Intro and Achievements Achievements (Why me?) Hello, my name is Poorna Durga and I would need a few minutes of your time to explain why hiring me as your B2B Business development manager will ultimately benet Clear ax! ax! Currently, I am a"tively loo#ing for "areer in B2B as I always have passion to wor# in B2B! Previously, I was wor#ing as an $sso"iate Consultant for %i"rosoft Cloud with e"hno e"hno fo"us solutions! %y responsibil responsibilities ities in"luded in"luded building and and maintaining maintaining relationships with "orporates li#e &ipro, HC', C(C and %i"rosoft $)ure professionals along with leading a team of Cloud engineers! I led the biggest pro*e"ts in the industry in terms of revenues and number of deliveries! %y "ontributions "ontributions to the "ompany were in"reasing its pool of $)ure professionals from + to - and also in"reasing its revenues by ./-0 than the previous nan"ial year! %y self1starting nature, relationship building and negotiation s#ills along with ui"# learning played "ru"ial role in a"hieving this! I "ompleted post graduate diploma in management in %ar"h 2-.3 at Indian Institute of %anagement, Indore! I have gone through several sales and mar#eting "ourses there! $s a part of my summer internship, I wor#ed with a "ompany whi"h is operating in edu"ation se"tor! 4ne of my a"hievements during this internship was in"reasing the sales revenue by approa"hing prospe"tive asso"iates through building strategi" relationship! here is one more example that I "an share here to prove my self1starting nature, relationship building and "ommuni"ation s#ills! his was my extra"urri"ular extra"urri"ular a"tivity during my %B$ days! I "o1founded and led the non1 prot organi)ation organi)ation whose main motive is the empowerment of rural India! (tarted with a small team of volunteers and we rea"hed over 2--- volunteers along with 3 "ore teams and four di5erent programs in a span of 2 years! &e re"eived the best so"ial initiative award for this initiative where - other initiatives were parti"ipated in the "ompetition! &hy B2B6 (ales is "hallenging, but it is a "ru"ial s#ill to have for the rest of my life! 7very Day you meet new people! It is about understanding "lient ob*e"tives, building relationships with "lients and maintaining those relationships! I really en*oy ma#ing "onta"ts and tal#ing with people! he most rewarding part of being in B2B, for me, is the time spent with "lients, helping them ma#e the right de"ision about a produ"t! I pride myself on ma#ing sure that a "lient #nows about the produ"t they are pur"hasing, pur"hasing, and has the ability to use it to its fullest potential! In spe"i" to the 8( produ"t, I have basi" understanding about 8( ling and role of 8(P and $(P! %oreover, there is a uantitative measure of your a"hievement! Deliver your number and get the rewards!
1.Sal esma mak ey oubel i ev ei nyour s el f .2.Sal est eac hesy ou‘ Pat i enc e’ .3.Sal esma mak esy ou me etl i k e mi n dedp eop l e .4 .Sa l e st e ac he sy o uh owt o‘ r e ad ’Pe op l e.5 .VCsl o v eSAL ES peopl e!6.Sa l est ea chesy out hebu si ne ssmo model soft hewor l d.7.Sal eshel psy ouSe l l ‘ y our s el f ’ .
Why Clear tax? Clear tax is one of top rising startups in India! Currently, it has over . million "ustomers with about 2-,--- businesses ling tax returns and "laiming D( refunds! &ith more people *oining the formal e"onomy post demoneti)ation and the 8( rollout, the s"ope of growth is undeniably immense! Clear tax is the fth Indian startup to be funded by 9Combinator, it was the rst whi"h fo"used only on the Indian mar#et! $fter mentioning these things no need to highlight the fa"t that Clear tax has strong leadership team! I am not only loo#ing for *ust another *ob but I am loo#ing for "areer! $ "areer whi"h "an be"ome the tool that helps me grow not *ust materially but also emotionally and intelle"tually! I believe Clear tax provide me this opportunity as they are disrupting the mar#et with their with 8( platform and have talented people on board! 'ast but not the least, proud to be part of the biggest indire"t tax reform in our "ountry sin"e independen"e! &hile my edu"ation and experien"e would add value to organi)ation, when you "ombine these with my passion, dedi"ation and "ommitment, I believe I provide the total pa"#age! I guarantee that you won:t regret ma#ing the de"ision to hire me! ;han# you for wat"hing my Prole
Questions to the interviewer:
4n the other hand, third1party appli"ations are expe"ted to have ri"her interfa"es and features reuired by spe"i" groups of taxpayers >e!g!, large taxpayers with "ompletely automated nan"ial system, (%7 with semi1automated system, and small si)e with no system?! $lso, due to its sheer si)e, the 8( ling portal will not be as nimble as those provided by third1party appli"ations!
So who exactly are Clear tax GST sotware tar!et customers?
$""essing the 8( ling system dire"tly through the 82B portal may not be a good option for many taxpayer organi)ations, who may instead a""ess it via third1party appli"ations! hese appli"ations have the benet of being mu"h more user friendly and "ustomer fo"used! hey will "onne"t with the 8( ling system via se"ure 8( (ystem $PIs! Developers of su"h appli"ations have been given generi" names@ 8( (uvidha Provider, or 8(P, and $ppli"ation (ervi"e Providers, or $(P! 8(Ps and $(Ps thus will provide mu"h needed support to taxpayers in the I e"osystem for 8(! But, while the extent of support provided by a 8(P may be limited to providing enri"hed a""ess to the 82B portal, support provided by $(Ps will extend mu"h further and will address most taxpayer "omplian"e diA"ulties!
So is Clear tax "rovidin! GS# su""ort or AS# su""ort or $oth?
ASPs will focus on taking taxpayers’ raw data on sales and purchases and converting them it into the GST returns. These GST returns, or GSTs, will then !e filed on !ehalf of the filer with GST" via the GSP.
Cloud based products, SAAS
3-parameters; 1. Number of invoices
Upload all the sales data – ever month !"# have sales and purchase data Clear ta$ – it %ill collect data from !"#s,