Top 75 KPIs for Human Resources department
The prime role of the Human Resources function is to support the achievement of organizational goals by ensuring that relevant and innovative people policies, practices and organizational systems are in place so that the organizatio organization n can attract, retain and develop outstanding outstanding staff. Below is a list of 75 !"s a Human Resources department could use in order to trac# its performance regarding this role.
These metrics are split into 14 categories: recruitment, training, health & safety, performance, employee loyalty,, working time, HR efficiency, compensation, loyalty compensation, labor relations, regulation compliance, employee satisfaction, HR budget, job leaing, workforce information!
$.Recruitment metrics
Recruitment cost per employee "erage time time to recruit #per position$ %umber of 's per channel %umber of interiews per submitted ' ( new hires achieing )4 months serice ( new hires achieing satisfactory appraisal after first assessment
%.Training !"s
Training Trai ning e*penditures+total salaries and wages ( HR budget spent on training ( employees gone through training %umber of training hours per employee mployee satisfaction inde* with training e-learning course utili.ed ( e-learning pass rate
&.Health and safety metrics
%umber of accidents per year /ercentage of employees with ade0uate occupational health & safety training Health & safety preention costs per month ost time #in hours$ due to accidents per year /ercentage of issues raised by h ealth & safety representaties
'.!erformance !"s
NB: Competence focuses on capability that includes knowledge, abilities, skills to perform tasks; while Performance focuses on result of tasks.
( of appraisals completed on time ( of employees aboe competence #and those below$ ( of low performing employees #and for high performing$ ( of employee with their performance decreased compared to last month #and increased$
5.(mployee loyalty metrics
mployee turnoer #total staff as recruited+total staff as planned$ Rate of life cycles of employees #total time sered in the company of all staff+total staff recruited$
).*or#ing time indicators
+ of total hours lost to absenteeism verage overtime hours per person + of man days lost due to stri#e Total time lost by wor# late -ost time due to nonfatal accidents or accidents per year
7.HR efficiency metrics
/ales turnover per employee 0or 1ull Time (2uivalent3 1T(4 !rofits per employee dministration cost per employee -abor cost as + of sales
.6ompensation !"s
2alary rate + sales turnoer ost rate of workers compensation ost rate of social insurance ost rate of medical insurance ost rate of benefits "erage income per employee by month "erage income per employee by hour "erage income per employee by position
.-abor relation metrics
%umber of emails issued %umber of staff briefing sessions conducted %umber of teams meetings %umber of unfair dismissal claims %umber of actie fle*ible work agreements
$8.Regulation compliance !"s
%umber of iolation per year #by sector$! Metric to split: small, medium, strong iolation. osting lost by iolation Time lost by iolation 'iolation rate by department
$$.(mployee satisfaction metrics
( aerage satisfaction #to be split by department, by position, by tenure, etc$ ( aerage satisfaction by field !compensations and benefits, training, recognition, opportunities for deelopment, leadership, work enironment, personal relations, etc"
$%.HR budget metrics
"erage cost of recruitment per year "erage cost of recruitment per staff "erage cost of training per year ( training cost + sales turnoer Training cost per employee 2alary budget ratio + sales turnoer Health safety cost per year Human resources cost per sales turnoer ompensation and benefit cost + sales turnoer per year
$&.9ob leaving !"s
9ob leaving ratio per year 9ob leaving ratio per department verage age of employees that retire !ercentage of early retirements ttitude of employee who leave :ob (satisfaction ratio with the following: salaries, benefits, work environment, opportunities for development, personal recognition, job, personal relations, etc)
$'.*or#force metrics
%umber of 3Ts in HR HR 3Ts as ( of total workforce #3Ts$ /ercentage of outstanding employee probation reports! %umber of 3ull Time mployees
%umber of /art Time mployees %umber of employees per age category #with pyramid$ "erage length of serice #current employees$ "erage length of serice #terminating employees$ ( ratio of salaried staff to waged staff - 2ee more at: http:++www!businessperformancemanagement!info+)11+11+top-56-kpis-for-humanresources-department!html7sthash!89pe)*r!dpufT
Human Resources !"s "ctual ersus budgeted cost of hire
"nnuali.ed oluntary employee turnoer rate
"nnuali.ed oluntary turnoer rate
"erage headcount of employees each human resources #HR$ employee working is caring for
"erage interiewing costs
"erage length of placement in months for the manager
"erage length of serice of all current employees
"erage length of serice of all employees who hae separated
"erage months placement
"erage number of training hours per employee
"erage number of acation days per employee
"erage performance scores of departing employees
"erage retirement age
"erage salary
"erage salary for all employees reporting to the selected manager
"erage sourcing cost per hire
"erage time employees are in same job+ function
"erage time to competence
"erage time to update employee records
"erage training costs per employee
ompensation cost as a percentage of reenue
ontingent workers
mployee satisfaction with training
nd placements
3emale to male ratio
3ull-time employees #3Ts$ per human resources #HR$ department 3T
Headcount of contingent workers for the manager
HR aerage years of serice #incumbents$
HR aerage years of serice #terminations$
HR department cost per 3T
HR headcount: "ctual
HR headcount: "ailable
HR to employee staff ratio
;ob acancies as a percentage of all positions
%ew hire 0uality
Time to fill
Hiring manager satisfaction
ost per hire
2taffing efficiency
%umber of end placements made in the reporting period for the manager
/art-time employees as a percentage of total employees
/ercentage of employees receiing regular performance reiews
/ercentage of employees that are near or at ma* for their acation balances
/ercentage of HR budget spent on training
/ercentage of new hire retention
Ratio of internal ersus e*ternal training
Ratio of standard leel wage to local minimum wage
Return on inestment #R<$ of training
Total oertime hours as a percentage of all work hours
Training penetration rate #percentage of employees completing a course compared to all 3Ts$
8orkforce stability