 10 kV
ts t sd1 t sd2 t > / t >>
10,000 2,000 3,000 80
5,000 7,50010,000 2 00
100,000 50,000
80 0
Prearcing time of fuses Delay time of S-release (Q1) Delay time of S-release (Q2) Delay times of short-circuit tripping zones > / >> of the DMT protection (Q3)
Fig. 2.7/9: Example of grading a circuit-breaker with DMT protection (Q3), circuit-breaker 3WL, 1,000 A with LSI-release (Q2) and downstream branch circuits, e.g. circuit-breaker 3WL, 630 A with LSI-release (Q1), and a transformer supplying 630 kVA
Consequently, when considering a safety margin of 20%, there is:
Short-circuit current zone I >>: (Fig. 2.7/9 and Fig. 2.7/10)
I’k min prim = 0,8 x Ik min prim ≈ 230 A
The short-circuit current zone I >> is set in such a way, that it will only acquire primary-side faults which are then cleared as fast as possible. Usually, it is chosen with a safety margin of approx. 20% above the maximum three-phase fault on the secondary side of the transformer.
A selected value of I’k min prim = 210 A results in the following setting value:
representing the transformer’s transformation ratio, in the example: ü = 10 kV / 0.4 kV = 25 Assuming a minimum single-phase short-circuit current of approx. 12.5 kA (in this example: transformer with 630 kVA, ukr 6%), there is:
The time delay of the I > zone is set to:
Ik min prim ≈ 288 A
t ≥ 0.5 s
40 0
/ A at 0.4 kV 20,000
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When taking the new cmax factor for low-voltage networks into account as given in the standard for short-circuit current calculation, IEC 60909 / VDE 0102, the maximum secondaryside three-phase short-circuit current can initially be estimated as:
Power System
1,000 10 kV
th th
60/1 A
> >>
0% Vorlast 100% Vorlast 100
Q2 3WL 1,000 A 2t characteristic
630 kVA u kr 6%
16.4 kA
Q1 3WL 630 A 2t characteristic s
42 A 210 A/500 ms 780 A/50 ms
3WL 1,000 A sd 4,000 A t sd 300 ms 0,4 kV Q1
10 F1
3WL 630 A sd 2,560 A t sd 200 ms
3NA 315 A
16.4 kA
16.4 kA
Q3 > / t>
t sd2
t sd1 Q3 >> / t >>
0.01 1,000 A at 0,4 kV
A at 10 kV
ts t sd1 t sd2 t > / t >>
10,000 2,000 3,000 80
5,000 7,50010,000 2 00
40 0
/ A at 0.4 kV
50 ,000
80 0
Prearcing time of fuses Delay time of S-release (Q1) Delay time of S-release (Q2) Delay times of short-circuit tripping zones > / >> of the DMT protection (Q3)
Fig. 2.7/10: Example of grading a circuit-breaker with DMT protection and overload protection (Q3), circuit-breaker 3WL, 1,000 A with LSI-release (Q2) and downstream branch circuits, e.g. circuit-breaker 3WL, 630 A with LSI-release (Q1), and a transformer supplying 630 kVA
A selected value of I’k max prim = 780 A results in the following setting value:
2.7.2 Equipment for Protecting Distribution Transformers (against Internal Faults) The following signaling devices and protection equipment are used to detect internal transformer faults: Devices for monitoring and protecting liquid-cooled transformers such as Buchholz protectors, temperature detectors, contact thermometers, etc. Temperature monitoring systems for GEAFOL resin-encapsulated transformers comprising: – temperature sensors in the lowvoltage winding and – signaling and tripping devices in the incoming-feeder switch panel. The thermistor-type thermal protection protects the transformer against overheating resulting from increased ambient temperatures or overloading. Furthermore, it allows the full output of the transformer to be utilized irrespective of the number of load cycles without the risk of damage to the transformer. These signaling and protection devices do not have to be included in the grading diagram.
In practice, the time delay of the I >> stage is set to 50 – 100 ms. Assuming the transformer of our example (630 kVA, ukr 6%) and a cmax factor = 1.05, there is Ik max prim ≈ 636 A Consequently, when considering a safety margin of 20%, there is: I’k max prim = 1.2 x Ik max prim ≈ 764 A
2.8 Protection of Technical Building Installations – Lightning Current and Overvoltage Protection 2.8.1 Standards, Regulations and Guidelines Direct damaging effects of lightning and overvoltages can be prevented or at least reduced by taking appropriate action. Such protection measures cause a safe current discharge and prevent injections of potential differences. Relevant standards are: DIN EN 62305-1 (VDE 0185-305-1): 2006-11 Protection against lightning, Part 1: General principles DIN-EN 62305-2 (VDE 0185-305-2): 2006-11 Protection against lightning, Part 2: Risk management: Calculation assistance for assessment of risk for structures DIN-EN 62305-3 (VDE 0185-305-3): 2006-11 Protection against lightning, Part 3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard DIN-EN 62305-4 (VDE 0185-305-4): 2006-11 Protection against lightning, Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures IEC 60364-4-44: 2001-08 Electrical installations of buildings; Part 4-44 IEC 60362-5-53: 2001-08 Electrical installations of buildings; Part 5-53 Procedures for risk evaluation are described in IEC 62305-2.
2.8.2 Planning of Lightning and Overvoltage Protection Installations
Lightning protection zones (LPZ) must be defined on the basis of building layout drawings and a categorization of the technical building installations.
Lightning and overvoltage protection should be taken into planning considerations (preliminary draft) of a building or reconstruction project at an early stage. In order to protect building installations against the direct impact of strikes of lightning, a ligtning protection system is required comprising:
Appropriate measures for protection against strikes of lightning and/or overvoltages must be implemented at every zone transition area. To do this, every zone is allocated its own equipotential bonding rail. These rails must be connected to the grounding system via the grounded main equipotential rail.
Exterior lightning protection Interior lightning protection Integration of building contract sections – planning, support, inspection A tailored combination of individual protection measures may be chosen from the options listed below, in order to protect a building and all of its installed electrical and electronic systems against the impact of lightning electrommagnetic pulses (LEMP): Cable routing and screening Equipotential bonding Room shielding Grounding Table 2.8/1 exemplifies recommendations on grounding, equipotential bonding, lightning protection and overvoltage protection measures for various building contract sections.
The most important objective is the protection of human life. Technical building system functions and system availability for use are of secondary importance in this context. Based on these priorities, a protection zone concept needs to be established for the building facility in compliance with DIN EN 50164-3 and -4. Its characteristics are: Treatment of the grounding system Treatment of roof and facade areas Integration of the technical building installations Establishment of the protection zone concept within the building including zone-specific equipontential bonding systems, each of which being connected to the grounding system.
Additional overvoltage protection measures may be necessary for the power supply and IT despite the existence of a lightning protection system. The basis for rating and and planning lightning and overvoltage protection systems is a definition of the building’s endangerment level. This definition must be made in compliance with DIN EN 50164-2.
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Table 2.8/1: Recommendations on grounding, equipotential bonding, lightning protection and overvoltage protection measures, see next page.
Power System Cost group (KG) acc. to DIN 276
Sanitary systems (KG 410)
System name
Overvoltage protection (type 2)
Overvoltage protection (type 3)
Overvoltage protection in IT systems
Drinking water supply
Rainwater supply
Water supply for fire quenching
Lifting gear
Collector/ separator systems/ gulleys
Gas supply
District heating supply
Solar collectors Chimney system Heating systems Air intake (KG 420) Outdoor sensors/ actuators
Electrical installations (KG 440)
Lightning protection (type 1)
Freshwater supply
Installations in air (KG 430)
Grounding / equipotential bonding
Outdoor tanks
Air heat pumps
Roof mounting constructions
Wall-mounted constructions
Geothermal heat exchanger
Light domes
Smoke evacuation systems
Rotary heat exchangers
Canal system
MV building supply
LV building supply
LV installations
Photovoltaic systems
Paths/access ways
External fire extinguishing system
Shutter systems
Sun shields
Outdoor sensors/ actuators
Telecom supply
RF supply
Satellite system
Telecommunica- Antenna systems tions and IT Mobile radio communications systems Burglar alarm system
included in the low-voltage installations
included in the low-voltage installations
Alarm system
Hauling/ conveyor Elevators systems (KG 460) Escalators
x Recommended x) Required if a lightning protection system exists x)) Cathode-protected tank and piping systems must not be directly grounded, they must be integrated in the equipotential bonding and grounding systems by means of a series gap.
Besides an integration of the reinforcement steel girders and all of the canal, conduit, piping and cable support systems made of conductive materials into the equipotential bonding system, an EMC-suitable layout of the building installations is required. New installations must always be equipped with a concrete-footed ground electrode (DIN 18014). This electrode must be connected with the reinforcement (by clamping or welding) at regular distances of about 5 m in such a way that it can carry lightning currents. Existing building installations without a grounding system of its own must be retrofitted with ring ground electrodes or buried ground rods – or a combination thereof, which must be integrated in the equipotential bonding system.
across the building, this mass potential is to be treated separately as a live conductor. Cable routing outside buildings Lines and cables leading to technical installations outside the building must be included in the LPZ framework of zone-specific equipotential bonding at the transition areas of the lightning protection zones, which is implemented by means of overvoltage protection devices. For this purpose, the overvoltage protection devices required must be connected to the building’s equipotential bonding system close to their mounting location. As few cable entry points into the building as possible should be planned.
2.8.3. Implementing Lightning and Overvoltage Protection Installations Exterior lightning protection Roof areas are often used as “technology platforms” for large-size equipment. In compliance with DIN EN 50164-3, these roof mounting constructions are often protected against direct strikes of lightning by means of separate lightning rods and roof conductors. Three methods may be applied to determine the protection category (Fig. 2.8/1):
Electrical power distribution To meet the requirement of establishing protection zones for all cabling systems which intersect protection zone borders, suitable overvoltage protection measures must be planned and implemented. Mesh width
Cabling Cable routing in buildings Cables and lines inside a building must be routed separately, split according to their voltage levels.
Lightning rod h1
r h
If the reference potential of auxiliary supplies, e.g. 24 V DC systems, are permanently grounded, only one grounding connection is permissible per system. With more than one grounding connection in such systems there would be the risk of malfunctions or even total destruction. If such systems, which are merely grounded at the central grounding point, are spread at a large scale
Protection angle
Cover Lightning ball
Grounding system
Fig. 2.8/1: Methods for determining the protection class (source: VDE)
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Power System
Lightning ball method Meshing method Protection angle method
Connections of current discharge lines
Cable bushings penetrating the roof should be avoided. For this reason, it cannot be avoided to route supply lines on the roof across longer distances. These lines must be protected against direct strikes of lightning across their full length by means of lightning rods and roof conductors. Sufficient isolating space must be maintained between them. Power cables to the roof mounting constructions must be equipped with electromagnetic screening. The screen is to be laid on both sides.
If the lightning protection equipotentializer is only connected to a single grounding electrode, there may be high potential differences to the other grounding electrodes. For this reason, current discharge lines must be connected with each other at ground level (i.e. close to soil). This connection should be made outside the building. What applies to all these connecting lines is that the length of current paths should be kept as short as possible. They should not be installed above a height of 1 m above ground. Minimum dimensions and materials of overhead connecting lines outside buildings are defined in DIN EN 62305-3.
Equipotential bonding and grounding Equipotential bonding Owing to technical progress, an increasing number of electrical equipment is installed in buildings, therefore DIN VDE 0100-410 calls for equipotential bonding. The following conductive parts shall be connected: Connection lug of the concretefooted ground electrode Main protective conductor (PE conductor in the TT system, PEN conductor in the TN system) Water pipe Gas pipe (behind the water meter) Metal air pipes
Room shield Ventilation
IT network
Power system
Equipotential bonding as lightning protection, lightning current arrester Local equipotential bonding, surge arrester
LEMP: Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse; SEMP: Switching Electromagnetic Pulse; LPZ: Lightning Protection Zone
Fig. 2.8/2: The concept of lightning protection zones
Metal waste water and rainwater pipes Heating pipes Cooling pipe Other metal piping Metal rails Antenna systems Telecommunications system Lightning protection systems
An additional equipotential bonding conductor is required for bathrooms and shower rooms. Several pipes may be interconnected and connected to the equipotential bonding rail via a common main equipotential bonding conductor. The main equipotential bonding conductor must be half the cross section of the main protective conductor, but at least 6 mm2 Cu, maximum cross section of 25 mm2 Cu. Regional regulations must be observed.
Arrangement type B consist of a ring grounding conductor outside the building/facility, with a minimum of 80% of its total lenght being buried in the ground, or it could be a concrete-footed ground electrode. Mesh widths of a concrete-footed ground electrode should not be more than 20 m x 20 m.
The main equipotential bonding rail should be laid in the building’s service entrance room, and this is where the main equipotential bonding conductors and the connection lug of the concrete-footed ground electrode are connected to it. DIN VDE 0100-7 requires additional equipotential bonding in rooms with special hazards for people. All conductive metal pipes and the conductive outlets of bath- and shower tubs must be connected to an equipotential bonding conductor with a minimum cross section of 4 mm2 Cu. Connection with the equipotential bonding busbar is made with a conductor cross section of at least 6 mm2 Cu. Parallel running, metal cable support systems should be connected at regular intervals (ideally 5 m).
Two types of arrangements for grounding electrodes, type A and B, are distinguished. Arrangement type A consists of horizontal or vertical single grounding electrodes. Arrangement type A requires at least 2 grounding electrodes. Buried grounding rods are normally used in practice.
Interior lightning protection Lightning protection zones are defined protection areas which are classified according to the degree of endangerment by lightning strikes. Equipotential bonding must be implemented at the borders of these ligthning protection zones for all metal parts and electrical supply lines entering the zone. Equipotential bonding for lightning protection from LPZ 0 to LPZ 1 must be performed for all metal systems and electric power and data lines. The aim of equipotential bonding is to reduce potential differences caused by a lightning current. Requirements on equipotential bonding for lightning protection are fulfilled by a direct connection of all metal systems and the indirect connection of all live systems by means of overvoltage protection devices, type 1. Equipotential bonding for lightning protection should be implemented as closely as possible near the service entrance into the building, in order to prevent the ingress of partial lightning currents into the building.
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At the lightning protection zone LPZ 2 (e.g. subdistribution boards), coordinated overvoltage protection devices type 2 must be series-connected down the line of overvoltage protection devices type 1. DIN VDE 0100-534 requires that the length of connecting lines to overvoltage protection devices in branch circuits must not be more than 0.5 m.
Medium Voltage
chapter 3 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Basics of Switching Devices
3.5 From Medium-Voltage Switchgear to Turnkey Solutions
3.3 Requirements on Medium-Voltage Switchgear
3.6 Protection of Power Distribution Systems and Switchgear
3.4 Siemens Medium-Voltage Switchgear
3 Medium Voltage 3.1 Introduction Low voltage: up to and including 1 kV AC (or 1,500 V DC) High voltage: above 1 kV AC (or 1,500 V DC) Most electrical appliances used in household, commercial and industrial applications work with low voltage. High voltage is used not only to transmit electrical energy over very large distances, but also, finely branched, for regional distribution to the load centers. However, as different high voltages are used for transmission and regional distribution, and since the tasks and requirements of the switchgear and substations are also very different, the term "medium voltage" has come to be used for the voltages required for regional power distribution, as a part of the highvoltage range above 1 kV AC up to and including 52 kV AC. Most operating voltages in medium-voltage systems are in the 3 kV AC to 40.5 kV AC range.
1 kV
High voltage
Alternating voltage
52 kV
Fig. 3.1/1: Voltage definitions
in power stations, for generators and station supply systems,
(operating voltage). The values vary greatly from country to country, depending on the historical development of technology and the local conditions. Medium-voltage equipment Apart from the public supply, there are still other voltages fulfilling the needs of consumers in industrial plants with medium-voltage systems; in most cases, the operating voltages of the motors installed are decisive. Operating voltages between 3 kV and 15 kV are frequently found in industrial supply systems. In power supply and distribution systems, mediumvoltage equipment is available
The electrical transmission and distribution systems not only connect power stations and electricity consumers, but also, with their “meshed systems”, form a supraregional backbone with reserves for reliable supply and for the compensation of load differences. High operating voltages (and therefore low currents) are preferred for the power transmission in order to minimize losses. The voltage is not transformed to the usual values of the low-voltage system until it reaches the load centers close to the consumer. In public power supplies, the majority of medium-voltage systems are operated in the 10 kV to 30 kV range
Medium voltage 1 kV < 52 kV
Low voltage
According to international rules, there are only two voltage groups:
1 Medium voltage
in transformer substations of the primary distribution level (public supply systems or systems of large industrial companies), in which power supplied from the highvoltage system is transformed to medium voltage, in local supply, transformer or customer transfer substations for large consumers (secondary distribution level), in which the power is transformed from medium to low voltage and distributed to the end consumer (Fig. 3.1/3).
2 High voltage
3 Low voltage
Fig. 3.1/2: Voltage levels from the power plant to the consumer
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Medium Voltage
Disconnectors (isolators) G
Medium voltage
Power generation
are used for no-load closing and opening operations. Their function is to “isolate” downstream devices so they can be worked on. Switch-disconnectors (load break switches)
High voltage
Medium voltage
Power transmission
Transformer substation
Primary distribution level
are load breaking devices with a limited short-circuit making or breaking capacity. They are used for high switching rates.
Earthing switches Secondary distribution level
Low voltage Fig. 3.1/3: Medium voltage in the power supply and distribution system
3.2 Basics of Switching Devices
3.2.2 What can the different switching devices do?
3.2.1 What are switching devices? Switching devices are devices used to close (make) or open (break) electrical circuits. The following stress can occur during making and breaking:
can make and break all currents within the scope of their ratings, from small inductive and capacitive load currents up to the full short-circuit current, and this under all fault conditions in the power supply system, such as earth faults, phase opposition, etc.
No-load switching
Breaking of operating currents
can switch currents up to their rated normal current and make on existing short circuits (up to their rated shortcircuit making current).
Breaking of short-circuit currents
are the combination of a switch and a disconnector, or a switch with isolating distance.
earth isolated circuits. Make-proof earthing switches (earthing switches with making capacity) are used for the safe earthing of circuits, even if voltage is present, i.e. also in the event that the circuit to be earthed was accidentally not isolated. Fuses consist of a fuse base and a fuse link. With the fuse base, an isolating distance can be established when the fuse link is pulled out in de-energized condition (like in a disconnector). The fuse link is used for one single breaking of a short-circuit current. Surge arresters discharge loads caused by lightning strikes (external overvoltages) or switching operations and earth faults (internal overvoltages) to earth. They therefore protect the connected equipment against impermissibly high voltages.
3.2.3 Selection of switching devices Switching devices are selected both according to their ratings and according to the switching duties to be performed, which also includes the switching rates. The following tables illustrate these selection criteria: Table 3.1/1 shows the selection according to ratings. Tables 3.1/2 to 3.1/5 show the service life of the devices. Selection according to ratings The system conditions, i.e. the properties of the primary circuit, determine the required parameters. The most important of these are: Rated voltage
is the upper limit of the system voltage the device is designed for. As all high-voltage switching devices are zero-current interrupters – except for some fuses – the system voltage is the most important dimensioning criterion. It determines the dielectric stress of the switching device by means of the transient recovery voltage and the recovery voltage, especially while switching off. Rated insulation level is the dielectric strength from phase to earth, between phases and across the open contact gap, or across the isolating distance. The dielectric strength is the capability of an electrical component to withstand all voltages with a specific time sequence up
to the magnitude of the corresponding withstand voltages. These can be operating voltages or higher-frequency voltages caused by switching operations, earth faults (internal overvoltages) or lightning strikes (external overvoltages). The dielectric strength is verified by a lightning impulse withstand voltage test with the standard impulse wave of 1.2/50 µs and a power-frequency withstand voltage test (50 Hz / 1 min). Rated normal current is the current the main circuit of a device can continuously carry under defined conditions. The temperature rise of components – especially contacts – must not exceed defined values. Permissible temperature rises
Withstand capability, rated … insulation level
normal current
Earthing switch
Make-proof earthing switch
Fuse link
Switching capacity, rated … peak withstand current
breaking current
short-circuit making current
x x x x
x 1)
x 1)
Fuse base
Surge arrester*
x 2)
Current limiting reactor
x 6)
Post insulator (insulator)
x x 3)
x Selection parameter 1) Limited short-circuit breaking capacity 2) Applicable as selection parameter in special cases only, e.g. for exceptional pollution layer 3) For surge arresters with spark gap = rated voltage
x 4)
Table 3.2/1: Device selection according to data of the primary circuit
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x 5)
x 6) 4)
Rated discharge current for surge arresters For surge arresters: Short-circuit strength in case of overload 6) For bushings and insulators: Minimum failing loads for tension, bending and torsion * See also Section 3.3 5)
(Parameters of the secondary equipment for drives, control and monitoring are not taken into consideration in this table.)
short-circuit breaking current
Medium Voltage
always refer to the ambient air temperature. If a device is mounted in an enclosure, it may possibly not be loaded with its full rated current, depending on the quality of heat dissipation.
Operating cycles
Mechanical endurance
Increased mechanical endurance
M E1
Rated peak withstand current is the peak value of the major loop of the short-circuit current during a compensation process after the beginning of the current flow, which the device can carry in closed state. It is a measure for the electrodynamic (mechanical) load of an electrical component. For devices with full making capacity, this value is not relevant (see Rated short-circuit making current). Rated short-circuit making current is the peak value of the making current in case of short circuit at the terminals of the switching device. This stress is greater than that of the rated peak withstand current, as dynamic forces may work against the contact movement. Rated breaking current is the load breaking current in normal operation. For devices with full breaking capacity and without a critical current range, this value is not relevant (see Rated short-circuit breaking current). Rated short-circuit breaking current is the root-mean-square value of the breaking current in case of short circuit at the terminals of the switching device.
E2 E
10 x I1 10 x I2a 2 x Ima
20 x 0.05 · I1
mainly active load current
10 x I4a
closed loop current
10 x 0.2 … 0,4 · I4a
cable-charging current
30 x I1 20 x I2a 3 x Ima
10 x I4b
line-charging current
10 x I6a
earth-fault current
10 x I6b
cable-charging and linecharging current under earth-fault conditions
short-circuit making current
100 x I1 20 x I2a 5 x Ima
Table 3.2/2: Endurance classes for switches
Selection according to endurance and switching rates If several devices satisfy the electrical requirements and no further criteria are more important, the required switching rate can be used as an additional selection criterion. The following tables show the endurance of the switching devices and therefore provide a recommendation for their appropriate use. The respective device standards distinguish between classes of mechanical (M) and electrical (E) endurance, whereby they can also be used together on the same switching device; for example, a switching device can have both mechanical class M1 and electrical class E3.
General-purpose switches that are intended for use in systems with isolated neutral or with earth fault compensation, must also be able to switch under earth fault conditions. The versatility is mirrored in the very exact specifications for the E classes. – SF6 switches are appropriate when the switching rate is ≤ once a month. These switches are usually classified as E3 with regard to their electrical endurance.
Switches Standard IEC 60265-1 / VDE 0670-301 only specifies classes for the so-called general-purpose switches. There are also “Special switches” and “Switches for limited applications”.* – General-purpose switches must be able to switch different types of operating currents (load currents, ring currents, currents of unloaded transformers, charging currents of unloaded cables and overhead lines) as well as make on short-circuit currents.
* Switches for limited applications must only control some of the switching duties of a general-purpose switch. Switches for special applications are provided for switching duties such as switching of single capacitor banks, paralleling of capacitor banks, switching of ring circuits formed by transformers connected in parallel, or switching of motors in normal and locked condition.
Description M1
2,000 operating cycles
10,000 operating cycles
Extended mechanical endurance, low maintenance
2 x C and 3 x O with 10%, 30%, 60% and 100% Isc
Normal electrical endurance (Switch which is not covered by E2)
2 x C and 3 x O with 10%, 30%, 60% and 100% Isc
Without AR* operation
26 x C 26 x C 4xC 4xC
130 x O 130 x O 8xO 6xO
10% Isc 30% Isc 6% Isc 100% Isc
Normal mechanical endurance
Extended electrical endurance without maintenance of the arcing chamber
Without AR* operation
* AR = automatic reclosing Table 3.2/3: Endurance classes for circuit-breakers
– Air-break or hard-gas switches are appropriate when the switching rate is ≤ once a year. These switches are simpler and usually belong to the E1 class. There are also E2 versions available.
Operating cycles
– Vacuum switches Their switching capacity is significantly higher than that of the M2/E3 classes. They are used for special tasks – mostly in industrial power supply systems – or when the switching rate is ≥ 1 once a week.
For general requirements
Extended mechanical endurance
0 x Ima
No short-circuit making capacity
2 x Ima
Short-circuit making capacity
5 x Ima
Table 3.2/5: Endurance classes for earthing switches
Modern vacuum circuit-breakers can generally make and break the rated normal current with the number of mechanical operating cycles. The switching rate is not a determining selection criterion, as circuitbreakers are always used where shortcircuit breaking capacity is required to protect equipment.
Disconnectors do not have any switching capacity.* Therefore, classes are only specified for the number of mechanical operating cycles. Earthing switches
Table 3.2/4: Endurance classes for disconnectors
Operating cycles
The test duties of the short-circuit type tests provide an orientation as to what is meant by “normal electrical endurance” and “extended electrical endurance”. The number of make and break operations (Close, Open) is specified in the fields of the table with a gray background.
Whereas the number of mechanical operating cycles is specifically stated in the M classes, the circuit-breaker standard IEC 62271-100 / VDE 0671100 does not define the electrical endurance of the E classes by specific numbers of operating cycles, but remains very vague on this.
For general requirements
Reduced maintenance required
With earthing switches, the E classes designate the short-circuit making capacity (earthing on applied voltage). E0 corresponds to a normal earthing switch; switches of the E1 and E2 classes are also called makeproof or high-speed earthing switches. The standard does not specify how often an earthing switch can be
* Disconnectors up to 52 kV may only switch negligible currents up to 500 mA (e.g. voltage transformer) or larger currents only when there is an insignificant voltage difference (e.g. during busbar transfer when the bus coupler is closed).
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Medium Voltage
actuated purely mechanically; there are no M classes for these switches. Contactors The standard has not specified any endurance classes for contactors yet. Commonly used contactors today have a mechanical and electrical endurance in the range of 250,000 to 1,000,000 operating cycles. They are used wherever switching operations are performed very frequently, e.g. > once an hour.
3.3 Requirements on Medium-Voltage Switchgear The major influences and stress values a switchgear assembly is subject to result from the task and its rank in the distribution system. These influencing factors and stresses determine the selection parameters and ratings of the switchgear.
3.3.1 Influences and stress values System parameters System voltage It determines the rated voltage of the switchgear, switching devices and other installed components. The maximum system voltage at the upper tolerance limit is the deciding factor. Assigned configuration criteria for switchgear Rated voltage Ur Rated insulation level Ud; Up Rated primary voltage of voltage transformers Upr
System parameters
• • • •
System protection and measuring
• Protection functions • Selectivity • Measuring
• Public power systems • Emergency power • In-plant power generation • Redundancy
Service location
• Place of installation • Utilities room • Transport
• Accessibility • Buildings • Installation
Ambient conditions
• Room climate • Temperature
• Altitude • Air humidity
Sector-specific application
• Switching duties • Busbar transfer
• Switching rate • Availability
Sector-specific operating procedures
• Operation • Working • Inspection
• Personal protection • Work instructions • Maintenance
• Standards • Laws • Association guidelines • Company regulations
Rated voltage Short-circuit current Normal current Load flow
• • • •
Neutral earthing Cable / overhead line Overvoltage protection Power quality
• Redundancy • Tripping times • Metering
Fig. 3.3/1: Influencing factors and stresses on the switchgear
Short-circuit current It is characterized by the electrical values of peak withstand current Ip (peak value of the initial symmetrical short-circuit current) and sustained short-circuit current Ik. The required short-circuit current level in the system is predetermined by the dynamic response of the loads and the power quality to be maintained, and determines the making and breaking capacity and the withstand capability of the switching devices and the switchgear (Table 3.3/1).
Attention: The ratio of peak current to sustained short-circuit current in the system can be significantly larger than the standardized factor Ip /Ik = 2.5 (50 Hz), used for the construction of the switching devices and the switchgear. A possible cause, for example, are motors that feed power back to the system when a short circuit occurs, thus increasing the peak current significantly.
Assigned configuration criteria for switchgear Main and earthing circuits
– Rated peak withstand current Ip – Rated short-time withstand current Ik
Switching devices
– Rated short-circuit making current Ima – Rated short-circuit breaking current Isc
Current transformers
– Rated peak withstand current Ik dyn – Rated short-time thermal current Ith
Table 3.3/1: Configuration criteria for short-circuit current
Normal current and load flow The normal current refers to current paths of the incoming feeders, busbar(s) and outgoing consumer feeders. Because of the spatial arrangement of the panels, the current is also distributed and therefore there may be different rated current values next to one another along a conducting path; different values for busbars and feeders are typical. Reserves must be planned when dimensioning the switchgear, e.g.
Large cable cross sections or several parallel cables must be connected for high normal currents; the panel connection must be designed accordingly. Assigned configuration criteria for switchgear Rated current of busbar(s) and feeders Number of cables per phase in the panel (parallel cables) Current transformer ratings.
in accordance with the ambient air temperature, for planned overload or temporary overload during faults.
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Medium Voltage
3.4 Siemens Medium-Voltage Switchgear As described on page 5/2 in the TIP Application Manual “Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning”, the 8DH switchgear is the right choice for the majority of applications in infrastructure projects. In this TIP Manual for Draft Planning, we would like to present some advanced products and solutions. For more detailed information, please contact your local Siemens representative.
Loss of service continuity category
When an accessible compartment of the switchgear is opened …
Type of construction
the busbar and therefore the complete switchgear must be isolated.
No partitions within the panel, no panel separation walls to adjacent panels.
the incoming cable must be isolated. The busbar and the adjacent switchgear panels can remain in operation.
Panel separation walls and isolating distance with partition to the busbar.
the incoming cable, the busbar and the adjacent switchgear panels can remain in operation.
Panel separation walls and isolating distance with partition to the busbar and to the cable.
Table 3.4/1: Loss of service continuity categories
Type of accessibility to a compartment
Access features
Type of construction
Opening for normal operation and maintenance, e.g. fuse replacement.
Access is controlled by the construction of the switchgear, i.e. integrated interlocks prevent impermissible opening.
Opening for normal operation or maintenance, e.g. fuse replacement.
Access control via a suitable procedure (work instruction of the operator) combined with a locking device (lock).
Opening not for normal operation and maintenance, e.g. cable testing.
Access only with tool for opening, special access procedure (instruction of the operator).
Not accessible
Opening not possible / not intended for operator, opening can destroy the compartment. This applies generally to the gas-filled compartments of gas-insulated switchgear. As the switchgear is maintenance-free and climate-independent, access is neither required nor possible.
Table 3.4/2: Accessibility of compartments
The notation IAC A FLR, I and t contains the abbreviations for the following values: IAC
Internal Arc Classification
Distance between the indicators 300 mm, i.e. installation in rooms with access for authorized personnel, closed electrical service location.
Access from the front (F), from the sides (L = lateral) and from the rear (R).
Test current = rated short-circuit breaking current (in kA)
Arc duration (in s)
Table 3.4/3: Internal arc classification according to IEC 62271-200
Table 3.4/4: Overview of Siemens medium-voltage switchgear
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* Maximum possible IAC classification
Type of construction
Distribution level
LSC 2B (panels without HV HRC fuses) LSC 2A (panels with HV HRC fuses)
LSC 2B (panels without HV HRC fuses) LSC 2A (panels with HV HRC fuses) PM
LSC 2B (panels without HV HRC fuses) LSC 2A (panels with HV HRC fuses)
LSC 2B (panels without HV HRC fuses) LSC 2A (panels with HV HRC fuses)
IAC A FL 40 kA, 1s
IAC A FL 40 kA, 1s
IAC A FLR 20 kA, 1s
IAC A FLR 21 kA, 1s
IAC A FL 21 kA, 1s
IAC A FL 21 kA, 1s
IAC A FL 16 kA, 1s
IAC A FL 31,5 kA, 1s
IAC A FLR 25 kA, 1s
IAC A FLR 31,5 kA, 1s
IAC A FLR 50 kA, 1s
IAC A FLR 50 kA, 1s
IAC A FLR 25 kA, 1s
IAC A FLR 25 kA, 1s
IAC A FLR 40 kA, 1s
IAC A FLR 40 kA, 1s
IAC A FLR 31,5 kA, 1s
IAC A FLR 31,5 kA, 1s
IAC A FLR 25 kA, 1s
IAC A FLR 31,5 kA, 1s
Internal arc classification*
Partition class
LSC 2B (panels without HV HRC fuses) LSC 2A (panels with HV HRC fuses)
LSC 2B (panels without HV HRC fuses) LSC 2A (panels with HV HRC fuses)
Loss of service continuity
Switchgear type
Busbar system
25 20
24 17.5
24 17.5
24 17.5
Rated short-time withstand current (kA)
Rated voltage (kV)
Rated current, busbar (A)
Rated current, feeder (A)
Medium Voltage NXAIR Performance features The air-insulated, metal-clad switchgear type NXAIR is the innovation in the switchgear field for the distribution and process level up to 12 kV, 40 kA, 3150 A. Metal-enclosed, metal-clad LSC 2B PM switchgear Resistance to internal faults: IAC A FLR 40 kA, 1 s Type tests of the circuit-breaker and make-proof earthing switch in the panel
Rated voltage
kV 7.2
Hz 50/60
short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage
kV 20
28 *
lightning impulse withstand voltage
kV 60
short-circuit breaking current
max. kA 40
short-time withstand current, 3 s
max. kA 40
short-circuit making current**
max. kA 100
peak withstand current**
max. kA 100
normal current of the busbark
max. Ak 3,150
normal current of the feeders with circuit-breaker with switch-disconnector***
max. Ak 3,150 max. Ak 200
3,150 200
* 42 kV optional ** Values for 50 Hz *** Depending on the rated current of the HV HRC fuses used Table 3.4/5: Technical data of NXAIR
Cable connection from the front or from the rear Bushing-type transformers enable selective shutdown of feeders Confinement of internal fault to respective compartment Replacement of module and connection compartment possible
H1 H2
Modular contactor panels
All panel types
Dimensions in mm
– For higher low-voltage compartment – For natural ventilation – With additional compartment for busbar components
Height of standard low-voltage compartment
Single busbar
≤ 31.5 kA, ≤ 2,500 A
40 kA, 3,150 A
≤ 31.5 kA, ≤ 2,500 A
40 kA, 3,150 A
Fig. 3.4/1: NXAIR panel
400 / 600 / 800 / 1,000
Double busbar
Table 3.4/6: Dimensions of NXAIR
NXAIR M Performance features The air-insulated, metal-clad switchgear type NXAIR M is the consequent further development of the NXAIR family for use in the distribution and process level up to 24 kV, 25 kA, 2,500 A. Metal-enclosed, metal-clad LSC 2B PM switchgear Resistance to internal faults: IAC A FLR 25 kA, 1 s Type tests of the circuit-breaker and make-proof earthing switch in the panel
Rated voltage
kV 24
Hz 50
short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage
kV 50
lightning impulse withstand voltage
kV 125
short-circuit breaking current
max. kA 25
short-time withstand current, 3 s
max. kA 25
short-circuit making current
max. kA 63
peak withstand current
max. kA 63
normal current of the busbark
max. Ak 2,500
normal current of the feeders with circuit-breaker with switch-disconnector
max. Ak 2,500 max. Ak 200*
* Depending on the rated current of the HV HRC fuses used Table 3.4/7: Technical data of NXAIR M
Cable connection from the front or from the rear Bushing-type transformers enable selective shutdown of feeders Confinement of internal fault to respective compartment
H2 H1
Replacement of module and connection compartment possible
All panel types Width
Fig. 3.4/2: NXAIR M panel
Dimensions in mm W
≤ 1,600 A
1,000 2,655
With standard low-voltage compartment – For natural ventilation Front for standard low-voltage compartment
– For higher low-voltage compartment
– With additional compartment for busbar components
Single busbar
Double busbar for back-to-back arrangement
Table 3.4/8: Dimensions of NXAIR M
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2,000, 2,500 A
Medium Voltage NXAIR P Performance features The air-insulated, metal-clad switchgear type NXAIR P is based on the construction principles of the NXAIR family and designed for use in the distribution and process level up to 15 kV, 50 kA, 4000 A. Metal-enclosed, metal-clad LSC 2B PM switchgear Resistance to internal faults: IAC A FLR 50 kA, 1 s Type tests of the circuit-breaker and make-proof earthing switch in the panel
Rated voltage
kV 7.2
Hz 50/60
short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage
kV 20
lightning impulse withstand voltage
kV 60
short-circuit breaking current
max. kA 50
short-time withstand current, 3 s
max. kA 50
short-circuit making current*
max. kA 125
peak withstand current*
max. kA 125
normal current of the busbark
max. Ak 4,000
normal current of the feeders with circuit-breaker with vacuum contactor
max. Ak 4,000 max. Ak 400**
4,000 400**
4,000 –
* Values for 50 Hz ** Depending on the rated current of the HV HRC fuses used Table 3.4/9: Technical data of NXAIR P
Cable connection from the front or from the rear Can be delivered as withdrawable or truck-type switchgear Bushing-type transformers enable selective shutdown of feeders up to 31.5 kA Confinement of internal fault to respective compartment up to 31.5 kA H1 H2 H3 H4
Replacement of module and connection compartment is possible
HA25-2688d eps
Modular contactor panels
All panel types (except vacuum contactor panel) Width
≤ 2,000 A
Dimensions in mm 800
> 2,000 A (for panel ventilation)
Front for standard low-voltage compartment (≤ 3150 A)
With higher low-voltage compartment
With standard, top-mounted pressure relief duct
For forced ventilation
Single busbar
Double busbar for back-to-back arrangement
Vacuum contactor panel Width
Front for standard low-voltage compartment (≤ 3150 A)
With higher low-voltage compartment
With standard, top-mounted pressure relief duct
For forced ventilation (400 A)
Single busbar
Depth Fig. 3.4/3: NXAIR P panel
Table 3.4/10: Dimensions of NXAIR P
Rated voltage
kV 7.2
Hz 50/60
short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage
kV 20
lightning impulse withstand voltage
kV 60
short-circuit breaking current
max. kA 40
short-time withstand current, 3 s
max. kA 40
short-circuit making current**
max. kA 100
peak withstand current **k
max. kA 100
normal current of the busbar
max. Ak 3,600
Resistance to internal faults: IAC A FLR 40 kA, 1 s
normal current of the feeders with circuit-breaker with switch-disconnector with vacuum contactor
max. Ak 3,600 max. Ak 200*** max. Ak 400***
3,600 200*** 400***
3,600 200***
3,600 200***
Type tests of the circuit-breaker and make-proof earthing switch in the panel
* 42 kV optional ** Values for 50 Hz *** Depending on the rated current of the HV HRC fuses used
Performance features The air-insulated, metal-clad switchgear type SIMOPRIME is a factory-assembled, type-tested indoor switchgear for use in the distribution and process level up to 17.5 kV, 40 kA, 3600 A. Metal-enclosed, metal-clad LSC 2B PM switchgear
Cable connection from the front or from the rear
Table 3.4/11: Technical data of SIMOPRIME
Use of block-type or ring-core current transformers All switching operations with closed door
HA26-2024a eps
Truck-type design
Logical mechanical interlocks
All panel types Width
Dimensions in mm ≤ 31.5 kA 40 kA Circuit-breaker panel
≤ 1,250 A 2,500 A, 3,150 A, 3,600 A
Vacuum contactor panel Disconnector panel
400 ≤ 1,250 A 2,500 A, 3,150 A, 3,600 A
12 kV 17.5 kV
600 600
Bus sectionalizer/circuit-breaker panel 1,250 A ≤ 2,500 A, 3,150 A, 3,600 A
Bus sectionalizer/bus riser panel
Switch-disconnector/ fuse panel
≤ 2,500 A 3,150 A, 3,600 A
Metering panel Height
Depth Fig. 3.4/4: SIMOPRIME panel
800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800
With standard low-voltage compartment and IAC 0.1 s With standard low-voltage compartment and IAC 1.0 s –
2,200 2,437 1,780
Table 3.4/12: Dimensions of SIMOPRIME
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800 800
Medium Voltage 8BT1 Performance features The air-insulated, cubicle-type switchgear type 8BT1 is a factoryassembled, type-tested indoor switchgear for lower ratings in the distribution and process level up to 24 kV, 25 kA, 2,000 A. Metal-enclosed, LSC 2A PM cubicle switchgear Type tests of the circuit-breaker and make-proof earthing switch in the panel Tested for resistance to internal faults: IAC A FLR 25 kA, 1 s
Rated voltage
kV 12
Hz 50
short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage
kV 28
lightning impulse withstand voltage
kV 75
short-circuit breaking current
max. kA 25
short-time withstand current, 3 s
max. kA 25
short-circuit making current
max. kA 63
peak withstand current
max. kA 63
normal current of the busbark
max. Ak 2,000
max. Ak 2,000
max. Ak 630 A / 200 A*
630 A / 200 A*
normal current of the feeders with circuit-breaker or disconnector truck with switch-disconnector
* Depending on the rated current of the HV HRC fuses used Table 3.4/13: Technical data of 8BT1
Circuit-breaker panel, fixedmounted switch-disconnector panel, modular
Use of block-type current transformers All switching operations with closed door
Truck-type design
HA26-2029a eps
Cable connection from the front
Logical mechanical interlocks Use of SION vacuum circuit-breakers
D1 D2
All panel types
Dimensions in mm
7.2/12 kV Width
For circuit-breaker max. 1,250 A For circuit-breaker 2,000 A For switch-disconnector
600 800 600
H1 H2
With standard low-voltage compartment With cable duct*
2,050 2,350
D1 D2
Without low-voltage compartment With low-voltage compartment
1,200 1,410
For circuit-breaker max. 1,250 A For circuit-breaker 2,000 A For switch-disconnector
800 1,000 800
H1 H2
With standard low-voltage compartment With cable duct*
2,050 2,350
D1 D2
Without low-voltage compartment With low-voltage compartment
1,200 1,410
24 kV
* For 1 s arc duration Fig. 3.4/5: 8BT1 panel
Table 3.4/14: Dimensions of 8BT1
Performance features The air-insulated, metal-clad switchgear type 8BT2 is a factoryassembled, type-tested indoor switchgear for use in the distribution and process level up to 36 kV, 25 kA, 2,500 A. LSC 2B PM switchgear Tested for resistance to internal faults: IAC A FLR 31.5 kA, 1 s Cable connection from the front Truck-type design
kV 36
Hz 50/60
short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage
kV 70
lightning impulse withstand voltage
kV 170
short-circuit breaking current
max. kA 31.5
short-time withstand current, 3 s
max. kA 31.5
short-circuit making current
max. kA 80/82
peak withstand current
max. kA 80/82
normal current of the busbar
max. Ak 2,500
normal current of the feeders with circuit-breaker with contactor with switch-disconnector
max. Ak 2,500 max. Ak – max. Ak –
Table 3.4/15: Technical data of 8BT2
Use of block-type current transformers All switching operations with closed door
Logical mechanical interlocks
All panel types Width
Depth Fig. 3.4/6: 8BT2 switchgear
Dimensions in mm 1,550 ≤ 25 kA
31.5 kA
Table 3.4/16: Dimensions of 8BT2
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Medium Voltage
8BT3 Performance features The air-insulated, cubicle-type switchgear type 8BT3 is a factoryassembled, type-tested indoor switchgear for lower ratings in the distribution and process level up to 36 kV, 16 kA, 1,250 A. LSC 1 switchgear Tested for resistance to internal faults: IAC FLR 16 kA, 1 s Circuit-breaker panel, fixedmounted switch-disconnector panel, modular Cable connection from the front
Rated voltage
kV 36
Hz 50/60
short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage
kV 70
lightning impulse withstand voltage
kV 170
short-circuit breaking current
max. kA 16
short-time withstand current, 3 s
max. kA 16
short-circuit making current
max. kA 40/42
peak withstand current
max. kA 40/42
normal current of the busbar
max. Ak 1,250
normal current of the feeders with circuit-breaker with contactor with switch-disconnector
max. Ak 1,250 max. Ak – max. Ak 400*
* Depending on the rated current of the HV HRC fuses used Table 3.4/17: Technical data of 8BT3
Truck-type design Use of block-type current transformers All switching operations with closed door
Logical mechanical interlocks
Fig. 3.4/7: 8BT3 switchgear
All panel types
Dimensions in mm
Table 3.4/18: Dimensions of 8BT3
8DJ10 The gas-insulated switchgear type 8DJ10 with switch-disconnectors is used for power distribution in the secondary distribution system up to 24 kV. With its extremely narrow design, block versions with up to six feeders can be used in all types of substations. Performance features:
Internal arc classification: IAC A FL 21 kA, 1 s
High operating and personal safety
No gas work during installation
Environmentally compatible
Operational reliability
Independent of the environment and climate Compact Maintenance-free
Type-tested according to IEC 62271-200 Sealed pressure system with SF6 filling for the entire service life
Rated voltage
kV 7.2
Safe-to-touch enclosure and standardized connections for plug-in cable terminations
Hz 50/60
short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage
kV 20
lightning impulse withstand voltage
kV 60
short-time withstand current, 1 s
max. kA 25
short-time withstand current, 3 s
max. kA –
short-circuit making current
max. kA 25
peak withstand current
max. kA 63
Block-type construction, nonextendable Three-pole, gas-insulated switchgear vessel with threeposition switch, for connection of cable plugs Operating mechanisms located outside the switchgear vessel, easily accessible Metal-enclosed, partition class PM
normal current of the ring-main feeders
A 630
normal current of the transformer feeders (depending on the HV HRC fuse link)
A 200
* 42 kV / 75 kV according to some national requirements Table 3.4/19: Technical data of 8DJ10
H1 H2
Loss of service continuity category for switchgear: – without HV HRC fuses: LSC 2B – with HV HRC fuses: LSC 2A
Dimensions in mm
Width (module) W
Fig. 3.4/8: 8DJ10 switchgear
Connection method: 2RC + 1T (connection 10) 3RC + 1T (connection 71) 4RC + 2T (connection 62)
710 1,060 1,410
Low design
High design
Standard switchgear
Switchgear with pressure absorber
Table 3.4/20: Internal arc classification according to IEC 62271-200
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Medium Voltage 8DJ20 The gas-insulated medium-voltage switchgear type 8DJ20 is used for power distribution in the secondary distribution system up to 24 kV. Ringmain feeders, circuit-breaker feeders and transformer feeders are all part of a comprehensive product range in compact block-type construction to satisfy all requirements – also for extreme ambient conditions.
Internal arc classification: IAC A FL 21 kA, 1 s
No gas work during installation
High operating and personal safety
Environmentally compatible
Independent of the environment and climate
Rated voltage
kV 7.2
Hz 50/60
Performance features:
short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage
kV 20
Type-tested according to IEC 62271-200
lightning impulse withstand voltage
kV 60
Sealed pressure system with SF6 filling for the entire service life
short-circuit breaking current for switchgear with circuit-breakers
max. kA 20
Safe-to-touch enclosure and standardized connections for plug-in cable terminations
short-time withstand current, 1 s
max. kA 25
short-time withstand current, 3 s
max. kA –
short-circuit making current
max. kA 25
Block-type construction, nonextendible
peak withstand current
max. kA 63
normal current of the ring-main feeders
A 630
Three-pole, gas-insulated switchgear vessel with threeposition switch, for connection of cable plugs
normal current of the circuit-breaker feeders
A 250 oder 630
normal current of the transformer feeders (depending on the HV HRC fuse link)
A 200
Operating mechanisms located outside the switchgear vessel, easily accessible
* 42 kV / 75 kV according to some national requirements Table 3.4/21: Technical data of 8DJ20
Metal enclosed, partition class PM
H1 H2
Loss of service continuity category for switchgear: – without HV HRC fuses: LSC 2B – with HV HRC fuses: LSC 2A
Dimensions Width
Fig. 3.4/9: 8DJ20 switchgear
Dimensions in mm W
Number of feeders (in extracts) 2 feeders (e.g. 2RC) 3 feeders (e.g. 2RC + 1T) 4 feeders (e.g. 3RC + 1T, 4RC) 5 feeders (e.g. 4RC + 1T, 5RC)
710 1,060 1,410 1,760
H1 H2
Low overall height Standard overall height
1,200 1,400
High structure (higher frame)
Option: Low-voltage compartment, compartment height:
400 or 600
Standard switchgear Switchgear with pressure absorber
775 880
Table 3.4/22: Dimensions of 8DJ20
8DH10 The gas-insulated medium-voltage switchgear type 8DH10 is used for power distribution in secondary and primary distribution systems up to 24 kV. The product range includes individual panels such as ring-main, transformer and circuit-breaker panels or metering panels, as well as panel blocks to satisfy all requirements with the highest level of operational reliability. Performance features: Type-tested according to IEC 62271-200 Sealed pressure system with SF6 filling for the entire service life
High operating and personal safety
– Free-standing arrangement: IAC A FLR 21 kA, 1 s
Operational reliability and security of investment
No gas work during installation or extension
Environmentally compatible
Independent of the environment and climate Compact Maintenance-free Rated voltage
kV 7.2
Hz 50/60
short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage
kV 20
Safe-to-touch enclosure and standardized connections for plug-in cable terminations
lightning impulse withstand voltage
kV 60
short-circuit breaking current
max. kA 25
short-time withstand current, 1 s
max. kA 25
Single-pole insulated busbar
short-time withstand current, 3 s
max. kA –
Three-pole gas-insulated switchgear vessels with three-position switch, circuit-breaker and earthing switch, for connection of cable plugs
short-circuit making current
max. kA 25
peak withstand current
max. kA 63
Operating mechanisms and transformers located outside the switchgear vessel, easily accessible
* 42 kV / 75 kV according to some national requirements
normal current of the busbark
A 630 or 1,250
normal current of the feeders
A 630
Table 3.4/23: Technical data of 8DH10
Metal-enclosed, partition class PM Loss of service continuity category for switchgear: – without HV HRC fuses: LSC 2B – with HV HRC fuses: LSC 2A
Internal arc classification for: – Wall-standing arrangement: IAC A FL 21 kA, 1 s
Dimensions Width
Fig. 3.4/10: 8DH10 switchgear
Dimensions in mm W
Ring-main feeders
Transformer feeders, circuit-breaker feeders, bus sectionalizer panels
Metering panels
Panel blocks
700, 1,050, 1,400
H1 H2
Panels without low-voltage compartment Panels with low-voltage compartment
1400 2,000 or 2,300
Standard switchgear Switchgear with pressure absorber
775 890
Table 3.4/24: Dimensions of 8DH10
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Medium Voltage NXPLUS C The medium-voltage circuit-breaker switchgear that made gas insulation with the proven vacuum switching technology economical in its class – the compact NXPLUS C for secondary and primary distribution systems up to 24 kV, up to 31.5 kA, up to 2,500 A. It can also be supplied as double-busbar switchgear in back-to-back arrangement (see Catalog HA35.41).
Internal arc classification for: – Wall-standing arrangement: IAC A FL 31,5 kA, 1 s – Free-standing arrangement: IAC A FLR 31,5 kA, 1 s
and climate Compact Maintenance-free Safe for operators Operational reliability
Environmentally compatible
No gas work during installation or extension
Independent of the environment
Performance features:
Type-tested according to IEC 62271-200
kV 7.2
Hz 50/60
short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage
kV 20
kV 60
Sealed pressure system with SF6 filling for the entire service life Safe-to-touch enclosure and standardized connections for plug-in cable terminations Single-pole insulated and screened busbar Three-pole gas-insulated switchgear vessels with three-position switch and circuit-breaker, for connection of cable plugs Operating mechanisms and transformers are arranged outside the switchgear vessel, easily accessible
lightning impulse withstand voltage
short-circuit breaking current
max. kA 31.5
short-time withstand current, 3 s
max. kA 31.5
short-circuit making current
max. kA 80
peak withstand current
max. kA 80
normal current of the busbar
max. Ak 2,500
normal current of the feeders
max. Ak 2,500
* 42 kV / 75 kV according to some national requirements Table 3.4/25: Technical data of NXPLUS C
Metal-enclosed, partition class PM
Loss of service continuity category for switchgear: – without HV HRC fuses: LSC 2B – with HV HRC fuses: LSC 2A
Fig. 3.4/11: NXPLUS C panel
Dimensions in mm
630 A, 1,000 A, 1,250 A 2,000 A, 2,300 A, 2,500 A
600 1,200
H1 H2
Standard design For higher low-voltage compartment
2,250 2,650
Wall-standing arrangement Free-standing arrangement
1,100 1,250
Table 3.4/26: Dimensions of NXPLUS C
8DA/8DB The gas-insulated medium-voltage circuitbreaker switchgear up to 40.5 kV with the advantages of the vacuum switching technology – for a high degree of independence in all applications. 8DA/8DB10 for primary distribution systems up to 40.5 kV, 40 kA, up to 4000 A.
Rated voltage
kV 12
Hz 50/60
short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage
kV 28
kV 75
short-circuit breaking current
max. kA 40
short-time withstand current, 3 s
max. kA 40
Performance features:
short-circuit making current
max. kA 100
Type-tested according to IEC 62271-200
peak withstand current
max. kA 100
Enclosure with modular standardized housings made from corrosionresistant aluminum alloy
normal current of the busbar
max. Ak 4,000
normal current of the feederse
max. Ak 2,500
Safe-to-touch enclosure and standardized connections for plug-in cable terminations
lightning impulse withstand voltage
Table 3.4/27: Technical data of 8DA/8DB
8DA switchgear
Operating mechanisms and transformers are easily accessible outside the enclosure Metal-enclosed, partition class PM Loss of service continuity category for switchgear: LSC 2B H
Internal arc classification: IAC A FL 40 kA 1 s Advantages:
Compact Low maintenance Safe for operators
Independent of the environment and climate
Operational reliability Environmentally compatible
8DB switchgear
Fig. 3.4/12: 8DA (on the left) for single-busbar and 8DB for double-busbar applications
Dimensions in mm
Width (spacing) Height
D1 D2
Standard design Design with higher low-voltage compartment Single-busbar switchgear Double-busbar switchgear
Table 3.4/28: Dimensions of 8DA/8DB
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
600 2,350 2,700 1,625 2,660
Medium Voltage NXPLUS The gas-insulated medium-voltage circuit-breaker switchgear up to 40.5 kV with the advantages of the vacuum switching technology – for a high degree of independence in all applications. NXPLUS for primary distribution systems up to 40.5 kV, up to 31.5 kA, up to 2,000 A (for doublebusbar switchgear up to 2500 A).
Loss of service continuity category for switchgear: LSC 2B
Internal arc classification: IAC A FLR 31,5 kA, 1 s
Safe for operators
Maintenance-free Operational reliability
No gas work during installation or extension
Environmentally compatible Cost-efficient
Advantages: Independent of the environment and climate
Performance features: Type-tested according to IEC 62271-200
Sealed pressure system with SF6 filling for the entire service life
kV 7.2
Hz 50/60
Safe-to-touch enclosure and standardized connections for plug-in cable terminations
short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage
kV 20
kV 60
Three-pole gas-insulated modules for busbar with three-position disconnector, as well as circuitbreaker, for connection of cable plugs Interconnection of modules with single-pole insulated and screened module couplings
lightning impulse withstand voltage
short-circuit breaking current
max. kA 31.5
short-time withstand current, 3 s
max. kA 31.5
short-circuit making current
max. kA 80
peak withstand current
max. kA 80
normal current of the busbar
max. Ak 2,500
normal current of the feeders
max. Ak 2,500
Table 3.4/29: Technical data of NXPLUS
Operating mechanisms and transformers are arranged outside the switchgear vessels, easily accessible
NXPLUS switchgear with single busbar
NXPLUS switchgear with double busbar
Metal enclosed, partition class PM
Fig. 3.4/13: NXPLUS switchgear for single-busbar applications (on the left), NXPLUS switchgear for double-busbar applications (on the right)
Dimensions in mm
Width (spacing) W
Feeders up to 1,250 A
Switchgear design
Single-busbar switchgear
Double-busbar switchgear
Single-busbar switchgear
Double-busbar switchgear
Table 3.4/30: Dimensions of NXPLUS
SIMOSEC The air-insulated medium-voltage switchgear type SIMOSEC is used for power distribution in secondary and primary distribution systems up to 24 kV and up to 1,250 A. The modular product range includes individual panels such as ring-main, transformer and circuit-breaker panels or metering panels to fully satisfy all requirements for power suppliers and industrial applications. Performance features: Type-tested according to IEC 62271-200 Phases for busbar and cable connection are arranged one behind the other Three-pole gas-insulated switchingdevice modules with three-position disconnector, circuit-breaker and earthing switch as sealed pressure system with SF6 filling for the entire service life Air-insulated busbar system Air-insulated cable connection system, for conventional cable sealing ends
with HV HRC fuses: LSC 2A
Compact modular design
Internal arc classification for: – Wall-standing arrangement: IAC A FL 20 kA, 1 s – Free-standing arrangement: IAC A FLR 20 kA, 1 s
High operating and personal safety Environmentally compatible Cost-efficient
Can be mounted side-by-side and extended as desired
Rated voltage
kV 7.2
Hz 50/60
short-duration power-frequency withstand voltage
kV 20
lightning impulse withstand voltage
kV 60
short-circuit breaking current
max. kA 25
short-time withstand current, 1 s
max. kA 25
short-time withstand current, 3 s
max. kA –
short-circuit making current
max. kA 25
peak withstand current
max. kA 63
normal current of the busbar
A 630 or 1,250
normal current of the feeders
max. Ak 1,250
* 42 kV / 75 kV according to some national requirements Table 3.4/31: Technical data of SIMOSEC
Metal-enclosed, partition class PM
Loss of service continuity category for switchgear: without HV HRC fuses: LSC 2B
Dimensions Width (spacing)
Depth Fig. 3.4/14:
SIMOSEC switchgear
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Dimensions in mm W
Ring-main feeders, transformer feeders
375 or 500
Circuit-breaker feeders, bus sectionalizer
750 or 875
Metering panels
Panels without low-voltage compartment
Panels without low-voltage compartment
2,100 or 2,300
Table 3.4/32: Dimensions of SIMOSEC
Medium Voltage
3.5 From MediumVoltage Switchgear to Turnkey Solutions Besides supplying just medium-voltage switchgear, the Siemens Power Transmission and Distribution Group (PTD) also provides the engineering and implementation of turnkey power supply systems for power supply companies, industrial customers and investors. These turnkey solutions combine the stages of design, supply, installation and commissioning of power supply systems to the hand-over of a complete package. The major benefit to the customer: communication with only one partner who is responsible for the entire project implementation. The portfolio encompasses standard and turnkey solutions as well as individual special solutions such as: Power quality solutions – SIPLINK solutions for load flow control in 2 and/or 4-quadrant operation – Active and passive compensation systems for low-voltage and medium-voltage applications – Line filters Your contact for Europe including Germany: Jürgen Sauer PTD M 34, Turnkey Stromversorgungsanlagen Dynamostraße 4 61850 Mannheim Tel.: +49 6 21 4 56-32 80 Fax: +49 6 21 4 56-32 89 Mobile: +49 1 72 6 32 31 44
[email protected]
Generator switchgear Photovoltaic systems coupled to the power system Hydro-electric systems Wind power stations Some examples from the solutions portfolio of Siemens PTD M are described below. Dimensioning of compensation systems for medium voltage Today, electrical energy can be converted into every conceivable form of power, whereby the technology used reduces the quality of the power to a greater of lesser extent. The use of compensation systems is becoming increasingly necessary in order to comply with the standards and guidelines or to meet the specifications relevant for electricity rates. Compensation systems help to
simulation programs and the many years of experience then enable customer-specific solutions to be dimensioned. With just a few details from the “Compensation systems for medium voltage” checklist (marked with an *), it is already possible to estimate costs for the compensation measures during the planning stage, or depending on the amount of information available, to submit tenders for compensation systems based on a sound technical knowledge.
reduce losses, save electricity costs and improve the voltage quality. To improve the quality of the power, compensation systems for mediumvoltage applications are adapted to the technological processes of individual, exposed consumers or consumer groups or entire subsystems. The major focus is on system compatibility of all electrical consumers. In addition to knowledge of the power supply system and local conditions at the place of installation, the prerequisite for correct dimensioning is information on the present rated and operating data of the consumers to be compensated, as well as a definition of the actual goals that are to be achieved with the compensation measures. Special measuring instruments for data acquisition, powerful
Fig. 3.5/1: Application examples
Contact: Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen GmbH Power Quality Management Direct Business Division E-mail:
[email protected] www.reinhausen.com
Compensation systems for medium voltage Project name:
Environmental conditions: Place of installation (country)
Site altitude (above sea level)
< 1,000 m
Ambient air temperature (min./max.)
Air humidity
Resistance to earthquakes
Rated system voltage*
Operating voltage*
System frequency*
Short-circuit current or short-circuit capacity* (min./max.) Audio-frequency remote control
Frequency: ......... Hz
No Harmonic pre-stressing of the supply system
Yes None
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
03rd h. .....
05th h. .....
07th h. .....
11th h. .....
13th h. .....
17th h. .....
19th .h. .....
_.h. .....
Medium Voltage
Checklist Industrial sector*
Power supplier
Steel industry
Oil and gas
Characteristic of the consumer to be compensated
Power/operating data of the consumers to be compensated
Data sheets
Consumers to be compensated*
cos ϕ:
cos ϕ:
cos ϕ:
Relevant producers of harmonics*
Measurement results
cos ϕ:
Objective of the compensation*
Improvement of the average cos ϕ Nominal cos ϕ:
Time base:
Improvement of the momentary cos ϕ Nominal cos ϕ:
Time base:
Ensuring the motor startup Reduction of harmonics Voltage stabilization Flicker compensation Inrush current limitation Reduction of capacitive charging power
Standard or guideline to be complied with for the voltage quality
3.6 Protection of Medium-Voltage Switchgear This section provides information about the selection and use of SIPROTEC protective relays in the field of power system protection. These protective devices have the task to reliably detect faults in the power system and selectively disconnect the affected substation component. No matter whether you want to protect cables, switchgear or busbars, SIPROTEC protective relays always offer optimal and economical solutions. Basic requirements on numerical protection relays: Complete digital measuring and analysis for precise measurements throughout the entire life cycle
other applications (e.g. power management)
3.6.1 Protection Configuration in a Radial Network Radial networks distribute power from the infeed points to the consumers. However, protective tripping switches off all downstream consumers. These can be supplied from another side after switchovers (closing of emergency connections). A radial network is easy to protect due to the single-sided supply and because its topology is not meshed. However, there are still different solution options. Generally, a grading of non-directional overcurrent-time protection relays is sufficient. In this network structure, the substation busbars can also be protected by means of reverse interlocking with very short tripping times.
The disadvantage of this solution is the increase in the tripping times in the direction of the system supply, the location of the highest short-circuit power. The increasing grading time also limits the number of subordinate substations. At the same time, the upstream overcurrent-time protection relays act as backup protection for subordinate devices. The overcurrent-time protection should be equipped with an I> (ANSI Code 51) and an I>> (ANSI Code 50) zone. Thermal overload protection should have parameterization options for signaling or tripping, depending on the requirement. Differential protection devices with very short tripping times offer an alternative protection concept. Line differential protection relays protect the connections between the substa-
Integrated self-monitoring with alarm contact for low maintenance costs and higher device availability Integrated fault recording and a powerful analysis program (e.g. SIGRA) for fast fault clearing and signaling, thus reducing downtimes in the event of a line fault
Supply 1
I>> I>>
Emergency connection
Emergency connection
Parameter set changeover for automatic adaptation of the pickup values to different supply conditions
∆I ∆I
Emergency connection I>>
Application-oriented functional adaptations, e.g. by means of CFC logic (Continuous Function Chart) using the DIGSI operator tool
One operating program (e.g. DIGSI) for all protective devices, providing a higher degree of operating safety and savings in staff training costs
Serial communications interface for easy integration into a control system or for the data export to
Supply 2
Busbar protection through reverse interlocking via additional definite-time overcurrent protection or integrated backup definite-time overcurrent protection (for )
Line differential protection: SIPROTEC 7SD600 or 7SD610
Note: Only the protection relays that are relevant for the topology have been shown
Fig. 3.6/1: Radial network with a low extension
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Medium Voltage
tions in first-zone time. The backup protection concept must be considered separately. Under no circumstances should the overcurrent-time protection/backup protection function, which is integrated in the differential protection devices, be used for the same network section, as in that case hardware redundancy would not be ensured.
3.6.2 Protection Configuration in a Closed Ring Network
Note: Differential protection is less common in radial networks because of cost reasons. It is only used in the process industry in order to ensure short fault clearing times and therefore prevent process interruption whenever possible.
The supply from two or more sides places high demands on the protection concept, as the fault current can flow in both directions, i.e. nondirectional overcurrent-time protection relays are not suitable as the main protection measure.
Of course, a radial network can also be protected by means of Z< distance protection relays when the distance between neighboring stations permits a correct grading of the distance zones. These devices would be able to clear the majority of faults in firstzone time. The principle of reverse interlocking is also suitable here to protect the busbars. Backup protection is also implicitly provided through the extended zone grading of subordinate network sections. Proposed devices:
stations to be tripped in first-zone time. The non-directional overcurrenttime protection function contained in these relays can be utilized for a backup protection concept, but not for busbar protection via reverse interlocking. This suggests the use of SIPROTEC 7UT6 or 7SS60 for busbar protection, in which case backup protection also requires consideration.
Ring networks are used frequently as they permanently supply all stations with power from two sides. This enables faults on connecting cables to be selectively cleared without having to disconnect consumers.
Alternatively, ring networks can be protected by means of directional comparison protection. Directional overcurrent-time protection relays are used for this purpose; they require voltage transformers as well as a communication link to the respective partner device at the opposite end of the line. Busbar protection can be implemented with these relays via reverse interlocking. A backup protection concept can also be set up
Ring networks are generally protected by means of differential protection relays. This enables faults on the connecting cables between the sub-
Supply 1
Supply 2
> I>>
I>> I>>
I> = SIPROTEC 7SJ61, 7SJ62
Line differential protection: SIPROTEC 7SD61 with backup overcurrent-time protection Busbar differential protection: SIPROTEC 7UT6 > Directional overcurrent-time protection: SIPROTEC 7SJ62
Note: Only the protection relays that are relevant for the topology have been shown
Fig. 3.6/2: Ring network with a low extension
through extended zone grading of adjacent network sections. Directional comparison protection is mainly used in power supply systems for infrastructure and industry. Of course, ring networks can also be protected by means of distance protection relays when the distance between neighboring substations permits a clear grading of the distance zones. These devices would clear the majority of faults in first-zone time. The principle of reverse interlocking is also suitable here to protect the busbars. Backup protection is implicitly contained through the extended zone grading of adjacent network sections. Distance protection relays also require voltage transformers. Distance protection is mainly used in the ring networks of distribution system operators.
3.6.4 Protection of Parallel Lines The directional overcurrent-time protection determines the direction of the current flow from the phase angle of the current and voltage, and offers additional directional overcurrent zones besides the non-directional overcurrent-time protection. This permits different current thresholds and delay times for the two directions. Main applications are parallel lines as well as lines supplied from both sides.
Differential protection relays with very short tripping times offer an alternative protection concept for parallel lines. Line differential protection relays protect the interconnections between the substations in first-zone time. The backup protection concept must be considered separately. Note: Differential protection is used mainly in the process industry in order to ensure short fault clearing times and therefore prevent a process interruption whenever possible.
Proposed devices:
I> = SIPROTEC 7SJ62 I> = SIPROTEC 7SJ61 or 7SJ600, 7SJ602 or 7SJ80
Supply direction
Supply direction
Proposed devices: ΔI = line differential protection SIPROTEC 7SD610
ΔI = busbar differential protection SIPROTEC 7UT6
t = 300ms
t = 300ms
t = 0ms
t = 0ms
3.6.3 Protection Configuration for Open Ring Networks Open ring networks have the following characteristics: circuit-breakers are installed in the system supplies. The substations in the open ring are equipped with switch-disconnectors. As a rule, they are not equipped with protective devices, as switch-disconnectors cannot break short-circuit currents. Only outgoing transformer feeders are equipped with fuses. Regarding the protective equipment for the system supply, the same applies as for the radial network.
t = 0ms
t = 0ms
Overcurrent-time protection > SIPROTEC (7SJ61 or 7SJ600) Directional overcurrent-time > protection SIPROTEC (7SJ62)
Fig. 3.6/3: Protection concept for parallel supply with definite-time overcurrent protection
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Line differential protection SIPROTEC 7SD610 >
Overcurrent-time protection SIPROTEC 7SJ61
Grafik 3.6/4: Protection concept for parallel supply with differential protection relays
Medium Voltage
3.6.5 Earth-Fault Detection in an Isolated or Compensated System An earth fault is not a short circuit. Operation is first of all continued. An earth fault must be signaled and cleared as quickly as possible. The earth fault is located by devices with wattmetric earth-fault direction detection, such as SIPROTEC 7SJ602. In meshed systems, transient earthfault relays such as SIPROTEC 7SN60 are used to locate the earth fault. The earth currents can be detected with a Holmgreen circuit or a cabletype current transformer. The Holmgreen circuit is suitable for higher earth-fault currents (> 40 A) and a transformation ratio of the feeder transformers (< 150/1), that is not too high.
3.6.6 Earth-Fault Protection for LowResistance Neutral Earthing In a system with a low-resistance earthed neutral, every earth fault is a short circuit. The pickup value for the earth-fault protection must be selected so that it is suitably sensitive to reliably trip every earth fault. SIPROTEC line protection relays can optionally be selected with the appropriate earth-fault protection. In the overhead line system, approximately 70% of the earth faults are successfully cleared without major operational interruptions through automatic reclosing (AR).
3.6.7 Transformer Protection Transformer differential protection is used for selective, instantaneous protection of transformers. As the feeding line lengths of the transformers on the high and low voltage sides are usually not too long, the summated current can be formed in one device and not in separate devices as in line differential protection. Modern transformer differential protection relays no longer require any secondary interface circuits to simulate current effects imposed by the transformer. This is computed by the numerical protection device. The protection device should also be equipped with an inrush detection to ensure safe connection of the transformer. Proposed devices:
Power direction Forward Backward
ΔI = SIPROTEC 7UT612 for twowinding transformers ΔI = SIPROTEC 7UT613 for threewinding transformers
Wattmetric directional earth-fault relay Fig. 3.6/5: Earth-fault protection 1
Transformer differential protection SIPROTEC 7UT612 for two-winding transformers SIPROTEC 7UT613 for three-winding transformers
Fig. 3.6/6: Transformer protection
3.6.8 Machine Protection MV
Generators < 1 MW If a cable-type current transformer is available for sensitive earth-fault protection, a 7SJ602 or 7SK80 device with a separate earth-current input can be used instead of the SIPROTEC 7SJ600. Generators up to 5 MW A SIPROTEC 7UM61 protection relay is used for larger generators. With its frequency adjustment from 11 to 60 Hz, the protection is also fully effective when the generator is started up. If a generator differential protection is required, a SIPROTEC 7UM62 protection relay should be used.
Fig. 3.6/7: Protection concept for very small generators with solidly earthed neutral
Note: Two voltage transformers in a V-connection are sufficient.
Fig. 3.6/8: Protection concept for small generators Further information: ΔI = SIPROTEC 7SD600 Catalog SIP 5.2 Order no. E50001-K4405-A121-A2
I> = SIPROTEC 7SJ602 Catalog SIP 3.3 Order no. E50001-K4403-A131-A2
ΔI = SIPROTEC 7SD610 Catalog SIP 5.4 Order no. E50001-K4405-A141-A2
I> = SIPROTEC 7SJ61 Catalog SIP 3.1 Order no. E50001-K4403-A111-A5
Z< = SIPROTEC 7SA6 Catalog SIP 4.3 Order no. E50001-K4404-A131-A2
I> = SIPROTEC 7SJ600 Catalog SIP 3.2 Order no. E50001-K4403-A121-A1
ΔI = Busbar differential protection SIPROTEC 7UT6 Catalog SIP 5.6 Order no. E50001-K4405-A161-A2 I> = SIPROTEC 7SJ62 Catalog SIP 3.1 Order no. E50001-K4403-A111-A5
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Machine protection SIPROTEC 7UM61 Catalog SIP 6.1 Order no. E50001-K4406-A111-A1 SIPROTEC 7SJ61-64 Catalog SIP 3.1 Order no. E50001-K4403-A111-A5
chapter 4 4.1 Distribution Transformers 4.2 Control and Isolating Transformers
4 Transformers 4.1 Distribution Transformers A safe power supply requires a well developed supply system with highcapacity transformers. Wherever distribution transformers in the immediate vicinity of people must guarantee highest safety, cast-resin transformers are the perfect solution. Cast-resin transformers have made it possible to avoid the restrictions of liquid-filled transformers, while still preserving tried and tested properties such as operational reliability and long service life. In the TIP Application Manual on the Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, essential information for the design and configuration of distribution transformers is described in Section 5.2, p. 5/12 ff. In addition to this section, please see below for the most important requirements for the site of installation. Requirements on the site of installation Cast-resin transformers place the lowest requirements on the site of installation. This arises from the provisions for groundwater protection, fire protection and conservation of functions in DIN VDE 0101, DIN VDE 0100-718 and of Elt Bau VO. Below is a comparison of transformers of different designs on the basis of these provisions, as valid in 1997.
Transformer design
Type of cooling in accordance with EN 60076-2
Mineraloil * O
In isolated electrical operating areas
Outdoor installations
a Oil sumps und collecting pits b Discharge of liquid from the collecting pit must be prevented c Water Resources Act and the state ordinances are to be observed
Impermeable floors with ground plates are permissible as oil sumps und collecting pit with max. 3 transformers and less than 1,000 liters of liquid per transformer
No oil sumps and collecting pits under certain conditions
= Transformers with silicone oil or synth. ester **
As with coolant code O
Cast-resin dry-type transformers
No measures required
Complete text of VDE 0101, Section C, must be taken into consideration
* or burning point of the cooling and insulation liquid ≤ 300 °C ** or burning point of the cooling and insulation liquid > 300 °C Table 4.1/1: Protective measures for water protection in accordance with DIN VDE 0101
Coolant code
Outdoor installations
a Rooms fire-proof F90A, isolated;
a Sufficient distances
b Doors fire-retardant T30;
c Doors leading outside fire-resistant
b Fire-proof partitions
d Oil sumps and collecting pits arranged so that fire does not spread; except for installation in isolated electrical operating areas with max. 3 transformers and less than 1,000 liters of liquid per transformer; e Fast working protective equipment K
As with coolant code O a, b and c are not necessary if e is No measures required fulfilled
As with coolant code K, but without d
No measures required
Table 4.1/2: Protective measures for fire protection and conservation of functions in accordance with DIN VDE 0101
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Environment Categories, Climate Categories and Fire Safety Categories IEC 60076-11 defines Environment Categories, Climate Categories and Fire Safety Categories, which take into consideration the various operating conditions at the site of installation. The Environment Category (E) takes into account air humidity, precipitation and pollution. The Climate Category (C) takes into account the lowest ambient temperature. It is thus also a measure of the crack resistance of the cast-resin impregnation. The Fire Safety Category (F) takes into account the possible consequences of fire. Important! In accordance with IEC 60076-11 or DIN 42523 the required class may be defined by the operator. GEAFOL transformers fulfill the requirements of the highest defined classes:
Environment Category Class E0
No precipitation, pollution negligible
Class E1
Occasional precipitation, pollution possible to a limited extent
Class E2
Frequent precipitation or pollution, also both at the same time
Climate Category Class C1
Indoor installation not below –5 °C
Class C2
Outdoor installation down to –25 °C
Fire Safety Category Class F0
Limiting of the fire risk is not envisaged.
Class F1
The properties of the transformer mean the fire risk is limited.
Table 4.1/3: Environment Categories, Climate Categories and Fire Safety Categories in accordance with IEC 60076-11
Under normal operation this means normal service life consumption is attained. The average annual temperature and the capacity in particular are decisive for service life consumption. Ambient temperatures deviating from this affect the load capacity of the system.
Environment Category E2 Climate Category C2 Fire Safety Category F1
Special installation conditions
Temperature of the cooling air
Coating and prevailing temperatures are relevant for use in a tropical climate. For use at an altitude of over 1,000 m above sea level, a special design with regard to warming and insulation level is necessary (see IEC 60076-11).
Transformers are designed for the following values of the cooling air in accordance with the relevant standards: Maximum 40 °C Daily average 30 °C Annual average 20 °C
Extreme conditions on site are to be taken into consideration when planning the system:
Ambient temperature (annual average)
–20 °C
124 %
–10 °C
118 %
0 °C
112 %
+10 °C
106 %
+20 °C
100 %
+30 °C
93 %
Table 4.1/4: System capacity depending on the ambient temperature
In the event of increased mechanical strain – use in a ship, excavator, earthquake region, etc. – structural support may be required, e.g. propping of the top yokes.
Maximum voltage*) of the equipment Um
Rated, withstand, lightning stroke, impulse voltage*) LI
Minimum distance
(see Fig. 4.1/1)
List 1
List 2
Minimum distances
*) see DIN EN 60076-3 (VDE 0532 T3); **) distance b = distance a, if h.v. tapping here; otherwise: distance b = distance c Table 4.1/5: Minimum distances around GEAFOL transformers
Shock-hazard protection The cast-resin surface of the transformer winding is not safe to touch during operation. Hence, protection against accidental touching is necessary. Various measures taken at the time of installation of the transformer in an electrical operating area ensure shock-hazard protection, e.g. the fitting of a guard strip (Fig. 4.1/2) or grid (Fig. 4.1/3). Examples of design Fig. 4.1/2 and 4.1/3 show examples of types of protection against accidental touching. For the distances A, B and C the following rule applies: Minimum distance (Table 4.1/3) plus 30 mm safety margin (tried and tested dimension) plus Assembly distance (depending on space required). Safe clearance D (Fig. 4.1/3) is required for separation with cover strips, chains or ropes, mounted at a
height of 1,100 to 1,300 mm. For Um, the following applies: 12 kV = 500 mm 24 kV = 500 mm 36 kV = 525 mm Safe clearance E (Fig. 4.1/3) is required for a grid height of 1800 mm. For Um, the following applies: 12 kV = 215 mm 24 kV = 315 mm 36 kV = 425 mm
Fig. 4.1/1: Minimum distances around GEAFOL transformers
a simple, non-flammable partition. Partitioning has clear advantages if transformers supply different networks; if one transformer has to be isolated, the other one can remain in operation.
and max. 40 mm mesh size for wire-mesh doors or guards. Safe clearance D and E in accordance with DIN VDE 0101. Room division between transformers When several cast-resin transformers are arranged in one room (Fig. 4.1/2 and 4.1/3), room division is not stipulated, but this is normally done using
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Further information: Siemens AG, Power Transmission and Distribution (ed.): GEAFOL cast-resin transformers: Planning Notes, Order No. E50001-U413-A47-V2
Full wall
Fig. 4.1/2: Example of a guard strip
1300 C
Full wall
Fig. 4.1/3: Example of a grid
4.2 Control and Isolating Transformers 4.2.1 Single- and Three-phase Dry-type Transformers
safely under very varied conditions throughout the world. The range comprises: Power range 25 VA to 2 MVA Voltage range 1 V to 3.6 kV Current range 1 A to 20 kA Standards/regulations SIRIUS one- and three-phase transformers < 16 kVA are categorized as isolating, control and line transformers in accordance with EN 61558-2-4, -2-2, -2-1 or safety isolating, control and line transformers in accordance with EN 61558-2-6, -2-2, -2-1 or autotransformers in accordance with EN 61558-2-13 with selectable input and output voltages Note: In the case of SIRIUS transformers, line transformers with ≤ 50 V on the output side are always designed as safety isolating transformers.
Fig. 4.2/1: SIRIUS dry-type transformers
Areas of application Control transformers in the construction of plants and process control equipment Matching transformers for manufacturing plants Isolating and safety isolating transformers for electrical equipment Transformers in production machines Associated transformers for communication technology, medical engineering and building installations Transformers for drive systems In order to ensure the correct voltage in every situation, the right transformer is needed. SIRIUS dry-type transformers are reliable, functionally
SIRIUS one- and three-phase power transformers > 16 kVA can be used as matching transformers with an input/output voltage in accordance with DIN VDE 0532-6 and as matching, auto- or converter transformers in accordance with DIN VDE 0532-6 with selectable input and output voltages. SIRIUS dry-type transformers provide optimal protection with high permissible ambient temperatures up to 40 °C or 55 °C, high short-time rating in the case of control transformers, a fuseless design and their safety standard “Safety inside“ EN 61558. For more technical data on the Internet see www.siemens.com/sidac One- and three-phase dry-type transformers < 16 kVA EN 61558-2-6, -2-4, -2-2, -2-1, -2-13 The standard EN 61558 with the VDE classification VDE 0570 is the German-
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
language version of the international standard IEC 61558 (Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar) and has completely replaced the older standards VDE 0550 and VDE 0551. These changes have resulted in stricter conditions for production and testing for some transformers. With SELV* (exposed, maximum 50 V AC or 120 V DC), transformers for general use always have double or reinforced insulations, i.e. these transformers are exclusively safety isolating transformers. Furthermore, all transformers are supplied with instructions for protective elements which can be used to protect them against short circuit und overload. One- and three-phase dry-type transformers > 16 kVA DIN VDE 0532-6 Area of application In industrial machines, process engineering, heating and air conditioning technology, etc. for feeding control and signaling circuits, if several electromagnetic consumers (e.g. contactors) are to be controlled, control and signaling devices are used outside the control cabinet, the operating voltage of the consumer is different to that which is available, as well as for voltage matching for machines and systems with electrical isolation or as an autotransformer, or in general for voltage matching of electrical equipment, e.g. in communication technology, medical engineering and building installations.
* Safety Extra-Low voltage
In drive engineering, special converter transformers are used for voltage matching and as autotransformers when infeed/feedback modules are used Special transformers are used for rail vehicles, ships and container loading bridges, wind power and solar energy. Important properties of one- and three-phase dry-type transformers High short-time rating of SIRIUS control transformers: lower transformer-rated power with a larger number of contactors Suitable for “fuseless design“: the low inrush on the primary side means “circuit-breakers for motor protection“ can also be used CUUS-approved for the US and Canada Characteristics Rated power Pn (continuous operation) depending on: – frequency AC 50 Hz … 60 Hz – degree of protection IP00 – installation altitude up to 1,000 m above sea level and – ambient temperature ta, type-dependent 40 °C or 55 °C. Referring to the ambient temperature, the parameter Pn is a characteristic of the thermal load capacity. Installation and operating conditions that deviate from this affect the permissible continuous load by the consumers (see Fig. 4.2/1).
Table 4.2/1
SIRIUS transformers
Short-time rating Pshortt The most important selection criterion for control transformers is their shorttime rating Pshortt. This is required for
n zul. n
short-circuit current and the thermal load capacity on overload are matched to the tripping characteristics of the circuit-breakers.
net and downloaded from www.siemens.com/sidac –> Support –> Tools & Downloads
It is also possible to protect the transformers on the secondary side against short circuits or overload with circuitbreakers or with miniature circuitbreakers with C characteristics.
4.2.2 Non-Stabilized DC 24 V Power Supplies
0,9 0,8
Installation altitude [x 1,000 m above sea level]
1,4 n zul.
n a=
40 °C/H a=
0,8 0,6
55 °C/H
40 °C/B
40 50
°C 80
Ambient temperature
Fig. 4.2/1: Load characteristics: permissible transformer continuous load in relation to the ambient temperature and the installation height
switching on electromagnetic loads, e.g. contactors with high making capacity in relation to the holding power. In accordance with EN 61558-2-2 “Particular requirements for control transformers“ the output voltage with this load should not drop more than 5% in relation to the rated voltage in order to ensure safe switching. Depending on their application, SIRIUS control transformers < 16 kVA are optimized for high short-time rating with comparatively low rated power and thus small size Inrush current SIRUS transformers in the power range < 16 kVA have been designed for protective equipment which provides the transformers with reliable protection in the event of short circuit or overload. Optimal protection is provided by the SIRIUS standard circuit-breakers 3RV and 3VF. Thus, the transformers are protected on the primary side against both short circuits and overload, without the risk of false tripping on startup. The low inrush current, the
Note: The specified primary-side circuitbreakers are for protecting the primary side of transformers in the event of short circuit und overload on the secondary side. In the event of a possible short circuit on the feeder lines between the protective device and the primary side of the transformer, the rated short-circuit breaking capacity of the circuit-breaker must be taken into account with regard to the maximum possible current at the place of installation.
Area of application Non-stabilized 24 V DC power supplies are used to supply general electrical loads, feed control circuits, provide a power supply for electronic controllers. Note: They meet the requirements in accordance with EN 61131-2 “Programmable controllers – Equipment requirements and tests“ and are, besides other applications, also suitable for SIMATIC.
Configuration assistant ASIST
ASIST is a PC program for selecting control transformers available in German, English and Danish.
SIRIUS power supplies provide nonstabilized direct voltage of 24 V DC on the basis of single-phase transformer or three-phase safety isolating transformers with series-connected rectifiers and smoothing capacitor.
EN 61558-2-2 stipulates that the short-time rating must be entered on the rating plate only if power factor cos phi = 0.5 of the load. The shorttime rating of control transformers depends essentially on cos phi of the load, however. It increases with lower power factors in particular. It is thus all the more important to calculate the exact short-time rating with the relevant cos phi. Using the PC program ASIST as a configuration assistant reduces the time it takes to calculate the required type size to a minimum and guarantees that the control transformer is technologically and economically optimal. The current version of the ASIST program can be ordered on the Inter-
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Function SIRIUS power supplies meet the requirements in accordance with EN 61131-2, depending on the loading (idling to rated current) and irrespective of the fluctuation of the supply voltage (+6% to –10% in accordance with IEC 60038). The electronic controller is supplied with the permissible operating voltage also in the event of fluctuation of these parameters without the necessity, depending on the load and network conditions, of also having to select relevant tapping on the transformer to raise or lower the output direct voltage. In the event of a
SIRIUS power supplies Non-Stabilized Power Supplies Version
Ripple factor
Rated output Rated output voltage in acc. w. voltage EN 61131-2 suitable for SIMATIC systems
Rated output current/rated power
115 ... 415
1 ... 3,5 A
screw-type/ slip-on terminal
on standard mounting rail
screw-type/ slip-on or cage clamp terminal
screw-type and/or top-hat rail installation
screw-type/ slip-on or cage clamp
screw-type and/or on standard
screw-type/ slip-on terminal screw-type/ slip-on terminal
screw-type installation
screw-type/ slip-on terminal screw-type/ slip-on terminal
screw-type installation
cURus approval
Filtered 4AV21/23
4AV20/22/ 24/26
115 ... 415
230 ... 415
2,5 ... 15 A
1,5 ... 10 A
200 ... 600
15 ... 150 A
400 ... 415
25, 35 A
48,3 %
230 or 400
50 ... 500 W
Protective equipment partly
screw-type installation
Unfiltered 4AV98
4 ... 25 A
The robust design means the power supplies have a very high reliability. They prove to be extremely stable against the influence of external system disturbances and have a dampening effect on electromagnetic interference. They are also well-suited for supplying capacitive loads, since connecting these consumers causes only minor voltage dips.
screw-type installation
Table 4.2/2: SIRIUS power supplies
In order to ensure short circuit, overload and shock-hazard protection, conductors between the output terminals of the power supply and the consumer must show negligible line impedance. Further details are to be found in DIN VDE 0100 (Erection of power installations with rated voltages below 1,000 V) Part 410, Part 520 in particular Section 525 and Part 610. Supplementary capacitors for the three-phase model (aluminum electrolyte)
higher power requirement, any number of devices of the same type can be switched in parallel. Here the total current may not exceed 90% of the individual rated currents., Layout SIRIUS power supplies are one- or three-phase transformers with seriesconnected rectifiers in a 2-pulse (B2) or 6-pulse (B6) bridge circuit and smoothing capacitor. They correspond to safety class I. The safety isolating transformers used are laid out in accordance with EN 61558-2-6 and make it possible to safely isolate SELV and FELV* control circuits from other control circuits. They are fully impregnated in polyester resin to protect against harmful environmental factors.
SIRIUS power supplies are: Suitable for protection by standard circuit-breakers for fuseless design Fitted with additional earth terminals for easy earthing of the control circuit by means of a detachable connection directly to the equipment Easy to install with freely accessible mounting holes or rail snap-on mounting At the output terminal to damp higher-frequency overvoltages wired with varistors and MKT capacitors Available for the IEC standard voltages of 230 / 400 V and in multi-voltage design that can be connected to the most common system voltages worldwide up to 600 V.
3-phase power supplies are available with supplementary capacitors upon request. Thus the values in the “Selection and order data” are attained. The back-up time applies where U1 = U1N – 10%
* Functional extra-low voltage.
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Power Generation
chapter 5 5.1 Grid-connected Photovoltaic (PV) Systems 5.2 Basis for the Use of UPS
5.1 Grid-Connected Photovoltaic (PV) Systems Alternative power generation concepts are becoming increasingly important as the energy reserves decrease and the cost of electricity is constantly rising. Photovoltaic systems convert sunlight directly into electrical energy without emitting any pollution, thus increasing independence from expensive fossil fuels. Government sponsorship programs and improvements in performance are making photovoltaic (PV) systems more and more interesting for investors. Above-average returns can be achieved by feeding solar power into the grid.
Photo 5.1/1: PV system integrated in the facade
Basics Typically a PV system is made up of the following components: Solar generator Cabling Inverter Feed-in meter Connection to the local grid Processes Sunlight can be absorbed by solar cells and converted into electrical energy. Direct current will be produced by the solar cells. Several solar cells connected form a solar panel. Panels connected in series are called strings. All strings, connected parallel, form the solar generator. The inverters convert the direct current from the solar generator into alternating current which will be fed into the public grid. Optimal engineering forms the basis for a highly efficienct and reliable PV system.
Requirements While planning solar systems, civil and electrical requirements must be taken into consideration, as previsions for photovoltaic systems will rarely have been made originally, when the building was planned. For years, “Siemens Solar Projects” has been developing civil and electrical solutions for solar power plants, resulting in a broad experience with all kinds of systems The following factors directly influence the efficiency, during the planning and implementation of a PV system and therefore influence the profitability. System location (high solar irradiation) Orientation and tilt of the PV system Quality of the products (optimally configured) Optimal engineering (electrical/civil)
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Photo 5.1/2: Installation of a PV system on the roof of a building
Available systems Facade system Roof system Flat roof installation Custom solutions for special systems
Power Generation
Planning guidelines
As a rule, roof and facade systems are fed 3-phase into the low-voltage power system of the local grid. The type of grid feed-in should be clarified individually with the local grid operator.
The following points have to be clarified when planning a grid-connected PV system: The configuration and orientation (solar irradiation) Clarity about the type of solar power system
Turnkey solutions Siemens provides efficient and reliable system solutions for turnkey supply of solar power systems; this means the supply of grid-connected PV systems, including the planning, purchasing and engineering and the acceptance of works performed.
– The total installed power of the system, depending on investment possibilities and the available area – Creation of a financing package – Static proof of the load carrying capacity of the roof or facade
Siemens supports the planning process with ...
– Electrical and civil engineering – Clarification of the feed-in possibility and registration at the local grid operator
Photo 5.1/3: Example of a special mounting solutions for fastening the support structure on a stadium roof
Concept creation
Specially developed solar panel clamp
Detail side view X of World Cup stadium
Solar panel
X Detail view Y of solar panel clamp 14
80 90°
3 46
Side view of World Cup stadium
90° Ø6
Fig. 5.1/1: Example of a special mounting solutions for fastening the support structure on a stadium roof (World Cup soccer stadium in Nuremberg)
26 modules
26 modules
GT6 1
25 modules
25 modules
25 modules
25 modules
25 modules
25 modules
B A GT =
Cable sizes:
generator terminal box
A = 35 mm 2 B = 70 mm 2
= ≈
Siemens master/slave inverter unit Sinvert Solar 2x60
L1 L2 L3 N PE
Fig. 5.1/2: Systematic representation for the configuration of a grid-connected PV system
Creation of tender specifications
SUNIT™ roof-mounted system
Calculation of profitability
Solar system integrated in the facade
Support during the preparation of a financing concept Provision of system solutions Based on many years of experience in the implementation of PV systems coupled to the power system, Siemens can provide the following system solutions:
SolarPark™ solar canopy A SUNIT solar power system consists of for example solar panels, Siemens inverter(s), switches, cabling, mounting systems and their installation manuals. This product family can be supplied in various configurations for tiled, flat or corrugated sheet roofs or facades.
Lightweight flat roof solar system Building integrated solar power system (BIPV)
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Contact: Siemens Solar Projects Tobias Wittmann PTD M 3 M, Marketing & Innovation Mozartstraße 31c 91052 Erlangen, Germany +49 91 31 7-3 45 06
[email protected] www.siemens.com/solar Photovoltaic support Information about the current remuneration for supplies, sponsorship programs and allowances is available from the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (Development Loan Corporation) at www.kfw.de/ or from the local power distribution network operator.
Power Generation
5.2 Basis for the Use of UPS
the distributed use of plug-in devices can be excluded from the planning.
The use of a UPS system is for the protection of sensitive consumers in the general power supply system (GPS) and to ensure that they can continue to operate during power failures [1]. The notes in this section refer to static UPS systems where electronic components influence the voltage. The international standard IEC 62040-3 describes the classification for static UPS systems and defines the tests for the associated classification. The UPS classification focuses on the behavior during line faults and the quality of the load supply (Table 5.2/1). The requirements of the system integration in accordance with Totally Integrated Power must be satisfied by an (input-side) frequency- and voltage-independent load supply through double-transformer UPS devices (socalled online devices with doubleconversion operation). In this context, Line faults 1. Power failures 2. Voltage fluctuations
A CE marking in accordance with Directive 73/23/EEC for low-voltage systems and 89/336/EEC for electromagnetic compatibility is required for operation of UPS devices within the European Community. These regulations have been included in the international standards for safety requirements (IEC 62040-1-1 for operation in easily accessible rooms and IEC 62040-1-2 for operation in closed rooms) as well as in the EMC requirements (IEC 62040-2). The special features of the UPS that have to be taken into account during the planning and operation have resulted in separate UPS-specific characteristics having to be defined that go beyond the IEC 60950 standard for the safety of IT facilities. The basic schematic structure of a UPS comprises:
< 16 ms 4 ... 16 ms
4. Undervoltages
5. Overvoltages
7. Surge
The dedicated power supply via the DC link The charging function for the DC link accumulators The ability to control elements of the power electronics The influence on the supplied loads via IT connections Load supply via the inverters These factors result in numerous interdependencies and operating modes that must be taken into account during the planning. Care should also be taken when planning extensions to the UPS system. These include: Power supply input and system perturbations Battery, battery monitoring and DC link (Manual) bypasses, UPS output and load
IEC 62040-3
UPS solution
VFD Voltage + Frequency Dependent
Classification 3, passive standby operation (offline)
< 4 ms Sporadic
9. Voltage distortion (burst)
Ableiter-Lösung – – –
VI Voltage + Independent
Classification 2, line interactive operation
8. Frequency fluctuations
10. Voltage harmonics
The possibility of switching to a back-up system
> 10 ms
3. Voltage peaks
6. Lightning strikes
A mains-supplied input
VFI Voltage + Frequency Independent
– – Lightning and overvoltage protection (IEC 60364-5-534)
Classification 1, doubleconversion operation (online)
– – –
Table 5.2/1: Line faults and UPS classification according to international standard (source: [2])
5.2.1 Power Supply Input The following must be considered during the planning phase:
Switch disconnector QS 3 Electronic bypass switch
Main system
Input voltage range without switchover to battery operation
Switch disconnector QS 2
Back-up system Switch disconnector QS 1
Switch disconnector QS 4
Sicherung Battery fuse Battery switch disconnector QS 9
Remote signaling
Battery fuse Battery switch disconnector
Interfaces Software option
Battery cabinet
Fig. 5.2/1: UPS block diagram for MASTERGUARD S III series
Redundancy and availability Construction, installation and environmental conditions Extensions, options and accessories IT and communication interfaces, signaling and load tripping Telemonitoring, maintenance and service There is no standard approach for UPS engineering. Planning notes for the individual points are not a recipe how to proceed and are not a substitute for consulting our Siemens engineering promoters. Every project has its own boundary conditions that need to be adhered to, and for weighting individual parameters appropriately, an iterative planning and implementation process involving the customer and the contracting engineering firm should be considered.
conditions such as noise, EMC, waste heat and battery gassing are more important in office and computer environments. As in this manual the emphasis is on commercial, institutional and industrial buildings with sensitive consumers, the devices to be considered can be limited to threephase UPS devices (380/400/415 V and 50/60 Hz) with an output power greater than 10 kVA. This corresponds to the MASTERGUARD UPS devices of the C, D and S III series installed in separate operating rooms.
System perturbations and separate input networks are much more important for a large, central three-phase current UPS system than for onephase UPS devices in 19-inch cabinets. On the other hand, environmental
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Maximum permissible input current for rectifiers (charging operation, efficiency, power factor, connecting lead, line-side fusing, etc.) Separate bypass input and feedback protection Rectifier circuit, system perturbations and input power factor (dimensioning of emergency generating sets) The rectifier has the task of building up the DC link. The inverter is supplied and the energy storage module charged with a direct voltage that is as constant as possible. If special battery chargers or charging converters are used in the UPS, it must be determined whether the charging current is sufficient to recharge the connected temporary storage module within a reasonable time. A broad input voltage range is useful for weak or fluctuating networks, especially for low voltages, in order to avoid frequent switchover to battery operation. Typical rectifier circuits for threephase networks are 6-pulse or 12pulse bridge circuits with diodes, thyristors or more recently also with transistors (Fig. 5.2/2). Input voltage range and maximum input current of the UPS are typical parameters that characterize the power capability of the rectifier. Fluctuations can already occur in the public power supply of the network operator, in a range between +10% and –10% of the rated voltage (according to IEC 60038; +6% / –10% applies provisionally until 2008). If line losses
Power Generation
of approx. –4% also occur in the consumer system, then the UPS should have an input voltage range of +10% / –14% or better. The DC link current supplied by the rectifier must be sufficient to supply the inverter with power at the lowest permissible input voltage without discharging the battery. For this reasons, specifications for the part-load operation can be helpful for the operation of UPS devices in weak power systems. The cabling for the UPS input and output must be dimensioned appropriately for the input currents and the cable lengths. Recommended and maximum possible conductor cross-sections should be specified for the connection. Please note that higher currents may flow through a separate bypass connection in order to trip fuses in the outgoing circuit via the electronic bypass. With UPS devices of large power, it must be clarified whether the manual bypass is already integrated in the device as standard, or whether it has to be installed in a separate cabinet. It is also possible to separate the input networks or integrate emergency generators without a network switchover upstream of the UPS via suitable, separate connection possibilities on the UPS. The all-pole diagrams (Fig. 5.2/3) for the UPS connection are important for this. The grounding and switching conditions upstream and downstream of the UPS must be considered for the planning, for example, does the spatial assignment of the main ground bus (MGB) between the system supply and the UPS output have to be taken into account. Emergency generators upstream of the UPS require special consideration so that the interaction between UPS and generator functions correctly. It is important that the rectifier of the UPS and the characteristic of the generator
Fig. 5.2/2: Rectifier configuration for MASTERGUARD S III series with 12-pulse circuit and filter
match. The UPS and generator manufacturers should provide a joint solution. A simple aid is the dimensioning factor (DF), which determines the ratio between the rated apparent power of the generator SGen and the apparent power of the UPS at the input SUPS: DF = SGen / SUPS The boundary condition must be SSGen ≥ SUPS
of the generator (to be obtained from the manufacturer) KUPS = UPS factor THDV = permissible voltage distortion in the UPS input network (Total Harmonic Distortion) Whereas 8% is a typical value for the THDV when further consumers are to be supplied in the input network, the UPS factor depends on the UPS rectifier (Table 5.2/2).
The dimensioning factor is defined as DF = xd“ x KUPS / THDV i.e. a generator should be selected for which the following applies: SGen ≥ DF x SUPS where xd“ = subtransient reactance
THDV = 8%
SIII series 6-pulse rectifier
SIII series 12-pulse rectifier D series
KUPS = 1.6
KUPS = 0.8
KUPS = 0.6
xd“ = 8%
DF = 1.6
DF = 1
DF = 1
xd“ = 14%
DF = 2.8
DF = 1.4
DF = 1.05
xd“ = 20%
DF = 4
DF = 2
DF = 1.5
Fig. 5.2/2: Rectifier configuration for MASTERGUARD S III series with 12-pulse circuit and filter
Fig. 5.2/3: All-pole diagrams for the connection of the S III and D series
5.2.2 Battery, Battery Monitoring and DC Link The connection of an energy storage module in the UPS DC link is a major difference between a UPS and a voltage stabilizer or a frequency converter. At present, battery systems are generally used in UPS systems for cost-performance reasons. Current alternatives are rotating mechanical energy storage modules (flywheel) and storage capacitors (Supercap); however, for cost reasons, they can only be used for short interruptions (< 1 min), until a generator has started up. The fuel cell can also be operated as power generator in the DC link, but requires a further buffer storage for the start-up phase. The fuel cell should therefore be compared with corresponding diesel generators upstream of the UPS.
The following factors are a simplification of what has to be considered for the availability of the battery storage and the uninterrupted integration when a fault occurs in the rectifier supply: DC link voltage and inverter supply Battery type, battery life and spatial requirements Capacity and required stored energy time Discharging and charging Monitoring system The DC link voltage is a base value for the circuit design of a three-phase UPS. An inverter output voltage which is as sinusoidal as possible is achieved either via a much higher DC voltage at the inverter input or through the use of expensive inverter transformers.
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Thanks to the latest developments in semiconductor electronics and the associated control possibilities, low battery voltages can also be raised through so-called boosters (DC/DC converters). Additional benefits of controllable DC link electronics are the charging characteristic that can be set to the battery type and the easier possibilities provided for a battery test. The following are mainly used for static UPS systems: Sealed lead-acid batteries containing an electrolyte, e.g. incorporated in a gel or fleece; also called maintenance-free battery (VRLA = Valve-Regulated Lead Acid)
Power Generation
Encapsulated lead-acid batteries that can be refilled; therefore also called low-maintenance battery Nickel-cadmium batteries (NiCd) that can be refilled with electrolyte; high resistance to corrosion (see also www.eurobat.org) Typical factors that influence the selection of the battery type:
tive discharge during long power failures and low load), and also to take account of load changes during battery operation.
Additional considerations about the power system configuration, subdistribution, back-up and behavior during load-side faults are also part of the planning.
5.2.3 UPS Output and Load
The inverter configuration with IGBTs with pulse width modulation and digital closed-loop control (Fig. 5.2/4) has established itself for static, threephase current UPS systems.
Ease of maintenance
The reliable supply of the connected consumers with faultless alternating voltage that causes as little disturbances as possible is the task of the controllable output electronics, such as the inverter and electronic bypass. Therefore, the load requirements during reference conditions must be taken into account for UPS dimensioning.
These are:
Space requirements, installation Service life Ambient temperature Cyclic strength and suitability for high current loads
Because of their high price, NiCd batteries are usually only used under extreme climatic conditions, e.g. in artic or tropical regions, when service and maintenance is unreliable or for possible exhaustive discharge over a longer period. In Central Europe and North America, the majority of systems are stationary using lead-acid batteries. Services, which operators should have contractually agreed for their UPS systems, as well as monitoring systems are a precaution against battery failures such as high-resistance collapses, short-circuits or even fire hazard. To be able to determine the suitability of a battery block type, the planning engineer needs information about the desired stored energy time for the associated output power, about the nominal voltage in the DC link and the end-point voltage. In actual UPS operation, monitoring is performed by the MASTERGUARD UPS devices of the C, D and S III series so that there is a load-dependent determination of the end-point voltage (to avoid exhaus-
Active power Power factor Apparent power Overload capability Voltage stability Phase angle precision
As described earlier, modern components with high switching frequencies enable a reduction in the size of filter elements and/or elimination of an inverter output transformer; prerequisite is that the controller is also equipped with high-speed digital signal processors and real-time algorithms. In addition to an improvement in the efficiency, flexibility advantages with regard to the load requirements can also be utilized. The different consumers can produce typical effects on the voltage quality: Electric arc furnaces, electric forging and welding can cause fluctuating currents.
Fig. 5.2/4: UPS inverter configuration with IGBTs, output transformer and filter
Fig. 5.2/5: Current-voltage phase relationships for different simple loads
Single-phase consumers can cause imbalanced loading in three-phase supplies. Non-linear loads such as PC switched-mode power supplies, dimmers or controlled drives produce undesired harmonics. Switches and relays can also cause faults in the output network. The non-linear loads and the asymmetric distribution of consumers result in current load on the N conductor in the three-phase network. The load on the N conductor can even be greater than on a phase, and therefore the crosssection of the N conductor should be overdimensioned for safety reasons (factor of 1.7 compared with the phase maximum). Care should always be taken when laying the power cables to ensure that no electromagnetic effects, e.g. on data lines, cause interference. The phase displacement between voltage and current must also be taken into account.
Equivalent circuit diagrams with ohmic, capacitive and inductive resistances (Fig. 5.2/5) for all consumers connected to the UPS can be combined by the planning engineer into a phase analysis. At the same time, an appropriate description or graphics should be available for the UPS (Fig. 5.2/6).
the static bypass switch (SBS). If two separate input systems are not available, the back-up input can be connected to the rectifier input. The switchover is made without interruption as static electronic components, such as thyristors, are used. The following are typical occurrences that can result in a switchover to the back-up system:
If used for the UPS, the transformer and the output filter components have a major effect on the curve form. As can be seen in Fig. 5.2/6, with overdimensioning, conventional UPS technology can more than compensate for the limitation to a power factor of cos ϕ = 0.8 in the area of inductive loads, but the connected consumers still have to be selected with care for capacitive loads.
UPS fault in the double-transformer section, such as inverter fault, impermissible AC components in the DC link, short-circuits in the DC link, etc.
Electronic bypass With MASTERGUARD UPS devices, the electronic bypass switches the load supply to the back-up line. There is a second system input for this. The electronic bypass switch is also called
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Overload, so that the inverter could be damaged. The end-point voltage is reached during battery operation due to a power failure at the rectifier input; the UPS tries to switch over to the back-up system. In all cases, the UPS control checks whether the back-up system is available in a suitable voltage and frequency quality and is synchronous
Power Generation
with the UPS output, before a switchover is performed. The electronic bypass switch does not have an effect on the quality of the back-up system supply to the load.
double-transformer mode through electronic bypass mode to the manual bypass mode. Also for this reason, it is necessary to consult the operating instructions before any switching operation on the UPS is performed.
Under certain circumstances, the electronic bypass can also be used for a parameterized and deliberate load supply without loading the power electronics in the double-transformer path. This reduces the losses during UPS operation; however, the connected consumers must also have a tolerance for the voltage and frequency fluctuations that is appropriate for the parameterization of this UPS operating mode.
5.2.4 Interfaces and Communication The voltage and current for the input supply and for the load response can be monitored with the UPS. For this reason, human-machine communication possibilities are important and also that they be automated as human-machine signaling in the computer network. As the boundary conditions for the UPS operation are constantly changing, they have to be just as closely monitored as the battery function, which has to supply full power when the normal supply system fails.
Manual bypass The electronics can be bypassed via the back-up system for maintenance and service work on the UPS. To do this, the UPS must be switched from
Control keys are required on the operator panel to acknowledge messages, handle display and control menus and enter parameters. Some UPSs can be switched to bypass mode and back again via a key (which may be mechanically locked or electronically protected), and also reparameterized via input keys.
Interfacing the UPS to a data network, improves the versatility, ease of operation, clarity and information content of displays. There should at least be a serial PC connection possibility (USB or RS232) for the UPS. Two separate interfaces are better or even the possibility of a network connection via an SNMP* adapter.
Optical and acoustic signals are the simple signaling methods of a UPS. Each UPS is equipped with acoustic warning signals and indicator lights, usually colored LEDs. A combination of LEDs and LCDs is being increasingly used in the larger UPS devices. The LEDs clearly indicate when something is wrong, so that the user should read out the LCDs to obtain detailed information about the irregularities. Graphic displays have the advantage of clarity compared with scrolling through alphanumeric displays line by line. Make sure that the display is not too high or too low, otherwise the viewing angle is unfavorable.
Machine-machine interfaces
Human machine interface
Fig. 5.2/6: Phasor diagram for the output cos phi range of various UPS output configurations
* Simple Network Management Protocol
The UPS then communicates with the adapter, which can have a separate data memory. This functions in the network as an intelligent network component that sends and receives data and, if necessary, forwards it to the UPS. Browser-supported communication and the sending of e-mails are possible, for example, with Telnet, Web, FTP and SNMP server functionality (see Fig. 5.2/7). Vice versa, the UPS commands and parameterization changes can also be received via the network connection. The basis for the data traffic is the UPS-specific software. This includes: Individual computer workstation shutdown in Windows and Unix systems Controlled server-client shutdown
Fault-tolerant solutions in which redundant systems play an essential role
as possible in order to avoid compensation effects. Depending on the project, further communication options via industrial bus systems such as PROFIBUS DP, J-bus, ModBus, CAN, etc. are required in industrial environments. For this purpose, the UPS is integrated in the back-up of the system. Contact inputs or outputs can be programmed in the UPS for special communication requirements. Boundary conditions such as the voltage and current available at the so-called contact interface are important parameters for the configuration. In accordance with the requirements of the international standard IEC 62040-1, the UPS provides safety-relevant contacts for a rapid shutdown and the feedback protection via the system input for the static bypass switch.
The cost of the most sophisticated software combinations is normally only a fraction of the total investment. An important point for the monitoring software is the energy stored in the battery. Automatically performed battery tests are used to check whether the battery system can ensure the required backup of the load supply. The software test algorithms must be set so that there are no undesired shutdowns or switchovers even if there are battery problems. In addition, individual battery blocks can nowadays be monitored [3]. This is useful as battery blocks connected in series should work as homogenously
a) Serial communication directly with a PC b) Serial communication with server/client network shutdown of clients c) Network connection via SNMP adapter and server/client shutdown
10/100 BASE-T
RS 232 sub D
RS 232 sub D
Input 230 V
Outlets, 230 V
Outlets, 230 V
Fig. 5.2/7: UPS communications interfaces
Input 230 V
SNMP adapter plugable
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Input 230 V
Outlets, 230 V
Power Generation
5.2.5 Redundancy Concepts and Availability Redundancy generally describes the presence of several objects with the same function, content or of the same type. Multiple availability is intended to reduce the risk of failure for a system. A distinction is made in the following between internal redundancy, device redundancy and system redundancy. Internal redundancy A typical example of the internal redundancy of a UPS device is the ventilation system. In generously configured UPS devices, one or more fans can fail without the operation having to be restricted. However, the fan failure should still be signaled. More frequently, there is a limited internal redundancy. This means that the functioning fans can cool the power electronics in the UPS during part-load operation, but this fan performance is not sufficient for fullload operation.
the availability calculations (see Ref. [4]), the static switch is also often considered to be internally redundant. However, this is only true to a limited extent, as voltage corrections are no longer possible during bypass operation. Device redundancy With special demands on the availability, it is not sufficient to switch to the supply system via the static bypass when a fault occurs. The same applies if not all UPS devices can be accessed from the load for maintenance or repair work.
power for each device does not exceed the rated power. This means that the output power of each UPS may not exceed 66% of the rated power, as long as all three devices supply the load. The synchronization of external bypass switches with the integrated bypass switches during parallel operation provides a simple improvement of the short-circuit properties via the electronic bypass paths. As the current carrying capacity increases as a square of the rated current, a doubling of the bypass current paths results in a quadrupling of the shortcircuit working capacity.
As the switchover of the UPS to the static bypass path is also included in
In true parallel operation, several UPS devices supply the connected loads simultaneously. It is important that the UPS devices work in harmony via the parallel connection and that there is an optimum load distribution. Overloads can occur if there is no control, which can result in the failure of the device with the lowest impedance. Fig. 5.2/8 shows an (n+1) redundancy for n = 2. In this context, it is irrelevant which of the three devices is replaced by the other two, when a fault occurs, as long as the
* RAID: Redundant Array of Independent Discs
Fig. 5.2/8: Parallel connection for (2+1) redundancy and common, external electronic bypass switch with manual bypass
System redundancy In the IT sector and especially with operators of data centers, the mirroring of as many components as possible is offered as a high-availability solution. Networks and network components are set up and operated in parallel. Computers, servers and disc systems are installed twice and operated in a defined RAID* mode. All components also have two power supply units, so that the power supply
An important tool for the implementation of a functioning system redundancy with regard to the power supply is a suitable high availability control software solution. If, for example, one of the two parallel UPS systems fails, it is not necessary that an automatic shutdown be performed in another IT area. On the other hand, the boundary conditions that result from linked systems must also be taken into consideration, even when no problem occurs in your own area.
supply is also redundant. The power supply can be backed up via two independent sources by means of an (n+n) UPS parallel system. Fig. 5.2/9 shows the so-called “Tier IV” structure according to Ref. [5]; STS is a static transfer switch which enables a switchover to be made to a second supply source when a fault occurs for devices with only one system input. However, it must be noted that each additional component in the availability calculation also brings in its own probability of a fault.
# "
" !
% % % % % %
" $
& ' " #& ' ' '
Fig. 5.2/9: Block diagram for the infrastructure configuration according to “Tier IV”
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
5.2.6 Construction, Installation and Environmental Conditions An alternative that is becoming increasingly important especially for a replacement, is the use of UPS systems in separate, air-conditioned containers. If, for example, the initial UPS system was installed during the building phase, before the stairs or the ceilings were built, then a subsequent replacement with a larger system can cause problems. Therefore information about the shipment dimensions and the use of hand-pallet trucks and fork-lift trucks should be provided. The specifications for ventilation, safe floor loads, accessibility for service and maintenance purposes and the requirements of the various connections, such as supply inputs, battery connection, load connection and communication connections, must be taken into account for the UPS installation. The necessary clearances between UPS and ceiling must be taken into account and, if required, the specifications with regard to the degree of protection; this also applies to for the inflow of the cooling air. Dust filters and mechanical protection equipment such as screens and covers or special enclosures can help achieve the desired IP protection class according to IEC 60529. An example of such an application is the so-called “Ice Box” (Fig. 5.2/10), in which a UPS of the MASTERGUARD C series is installed in
Power Generation
A water-cooled outer casing can be used as a special option for the large UPS devices of the MASTERGUARD S III series so that the room air conditioning and ventilation can be dispensed with. However, the appropriate water pipes will then have to be installed. The installation altitude is also of interest for ventilation and cooling, so that a power derating in accordance with the manufacturer specifications may have to be taken into account for altitudes greater than 1,000 m above sea level.
Fig. 5.2/10: MASTERGUARD C series with integrated battery in an air-conditioned cabinet for use in critical environments
5.2.7 Planning of Service and Operation When planning a UPS system, the following operating factors must be considered in detail: Energy costs Supply quality Operational safety The required reliability and efficiency of the power supply must be ensured during operation over a long term. If a data center operator is only concerned with the operation and maintenance of the UPS system after the legal warranty period has expired, this attitude is subject to the following risks: No or inadequate support when problems occur Delivery times for spare parts (e.g. wear due to incorrect operation, pollution due to environmental conditions or external causes) Extended response times and incorrect responses when a fault occurs Reduction of the service life of the equipment
Inspections and service Environmental influences such as dust, moisture, temperature or possible air flow can cause problems not only for the UPS, but also for the associated battery system during operation. Dust can reduce the insulation distances for electronic components and impede the air supply or heat dissipation. Moisture can cause corrosion or short circuits. Temperature influences the service life of the battery blocks and components (see Ref. [6]), whereby the temperature itself is influenced by the air flow, the actual operating state and other factors. With closed storage battery systems, the battery level must be checked regularly as the battery loses electrolyte through gassing during operation. The battery manufacturers generally recommend that this also be checked for valve-regulated, sealed lead-acid batteries. Individual block monitoring can be very useful here and help reduce the inspection costs. It is recommended that half-yearly inspections be performed after the start of operation.
An operator can avoid these dangers if expert support is already agreed upon during commissioning. The long-term guarantee of UPS operation can roughly be divided into three areas:
During inspections, the battery and the environmental conditions are checked and any pollution removed. If necessary, advice on the use of air filters or air conditioning can be given during the service call. It may be useful for the data center operator to have a stock of spare parts when there is no maintenance contract.
Regular inspections and service
Maintenance contracts
Maintenance contracts of various kinds concerning the scope of performance and response times
As the availability of the power supply in the data center is affected by the availability of the UPS system, unforeseen problems should have as little effect as possible on the operation. For this reason, maintenance contracts are usually made with a defini-
Round-the-clock solutions with telemonitoring service
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tion of the response time and with fixed agreements for the service assignments of the maintenance personnel when faults occur and for inspections. In that case, the maintenance service can be entrusted with stock keeping of spare parts. The service personnel must be on site quickly and also be well trained. They should already be acquainted with the UPS system and its system environment at the customer’s so that any repairs can be carried out quickly on-site. Round-the-clock solutions Optimum support is provided by a separate signaling option directly from the UPS to the service center. The UPS then signals every problem and fault to a monitoring center and to the service technician who has the responsibility for the specific system (see Ref. [7]). The technician can then read out the data stored by the UPS using remote diagnostics, compare this with a UPS type-specific database and initiate appropriate action. Messages can, of course, be forwarded to authorized personnel at the data center operator’s. The accumulated operating data is also sent from the UPS memory to the monitoring center at regular intervals and collected there. Any problems that are developing can be detected in good time through permanent checking and analysis of the data. Indications of a problem can be: UPS utilization that is becoming increasingly imbalanced Gradual temperature rise in the room Extraordinary load peaks that may be an indication of unplanned events
Power Generation
Continual deterioration of the input voltage conditions that may later result in a switchover to battery operation Increased temperatures during battery tests
5.2.8 Profitability Considerations It can be assumed that the UPS solution is primarily to satisfy the project-specific safety requirements, because failure of the backed-up load would generally result in higher costs. The costs for the UPS system are made up of: Procurement costs plus extra costs, such as planning, delivery, installation and commissioning Electricity costs through internal losses and for the air conditioning and room lighting Depreciation or rent for the rooms in which the UPS and battery system are operated and their insurance costs Service and commissioning costs A rough estimate of the relationship between investment costs and power output can be displayed graphically for the UPS. Fig. 5.2/11 shows that a redundant solution with several smaller UPS systems, e.g. block sizes less than 100 kVA, should be carefully calculated and compared to a (1+1) solution with larger UPS systems. Service and monitoring costs for the various concepts must also be taken into consideration. When considering the costs caused by internal power losses, do not forget that protective measures such as filters and transformers make a major contribution to the safety of the system (Ref. [8]); this also applies to the costs for maintenance and moni-
Fig 5.2/11: Investment costs in relation to the UPS power
toring systems, such as telemonitoring and battery monitoring.
References: [1] Siemens AG (Hrsg.): Totally Integrated Power Application Manual – Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, 2006 [2] Uninterruptible Power System European Guide / CEMEP, 2nd extended edition; ZVEI e.V. – 2003 [3] Battery Management: Increasing the Reliability of UPS – etz; D. Fischer, A. Lohner, P. Mauracher – 4/96 [4] Quality and Reliability of System-independent Power Supplies – Conference: UPS and Standby Power Supply; Dipl.-Ing. R. Hümpfner (MASTERGUARD GmbH) – 2000 [5] White paper: The Classifications Define Site Infrastructure Performance; The Uptime Institute, Inc. – 1996, 2001–2006 [6] Service Life Considerations for Stationary Batteries; ZVEI Leaflet No. 19 – 2003 [7] LIFE Data Sheet / Product Brochure MASTERGUARD GmbH – 2003 [8] How environmentally friendly is a UPS electronic ecodesign; Dr. Siegbert Hopf (MASTERGUARD GmbH) – 2006
Further information: Technical details and order information about UPS products of the MASTERGUARD C, D and S III series are available electronically via the Siemens A&D Mall: https://mall.automation.siemens. com/de Tender specification documents for the UPS devices can be downloaded as text or GAEB file from the specifications pages of Siemens Totally Integrated Power: http://www.automation.siemens. com/tip/html_00/support/ausschrei bung_stromversorgungen.htm Hard copies of the product catalogs can be ordered via the MASTERGUARD Internet pages: http://www.masterguard.de/page/ ger/contact4.php Personal support is provided by the local sales representative: http://www.masterguard.de/page/ partner_d_ger_karte.html The latest information on the subject of UPS can be found in the MASTERGUARD newsletter “NewsBoard” which can be ordered free of charge from the website: http://www.masterguard.de/ newsboard/ger/anmeldung/ nboard3.php For direct requests, specific questions or suggestions, please mail
[email protected] or use the Internet form at http://www.masterguard.de/qm/ Webservice.htm
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Low Voltage
chapter 6 6.1 Low-Voltage Switchgear 6.2 Protective and Switching Devices in the Low-Voltage Power Distribution
6.3 Requirements of the Switchgear in the Three Circuit Types 6.4 Container Solutions
6 Low Voltage 6.1 Low-Voltage Switchgear When a power distribution concept is to be developed with dimensioning of the systems and devices, its requirements and feasibility have to be matched by the end user and the manufacturer. When selecting a low-voltage main distribution board, the prerequisite for its efficient sizing is knowledge of its use, availability and future options for extension. The demands on power distribution are extremely diverse. They start with buildings that do not place such high demands on the power supply, such as office buildings, and continue through to the high demands, for example, made by data centers, in which smooth operation is of prime importance. As no major switching functions in the LVMD have to be considered in the planning of power distribution systems in commercial buildings and
no further extensions are to be expected, a performance-optimized technology with high component density can be used. In these cases, mainly fuse-protected equipment in fixed-mounted design is used. When planning a power distribution system for a production plant however, system availability, extendibility, control and the visualization are important functions to keep plant downtimes as short as possible. The use of circuit-breaker-protected and fuse-protected withdrawable-unit design is an important basis. Selectivity is also of great importance for reliable power supply. Between these two extremes there is a great design variety which is to be optimally matched to customer requirements. The prevention of personal injury and damage to equipment must, however, be the first priority in all cases. When selecting appropriate switchgear, it must be ensured that it is a typetested switchgear assembly (TTA, in compliance with IEC 60439-1 and
Photo 6.1/1: SIVACON S8 switchgear
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DIN VDE 0660-500) with extended testing of behavior in the event of an accidental arc (IEC 61641, VDE 0660-500, Addendum 2), and that the selection is always made under consideration of the regulations that have to be observed with regard to the requirements for the entire supply system (full selectivity, partial selectivity).
Further information: Dimensioning of the low-voltage main distribution system: Siemens AG (ed.): Totally Integrated Power, Application Manual, Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, 2006, Chapter 5, page 5/17 ff. For the detailed planning: Siemens AG: SIVACON planning manuals. The planning manuals are also available for download at www.siemens.com/sivacon –> Support –> Infomaterial
Low Voltage
6.1.1 Overview The SIVACON S8 low-voltage switchgear is a variable, multi-purpose and type-tested low-voltage switchgear assembly (TTA) that can be used for the infrastructure supply not only in administrative and institutional buildings, but also in industry and commerce. SIVACON S8 consists of standardized, modular components that can be flexibly combined to form an economical, overall solution depending on the requirements. SIVACON S8 has a high level of functionality, flexibility and quality with compact dimensions and a high degree of safety for persons and equipment. We or our authorized contracting party will perform the following:
The customer-specific configuration The mechanical and electrical installation The testing, for which we use type-tested function modules
The documentation specified by us forms the basis for our authorized contracting party. SIVACON S8 can be used as a type-tested power distribution board up to 4,000 A. Further information is available on the Internet at www.siemens.com/sivacon Standards and regulations SIVACON S8 is a type-tested lowvoltage switchgear assembly (TTA) in compliance with IEC 60439-1/ DIN EN 60439-1 / VDE 0660-500. SIVACON S8 is resistant to accidental arcs in compliance with IEC 61641, DIN EN 60439 / VDE 0660-500, Addendum 2 Circuit-breaker design The panels for the installation of the 3WL and 3VL circuit-breakers are used
Photo 6.1/2: The following mounting designs are available (description from left to right): (1) Circuit-breaker panel with Sentron 3WL up to 4000 A or 3VL up to 1600 A (2) Universal mounting design for cable feeders up to 630 A in fixed-mounted and plug-in design (3NJ6) (3) 3NJ6 in-line switch disconnector design (plugged in) for cable feeders up to 630 A in plug-in design (4) Fixed-mounted panel (front cover) for cable feeders up to 630 A and modular devices (5) 3NJ4 in-line switch disconnector design (fixed-mounted) for cable feeders up to 630 A (6) Reactive power compensation up to 600 kvar
for the supply of the switchgear and for the outgoing feeders and bus ties (sectionalizer and bus coupler). The rule that only one circuit-breaker is used for each panel applies to the entire circuit-breaker design (Photo 6.1/4). The device mounting space is intended for the following functions: Incoming/outgoing feeders with 3WL circuit-breakers in fixedmounted and withdrawable-unit design up to 4000 A
Sectionalizer and bus coupler with 3WL circuit-breakers in fixedmounted and withdrawable-unit design up to 4,000 A Incoming/outgoing feeders with 3VL circuit-breakers in fixedmounted design up to 1,600 A Universal mounting design The panels for cable feeders in fixedmounted and plug-in designup to 630 A are intended for the installation of the following switchgear (Photo 6.1/5):
Photo 6.1/3: Circuit-breaker design
Photo 6.1/4: Universal mounting design
Photo 6.1/5: Plug-in 3NJ6 in-line switch disconnector design
SIRIUS 3RV/3VL circuit-breaker SENTRON 3K switch disconnector SENTRON 3NP switch disconnector SENTRON 3NJ6 switch disconnector in plug-in design
Fixed-mounted design with front covers The panels for cable feeders in fixedmounted design up to 630 A are intended for the installation of the following switchgear (Photo 6.1/7):
The switching devices are mounted on infinitely adjustable device holders and connected to the vertical current distribution bars with the supply side. The front of the panel has either covers with or without hinges or additional doors with or without a window.
The switching devices are mounted on mounting plates and connected to the vertical current distribution bars with the supply side. Plug-in 3NJ6 in-line switch disconnectors can be installed using an adapter. The front is covered by panel doors or compartment doors. Plug-in 3NJ6 in-line switch disconnector design The panels for cable feeders in plug-in design up to 630 A are intended for the installation of in-line switch disconnectors. The plug-in contact on the supply side is a cost-effective alternative to the withdrawable-unit design. Their modular design enables an easy and quick retrofit or replacement under operating conditions. The device mounting space is intended for plug-in, in-line switch disconnectors with a distance between pole centers of 185 mm. The vertical plug-on bus system is arranged at the back of the panel and covered by an optional touch protection with pick-off openings in the IP20 degree of protection. This enables the in-line switch disconnectors to be replaced without shutting down the switchgear (Photo 6.1/6).
SIRIUS 3RV/3VL circuit-breaker SENTRON 3K switch disconnector SENTRON 3NP switch disconnector Modular devices
Photo 6.1/6: Fixed-mounted design with front covers
Photo 6.1/7: Fixed-mounted 3NJ4 in-line switch disconnector design
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Fixed-mounted 3NJ4 in-line switch disconnector design The panels for cable feeders in fixedmounted design up to 630 A are intended for the installation of 3NJ4 in-line fuse switch disconnectors. With their compact design and modular structure, in-line fuse switch disconnectors offer optimal installation conditions with regard to the achievable packing density. The busbar system is arranged horizontally at the back of the panel. This busbar system is connected to the main busbar system via cross-members. The in-line fuse switch disconnectors are screwed directly onto the busbar system (Photo 6.1/8).
Low Voltage
Low-voltage main distribution board (LVMD) The LVMD checklist with the most important properties of a power distribution board and the associated explanation is used to match the requirements of the end user and manufacturer. Safety against accidental arcs The testing of low-voltage switchgear under accidental arc conditions is a special test according to IEC 61641 or VDE 0660-500, Addendum 2. This test helps to estimate the danger to which a person is subject when an accidental arc occurs. With the test under accidental arc conditions, SIVACON already provides the proof of safety for personnel as standard, with the following assessment criteria. Assessment criteria Correctly secured doors, covers, etc. may not open. Parts that are potentially hazardous may not jump apart. No holes may form in the freely accessible external parts of the housing (enclosure). No vertically mounted indicators may ignite. The protective conductor circuit for parts of the housing that can be touched must still be functional. Standards and regulations IEC 60439-1, VDE 0660-500 IEC 61641 / VDE 0660-500 Addendum 2, safety against accidental arcs Arc barriers to restrict the accidental arc to one panel Insulated busbars Safety standard for low-voltage switchgear assemblies (see Chapter 11, Appendix A3)
Type-tested assemblies (TTA) Partially type-tested assemblies (PTTA) Ambient conditions (in the switchgear room) Environment category (see Totally Integrated Power, Application Manual, Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, Chapter 5, page 5/21)
IR 1
IR 2
IR 3
Ambient temperature (24 hour average, see Totally Integrated Power, Application Manual, Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, Chapter 5, page 5/24
c ........... °C Depending on the ambient temperature and the power losses of the switchgear, there may be thermal effects (derating) that can make cabinet air-conditioning necessary. c
Installation altitude above sea level
< 2,000 m
other ........... m
IP degree of protection according to IEC 60529 (see Appendix A4) For indoors
For cable basement
Severe operating conditions
Chemical emissions (see Totally Integrated Power, Application Manual, Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, Chapter 5, page 5/22)
System configuration (see Totally Integrated Power, Application Manual, Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, Chapter 4, page 4/8)
Supply connection:
Central grounding point (CGP) location:
c c c c c c c c c
TN-C TN-S IT TT L1, L2, L3, PE L1, L2, L3, PEN L1, L2, L3, PE + N L1, L2, L3, PEN (isolated) + PE Outside
Inside in panel ........................
Line data Number of feeding systems (transformer, generator, UPS) Parallel line operation Power per feeding system Number of main busbar sections
........................ kVA ........................ units
Rated current In
........................ A
Rated operational voltage Ue
........................ V
Rated short-time withstand current Icw
........................ kA
Rated short-circuit impulse current withstand strength Ipk
........................ kA
Cable/busbar connection For supply panels
For outgoing feeder panels
c c c c c c
From the bottom From the top From the rear From the bottom From the top From the rear
Horizontal busbar system Location
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
c c c
Top Rear (top) Rear (bottom)
c c c c c c
Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable Cable
c c c c c c
Busbar Busbar Busbar Busbar Busbar Busbar
Low Voltage
Internal compartmentalization of the panels in accordance with IEC 60439-1, VDE 0660-500 Item 7.7
Form 3
Legend: Busbars including distribution bars Functional unit(s) including terminals for the connection of external conductors
Compartmentalization between busbars and functional units + compartmentalization between functional units themselves + compartmentalization between connections and functional units
Internal compartmentalization
Form 1 No internal compartmentalization
Form 3a
Form 3b
No compartmentalization between connections and busbars
Compartmentalization between connections and busbars
Form 4
Compartmentalization between busbars and functional units
Compartmentalization between busbars and functional units + compartmentalization between functional units themselves + compartmentalization between connections of functional units
Form 2a
Form 2b
Form 4a
Form 4b
No compartmentalization between connections and busbars
Compartmentalization between connections and busbars
Connections in the same compartmentalization as the connected functional unit
Connections not in the same compartmentalization as the connected functional unit
Form 2
c Form 1 c Form 1
c Form 2b c Form 2b
Fixed-mounted 3NJ4 in-line switch disconnector design
c Form 1
c Form 2b
Plug-in 3NJ6 in-line switch disconnector design
c Form 1
Reactive power compensation
c Form 1
Circuit-breaker design Fixed-mounted design
c Form 3a c Form 4a
c Form 3b
c Form 4b c Form 4b
c Form 4b
c Form 2b
* Form 4b according to IEC 60439-1 is comparable to Form 4 Type 4 or Form 4 Type 5 according to BS 60439, when the cable feed is via heavy-gauge conduit screwed joints in the base plate.
Versions (L1, L2, L3 + …)
c c c c c c
PE PEN PE + N PEN (insulated) + PE PEN, N = 50 % PEN, N = 100 %
Design and installation Fixed-mounted design Plug-in/non-withdrawable design Withdrawable design Type of installation
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
c c c c c c
Single front Back to back Double front
Low Voltage
6.2 Low-Voltage Protective and Switching Devices The TIP Application Manual, Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, Section 5.3 describes the basics for the dimensioning of the low-voltage main distribution board and its main components. The following focuses on the relevant characteristics and selection criteria of the respective devices that are used in the main power distribution circuits in commercial buildings and in industry. Note: All figures apply for low-voltage power systems or distribution boards in IEC applications. Different regulations and criteria apply for systems according to UL standards. If you have questions on UL applications, please contact your local Siemens representative. We provide solutions for these applications, but they must be treated completely differently. Depending on the country, standard specifications, local practices, planning engineer, technical threshold values, etc., low voltage power distribution systems are made up of various protective devices.
Circuit-breaker-protected switchgear (circuit-breaker) ACB
Air Circuit-Breaker – Air circuit-breaker – Non-current-limiting circuit-breaker – Current-zero cut-off circuit breaker
Molded-Case Circuit-Breaker – Molded-case circuit-breaker – Current-limiting circuit-breaker
Miniature Circuit Breaker – Miniature circuit-breaker
Motor Starter Protector
Motor Protector Circuit-Breaker – Circuit-breaker for motor protection
Table 6.2/1: Overview of circuit-breaker-protected switchgear Fuse-protected switchgear (fuse switch disconnector / switch disconnector LTS
Switch disconnector Depending on the type of operation, these devices are divided into two main groups:
Operator-dependent – Without breaker latching mechanism, with protection (fuse); with these devices, the fuse is also moved when making and breaking (= fuse switch disconnector) – With breaker latching mechanism, with protection (fuse); with these devices, the fuse is not moved when making and breaking (= switch disconnector with fuse
Operator-independent – With breaker latching mechanism, without protection (without fuse); these devices are only used to interrupt the circuit, similar to a main switch (= switch disconnector without fuse)
Table 6.2/2: Overview of fuse-protected switchgear
6.2.1 Circuits and Device Assignment (see also Section 2.2 “Dimensioning of Power Distribution Systems”)
Basic configuration of a lowvoltage power distribution system and assignment of the protective devices including core functions ACB
Core functions in the respective circuits Supply circuit Task: System protection Protective device – ACB (air circuit-breaker)
Distribution circuit Task: System protection Protective devices: – ACB (air circuit-breaker) – MCCB (molded-case circuit-breaker) – SD (switch disconnector) Final circuit Task: Motor protection Protective devices: – MCCB (circuit-breaker for motor protection) – SD (switch disconnector) – MSP (3RT contactor, 3RU overload relay, 3UF motor protection and control devices
Fig. 6.2/1: Core functions of the protective devices in the individual circuit types
1. Application plants motor isolators 2. 3-pole/4-pole
6.2.2 Criteria for Device Selection
3. Fixed mounting / plug-in / withdrawable-unit design
A protective device is always part of a circuit and must satisfy the corresponding requirements (see also Section 2.2 “Dimensioning of Power Distribution Systems”). The most important selection criteria are shown in the following.
5. Short-circuit breaking capacity
Main selection criteria Fig. 6.2/2 shows the seven most important selection criteria that must be at least taken into account for the device selection.
4. Rated current ACB: 6300 A MCCB: 1600 A Fuse: 630 A
Fig. 6.2/2: Main selection criteria
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6. Release Influences selectivity and protection setting 7. Communication and data transfer
Low Voltage
6.3 Requirements on the Switchgear in the Three Circuit Types 6.3.1 Device Application in the Supply Circuit The system infeed is the most “sensitive” circuit in the entire power distribution. A failure here would result in the entire network and therefore the building or production being without power. This worst-case scenario must be considered during the planning. Redundant system supplies and selective protection setting are important preconditions for a safe network configuration. The selection of the correct protective devices is therefore of elementary importance in order to create these preconditions. Some of the key dimensioning data is addressed in the following. Rated current The feeder circuit-breaker in the LVMD must be dimensioned for the maximum load of the transformer/generator. When using ventilated transformers, the higher operating current of up to 1.5 x IN of the transformer must be taken into account. Short-circuit strength The short-circuit strength of the feeder circuit-breaker is determined by (n–1) x Ik max of the transformer or transformers (n = number of transformers). This means that the maximum short-circuit current that occurs at the installation position must be known in order to specify the appropriate short-circuit strength of the protective device (Icu). Initial orientation is provided in the table of short-
circuit currents (see Totally Integrated Power, Application Manual, Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, Chapter 10, page 10/20). Exact short-circuit current calculations including attenuations of the medium-voltage levels or the laid cables can be made, for example, with the aid of the SIMARIS design dimensioning software. SIMARIS design determines the maximum and minimum short-circuit currents and automatically dimensions the correct protective devices Utilization category When dimensioning a selective network, time grading of the protective devices is essential. When using time grading up to 500 ms, the selected circuit-breaker must be able to carry the short-circuit current that occurs for the set time. Close to the transformer, the currents are very high. This current carrying capacity is specified by the Icw value (rated short-time withstand current) of the circuitbreaker; this means the contact system must be able to carry the maximum short-circuit current, i.e. the energy contained therein, until the circuit-breaker is tripped. This requirement is satisfied by circuitbreakers of utilization category B (e.g. air circuit-breakers, ACB). Current-limiting circuit breakers (molded-case circuit breakers, MCCB) trip during the current rise. They can therefore be constructed more compactly. Release For a selective network design, the release (trip unit) of the feeder circuitbreaker must have an LSI characteristic. It must be possible to deactivate the instantaneous release (I). Depending on the curve characteristic of the upstream and downstream protective devices, the characteristics of the
feeder circuit-breaker in the overload range (L) and also in the time-lag short-circuit range (S) should be optionally switchable (I4t or I2t characteristic curve). This facilitates the adaptation of upstream and downstream devices. Internal accessories Depending on the respective control, not only shunt releases (previously: f releases), but also undervoltage releases are required. Communication Information about the current operating states, maintenance, error messages and analyses, etc. is being increasingly required, especially from the very sensitive supply circuits. Flexibility may be required with regard to a later upgrade or retrofit to the desired type of data transmission.
6.3.2 Device Application in Supply Circuits (Coupling) If the coupling (connection of Network 1 to Network 2) is operated open, the circuit-breaker (tie breaker) only has the function of an isolator or main switch. A protective function (release) is not absolutely necessary. The following considerations apply to closed operation Rated current Must be dimensioned for the maximum possible operating current (load compensation). The simultaneity factor can be assumed to be 0.9. Short-circuit strength The short-circuit strength of the feeder circuit-breaker is determined by the sum of the short-circuit components that flow through the coupling. This depends on the configuration of the component busbars and their supply.
Utilization category As for the system supply, utilization category B is also required for the current carrying capacity (Icw value). Release Partial shutdown with the couplings must be taken into consideration for the supply reliability. As the coupling and the feeder circuit-breakers have the same current components when a fault occurs, similar to the parallel operation of two transformers, the LSI characteristic is required. The special “Zone Selective Interlocking (ZSI)” function should be used for larger networks and/or protection settings that are difficult to determine.
6.3.3 Device Application in the Distribution Circuit
6.3.4 Device Application in the Final Circuit
The distribution circuit receives power from the higher level (supply circuit) and feeds it to the next distribution level (final circuit).
The final circuit receives power from the distribution circuit and supplies it to the consumer (e.g. motor, lamp, non-stationary load (power outlet), etc.). The protective device must satisfy the requirements of the consumer to be protected by it (see Fig. 5.2.2).
Depending on the country, local practices, etc., circuit-breakers and fuses can be used for system protection; in principle, all protective devices described in this chapter. The specifications for the circuit dimensioning must be fulfilled. The ACB has advantages if full selectivity is required. However for cost reasons, the ACB is only frequently used in the distribution circuit as of a rated current of 630 A or 800 A. As the ACB is not a current-limiting device, it differs greatly from other protective devices such as MCCB, MCB and fuses. As no clear recommendations can otherwise be given, Table 6.3/1 shows the major differences and limits of the respective protective devices.
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Note: All protection settings, comparison of characteristic curves, etc. always start with the load. This means that no protective devices are required with adjustable time grading in the final circuit Meter cabinet, floor distribution board: See Chapter 8, Subdistribution Boards Motors: See Chapter 8, Subdistribution Boards
Low Voltage
circuit-breaker circuit-breaker Standards Application
Rated current Short-circuit breaking capacity Current carrying capacity
Fuse switch
with fuses
System protection
Power supply system
Fixed mounting
Up to 800 A
Withdrawable unit
6300 A
1600 A
630 A
630 A
125 A
Up to 150 kA
Up to 100 kA
Up to 120 kA
Up to 120 kA
Up to 25 kA
Up to 80 kA
Up to 5 kA
Up to 630 A
Protection against electric shock, tripping condition
Detection of Ik min
No limitation
Power supply system
Power supply system
Depends on
Depends on
Depends on
Depends on
Minimum short-circuit
cable length
cable length
cable length
cable length
current Ik min
Remote (motor
60 ºC
50 ºC
30 ºC
30 ºC
30 ºC
Up to 800 A
Customer specification
System synchronization
current Ik max
Power supply system
(data transmission)
Maximum short-circuit
Power supply system
Tripping characteristic
Operating current IB
Number of poles
Tripping function
Full rated current up to Yes
specifications Switchgear Power supply system * According to the fuse characteristic
Table 6.3/1: Overview of the protective devices
6.4 Container Solutions The costs for infrastructure rooms are increasing. Space is a rare commodity! Container solutions as turnkey alternatives to conventional infrastructure rooms create additional space and also offer further decisive advantages such as flexibility in installation, utilization and reuse. In addition, there is also less pressure imposed by the planning schedule, as the installation is independent of the building construction progress and not least, a cost advantage through better utilization of the space in the building. The optimized installation of the components in the container and the tested solutions also help to reduce costs. Containers create space The containers can be installed on the roof of the building or next to the building and thus provide additional space for infrastructure equipment such as power distribution systems, fire alarm equipment, service rooms, etc. Increased reliability of supply Installation on the roof increases the reliability of supply. Whereas cellars can be flooded and the power distribution interrupted, power supply is maintained with a container solution on the roof of the building Note: The weight of a container varies, depending on the type of container construction and amount of equipment, between 20 and 30 t. Customized solutions The container dimensions are variable and therefore enable the installation of standard switchgear. No special solutions have to be constructed on account of technical conditions associated with the building.
Container erection independent of project schedule The construction and equipping of the containers mainly depends on the power demand and the number of panels. In this way, the power distribution can be planned and constructed separately from the building requirements. This provides the planning engineer with more time and the architect with more freedom when designing the building.
special sizes, e.g. for power distribution, automation and drive systems. They are completely configured, assembled and tested at the factory.
Factory-assembled installation Construction and equipping of the containers is performed at the manufacturer’s premises under optimum working conditions. Thus, higher productivity owing to the increased material availability, the more economical use of tools, as well as the more efficient cost structures (severance) result in a significant cost advantage.
Simple construction Containers for normal requirements consist of a steel frame covered with sandwich panels.
Quality The equipped containers can be completely tested (safety, wiring, high voltage, function). This reduces the testing and commissioning work at the building site, which results in further cost and time savings. Project milestones If desired, the customer acceptance of the container can be performed at the factory. In this way, a project milestone can be achieved independently of the remaining progress of the project. Variable use Container solutions can be reused or transported to new locations and are especially suitable for temporary or mobile applications. Examples of this are: building site power supplies, power supply for a mobile, open-cast mining excavator. Containers can be customized for the complex systems in standard and
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Container construction types The three most common types of construction are described in the following. The appropriate container construction type depends on the location of use and the environmental conditions there.
Fully welded construction Fully welded steel containers fulfill high requirements with regard to stability and tightness. The walls are constructed of corrugated steel plates. The walls can carry loads and are suitable for opentype equipping of the interior. The construction is EMC-tested in accordance with international standards. Stackable versions can also be constructed when space is limited. Steel skeleton construction The steel skeleton construction is technologically the most sophisticated version. With the torsionally rigid, rugged steel skeleton, the containers are exceptionally stable during transport and installation. The open-type construction (patented modular enclosure system) saves weight and space and is especially suitable for containers that can be transported by air (ICCC). The construction is EMC-tested in accordance with international standards. Stackable versions can also be constructed when space is limited. Electronics cabinet that can be transported by air The ICCC (Instrumentation an Control Cargo Cabinet) is the com-
Low Voltage
Installation of electrical systems up to the control room level Cabling of the electrical and control systems – simply in the false floor Guaranteed high quality and long service live (approx. 20 to 30 years) Option: resistant to earthquakes (strengthening for seismic areas).
Simple construction
Advantages at a glance
Fully welded construction
No building costs thanks to preassembled containers Reduced installation and quick commissioning on site Simplified logistics and shorter throughput times Shorter capital tie-up through later container planning No unnecessary provision of reserve space during building works Integration test of related system control systems in the factory Faster availability at the installation site and prepared external connections Optimization of the available space in the building Less space required at the installation site through stacking
Steel skeleton construction
Fig. 6.4/1: Container construction types
pact and flexible solution for the installation of electronic components in an accessible electronics cabinet that can be transported by air. Several functional units can be combined into an overall function in an ICCC (e.g. entire automation of a plant). This complete solution enables the entire function to be delivered to the building site already tested, which reduces the commissioning times.
Technical features Variable dimensions or ISO standard dimensions up to 20 m long and 4 m wide Outdoor installation – from arctic to tropical environments Thermal insulation and air conditioning – as required High level of soundproofing – expandable according to external noise level
Contact Siemens AG Automation and Drives Systems Engineering (A&D SE S5) Würzburger Str. 121 90766 Fürth Germany Claus-Thomas Michalak +49 911 7 50-23 04
[email protected] Karlheinz Schrems +49 911 7 50-29 79
[email protected]
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Busbar Trunking Systems, Cables and Wires
chapter 7 7.1 Busbar Trunking Systems 7.2 Cables and Wires
7 Busbar Trunking Systems, Cables and Wires 7.1 Busbar Trunking Systems When a planning concept for power supply is developed, it is not only imperative to observe standards and regulations, it is also important to discuss and clarify economic and technical interrelations. The rating and selection of electric equipment, such as distribution boards and transformers, must be performed in such a way that an optimum result for the power system as whole is kept in mind rather than focusing on individual components. All components must be sufficiently rated to withstand normal operating conditions as well as fault conditions. Further important aspects to be considered for the preparation of an energy concept are: Type, use and shape of the building (e.g. high-rise building, low-rise building, number of story levels), Load centers and possible power transmission routes and locations for transformers and main distribution boards, Building-related connection details according to specific area loads that correspond to the type of use of the building, Statutory provisions and conditions imposed by building authorities, Requirements by the power supply network operator. The result will never be a single solution. Several options have to be assessed in terms of their technical and economic impacts. The following requirements are of central importance: Easy and transparent planning
High service life High availability Low fire load Flexible adaptation to changes in the building
Calculation/dimensioning Electrical parameters, such as rated current, voltage, given voltage drop and short-circuit strength at place of installation
Most applications suggest the use of suitable busbar trunking systems to meet these requirements. For this reason, engineering companies increasingly prefer busbar trunking to cable installation for power transmission and distribution.
Technical parameters of the busbar systems The conductor configuration depends on the mains system according to type of earth connection Reduction factors e.g. for ambient temperature, type of installation, (vertical) busbar position (horizontal on edge) and degree of protection Copper is required as conductor material; otherwise aluminum has advantages such as weight, price, etc. How is the system supply to be carried out: as a TTA solution directly from the distribution board or by means of cables at the end or center of the busbar Max. cable connection options to infeed and tap-off units Power and size of the tap-off units including installation conditions Number of tapping points Use of bus systems possible Influence of a magnetic field (hospitals, broadcasting studios) Environmental conditions, especially ambient temperature (e. g. where there are fire compartments in each floor of a vertical shaft
Siemens offers busbar trunking systems ranging from 25 A to 6,300 A: the CD-K busbar system from 25 to 40 A for the supply of light fixtures and micro-consumers, the BD01 busbar system from 40 to 160 A for supplying workshops with tap-offs up to 63 A, the BD2 busbar system from 160 to 1,250 A for supplying medium-size consumers in buildings and industry, the ventilated LD system from 1,100 to 5,000 A for power transmission and power distribution an production sites with a high energy demand, the LX sandwich system from 800 to 5,000 A, mainly for power transmission insensitive to position in buildings with the requirements of degree of protection IP54 and special conductor configurations such as double N or insulated PE, the encapsulated LR system from 630 to 6,300 A for power transmission for extreme environmental conditions (IP68). For the configuration of a busbar system the following points are to be noted:
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Structural parameters and boundary conditions Phase response (changes of direction in the busbar routing possible, differences in height, etc.) Functional sections (e.g. various environmental conditions or various uses)
Busbar Trunking Systems, Cables and Wires
Check use in sprinkler-protected building sections Fire areas (provision of fire barriers –> what structural (e.g. type of walls) and fire fighting (local provisions) boundary conditions are there? Fire protection classes of the fire barriers (S90 and S120) Functional endurance classes (E60, E90, E120) and certifications of the busbar systems (observe relevant deratings) Fire loads/halogens (prescribed fire loads in certain functional sections, e.g. fire escape routes, must not be exceeded). Fixing of the busbar systems to the structure Maximum clearance from fixings taking into consideration location, weight of system and additional loads such as tap-off units, lighting, etc. Agreement on possible means of fixing with structural analyst Use of tested fixing accessories with busbar systems with functional endurance Observe derating for type of installation Dimensions of the distribution board, system supplies and tap-off units:
– installation clearance from ceiling, wall and parallel systems for the purpose of heat dissipation and installation options – crossing with other installations (water, gas pipes etc.) – swing angle for installing and operating the tap-off units – minimum dimensions for changes of direction in the busbar routing, fire protection compartmentalization, wall cutouts – space requirement for distribution connection – cutout planning (sizes and locations of the cutouts) Linear expansion (expansion units, if applicable).
Further information: Siemens AG Totally Integrated Power Application Manual – Basics and Preliminary Planning Nuremberg, 2006, Chapter 5 Technical data, dimension drawings, components, etc. are included in the technical catalogs LV70, LV71 T, LV 72 T of Siemens AG.
CD-K system 25 A – 40 A The system is designed for applications of 25 to 40 A and serves to provide an economical and flexible power supply for lighting systems and low-consumption equipment. Typical areas of application are department stores, supermarkets, storerooms or clean room technology. 1.Trunking unit 3-, 4-, 5-conductor Degree of protection: IP54, IP55 Standard lengths: 2 m and 3 m Rated current: 30 A, 40 A, 2 x 25 A, 2 x 40 A Spacing of the tapping points: 0.5 m and 1 m Rated operating voltage: 400 V AC 2. Feeding unit Cable entry: from three sides
3. Tap-off component Pluggable while energized 3-pole for 10 A and 16 A Equipped as L1, L2 or L3 with N and PE 5-pole for 10 A and 16 A Codable 4. End flange 5. Possible supplementary equipment Fixing clamp Suspension hook Hanger Cable fixing Coding set 1
Busbar case Feeding unit 3 Tap-off component 4 End flange 5 Supplementary equipment 2
Fig. 7.1/1: System components for CD-K system
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Busbar Trunking Systems, Cables and Wires
System BD01 40 A – 160 A The BD01 busbar trunking system is designed for applications from 40 to 160 A. Five rated amperages are available for only one size, i.e. all other components can be used for all five rated currents irrespective of the power supply. The system is used primarily to supply smaller consumers, e.g. in workshops.
Standard lengths: 2 m and 3 m. Rated current: 40 A, 63 A, 100 A, 125 A, 160 A Spacing of the tapping points: 0.5 m und 1 m Rated operating voltage: 400 V AC 2. Directional change components Changes of direction in the busbar routing possible: flexible, length 0.5 m, 1 m 3. Feeding unit Universal system supply
1. Trunking unit 4-conductor (L1, L2, L3, N, PE = casing) Degree of protection: IP54, IP55
4. Tap-off unit Up to 63 A, with fuses or miniature
circuit-breaker (MCB) and with fused outlets With fittings or for customized assembly For 3, 4 or 8 modules (MW) With or without assembly unit 5. Device case For 4 or 8 modules (MW) With or without assembly unit With or without outlet installed 6. Possible supplementary equipment Installation sets for degree of protection IP55 Fixing and suspension Coding set
3 NSV0_00041
4 6
Busbar case Directional case change component 3Directional Feeding change unit component 4Feeding Tap-off unit unit unit 5Tap-off Device case case 6Device Supplementary equipment 1
1 2Busbar 2 3 4 5 6
Supplementary equipment
Fig. 7.1/2: System components for BD01 system
The BD2A/BD2C busbar trunking system (aluminum/copper) is suitable for universal use. It has not only been designed to provide flexible power supply and distribution for consumers in trade and industry, it can also be used for power transmission from one supply point to another. In addition, the BD2 busbar trunking system is used as rising mains in multi-story buildings, and since a large number of changes of direction in the busbar routing are possible, it can be adapted to the building geometries perfectly. 1. Trunking unit 5-conductor (L1, L2, L3, N, PE, optional with half N and/or with half PE) Degree of protection: IP52, IP54, IP55 Busbar material: copper or aluminum Rated current: 160 A, 250 A, 315 A, 400 A (68 mm x 167 mm) 500 A, 630 A, 800 A, 1,000 A, 1,250 A (126 mm x 167 mm) Standard lengths: 3.25 m, 2.25 m and 1.25 m Lengths available: from 0.5 m to 3.24 m Tapping points: – without – on both sides 0.5 m apart Fire protection: fire safety class S90 and S120 in accordance with DIN 4102, pages 2 to 4 2. Directional change components On edge or flat position With or without fire protection Horizontal angle unit with or without user-configurable bracket Z-unit T-unit
cross unit Flexible changes of direction in the busbar routing possible up to 800 A
5. Device case For 8 modules (MW) With or without assembly unit
3. Feeding unit Feeding from one end Center feeding Stud terminal Cable entry from 1, 2 or 3 sides Distribution board feeding
6. Possible supplementary equipment End flange For fixing: – universal fixing clamp for on edge or flat position – fixing elements for vertical phases, for fixing to walls or ceilings Terminal block
4. Tap-off unit 25 A to 630 A With fuse, miniature circuit-breaker (MCB) or fused outlet installed
5 2
3 4
3 4
BD2 system 160 A –1,250 A
1 2 3 4 5
Fig. 7.1/3: System components for BD2 system
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Busbar case
2 Directional change component Busbar case 3 Feeding unit Directional change component 4 Tap-off unit Feeding unit 5 Supplementary equipment Tap-off unit Supplementary equipment
Busbar Trunking Systems, Cables and Wires
LDA/LDC system 1,100 A – 5,000 A
U-unit T-unit
The LD busbar trunking system is used both for power transmission and power distribution. A special feature of the system is a high short-circuit strength and it is particularly suitable for connecting the transformer to the low-voltage main distribution and then to the subdistribution system. When there is a high power demand, conventional current conduction by cable means that parallel cables are frequently necessary. Here the LD system allows optimal power distribution with horizontal and vertical phase responses. The system can be used in industry as well as for relevant infrastructure projects, such as hospitals, railroad stations, airports, trade fairs, office blocks, etc.
3. Tap-off unit Degree of protection IP30 and IP54 (IP55 upon request) With fuse switch disconnector from 125 A to 630 A With circuit-breaker from 80 A to 1,250 A Leading PEN or PE connector Switching to load-free state following defined, forced-operation sequences Coding bracket
2. Directional change components With or without fire protection Horizontal angle unit with or without user-configurable bracket Z-unit
5. Terminal boxes for connection to distribution board TTA distribution connection to the SIVACON system from the top/bottom Terminals for external distribution boards 6. Possible supplementary equipment End flange Terminal block
2 NSV0_00685
1. Trunking unit 4- and 5-conductor system Busbar material: copper or aluminum Rated current: 1,100 to 5,000 A – LDA1 to LDC3 (180 mm x 180 mm) – LDA4 to LDC8 (240 mm x 180 mm) Degree of protection: IP34 and IP54 (IP36 and IP56 upon request) Standard lengths: 1.6 m, 2.4 m and 3.2 m Lengths available: from 0.5 m to 3.19 m Tapping points: – without – with user-configurable tapping points Fire protection partitions: fire resistance class S120 in accordance with DIN 4102-9
4. Feeding unit Cable feeding unit Universal terminal for transformers
3 4 5 6
Busbar 1 case Busbar case 2 Directional Directional change component change component 3 Feeding Feeding unit unit 4 Tap-off unit Tap-off unit 5 Distribution board connection Distribution board connection 6 Supplementary equipment Supplementary equipment
Fig. 7.1/4: System components for LDA/LDC system
The LX busbar trunking system is used both for power transmission and power distribution. Special features of the system include high flexibility and position insensitivity, and it is particularly suitable for power distribution in multi-story buildings. The high degree of protection IP54, which is standard for this system, and tap-off units up to 1,250 A also guarantee a safe supply if there is a high energy demand. It can be used in industry as well as for relevant infrastructure projects such as hospitals, railroad stations, airports, data centers, office blocks, etc. 1. Trunking unit 4- and 5-conductor system in various conductor configurations, including separate PE or double N Busbar material: copper or aluminum Rated current: 800 up to 5,000 A Size (mm) Aluminum Copper 137 x 145 up to 1,000 A up to 1,250 A 162 x 145 up to 1,250 A up to 1,600 A 207 x 145 up to 1,600 A up to 2,000 A 287 x 145 up to 2,500 A up to 3,200 A 439 x 145 up to 3,200 A up to 4,000 A 599 x 145 up to 4,500 A up to 5,000 A Degree of protection: IP54 (IP55 optional) Standard lengths: 1 m, 2 m and 3 m Lengths available: from 0.35 m to 2.99 m Layout: horizontal and vertical without derating Tapping points: – on one side – on both sides Fire protection partitions: fire resistance class S120 in accordance with DIN 4102 Part 9 2. Directional change components With or without fire protection Horizontal angle unit with or without user-configurable bracket Z-unit U-unit T-unit
3. Tap-off unit Degree of protection IP54 With fuse switch disconnector from 125 A to 630 A With circuit-breaker from 80 A to 1,250 A Pluggable while energized up to 630 A Fixed installation up to 1,250 A (on terminal block) Leading PEN or PE connector Switching to load-free state following defined, forced-operation sequences Coding bracket
4. Feeding unit Cable feeding unit Universal terminal for transformers 5. Terminal boxes for connection to distribution board TTA distribution connection to the SIVACON system from the top/bottom Terminals for external distribution boards 6. Possible supplementary equipment End flange Flange for degree of protection increased from IP54 to IP55 Terminal block
4 4
1 6 2
5 NSV0_01246
LXA/LXC system from 800 A – 5,000 A
3 1
1 2 3 4 5 6
Fig. 7.1/5:
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System components for LXA/LXC system
Busbar case
2 Directional change component Busbar case 3 Feeding unit Directional change component 4 Tap-off unit Feeding5 unit Distribution board connection Tap-off 6unit Supplementary equipment Distribution board connection Supplementary equipment
Busbar Trunking Systems, Cables and Wires
LRC system from 630 A – 6,300 A
1 2 3
The LRC busbar trunking system is used for power transmission. A special feature of the system is high resistance to external influences of chemical and corrosive substances, and it is particularly suitable for use in the open air and in environments with high air humidity. The high degree of protection IP68 is guaranteed with the encapsulated epoxy cast-resin casing and serves to provide reliable power transmission when there is a high energy demand. The system can be used in industry as well as for relevant infrastructure projects such as railroad stations, airports, office blocks, etc.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
LR – LX adapter Encapsulated link component Straight busbar 1 LR – LX adaptercomponent 2 Encapsulated link component Directional change component 3 Straight busbar component Expansion unit 4 Directional change component Connector 5 Expansion unit Connector 6 barrier Fire 7 Fire barrier Connector for distribution board connection 8 Connector for distribution board connection Fixing component 9 Fixing component Tap-off point with box point with tap tap box 10 Tap-off 11 Cable feedingunit unit Cable feeding 11
2 3 4
1. Trunking unit 4- and 5-conductor system Busbar material: copper Degree of protection: IP68 User-configurable lengths: from 0.30 m to 3.00 m Layout: horizontal and vertical without derating Fire barriers: fire resistance class S120 in accordance with DIN 4102 Part 9
2. Directional change components With or without fire protection Horizontal angle unit with or without offset Z-unit T-unit 3. Feeding unit and distributor units Universal terminals for transformers, external distributors and cable connection
9 6
Fig. 7.1/6: System components for LRC system
4. Possible supplementary equipment End flange terminal block
7.2 Cables and Wires We read more and more reports in the daily press about major fires in hotels, high-rise buildings, large industrial plants and office buildings, which very often entail dramatic rescue operations to save people’s lives. Spectacular fires like in the London Underground, in Dusseldorf airport, in the Channel Tunnel or in Mont-Blanc tunnel resulted in numerous casualties and economic losses of billions. According to current estimates, there have been approximately 5 million fires in the industrial sector worldwide. These have resulted in estimated losses amounting to well over 100 billion US dollars (= ca. 75 billion euros). The main hazard with such fire catastrophes is the thick smoke emission and the release of poisonous combustion gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and – especially in closed rooms – the fall in the level of atmospheric oxygen (O2) which is vital for human beings and animals. The extremely opaque fumes stop people from being able to see and find their way in rooms full of smoke and thus prevent them from escaping and surviving. The consequences are dramatic: death through suffocation or poisoning – as happened with the airport fire in Dusseldorf. In addition to this, fire-fighting water contaminated with toxins (including dioxin) and corrosive and poisonous flue gas cleaning residues pollute the environment. This damage can only be rectified in an environmentally compatible way at great expenditure, and even then only to some extent. Through the diffusion of corrosive fire gases, particularly from industrial fires, serious secondary damage is also incurred.
However, cables and wires are only seldom the cause of fires, as the report on the fire catastrophe in Dusseldorf airport also established. But fire can quickly spread to the cable routes installed in buildings. If fire protection (fire barriers) is not carried out by an expert, the fire can spread to other rooms and other stories. This behavior is described as fire propagation. Consequently, cables are classified according to their fire propagation characteristics. Fire risk of PVC cables Planned and installed by experts, installations with conventional cables made of PVC present no increased fire risk. With PVC-insulated cables, however, very corrosive and toxic gases (with a poisonous effect) can be released in the event of a fire. These gases – not combustible themselves – displace the atmospheric oxygen at the seat of the fire and thus affect the slow-burning property or the flame retardance of the halogen-containing material. The escaping hydrohalogen gases react with water, e.g. air humidity, to form electroconductive substances. This leads to an accelerated breakdown of the insulating property. For this reason, halogen-containing materials are not suitable or to be recommended as insulating material for cables if the cables are still to be operational after a longer exposure to flames. In order to pass the functional test during or after exposure to flames, the combustion residues of wire insulation must not be conductive. Halogen-free materials do not have the above-mentioned disadvantages. Even when halogen-free materials are combined, it has to be taken into consideration that conductive substances such as acetic acid can be formed.
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Halogen-free cables with improved fire behavior and functional endurance In order to reduce risks and damage, the cable industry has developed fireresistant, halogen-free cables and wires that meet more stringent safety requirements and thus fulfill the prerequisites for a forward-looking electrical installation. These safety cables and wires have a number of significant advantages: No fire propagation in the event of local flame exposure Optional: functional endurance in the event of flame exposure of 800 °C, at least 20 minutes up to a maximum of 180 minutes in accordance with IEC 60331 and VDE 0472-814 (previously “insulation integrity”) Optional: functional endurance E30 or E90 of the entire cable system in accordance with DIN 4102-12 Proven low flue gas and smoke development Low emission of corrosive substances and gases Low poisonousness (toxicity) of the flue gases The areas of application of these cables and wires can be divided into two categories: Premises where the protection of persons is the main concern, such as hospitals, hotels, department stores, subways, office blocks, public buildings, etc. Premises where the protection of assets is the main concern, such as industrial plants, premises with data processing equipment, power plants, nuclear power plants, military facilities, etc.
Busbar Trunking Systems, Cables and Wires
7.2.1 Requirements for the Fire Behavior of Cables and Wires Apart from the properties described, the safety cables and wires must have a few other dominant characteristics, which will be described in detail below. Since the terms used with reference to cables and wires with special burning behavior are not standardized, their meanings are defined below with respect to the relevant test procedure. Here a distinction must be made between material-related and productrelated definitions:
Here the level of a number of different toxicologically relevant substances is ascertained and compared with corresponding limit values. Critical oxygen content, LOI (Limited Oxygen Index) So as to make it possible to assess the fire behavior of cable and line materials, the test procedure standardized under ASTM D2863-70 was selected, which indicates the lowest oxygen content in terms of percentage of an oxygen/nitrogen mixture whereby a material set alight still burns. Air is known to have an oxygen content of 21%, from which it may be concluded that materials with an LOI < 21 burn.
Material-related definitions Halogen-free properties (corrosivity of the combustion gases) In the event of burn-off of halogencontaining cables and wires, depending on the halogen content, very corrosive (acid) gases are produced that destroy easily corrodible parts in the vicinity of the seat of the fire without these being caught by the fire. Standards concerning the halogenfree properties of cables and wires are to be found in IEC 60754-1 / DIN VDE 0482-267-2-1 regarding the quantitative determination of the halogen level and IEC 60754-2 / DIN VDE 0482- 267-2-2 regarding the corrosivity and electroconductivity of the combustion gases. Toxicity of the combustion gases (poisonous combustion gases) All combustion gases resulting from insulating materials are toxic. This is caused by the level of carbon monoxide alone. The relevant standard is the French NES 713 / NF C20-454. (IEC standard is being drafted.)
Flue gas density Material
> 90
PC (compound fire-resistant)
> 30
Fig. 7.2/1: Examples of the LOI value of insulating materials
Flue gases arising from a fire can make it difficult to recognize escape routes, so the materials for cables and wires must be designed to be low fuming. For measuring the flue gas density, the procedure normally used is the American one for measuring the light absorption in the waste gas duct of the furnace when a defined test piece is exposed to flames.
Product-related definitions Flame retardance The test for flame retardance is a “normal” fire test to determine the self-extinguishing capability of a cable or wire after exposure to flames in accordance with IEC 60332-1 / DIN EN 50265-2-1 / VDE 0482-265-2-1. Examples: ÖLFLEX CLASSIC 100; NSSHÖU, NSLFFÖU, HO7RN-F, HO5VV-F, etc. If requirements are not as high, a test in accordance with IEC 60332-2 / DIN EN 50265-2 / VDE 0482-265-2-2 is also possible. These test methods are not used for fire-resistant cables and wires. Low flammability The test for low flammability is a multi-cable fire test in accordance with VDE 0482-266-2-4 / DIN EN 50266-2-4 / HD 405.3 / IEC 60332-324. The procedure is that in a furnace a vertically mounted bunched cable tied to a ladder is fired with a flame of 800 °C for 20 minutes. After the flame has been turned off, the cable bundle must extinguish itself before the fire has reached the top end of the cable. These tests are also known as “cable bundle tests.” Cables which pass this test are then classified as having the property ”no fire propagation in accordance with IEC 60332-3“. Examples: ÖLFLEX 100 H; ÖLFLEX 110H and -110CH and ÖLFLEX 130 H, LAPPTHERM 145, H05Z-K/H07Z-K.
Inspection standards: IEC 61043-1 and -2/VDE 0482-268-1 and VDE 0482-268-2
Functional endurance of cables and wires in the event of exposure to flames The functional endurance (previously known as insulation integrity) of cables and wires indicates how long a cable exposed to fire remains electrically reliable. The test method used here is the standard VDE 0472 / DIN 57472-804 derived from IEC 60331. A 1.2 m-long cable test specimen is fired with a flame of 800 °C (± 50 °C) for the duration of 20 minutes, while power cables are supplied with 400 V and communication cables with 110 V alternating voltage during exposure to flames. In this test, up until January 1991 the test specimen was only tested for insulation integrity, and this was done by monitoring for short circuit between the wires. Note: The modified standard DIN VDE 0472-814: 1991-01 stipulates testing the copper conductor for interruption since the function of the line is only ensured if there is no interruption or short circuit during the required time of exposure to flames. The functional endurance in accordance with DIN VDE 0472-814 is indicated on the line by means of an additional label FE for functional endurance of at least 20 minutes or with additional information (time class), e.g. FE 90 for functional endurance of at least 90 minutes. The usual time classes are FE (2); FE 30; FE 60; FE 90; FE 120; FE 180. However, in practice, electric lines tested as above have often failed in the event of real fires much earlier than as defined by the functional test, so that, for example, emergency lighting, signs for fire exits and smoke extraction systems, etc. have prematurely failed to function. This has often had serious consequences for people and assets.
Functional endurance of the cable system For a long time, therefore, the authorizing agencies had called for a realistic test for these types of line to be devised that corresponds much more closely to the actual conditions in the event of fire. It was very soon realized that, for example, the cable fixing plays a decisive role in maintaining the electrical function, and the fire test conditions must be made more stringent. These requirements have been fulfilled with the standard DIN 4102-12: 1991-01. It applies to assessing the fire behavior of construction materials and structural elements of electric cable systems. In order to distinguish the functional endurance in accordance with DIN VDE 0472-814, the functional endurance classes E30, E60 and E90 for the functional endurance of a cable system have been created. Cables and wires that are in accordance with the test specification DIN 4102-12 receive the much soughtafter type-examination certificate (IBMB) only in conjunction with approved, tested cable fixing systems (e.g. by OBO). Since the building authorities in Germany act in accordance with DIN 4102 regarding requirements for cable systems, the previous VDE test in accordance with 0472-814 has become much less important. There are also other functional endurance tests in other countries. Here it is worth mentioning the test methods used in Belgium in accordance with NBN-C 30-004F3, where the test specimen is exposed to an additional firing mechanism, and the French test method in accordance with NF C32-070 CR1, where the flame temperature is 900 °C and the time exposure to flames is 15 minutes.
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Fire load The fire load of cables and wires is determined by measuring the energy released per meter of line for total combustion of all organic substances. This is a theoretical value which is calculated from the sum of the individual components used in the cable. The figures are in kWh/m or MJ/m. What should also be mentioned regarding measurement of the fire load is the comparison between PVC cables and wires and fire-resistant cables and wires. This is used to ascertain that the fire load with PVC cables is lower than fireresistant cables; but this comparison is inappropriate since the flashing time is not defined here. If the flashing time of PVC cables was taken as a basis, it would be established that the fireresistant cables are not yet burnt and thus had released less energy than PVC cables. There is no valid measuring method for this. Note: The fire safety classes standardized in DIN 4102 indicate fire resistance classes according to a fire resistance rating in minutes. F90 means fire resistance rating = 90 minutes. This standard also indicates classifications for non-combustible construction materials (A1, A2) and combustible construction materials with the classes B3 – highly inflammable, B2 – normal flammability and B1 – low flammability (flame-retardant). This information cannot be applied to the provisions for cables and wires, since in DIN 4102, fire propagation is the main concern, i.e. the fire shielding time in the event of a fire potentially spreading. There is only a link between fire safety classes and the provisions for cables and wires with special fire behavior concerning the building regulations on fire barriers for cable
Busbar Trunking Systems, Cables and Wires
penetration, which is to be found with details of the fire resistance classes, e.g. F90 and with relevant details about size of the wall openings, minimum wall thicknesses and other established points. Construction of cables and wires with functional endurance Bare copper conductors, which according to requirements (up to three hours’ functional endurance) can be covered with a layer of insulating mica, and then insulation made of flame-retardant, halogen-free, crosslinked polyolefin. A layer of fiber glass is normally used over the coating of the stranded wires as a flame protection layer. A material made of flameretardant, halogen-free, cross-linked polyolefin is also used as an outer sheath. These construction characteristics mean that all the requirements for properties described in the introduction can be fulfilled. Construction of cables and wires with particular burning behavior For cables and wires with particular burning behavior in halogen-free or low-halogen versions, the same construction principles apply as to the standard cable types. Effects of flame-retardant additives in halogen-free materials The fundamental effect is demonstrated below through the example of an EPR compound and the additive aluminum hydroxide: At fire temperatures, considerable quantities of heat are consumed through the decomposition of aluminum hydroxide and thus extracted from the combustion process of the rubber. This slows down the speed of the burn-off of
the rubber compound and the formation of combustible decomposition products. The steam vapor produced from the decomposition of the aluminum hydroxide forms an oxygen-dispelling protective gas. A crust is formed on the surface of the rubber from the carbonizing products and aluminum hydroxide which limits further progress of the combustion. Multi-cable fire test with respect to compound development Experience during development of these cables has shown that a furnace and test equipment for testing the fire propagation to cable groupings in accordance with IEC 60332-3 are essential for the development of fireresistant cables and wires. For it has emerged that with compound development it is only possible to assess the burning behavior of cables only for the respective test methods and when even apparently inconsequential boundary conditions are observed. A change in the air exchange rate during the multi-cable fire test can turn the test result completely upside down. Experience to date has shown that on the basis of the combustibility of a material established under laboratory conditions, for example, measured as LOI value, is in no way an indication of the course of the multi-cable fire test. This can be clearly illustrated taking the example of an ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) based rubber compound with an LOI value > 40, since it fails as a sheathing compound in the multi-cable fire test; a flame-retardant influence is not observed. Consequence: There is virtually no point in attempting to relate the
results from different burning tests in order to draw conclusions from the result of one test procedure on the probable result of another fire test. Assessments within a material or compound group are only to be made for burning tests actually conducted with the same boundary conditions.
7.2.2 Types of Safety Cables and Wires and their Areas of Application Fixed installation 0.6/1 kV NHXH power cable 0.6/1 kV N2XH; N2XCH power cable 0.6/1 kV (N)HXH power cable E30, -E90 for safety circuits 0.6/1 kV (N)HXCH E30, -E90 power cable for safety circuits H(St)H light-current cable JH(St)H light-current cable E30,-E90 for safety circuits. These cables are suitable for fixed indoor installation, in cable ducts and sometimes also outdoors. Areas of application are facilities with high requirements for safety and protection of persons and concentration of assets. Examples: industrial plants, premises with data processing equipment, nuclear power plants, military facilities, multi-story buildings, warehouses, building services, mobile drilling platforms, ships, mines, underground installations, tunneling, hospitals, etc. NHXMH installation lines These lines are to be used preferably for fixed installation, for the indoor wiring of buildings with increased safety requirements, where protection of persons is the main concern and there are limited escape routes in the event of a fire.
Examples: hospitals and department stores, hotels, high-rise apartment blocks, theaters, administrative buildings, terminal buildings at airports, emergency power systems for lighting escape routes, ventilation systems, etc. Flexible round cables These cables are suitable for laying in dry, damp and wet rooms, and some also outdoors. Areas of application are machines and industrial plants with increased safety requirements where protection of assets is the main concern. For cables used in this type of capacity, there are frequently further
requirements regarding flexibility, oil resistance, no substances harmful to lacquers,* etc. Examples: connection and control line of and in machine tools, conveyors, large machinery, if the cables are subject to bending. Depending on requirements regarding flexibility, these are ÖLFLEX 110H, ÖLFLEX 130H, ÖLFLEX 440P, ÖLFLEX-FD 855P.
ings. Outside of buildings (in air or in ground) VDE 0276-603 also applies. An overview is to be found in the product information on halogen-free cables in the latest LAPPKABEL catalog. www.lappkabel.de
Example of application of ÖLFLEX 130H: baggage handling systems in airports. Note: VDE 0298-4 applies to the correct dimensioning of the current carrying capacity of cables and wires in build-
* Materials used should be free of substances harmful to the application of lacquers
Halogen-free cables with burning behavior in accordance with IEC 60332-1 (flame-retardant) or IEC 60332-3 (highly flame-retardant) Product name
Burning behavior
Type of installation
highly flame-retardant
connecting cable, oil-resistant, free of substances harmful to lacquers, hydrolysis-resistant
highly flame-retardant
control cable, oil-resistant, free of substances harmful to lacquers, hydrolysis-resistant
highly flame-retardant
as ÖLFLEX CLASSIC 110 H plus Cu braided screen
control cable, oil-resistant, free of substances harmful to lacquers, hydrolysis-resistant, increased flexibility
as ÖLFLEX CLASSIC 120 H plus Cu braided screen
highly flame-retardant
inexpensive control cable, free of substances harmful to lacquers, hydrolysis-resistant
highly flame-retardant
as ÖLFLEX CLASSIC 130 H plus Cu braided screen (without inner sheath)
PUR control cable, resistant to cold, oil-resistant, VDE registered
as ÖLFLEX 440 P plus Cu braided screen
power cable, resistant to cold, oil-resistant, VDE registered
as ÖLFLEX 540 P plus Cu braided screen
SPIREX coiled cable
coiled cable made of ÖLFLEX 540 P with high recoiling forces
PUR servomotor cable, resistant to cold, oil-resistant
highly flexible
as ÖLFLEX SERVO FD 755 P plus Cu braided screen
highly flexible
feedback cable (speedometer cable)
highly flexible
resolver, encoder, sensor cable
highly flexible
PUR servomotor cable, resistant to cold, oil-resistant, low-capacity
highly flexible
as ÖLFLEX SERVO FD 781 P plus Cu braided screen
highly flexible
PUR servomotor cable, resistant to cold, oil-resistant, low-capacity, 0.6/1 kV
highly flexible
as ÖLFLEX SERVO FD 785 P plus Cu braided screen
highly flexible
power chain cable, resistant to cold, optimal very small diameters
highly flexible
as ÖLFLEX FD 820 H plus Cu braided screen
highly flexible
power chain cable for long distances to be traversed, resistant to cold, UV-resistant
highly flexible
as ÖLFLEX FD 855 P plus Cu braided screen
highly flexible
Table 7.2/2: Connecting and control cables for machines and industrial plants (Source: LAPPKABEL)
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Busbar Trunking Systems, Cables and Wires Product name
Burning behavior
Type of installation
LAPPTHERM 145 lines
highly flame-retardant
electron beam cross-linked line, thermally particularly resistant, unsusceptible to welding beads
LAPPTHERM 145 C lines
highly flame-retardant
as LAPPTHERM 145 line plus Cu braided screen
H05Z-K, H07Z-K 90°
halogen-free single-core, max. temperature range on the conductor +90 °C
H05Z-K, H07Z-K 110°
highly flame-retardant
halogen-free single-core, max. temperature range on the conductor +110 °C
SILFLEX SiF, SiF/GL, SiD, SiZ, FZLSi flame-retardant
silicone single-core for operating temperature range from –50 °C to +180 °C
silicone control and connecting cable, temperature range from –50 °C to +180 °C
as SILFLEX SiHF but with steel wire armoring
silicone control and connecting line with HAR approval, notch-resistant
silicone control and connecting line with UL/CSA approval
silicone control and connecting line, notch-resistant
as SILFLEX EWKF plus Cu braided screen
single-core made of glass filament for high temperatures: –50 °C to +350 °C
cable made of glass filament for high temperatures: –50 °C to +350 °C
single-core for extreme temperatures from –195°C to +400 °C, for a short time up to +1565 °C
cable for extreme temperatures from –195 °C to +400 °C, for a short time up to +1565 °C
Table 7.2/3: Connecting and control cables for machines and industrial plants (Source: LAPP CABLE) Product name
Burning behavior
Type of installation
highly flame-retardant
high-current installation cable
highly flame-retardant
installation cable for telephone, measurement and signal transmission
J-H(ST)H …BD fire alarm cable
highly flame-retardant
fire alarm cable for telephone, measurement and signal transmission in accordance with VDE 0815
Class D LAN cable for structured cabling
Class E LAN cable for structured cabling
Class E LAN cable for structured cabling, pairs in metal foil
Class F LAN cable for structured cabling, pairs in metal foil
LAN cable meeting the requirements of draft standard prEN 50288-4-1
OWG for transmissions up to ca. 60 m for 660 nm wavelength, adhesive-free fixed
OWG for transmissions up to ca. 60 m for 660 nm wavelength, adhesive-free highly flexible
OWG for transmissions up to ca. 60 m for 660 nm wavelength, adhesive-free highly flexible
fiber glass cable for use indoors and outdoors for high mechanical loads
mini-breakout fiber glass cable for short to medium distances indoors
fast Ethernet lines with transmission rate 100 Mbit/s
fast Ethernet line with transmission rate 100 Mbit/s
Table 7.2/4: Cables and lines, data lines, optical fiber for building installation (Source: LAPP CABLE) Product name
Burning behavior
Type of installation
data line with DIN 47100 color code
as UNITRONIC LiHH plus Cu braided screen
as UNITRONIC LiHCH, paired
data line for power chain use, UL listed, low-capacity, resistant to cold
highly flexible
as UNITRONIC FD P plus UL/CSA but with Cu braided screen
highly flexible
UNITRONIC FD CP (TP) plus UL/CSA flame-retardant
as UNITRONIC FD CP plus UL/CSA, paired
highly flexible
installation remote bus cable INTERBUS 100 ø, color-coded in accordance with DIN 47100
remote bus cable INTERBUS 100 ø for power chain use
highly flexible
installation remote bus cable INTERBUS 100 ø for power chain use
highly flexible
PROFIBUS line for higher requirements, oil-resistant
highly flame-retardant
PROFIBUS line for higher requirements, oil-resistant
Table 7.2/5: Data and bus lines for machines and industrial plants (Source: LAPP CABLE)
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Subdistribution Systems
chapter 8 8.1 General 8.2 Configuration
8.4 Small Distribution Boards and Wall- or Floor-Mounted Distribution Boards
8.3 Selectivity and Back-up Protection
8.5 Circuit Protection Devices
8 Subdistribution Systems 8.1 General
8.2 Configuration
Supply conditions
Subdistribution systems, as an essential component for the reliable power supply to all consumers of a building, are used for the distributed supply of circuits. From the subdistribution boards, cables either lead directly or via ground contact outlets to the consumer. Protective devices are located within the subdistribution systems.
The local environmental conditions and all operating data have utmost importance for the configuration of the subdistribution systems. The dimensioning is made using the following criteria:
The number of subdistribution boards in a building is determined using the following criteria:
Mechanical stress
A high-rise building normally has at least one floor distribution board for each floor. A residential building normally has one distribution system for each apartment.
These are:
Exposure to corrosion
Building sections
Fuses Miniature circuit-breakers
Notes concerning construction measures
RCD (residual current devices)
Wiring spaces
Environmental conditions
If a building consists of several sections, at least one subdistribution system is normally provided for each building section.
Overvoltage protection
Electrical data
They provide protection against personal injury and protect:
Ambient conditions Dimensions
Rated currents of the busbars Rated currents of the supply circuits
Departments In a hospital, separate subdistribution systems are provided for the various departments, such as surgery, OP theater, etc.
Against excessive heating caused by non-permissible currents
Rated currents of the branches
Safety power supplies
Against the effects of short-circuit currents and the resulting mechanical damage.
Short-circuit strength of the busbars Rating factor for switchgear assemblies
Separate distribution boards for the safety power supply are required for supplying the required safety equipment. Depending on the type and use of the building or rooms, the relevant regulations and guidelines must be observed, such as VDE 0100-710 and -718 and the MLAR (Sample Directive on Fireproofing Requirements for Line Systems).
In addition to the protective devices, a subdistribution system also contains devices for switching, measuring and monitoring. These are:
Heat loss Protection and installation type Degree of protection Observance of the upper temperature limit
KNX/EIB components
Measuring instruments
Installation type (free-standing, floor-mounted distribution board, wall-mounted distribution board) Protective measures
Switching devices
Transformers for extra-low voltages
Accessibility, e.g. for installation, maintenance and operating
Components of the building control systems
Type of construction
8.2.1 Standards to be Observed for Dimensioning
Number of operating faces
IEC 60364-2-20, DIN VDE 0100-200 Low voltage installations; Part 200 Definitions
Space requirements for modular installation devices, busbars and terminals
IEC 60364-3-30, DIN VDE 0100-300; Assessment of general characteristics of installations
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Subdistribution Systems
IEC 60364-4-41, DIN VDE 0100-410 Protection against electric shock IEC 60364-4-30 / DIN VDE 0100-430 Protection against overcurrent IEC 60364-5-51 / DIN VDE 0100-510 Selection and erection of electrical equipment; common rules IEC 60364-5-20 / DIN VDE 0100-520 Wiring systems DIN VDE 0298-4 Recommended values for the current carrying capacity of sheathed and nonsheathed cables DIN VDE 0606-1 Connecting materials up to 690 V; Part 1 – Installation boxes for accomodation of equipment and/or connecting terminals DIN 18015-1 Electrical systems in residential buildings, planning principles
8.2.2 Selection of the Protective Devices and Connecting Lines The selection and setting of the protective devices to be used must satisfy the following three conditions: Protection against non-permissible contact voltage for indirect contact (electric shock) Overload protection Short-circuit protection Detailed information for the three conditions, see Section 2.2 “Dimensioning of Power Distribution Systems”. An exact protective device selection and thus the dimensioning of subdistribution systems requires extensive short-circuit current calculations and voltage drop calculations. Catalog data for the short-circuit energies, the selectivity and the back-up protection
of the individual devices and assemblies must also be consulted. In addition, the appropriate regulations and standards must be observed. At this point, a reference should be made to the SIMARIS design dimensioning tool that automatically takes account of the above mentioned conditions, catalog data, standards and regulations, and consequently automatically makes the device selection.
breaking capacity of the switching device or the consumers. If this is not the case, an additional limiting protective device unnecessarily reduces the selectivity or, indeed, removes it.
8.3 Selectivity and Back-up Protection
check whether the selected protective devices can master this shortcircuit current alone or with backup protection using upstream protective devices,
Rooms used for medical purposes (VDE 0100-710) and meeting rooms (DIN VDE 0100-718) require the selection of protective devices in subareas. For other building types, such as computer centers, there is an increasing demand for a selective grading of the protective devices, because only the circuit affected by a fault would be disabled with the other circuits continuing to be supplied with power without interruption (see also Section 2.3 “Power System Protection and Protection Coordination”). Because the attainment of selectivity results in increased costs, it should be decided for which circuits selectivity is useful. Back-up protection is the lower-cost option. In this case, an upstream protective device, e.g. an LV HRC fuse as group back-up fuse, supports a downstream protective device in mastering the short-circuit current, i.e. both an upstream and a downstream protective device trip. The short-circuit current, however, has already been sufficiently reduced by the upstream protective device so that the downstream protective device can have a smaller short-circuit breaking capacity. Back-up protection should be used when the expected solid short-circuit current exceeds the
The following scheme should be followed for the selectivity or back-up protection decision: determine the maximum shortcircuit current at the installation point,
check at which current the downstream protective devices and the upstream protective devices are selective to each other. Selectivity and back-up protection exemplified for a data center Computer centers place very high demands on the safety of supply. This is particularly true for the consumers attached to the uninterruptible power supply and ensure a reliable data back-up in case of a fault and service interruption. Those solutions providing selectivity and back-up protection relying on the previously mentioned SIMARIS design configuration tool should be presented at this point. Photo 8.3/1 shows a subdistribution system in SIMARIS design. A SENTRON 3WL circuit-breaker as outgoing feeder switch of the main distribution is upstream to the subdistribution system shown here. The following figures show the selectivity diagrams for the considered subdistribution system automatically generated by SIMARIS design (Photo 8.3/2). SIMARIS design specifies the characteristic curve band of the considered circuit (yellow lines), the envelope curves of
Photo 8.3/1: Subdistribution in a data center, display in SIMARIS design
all upstream devices (blue line) and all downstream devices (red line). In addition to the specification of the minimum and maximum short-circuit currents, any selectivity limits for the individual circuits are also specified.
maximum short-circuit current of 9,719 kA selective for the 125 A group back-up fuse.
Photo 8.3/3 shows the selective grading of the 3WL circuit-breaker from the main distribution system and the group back-up fuse (125 A LV HRC fuse) of the subdistribution system. The consumers critical for functional endurance which are installed in a redundant manner in the subdistribution system should not be protected with the same back-up fuse but rather be assigned to different groups.
The same subdistribution system also contains an example for back-up protection. Photo 8.3/4 shows the selectivity diagram for the combination of the group back-up fuse with a 10 A miniature circuit-breaker of the characteristic B. Up to the breaking capacity of the 15 kA miniature circuit-breaker, the two protective devices are selective to each other. Above this value, the current is limited by the fuse and the miniature circuitbreaker protected by a fuse; both devices trip.
The selectivity diagram shows the circuit diagram of a single-phase consumer in the subdistribution system. This circuit diagram is protected with a 10 A miniature circuitbreaker with characteristic C and for a
SIMARIS design automatically generates these characteristic curves to provide exact information about the maximum and minimum short-circuit currents of the associated circuit. Photo 8.3/4 also shows up to which
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current (Isel kurz) the protective devices are selective to each other.
Subdistribution Systems
Photo 8.3/2: Selectivity of the group back-up fuse to the upstream protective devices
Photo 8.3/3: Selectivity of the group back-up fuse / miniature circuit-diagram combination
Photo 8.3/4: Back-up protection of the group back-up fuse / miniature circuit-breaker
8.4 Small Distribution Boards and Wall- or FloorMounted Distribution Boards All power consumers of a residential building, an administrative building or a factory should be supplied reliably with electricity. In accordance with the operational requirements for all network nodes, low-voltage switchgear, low-voltage distribution boards or controlgear should be configured so that they satisfy the associated conditions of their site of installation, and from which both the connected consumers and also the cable and wires are switched, protected and monitored. The following items are particularly important for the configuration: Ambient and installation conditions Mechanical stress Degree of protection in accordance with DIN EN 60529 Direct contact protection, dust and water protection Ambient temperature and climatic conditions Corrosion exposure Type of installation and fastening (e.g. free-standing, wall attachment) Cover or doors, possibly transparent or non-transparent Dimensions, maximum permitted exterior dimensions of the switchgear
Maximum permitted dimensions of the switchgear for transport and installation on site Cable ducts, possibly base cover Cable entry Type of cable installation (cable duct, racks and similar) Device installation (fixed or inserts or withdrawable units for fast replacement) Accessibility of the devices: parts to be accessed during operation, such as fuses, miniature circuit-breakers, etc., should be grouped and arranged within the switchgear assemblies so they are accessible (e.g. using a quick-acting cover). Contactors and fuses should be placed in separate enclosures. Type of installation, accessibility So that the most economical construction can always be selected, before specifying construction measures, the characteristics of the switchgear and distribution boards should be compared with each other and then a decision made. Such characteristics include: Open or closed construction (type of operating area) Self-supporting installation: freestanding in the room, on a wall, or in a niche Non-self-supporting installation: for fastening on the wall, on a mounting structure or in a wall niche Type of access, e.g. for installation, maintenance and operating Dimensions (height, depth, width) Notes concerning construction measures
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Protective measures Protection against direct contact for an open door in the installation distribution board using contact protection covers, IP30 degree of protection Protection against indirect contact on all frame and covering parts with safety class 1 (protective conductor connection) – Safety class 1 (protective conductor connection) Encapsulations and parts of the weight-bearing metal structure are protected against corrosion using a high-quality surfaceprotecting coating. Metal parts for switchgear and distribution boards must be included in the protective measures using a protective conductor. – Safety class 2 (protective insulation) If switchgear or distribution boards of safety class 2 are used, ensure that the protective insulation applied in the factory is not penetrated by conducting metal parts such as switch shafts, metallic conductor glands, etc. The inactive metal parts within the protective insulation, such as mounting plates and housing of devices may never be connected with the PE conductor or PEN conductor, even when they have a PE connection terminal. If covers or doors can be opened without a tool or key, all touchable conductive parts inside must be placed behind an insulated cover in the IP2X degree of protection. These covers may only be removed using a tool. The looping-through of PE conductors is permitted.
Subdistribution Systems
Space requirements for modular installation devices , busbars and terminals For the configuration of rack-mounted modular installation devices in encapsulated switchgear and distribution boards, in particular for box-type distribution boards, in addition to the space required for the devices themselves, sufficient space must be provided for: The voltage distance (clearance in air) to the encapsulation The heat dissipation of the individual devices Any required blow out space for switchgear The wiring The connection of the outer ingoing and outgoing cables (connection space) The device identification A clear designation of the associated devices should be used both in the project documentation and in the completed switchgear assemblies. This is true, for example, also for the association of the fuses to the circuits. Meters/counters and measuring instruments should be placed at eye level. All devices requiring manual intervention should be placed at arm's reach (roughly at a height between 0.6 and 1.8 m).
* Also see Low-Voltage Controls and Distribution SIRIUS – SENTRON – SIVACON; Catalog LV 1 Order no. E86060-K1002-A101-A6
Number of main circuits
Rated load factor
2 and 3
4 and 5
6 to (including) 9
10 and more
Table 8.4/1: Rated load factors (DIN VDE 0660-500 Section 4.8, Table I)
Under some circumstances restrictions that result from the use of a device in an encapsulation must be observed, e.g. for the rated current and the switching capacity.*
Selection of the electrical equipment
Wiring space
Its associated device specifications
After installing the switchgear and distribution boards, the available wiring space for outgoing cables and wires both inside and outside is decisive for the efficient execution of the wiring work. A particularly small encapsulation would initially appear to be very economical to purchase, however, the restrictive wiring space can require such a high installation cost for the initial and later connection of cables that the low price advantage becomes lost.
The suitability with regard to the rated data, in particular short-circuit strength and capacities
For cables with a large cross section ensure that sufficient space for spreading out the cores and routing is available.
The rated load factor must be considered for the determination of the test currents for the temperature-rise test and for the dimensioning of the current paths and devices of the infeed and busbars.
Special requirements Special requirements, such as explosion protection, protection against aggressive atmospheres and shocks must be taken into consideration in accordance with the appropriate specifications or as additional agreements.
For the equipment installed in the switchgear assemblies, the following must be considered:
Current-limiting protective devices may need to be installed. Rated load factor To prevent an uneconomical overdimensioning of the housing and resources, we recommend the use of the rated load factors (Table 8.4/1) (unless other data has been agreed).
Electrical equipment in switchgear and distribution board systems dissipate their heat losses to the surrounding air. To ensure the correct function of this equipment, the prescribed limit temperatures in switchgear must be observed. DIN VDE 0660-507 contains calculation methods, applications, formulas and characteristic data for maintaining the upper limit temperature.
The observance of the upper limit temperature within switchgear cabinet systems is proved using EN 60439-3 / DIN VDE 0660-504
IEC 60890 / DIN VDE 0660-507 These standards contain calculation methods, applications, formulas and characteristic data for maintaining the upper limit temperature. Figure 8.4/1 shows the general procedure. The correct selection of the various devices to be installed plays a significant role for the dimensioning of subdistribution boards. The following checklists provide help for this important decision. The required parameters from the checklist allow the correct device selection for each circuit.
Selection of an appropriate switchgear cabinet system with adequate space for the resources to be installed (e.g. using the catalog)
Determine the effective heat loss Pv eff in in the switchgear cabinet system
Specify the permitted upper air temperature ∆t in the switchgear cabinet system (e.g. ∆t = 20 K) Caution: observe the max. operating temperature of the installed equipment!
Selection/specification, whether the selected switchgear cabinet system is suitable for Ps ≥ ∑Pv
Proof of observance of the upper temperature limit
Select a larger switchgear cabinet or divide into two or more panels. Other changes to influence the radiating heat loss Ps (switchgear cabinet) by – air conditioning of the switchgear cabinet system – low-loss construction*
* Increase the Cu cross-section for busbar systems and wiring of the switchgear
Ps ∑Pv
Max. heat radiation loss of the switchgear cabinet Total of the heat loss of the installed switchgear and lines
Figure 8.4/1: Steps for determining and maintaining the limit temperature
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Subdistribution Systems
8.4.1 ALPHA SELECT Planning and configuration support from the TIP tool platform ALPHA SELECT is the tool for the electrician and switchgear panel builder for building installations. Support is provided for planning, configuring, cost estimating, tendering, order processing and the construction of the various distribution boards. ALPHA SELECT allows the fast and simple selection of SIMBOX small distribution boards, ALPHA meter cabinets, ALPHA distribution boards and ALPHA 8HP insulated distribution systems, including quick-assembly kits, assembly kits, the associated accessories and BETA modular installation devices. Products can also be chosen from the A&D EGH catalog and the CA01 electronic catalog. ALPHA meter cabinets can be chosen in accordance with the regulations of the local power supply network operators or also based on technical criteria. The possibility to hide and display levels (layer display) gives the user an overview of the equipment assignment of the distribution board. In the resulting bill of materials, discounts for individual items or products can be assigned and markups for the installation effort calculated. The output to a project can be customized as required. Electronic export formats (bill of materials as CSV file, graphics as WMF, complete output as PDF), the printing of a tender (optionally with or without integrated drawings) and
Photo 8.4/1: Selection of the distribution board system
Photo 8.4/2: ALPHA distribution board assembly
Photo 8.4/3: ALPHA 8HP insulated distribution board assembly
Photo 8.4/4: ALPHA 400-ZS meter cabinet
the printing of drawings with frame in the formats DIN A3 or DIN A4 are available as output.
8.5 Circuit Protection Devices
It is also possible to include the construction structure in the data output. This can be used, in principle, as a construction plan for building up the distribution board.
The correct selection of the various devices to be installed plays a significant role for the dimensioning of subdistribution boards. The following checklists provide help for this important decision. The required parameters from the checklist allow the correct device selection for each circuit.
You can obtain further information from your Siemens contact. ALPHA SELECT can be downloaded from www.siemens.de/alpha-select –> Support
Residual-current-operated circuit-breaker (RCCB) Project name ......................................................................................... Owner/developer ......................................................................................... Planning engineer ......................................................................................... Power supply system (RCCB cannot be used in the TN-C system)
Rated voltage Un of RCCB
c c c
230 V 400 V 500 V
c c c c c
16 A 25 A 63 A 80 A 125 A
Rated current In of RCCB
Rated residual current I∆n of the RCCB Protection against direct contact (additional protection) Protection against indirect contact (fault protection) Fire protection (for ground fault current)
c c c
≤ 30 mA ≥ 30 mA ≤ 300 mA
Disconnect condition in the TT system satisfies the grounding resistance
c c
Number of poles
Selectivity requirements
2 4 Yes
Tripping behavior of the RCCB Instantaneous – standard Short-time-delay – super resistant Selective – staggered arrangement of RCCBs Back-up fuse checked / back-up protection ensured
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
c c c ........................ / ........................
Subdistribution Systems
Residual current form Tripping range / sensitivity of the residual current device
c c
Type A – pulse-current sensitive Type B – universal current sensitive, SIQUENCE Special installation requirements
c c
Harsh environmental conditions, SIGRES Frequency range 50 to 400 Hz
Possibly miniature circuit-breakers selection – see CB checklist
Result of residual-current-operated circuit-breaker selection
Rated residual current [mA]
1P+N 3P+N
1 3 4
7 3
N-connection left
KK01 KK KK13
-6 5
-8 7
-6 -6
-4 -4
30 mA
63 A
KK12 -8
KK01 K
Type A
Version for selective tripping
-6 -6
24…125 V AC
Special versions SIGRES Frequency 50-400 Hz K
-6 6
4 4
2-pin 100/125 A
Type A* S
-8 7
Type A: AC and pulsecurrent-sensitive fault current acquisition
4 8
Type A*
4 7
1 6 4
3 4
1 6
Rated current [A] 500 V 3P+N
Super-resistant version
RCCB module Project name ......................................................................................... Owner/developer ......................................................................................... Planning engineer ......................................................................................... Power supply system (RC cannot be used in the TN-C system)
Rated voltage
c c
230 V 400 V
c c c c
0.3 to 16 A 0.3 to 40 A 0.3 to 63 A 80 to 100 A
Protection against direct contact (additional protection)
≤ 30 mA
Protection against indirect contact (fault protection)
> 30 mA
Fire protection (for ground fault current)
≤ 300 mA
Un of the residual current device Rated current In of the residual current device
Rated residual current I∆n of the residual current device
Disconnect condition in the TT system satisfies the grounding resistance Number of poles
Selectivity requirements
Tripping behavior of the RCCB Instantaneous – standard
Short-time-delay – super resistant
Selective – staggered arrangement of RCCB modules
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Subdistribution Systems
Residual current form Tripping range / sensitivity of the residual current device
Type A – Pulse-current sensitive
Miniature circuit-breaker selection – see MCB checklist
Result of RCCB module selection
RCCB module: selection table for order no. details Series
Rated residual current [mA] 10 1
30 3 3 3
5SM2 3
300 6 6 6 6 6 6
8 2 2 8
Order no. (MLFB) e.g.
2 2 2 2 2 2
3 4
Rated current [A] 6...16 1)
1 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 4
RCCB module
5 5 5 5
KK01 -8 -8
7 7 7
30 mA
6..40 A
2 pins = 2 MW (36 mm); 3 and 4 pins = 3 MW (54 mm); plus the pole number per CB each 1MW
2 pins = 3.5 MW (63 mm); 4 pins = 5 MW (90 mm); plus the pole count per CB each 1.5MW Type A: AC and pulse-current-sensitive fault current acquisition
Type A 3) Type A 3) -6 -6 -6 -6
2 2 2
Special construction
-8 -8
S Version for selective tripping K Short-time delayed, super-resistant
RCBO – residual-current-operated circuit-breaker with integral overcurrent protection Project name ......................................................................................... Owner/developer ......................................................................................... Planning engineer ......................................................................................... Power supply system (RCBO cannot be used in the TN-C system)
Rated voltage Un of the RCBO
c c
230 V 400 V
c c c c c c c c c c c
6A 8A 10 A 13 A 16 A 20 A 25 A 32 A 40 A 100 A 125 A
Rated current In of the RCBO
Rated residual current I∆n of the residual current device Protection against direct contact (additional protection) Protection against indirect contact (fault protection) Fire protection (for ground fault current)
c c c
≤ 30 mA > 30 mA ≤ 300 mA
Disconnect condition in the TT network satisfies the grounding resistance
Conditions/consumers in the circuit Outlets, non-stationary consumers Motors, lamps Transformers, inductances, capacitors Number of poles
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
c c c c c
B C D 2 4
Subdistribution Systems
Selectivity requirements
Tripping behavior of the residual current device Instantaneous – standard Short-time-delay – super resistant Selective – staggered arrangement of RCBOs Back-up fuse checked / back-up protection ensured
c c c ........................ / ........................
Residual current form Tripping range / sensitivity of the residual current device
c c
Type A – Pulse-current sensitive Type B – Universal current sensitive, SIQUENCE
Result of RCBO selection
RCBO: selection table for order no. details Switching capacity [kA]
Rated residual current [mA] Series 10 1
3 3 3 3 3
6 6
5SU1 3 3 3
Order no. (MLFB) e.g.
1+N 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
6 6 6
2 2 2
4 4 7 7 7 7 7
10 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
6 kA
CB characteristic / RC type B/ Type A1)
C/ Type A1) C/ Type A1)
-6 -6
B/ Type A1)
-7 -7
-6 -6
-7 -7
-7 -7 -7
-6 A-Char.
Standard (230 V or 400 V) KK KK KK VK KK FA WK KK AK AK
-7 -6
Rated current [A]
S C/ Type A1) S C/ Type B2) K D/ Type B2) K C/ Type B2) S D/ Type B2)
-8 -7
480 V
6 06 06 06 06
10 13 16 20 25 32 40 100 125
10 13 08 10 13 10 13 10
16 16 20 25 32 40 16 20 25 32 40 16 20 25
10 13 16 20 25 32 40
81 81 81
82 82 82 82 82
10 10 A
Type A: AC and pulse-current-sensitive fault current acquisition SIQUENCE Type B: residual current acquisition for: AC, pulse currents und smooth DC fault currents
Selective Short-time delayed, super-resistant
Miniature circuit-breaker (MCB) Project name ......................................................................................... Owner/developer ......................................................................................... Planning engineer ......................................................................................... ........................ mm2
Rated cross section of the circuit Iz in accordance with DIN VDE 0298 T4
(Observe reduction factors with regard to the installation type, bundling and ambient temperature)
Rated current of the MCB
........................ A
Short-circuit current at the mounting location of the MCB Site of installation accessible for ordinary people (EN 60898)
Icn of the MCB
Site of installation not accessible for ordinary people – Industry (EN 60947-2)
Icn of the CB switch
c c c
6 kA 10 kA 15 kA
25 kA
Conditions/consumers in the circuit Recommendation for the tripping characteristic Semiconductor, long cable lengths Outlets, non-stationary consumers Motors, lamps Transformers, inductances, capacitors
c c c c
Number of conductors (Number of poles, 1, 1+N, 2, 3, 3+N, 4)
Selectivity requirements
Back-up protection ensured
Protection measure / disconnect condition
........................ / ........................
If required,selection of the RCCB – See RCCB checklist
Result of the miniature circuit-breaker selection
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Subdistribution Systems
Rated cross-section qn
Rated current In of the MCB for protection of 2 conductors under load 3 conductors under load A A
mm2 1.5 2.5 4 6 10 16 25 35
16 25 32 40 63 80 100 125
Iz (line) Permitted continuous load current for 2 conductors under load 3 conductors under load A A
16 20 32 40 50 63 80 100
19.5 27 36 46 63 85 112 138
17.5 24 32 41 57 76 96 119
Table 8.5/1: Assignment of miniature circuit-breakers to conductor cross-sections Example: Ribbon cable, multi-core line on or in the wall, installation type C*) at + 30 ºC ambient temperature *
Installation type C in accordance with IEC 60364-5-52 / DIN VDE 0298-4. The lines are attached so that the separation between them and the wall surface is less than 0.3-times the external diameter of the lines.
Depth [mm]
Switching capacity [kA] Icn
55 5S
5S 5S
Icu *_ 25
Rated current [A] 1+N in 1MW
01. Jun
5 02
06 14
0 1
02 6
0 4
-6 -6
7 8*_
Y 5*_
-6 -7 -8 -6
-6 -6
Series 70 mm
-7 50
4 7
Y 5S
Y 5S
10 kA
16 A
-7 92
-7 -8
*_ Types with special construction for residential buildings
*_ Series with high switching capacity up to 70 kA in accordance with EN 60947-2 *_ Universal current version
Fuses Project name ......................................................................................... Owner/developer ......................................................................................... Planning engineer ......................................................................................... (observe standards, certifications, approvals)
System voltage
up to 400 V up to 500 V up to 690 V > 690 V
c c c c
c c c c
Utilization category gG – line protection, general protection
aM – motor circuits, switchgear protection
quick – line protection, general protection
slow – line protection, general protection
aR/gR/gS semiconductor protection super quick, see SITOR checklist
Rated voltage of the fuse
AC ........................ V
Short-circuit current at the mounting location
............................. kA
Rated short-circuit breaking capacity of the fuse
AC ........................ kA
DC1 ........................ V
DC1 ........................ kA
Rated current strength
000, 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4a
2–1,250 A
2–100 A
D01, D02, D03
2–100 A
Cylinder fuses
10 x 38, 14 x 51, 22 x 58
2–100 A
Selectivity requirements tested
Protection measure / shutdown condition tested
........................ / ........................
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Subdistribution Systems
Installation of the fuse Devices without switching function
Fuse holder, fuse socket, fuse bases
Devices with switching function 2
Fuse-disconnectors, fuse switch disconnector, switch disconnector with fuse
Have the operating conditions of the selected protection components been observed?
Is derating required?
Result of the fuse selection
1 2
The DC values normally lie below the AC values Observe the rated making and breaking capacity of the switchgear
SITOR semiconductor safety fuses Project name ......................................................................................... Owner/developer ......................................................................................... Planning engineer ......................................................................................... (observe standards, certifications, approvals)
Operating voltage AC
up to 690 V
up to 1,000 V
> 1,000 V
Limit load integral of the object to be protected (i2t)
Switch-off integral of the SITOR – fuse (i2tA)
Utilization category C aR – partial-range semiconductor protection
C gR – full-range semiconductor protection
C gS – full-range semiconductor protection and cable and line protection
Rated voltage of the fuse
AC ........................ V
Short-circuit current at the mounting location
............................. kA
Rated short-circuit breaking capacity of the fuse
AC ........................ kA
DC1 ........................ V
DC1 ........................ kA
Rated amperage
000, 00, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4a
16–1,250 A
16–100 A
D01, D02
10–63 A
Cylinder fuses
10 x 38, 14 x 51, 22 x 58
1–100 A
Selectivity requirements tested
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Subdistribution Systems
Installation of the fuse Devices without switching function
Fuse holder, fuse socket, fuse bases
Devices with switching function 2
Fuse-disconnectors, fuse switch disconnector, switch disconnector with fuse
Direct installation on busbars
Has the derating of the fuse link – device combination been observed?
Operating conditions Varying load of the consumer Varying load factor / derating of the SITOR fuse
Temperature range Heat dissipation and cooling adequate
Result of the fuse selection
1 2
The DC values normally lie below the AC values Observe the rated making and breaking capacity of the switchgear
Lightning current and overvoltage protection (LCO) Project name ......................................................................................... Owner/developer ......................................................................................... Planning engineer .........................................................................................
Risk analysis in accordance with DIN EN 62305-2 performed 3-level protection concept with LCO Type 1 / 2 / 3 or 2-level protection concept with LCO Type 2 / 3
c c
Number of feeding systems / main distribution boards (MD)
....................... items
Mind connection to ground at the infeed / MD!
Total number of subdistribution boards (SD)
....................... items
Mind connection to ground in SD!
Number of the consumers / final circuits that require special protection
....................... items
Lightning current and overvoltage protection Type 1 Number of poles
for TN-C systems for TN-S and TT systems
c3 c4
Each MD must be tested whether in addition to the main fuse, an additional back-up fuse is required for the overvoltage protection device. Where: Main fuse available?
Yes > 315 A gG; additional back-up fuse ≤ 315A gG required – spur line wiring, recommended 125 gG
Yes ≤ 315 A gG; no additional back-up fuse required – V wiring
The devices are normally installed in the MD upstream or downstream of the meter. Installation upstream of the meter requires the agreement of the supply system operator. Lightning current and overvoltage protection Type 2 Number of poles
for TN-C supply systems for TN-S and TT supply systems
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c3 c4
Subdistribution Systems
Each SD must be tested whether in addition to the main fuse, an additional back-up fuse is required for the overvoltage protection device. Where: Fuse available?
c c
Yes > 125 A gG; additional back-up fuse ≤ 125A gG required Yes ≤ 125 A gG; no additional back-up fuse required
Lightning current and overvoltage protection Type 3 A Type 3 surge arrester must be used for each end consumer/circuit that requires special protection. The overvoltage protection devices should be installed as near as possible to the device to be protected. Number of poles for 1 phase for all 3 phases
c c
2 4
For each Type 3 The surge arrestor must be tested whether in addition to the plant fuse an additional back-up fuse is required for the overvoltage protection device. Where: Fuse / CB 25A B/C present?
c c
Yes > 25 A gG; additional back-up fuse ≤ 25A gG required Yes ≤ 25 A gG; no additional back-up fuse required
Result of the device selection for lightning current and overvoltage protection
Fig. 8.5/1: Installation of the overvoltage protection equipment in the TT system (VDE 0100 T534)
Fig. 8.5/2: Installation of the overvoltage protection equipment in the TN-C-S system (VDE 0100 T534)
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Power Consumers
chapter 9 9.1 Starting, Switching and Protecting Motors
9.2 Lighting 9.3 Elevator Systems
9 Power Consumers 9.1 Starting, Switching and Protecting Motors
Selection of the switching devices
For the planning and selection of the control system and the protection of motors, the relevant standards and regulations have to be observed. These are primarily IEC 60947 (Lowvoltage switchgear and controlgear), VDE 0100, EN 60204-1 and the standards for EMC, EN 61000-3-2 and EN 50082.
Load feeder (protective and switching device, mostly circuitbreaker and contactor) Motor starter (protective and switching device in a casing) Soft starter Frequency converter
If switching devices for motors are used in an area in which persons might be endangered, the relevant regulations (safety regulations for workplaces) are to be observed. For further information on the “Requirements for safety at the workplace”, please refer to the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health at www.baua.de/baua/index.htm An overview of the harmonized EU standards is to be found at www.newapproach.org
There are the following types of switching devices:
Except for the load feeder, the switching devices are available for a centralized configuration (mostly IP20) as well as for a distributed one (IP54 to IP65).
Configuration A combination of centralized and distributed components is absolutely reasonable. In the case of a compact arrangement of motors to be switched, the centralized configuration is advantageous. For the wiring of switching devices and motors, devices with a standardized connection method such as, for example, in ISO 23570, Part 2 and 3, are a maintenance-friendly solution. The individual components can be rapidly installed and replaced. Standardized interfaces remarkably reduce the error rate during installation; moreover, the downtimes during operation are reduced.
Direct starter, reversing starter (load feeder, motor starter)
High starting torque Fast start-up AC motors can be operated
High starting current
Soft starter
Starting current is limited
Low starting torque Only three-phase motors
Frequency converter
Starting current is limited Speed variable at constant torque
System perturbations Only three-phase motors
Table 9.1/1: Switching and protective devices for motors
Selection of protective and monitoring devices In a motor feeder, the protective devices have to ensure the protection of the line and the motor. This can be accomplished with separate devices or with a combined device fulfilling both functions. Motor protection can be accomplished with an overcurrent release (motor protection in acc. with IEC 60947), or a temperature sensor (always in the motor winding), or electronic motor protection devices (SIMOCODE).
Alternating voltage Category AC-3
Squirrel-cage motors: switching on / off during operation
Squirrel-cage motors: switching on, plugging, reversing, jogging
Controlling a squirrel-cage motor with semiconductor contactors
Direct voltage Category DC-3
Shunt motors: switching on, plugging, reversing, jogging, dynamic braking
Series motors: switching on, plugging, reversing, jogging, dynamic braking
Table 9.1/2: Protective and switching devices according to utilization categories
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Power Consumers
Selection according to utilization categories The utilization categories are defined in IEC 60947-4-1, VDE 0660-102. These categories are primarily suitable for the switching of motors.
In the case of requirements not covered by a category, one speaks about a mixed operation. For that, an approximative calculation of the service life of the switching devices can be carried out.*
* Also see: Siemens AG (Ed.): Switching, Protection and Distribution in Low-Voltage Networks, 4th Edition, Publicis, Erlangen, 1997
Normal starting CLASS 10 (up to 20 s with 350% In Motor) The soft starter's output can be the same as that of the implemented motor Application
Conveyor belts
Powered rollerconveyors
Small ventilators
Hydraulic pumps
Starting parameters • Voltage ramp and current limiting – Start voltage (%) – Starting time (s) – Current limit value
70 10 Deactivated
60 10 Deactivated
50 10 4 x IM
30 10 4 x IM
30 10 Deactivated
30 10 Deactivated
• Torque ramp – Start torque – End torque – Starting time
60 150 10
50 150 10
40 150 10
20 150 10
10 150 10
10 150 10
• Breakaway pulse Stopping mode
Deactivated (0 ms) Deactivated (0 ms) Deactivated (0 ms) Deactivated (0 ms) Deactivated (0 ms) Deactivated (0 ms) Soft stopping Soft stopping Coasting down Coasting down Pump stop Coasting down
Heavy starting CLASS 20 (up to 40 s with 350% In Motor) The selected soft starter must have a power class that is 1 class higher than that of the implemented motor Application
Centrifugal machines
Milling machines
Starting parameters • Voltage ramp and current limiting – Start voltage (%) – Starting time (s) – Current limit value
30 30 4 x IM
30 30 4 x IM
30 30 4 x IM
• Torque ramp – Start torque – End torque – Starting time
30 150 30
30 150 30
30 150 30
• Breakaway pulse Stopping mode
Deactivated (0 ms) Coasting down
Deactivated (0 ms) Coasting down
Deactivated (0 ms) Coasting down or DC braking
Very heavy starting CLASS 30 (up to 60 s with 350% In Motor) The selected soft starter must have a power class that is 2 classes higher than that of the implemented motor Application
Large fans
Disk saws/ribbon saws
Anlaufparameter • Voltage ramp and current limiting – Start voltage (%) – Starting time (s) – Current limit value
30 60 4 x IM
50 60 4 x IM
50 60 4 x IM
30 60 4 x IM
• Torque ramp – Start torque – End torque – Starting time
20 150 60
50 150 60
50 150 60
20 150 60
• Breakaway pulse Stopping mode
Deactivated (0 ms) Coasting down
80%; 300 ms Coasting down
80%; 300 ms Coasting down
Deactivated (0 ms) Coasting down
Table 9.1/3: Start-up modes and start-up parameters for soft starters in selected applications
A decisive criterion in the selection of the switches is the communication capability of the devices (instabus KNX/EIB, PROFIBUS, PROFINET, AS-Interface etc.) and thus the possible integration into a process control system. Further points to be considered in the selection of switching devices are the switching frequency (operating cycles/hour) as well as the intermittent service and the start-up mode (direct on-line starting, soft starting). The standard decisive to that is DIN EN 60034-1 Rotating electrical machines – Part 1: Rating and performance. This standard applies all rotating electrical machines except for those being subject to other standards. In the rating and selection of rotating electrical machines, the specification of the load including start-up, electrical braking, no-load operation and breaks as well as their duration and chronological order are especially important. Load feeder and motor starter (direct on-line and reversing starter) These devices are a cost-effective solution for the switching of motors. They ensure a short acceleration time and a high starting torque. There are two variants Electromechanical switching devices Electronic (semiconductor) switching devices With electromechanical switches, the operating mode in acc. with DIN EN 60034-1 (continuous, short-time, intermittent operation, etc.) also has to be observed. If the on-time of the motor is short compared with the start-up time, the load is higher and the switching device therefore has to
Start-up mode
Direct on-line
With the direct start-up mode set, the voltage at the motor is immediately increased almost to line voltage upon the start command. This corresponds approximately to the start behavior with a contactor.
Voltage ramp
The terminal voltage of the motor is increased from a paremeterizable starting voltage to line voltage within an adjustable start-up time.
Torque control
With torque control, the torque generated in the motor is linearly increased from a parameterizable starting torque to a parameterizable end torque within an adjustable torque starting time.
Voltage ramp + current limitation
In combination with the voltage ramp start-up mode, the starter continuously measures the phase current via an integrated current transformer. A current-limiting value (IB) can be set on the soft starter during the motor ramp-up. When this value is reached, the motor voltage is regulated by the soft starter in such a way that the current does not exceed the set value. Current limitation superimposes the voltage ramp start-up mode.
Torque ramp + current limitation
In combination with the torque control start-up mode, the starter continuously measures the phase current via an integrated current transformer. A current-limiting value can be set on the soft starter during the motor ramp-up. When this value is reached, the motor voltage is regulated by the soft starter in such a way that the current does not exceed the set value. The current limitation superimposes the torque control start-up mode.
Motor heating (supporting function)
If IP54 motors are used outdoors, their cooling down leads to a condensation of water in the motor (e.g. over night or in winter). This might lead to leakage currents or short circuits, when they are switched on. In order to heat the motor winding, a “pulsating” direct current is supplied without the motor rotating.
Table 9.1/4: Start-up modes for soft starters and their meaning
be dimensioned larger. Since the service life of electromechanical switching devices is limited by the number of operating cycles, it is recommended to use electronic switching devices in the case of a high number of operating cycles (continuous switching frequency > 200 operating cycles/hour). Since the inrush currents during the start-up of larger motors are very high with these devices, there are also stardelta startings used for three-phase motors. For that, the motor is oper-
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ated in star-connection during rampup and then switched over to deltaconnection. Compared to the direct switch-on, the starting current is limited to 2/3. It has to be ensured that the motor has the required voltage endurance for the delta-connection. Soft starters Another option for limiting the starting current is the use of soft starters. Soft starting has the following advantages compared with a load feeder/motor starter:
Power Consumers
Current peaks during the start-up are relieved Bumpless start-up Mechanical stress for the load is reduced There must not be any capacitive elements in the motor feeder between the soft starter and motor (e.g. no reactive power compensation system). In order to prevent any failures in the compensation system and/or the soft starter, neither static systems for reactive power compensation nor dynamic PFC (Power Factor Correction) must be used during the start-up and coasting of the soft starter. For the selection of the soft starter it is important to look into the application in depth and take into account the start-up time of the motor. Long start-up times mean a thermal load for the soft starter. With the selection and simulation software “Win-Soft Starter”, all Siemens soft starters can be simulated and selected, taking into account different parameters, such as system conditions, motor data, load data, special application requirements, etc. This software is a valuable tool, its application makes tedious and extensive calculations for determining the suitable soft starters obsolete.
Coasting mode
Free coasting
With free coasting, the energy supply to the motor is interrupted via the soft starter upon the cancellation of the on-command. The motor coasts freely, only driven by the mass inertia (centrifugal mass) of the rotor and the load.
Torque ramp
With torque ramp, the free coasting is extended. This function is set if an abrupt shut-down of the load is to be prevented. This is typical for applications with a small mass inertia or a high load torque (e.g. conveyor belts).
Pump coasting
Pump coasting is set if the surge pressure upon the switchoff of the pump is to be prevented. Any noise nuisance and mechanical stress to the pipe system and e.g. throttles located in it is reduced.
Direct current (DC) braking
With DC braking, the free coasting is shortened. For applications with larger mass inertias, use the following formula: Jlast ≤ 5 x JMotor
Dynamic direct current (DC) braking Combined braking
With dynamic DC braking, free coasting is shortened. For applications with smaller mass inertias, use the following formula: Jlast ≤ JMotor
Table 9.1/5: Coaching modes for soft starters and their meaning
Table 9.1/3 suggests sample setting values and device dimensions; these are for information purposes only and not binding. The setting values depend on the application and have to be optimized during the commissioning.
Typical applications are, for example: Conveyor belts, transport systems: – jerk-free starting – jerk-free braking Rotary pumps, piston pumps: – prevention of pressure surges – extension of the service life of the pipe system Agitators, mixers: – reduction of the starting current Large fans: – protection of the gears and v-belts
Since the soft starter has a reduced starting torque during ramp-up, it is not suitable for all applications. The starting torque of the load has to be smaller or at the most equal the starting torque of the motor.
When using fuses as upstream protective devices semiconductor safety fuses are to be used. In the case of an increased switching frequency, the technical data of the manufacturer are to be observed at any rate. The aver-
age switching frequency is approx. 20 operating cycles/hour. For soft starters, different start-up and coasting modes may be parameterized. The specific regulations of the device manufacturer have to be observed for the planning. These refer to installation notes, selection of the higherlevel switching and protective devices.
A further advantage of frequency converters is the option of regenerative feedback into the system.
Motor torque (M) Nm M Direct on-line starting (maximum torque that can be generated)
M Nom Parameterizable start voltage
Note: Frequency converters are also available for single- and two-phase AC motors. Peculiarities of frequency converters
1 2 3
Acceleration torque Speed (n) min -1
M Soft start
Short ramp time 2
M Soft start
M Load (e. g. Fan)
Parameterizable torque starting time
Longer ramp time
Motor has run up and is in nominal operation ( n Nom ). The runup is detected and the bypass contacts close.
Fig. 9.1/1: Function principle of voltage ramp / torque curve
Motor torque (M) Nm M Direct on-line starting (maximum torque that can be generated)
Parameterizable limiting torque M Nom
1 2
Parameterizable start voltage
Acceleration torque Time (t)s
M Soft start Torque-controlled and limited
M Soft start
M Load (e.g. Fan)
Parameterizable ramp time
Motor has run up and is in nominal operation ( nNom ). The runup is detected and the bypass contacts close.
Fig. 9.1/2: Function principle of torque control
Frequency converters Frequency converters are used for adapting the speed in order to protect the mechanics or to reduce the current peaks, as with the soft starter. Frequency converters are also more suitable for dynamic processes than
soft starters. The speed of the connected motor can be changed continuously and almost loss-free by varying the voltage and frequency. Moreover, with a frequency converter, a motor can be operated beyond the rated speed without the torque sinking.
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System perturbations The harmonic currents and voltages generated in the converter distort the sine curve of the voltage. Since the loads are designed for sinusoidal voltages, a distortion of the voltage might lead to interferences and even the destruction of loads and electrical equipment. Therefore, the respective standards specify limit values for the individual harmonics as well as for the total distortion factor THD. Some standards only state limit values for the voltage (e.g. EN 61000-2-2 and EN 61000-2-4), others for voltage and current (e.g. IEEE 519). Due to the continuously increasing use of variable-speed drives, the evaluation of system perturbations becomes more and more important. The operators of supply networks as well as those of variable-speed drives increasingly demand statements on the harmonic behavior of the drives so they can check already at the planning and configuring stage if the limit values required by the standards are kept to. For a limitation of the system perturbations, line reactors or active filters are to be used. Line reactors are usually required for systems with a high short-circuit load (no impedance), several converters at one common system connection point,
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IPE without line filter (Category C4)
IPE with line filter (Category C3)
IPE with line filters (Category C2)
Fig. 9.1/3: High-frequency leakage or interference currents on the line-side PE connection subject to the line filters
converters in parallel operation, converters equipped with line filters for radio interference suppression. Active Front End (AFE) converters generate hardly any system perturbations. They are the ideal solution for utility companies and operators with high system requirements. The performance range is 37 to 6,000 kW. High-frequency radiation and EMC In accordance with the definition of the EMC Directive, the electromagnetic compatibility describes “a device's capability of working satisfactorily in an electromagnetic environment without causing any electromagnetic interferences itself which would be unacceptable for other devices existing in this environment”. As to ensure that the relevant EMC regulations are complied with, the devices need to have a sufficiently high interference immunity on the one hand and on the other hand the interference emission has to be limited to agreeable values.* The EMC requirements for variablespeed electrical drives are defined in EN 61800-3 Adjustable speed electrical power drive systems – Part 3: EMC requirements and specific test meth-
ods. A variable-speed drive system (Power Drive System, PDS) in the sense of this standard consists of the propulsion converter and the electric motor including the connecting cables. The driven machine is not part of the drive system. The EMC product standard EN 61800-3 defines different limit values depending on the installation site of the drive system. For a reduction of the radiations, line filters are used. The line filters also limit the system perturbations. As to ensure that the line filters achieve the highest impact, the installation has to be made in accordance with the EMC requirements. So that the interference currents can flow back to the converter again on a low-inductive path, a shielded cable between the converter and motor is required. The motor cable should have a symmetrical conductor design for that.
Pulse frequency fP of the inverter Converter output with or without motor choke or motor filter Characteristic impedance ZW or capacity C of the motor cable Inductivity of the grounding system and all grounding and shielding connections The length of the motor cable should also be paid attention to. The cable capacitites which are increasing with the length, especially with shielded cables, cause additional current peaks. This current then has to be supplied additionally by the frequency converter, which might lead to a shutdown of the converter.
The magnitude of the high-frequency leakage currents depends on numerous drive parameters. The most important influencing factors are the following: Magnitude of the intermediate circuit voltage UZK of the converter Rate of voltage rise du/dt when switching
* For further information on the EMC: Siemens AG (Ed.): Totally Integrated Power Application Manual – Basic Data and Preliminary Planning, 2006
9.2 Lighting 9.2.1 People in the Office – Development of New Office Forms In a fast moving world of labor and business, the spatial situation as well as the requirements of the persons using the rooms are changing as rapidly. At many workplaces,workstations are configured and changed subject to the composition of the team. Flexible working hours and flexible job locations, non-territorial offices and mobile workstations make new demands on the architecture of our workplaces. The company building becomes more and more a communication site, a place where employees can meet and exchange information. Coming to the fore are meeting zones, conference rooms and catering areas, in which teams can get together for formal or informal meetings.
Administrative buildings have thus become more complex. Furthermore, building owners always demand the homogeneous overall appearance of their building architecture matching the corporate design. From the building face to the reception area, from cellular to open-plan offices, from the areas with public traffic to the representative manager's office, all zones have to match the company. Architects become all-rounders who have to plan the colors, furniture, light and climatic conditions of the whole system. In this system, the focus is on an efficient work situation. The employees are to find a motivating and performance-enhancing atmosphere. Part of that is of course also a functional as well as attractive work and experience environment. Therefore, flexibility is also required for the development of lighting concepts. Lighting, after all, is an important part of the overall system of “office building”. It allows for a good
vision and well-being at work and influences the sensual experience character of the architecture and the individual rooms.
9.2.2 Light Quality for a Flexible World of Labor – Lighting of Workplaces in Interior Rooms In recent years, the recommended standard values for the illuminance of indoor workplaces have been increased considerably, also because it is easier today to implement better vision conditions at work cost-effectively, with improved lamps and their operating devices, luminaires and system engineering. This was combined in several DIN 5035 standards “Artificial Lighting” as well as since 2003 in the European standard DIN EN 12646 “Lighting of Workplaces”. In order to ensure the quality of lighting, the visual function, the visual comfort and the visual ambiance have to be harmonized with each other and with the room use. The visual function is influenced by the illuminance level and the glare limitation. For the visual comfort, especially color rendering and harmonious brightness control play a role. The visual ambiance is determined by the light color, the light direction and the shadiness. In order to be and remain flexible, it is also important today to take measures ensuring the employees' safety and health at work, no matter where and how they work.
Photo 9.2/1: Telenor – non-glaring ELDACON microprism technology
Photo 9.2/2: Infineon Campeon – lighting solution for flexible room use
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9.2.3 Light Between the Priorities of Energy Efficiency and Light Quality The combination of flexibility, health and well-being is connected with a holistic concept of light quality – a concept which takes into account not only the compliance with the requirements of lighting technology but also esthetic, ergonomic and architectural criteria as well as the individual emotional expectations of the people. The separate switchability and dimmability of individual components, for example, provides for modifiable light ambiances in interior rooms. Here, the first lighting component is the room light which is defined as light reflected by ceiling and wall areas. The second component is the directly radiating light for functional and work surfaces. Switchability and dimmability mean that a modification of the illuminance and light colors is achieved. These basic components take into account the interaction of light, room and people. The following requirements for the lighting system have to be taken into account: Nominal illuminance (lx)
Photo 9.2/3: High illuminances with a light effect similar to daylight
Photo 9.2/4: Light bands running in parallel are mounted above assembly lines. They ensure a uniformly high illuminance level in the assembly area and provide an incidence of light which prevents irritating reflected glare on the metal surfaces.
Adequate illuminance Sufficient uniformity of brightness Favorable shadow effect Prevention of glare Matching light color and color rendering
dents, faults and scrap decrease and the fatigue diminishes.
Adequate illuminance The illuminance depends on the type of visual task. Precision work requires higher illuminances than rough work, dark objects a higher one than bright objects. In general, performance and work pleasure increase with the illuminance increasing, while acci-
Installed power/base area of the room (W/m2) Lights approx. 2 m above Lights approx. 3 m above Lights approx. 4 m above the area to be illuminated the area to be illuminated the area to be illuminated
Table 9.2/1a: Nominal illuminance subject to the installed power/m2 when using fluorescent lamps
The Workplace Regulation “Artificial Lighting” (ASR 7/3) specifies the minimum values for the nominal illuminance depending on the type of room or work (see Appendix A6). A rough estimate of the illuminance is possible with the installed power of the lighting fittings or lamps. Table 9.2/1a shows how much Watts per square meter of the base area of a room have to be installed approximately when using fluorescent lamps Lamp type
Incandescent lamp
Halide lamp
Fluorescent lamp
High-pressure mercury-arc lamp
Indium-amalgam fluorescent lamp (3-band lamp)
High-pressure sodium-vapor lamp
Halide metal-vapor lamp
Table 9.2/1b: Factor subject to the lamp type
(not 3-band lamps) in order to obtain the required illuminance. In the case of an illumination with other lamp types, the value calculated with this table has to be multiplied with a corresponding factor (Table 9.2/1b). The general illumination is determined as the average value of evenly distributed reading points at a measuring height of 0.85 m. In walkways, the measurement is carried out on the floor or up to a maximum of 0.2 m above that at several points along the way – namely along the center line. Uniformity of brightness Favorable viewing conditions exist when the environment of the workstation is slightly less bright than the workstation itself. In accordance with DIN 5035, the brightness differences in the closer area of the visual object are not to be bigger than 1:3. A local uniformity is achieved with a sufficient number of lamps at not too great distances to each other and at a height as large as possible. A bright wall and ceiling paint adds to that. Very suitable for that are fluorescent lamps arranged as light bands. These should be installed in viewing direction. With a sufficient, uniform general illumination, additional workplace illumination is often unnecessary. If each point of the room is to be available as workplace, a high degree of uniformity across the entire room is to be striven for. The illuminance is not to be less than 60% of the nominal value at any of the workplaces. Brightness differences due to different reflectance coefficients in the workspace are absolutely desired with a uniform illuminance, they are important for information purposes.
Shadow effect
The shadow effect supports the recognition of an object and its surface structure. Therefore, the illumination should not be too poor in shadows, the shadow depth (shadiness) should nevertheless be low. The shadow edges are to taper off softly. Drop shadows – these are points at the workplace which do not get any direct light at all – are to be strictly avoided. The use of lamps with a large luminous surface, supported by the reflection of the light at bright ceilings and walls, complies with this requirement.
Too high differences in luminance in the visual field create a glare. A distinction is made between direct and reflected glare. The reflected glare should be prevented especially at computer-screen workstations. Suitable for that are particularly lamps whose luminous flux is emitted by a larger surface, e.g. fluorescent lamps in connection with covers based on the ELDACON technology.
The differences of the brightnesses in the shadow area and in the adjacent surface directly irradiated by the light are usually so big that the visual function is clearly reduced in the shadow area. A completely diffuse illumination as workplace lighting is to be objected to since it does not provide any shadiness and therefore impedes the recognizability of surface structures. The main part of the light at the workplace is to incident sidewise from the top in order to prevent annoying shadows of the body. With workplaces predominantly oriented to daylight, the direction of the incidence of light and the light distribution of the artificial lighting are to be designed in accordance with the day lighting, e.g. same direction of the incidence of daylight and artificial light. In only a few areas of application, the disadvantages of a shadeless lighting have to be accepted in order not to put at risk successful work, e.g. when checking the color differences in the graphic arts industry. Here, directed lighting might lead to the formation of gloss and thus impede the checking.
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Glare can be prevented or reduced by the following: Arrangement of the light source as far outside the viewing direction as possible Lamps with a scattering casing, e.g. grid surfaces, frosted glass, softboxes Arrangement of the fluorescent lamps light bands in parallel to the viewing direction Selection of lamps with a low luminance, e.g. fluorescent lamps instead of incandescent lamps Use of matt surfaces (prevention of reflected glare)
Photo 9.2/5 The combination of directly and indirectly radiating illumination creates a comfortable light atmosphere of room and working light
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Light color – color rendering The human eye is adapted to the natural sunlight with respect to the color assessment. For this reason, the objective of the lighting technology has to be the imitation of the spectral composition of daylight by artificial
Light color
Area of application
Warm white
High red proportion, similar to incandescent lamp
Neutral white
Suitable for workrooms, offices and sales rooms
Daylight white
To be used with high illuminances
Table 9.2/2: Light colors for fluorescent lamps in acc. with DIN
Lamp technology
Efficient lamps, e.g. T16 fluorescent lamps, halide metal-vapor lamps
Incandescent lamps
Operating devices
Electronic ballast (EB)
Magnetic ballast (MB)
Service & maintenance
Lamps easy to clean, low soiling tendency
Lamp with high soiling tendency
Operating efficiency
Efficient optics, e.g. ELDACON
Inefficient optics
Light management
Switchability of the system
Switchable in groups
Only switchable as a whole
Dimmability of the system
Daylight-dependent constant light regulation
Fixed artificial light setting
Presence of persons
Presence/motion detector switching
Static switching
Variable light packages
Multipower operation
Fixed light packages
Building management technology
Integration into facility management system
Isolated maintenance group
Room surfaces
White/bright surfaces, clean rooms
Dark surfaces, dirty rooms
Incidence of daylight
Daylight can be dosed and directed (e.g. sunblinds)
Simple, static darkening (e.g. sunscreen, simple blinds)
Daylight systems (full-time non-glaring exploitation of the daylight): prismatic and reflective systems
Closed architecture
Table 9.2/3: Quick check for energy efficiency
lighting. An illuminated object can only appear in its natural color if the corresponding color components are contained in the inceding light. The comfortableness is subject to the light color. White light creates a more active day feeling. Decisive for the light color is the color temperature, measured in Kelvin (K). The higher the color temperature, the larger the blue portion of the light. This
is the reason why incandescent lamps seem more yellow up to red compared to daylight. With fluorescent lamps, the light color depends on the type of luminescent material. For workrooms, a neutral white light color is preferred. Bright, warmly toned walls support the good color impression of a room. With a very low illuminance, a warm light color is more suitable than a cold one. In order to receive a rendering similar to daylight, the color daylight white in connection
with illuminances of more than 1,000 Lux are required. Different light colors in the same or in adjacent rooms are to be avoided. Energy efficiency Intelligent lighting starts in the head: energy-conscious building and renovating – in view of the necessity of economically and ecologically sensible action, this task concerns all of us.
Light management
EM (illuminance)
Adequate illuminance
Illuminance too low
No glare
Direct and reflected glare
Balanced shadiness conditions
Drop shadows, purely diffuse light
Luminance conditions
Strong bright-dark transitions
Color rendering
Natural colors (as in daylight)
Falsified colors
Light atmosphere, light color
Comfortable light atmosphere, e.g. due to a balanced ratio of direct and indirect light
Unpleasant “cave effect”, unexpected light color (evening blue)
User setting options (privacy)
Preset, no individual setting
Table 9.2/4: Quick quality check
There is a need for action in most cases: the lighting systems either waste energy or run counter to basic ergonomic and thus qualitative rules. The European Directive 2002/91/EC An important basis for energy saving is the evaluation of the total energy performance of buildings, requested in the European Directive 2002/91/EC and to be put into national legislation. In Germany, the prestandard DIN V 18599 on the “Energetic evaluation of buildings” was developed in preparation for the energy conservation ordinance EnEV 2006. For the opening up of the energetic savings potential, Siteco has developed concepts and solutions matched specially to the implementation of the EU Directive 2002/91/EC. Light solutions going hand in hand with the legislation and at the same time taking to heart further quality criteria such as ergonomics, glare effect, color rendering and illuminance. The Siteco Energy Quick Check gives first recommendations in this respect. The quality of the luminous flux is of prime importance for new buildings and the redevelopment of older
buildings. It is especially important to make sure that the daylight and artificial light form a sensible unit, increasing the energy efficiency. When selecting the illuminants, it is important that their light efficiency per unit is as high as possible (Lm/W) and they therefore achieve a good luminosity at a low energy consumption.
9.2.4 Innovative Light Technology
Technology A high illuminance level and at the same time nonglaring light are desirable but seem to be opposed requirements. The ELDACON technology combines both by a patented light conduction method via high-precision microprism structures. The light of high-efficient 16 mm fluorescent lamps is distributed nonglaringly in the room. At the same time, ELDACON allows for a geometric
Light conduction The ELDACON light conduction technology ensures a high degree of illuminance at the workplace without the source of light appearing dazzling. The light of two T16 fluorescent lamps (T5) is conducted from the optical system directly to the work surface via a precise microprism structure. Reflected glare and direct glare are reduced to a minimum. The luminous surfaces appear homogenous and convey a crystal-clear, bright and brilliant esthetic impression.
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Photo 9.2/6: The ELDACON light conduction technology ensures a high degree of illuminance at the workplace without the source of light appearing dazzling
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format which sets new standards in so far as the height is concerned. ELDACON was developed specially for trendsetting office lighting solutions. Application Happy light for life and work: optimum lighting conditions obey certain principles subject to the work situation and room characteristics. The quality of the artificial light is especially important at places where there is hardly any daylight or where people also work at night. Light solutions based on the ELDACON technology create lighting conditions which increase the job performance and lift the spirits. And since nowadays flexibility and variation at the workplace are in demand, lamps with ELDACON and the furniture can be arranged in the room absolutely freely – and that with a light quality at a constantly high level. For rooms with high requirements for the direct glare limitation, Siteco developed the High Definition Prismatics (HDP). Apart from the use in offices, HDP lamps are most of all suitable for the lighting of communication areas, workshops, charge offices, libraries, catering areas, or waiting zones as well as classrooms and auditoriums. The HDP technology is therefore designed for normative UGR (Unified Glare Rating) values of 19 or less. Mirrortec mirror-projector technology The principle is simple: the light of a projector is focused to a facet mirror. The curved mirror surfaces reflect the light non-glaringly to the surface to be illuminated. Siteco first implemented this technology under the name “Mirrortec” and has developed it further for a number of applications in the meantime. Mirror-projector systems consist of the following:
Photo 9.2/7: Light conduction via Mirrortec technology
Photo 9.2/8: Conventional reflector technology (left) – microstructure of the Fresnel mirror (right.)
A mirror as (facet) secondary reflector At least one high-power spotlight A pole or system beam
methacrylate (PMMA) – the reflector is thus almost plane.
Projector In order that the light exactly hits the mirror or reflection surface and does not radiate beyond that, the projectors need to have both a bundling characteristic and a high degree of efficiency. Mirror reflector With the reflection via convex or concave reflector facets, the light can be distributed very exactly. Aluminum-coated calottes are used as reflector material. Fresnel technology For an exact light distribution as well as maintenance and installation, Siteco developed new reflection surfaces based on vaporized microstructures. This Fresnel technology allows for reducing three-dimensional mirror facets to almost twodimensional structures. Reflectors with 30 to 40 mm high facets can thus be replaced by a 2 mm thin plastic plate made of polymethyl
An anti-scratch coating ensures longterm protection; moreover, the smooth surface of the reflection surface can be easily cleaned. At the same time, reflectors in Fresnel technology are a compact, easy-to-install solution with an exact and uniform light distribution. The mirror with the plane PMMA microstructure is preconfigured for the most different lighting situations. The material is very thin and light. The reflection surface is brilliant and conveys a high value. The microstructure allows for new, fascinating design options for the light fitting, for light and shadow as well as for the light distribution. With the Fresnel technology, the distribution around the pole known from the lighting planning is an ideal quadratically illuminated surface. High-precision illumination is no problem with this technology. Application Since the light source and reflector are separated, the mirror-projector systems offer a variety of options in large rooms and also outdoors –
Photo 9.2/9: Barajas airport, Madrid: here, the Fresnel technology was used successfully for the first time. Richard Rogers' design was about a ceiling doing without any revision areas. A flat and light secondary mirror in the skylights performs the illumination of the terminal areas.
Photo 9.2/10: New country house in Tyrolia, Innsbruck: the daylight reaches even the most bottom floors by using a mobile prism system and micro sunscreen rouvers.
Photo 9.2/11: The plenar hall in the Maximilianeum, Munich: a highly effective, prismatic daylight system was installed in the 470 m2 glass roof. It reflects the “hot” direct sunlight and thus prevents any glare effects and an impairment of the room climate.
functional as well as esthetical. Therefore, the mirror-projector technology is more and more often used where sophisticated and architecturally integrated light solutions are demanded.
against direct solar radiation and thus against a high entry of heat energy, especially in the summer months. After all, they prevent glare at the workplace via luminance reduction and allow for a high-quality illumination of computer-screen workstations.
make daylight calculable without destroying its information content.
Daylight systems In architecture, the natural daylight is rated high. In architectural concepts, this appears with an increased use of the daylight via fully glazed fronts, glass-roofed inner courtyards and skylights. This development is carried by realizations on the human wellbeing in the daylight and its health effect as the pulse generator for the biological rhythm. Various aspects of energy saving also play a role here. At the same time, the increased use of the daylight results in increased requirements for the sun protection of a building and the glare protection for workplaces. Daylight systems direct diffuse light into the depth of the buildings and create a uniform illuminance in the room. They protect
Fundamental idea The light of the sun is a basic requirement for any life. It determines our rhythm of life and supports the wellbeing. Daylight imparts important knowledge on climate, space and time. Only in the daylight can we see objects in their natural color. Light and shadow create space but also point up the time over the day and year. Nevertheless, daylight also means heat which leads to unpleasant room temperatures especially in the summer. It has extreme variations in brightness which are hard to compensate for. The high daylight densities create glare which especially impairs work at computer screens. Daylight systems exploit the advantages of the daylight and compensate for its disadvantages. They
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System advantages Daylight systems create a comfortable room climate via – limitation of the room heating in the summer, – limitation of the glare without darkening the room, – improvement of the light distribution. Daylight systems help to save energy via – reduction of the on-times of lamps, – low expenditure for ventilation and air-conditioning. Daylight systems offer new creative options. The reasonable integration of the daylight not only reduces the energy consumption but also increases our well-being at the workplace. Natural and artificial light complement one another in terms of a comfortable, harmonic atmosphere.
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LED – the new light source A new light source establishes itself step by step in more and more light applications: the light-emitting diode (LED). The luminous semiconductor chip has already established itself for example in the dashboard lighting of cars, illuminated billboards, or as status and signal displays in electric and electronic devices. Nevertheless, the lighting of traffic facilities, representative buildings, in department stores or hotels also gains in importance steadily. LEDs are increasingly used for the illumination of offices and in the private living area. Special office lamps with an integrated LED technology can light with a uniformly illuminated light surface in any number of dynamically changing colors. The color change mode can be set individually. Flexible tube LEDs set a purposeful accent by creating curved lines of colored light and can be integrated in architectural elements in this form.
white. With that, LEDs today provide light efficiencies higher than those of halide lamps. In the near future, LEDs will be available with ratings in the range of 100 lm/W and will thus almost reach the power of fluorescent lamps. Since LEDs radiate their light only in a half space and conventional light sources in most cases require an additional reflector which clearly limits the degree of efficiency of these systems, the actual light efficiency of the LEDs is far higher than that of conventional light sources.
Photo 9.2/12: LEDs in the office area for more energy efficiency and more atmosphere: warm-white light reaches work and action areas while daylight-white, cooler light radiates indirectly to the top. The external effect of buildings at night can be designed with additional low-power LEDs.
Extraordinary features The small size of the LEDs results in a high degree of design freedom in the development of lamps. The control of the radiation angle can be implemented very efficiently with small optics. LEDs are today manufactured with a light efficiency of up to 75 lumens per Watt (lm/W) in the color Before
4 x 18 W T26, KVGTD
3 x 14 W T16, ECG
490 lx
515 lx
Lamp service life
7,500 h
16,000 h
Operating time p.a.
1,800 h
1,800 h
Connection value
3.31 kW
1.67 kW
Number of lights
Relative current costs
Energy-saving with better lighting conditions: 49% Table 9.2/5: Modern energy efficiency with respect to light quality
9.2.5 Room and Light Types of lighting for offices and administrative buildings Light illuminates and stages rooms; lighting types are tools for that. Apart from the compliance with technical and functional rules, standards and guidelines, lighting is also about creating an esthetic environment, generating good moods, and increasing the well-being of the people. The modern working environment with its mobile team work, recreation areas and flat screens requires new light solutions. Today, there are numerous light systems with various light effects available for good illumination in office and administrative buildings: from the classical, directly radiating recessed luminaire via directly/indirectly radiating surface-mounted luminaires, pendent luminaires or foot lamps with a variable light distribution up to computer-controlled light systems. When selecting the appropriate type of lighting, the connection of visual function, visual comfort and visual ambiance have to be taken into account. There are three lighting concepts used for the illumination of offices. These concepts can be implemented via different types of lighting. Lighting concepts Room-related lighting Uniform lighting of the entire room: this is to be preferred if the arrangement of the workspaces is not known in the planning phase or if the arrangement of the workspaces is to be flexible. Light variants: directly radiating ceiling light, directly/indirectly radiating pendent light. Workspace-related lighting A different illumination of workspaces
and the immediate surroundings is to be preferred if several workspaces of a room have different viewing tasks and therefore require a different illuminance level. Also suitable if “work islands” are to be separated from each other optically. Light variants: directly radiating ceiling lights, directly/indirectly radiating pendent lights, workspace-oriented lights with a special ELDACON light technology, indirectly radiating illumination with directly radiating single-user lamps / foot lamps and table lamps. Subarea-related lighting In addition to a workspace-related or room-related “basic lighting”, workspace lights can be used to implement an illuminance level in a subarea adapted to the viewing task or individual wishes. DIN 5035-8 contains requirements/recommendations for workspace lights. Based on these specifications, workspace-oriented lights with a special ELDACON light technology, indirectly radiating illumination with directly radiating singleuser lamps / foot lamps and table lamps are especially suitable here. Application examples Office workplaces Flexible lighting with a non-glaring Siteco ELDACON technology for the Infineon headquarters Campeon, a center of the information and science society. The design and arrangement of the Campeon buildings reflect Infineon's ambition as an IT company with a partly virtual character. A flexible room design and communication were the core demands on the interior design. And also on the lighting: Siteco's complete solution is based on the principle of freedom and high-
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Photo 9.2/13: Infineon headquarters Campeon
value light quality. The name Campeon stands for a concept of work in the future – an open, functional environment with a campus character allowing for the fast exchange of knowledge. Many of the employees work in teams whose members are distributed all over the world, working together via electronic data connections and staying in the Campeon often only for a limited time. Due to changing team compositions and a flexible arrangement of the furniture, the decision was made in favor of lights with ELDACON technology for the offices. The light of approx. 6,700 foot lamps and approx. 1,800 pendent luminaires with ELDACON technology is conducted from the optical system directly to the work surfaces via precise microprism structures – and that non-glaringly. Each workplace has a foot lamp standing next to it which can be freely arranged in the room – and with a light qualitity at a constantly high level (Photo 9.2/15). Together with the foot lamp, the light modules with an angular aluminum profile form a creative unit and an efficient illumination supporting innovation, i.e. responding to the light requirements of the individual persons. All meeting zones in the core
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Room-related lighting
Workspace-related lighting
Subarea-related lighting
Photo 9.2/14: The planning of a lighting system requires detailed technical knowledge and a structuring of the building in various areas, utilizations and requirements.
areas of the modules come up with the ultra-flat light modules in prestigious design, also relying on the suspended mounting variant. This solution also allows for a completely free arrangement of the lights in the
room, irrespective of the arrangement of the furniture (Photo 9.2/16). In the computer centers, louvered lamps with a BAP65 mirror louver provide for a comfortable room
atmosphere and at the same time for high luminances. Translucent, illuminated end caps create an interesting light effect. The BAP65 mirror louver with a direct/indirect light distribution (30% indirect proportion) enriches the
Photo 9.2/15: ELDACON technology …
Photo 9.2/16: … for non-glaring light
illumination of the areas surrounding the workplace. Recessed luminaires with diffuser optics provide light for the sanitary facilities. Industrial workplaces In the Audi plant in Ingolstadt, modular light band systems, hall area lights (4 x 80 W) and modern mirror-projector technology create very good, balanced lighting conditions. Referring to a hall in the car body construction, 15,900 m2 of logistics and production area each plus offices, social rooms and staircases are illuminated energy-efficiently and at the same time with a high-quality lighting technology. The assembly areas were supposed to be illuminated from the driveways as far as possible in order to ensure continuous assembly work. Therefore, the decision was made in favor of the use of 4-lamp hall area lights (4 x 80 W) mounted at a height of eight meters. Thus, assembly areas with a width of up to eight meters can be illuminated with 300 lx from both sides of the driveways. Therefore, only the storage places and the wider hall areas or areas with platforms have to be equipped with additional assembly line lights (Photo 9.2/17).
Photo 9.2/17: Modular light band systems
The combined use of DUS assembly lights and hall area lights in the production area as well as the use of light bands also create balanced lighting conditions via a high vertical portion of the light in the logistics area (DUS IP20) and in the offices (DUS Plus). In the open, lobby-like architecture of the offices with the connected staircase, the Mirrortec technology ensures highest degrees of efficiency and a uniform illumination in the radiation area. With their high-quality, reduced design, the projector 400 and the mirror 5NW139 with Fresnel technology constitute a formal unit and allow for an exact definition of the radiation area. Downlights with VirtualSource reflector technology provide an additional visual comfort in this building area at a high degree of efficiency (Photo 9.2/18). Apart from the compliance with the normative requirements, the lighting solution with relatively high, uniform illuminance levels and high vertical surfaces adds to increasing the wellbeing of the employees and to positively influence the productivity of their work. Photo 9.2/18: Mirrortec technology for a uniform illumination
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Power Consumers
ever, this should not be the sense of planning.
9.3 Elevator Systems
9.3.2 Configuration of Elevator Systems
9.3.1 Overview of the Planning The timely planning of the conveying systems for large and complex buildings has a great importance for the total planning. It is often the case that although elevators complying with the building regulations and standards are planned, in many cases a later traffic analysis states that the planned elevator capacity is not sufficient for a satisfactory conveyance of persons and freight. Nevertheless, in most cases the planning has already advanced so far that the required changes are no longer possible and no more than compromise solutions can be found. How-
Type of building
Passenger elevators without machine room
Product recommendation
Gen2 Comfort
Residential buildings
Premium residential buildings
Gen2 Flex
The functionality of a building is determined most of all by the conveyor systems. The correct dimensioning and arrangement of passenger or freight elevators contributes considerably to the attractiveness and rentability of the building. OTIS provides competent and comprehensive consultancy for the selection of the conveyor system. Elevators or escalators? For the conveyance of persons, the question is when to use elevators, escalators, or moving walkways complementing one another.
For overcoming large conveyor heights, e.g. in office and administrative buildings or hotels, elevators are used. With high volumes of traffic and small conveyor heights (department stores, railroad stations, exhibition grounds, or airports), escalators and moving walkways provide a continuous operational readiness and a high conveyor capability. A practical combination with elevators for the conveyance of older or handicapped people and baby carriages ensures a smooth traffic flow. Determination of the required conveyor capacity Especially for complex buildings, the required conveyor capacity (number of persons to be transported within a five-minute interval based on the total occupancy of the building) should be determined at an early planning stage with a traffic analysis. This ensures
Passenger elevators with machine room
Gen2 Premier
Gen2 Premier ED
Gen2 Lux
OTIS 2000 H
Individual elevators
Bed elevators
Freight elevators
• ••• •
Goods eleSmall vators and goods underground elevators elevators
Moving walkways
Existing buildings
Office and administrative buildings
Hospitals, senior citizens’ homes
Department stores, shopping centers
Industrial buildings and warehouses
Community facilities, parking garages
Public traffic areas
••• Optimal solution
•• Just recommendable
••• •
•• ••
Universally applicable systems
Table 9.3/1: Selection criteria for OTIS passenger elevators, escalators and moving walkways
that the planned number and performance (load-carrying capacity, rated speed and group arrangement) of the elevator systems assures an optimum conveyance of persons and freights in the building. In Austria, for example, a conveyor capacity calculation is mandatory. Basic data for a traffic analysis are the building type and height, number of floors and their use as well as the maximum number of persons in the building. A simplified traffic analysis for a project can be carried out with e*direct = “Online planning” at www.otis.com. You will receive a first recommendation for the number and type of elevators of the OTIS product range. Furthermore, OTIS provides personal, individual and competent support. Further planning steps Not only the number and capacity of the elevators play a role in the elevator planning. Also the shaft situation, drive type, door design and control are to be determined individually. Moreover, the relevant regulations and guidelines have to be observed.
9.3.3 Regulations and Guidelines – Overview Safety always comes first with elevators. This applies to the elevator users as well as to the elevator as a workplace. In Germany, there are binding regulations on the erection and operation of elevator systems. The most important regulations are described in the following. Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health (BetrSichV) The BetrSichV regulates requirements for the erection and operation of elevator systems and substantiates especially the following operator obligations:
Registration of elevator systems at the respective authority via a central regulatory agency Implementation of a safety-related evaluation (e.g. acceptance of a new system or inspection of existing systems) Determination of the maintenance intervals / inspection periods Determination of the intended use of elevator systems Notification of the respective authority in the case of accidents Elevator Directive (95/16/EC) European directive (law) regulating the minimum requirements for elevators newly put in circulation. This directive has been implemented in Germany as the Twelfth Ordinance Regulating the Equipment Safety Act (12. GSGV) and in Austria as Ordinance Regulating the Safety of Elevators (ASV 96). Machinery Directive (98/37/EG) European directive (law) for the erection of, for example, hoisting platforms and elevators in accordance with the guidelines for handicapped persons. In Germany, it has been implemented as the Ninth Ordinance Regulating the Equipment Safety Act (9. GSGV) and in Austria by the Ordinance Regulating the Safety of Machinery. EN 81 Safety-related rules for the construction, erection and operation of elevator systems. Building regulations of the federal states In Germany and Austria, each federal state regulates the constructional implementation such as, for example, the smoke exhaust openings of elevator shafts , the engine room design,
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when to install an elevator and which size it has to have. These specifications differ from state to state. Federal Water Act (WHG) This German act states rules, requirements and tests which have to be complied with when handling waterendangering substances. Energy Conservation Ordinance (EnEV) This ordinance demands a closure of the building envelope. This means that, for example, smoke exhaust openings of elevator shafts must be closed until the time when an opening is mandatory in the case of a fire. Sample Directive on Fireproofing Requirements for Line Systems (MLAR) The Directive on Fireproofing Requirements for Line Systems (MLAR) is to be observed when installing the elevator control in escape and rescue routes (corridors or staircases). It demands a separation of the control via components made of non-combustible material with a (proven) fire resistance rating of 30 minutes. This is achieved, for example, with a fire-resisting housing of the elevator control, or the installation of the elevator control in a niche of the building closed with a fire-resisting door. Fire protection European guidelines and the various building regulations of the federal states regulate the fire protection in elevator construction. Measures for fire protection in elevator systems are always required when the shaft separates fire areas. Elevator shaft In accordance with DIN 4102, the shaft has to be surrounded by walls
Power Consumers
corresponding to the fire resistance rating F90 (and therefore withstand a fire for 90 minutes). At the same time this means that glazed elevators do not comply with the requirements of fire protection. It is additionally demanded that the transmission of smoke to other floors via the shaft is prevented. This is achieved via a shaft ventilation; the EnEV is to be observed for that. In most cases, a shaft head opening of at least 2.5% of the shaft base or at least 0.1 m2 is considered to be sufficient. Fire resistance of shaft doors EN 81-58 constitutes test methods for the determination of the fire resistance of shaft doors. The objective is to prevent the propagation of fire via the elevator shaft. Shaft doors made of glass are unsuitable as fire protection doors. Elevator car In order to prevent the propagation of fire via the elevator car, the material selection for the lining of the elevator car is stipulated in an amendment to DIN 18091: The highest permissible amount of combustible material is 2.5 kg/m2 of the interior surface of the elevator car. The materials used have to comply with at least fire protection class B in accordance with DIN 4102-1. Firemen's elevators Apart from the regulations of the regional fire departments, EN 81-72 states safety rules for the construction of firemen's elevators. The requirements given here substitute the details of the TRA 200 marked with (F). Note: In the case of a fire, the firemen's elevators are no rescue elevators for persons within the building,
but are only used by the firemen for firefighting especially in high-rise buildings. It is recommended to contact the responsible fire department before installing any firemen's elevators to be able to observe local, extended fire regulations. Behavior of elevators in the case of fire EN 81-73 regulates the behavior of elevators in the case of a fire. The objective of this standard is to inform the firemen that no persons are trapped in the elevators and exposed to smoke and fire. The general rule is that elevators must not be used in case of a fire. Noise protection Elevator systems make operating noise that generates airborne and structure-borne sound in the building. In order to achieve a sufficient noise protection, special demands are made on the building construction and the elevator system. In order to implement a sufficient and at the same time economically acceptable noise protection, a close cooperation between the contractors responsible for the planning and execution of construction work and the elevator manufacturer is required already in the planning phase. Note: The OTIS elevator systems comply with DIN 4109 for housing technology systems if the shaft walls have been designed in accordance with this standard by the customer and if VDI guideline 2566 has been observed. DIN 4109 – noise protection in building construction DIN 4109 regulates the permissible maximum values for noise pressure levels in buildings and contains specifications for the building construction.
VDI 2566 – noise reduction in elevator systems This guideline consists of two parts applying to elevators with (Part 1) or without a machine room (Part 2). In accordance with that, the elevator manufacturer is obliged to observe the specified values for the airborne and structure-borne sound for the sound emissions caused by the elevator system. The objective of this guideline is also to specify measures for reducing the propagation of airborne and structure-borne sound. VDI 4100 – noise protection in apartments This guideline defines higher requirements on rooms in need of protection. In accordance with that, living rooms or bedrooms should not adjoin directly to elevator shafts or machine rooms. Further regulations and guidelines The construction and installation of new elevator systems are regulated by further laws apart from the ones stated so far. These are, among others: DIN EN 81-28 This standard which is valid all over Europe stipulates features for emergency call systems. It has to be ensured that an emergency call is forwarded to a permanently manned place via a 2-way communication system and that the trapped person does not have to take any further action. Note: The OTIS REM emergency call system complies with all requirements stated here and at the same time improves the safety and reliability of the elevator system, as it is a remote monitoring system.
Duty kg
Drive (without control) input power in kW
Duty kg
Drive (without control) input power in kW
Duty kg
Drive (without control) input power in kW
1.6 – 1.75
1.6 – 1.75
1.6 – 1.75
Gen2 Comfort
Gen2 Premier
Gen2 Premier ED
Table 9.3/2: Electrical parameters
EN 18030 (Draft) This regulation draft is to substitute the old DIN 18024/25 as regards elevators. It partly stipulates specifications deviating from DIN EN 81-70. In detail, it has to be checked exactly which specifications have to be observed for the implementation of the elevator system. DIN EN 81-70 This standard deals with the requirements for the handicapped-accessible
equipment of elevator systems. It applies to new as well as to existing systems and is to provide more mobility for handicapped people. Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health The Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health not only applies to new systems but especially to operators of elevator systems. The operator obligations have been tightened seriously, since the operators are responsible for
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the safe operation of their elevator systems. DIN EN 13015 This standard stipulates the requirements a maintenance company should fulfill. Only companies certified in accordance with this standard can ensure a qualified maintenance of elevator systems. OTIS is certified by RWTÜV.
9.3.4 Configuration of Escalators and Moving Walkways The functionality of a building is determined most of all by the conveyor systems. The correct dimensioning and arrangement of escalators and moving walkways contributes to the attractiveness and thus the rentability of a building. Areas of application Due to the different requirements, escalators and moving walkways are designed for two areas of application: industrial buildings (department stores or the like) and public traffic areas (e.g. railroad stations). The latter makes clearly higher demands due to longer periods of operation and more severe operational demands. Determination of the required conveyor capability The required conveyor capability of escalators and moving walkways should be determined at an early planning stage with the help of a traffic analysis. In that, first of all the theoretical conveyor capability is taken. This results from the rated speed of the system and the step or pallet width. With a width of 1,000 mm and a speed of 0.5 m/s, the theoretical conveyor capability is 9,000 persons per hour. Nevertheless,
Power Consumers
the actual conveyor capability depends on the user behavior when entering the escalators or moving walkways. At a speed of 0.5 m/s, it is approx. 70% of the theoretical value. Note: For industrial buildings, a simplified traffic analysis can be carried out with e*direct “Online planning” at www.otis.com, with a first recommendation for the number and arrangement of the escalators of the OTIS product range. OTIS also provides personal help for detailed technical planning. Further planning steps Not only the area of application and the conveyor capability of the escalators and moving walkways play a role in the planning but also the arrangement or the operating mode. Moreover, also regulations and guidelines have to be observed. Regulations and guidelines Regulations and guidelines not only affect the actual products but also the local environment in order to ensure the highest possible degree of safety of the users. OTIS escalators and moving walkways comply with all national and international safety requirements (EN 115 / ANSI / CSA) as well as the national standards in Germany. Machinery Directive Escalators and moving walkways are machines in the sense of the European Machinery Directive 98/37/EC and have to meet the safety requirements specified in it. In Germany, this directive was put into national legislation in the Ninth Ordinance Regulating the Equipment Safety Act (9. GSGV).
European standard DIN EN 115 – Safety rules for the construction and installation of escalators and moving walkways The objective of this standard is to stipulate safety rules in order to protect persons from accident risks during operation and during maintenance and monitoring works. This standard applies to all escalators and moving walkways to be newly installed. ZH1/4845 – Guidelines for escalators and moving walkways of the Association of commercial and industrial workers' compensation insurance carriers These guidelines address the operators of escalators and moving walkways. They contain protection goals and safety measures. Workplace Ordinance Building regulations of the federal states The building regulations of the individual federal states stipulate additional requirements for the environment of the system, e.g. the installation of handrails by the customer. BGVR: Regulations and rules for safety and health at work by the workers' compensation insurance carriers
Extensive information on and tools for the configuration and planning of elevators and escalators www.otis.com
OTIS GeN2™ Comfort The elevator for residential buildings and functional office buildings
The machine-room-less GeN2 Comfort is based on the innovative concept of steel-core-sheathed polyurethane (PU) belts.This high-quality elevator system is very economic, comfortable and extremely reliable. Due to the very good cost/performance ratio, it is perfectly suitable for functional residential and commercial buildings. The GeN2 Comfort provides ride comfort at a low energy demand. It is environmentally friendly, reliable and safe and optionally also provides a reduced shaft head of 2,500 mm or 2,600 mm. Your advantages: Smooth, comfortable elevator rides Reduced shaft head of 2,500 mm or 2,600 mm possible at low construction costs and without any optically distracting building superstructures High, load-independent stopping accuracy (± 3 mm), no trip hazards for passengers Gearless drive More economic than elevators with gear drive machines Very good cost/performance ratio Very environmentally friendly Reduced wear at a considerably longer service life of the belts compared to conventional steel ropes Saving of the machine room Highest possible safety via an electronic belt monitoring (PULSE™ system) around the clock Optimized integration in the building Minimized structure-borne noise transmissions Reduction of the static load of the shaft walls Fast installation process Automatic rescuing of persons in the case of a power failure (optional) Load capacity: 320 – 1,020 kg (4 – 13 persons) Speed: 1.0 m/s Max. travel height: 45 m with up to 16 stops
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Power Consumers
Telescopic sliding door, opening to the right (mirror-inverted door design possible) Access from one side Other floors TF / TRF – door portals
Accesses on both sides Other floors TF / TRF – door portals
Floor with control unit
TF / TRF – door portals
MRF – door frame
MRF – door frame
MRF – door frame
SF wall connection frame
SF wall connection frame
* Control unit
SF wall connection frame
Centrally opening sliding door
Access from one side Other floors TF / TRF – door portals
Accesses on both sides Other floors TF / TRF – door portals
Floor with control unit
TF / TRF – door portals
MRF – door frame
MRF – door frame
MRF – door frame
SF wall connection frame
SF wall connection frame
* Control unit
SF wall connection frame
* Flexible arrangement possible after consulting OTIS. Table 9.3/2: Layout diagrams for GeN2 Comfort
Elevator size
Car dimensions
Clear shaft width LSB (mm)
Clear shaft depth LST1) (mm) 1 access
1,530 1,490
Type 1
800 850 900 800 900 800 900
1,530 1,580 1,670 1,600 1,670 1,800 1,990
Type 1
Type 2
Type 2
Type 2
Clear car depth LKT (mm)
4 pers., deep car 320 kg, 1 and 2 accesses
6 pers., standard car 450 kg, 1 access 480 kg, 2 accesses
6 pers., deep car 480 kg, 1 access 500 kg, 2 accesses
8 pers., deep car 630 kg, 1 and 2 accesses
12 pers., wide car 900 kg, 1 access 920 kg, 2 accesses
13 pers., deep car 1,000 kg, 1 access 1,020 kg, 2 accesses
TLD 2,100 CLD
Clear shaft depths apply to doors on the floor; if doors in the shaft:
+ 100/150 mm with access from one side + 200/300 mm with accesses on both sides after selection of the door model and consulting OTIS
Clear car width Clear car height Clear car depth Clear shaft width Clear shaft depth Clear passage Clear door height Outside call Telescopic door Centrally opening door Shaft head Pit
Elevator in accordance with Lifts Directive 95/16/EC
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Clear In acc. with (DIN 18024/25) shaft depth or LST1) (mm) DIN 18030 LBO 2 accesses
In acc. with EN 81-70 Type 1: 1,000 mm x 1,250 mm Type 2: 1,100 mm x 1,400 mm
1,900 900
2,000 800 900 800 900
1,600 1,670 1,800 1,990
Table 9.3/3: Shaft dimensions GeN2 Comfort Counterweight with and without gripping device
Car dimensions handicapped-accessible
Clear passage LD (mm)
Clear car width LKB (mm)
Load capacity and number of persons
Shaft dimensions
Power Consumers
Speed (m/s)
Max. travel height (m)
Shaft head K*
Clear door height LTH (mm)
Clear car height LKH (mm)
Speed (m/s)
K (mm)
LKH + 1,200
Number of persons
S min. (mm)
4 pers.
S max. (mm)
6 pers.
Travel height
F (kN)
36.5 1,400
8 pers.
1,050 12 pers.
13 pers.
F = largest concentrated load
Table 9.3/4: Dimensions GeN2 Comfort Counterweight with gripping device for accessible spaces below the shaft
Pit S
Door on the floor
Door at the pit
*) Reduced shaft head (2500 mm or 2600 mm) possible on request
Elevator groups
Fig. 9.3/3: Vertical section GeN2 Comfort
Elevator groups with up to three individual elevators possible: for further details, please contact your OTIS contact person.
OTIS GeN2™ Premier The elevator for the highest demands in exclusive hotels and exalted residential and office buildings
GeN2 Premier, the machine-room-less elevator of the second generation: steel-core-sheathed polyurethane (PU) belts have superseded conventional steel ropes. The result is an elevator with extremely smooth, comfortable and quiet rides providing a unique ride comfort at a low energy demand. The GeN2 Premier meets the highest demands and sets new standards with respect to comfort, economic efficiency, reliability and safety. Your advantages: Silent and smooth elevator rides Optimum ride comfort High, load-independent stopping accuracy (± 2 mm), no trip hazards for the passengers Reduced shaft pit possible Gearless drive Up to 50% more economical than elevators with gear drive machines Very environmentally friendly Reduced wear at a considerably longer service life of the belts compared to conventional steel ropes Saving of the machine room Highest possible safety via an electronic belt monitoring (PULSE™ system) around the clock Minimized structure-borne noise transmissions Large performance range Three-dimensional door zone monitoring possible Automatic rescuing of persons in case of a power failure (optional) Load capacity: 630 – 1,025 kg (8–13 persons) Speed: 1.0 m/s and 1.6 m/s Max. travel height: 75 m with up to 24 stops
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Power Consumers
Telescopic sliding door, opening to the right (mirror-inverted door design possible) Access from one side Other floors TF / TRF – door portals
Accesses on both sides Other floors TF / TRF – door portals
Floor with inspection panel TF / TRF – door portals
* MRF – door frame
Inspection panel
SF wall connection frame
MRF – door frame
MRF – door frame
SF wall connection frame
SF wall connection frame
Centrally opening sliding door
Access from one side Other floors TF / TRF – door portals
Accesses on both sides Other floors TF / TRF – door portals
Floor with inspection panel
TF / TRF – door portals
* MRF – door frame
SF wall connection frame
Inspection panel
MRF – door frame
MRF – door frame
SF wall connection frame
SF wall connection frame
* Flexible arrangement possible after consulting OTIS. Fig. 9.3/5: Layout diagrams for GeN2 Premier
Elevator size
Load capacity and number of persons
Car dimensions Clear car width
8 Pers., deep car 630 kg, 1 access 650 kg, 2 accesses
LKB (mm)
Clear car depth LKT
LD (mm)
(mm) TLD
1,400 CLD TLD
10 Pers., wide car 800 kg, 1 access 820 kg, 2 accesses
13 Pers., deep car 1,000 kg, 1 access 1,025 kg, 2 accesses
13 Pers., wide car 1,000 kg, 1 access 1,025 kg, 2 accesses
Clear passage
Shaft dimensions Clear shaft width
LSB (mm)
800 900 800 900 900 800 900 800 900 800 900
1,600 1,670 1,800 2,000 1,900 1,900 2,000 1,600 1,670 1,800 2,000
Table 9.3/5: Shaft dimensions GeN2 Premier Counterweight without gripping device
Clear shaft depths apply to doors on the floor; if doors in the shaft:
+ 100/150 mm with access from one side + 200/300 mm with accesses on both sides after selection of the door model and consulting OTIS.
Clear car width Clear car height Clear car depth Clear shaft width Clear shaft depth Clear passage Clear door height Outside call Telescopic door Centrally opening door Shaft head Pit
Elevator in accordance with Lifts Directive 95/16/EG.
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Clear shaft depth
Clear shaft depth
LST1) (mm) LST1) (mm) 1 access 2 accesses
Car dimensions handicapped-accessible In acc. with (DIN
18024/25) or DIN 18030 LBO
In acc. with EN 81-70 Type 2: 1,100 mm x 1,400 mm
Type 2
Type 2
Type 2
Type 2
Shaft head K*
Power Consumers
Speed (m/s)
Max. travel height (m)
Clear door height LTH (mm)
Clear car height LKH (mm)
Speed (m/s)
K (mm)
LKH + 1,180
LKH + 1,400
Travel height
Number of persons
S min.3) (mm) 1,0 m/s
S max.3) (mm) 1,6 m/s
1,120 2)
8 10
F (kN) 67.1
86.8 100.0
F = largest concentrated load
Table 9.3/6: Dimensions GeN2 Premier Counterweight without gripping device
Pit S
Door on the floor
Door at the pit
If travel height > 40 m at 1 m/s, please contact OTIS.
Reduction of the pit possible on request.
Elevator groups
Fig. 9.3/6: Vertical section GeN2 Premier
Elevator groups with up to three individual elevators possible: for further details, please contact your OTIS contact person.
OTIS GeN2 Premier ED The elevator for the highest demands with high load capacities as of 1,275 kg
GeN2 Premier ED is the large elevator of the second generation that doesn’t require a machine room: steel-coresheathed polyurethane (PU) belts have superseded conventional steel ropes. The GeN2 Premier ED without machine room provides superior technology at a load capacity of 1,275 kg and more. Apart from extremely smooth and quiet rides as well as the unique ride comfort, it provides flexible door and car heights and variable car dimensions. The GeN2 Premier ED meets the highest demands and sets new standards with respect to comfort, economic efficiency, reliability and safety. Your advantages: Silent and smooth elevator rides Optimum ride comfort High, load-independent stopping accuracy (± 2 mm), o trip hazards for the passengers Gearless, regenerative drive Up to 50% more economic than elevators with gear drive machines Flexible door and car heights Variable car dimensions Very environmentally friendly Reduced wear at a considerably longer service life of the belts compared to conventional steel ropes No machine room required Highest possible safety via an electronic belt monitoring (PULSE™ system) around the clock Minimized structure-borne noise transmissions Reduction of the static load of the shaft walls Large performance range Three-dimensional door zone monitoring possible Three speeds selectable Load capacity: 1,275 – 2,000 kg (17–26 persons) Speed: 1.0 m/s; 1.6 m/s and 1.75 m/s Max. travel height: 75 m with up to 24 stops
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Power Consumers
Telescopic sliding door, opening to the right (mirror-inverted door design possible)
Access from one side Other floors SF – door portals
Accesses on both sides Other floors SF – door portals
Floor with inspection panel
Inspection panel
* Centrally opening sliding door
Accesses on both sides Other floors SF– door portals
Access from one side Other floors SF – door portals
Floor with inspection panel
Inspection panel
* * Flexible arrangement possible after consulting OTIS. Fig. 9.3/8: Layout diagrams for GeN2 Premier ED
Elevator size
Load capacity and number of persons
Car dimensions
Clear shaft depth LST1) (mm) 1 access
Clear shaft depth LST1) (mm) 2 accesses
Type 2
Type 3
Type 2
Type 3
Type 3
1,275 kg, 2 accesses 21 Pers., deep car 1,600 kg, 1 und 2 accesses
21 Pers., wide car 1,600 kg, 1 und 2 accesses
Type 2: 1100 mm x 1400 mm Type 3: 2000 mm x 1400 mm
24 Pers., wide car 1,800 kg, 1 und 2 accesses
Type 3
26 Pers., deep car 2,000 kg, 1 und 2 accesses
Type 2
26 Pers., wide car 2,000 kg, 1 und 2 accesses
Type 3
Clear shaft depths apply to doors on the floor; if doors in the shaft:
+ 100/150 mm with access from one side + 200/300 mm with accesses on both sides after selection of the door model and consulting OTIS.
Clear car width Clear car height Clear car depth Clear shaft width Clear shaft depth Clear passage Clear door height Outside call Telescopic door Centrally opening door Shaft head Pit
Elevator in accordance with Lifts Directive 95/16/EG.
In acc. with EN 81-70
Tabelle 9.3/7: Shaft dimensions GeN2 Premier ED Counterweight with and without gripping device
In acc. with (DIN 18024/25) or DIN 18030 LBO
Clear shaft width LSB (mm)
Clear car depth LKT (mm)
17 Pers., wide car 1,275 kg, 1 access
Car dimensions handicapped-accessible
Clear passage LD (mm)
Clear car width LKB (mm)
17 Pers., deep car 1,275 kg, 1 und 2 accesses
Shaft dimensions
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Power Consumers
Max. travel height (m)
Speed (m/s) 1.0
Travel height
Shaft head K
Clear door height LTH (mm)
Clear car height LKH (mm)
2,200 3)
Speed (m/s)
K (mm)
LKH + 1,350
LKH + 1,650
LKH + 1,750
S min. (mm) Speed (m/s)
1.0 2) Door on the floor
Pit S
Door at the pit on angle bracket
Number of persons
F (kN)
17 21 24 26
125.0 147.0 155.0 161.0
Table 9.3/8:
Counterweight without gripping device
Counterweight with gripping device
1,275 kg 1,600 kg
1,800 kg 2,000 kg
1,275 kg 1,600 kg
1,800 kg
2,000 kg
1,420 1,150 1,710 1,310 1,810 1,360
1,420 1,710 1,810 -
1,420 1,240 1,710 1,400 1,810 1,450
If travel height > 45 m at 1 m/s, please contact OTIS.
If LKH 2200 mm, then S + 100 mm
Dimensions GeN2 Premier ED Counterweight without gripping device Counterweight with gripping device for accessible spaces below the shaft
Elevator groups
Fig. 9.3/9: Vertical section GeN2 Premier ED
Elevator groups with up to four individual elevators possible: for further details, please contact your OTIS contact person.
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Ease of Operation, Safety and Control Engineering
chapter 10 10.1 Power Management with SIMATIC powercontrol 10.2 Building Management System 10.3 Energy Automation for the Industry
10.4 Safety Lighting Systems 10.5 Robust Remote Terminal Unit for Extreme Environmental Conditions (SIPLUS RIC)
10 Ease of Operation, Safety and Control Engineering 10.1 Power Management with SIMATIC powercontrol
energy types, such as electricity, gas, water, heat, refrigeration, etc., produces status and fault reports, and displays them in an operator control and monitoring system.
Power management is an integrative solution concept, that also makes provisions for system expansion using components that can be flexibly combined. It permits operating cost optimization by increasing the energy efficiency. Taking account of changing internal and external operating conditions, energy flows and energy costs are analyzed with regard to their ecological and economic aspects, and savings potential is indicated.
10.1.1 Functions and Advantages of Power Management
Power management measures and archives the consumption of various
Transparency of the complete power distribution system Graphical display of the operating states (switches, valves, …) Currently measured values online Comprehensive overview of the state of the power supply and its switching states. Fast responses are made to operational changes; prompt response to changes of the
operating state. The follow-up costs for abnormal operating states are kept as low as possible. Detailed information on incidents and malfunctions of the power distribution within the plant/building permit fast and targeted fault rectification. Documentation and archiving of switching actions and energy flows. Error and incident messages (e.g. operating sequences) with the precise date and time; logging permits the subsequent analysis of downtimes and fault patterns and developments. Analysis possibilities for the optimization of energy consumption and cost Comparison possibilities of all characteristic quantities using load curves and reports
Power distribution
Routing distribution board
Bus-capable interface
Fig. 10.1/1: Power management with SIMATIC powercontrol; consistent data from the acquisition through to the analysis
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The display of the mutual dependencies creates transparency. Savings potential can be determined by interpreting the minimum and maximum values. Status-controlled maintenance using limit value messages and alarms Signaling of maintenance intervals using limit value messages and alarms for maintenance-relevant measured quantities and operating states. Energy cost allocation to organizational units or cost centers which actually caused consumption, based on the energy measurements, e.g. for the further processing in analysis programs Supported analyses with cyclical or event-controlled reports Monitoring and comparison, e.g. of consumption values by means of predefined standard analyses. Leak-
age losses, shrinkage, etc., with high follow-up costs consequently can be detected fast targeted, and at low in a fast and targeted way cost. Data export or linking for further processing (analysis tools, MES, …)
10.1.2 Components of the Power Management System in Low-Voltage Applications Power management in the electrical power distribution can be structured into three levels: Acquisition level Protective and switching devices provide status information Switching and control devices are triggered Multifunction measuring equipment provides comprehensive data
Released Alarm switch
Withdrawable unit Auxiliary switch
OFF Voltage release
OFF Undervoltage release, voltage release
ON/OFF/RESET Motor drive
ON/OFF Auxiliary switch
630 – 6,300 A
3VL… 3VF…
16 – 1,600 A 16 – 100 A
0.16– 100 A
5SY… 5SP4…
0.3– 80 A 80 – 125 A
16 – 125 A
3KA… 3KE…
63 – 630 A 250 – 1,000 A
Switch OFF ON
On request Abbreviations: ACB Air Circuit-Breaker MCCB Molded Case Circuit-Breaker MPCB Motor Protection Circuit-Breaker MCB Miniature Circuit-Breaker RCCB Residual Current-Operated Circuit-Breaker SD Switch-Disconnector
Directly acquired values: current, voltage, frequency Calculated values: power, cos ϕ, THD, etc. – Pulse and analog inputs Current and voltage Power consumption Processing level SIMATIC powercontrol with automation system SIMATIC S7-300, SIMATIC S7-400 or SIMATIC WinAC Contiguous data acquisition Data conditioning and short-term archiving Visualization level SIMATIC powercontrol, SIMATIC powercost based on SIMATIC WinCC Transparent display of energy flows and costs Currently measured values and switching states Analysis windows with load curve displays (e.g. year, month, freely configurable) Configuration dialog for parameterization rather than programming included Supported first configuration Very simple adaptation to changing plant conditions Switchgear Siemens offers a comprehensive device range within the fuse-protected and circuit-breaker-protected technology at the low-voltage level. Options available include switching devices with (auxiliary/alarm) switches for the status acquisition and release or motor drives for the switching of the switching devices (see Table 10.1/1 and 10.1/2).
Table 10.1/1: Circuit-breaker-protected technology
2 – 630 A 2 – 1,000 A 2 – 1,250 A 2 – 630 A
3NP… 3NJ4… 3NJ5… 3NJ6…
3KL… 3KM… 5SG7…
2 – 630 A 2 – 400 A 16 – 100 A
5SG5… 5SF…
16– 63 A 2 – 100 A
ON/OFF Motor drive
Withdrawable unit Auxiliary current switch
10.1.3 Typical Implementation of Planning Tasks within the Power Distribution
Fuse tripped Alarm switch
ON/OFF Auxiliary current switch
Planning documents describe not only the devices to be used, but also the quantities to be measured within an electrical power distribution. There are various solution concepts for the implementation of these tasks in switchgear cabinet design. These solution concepts reflect, for example, company guidelines, customer requirements, service aspects, cost specifications.
On request Abbreviations: FSD Fuse Switch-Disconnector SDF Switch-Disconnector-Fuse FB Fuse Block
The following sections discuss outgoing circuits/supply circuits consisting of a protective device and a measurement system. Protective devices include all devices of the fuse-protected and circuit-breakerprotected technology. Measurement systems are all devices with communications capability plus current converters. If a bus system is used, its specific requirements must be observed.
Table 10.1/2: Communication-capable devices
Digital signals
Motor protection and control devices
Multifunction measuring instruments
* N
U L1-2
cos S
W S Bezug U L3-N
U L2-3
U L2-N
Multifunction protection with controller
cos L3
cos L2
W S Lieferung
Leistung / Arbeit
Pulse output Bus interface
Communication-capable SENTRON 3WL… mit COM15 SENTRON 3VL… mit COM10 circuit breakers
U L3-1
cos L1
U L1-N
Phase displacement
Communication-capable circuit breakers
Circuit-breakers with integrated communication are the best solution for new systems. The acquisition of the measured values is an integrated part of the circuit breaker. The measured values are displayed on the release and made available using the communication function. The remote control is also performed using this communication function.
Other characteristics:
Table 10.1/3: Fuse-protected technology
Metrology Siemens offers a comprehensive device range within the metrology for the medium- and low-voltage level.
The appropriate options can be used to equip the devices with digital inputs and outputs for status acquisition and for actuating the switching devices.
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No additional wiring expense for status monitoring and control High data efficiency coupled with good accuracy
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Protective devices and multifunction measuring instrument System protection using the protective device and the measurement process using a multifunction measuring instrument are independent from the device viewpoint. Multifunction measuring instruments may or may not be equipped with a display. Devices with a display are normally installed in a 96 mm x 96 mm sized cut-out in the switchgear cabinet door; multifunction measuring instruments without display are installed on the mounting rail. The phase currents are measured using current trans-
formers connected next to the fused supply voltage on the measuring instrument. The data is made available using a plug-in communication connection. Other characteristics: Can also be installed with small wiring expense in existing systems Highest data efficiency and highest accuracy for multifunction measuring instruments Circuit-breaker with motor protection and control unit (SIMOCODE)
urement by a motor protection and control unit (SIMOCODE) are independent from a device viewpoint, and are usually installed in the switchgear cabinet. To measure the phase currents and voltages, the current/voltage acquisition modules that belong to the SIMOCODE system must be installed and wired. Other characteristics: No additional wiring expense for status monitoring and control High data efficiency and accuracy Meter for billing
The system motor protection using the protective device and the meas-
Besides switching and protective devices without communications
Requirement Single-pole diagram
Multifunction measuring instrument
Current measurement (converter)
U1,2,3 I 1,2,3 cos
U1,2,3 I 1,2,3
U1,2,3 I 1,2,3
U1,2,3 I 1,2,3
U1,2,3 I 1,2,3
U1,2,3 I 1,2,3
U1,2,3 I 1,2,3
U 1,2,3 I 1,2,3 cos P
I 1,2,3
Counter (converter)
Fig. 10.1/2: Various possible solutions of the planning tasks
capability, an electricity meter can be equipped with a drum-type register or a display for the acquisition of the power consumption. In many cases, meters approved by the Physikalisch Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) are required for the invoice preparation. This approval is granted only for a limited time. After this time has expired, the meter must be approved again; this requires the removal of the meter. Other than the power value, most electricity meters do not provide any additional data. Power consumption can be read on the display / drum-type register (manually). To minimize reading errors, an automatic consumption quantity transfer can be made using a pulse interface and a distributed peripheral device, or transfer data can be read at an input of a multifunction measuring instrument or using bus systems. Other characteristics – data acquisition with calibrated measuring instruments to supply billing information (approval status monitoring!) – high accuracy of the power consumption metering
Optimum implementation – energy management software for the simple integration of a complete system consisting of typical hardware components of the lowvoltage power distribution range – complete program of energy management functions in the full, expanded version – simple parameterization (no programming) and commissioning Cost reduction during operation – optimization of the operating costs by the transparency of the energy flows from the supply to the consumption – evaluation using energy-related parameters based on the consumption and costs – increased efficiency (saving effect 5–20% depending on the current situation) of the energy supply thanks to exact knowledge of the demand profile
SIMATIC powercontrol is characterized by Planning assurance – modular expandable system, innovative, always state-of-the-art in accordance with current standards and legal regulations – minimized interface risk with a coordinated portfolio of A&D hardware and software products as part of TIA and TIP – high solution quality thanks to the standardization and use of standards (e.g. standard hardware, such as SIMATIC S7 and Industrial Ethernet)
Further information: SIMATIC powercontrol at www.siemens.de/simatic-powercontrol For products of the SIMATIC family at www.siemens.de/simatic For the power management with SIMATIC powercontrol see “Totally Integrated Power Application Manual – Establishment of Basic Data and Preliminary Planning”, 2006, Chapter 6, page 6/4 ff. For the order numbers of the components and software packages described here, consult the current catalogs or contact your branch office representative.
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10.2 Building Management System The instabus KNX/EIB building management system favorably combines simple installation, clear system structure, modularity and flexibility. A continually increasing product range for lighting, sun protection, heating, ventilation, refrigeration, safety and energy management from all wellknown electrical installation suppliers has contributed to the success of building management systems since
their market introduction in 1991. Critical for the success was the manufacturer-independent, standardized open system engineering with the standards EN 50090 (in Europe), ANSI EIA 776-5 (in USA) and ISO / IEC 14543-3 (international). Cost reduction through the use of structured room automation The standardized building management system forms the basis for the costoptimized operation of energy efficient buildings as demanded by far-sighted investors to ensure a value increase of their property. Compared with conven-
tional electrical installation engineering, the instabus KNX/EIB building management system is characterized by cost reductions in both the investment phase and in the operating phase of a building. In the investment phase, the distributed system configuration of the building management system allows the reduction of power cabling compared with solutions using conventional electrical installation engineering. In the operating phase, the simple reconfiguring options simplify the adaptation to changed space utilization. When the overall costs are considered, the operating costs are ten times the investment costs over the lifetime of a building.
Factor 10 8 6 4 The complete operation is more than ten times more expensive than the manufacturing costs
2 100% 0
0% Erection costs
Operating/reconstruction costs
Fig. 10.2/1: Comparison of the erection costs to the operating costs
compensated here by saving in the building structure.
Costs Building substation control systems / conventional 1.3 Only local switching
1 0.95 + Central switching
0.90 + Time control + Dimming + Constant-light control
0.85 + Shutter control + Scene control
0.75 + Single room control + Room divider control
Fig. 10.2/2: Investment cost savings
10.2.1 Cost Reduction in the Investment Phase The instabus KNX/EIB building management system is a fully distributed bus system. Each individual bus device has a microprocessor that controls the
120 % 100 80
115 100
97,5 90
60 40 20 0
Conventional Cabling
instabus EIB Equipment
Fig. 10.2/3: Proportion of cost incurred by cabling and equipment
communication with other bus devices and the function of the bus device. This modularity of the building management system forms the basis for providing a system availability comparable with that of a conventional electrical installation. Compared with solutions using conventional electrical installation engineering, the distributed system configuration provides the building management system with the possibility to reduce the power cabling. This reduces both the installation costs and also the fire load. Because the fire load affects not only the required fire protection measures but also the ceiling thicknesses (concrete masses) of a building, the reduction of the fire load is interesting when the overall construction costs are considered by the architects and the planners. When integrated building planning is made, a significant part of the investment costs in the building management system can be
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Note concerning the fire load: The amount of saving results from the comparison between the installation with conventional technology and using a building management system. This depends on the specific project and the associated extent of automation. In Fig. 10.2/2, the use of a building management system reduced the conventional wiring share from 60% (PVC) to 30% (PVC). The reduction of wiring also means less space is required for cable ducts and vaults. This helps to attain the goal of optimizing the usable space with regard to the complete volume of a building. To permit the consistent distribution of the building management system, control units are available for installation in flush-mounted boxes. If a conventional solution is used, more automation functions mean more wiring. This is particularly true when two or more installation systems are combined to produce an integrated room automation. The placement of actuators in floor-level distribution boards results in long cable lengths. A construction with a distribution cable that supplies the electrical energy from the floor-level distribution boards to room distribution boards (in office buildings: installation in the corridor above the suspended ceiling) already brings significant savings for the cable lengths. The exact saving potential depends on the building geometry and the specific project. A busbar trunking system, from which flexible branches can be made to room distribution boards, can be used instead of one or more distribution cables.
Ease of Operation, Safety and Control Engineering
10.2.2 Cost Reduction During the Operating Phase The modular system structure of the instabus KNX/EIB building management system permits the implementation of a modular electrical installation that can be easily adapted to the changed room utilization by reconfiguring. This means time and cost savings already in the construction phase. Once the building is in operation, room utilization can be changed quickly and at low cost. The instabus KNX/EIB building management system avoids the need for large-scale changes of the electrical installation in the case of new tenants or organizational changes, adaptation of room sizes or room equipment. Costly periods of nonoccupation because of extensive reconstruction measures are reduced significantly. On average, departments in office buildings move to other rooms every three years. Compared with conventional electrical installations, the additional costs for the building system engineering pay for themselves in just three years merely by the faster adaptation to the changed room utilization. Note concerning the reduced costs for changes in the room utilization: Let us assume that in an office building the ceiling lighting is switched together along axes. If walls are moved, for conventional engineering, the cable from the switch (assuming just one!) to the added lights must be relaid and the cable to the removed lights cut. In the most favorable case, this can be done using wiring blocks. With a building management system, wiring blocks are not needed and the new assignment to the rooms is made by recon-
figuring the actuators and the associated pushbuttons. The time for this change is just a few minutes rather than one or more hours. This, however, assumes an appropriate planning of the electrical installation designed for flexibility and modularity. Constant light control example A constant light control can keep the illumination intensity at a predefined level or at a level set by the user. This utilizes the daylight while reducing the energy costs. To combine the utilization of daylight with sun protection, the louvers of the shutters are regulated so that they allow daylight into the room and block the direct daylight depending on the sun radiation angle. Shielding from direct sunlight reduces the heating of the room and thus the costs for the climatic control of the room.
Presence detector example In combination with presence detectors, the room functions can easily be changed automatically from comfort operation to standby or energysaving operation. This can also be provided in combination with an access control or with time control or be controlled manually. Outside the main utilization times, the illumination in corridors can be switched off when nobody is present. Within the main utilization times, the lighting level is reduced to a set minimum level when persons are present. This achieves an optimum energy saving coupled with a longer lifetime of the lights. Window contact example While a window is open, the room temperature control can automatically enter protective operation mode so that the control system becomes
Costs instabus KNX/EIB / conventional
1 Cost saving by reparameterization rather than reinstalling for change of use Only local switching
0.9 0.85
Minimization of the energy cost
+ Central switching
0.75 + Time control + Dimming + Constant-light control
0.70 + Shutter control + Scene control
0.60 + Single room control + Room divider control
Fig. 10.2/4: Operating cost reduction through the use of instabus KNX/EIB
active again only for undershooting a frost-protection temperature or overshooting a heat-protection temperature. At night, a central command can be used to switch the temperature control automatically to energy-saving operation. These measures allow the energy amount used for illumination and for room temperature control to be reduced over the complete operational time to half that for conventional systems!
10.2.3 Energy Costs and Optimization of the Maintenance In addition to satisfying the comfort needs of the room occupants, i.e. the occupants' satisfaction, the correct assignment of operating costs and the optimization of maintenance costs are decisive for a building operator for the profitable operation of a property. The electricity meters or operating hours counters provided for acquiring the operating costs related to the associated department or tenant can be read regularly over the bus. This allows the operating costs to be transferred monthly, daily or in any other time intervals to a billing department where they can be processed for billing. To optimize maintenance, the operating hours or operating cycles of an item of equipment (e.g. motor, pump, lamp) can be recorded, and when a predefined threshold is exceeded (e.g. 10,000 hours light duration), automatically converted into a maintenance request (requirement-controlled maintenance). Note: The N343 operating hours and operating cycles counter is used to acquire the operating hours. The N162 counter (direct connection up to 63 A)
and the N165 converter counter are two alternatives for the acquisition of the active energy consumption. Power supply contracts can require that a maximum amount of power is not exceeded within a certain time interval (typically: 15 minutes). The observance of the power consumption limits is ensured using the maximumdemand monitor that uses predefined rules to automatically remove or add loads. This can significantly lower the energy costs, even for smaller buildings. Note The N360 maximum-demand monitor can be used to monitor maximum power loads up to 1 MW. Photo 10.2/1: Operating cycles counter N 343
10.2.4 Safety The protection of persons and assets plays an important role in the building installation. The building management system can effectively help to prevent, or at least limit, damage. Before a storm can damage shutters and cause parts to fly through the air as dangerous projectiles, the shutters will be automatically placed in a safe position. If the corridor lighting operates presence-dependent, it always provides the correct amount of light when required. On the other hand, no more energy than required is consumed. The same is true for exterior and path lighting activated depending on the darkness, movement and time, and always switched on when required. Damage caused by unsupervised electrical devices (copiers, printers) can be prevented by switching them off centrally at night. The same window contact used to switch the room temperature operat-
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Photo 10.2/2: Counter N 162
ing mode to energy-saving operation can also be used to report “window open” or “door open”. This can be used to prevent the possibly major damage caused by frost, storm or rain. An interface of the fire detection system for the building management system can be used to switch off specific electrical consumers before they become an additional danger. At
Ease of Operation, Safety and Control Engineering
the same time, the complete lighting can be switched on to reduce the danger of panic.
10.2.6 Interfaces
In case of danger, persons in the building can be safely led outside using an emergency and escape path lighting in accordance with EN 1838.
instabus KNX/EIB provides a wide selection of interfaces to other systems. These include interfaces to an analog telephone, GSM, ISDN, DALI, PROFIBUS DP, PROFINET, BACnet, OPC and Internet Protocol (IP).
Note: The regulations for safety lighting must be observed.
DALI (Digital Addressable Lighting Interface)
10.2.5 Other Applications Conference and meeting rooms require many functions: Switching and dimming lights Raising and lowering shutters Raising and lowering the projection screen Switching the projector/beamer on and off Switching loudspeakers on and off For different situations (e.g. lecture, discussion, presentation), these various functions must be brought into a certain state. For example, for a lecture, the main lighting should be switched off or dimmed, the projector should be switched on, the projection screen lowered and the shutters closed. This scenario can be initiated by pressing a single button. A pushbutton, a touch panel or a PC can be used as input device. Just as easily, when the room is left, pressing a button initiates an "everything off" scenario so that no devices remain switched on unnecessarily. In the same manner as scenarios can be initiated by pressing a button, an event such as the overshooting of a temperature threshold or a brightness value can initiate a single scene or a complete execution sequence.
DALI is an interface definition for electronic control gear (ECG) for illumination control. DALI permits the control of up to 64 devices using a control unit. Only control units such as the GE141 EIB/DALI interface or the N141 KNX/DALI interface make full use of the possibilities that DALI offers. The combination of DALI and building management system permits the implementation of solutions that previously were not possible, or only at considerable cost.
Photo 10.2/3: Maximum-demand monitor N 360
Photo 10.2/4: EIB/DALI interface GE 141
For example, the communication possibilities provided by DALI allow the failure of a single lamp or a single ECG, the switching status and a current dimming value to be reported. This makes the operational state of each lamp group and, indeed, each lamp to always be available to the building management system. This data can be shown on a display or with little effort forwarded to a higher-level building management system. The DALI standard allows the assignment of DALI devices to as many as 16 scenarios. The specific settings for each scenario are stored in the individual DALI devices and can be initiated with a single command. This allows even complex scenarios or very fast command sequences to be initiated by the building management system.
Photo 10.2/5: KNX/DALI interface N 141
The N141 KNX/DALI interface also provides the possibility of effect control, for example, for a running light or color changes. This allows the combination of KNX/EIB and building management system with DALI to achieve system capabilities comparable with those for DMX.
EIBnet/IP The complete linking of local and worldwide networks has also opened new possibilities for building management systems. Even properties spread throughout the world can be monitored and controlled centrally at low cost 24-hours a day from any location. In particular, this is also true in conjunction with the EIBnet/IP defined as standard in EN 13321-2. EIBnet/IP extends the building management system in a system-conforming manner and easily through the use of existing local and worldwide data networks. Using existing networks for communication reduces the costs for the creation, operation and maintenance of the building management system for commercial buildings and real estates at differerent locations. Control commands and data can be exchanged with building management systems much faster and in larger volume. This large volume not only permits a central monitoring and greatly extends the operational possibilities, but also significantly reduces operating costs. EIBnet/IP is an open standard for the remote configuration, the remote operation and the fast communication between KNX/EIB lines and installations. The standard describes mainly two different communication possibilities: tunneling and routing. Routing allows a KNX/EIB protocol from an EIBnet/IP router to be forwarded to several different routers. This is the basis for the fast communication between lines, backbones or complete installations. A device such as the IP router N146, which implements EIBnet/IP routing, so corresponds functionally to a line or backbone coupler. In contrast, tunneling permits the point-to-point communication with EIBnet/IP devices. This replaces not
only the communication using a serial interface, but, in addition to the higher speed, allows location independency. Any point in the IP network can access the KNX/EIB installation. With little effort, any status from the building management system can be transferred directly to a higher-level building management system. In buildings or split estates with very high standardization of the building management system, the same solution is often used at all building levels or properties. This unavoidably leads to an identical configuration in the individual units. However, these installations should still be managed centrally and operated remotely. The EIBnet/IP standard provides a userfriendly name that can be individually assigned to EIBnet/IP devices, such as the IP interface N148/21, the IP router N146 or the IP controller N350E. This device name is then used to identify and distinguish the building levels or properties. In conjunction with the ComBridge Studio visualization software written by IPAS GmbH based on the new EIBnet/IP standard, these properties and subsystems are operated centrally with a single application. The manufacturer-independent ETS3 configuration software can be used to configure these systems using a network connection.
10.2.7 Cost Reduction using Structured Room Automation Increased demands placed on the energy efficiency of buildings require an optimization of the energy provision, distribution and use. This goal can only be achieved with automation. The instabus KNX/EIB building management system can be used to sensibly automate both the power distribution and the power consumption at an acceptable cost. Sensible automation considers the comfort
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Photo 10.2/6: IP router N 146
requirements of the room occupants: room temperature and lighting brightness are set optimally for the associated use situation. However, the room occupants must always have the possibility to individually change their work environment. Generally, the lighting brightness and the room temperature are not directly coupled with each other. Artificial or natural lighting, however, also causes a rise in the temperature of the rooms, which, depending on the time of the year, is either desirable or undesirable. Sun protection systems affect the room temperature and brightness. Since conventional solutions for the control of the lighting, sun protection and heating-ventilation-refrigeration are each limited to a single type of installation, mutual dependencies between the different installations cannot be taken into account. Only the use of a building management system permits an integration of the control of different
Ease of Operation, Safety and Control Engineering
installations in the room at acceptable cost. The goal is the reduction of not only the planning time and cost, but also the construction and operating costs. Planning with room modules is the method of choice. Here, a room module is considered to be the smallest room unit (e.g. axis) and thus the smallest planning unit. Each room module has room functions (Fig. 10.2/1). Only a matched automation of these room functions can optimize the power consumption, whereas the modularization minimizes the construction costs and keeps the maintenance costs low. The room module is planned so that it contains all required functions. The following points must be considered: Use of daylight with anti-glare / sun protection control Constant light regulation in conjunction with the use of daylight Lighting control (dimming) using the DALI interface Temperature regulation in conjunction with sun protection control Occupancy-dependent control of the room operating mode (comfort, standby, night, protective operation) Operating elements for the user – Wall-mounted pushbuttons – Telephone interface – Browser interface (PC as operating station) – Interface to the building management system Such a planned room module is then duplicated in accordance with the building geometry. The EIBnet/IP technology permits an unrestricted duplication of the room modules or the several combination of room modules. EIBnet/IP also permits a very efficient interface to building management systems.
Light Lighting control Anti-glare control Daylight control Sun protection control
Occupancy control and control of the room operating mode Room access control Operation and display Minimization of the energy cost
Temperature Sun protection control Heating Cooling Ventilation Temperature and climatic control
Fig. 10.2/5: Room functions in the commercial buildings
Planning documents Planning and tender documents are available at www.din-bauportal.de/siemens Training
monitoring, display, reporting and operating of facilities. Siemens offers modular training courses for building management systems as training for the use of Siemens devices in these application areas.
A comprehensive training program for KNX/EIB is available at www.siemens.de/sitrain-et Literature The principles and the system properties of the KNX/EIB building management system are discussed in detail in the “Handbuch EIB Haus- und Gebäudesystemtechnik, KNX/EIBGrundlagen” published by ZVEI and ZVEH in German. The “Handbuch EIB Gebäudesystemtechnik, Anwendungen” published by ZVEI and ZVEH contains examples for the control of lighting, sun protection and heating-ventilation-refrigeration, for load management and for the
10.3 Energy Automation for the Industry The task of energy automation is to provide electricity reliably in a form appropriate for the requirement. Energy automation covers Network management for the overall control of the energy demand Substation automation for a costeffective control of operations Remote control for a secure and user-friendly remote access to the process This task is not limited to pure power utilities. After all, every industry is dependent on the guaranteed availability of electricity at the lowest possible cost, irrespective whether in
the mining industry, the processing industry, transport companies, healthcare, etc. Although the general demand for solutions may be universal, the individual solution must be industry- and company-specific. Competition leads to an increased cost pressure that requires rationalization measures, also for the electricity supply. This can be, for example, result in restrictions imposed on shift work for network monitoring at night or at the weekend. The energy market, which is now subject to increased dynamics and complexity because of the market liberalization, also affects power supply in the industrial sector. Acquisition, monitoring and control of the energy purchases and the peak load can reduce costs and optimize in-plant power generation.
Total solutions
Control center Spectrum PowerCC
Station automation and remote control technology SICAM PAS ACP 1703
Energy automation means High quality and availability of the power supply Optimum use of all resources with minimized network losses Increased safety from blackouts and damage by system protection Increased efficiency through the minimization of downtimes as the result of fast fault detection and clarification Improved profitability because of reduced operating and maintenance costs Reduction of energy costs as the result of consumption optimization High security of investment as a result of detailed knowledge of the associated state and behavior of the power supply Expandable solutions thanks to increased flexibility, scalability and the use of standardized components So that you…
… keep an eye on everything
… protect plant operation
Field level
… secure your investment
Communication level IEC 61850, PROFIBUS, Modbus, OPC, DNP IEC 60870-5-101, -103, -104 Fig. 10.3/1: Energy automation at a glance
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… maintain the connection
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10.3.1 Spectrum PowerCC Network Control System Spectrum PowerCC is the comprehensive and expandable system solution for the economical and reliable operating control of power supply systems. The Windows-based control system was developed using international standards and de-facto standards. With a comprehensive range of different application possibilities, the control system increases the efficiency of power system operation and adapts itself to these specific requirements. The control system can be integrated in existing IT environments and also provides significant savings not only for system administration and data updating costs, but also for engineering. Spectrum PowerCC is Web-based and can easily be connected to the Internet. Advantages of Spectrum PowerCC at a glance Targeted and step by step investment Open and standardized interfaces with modular architecture ensures an optimum integration capability and the expandability of the system solutions Use of the latest standards (CIM data model; IEC 61970) and industrial de-facto standards (OPC Object Linking and Embedding for Process Control) for connection to the automation world, Microsoft Office or SIMATIC WinCC for operator control and monitoring; this provides access to office communication systems and the world of industrial automation
Fig. 10.3/2: Spectrum PowerCC user interface
Mobile access to all data with Web access and Internet connection: This allows, for example, remote system administration, faster resupply and an active participation on energy trading The innovation of the individual solution components increases the lifetime of plants and the return on investment Application and functional scope The Spectrum PowerCC functions are tailored to the requirements of industrial power supply both as a simple
computer system (all-in-one solution) and a redundant multi-server version. Basic functions The basic SCADA functions contain, among other things, operator control and monitoring, logging, control, adjustment, flagging and issuing of alarms. This scope of performance is complemented by alarm forwarding, e.g. via “Cityruf” (city call), the operating and display possibility using intranet/Internet, messages and values created using linking rules, and automatic command outputs.
User interface The uniformity of the appearance and the operating philosophy of Spectrum PowerCC are supported by a Webcapable user interface whose layout, use of colors, operator prompting, acoustic signals, etc., are identical for all applications. Users familiar with Microsoft Windows will find many of the standardized Windows elements in the user interface. Spectrum PowerCC provides clear and understandable displays, the visualization of values – also graphically as bar charts, curves, filling levels, etc. – the logging of messages, powerful filter functions for signaling lists and the
display of information outside the power supply, e.g. from the production plant. The operator receives alarms as optical and/or acoustic indicators. Graphical representation of the fault cause can be selected directly from the message list; messages can be classified according to their importance. Operating support The operating support is used to determine the fault location, topological coloring, locking conditions, determination of the fault location in the supply network, display of network sections with ground fault as the result of messages of suitable protection equipment, localization of faulty
resources and the highlighting of network sections without power. Archive With their data, archives are a pool of experience gained from network operation. They are the backbone of online operations control, in particular, concerning higher-level optimization and decision functions, the wording of contracts for energy purchase, as well as further operational requirements placed on archive data (data mining). Load management Load management of power systems by Spectrum PowerCC permits the
Spectrum Power PC IEC 60870-5-101/104 or DNP V3.00
Remote SICAM PAS CC operation SICAM PAS Ethernet
PROFIBUS FMS IEC 60870-5-103
IEC 60870-5-101
IEC 60870-5-104
Distributed remote operation BC 1703 ACP
IEC 61850
… SIPROTEC protection / combi-protection
Small remote operating unit TM 1703 mic
SIPROTEC protection / combiprotection
Fig. 10.3/3: Example of an energy automation concept with communication connections to the field level and the control center
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Measurement, SIMEAS power quality
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optimum use of power purchasing contracts taking account of the loads or in-plant generating possibilities that can be connected or disconnected from supply on the basis of kWh rate periods. The load management prevents the exceeding of contractually agreed purchase limit values taking account of the operational load and power generating limitations, such as the minimum/ maximum operating time, availability, downtime, etc. The load management system can be expanded with dedicated load forecasts (hours or days) and resource planning (matching of the demand and the generating capability). The load management system also provides an interface to ripple control systems.
extranet, also from remote workplaces, is also possible. The Internet communication is protected against unauthorized access using the appropriate security concepts.
Process data acquisition and interfaces
Through the use of the IEC 61850, the SICAM PAS substation control device provides for expandable interoperable plant construction. For example, SICAM PAS is suitable for the inclusion of field devices of all manufacturers applying IEC 61850. The concept and parameterization of SICAM PAS supports the direct data exchange at the field level. This means no bottlenecks in communication, for example. The fastest Ethernet connections and a “Station Unit” optimized for data transmission and processing make SICAM PAS a pioneering energy automation system. Network capability and open data interfaces such as OPC permit a simple transfer of information to the office and industrial world. This facitilitates analyses, or just the display of energy data, as often needed for the manager responsible for production.
The PROFIBUS, IEC 60 870 5-101, -102, -104 and SINAUT 8-FW standard protocols simplify the process connection. The OPC interface permits the simple and efficient connection of industrial communications standards such as Industrial Ethernet. Interfaces based on ODBC/OLE simplify the integration of tools such as Microsoft Excel. An SQL interface is provided for archive information. A simplified SQL interface permits data access directly from the domain model (e.g. plant data, process data or data calculated in applications). Communication via Internet and intranet The control system is often part of an internal and external computer network. Spectrum PowerCC permits access to the system using the Internet, for example, to give on-call or mobile personnel operating capability at night. Wide-band intranet access from office workplaces or using an
10.3.2 Energy Automation with SICAM PAS SICAM PAS (Power Automation System) is the comprehensive solution for distributed automation in switchgear, independent of whether power distribution is for a large industrial plant, a large consumer, or a facility, such as an airport. Energy automation – consistent and open
grated in a concept with IEC 61850. IEC 60870-5-101 and 104 are provided for the remote communication. The cooperation on the STA (Seamless Telecommunication Architecture) standardization project with the goal of providing a consistent use of IEC 61850 down to the control center level ensures the integration capability of SICAM PAS. Central control and monitoring All plant sections, starting with the system supply and ending with the low-voltage distribution, can be centrally monitored and controlled from SICAM PAS CC (Control Center). This and a fast response provided by the clear representation of the operating situation permit a cost-optimized operation and a fast supply resumption, should malfunctions occur in the power system. SIMATIC WinCC as basis of the operation ensures the compatibility with the automation of other industrial processes and reduces training times to a minimum. Fast standard configurations The SICAM PAS UI intelligent parameterization system is designed so that its operation conforms to DIGSI and takes configuration data directly from the field level. An XML data transfer is provided for IEC 61850 and the SIPROTEC 4 field devices. The standard configurations provided in a library for other field devices can be easily integrated as types. This prevents duplicate inputs or input errors.
Simple integration PROFIBUS FMS, PROFIBUS DP or IEC 60870-5-103 allow existing plants at the low-voltage level or in the industrial process automation to be inte-
10.3.3 Remote Control, Communicating and Automating with ACP 1703 There is the increasing demand to locally acquire physically separated information and to reliably transfer this information to where the data is needed for monitoring and analysis. Just a few optical fiber cables rather than many parallel signal cables reduce the cost for installation and maintenance, and also ensure high reliability and interference immunity. The ACP 1703 system family can be used here. High functionality and flexibility are the basis for a modern remote control system. This also includes comprehensive possibilities for communication, automation and the integration of process signals. The various ACP 1703 components offer optimum scalability depending on the number of interfaces and process variables. All are based on the same system architecture, use the same technology and can be edited with the same tool, Toolbox II.
ously. The secondary technology must also flexibly solve the required tasks where they are needed. ACP 1703 and SICAM PAS together cover the full scope of possible tasks, and provide solutions for every requirement, featuring high performance as well as profitability.
tors and sensors with wire cross sections up to 2.5 mm2. Modules for binary input/output up to 220 V DC also open up savings potential at the coupling level. For the distributed input/output, individual modules can be installed at distances up to 200 m from the control panel.
ACP 1703 consists of the following components AK 1703 ACP is the large automation component for a flexible mix of communications, automation and peripherals. A scalable number of serial and Ethernet interfaces, redundancy concepts and high signal density for local inputs/outputs characterize these components AK 1703 ACP can be used as a central unit or as a remote control substation, data node or front-end, automation unit with stand-alone function groups, and with local or remote peripherals.
BC 1703 ACP is the robust component for highest EMC compatibility and direct peripheral interface connection up to 220 V DC. High switching capacity and direct measuring transducer inputs permit operation under harsh conditions. Up to three communications interfaces and integrated automation function ensure the flexible use in central and distributed configurations. The BC 1703 ACP can also be expanded with TM terminal modules.
In industrial processes in particular, the boundary between remote control and distributed control engineering often cannot be defined unambigu-
TM 1703 ACP is the solution for compact applications. This component provides up to five communication interfaces, an automation function and peripheral connection using the distributed TM terminal modules. The mechanical construction is based on intelligent terminal modules for simple installation on 35-mm mounting rails. TM 1703 ACP permits the direct interface connection of actua-
Photo 10.3/1: ACP 1703
Photo 10.3/2: TM 1703 ACP
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TM 1703 mic, as small remote control unit, assumes a special place. Optionally equipped with a serial or Ethernet interface, it can use up to eight TM terminal modules. IEC 60870-5-101 (serial) or IEC 60870-5-104 (using TCP/IP) is available as protocol. The included automation function can be used for simple tasks. The integrated Web server supports the simple configuring using a standard Web browser. The unit is installed easily on mounting rails.
Photo 10.3/3: BC 1703 ACP
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Common properties
An integrated tool
All components of the ACP family are based on the same system architecture and, despite their different constructions, use the same technology. As they also feature the same functions, they can be combined with each other as required and can be used and both from a technical and economic viewpoint, they can be used optimally according to requirements. For example, since all components rely on the same communication modules (other than TM 1703 mic), they can use the available protocols. Not only the standard protocols, such as IEC 60870-5-101/103/104 and IEC 61850 are available, but also common standards such as DNP 3.0 or Modbus, together with many proprietary protocols provided for interfacing existing third-party equipment.
Toolbox II provides all functions required for integrated and consistent engineering of the complete plant, such as data collection, data modeling, configuring and parameterization. Furthermore, it supports the engineering of the process information for the automation and maintenance control systems, including the creation of automation tasks using a graphical function chart in accordance with IEC 61131-3. Even the management of the systems from third-party manufacturers using their specific parameters is possible with Toolbox II. The data modeling is constructed object-oriented and thus simplifies data clarity and consistency, even after several changes/extensions have been made.
What is also common to all components is the integrated flash memory card for the reliable storage of all parameters and the specific firmware. This supports a problem-free replacement of a component, simply by exchanging the memory card. The memory card can also be written offline with the Toolbox II and then added to the system.
Photo 10.3/4: TM 1703 mic
Toolbox II runs with all ACP 1703 subsystems and supports all subprocesses of a remote control and automation project. Data exchange with DIGSI and SICAM PAS UI ensures that even mixed configurations do not require the same data to be entered more than once. Remote control is more ACP 1703 always provides adequate performance. The modular multiprocessor concept allows the processor power to grow with each system expansion. The distributed architecture and the principle of evolutionary development ensure a durable system with a long service life. This secures investment in the long run. High functional reliability is a matter of course for the ACP 1703; its integrated comprehensive self-monitoring function detects any problem immediately, and informs the operational management and service without delay.
Further information: Spectrum PowerCC: www.siemens.com/powerCC SICAM PAS: www.siemens.com/sicam ACP 1703: www.siemens.com/sicam
Illuminated or back-lit safety signs in continuous operation
Central power supply system – CPS
Power supply system with power limit – LPS
Single-battery system
Power generating set without interruption (0 seconds)
Power generating set with short interruption (≤ 0.5 seconds)
Power generating set with medium interruption (≤ 15 seconds)
Specially-protected power supply system
Safety lighting began its tender start in the early days of industrialization when the founding fathers of today's corporate groups began to fetch many labourers into their factories and employ them in large production halls without adequate daylight. When power failures occurred, the employees were sometimes still standing next to running machines and suddenly left without any lighting. This resulted in many severe accidents which gave rise to the call for safety lighting. Every employer was required
A safety lighting system consists of the safety power source, distribution, monitoring units, cable systems, lights and rescue signs. To implement such
Rated operational duration (in hours) of the power source for safety purposes
Wherever people come together, a power failure brings major dangers.
A safety lighting system built in accordance with statutory regulations, properly maintained and functioning, permits at least a safe exit from the building.
Max. switchover time (s)
The globalization and harmonization process makes the international standards and regulations landscape not only ever more complicated, but also subjects it to continuous change. Solutions considered to be fully legitimate yesterday have been completely rejected today and can no longer be applied. New requirements are added and, not infrequently, complicate the planning and project implementativ. To address this situation and to avoid the need to continually catch up with the latest development, the interested observer has just one possibility. The observer must become familiar with the original concepts of safety lighting. In other words, determine the protection goal and prepare its implementation for each specific application situation. We must finally waive goodbye to an ever-recurring myth: there is no one piece of paper on which everything is written describing how to proceed. The aim of safety engineering is to ensure that nothing happens when something happens. This is the only measure for the work of the safety specialists.
to make provisions for his employees to be led safely to the factory doors in case of malfunctions. The safety lighting successively entered other areas where persons gathered and nowadays it is inconceivable that it is not needed in many application areas.
Illuminance ([lx)
10.4 Safety Lighting Systems
Gathering places, theaters, cinemas
Exhibition buildings
Hotels, guesthouses, senior citizen's homes
1 1)
8 5)
1 1)
Parking buildings, underground garages
Airports, railroad stations
3 6)
High-rise buildings
1 1)
3 4)
Rescue routes in places of work
Workplaces subject to particular danger
Examples for building regulations in force for buildings in which people gather
Depending on the panic risk, from 1 second to 15 seconds 2) Illuminance intensity of the safety lighting in accordance with DIN EN 1838 3) The time for which persons are subject to danger 4) For high-rise residential buildings, 8 hours, unless the switching operation satisfies the requirements of Section 4.7.6 5) Three hours are sufficient when the switching operation satisfies the requirements of Section 4.7.6 6) For above-ground areas of railroad stations, one hour is also permitted provided an appropriate evacuation concept exists
• permitted – not relevant Table 10.4/1: Requirements placed on the electrical system for safety lighting systems (source: E DIN VDE 0108-100: 2005-1 0)
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a system, a number of buildingspecific aspects must be considered during the planning and implementation. The continually increasing share of electronic components in our buildings means the fault scenarios to be considered become ever more comprehensive. The basic task of a safety lighting in any fault situation is to ensure adequate lighting being switched on in good time. This requires that in case of failure, the route of the power supply, from the feeding point to the actually installed general lighting, must be substituted with safety lighting. The nearer the emergency power source is to the site of application, the less expense is required for the cabling. If bus systems are used to operate the general lighting, they must also be monitored. The possibility that some circumstance causes both systems to fail at the same time must also be excluded. This could, for example, be caused by a fire or excavation work at cable channels.
10.4.1 Planning For a detailed planning, we require the following documents:
After reading the documents, enter the individual fire areas in the floor plans and draw the escape and rescue paths. Some state building regulations require that fire areas larger than 1,600 m2 be subdivided into so-called electrical fire areas. Characteristics
The fundamental decision should now be made whether the architect's general lighting is to be used for the safety lighting, or whether separate safety lighting supplied by a system manufacturer is to be used. This question is decisive for
CEAG data
Operating voltage range DC:
186 V - 275 V at -10 °C
Possible battery voltage range in backup operation
Switching time: from AC to DC from DC to AC
System switching time: 180 ms – 450 ms 180 ms – 450 ms
Typical CEAG system switching time
Satisfies the standard*: DIN EN 60929
Electronic ballast for tubular fluorescent lamps supplied with alternating-current
Satisfies the standard*: DIN EN 61347-2-3 (incl. Appendix J)
Special requirements placed on electronic ballast for fluorescent lamps supplied with alternatingcurrent
Satisfies the standard*: DIN EN 61000-3-2
EMC (electromagnetic conformance) standard
Satisfies the standard*: DIN EN 61547
EMC standard – electrical interference, in particular for emergency lighting lamps
Satisfies the standard*: DIN EN 55015 (measurement for AC and DC)
EMC standard – limit values and measuring procedures for radio interference to electrical lighting equipment
* The certification in accordance with VDE 0108 does not suffice because this is not any electronic ballast standard Manufacturer details:
CEAG data
No-load current of the electronic ballast (without or with defective illuminant) in DC operation
Setpoint for use of: 2L-CG-S: <10 mA / <28 mA 2L-CG (4–120 W): <10 mA 2L-CG (7–120 W): <25 mA 2L-CG (11–120 W): <41 mA
Selection aid for lamps / ballast monitoring modules, CEAG type: 2L-CG, as specified in the catalog
Valid building permit Fire protection expertise with the building’s fire areas Escape and rescue paths diagram Floor plans and sections Planning documents for the general lighting
Max. switch-on current Permitted total switch-on current for: SKU 4 x 1 A (CG) => 60 A/ms per ECG in AC per circuit operation: SKU 2 x 3 A (CG) => 120 A/ms per circuit SKU 1 x 6 A (CG) => 180 A/ms SKU 2 x 3 A CG-S => 250 A/ms per circuit SKU 1 x 6 A CG-S => 250 A/ms
Applies to a maximum permitted switch-on current of the ballasts in circuit in order to handle the maximum contact load of the circuit switching operations.
Rated current in AC operation:
To determine the maximum number of ballasts per circuit
The fire protection concept specifies the general outline for the scope of the required safety lighting. However the general standards and regulations are often merely amended by special additions. To determine the overall scope of amendments, see Table 10.4/1.
Rated current in DC operation:
Light flux ratio in DC operation 186 V comipared with 230 V
In battery operation for emergency light ballasts for the light planning
Lights planned for use as safety lights must conform to the DIN EN 60598-2-22 standards.
Table 10.4/2: Requirements placed on third-party ECGs (request table with an e-mail to:
[email protected])
the further planning for three reasons: Lamps for general lighting requires higher wattages with the consequence that fewer lights per circuit can be connected. More circuits (cabling and circuit modules) are required. The lights and their fittings must satisfy a number of standards. Table 10.4/2 summarizes the standards to be satisfied and the required parameters for ECGs in safety lighting . The required battery capacity will be much greater. Converted architect lights often have a “wild” interior. Important is that a light that serves as a safety light must now satisfy much stricter criteria. And the more additional engineering (monitoring module, separate ECGs for multilamp lights, DALI modules) installed on-site, the more difficult it is to satisfy these standards. In the worst case, the general lighting that was merely
converted to safety lighting does not function in an emergency. All persons involved will have to carry the responsibility. A better solution is to have the manufacturer directly equip the desired lights with the required emergency light components. This retains the warranty and the CE marking is normally maintained. The number of lights is now determined individually for each fire area. To do this, enter the safety and rescue path lights required in accordance with EN 1838 in the floor plans and transfer them to the project chart (Photo 10.4/1). The circuits result from the fire areas and the associated lights. The correct system must now be chosen. If permitted by the building conditions, the equipping of fire area with low-power systems (LP system, previously called group battery systems) is a good choice. If this is not possible, the use of a central power system (CP system, previously called central bat-
tery system) is recommended. The final circuit wiring from the LP and CP systems to the lights is made in accordance with the Sample Directive on Fireproofing Requirements for Line Systems (MLAR). The advantage of these systems lies in the relatively short cable lengths, and the energy required in an emergency is available from batteries very near the place of use. No complicated switchgear and cable networks for distributing the emergency power must be built and maintained (E30, E90). When the safety lighting needs to be activated, the safety light unit must receive a switch-on signal. The extent of the possible interference sources that need to be detected and avoided in an emergency must be considered. The procedure here is simple. The general distribution board is monitored with voltage sensors so that on occurrence of an incident, the complete general lighting of a complete
Photo 10.4/1: Example of a project schedule (request project schedule as an Excel file with an e-mail to:
[email protected])
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area cannot fail undetected. This obviously also includes lighting control and any bus systems. Irrespective of whether the bus fails and the general power supply is still operational or, the other way round, the safety lighting must operate without delay in any fault situation. This obviously also applies to dimmed safety lights. Safety lighting with alternative power sources The installation of alternative power sources for the safety lighting is somewhat more difficult than for the LP and CP systems. The effort for the acquisition of a failure of the general lighting remains the same as for the LP and CP systems. The difficulty here lies in the often long, including lines between buildings transmission lines of the emergency power supply in the fact that power must be 100% provided in an emergency (take account of the protection requirements). The planner is responsible and must prove that safety lighting is available without delay when required, and not interrupted for the prescribed nominal operational duration. However, because every electrical system is built differently, this can develop into a demanding task. A possible approach could be mind-mapping: follow the path of the emergency supply from the point where the emergency power source feeds in to the final circuits of the safety lighting. Every place where emergency power supply could be hindered must be considered in advance and precautions must be taken to prevent such adverse effects. Such areas also include possible excavation work in the property, fire in distribution boards or on cabling sections, normal wear, usual power failures in the public grid etc. The inrush currents must not be underestimated, which, in an emergency,
would load such alternative power sources, in particular, when all consumers are switched on at once. The smallest and the largest possible short-circuit current must be included in all calculations. Selectivity and absence of system perturbations must be proved with calculations and documented. In case of fire, possible heating of the E30/E90 power cables must be considered for calculating appropriate cable cross sections. Considerations are required when exactly the emergency power source should be connected into supply in an emergency and how the system recovery test could proceed. Whether this effort is worthwhile compared with LP systems and CP systems may be different from case to case. The step, however, must be considered carefully from the beginning, because a change from one system to another system is not always possible. Single battery lights Although single battery lights are easier to use, they are not economical when more than approximately 15 units are involved. The purchase price and the frequently-required battery replacement mean they do not really represent an alternative. The systems should have at least an automatic test log and a blocking function. There are many reasons for and against the use of single battery lights. Anyone who has already used this technology knows what problems are involved. Such a solution can be recommended only under very unusual circumstances.
10.4.2 Where Is a Safety Lighting System Required? E DIN VDE 0108-100: 2005-10; Section 4.1 “The safety lighting ensures that should the general power supply fail, the lighting is made available without delay, automatically and for a predefined time in a specified area”. The system must ensure that the safety lighting satisfies the following functions: a) Illumination of the rescue path signs b) Illumination of the exit ways so that the safe areas can be safely reached c) Adequate illumination of the fire fighting equipment or alarm equipment along the rescue paths d) It should permit work associated with safety measures. To ensure that the safety lighting system is configured to meet the applicable standards, prior to configuring the system, drawings must be provided that show the layout of the buildings and all existing or suggested rescue paths, fire-alarm call points and fire protection equipment, and indicate the position of all obstacles that could impair escape. The safety lighting must be active if only parts of the general lighting fail. Provisions must always be made to ensure that, should the general power supply fail, the safety lighting in the affected faulted area is activated. This can also mean that individual circuitbreakers, ground leakage circuitbreakers and control-circuit fuses for bus systems or light control systems are monitored. At least two circuits and two safety lights must be planned for every area equipped with safety lighting.
Controllers and bus systems of the electrical system for safety purposes must be independent of the controllers and bus systems of the building control systems. A coupling of both systems is permitted only with an interface that ensures a reliable, electrical isolation of both systems from each other. The extent of a safety lighting depends on the type and use of the building. Further notes are contained in Table 10.4/1.
10.4.3 MLAR – Sample Directive on Fireproofing Requirements for Line Systems Several high damage incidents in recent years made it clear that a power failure, etc., can also be the result of a fire. Consequently, MLAR guidelines must be considered during the setup of safety lighting systems. The functional safety of the whole system must always be considered when determining the system scope.
MLAR: 2005-11, Excerpt: 5 Functional Endurance of Electrical Cable Systems in Case of Fire 5.1 Basic Requirements 5.1.1 The electrical cable systems for safety technology systems and equipment prescribed by the building regulations must be constructed or separated by components in such a way that the safety systems and equipment remain functional (functional endurance) in case of fire for an adequate period of time. This functional endurance must be ensured for possible interactions with other systems, equipment or their parts. 5.1.2 Other safety systems and equipment required for operation may also be connected to the distribution boards for the electrical cable systems which were installed for safety systems and equipment prescribed by building regulations. In this case, it must be ensured that safety systems and equipment prescribed by the building authorities are not impaired in any way. 5.2 Functional Endurance 5.2.1 Functional endurance of the cables is ensured if the cables a) satisfy the test requirements specified in DIN 4102-12:1998-11 (functional endurance class E 30 to E90) or are laid b) on unfinished ceilings below the floor screed with a thickness of at least 30 mm or if c) they are buried in the ground. 5.2.2 Distribution boards for electrical cable systems with functional endurance in accordance with Section 5.3 must be a) located in dedicated rooms not used for other purposes that are separated from other rooms by walls, ceilings and doors with a fire resistance appropriate for the required duration of the func-
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tional endurance and, with the exception of the doors, with non-inflammable building materials, b) separated with a housing for which the operability of the electrical fittings in the distribution board is proved in case of fire for the required duration of functional endurance by a usability certification issued by the building authorities (note: the party performing the installation has the proof responsibility) or c) surrounded by components (including their terminations) that have a fire resistance appropriate for the required duration of the functional endurance and, with exception of the terminations, are made of non-inflammable building materials, whereby it must be ensured that the operability of the electrical fittings in the distribution board is proved in case of fire for the required duration of functional endurance. (This requires a certified system with building authorities approval number of at least Z 86.2) 5.3 Duration of the Functional Endurance 5.3.2 The duration of the functional endurance of the wiring systems must be at least 30 minutes for a) safety lighting systems; excluded are wiring systems used to supply power to the safety lighting only within a fire area at a floor level or only within a staircase; the floor area of each fire area must not exceed 1,600 m2, b) passenger elevators with control that allows use in case of fire; excluded are wiring systems located within the elevator shafts or the motor rooms laid with functional endurance E30.
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10.4.4 Installation of a CP System Battery System For the installation of CP System battery systems a number of regulations and specifications apply, in particular MLAR: 2005-11, DIN EN 50272-2 and LBO. Depending on the building conditions, the previously mentioned regulations and specifications provide the following possibilities for placement: Main distribution board of the general power supply (MD-GPS) and main distribution board of the safety power supply (MD-SPS) in an electrical operating area. Ensure here that MD-GPS and MD-SPS are separated from each other with 30 minutes functional endurance (Fig. 10.4/1a). MD-SPS including battery in a separate electrical operating area. Ensure here that MD-GPS and MD-SPS are separated from each other with 90 minutes functional endurance (Fig. 10.4/1b).
10.4.5 Final Circuits in the Fire Area The requirements placed on fire protection have resulted in a greatly increased installation effort. To address this development in the final circuits, in addition to the previously mentioned three circuit types, a fourth circuit type has been developed – allowing free programming in the circuit. In this case, only two final circuits are required for each fire area. Permanent, standby or switched lights can be attached at any point of such a circuit. Power is always present at all lights and the system module in the lights blocks or releases the power to the ECG. The installation is made in the conventionally installed safety lighting circuits without additional
Fig. 10.4/1b: Placement of CP System battery systems, battery systems in the HV-SV
Fig. 10.4/1a: Placement of CP System battery systems with substation
expense. The requirements placed on fire protection in accordance with MLAR: 2005-11 remain effective. Circuitry types of the safety lighting Permanent light (DS) Safety lights in “permanent light” illuminate in every operating state. In power system operation, the lights are supplied with 230/240 V, 50/60 Hz. In battery operation, the switching unit installed in the safety lighting system supplies power to the safety lights. Standby light (BS) Safety lights switched in “standby” illuminate when the normal lighting fails (power failure) and for a manually or automatically activated continuous operation test. Should the power system fail, the control unit switches to battery operation. The direct current fed over the switching unit supplies the lights, until the power system is restored or the exhaustive discharge protection is activated.
Switched permanent light (DLS) Safety lights switched in “switched permanent light” illuminate when the general lighting is switched on, the general lighting fails or for a manually or automatically activated continuous operation test. This circuit type allows the safety lighting to be integrated seamlessly in the general lighting. User-configurable circuit (STAR) Safety and rescue sign lights in the DS, BS, DLS circuit types are operated using a patented technology on the usual 3-pole power cable. Software that runs on the Windows user interface is used to program the CEAG products.
6 circuits
Fig. 10.4/2: Traditional installation with the DS, BS, DLS circuits; two circuits are prescribed for each type (a total of six circuits) 2 circuits
Fig. 10.4/4: Safety lighting system with the appropriate E30 wiring using three fire areas in a building. The hybrid circuits (STAR) reduces the wiring effort by 50% for each of the two supply leads.
Fig. 10.4/3: Installation with user-configurable circuits (STAR hybrid circuit) requires only two final circuits for all circuits. Subsequent change to the circuit type is possible without any problems.
10.4.6 Test of a New System To ensure that the safety lighting has been installed correctly, a test by an authorized expert must be made prior to the initial commissioning. The expert must certify the effectiveness and operational reliability of the system. The test inspector must test at least the following parameters:
tion (transient system fault) at the end of 2/3 of the nominal operating time. In addition, for group and central battery systems: Behavior of the general lighting in case of the power system recovery Execution of the network monitoring Documentation (DIN EN 50172) SCSG fire protection Absence of system perturbations (DIN EN 50172) Ageing reserve for the battery (DIN EN 50171)
DIN VDE 0100-718 provides basic statements about the installation of a safety lighting system, E DIN VDE 0108-100; 2005-10 provides additional information for battery-backed systems.
10.4.7 Standards
For all systems
As of March 2007, VDE 0108-1 to VDE 0108-8 should no longer be used.
Nominal illuminance including an ageing allowance (E DIN VDE 0108-100; 2005-10) Measurement of the lighting system values in accordance with DIN 5035-6 Power system recovery and reactiva-
DEN 50172 (VDE 0108-100: 2005-01) has already been supplemented in 2005 (E DIN VDE 0108-100: 2005-10). The immediate use of this draft is recommended by the responsible UK 221.3 of the DEK (Deutsche Kommission für Elektrotechnik Elektronik
Informationstechnik, German Commission for Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Information Technology) in the DIN and VDE. This means the following standards should be used for newly planned safety lighting systems:
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Contact: CEAG Notlichtsysteme GmbH Senator-Schwartz-Ring 26 59494 Soest, Germany Telephone: +49 (0) 29 21 / 6 9-8 70, Fax: +49 (0) 29 21 / 69-6 17 Internet: www.ceag.de E-mail:
[email protected]
Ease of Operation, Safety and Control Engineering
10.5 Robust Remote Terminal Unit for Extreme Environmental Conditions (SIPLUS RIC) The requirements for the simple inclusion of data from peripheral sources in the existing control systems increase. Ease of operation, optimization and monitoring tasks must be satisfied. The communication paths are very comprehensive and often also long; the data sources are very diverse and often must be changed in remote, inhospitable regions. This means the remote terminal unit must be correspondingly flexible. General requirements placed on a remote control system for extreme environmental conditions Extended temperature range from -40 to +70 °C Standard transmission protocols, observance of communications standards such as IEC 60870 Low energy consumption Robust construction suitable for outdoor use, stainless steel housing Simple installation and commissioning Over-voltage protection Faster availability at the site of installation and prepared external connections Expandible hardware and software Versatile communication connections and protocols to the control center High data security Compatibility to existing control systems
Environmental conditions / outdoor operation The housing constructed as a robust stainless steel unit and the electronics designed for operation in a wide temperature range from -40 to +70 °C makes the remote terminal unit suitable for use as outdoor device. For protection from aggressive gases, humidity and condensation, the electronic circuit boards can be coated with a protective varnish. Dialectric strength of the inputs and outputs Depending on the application and the site of installation, high requirements are placed on the electrical loading capability of the inputs. For operation in electrical power distribution systems, the inputs and outputs must be designed for maximum surge voltages of 3.5 kV.
Use of communications standards The communications types for remote control systems agreed in international committees are specified in the IEC 60870-5-101 and -104 standards and prove a high and reliable standard. The observance of these standards ensures the simple and reliable data exchange. Comprehensive know-how is available worldwide. Examples of the functions defined by the IEC required uniformly for WAN: Data types with attributes Communication or operating modes Clock handling Operational and alarm signalling Preprocessing of measured values and counter values Command processing Diagnostic functions Control center link
Wide-range power supplies The integrated wide-range power supplies that can be operated with both 110/230 V AC and 24/110 V DC allow the devices to be connected directly to the available power supply without requiring any additional power converter. This saves not only engineering expense, but also hardware and installation. Communication The international standard protocols developed for applications in the power transmission and distribution sectors permit a reliable data transmission also over large distances. The actual communication medium can be: Modem with wire connection Ethernet Optical fiber conductor Wireless/GPRS
Depending on the application, the data must be interfaced to control centers. For a SIMATIC solution, the remote terminal unit is accessed from a CPU of the S7-300 or S7-400 series. The connection between the CPU and the remote terminal unit is based on the standard protocol IEC 60870-5101 or 60870-5-104 using an appropriate communications medium (cable, optical fiber conductor, wireless, mobile radiocommunications, …). If information needs to be exchanged with power supply system operators, utility companies, etc., the remote terminal unit can perform this task directly. The building services control system or automation system is decoupled. The interface between the operators is a clearly defined hardware interface. No intervention is made in the building services control system.
Connection of the remote terminal unit to an existing control center The use of standardized remote control protocols makes the inclusion of SIPLUS RIC in SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) systems easy to implement.
Photo 10.5/1: Modular, hardened remote control system (from the left: main module, motor control module, analog inputs/outputs, digital inputs/outputs)
Cost-optimized design For the selection of the devices, to avoid the need for expensive engineering, ensure that the basic version already includes all components required for operation, such as power supply, inputs, outputs and communications interfaces. To extend the data volume, expansion modules supplied with power from the base unit can be plugged in.
16 digital inputs 4 analog outputs 16 digital outputs Expansion modules can be extended with one or more of the following units DI 16, digital inputs AI 8, analog inputs CO 16, digital outputs MCU, Motor Control Unit Available protocols
Simple installation For installation, the device is simply snapped on a mounting rail. All connections are made using plug connectors. This allows connection to be prepared in advance so that the commissioning cables only need to be plugged in.
IEC 870-5-101 IEC 870-5-104 In preparation: ModBus RTU
The SIPLUS RIC product family sets the standard in the industry with regard to flexibility, robustness and ease of use. The connection to SIMATIC, in particular, allows the use of the best features of both systems. The platform basis is SIMATIC S7 Long-term availability Standard portfolio, stocks of spare parts Familiar look-and-feel Same tool, no new on-the-job learning, no new training Platform expansion with SIPLUS extreme Hardened against temperature effects Hardened against environmental effects with a contour-adapted coating (conformally coated) Platform expansion with SIPLUS RIC IEC protocols implemented as application, no version dependency Expanded with outdoor devices
Compatibility Easy compatibility between the SIMATIC CPU and the remote control system makes the application very flexible. This allows the benefits of both systems (automation and remote control system) to be used.
Further information: Siemens AG A&D SE S5 Würzburger Str. 121 90766 Fürth
The main module is fully equipped with Power supply (AC or DC) Communications interfaces (LAN, electrical or optical fiber conductor)
Photo 10.5/2: Possible connection of the remote terminal units to a SIMATIC system
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Claus-Thomas Michalak Klaus Czwalinna Tel.: +49 (0) 9 11 / 7 50-23 04 Tel.: +49 (0) 9 11 / 7 50-49 78 E-mail:
[email protected] E-mail:
[email protected]
chapter 11
11 Appendix A1 Standards, Regulations and Guidelines
When planning and erecting buildings, many standards, regulations and guidelines must be observed and complied with in addition to the explicit specifications made by the building and plant operator
(e.g. factory regulations) and the responsible power distribution network operator. The following list shall give you an overview of the most important documents in this context.
DIN 57100 VDE 0100
Erection of low-voltage installations with rated voltages up to 1,000 V
DIN VDE 0100-710
Erection of low-voltage installations – Requirements for special installations or locations – Part 710: Medical locations
DIN VDE 0100-718
Erection of low-voltage installations – Requirements for special installations or locations – Part 718: Installations for gathering of people
DIN VDE 0101
Power installations exceeding 1 kV
DIN EN 60909-0 VDE 0102
Short-circuit currents in three-phase a.c. systems - Part 0: Calculation of currents
DIN VDE 0105-100
Operation of electrical installations – Part 100: General requirements
(VDE 0107)
Withdrawn, currently DIN VDE 0100-710
(VDE 0108)
Withdrawn, currently DIN VDE 0100-718 (transition period until 03/2007)
DIN VDE 0141
Earthing system for special power installations with nominal voltages above 1 kV
DIN VDE 0185-1
Protection against lightning – General principles
DIN EN 50272-2 VDE 0510-2
Safety requirements for secondary batteries and battery installations – Part 2: Stationary batteries
DIN VDE 0800-1
Telecommunications; general concepts; requirements and tests for the safety of facilities and apparatus
Arb.Stätt. VO
Workplace Ordinance
Elt Bau VO
Regulations (of the German Länder) on the construction of utilities rooms for electrical installations
Instruction for the protection from acoustic exposure
“Technical supply conditions set by the local power distribution network operator”
The stipulations made by TÜV, TÜH, and Dekra Rules for the prevention of accidents Official regulations (e. g. state building regulations) and other conditions for building imposed by authorities Expertise on fire safety and expert concepts
Further notes on planning, configurations and layout: VDI 2078 To calculate the cooling load in air-conditioned rooms AGI J 12
Construction of rooms for indoor switchgear, Worksheet published by Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industriebau e. V. (AGI) (Working Group on Industrial Building)
Applicable VDE standards can be found in the standards database provided by VDE Publishing House (www.vde-verlag.de).
Table A1/1: Standards, regulations and guidelines
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A2 Safety Standard for Low-Voltage Switchgear Assemblies Requirements on low-voltage switchgear regarding their heat dissipation, packing density, management of high short-circuit currents and insulation strength have risen tremendously in recent years. Safe operation of low-voltage switchgear is only ensured if the manufacturer observes all standards applicable to the switchgear assembly and is able to present proof thereof. Only switchgear in compliance with currently valid standards satisfy present-day safety regulations.
The following standards apply: IEC 60439-1, VDE 0660 Part 500 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly Type-tested and partially type-tested assemblies
Type-tested assemblies (TTA) In such an assembly, all components alone as well as their functionable assembly, including all electrical an mechanical connections have been type-tested. The prerequisite for the use of other switching/protective devices is that their technical data are at least identical or better (conclusion by analogy). Partially type-tested assemblies (PTTA) Such assemblies contain type-tested and not type-tested components. Not type-tested components must be derived from type-tested ones. For type-tested assemblies all proof must be produced by means of testing.
1. Proof that temperature-rise limits are kept. In circuits of max. 3,150 A feeding current this proof may also be produced by means of extrapolation. 2. Proof of the short-circuit strength is ommitted for switchgear which is protected by a current-limiting device with a let-through current ≤ 15 kA. If extrapolation or calculation according to DIN VDE 0660 Part 500 is required, it shall always be based upon a deduction of type-tested systems. Only if all proof has been produced unambiguously, the system in question is a type-tested switchgear assembly or a partially type-tested assembly. Hence, these assemblies meet the relevant safety regulations.
There are two exceptions for partially type-tested assemblies:
The content of these two standards is identical. They show two possibilities to manufacturelowvoltage switchgear:
Required proof for compliance with standards
• Type-tested assemblies (TTA)
1. Temperature-rise limit
Test or extrapolation
2. Dielectric strength
3. Short-circuit strength
Test or extrapolation
4. Effectiveness of the protective conductor
5. Creepage distances and clearances in air
6. Mechanical function
7. IP degree of protection
• Partially type-tested assemblies (PTTA)
A3 IP Degree of Protection according to IEC 60529
Meaning for the protection of equipment:
4 Designation Protection by an enclosure is indicated in the IP code as follows
4.1 IP code layout
Code letters Second code figure
(International Protection) First code figure (figures 0 to 8 or letter X) Second code figure (figures 0 to 8 or letter X) Additional letter (optional) (letters A, B, C, D)
(not protected)
vertical drops
drops (15 ° inclination)
jetproof (strong jets)
temporary immersion in water
permanent immersion in water
Meaning for the protection of persons
Protected against ingress of foreign matter
Protected against access to dangerous parts with a
(not protected)
(not protected)
back of the hand
≥ 50 mm in diameter
back of the hand
≥ 12.5 mm in diameter
≥ 2.5 mm in diameter
≥ 0.04 in in diameter
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Meaning for the protection of persons: IP.X
Additional letter (optional)
First code figure
Meaning for the protection of equipment: IP.X
Protected against ingress of water with harmful effects
Protected against access to dangerous parts with a
A4 Installation Guidelines for Cables and Wires Again and again, cables and wires are laid wrongly. When recoiling or unwinding, damage may already be inflicted (Fig. A4/1). Their tensile and thermal loads are often not looked into. The following installation guidelines shall help to minimize trouble. Cabling must be selected appropriate to the installation and operating conditions. It must be protected against mechanical, thermal or chemical impact, as well as against the ingress of moisture from the cable ends. Insulated high-current power cables must not be buried in the ground. Temporary covering of rubber sheathed cables, type NSSHÖU, or cable tracks with soil, sand or similar, e.g. on construction sites is not considered as burying. Fixtures of stationary cables and wires must not damage them. If cables and wires are laid horizontally on walls or ceilings and fastened with clips, for cables and wires which are not reinforced, the 20-fold outer diameter is an approximate value for clip spacing. This spacing also applies to brackets for laying on cable ladders and racks. When laid vertically, clip spacing may
be increased as appropriate for the cable or clip type. For connection to non-stationary equipment, flexible cables must be relieved from tensile load and shearing at the entry points into the casing and secured against twisting and kinking. The outer cable sheath must not be damaged by the tension relief devices. Standard models of flexible PVC cables are not suitable for outdoor installation. Flexible rubber sheathed cables (e.g. NEOFLEX cables) are only suitable for permanent use outdoors if their outer sheath consists of plastic material, normally based on polychloroprene (e.g. Neoprene). Special cables must be used for permanent application in water. Cable systems with functional endurance These cable systems must be designed in compliance with the type tests (DIN 4102-12).
lowest permissible ambient temperature. Tensile load Tensile load of conductors should be as low as possible. The following tensile load on cable conductors must not be exceeded: Cables for non-stationary equipment For cable installation and operation intended for non-stationary equipment, a maximum of 15 N per mm2 conductor cross section is permitted, whereby cable screens, concentric conductors and split protective conductors are not counted. Cabling which is subject to dynamic stress in operation, e.g. in cranes with a high accelaration force, in power chains with a great movement frequency, appropriate measures must be taken, e.g. increasing the bending radius in the individual case. Otherwise the cable service life may be impaired. Cables for fixed installationg The maximum tensile load for fixed cable installation is 50 N per mm2 conductor cross section.
Thermal load Temperature-rise limits for the respective cable design are included in the technical data. The upper limits must not be exceeded because of cable heating on account of current heat dissipation and ambient thermal impact. The lower limits specify the
Fig. A2/1: Recoiling and unwinding of cables
For further information on these installation guidlines please refer to DIN VDE 0298-1 DIN VDE 0891
A5 Fire Load Values of Cables and Wires
Fire load calculations are gaining more and more importance for public buildings. Depending on the material type, cables and wires have different
mean fire load values. The fire loads given in the table below are nonbinding guide values only.
Material Type
Fire load in kWh/kg Average
Fire load value in MJ/kg Average
HFFR cross-linked
Integration of fire loads at and in buildings into the calculation. As far as the assessment and limitation of consequential fire risks are concerned, there are different national laws and standards to date. In Germany, the applicable state building regulations for buildings stipulate that certain limits regarding the accumulation of combustible parts directly connected to the building, such as cables and wiring of building installations, be also taken into account (see Supplement 1 of VDE 0108 Part 1).
Note: The above mentioned calculation is only applicable to cables and wires whose combustible materials are fully made of the same material type and do not contain any other metal parts besides the copper content. Product-specific fire load values in form of a table can beobtained on request for: ÖLFLEX CLASSIC 100H, ÖLFLEX CLASSIC 110H, ÖLFLEX® CLASSIC 110 CH, ÖLFLEX 120H, ÖLFLEX 130H, ÖLFLEX 120 CH, ÖLFLEX FD 820 H und ÖLFLEX FD 820 CH. Conversion of quantities: 1 kWh/m = approx. 3.6 MJ/m; 1 MJ/m = approx. 0.227 kWh/m.
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A6 Table of Nominal Illuminance Type of indoor area or activity
Nominal illuminance En [lx]
1. General areas 1.1 Traffic zones in storerooms
1.2 Storage areas 1.2.1 Storage areas for similar or large-unit goods
1.2.2 Storage areas with search requirements for non-similar storage goods
1.2.3 Storage areas with reading requirements
1.3 Automatic high-rack warehouse 1.3.1 Corridors
1.3.2 Operator station
1.4 Dispatch center
1.5 Recreational, sanitary and medical care facilities 1.5.1 Canteens
1.5.2 Other recreational rooms and resting areas
1.5.3 Rooms for physical exercise
1.5.4 Changing rooms
1.5.5 Washing rooms
1.5.6 Lavatories
1.5.7 Medical rooms, rooms for first aid and medical care
Atmospheric lighting, possibly incandescent lamps
Possibly additional illumination of mirrors
1.6 Building services, utilities 1.6.1 Machine rooms
1.6.2 Power supply and distribution
1.6.3 Telex, post room
1.6.4 Telephone operator
2. Traffic routes inside buildings 2.1 For people 2.2 For people and vehicles
50 100
2.3 Stairs, moving escalators and inclined traffic routes
2.4 Loading platforms
2.5 Automatic conveyor systems or belts in the vicinity of traffic routes
Adjustment of nominal illuminance to adjacent areas: En1 ≥ 0.1 En2 where: En1 = En of the traffic routes En2 = En of adjacent areas
2.6 Gateway areas 2.6.1 For day shift 2.6.2 For night shift
2 x En min. 400 lx 0.5 En to 0.2 En
A6 Table of Nominal Illuminance
Type of indoor area or activity
Nominal illuminance En [lx]
3. Offices and similar rooms 3.1 Office rooms with daylight-oriented workplaces only in the immediate vicinity of windows
3.2 Office rooms
3.3 Open-plan offices – high level of reflection – medium reflection
750 1,000
3.4 Technical drawing
3.5 Conference and meeting rooms
3.6 Reception rooms
Workplace-oriented general lighting, at the workplace at least 0.8 En High levels of reflexion: ceilings with min. 0.7, walls/partitions min. 0.5. Single-user lamps useful En referred to a typical position of the drawing board of 70 ° towards the horizontal plane; in the center 1.2 m high
3.7 Areas with access to the public
3.8 Areas for data processing
4. Chemical industry 4.1 Process plants, remote- controlled
4.2 Process plants with occasional manual intervention
4.3 Permanently occupied workplaces in process plants
4.4 Measuring desks and stations, control platforms and desks
4.5 Laboratories, fabrication
4.6 Works requiring advanced viewing tasks
4.7 Color checks
If required for operative reasons: En < 300 lx
Single-user lamps useful. Pay attention to color rendering.
5. Cement industry, ceramics and glass making 5.1 Workplaces and areas near kilns, at mixers for raw material; crushers in brickyards
5.2 Enameling, rolling, pressing, forming of simple parts, glazing, glass blowing
5.3 Grinding, etching, polishing of glass, forming of fine parts, manufacture of glass instruments
5.4 Decoration work
5.5 Grinding of optical lenses, crystal glass, off-hand grinding and engraving, medium-quality work 5.6 Fine work
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750 1,000
Single-user lamps useful
A6 Table of Nominal Illuminance
Type of indoor area or activity
Nominal illuminance En [lx]
6. Iron and steel works, rolling mills, large foundries 6.1 Production plants without manual intervention
6.2 Production plants with occasional manual intervention
6.3 Permanently occupied workplaces in production plants
6.4 Measuring desks and stations, control platforms and desks
If required for operative reasons: En < 300 lx
6.5 Test and quality check stations
If required for operative reasons: En < 500 lx
7. Metal processing 7.1 Handforging of small parts
7.2 Welding
7.3 Workstations, automated or semi-automated machinetools
7.4 Coarse and medium machine work; permissible tolerance > 0.1 mm
7.5 Fine machine work; permissible deviation < 0.1 mm
7.6 Workplaces with robots
7.7 Marking, measuring and inspection workplaces
7.8 Cold rolling mills
7.9 Wire and tube drawing, production of cold strip sections
7.10 Metal sheet processing
7.11 Manufacture of tools and cutlery
For permissible tolerances see DIN 7168 Part 1
7.12 Assembly 7.12.1 coarse
7.12.2 medium-fine
7.12.3 fine
7.13 Drop-forging
7.14 Foundries 7.14.1 Accessible subterranean tunnels, conveyor belts, cellars etc.
7.14.2 Platforms
7.14.3 Sand conditioning
7.14.4 Dressing station
7.14.5 Workplaces at the cupola and mixer
7.14.6 Casting houses
7.14.7 Shake out places
7.14.8 Machine molding
7.14.9 Manual molding
7.14.10 Core making
7.14.11 Pattern making
7.15 Diecasting shops
7.16 Surface treatment
A6 Table of Nominal Illuminance
Type of indoor area or activity
Nominal illuminance En [lx]
7.16.1 Electroplating
7.16.2 Smoothing, painting, varnishing
7.16.3 Check stations
7.17 Tool, gage, model and jig construction, precision tool making high-precision assembly
7.18 Automotive production plants
7.18.2 Body, surface treatment
7.18.3 Paintshop – spray booth
7.18.5 Paintshop – finishing 7.18.6 Upholstery
Single-user lamps useful At assembly lines with workplacerelated fluorescent lighting, glare reduction can be ommitted if plant conditions require this
7.18.1 Body shop
7.18.4 Paintshop – polishing stations
750 1,000 500
7.18.7 Final assembly of car body and chassis
7.18.8 Inspection
8. Power plants 8.1 Feeder systems
8.2 Boiler house
8.3 Pressure compensation rooms in nuclear power plants
8.4 Machine rooms
8.5 Adjoining rooms, e.g. pump stations, condenser rooms
8.6 Switchgear stations in buildings
8.7 Control rooms
If required for operative reasons: En < 300 lx
8.8 Maintenance work at the turbine and generator
Additional lighting for the duration of the work
9. Electrical/electronic industry 9.1 Cable and wire production, varnishing and impregnation of coils, assembly of large machinery, simple mounting work, winding of coils and armatures with coarse wire
9.2 Assembly of telephones, small motors, winding of coils and armatures with medium-size wire
9.3 Assembly of small equipment, radios and TV sets, winding of fine wire coils, fuse production, adjusting, testing, calibrating
9.4 Assembly of smallest parts, electronic components
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Single-user lamps useful
A6 Table of Nominal Illuminancee
Type of indoor area or activity
Nominal illuminance En [lx]
10 Jewelry, watch and clock making industry 10.1 Jewelry making
10.2 Gem cutting
10.3 Optician’s and watchmaker’s workshops
Single-user lamps useful
11 Wood working 11.1 Steaming pits 11.2 Frame saws
11.3 Work at the planing bench, glueing, assembly
11.4 Selection and check of veneer wood, inlays
11.6 Working at woodworking tools, turning, chamfering, dressing, rabbeting, slitting, cutting, sawing, milling
11.7 Wood finishing
11.8 Quality checks
12 Paper making, graphic and printing industry 12.1 Work at hollander engines, edge runners and pulp mills
12.2 Paperboard, corrugating and cardboard machines, cardboard production 300 12.3 Ordinary bookbinder’s work, wallpaper printing
12.4 Gilding, blocking or blind-tooling, work at printing presses
12.5 Retouching, manual and machine typesetting
Avoid glare by reflection by means of suitable angles of incidence; diagonally from side for manual typesetting
12.6 Color checking for multi-colored prints
Single-user lamps useful
12.7 Steel and copper engraving
12.8 Photo typesetting, reproduction
12.9 Page layout finishing, copying
13 Leather industry 13.1 Work at tubs, vats and pits Prevent reflections by choosing suitable angles of incidence
13.2 Scraping, slicing, rubbing, tumbling of skins
13.3 Saddler’s work, stitching, sewing, polishing, sorting, pressing, cutting to size, punching, shoe making
13.4 Leather dyeing (machine-dyeing)
Ensure vertical lighting of vats
For darker materials increase to 1,000 lx, possibly by single-user lights
13.5 Quality checks
A6 Table of Nominal Illuminance
Type of indoor area or activity
Nominal illuminance En [lx]
13.5.1 for medium demands
13.5.2 for superior demands
13.5.3 for premium demands
For surface checks: additional lighting with diagonal incidence; single-user lamps useful
13.6 Color checks
Single-user lamps useful; pay attention to color rendering
14 Textile manufacture and processing 14.1 Workplaces and areas at baths and breaking of bales
14.2 Carding, washing, ironing, work at opening and carding machines, stretching, combing, slashing, card cutting, roving, jute and hemp roving
14.3 Dyeing
14.4 Preparing the yarn or warp beam, warping, spinning, spooling, reeling, twining, twisting, knitting, emboidering, weaving
14.5 Pricking, perching, sewing, cloth printing
14.6 Millinery
14.7 Burling, napping
14.8 Invisible mending
14.9 Quality and color checks
Single-user lamps useful, pay attention to color rendering
15 Food, beverage and tobacco industry 15.1 Workplaces and work areas in the brewery, at the malt-floor, for washing down, filling in barrels/kegs, cleaning, sieving, peeling, food processing in the cannery, and work in chocolate factories, workplaces and work areas in sugar refineries, for the drying and fermenting of crude tobacco, fermenting cellar 200 15.2 Picking and washing of produce; grinding, mixing, packing
15.3 Workplaces and work areas at slaughterhouses, butchers’ shops, dairies, grinding mills and filtering floors
15.4 Cutting and sorting of fruit and vegetables
15.5 Preparation of delicatessen, kitchens; manufacture of cigars and cigarettes
15.6 Quality checks of glass jars and product checks; garnishing, decorating, sorting
15.7 Color checks, laboratories
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Depending of the workplace layout, ensure sufficient vertical illuminance
Single-user lamps useful, pay attention to color rendering
A6 Table of Nominal Illuminance
Type of indoor area or activity
Nominal illuminance En [lx]
16 Wholesale and retail trades 16.1 Shops
16.2 Cashier’s desks
17 Crafts and trades (examples from various industries) 17.1 Flame conditioning and painting of steel parts
17.2 Preassembly of heating and ventilation systems
17.3 Locksmith’s and plumber’s shops
17.4 Garages 17.5 Joiner’s workshops on construction sites
300 see no. 11
17.6 Repair shops for machinery and apparatus
17.7 Radio and TV repair shops
Select nominal illuminance according to no. 11
18 Service sector 18.1 Hotels and restaurants 18.1.1 Reception
18.1.2 Kitchen
18.1.3 Dining room
18.1.4 Conference rooms
18.1.5 Self-service restaurants
18.2 Launderettes and dry cleaners 18.2.1 Washing
18.2.2 Machine ironing
18.2.3 Manual ironing
18.2.4 Sorting 18.2.5 Stains removal quality check
300 1000
18.3 Hair styling
18.4 Cosmetics
Single-user lamps useful
19 Plastic processing 19.1 Injection molding
19.2 Blow molding
19.3 Pressing
Abbreviations A
Common Information Model, IEC standard (cf. IEC 61970) for the integration von IT systems in the power generation and distribution industry
Canadian Standards Association
(file) Character Separated Values, Comma Separated Values or Semi-Colon Separated Values; text file for saving and exchanging simple-structured data in which the individual data items are separated by commas, semicolons or other symbols
AA (or ST)
Shunt release
Alternating current
Air Circuit-breaker
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Industriebau, German working group on industrial building
American National Standards Institute
Automatic reclosing
Auxiliary switch
“Arbeitsstätten-Richtlinie”, Workplace Regulation
American Society for Testing and Materials
Digital Adressable Lighting Interface; protocol for controlling digital lighting equipment in buildings
Direct current
“Betriebssicherheitsverordnung”, Ordinance on Industrial Safety and Health
“Berufsgenossenschaftliche Vorschriften und Regeln für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit” Regulations and rules for safety and health at work by the workers' compensation insurance carriers
Dimensioning factor; ratio of the rated apparent power Sgen to the apparent power SUPS of the uninterruptible power supply
Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V.; German industrial standard
Definite-time overcurrent-time protection
C Controller Area Network; field bus system developed by Bosch for networking controllers in automobiles
European Community
Electronic control gear
CENELEC Certification Agreement; an agreement which entitles European manufacturers to obtain a national certification mark for their electrical engineering products, based upon test results from an approved institute of one of the particpating countries. (source: http://www.ul-europe.com/de/ solutions/marks/cca.php)
European Installation Bus
Electromagnetic compatibility
European standard
Ethylene propylene rubber
EIB Tool Software
Electronic trip unit
Ethylene vinyl acetate
(marking) Communauté Européenne; European Community; using the CE mark, manufacturers confirm the conformity of their products to the relevant EC Directives and compliance with “essential requirements” stipulated therein Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique; European Committee for Standardization in Electrical Engineering Continuous Function Chart; Siemens engineering tool for graphic editing of automation functions based on prepared function blocks under the Microsoft Windows operating systems
Central grounding point
Combined heat and power plant
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Fuse-block; fuse socket with fuse-link
Functional extra-low voltage
Fault current
Fault signal switch
File Transfer Protocol; specific network protocol for data transmission via TCP/IP networks
General power supply
Low-voltage high rupturing capacity fuse
Low-voltage main distribution
High Definition Prismatics; lighting technology deveoloped by Siteco
Miniature Circuit-breaker
High-voltage high rupturing capacity fuse
Molded-case circuit-breaker
Heating, ventilation, air conditioning
Manufacturing Execution System
Honorarordnung für Architekten und Ingenieure, Regulation of Architects’ and Engineers’ Fees in Germany
Capacitor type
Sample Directive on Fireproofing Requirements for Line Systems
Motor Starter Protector
Internal Arc Classification
Motor Protector Circuit-Breaker
Instantaneous electromagnetic release
Medium-voltage (supply)
Instrumentation and Control Cargo Cabinet; container for electrical/electronic and control systems, suitable for transportation by air
Medium-voltage main distribution
International Electrotechnical Commission
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor; used in motor drives, traction power controls, UPS systems and power supply units, for example
N NES 713
Standard on the toxicity of flames
Norme Française
Nickel cadmium
IP (code)
International Protection (acc. to DIN); Protection against ingress (of)
Internet Protocol
Open DataBase Connectivity; standardized database interface, used as database query language in –> SQL
International Organization for Standardization
(–> OPC) Object linking and embedding; a Microsoft proprietary object system and protocol which enables interaction of different (OLE-capable) applications and thus the creation of heterogenous composite documents
OLE for Process Control; standardized software interface
Optical waveguide
UPS factor
Konnex; building systems technology in compliance with EN 50090
Local Area Network
Inverse-time (long-time) delayed release
(~ resonant circuit), inductive-capactive resonant circuit
Liquid crystal display
Light Emitting Diode
Lightning electromagnetic pulse
Limited Oxygen Index
Lightning protection zone
Category of operational availability of (medium-voltage) switchgear
Portable Document File; cross-platform file format developed by Adobe Systems
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, highest German federal agency for testing, calibrating and approvals
Process Fieldbus
PROFIBUS DP PROFIBUS distributed periphery PTTA
Partially type-tested (switchgear) assembly
Polyvinyl chloride
Redundant Array of Independant Discs
Residual-current-operated circuit-breaker with integral overcurrent protection
Residual current protective device
Residual-current-operated circuit-breaker
Technischer Überwachungsverein, German service organization for technical inspection and safety tests, now the brand name for technical and life safety approvals concerning industrial applications as well as the private consumer
Unified glare rating
Uninterruptible power supply
Short-time-delayed overcurrent release
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
Static bypass switch
Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies
Switch-disconnector-fuse; switch disconnector with fuse
Verein Deutscher Ingenieure e.V., Association of German Engineers
Simultaneity factor
Valve Regulated Lead Acid
Sulphur hexafluoride
Switching electromagnetic pulse
Simple Network Management Protocol, for easy control and monitoring data network components such as routers, servers, switches, printers, computers etc. from a central server
Wasserhaushaltsschutzgesetz, German Federal Water Act
Windows Metafile; vector-based graphics format developed by Microsoft
Structured Query Language; programming language for the definition, query and manipulation of data for relational databases
Seamless Telecommunication Architecture
Static transfer switch
Safety power supply
Technical instruction, in Germany, on various (environmental) issues, such as air pollution, noise etc.
Technical supply conditions (of the power supply network operator)
Transmission Control Protocol
Total Harmonic Distortion
Totally Integrated Power
Thermal-magnetic tripping
Type-tested assembly; type-tested switchgear assembly
Staatliche Technische Überwachung Hessen, Technical Control Association in the State of Hesse, as a joint venture by the TÜV Süd and the State of Hesse
Totally Integrated Power by Siemens
Central Association of Electrical and IT Trades in Germany
Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V., German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association
Zone-selective interlocking (also called short-time grading control)
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Contacts for Special Interests Elevators, escalators, moving walkways
Safety lightingng
Uninterruptible power supply
OTIS GmbH & Co. OHG Otisstraße 33 D-13507 Berlin Tel.: +49 30 4304-1600 Fax: +49 30 4304-2585
CEAG Notlichtsysteme GmbH Senator-Schwartz-Ring 26 D-59494 Soest Tel.: +49 2921 69-0 www.ceag.de
MASTERGUARD GmbH Postfach 2620 D-91014 Erlangen Fax: +49 9131 6300300 www.masterguard.de
Lighting systems
Infoline (workdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Tel.: 0180 5323751 E-mail:
[email protected]
Siteco Beleuchtungstechnik GmbH Technical Support Georg-Simon-Ohm-Straße 50 D-83301 Traunreut/Obb. Tel.: +49 8669 33844 Fax: +49 8669 33540 E-mail:
[email protected] www.siteco.de oder www.siteco.com
U.I. Lapp GmbH Schulze-Delitzsch-Straße 25 D-70565 Stuttgart Tel.:+49 711 7838-01 www.lapplabel.de
Totally Integrated Power Application Manual – Part 2: Draft Planning
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Published by Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Automation and Drives
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Power Transmission and Distribution Siemens Building Technologies
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Editor Ralf Willeke, Siemens AG, A&D CD TIP Publishing House Publicis KommunikationsAgentur GmbH, GWA Nägelsbachstr. 33 91052 Erlangen, Germany Print
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© 2007 Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Berlin and Munich Alle rights reserved. Nominal charge 36 EUR. All data and circuit examples without engagement. Subject to change without prior notice.
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Totally Integrated PowerTM Application Manual – Part 2: Draft Planning
Application Manual – Part 2: Draft Planning www.siemens.com/tip The information provided in this manual contains merely general descriptions or characteristics of performance which in case of actual use do not always apply as described or which may change as a result of further development of the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall only exist if expressly agreed in the terms of contract. All product designations may be trademarks or product names of Siemens AG or supplier companies whose use by third parties for their own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.
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