Key Word Transformation ExercisesDescripción completa
FCE word formation exercisesFull description
Descripción: FCE Key Word Transformation Exercises with answers.
FCE word formation exercisesFull description
Key Word Transformation ExercisesFull description
WORD FORMATION, exercise, English language, cae levelFull description
WORD FORMATION, exercise, English language, cae level
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We use the personal and impersonal passive to express other people`s opinions. We can use the impersonal passive to avoid mentioning the identity of the agent. We usually do this by using re…Descripción completa
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Lab Exercise : 1 Objective The purpose of this exercise is to train students to create indented paragraphs with line spacing Instructions The following options of MS-Word will be used in this exercise. Home
Questions 1.
Type formula rand!"#1$% . !Three paragraphs will be created comprising 1$ sentences each% •
'ndent only the (rst line of 1 st and "rd paragraph
'ncrease the left indent of the & nd paragraph
*ecrease the right indent of the &nd paragraph.
Set the ,ine Spacing of the 1 st paragraph to 1.+
Set the ,ine Spacing to the & nd Paragraph to *ouble
/hange the Spacing before and after the paragraphs
Page &
Lab Exercise : 2 Objective The purpose of this exercise is to train students to create newspaper articles Instructions The following options of MS-Word will be used in this exercise. Page ,ayout Page ,ayout 'nsert 'nsert 2eferences
Questions 1. Type heading 3MS-455'/6 &$$7 /hange font si8e to "# 5ont color to 0lue Ma9e it centrali8ed • •
Type formula rand!+% . !Two paragraphs will be created comprising 1+ sentences each% •
/on:ert both paragraphs into three columns with line between.
'nsert *rop cap at starting of the document.
The heading of the document should be placed in border with shadow.
'nsert /lipart with caption in any column
Lab Exercise : 3 Page "
Objective The purpose of this exercise is to train students to create tables Instructions The following options of MS-Word will be used in this exercise. 'nsert
Questions 1. /reate the following table INSTITTE O! "SINESS #DMINISTR#TION MS WORD
&. ". ). +. . . ;.
/hange the table bac9ground color /hange the table border color# border style /hange the table style /hange columns height and rows width 'nsert /lipart with caption in any column 'nsert two columns for MS-P4W62P4'=T > MS-//6SS uto(t table
Lab Exercise : ) Objective
Page )
MS WORD The purpose of this exercise is to train students to create organi8ational chart or family tree
Instructions The following options of MS-Word will be used in this exercise. 'nsert
Questions 1. /reate the following organi8ational chart
&. ". ).
The orientation of the document will be ,=*S/P6 ll boxes will be appeared with shadow /hange the line weight to " points
Lab Exercise : * Objective The purpose of this exercise is to train students to create Table of contents and 'ndex
Page +
Instructions The following options of MS-Word will be used in this exercise. Home 2eference 2eference
Ma9e a document using 2and! % and apply the following options. There will be < paragraphs in the document with &$ sentences each. The paragraphs headings will be as follows.
&. ".
Heading ,e:el 1
pplication Software
System Software
Heading ,e:el &
4perating System
Heading ,e:el "
@tility Programs
Heading ,e:el "
Heading ,e:el 1
'nput *e:ices
Heading ,e:el &
4utput *e:ices
Heading ,e:el &
Storage *e:ices
Heading ,e:el &
Heading ,e:el &
/reate Table of /ontents /reate 'ndex
Lab Exercise : + Objective The purpose of this exercise is to train students to create Headers and 5ooters Instructions The following options of MS-Word will be used in this exercise.
The header of Pages 1#"#) The footer of pages 1#"#)
d% e%
The header of pages +# The footer of pages +#
f% g%
The header of last ) pages The footer of last ) pages
The footer on co:er page is not reAuired
'nstitute of 0usiness Management 1 2 3 )
/ollege of 0usiness Management I II
/ollege of /omputer Science a b c
Lab Exercise : ; Objective The purpose of this exercise is to train students to create Mail merge document Instructions The following options of MS-Word will be used in this exercise.
MS WORD Mailings
Start Mail Merge ? 'nsert merge (elds ? Pre:iew results
Questions 1,
Write a 6etter an a//67 ai6 er0e o/tion, a% /reate *ata 5ile named 3' 4 0 M7 b% 'nsert & records. c%