Once upon a time, in a small village near the beach in West Sumatra, Indonesian archipelago. A woman woman and her son lived there, peacefully and hopefully. MKM MKM
!I !I mis misss you yourr fat fathe herr."
!#on !#on$t $t be sad sad,, Mom. Mom. We %us %ustt need need to to &eep &eep pra prain ing g for for his his best best." ."
!'o !'ou$re right, right, I hope he will will enter enter the paradise. paradise.""
!I hope hope so. so. (mm (mm,, the the sun sun has has rise rise,, I nee need d to go, go, Mom. Mom. )a&e car caree for for yourself."
!O&ay !O&ay,, don$t don$t be lat latee at home home.. *e care careful ful." ."
!O&ay, bye+"
e was a healthy, dilligent, and strong boy. e usually went to sea to caught fish, and brought it to his mother, or sold it in the town. MK
!Oh+ th this day will be so so long."
!ey+ What happen0"
!1ah, nothing."
-/ -/
! !ome ome on, on, I hea heard rd you you say sayin ing g som somet ethi hing ng." ."
!' !'a, thi thiss day day will will be so long long.. Am Am I wron wrong0 g0""
-/ -/
!1o !1o,, you you aren aren$t $t.. *ut *ut waht waht ma&e ma&ess you you loo& loo& sad0 sad0""
!m, !m, I am bore bored d with with thi thiss %ob, %ob, act actua uall lly y. atc atch h fish fish , sell sell fis fish, h, eat eat fis fish. h. All of my days will be li&e that, boring. I want something that more challenging, and more, um, you &now."
!(m !(m,, I &now &now what whatss e2ac e2actly tly in you mind. mind. I thin thin& & sail sailor or will will be be good good.. *ut I can$t say anymore about it."
!I thin& so. #on$t worry. ry."
!)ha !)han& n&ss anyw anyway ay,, I thi thin& n& thi thiss is enog enogh, h, I$l I$lll go home home firs first. t.""
-/ -/
!O& !O&ay ay,, you$ you$re re welc welcom ome, e, be care carefu ful. l.""
!' !'ou$re u$re worr worry ying ing too too much uch abo about ut me, me, hah haha+ a+""
-/ -/
!Wh !What at00 'es+ I mea mean, n, no+ no+ Iam Iam not, not, oh come come on+" on+"
)hat day become a long day da y, li&e what he said. *ut yes, it$s his his life. *ut o ne day, when he was sailing. MK
!Wh !What at is that that00 Oh, Oh, 3od. 3od. 4ira 4irate tes. s. I nee need d to to hel help p the them. m.""
!e !ey+ y+ -or -or 3od 3od$$s sa& sa&e+ e+ I tol told d you you to to get get out out of this this ship ship+" +"
!ah+ 1onsense+ We do what we want to do+ 6at this"
A fight was started. *etween himself, merchant$s crew, and a small band of pirates. e helped the merchant. With his brave and power, he defeated the pirates. M5
!Are you o&ay0"
!'ep, I$m o&ay. ow about you0"
!Oh, 3od. I$m o&ay. )han&s, young man. If you were not here, we will defeated, anyway."
!1evermind, I$ll do what I got to do."
!)han&s again, here some pri7es from us. We$re sorry, thats all we have, but we hope those will help you."
!)han&s, these will be surely help me."
!ey+ We need to tal& something."
!What is it0"
M5/ !What about sailing with us0 With your brave and your power, I bet you li&e this. And you$ll get the better life." MK
!)hat would be a good idea, but I need to tal& with my mom, first."
!I$ll be at doc&, when the sun rises."
e was so happy in his heart, but, he need to tal& with his mom, for his best. MK
!i+ Mom, I$m home."
!What ma&es you home too late0"
!So, here is the story, Mom."
e told his mom about what happened in the merchant$s ship. And told her about the merchant$s bid. )he ne2t morning right before the sun rises. MK
!Mom, I$ll go with them, you ta&e care. I$ve told our neighbors to loo& after yourself. I$ll home after a few year."
!O&ay, I hope you$ll be alright there, ta&e care of yourself, don$t be late at all. I$ll pray for your best. *e careful."
!)han&s, Mom. I hope you$ll be alright too. Me too, I hope for your best. )han&s."
e accept the mercahnt$s bid. Sailing with them, on offshore, trading goods, defending their ship from pirates. e li&es his %ob, more challenging li&e what he said
before. *ut in other circumstance, his mother actually overloaded about his departure, but she always hope for her son$s best. )he time is &eep running, days turned into wee&s, wee&s turned into months. 8i&e what the merchant said, he got his better life, becoming wealthy, had a huge ship with a lot of ship crews. And fortunately he had a wife too, a beautiful wife. One day, when he was sailing. MK
!We stop right there, we$ll trade our goods, and do what you gotta do+"
MKS !Ai ai+ aptain+" MK
!I thin& I &now this place."
!What happen0"
!1ah, I$m good."
!3ood to hear that."
!ey is he our friend0 )he boy that always with his mom0"
!Which one0"
!)here, with that huge ship. Aih+ Where are you loo&ing at, I said there+"
!Oh that boy+ I &now him, he is our firend. 8ets tell his mom."
!)hats a good idea, she surely missed him."
!3ood morning madam, we saw that your son has arrived in the doc&."
!Are you sure0"
!We pretty sure, follow us+"
!On your bac&."
!ey+ My son, I missed you so much+ Is she your wife0 She is very beautiful."
!Who is she0 Is she your mom0"
Ashamed with his mom condition, he refused that his mom is his mom, when his wife as&ed. *ut his mom was trying persuade him that she is his mom, but he &eeps refuse. MK
!6nough+ I was enough, you get out of here+ I$m not your son, I even don$t &now whou you are, you aren$t my mother+ Are you saying that you are my mom to ta&e my wealth0 a0+ 1o, unfortunately you can$t+ 8et$s get out of here+"
MKS !Ai ai+ aptain+" MKM
!Oh, my son. )rust me I$m your mom. -or 3od$s sa&e+ 'ou will be a stone, no matter what+"
!:ust, let$s get out of here+"
MKS !Ai ai+ aptain+" )hen, they were continuing their sail. 8eaving that village full of sadness atmosphere. And they reached offshore. )he sea was ;uiet, peacefully. 1othing is need to be worried about. *ut they were forget about what happened in the village, blinded by their wealth. )hey were celebrating their success in trade. )he waves were calm, no cumolonimbus, no huge wave, no shar&, no whale, no monster. )he sea was calm. *ut suddenly a thunderstorm came. is huge ship was wrec&ed he was too late for apologi7e. e was thrown by the wave out of his ship. Suddenly, he turned into a stone. )his story called Malin Kundang in our society.
A133O)A K68OM4OK Aldo
As -/ =-ish athcer/>, 45) =4irate>, MKW =Malin Kundang$s Wife>
Alfian :ufri Abdila
as MKM =Malin Kundang$s Mother>
5i;i )eguh Afreeanto
as M5 =Merchant>, -9 =-ish atcher9>, MKS =Malin Kundang$s Ship rew>
Wafi A7mi artono
as MK =Malin Kundang