Explore how T.S.Eliot’s poetry engages readers through its poetic treatment of uncertainty. In your answer make detailed reference to at least TWO of the following prescribed poems. The prescribed poems are:
* Preludes * The Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock
* Rhapsody on a Windy Night * The Hollow Men
* The Journey of the Magi
• Expl or ehow t i meandpl acear eusedi nEl i ot ' spoet r y t oshapet her eader ’ sunder st andi ngofman' si sol at i on.I n yourr esponse,makedet ai l edr ef er entt oatl eastTWO of t hepoems mssetf orst udy. • “Thr oughi t spor t r ayalofhumanexper i ence,El i ot ’ s poet r yr ei nf or cest heval ueoft hei ndi vi dual ” . • Towh whatext entdoesyouri nt er pr et at i onofatl eastTWO ofEl i ot ’ spoe mss ms uppor tt hi svi e w? w? • Eval uat et heeffect i venessofEl i ot ’ sexpl or at i onoft he r el at i onshi pbet weeni ndi vi dual sandt hei rwor l dwi t hi nhi s poe t r y .I ny ourr e spons edi s cus s‘ TheLov eSongofJ .Al f r e d Pr uf r ock’andoneot herpoem setf orst udy. • “ Despi t edi ffer i ngr esponsest ot ext sovert i me, ul t i mat el yi ti st hest r uct ur eandf eat ur esofat extt hati smost si gni ficanti ne val uat i ngi t ssuccess” . • Expl or et heeffect i venessoft hepoet i cst yl eofT.S. El i ot ’ swh whe ne val uat i nghi ssuc cessasapoe t .Re f ert oa tl eas t TWO oft hepr escr i bedpoems mssetf orst udy. • How i syourper sonalr esponset ot hepoet r yofTSEl i ot s ha pe dbyape r c ept i onoft hei ndi v i dua li nt hepoe ms ms ?I n youranswer ,r ef ert oTHREEoft hepoems mssetf orst udy. • Comp mposeanar gumentf ororagai nstt het opi c: ‘ Thatev er yt exthasi t susebydat e. ’ • Consi deryourpr escr i bedt ext ’ si deas,l anguageand f or m,andi t sr ecept i oni ndi ffer entcont e xt s. • Aval uabl et exthassomet hi ngt osayandsaysi twel l . How v al i di st hi scl ai m,consi der i ngt hedi ffer e ntcont e xt si n whi chat extcanber ecei ved?I nyourr esponsecompar eyour
e val uat i onofEl i ot ' spoet r ywi t honeot herper spect i v eonhi s wor k.Baseyourdi scussi ononcl oseanal ysi sofatl eastTWO poems. • Wr i t easer i esoft hr eeorf ourr eflect i onst hat demonst r at ehow yourr esponset oTSEl i ot ' spoet r ychanged a ndde ve l ope ddur i ngt hepr oc es sofy ourc r i t i c als t udy .Ba se yourr eflect i onsonadet ai l edexami nat i onofTWO orTHREE ofEl i ot ' spoems.( 2009I nde pendentT r i a l ) • “ At exthasval uei fi tcr eat esoppor t uni t i esf orchange, whi l emai nt ai ni ngi t scor eval ues. ”Expl or et hi snot i oni n r el at i ont oyourt extsetf orst udy . • Akeyaspectoft hepoet r y’ songoi ngappeali sEl i ot ' s r ej ect i onofst r uct ur e.I ny ourvi ew,t owhate xt entdoest he l ackofst r uct ur econt r i but et ot heappealofEl i ot ' spoet r y? Suppor ty oure val uat i onwi t hdet ai l edr ef er encet oatl east TWO oft hepoemspr escr i bedf orst udy . How hasconsi de r i ngot heri nt er pr et at i onsofEl i ot ' spoe t r y he l pe dy oude v el opy ourowna ppr e ci a t i onoft het e xt ua l i nt e gr i t yoft hepoe t r y ?I ny ourr e spons ey ous houl dc ons i de r t hei de as ,poe t i ct e chni que sa nds t r uc t ur eofa tl e as tTWO poemspr escr i bedf orst udy. Tensi onbet weeni ndi vi dual sand l i f eexper i encescr eat ei nt er esti nt hepoet r yofTSEl i ot . Di scussi nr ef er encet ot wopoems.
Thee ndi ngofa nyt e xti sde si gne dt or es ona t ewi t ht her e ade r . El i ot ’ spoe t r yi snoe xce pt i on.Thefinall i nesoft hepoem se t f ors t udyac ta sacodaorfina lme ssa get ha tr e flec tEl i ot ’ s mai ni deas .I ny oi urst udyofEl i ot ’ spoet r y ,ha veyou f ound
t hi st obet hecase?Ref eri nyourr esponset oatl eastTWO ofhi spoems andt hei mpor t anceoft hefinall i nes
CATHOLI CTRI AL2016 Thr ought hecompel l i ngpr esent at i onofmemor abl eexper i ences El i ote nga ge s Expl or et her ol eofl anguageandf or mi ndemandi ngyour engagementwi t hexpr essi oni n TWO poemssetf orst udy
How does our appreciation of the textual integrity of T S Eliot's poetry, informed by an analysis of his language, context, content and construction, lead to a deeper understanding of key ideas. In your response, make detailed reference to and at least ONE other poem set for study.
Rhapsody on a Windy Night
How does the representation of people in TS Eliot’s poetry enable the reader to perceive and understand the problems these people face In your response make reference to Prufrock in “THE LOVE SONG OF J ALFRED PRUFROCK “ and ONE person in another poem from your prescribed list T.S. Eliot, Selected Poems An inherent tension between stability and change is revealed through recurring images in Eliot’s poetry. To what extent does your interpretation of Eliot’s Rhapsody on a Windy Night and at least one other poem align with this view? In your response, make detailed reference to Rhapsody on a Windy Night and at least ONE other poem set for study.