EARLY SENSORY STIMULATION Reported by: Jennylyn V V De O!"#po
$%"t &' Sen'ory St(l"t&on)
T%&' re*er' to t%e p"!t t%e en+&ron#ent %"' on o(r #&nd' "nd bod&e' "' ,e re!e&+e &n*or#"t&on t%ro(-% o(r 'en'ory or-"n' "nd o(r br"&n' &nterpret t%&' &np(t U'("lly 'en'ory 't(l"t&on &n+ol+e' one per'on pro+&d&n- t%e 't(l"t&on to "not%er per'on '(!% "' ,%en 'o#eone p"''&+ely re!e&+&n- " #"''"-e or %"' *(r r(bbed on %&' "r#'
.(t 'o#ete'/ 'o#ete'/ A per'on !"n #erely '&t to en0oy t%e +&'("l 't(l"t&on o* tree'1 ol*"!tory 't(l"t&on o* 2o,er'1 "(d&tory 't(l"t&on o* b&rd' "nd t"!t&le 't(l"t&on o* t%e ,&nd
D&3erent 'en'ory 't(l"t&on t%"t !"n %elp '%"pe o(r !%&ld4' #&nd: V&'("l 't(l"t&on A(d&tory 't(l"t&on Ol*"!tory 't(l"t&on T"!t&le T"!t&le 't(l"t&on G('t"tory 't(l"t&on
5 VISUAL STIMULATION FACT: ACT: 678 o* o(r br"&n &' ('ed ('ed *or 'ee&nO(r br"&n 'tore' "ll t%e !on'!&o(' "nd '(b!on'!&o('1 ne-"t&+e "nd po'&t&+e t%o(-%t' "nd *eel&n-' o* "ll ,e pl"!e o(r "ttent&on on T%e'e be!o#e l&9e l&9e pr&nt' t%"t !"n &n2(en!e o(r "b&l&ty to le"rn &n po'&t&+e "nd ne-"t&+e ,"y'
Allo,&n- yo(n- !%&ldren to 'ee de'tr(!t&+e "-e' "!t("lly blo!9' "!!e'' to t%e type o* br"&n *(n!t&on' needed *or t%e type' o* "!!eler"ted le"rn&n- ,e pro+&de
o, to 't(l"te) In her first month, a baby can only focus about 20 to 30 cm away. This is just far enough for her to clearly make out the face of the person holding her. her. Keep her cuddled up close to you. he!ll find your facial e"pressions fascinating.
At 1 month, your baby can see in color, color, but she can’t tell the t he difference between different shades, stimulate her eyes with high-contrast, bold black & white toys. t oys.
o, to 't(l"te) 2 months old
#Baby’s eyes adjusted and she’ll be able to separate diferent colours; interested in primary shades
$%"t to do
U'e toy' "nd ob0e!t' &n red1 yello, "nd bl(e to -et %er "ttent&on
o, to 't(l"te) 8th m mo o n th s
Your baby will remember and recognize the aces o the people she knows well
S%o, p%oto' o* *"#&l&"r *"!e' "nd 'ee &* '%e re!o-n&;e' ,%o t%ey "re
Yo(r b"by ,&ll be "ble to tell t%e d&3eren!e bet,een ne"r "nd *"r
U'e d&'t"n!e to be "ble *or %er to re!o-n&;e people l&9e t%e =-(re '%o,n belo,:
!"#$% &'%'(" !($ )'($ "''#*+,- !,. ($%!/+,- #*!, "#(',- B(+-*# ',$"0
Blue1 Po,er1 ,&ll1 *"&t%1 prote!t&on1 !o(r"-e Y Yellow ellow -old1 Ill(#&n"t&on1 ,&'do#1 'el*? 9no,led-e "nd open?#&ndedne'' ink (ose1 Lo+e1 !o#p"''&on1 be"(ty1 'el2e''ne''1 'en'&t&+&ty1 "ppre!&"t&on1 !o#*ort1 !re"t&+&ty1 !%"r&ty1 -enero'&ty 3hite1 P(r&ty1 %ope1 0oy1 'el* 'e l*?d&'!&pl&ne1 ?d&'!&pl&ne1 &nte-r"t&on1 per*e!t&on1 ,%olene''1 n(rt(r&n- $merald -reen1 Tr(t%1 +&'&on1 %old&n- t%e %&-%e't +&'&on o* one'el* "nd ot%er'1 %e"l&n-1 ,%olene''1 "b(nd"n!e1 !l"r&ty1 !on't"n!y1 *o!('1 #('&!1 '!&en!e urple1 Pe"!e1 'el2e'' 'er+&!e1 r&-%t de'&re1 b"l"n!e1 %"r#le''ne'' 4iolet1 Freedo#1 Freedo#1 #er!y *or-&+ene''1 0('t&!e1 d&plo#"!y1 &nt(&t&on
FACT: ACT: ."b&e' ."b&e' !"n EAR EAR be*ore be*ore %e4' e+en entered t%e o(t'&de ,orld &' %e"r&n- &' "l#o't *(lly de+eloped by t%e te %e4' born
Yo Your babies hearing hearing starts to develop between ! and " weeks of pregnancy. #o begin with, he’ll mostly hear your heartbeat, stomach rumbles and the sound of your voice as you go about your day.
So#e !l"''&!"l #('&! t%"t !"n %elp: ."ro@(e L"r-o te#poB be't #('&! to pl"y ,%&le en-"-&n- &n " 't(dy or tr"&n&nbe!"('e &t' .PM be"t' per #&n(teB &' t%e '"#e "' t%e "lp%" br"&n ,"+e 't"te
# ALPA STATE #o't re!ept&+e1 "lert 't"te o* #&nd ,e !"n be &n1 ,%&!% &' &de"l *or le"rn&n$ALT %"+e .PM t%"t &' &n %"r#ony ,&t% t%e n"t(r"l r%yt%# o* o(r body T%e ,"lt; %elp' r"&'e o(r ener-&e' "nd !on'!&o('ne'' (p,"rd1 ,%&!% !"n %"+e " po'&t&+e p"!t ,%en 't(dy&n-
M('&! t%"t !"n4t %elp: T%e 3 #('&! !"n be d&'tr"!t&n-:
Vo!"l' C%o&r In'tr(#ent"l t%"t 't"nd o(t
M('&! t%"t !"rr&e' " 'yn!op"ted be"t '(!% "' ro!9 #('&!B &' detrent"l *or 't(dy
%+"#$, #'1 !0 4+4!%.+ 5 6 4+'%+, &',&$(#'" '06
FACTS: Ol*"!tory 't(l"t&on !"n !%"n-e o(r br"&n ,"+e' "nd #ood &n po,er*(l ,"y' Cert"&n type' o* 't(l"t&on l&9e l&9e *ood '#ell' tend to &n2(en!e o(r t%o(-%t' &n ,"y' t%"t "re not !ond(!&+e to le"rn&n- $%en yo(r b"by &' born1 %er 'en'e o* '#ell &' %&-%ly 'en'&t&+e
The sense of smell is processed by a part of the brain brain that that also controls memory. $our baby will form strong associations between particular scents and the e"periences attached to them.
$amiliar smells, especially those of mom or dad, can be very comforting and soothing for your baby. %eing in a favorite place with familiar smells can help to calm her down if she is upset.
%hen you cuddle your baby, and you can smell each other&s scent, you&re both boosting your le'els of o"ytocin, the lo'e hormone. This chemical reaction helps with the bonding process. process.
$our baby can smell e'en before she is born. Through the amniotic fluid, she is able to smell and taste the fla'ours of foods a nd drinks that you ha'e consumed.
.e't E''ent&"l O&l' *or 7rankincense0 T%&' o&l 't(l"te' t%e Le"rn&nlb&! 'y'te# o* t%e br"&n "' ,ell "' t%e
%ypot%"l"#('1 p&ne"l "nd p&t(&t"ry -l"nd' It %"' "l'o been ('ed to rel&e+e depre''&on (osemary T%&' %elp' !l"r&*y t%e #&nd "nd e#ot&on' eppermint0 T%&' &' ('ed to ","9en t%e #&nd "nd %e&-%ten t%e 'en'e' It &' one o* t%e be't o&l' o& l' to boo't ener-y1 !re"t&+&ty "nd le"rn&n- '9&ll'
TACTILE STIMULATION T"!t&le T"!t&le 't(l"t&on !"n !" n be " po'&t&+e le"rn&n- ele#ent *or yo(n- !%&ldren $%en loo9&n- "ro(nd yo(r !%&ldren' !l"''roo#1 *or eH"#ple1 *(rn&t(re *(rn&t(re "nd ot%er ob0e!t' !"n prod(!e !on'!&o(' or '(b!on'!&o(' *eel&n-' t%"t !"n "3e!t t%e&r "b&l&ty to !on!entr"te or le"rn T%e'e *eel&n-' !"n "r&'e by %"ndl&n- or by 'ply loo9&n- or t%&n9&n- "bo(t t%o'e ob0e!t'
Mo't I#po I#port"n rt"ntt Type Type o* T"!t&le T "!t&le St(l"t&on) St(l"t&on)
! )'#*$(" #'9&*
+# +" #*('9-* #'9&* #*!# Y'9 7+("# &'))9,+&! &'))9 ,+&!#$ #$ !,. !,. &'))9,+&!#$ +,#$(! 3+#* Y'9( B!BY
EHpre''&n- lo+e by to(!% &' t%e #o't port"nt "nd po,er*(l type o* t"!t&le 't(l"t&on yo( !"n -&+e yo(r !%&ld Not%&n#"t!%e' " #ot%er' lo+&n- %(- or " -entle !"re'' to @(&!9ly br&nyo(r !%&ld &nto " 't"te o* #&nd "nd e#ot&on t%"t' per*e!t *or le"rn&n-
o, to 't(l"te) Yo Your baby will love love to feel the comfort of your touch from the moment he’s born. kin-to-skin contact can soothe your baby and help with bonding.
As well as being comforted by the feel of you touching his skin, your newborn can respond to touch with his grasp refle'. (f you stroke the palm of his hand he’ll curl his fingers around yours.
)assage can help you to bond with your baby. %y interacting with your baby, you will get to know the type of touch he likes and responds to in particular ways.
Yo Your baby*s baby*s skin is very sensitive. +e is likely to enoy the sensation of being in water and, particularly, particularly, of splashing splashing water in the bath
timulate your baby’s senses with different te'tures smooth, rough, hard or soft and toys that make noises, like rattles. %ooks incorporating te'tures are good, or you could e'plore the feel of fabrics, cardboard or artificial fur.
/nce your baby*s a little older you can introduce play with sand, clay or water too. +e*ll love seeing how the different te'tures respond to his touch.
Yo(r Yo(r b"by ('e' %er #o(t% "nd %er 'en'e o* t"'te "' " ,"y o* eHplor&n-1 le"rn&n- "nd #"9&n- 'en'e o* *ood "nd t%e ,orld "ro(nd %er
0hen you are ust 0223 pregnant, your baby already has tastebuds. 4ater on, she may prefer the foods she was e'posed to before she was born.
Yo Your newborn can recogni5e recogni5e sweet and sour tastes, but prefers sweet. #his is one reason why she loves the taste of your breastmilk.
Your baby uses Yo uses her mouth for more than ust tasting. (t*s very sensitive, so she uses it to get to know different te'tures.
o, to 't(l"te)
0hen you first start introducing foods, sweet vegetables such as carrots or sweet potato may appeal to your baby*s love of sweet tastes.
6iving your baby lots of different foods to try try,, with various tastes and te'tures, may help her enoy a variety of foods as she get older.
+ow long you breastfeed could also affect the variety of food your baby will eat by the time she’s two years old. #here*s more variety in the taste of breastmilk than formula milk so it could make her more open to eating different foods as she gets older.
#ry to not give your baby salty or sugary foods. Yo Y our baby’s baby’s young kidneys kidneys are unable to cope with processing too much salt, and sugar can cause dental decay. (t’s also a good idea not to give her a taste for salty or sugary food.
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5 So#ete' yo(r b"by #"y lo+e " ne, *ood 'tr"&-%t ","y On ot%er o!!"'&on' yo( #"y need to 9eep try&n- t%e '"#e *ood be*ore '%e be-&n' to l&9e &t
!9.+#'(Y "#+)9%!#+', < At "ro(nd t%ree #ont%'1 #ont%' 1 yo(r b"by #"y =r't 't"rt to eHer!&'e %&' +o!"l !ord' by b"bbl&n- ."bble b"!9 T%&' ,&ll en!o(r"-e % to try to t"l9 #ore1 "nd %ell lo+e l&'ten&n- to t%e 'o(nd' yo(re #"9&n- e #"y e+en try to &t"te t%e#
'%7!'(Y "#+)9%!#+',
Don4t ('e %&-%ly per*(#ed or *r"-r"n!ed '9&n prod(!t' &n t%e e"rly d"y' 'o yo(r b"by !"n -et to 9no, yo(r *"#&l&"r '!ent "nd bond ,&t% yo(
REFERENCES %ttp:KK,,,b"by!entre!o(9K D"+&'1 .r"d 1 A(d&tory St(l"t&on En%"n!e' Yo(r C%&ld4' .r"&n F(n!t&on' D"+&'1 .r"d1 Ol*"!tory St(l"t&on C"n A3e!t Yo(r C%&ld' Ab&l&ty to Le"rn Properly D"+&'1 .r"d1 V&'("l St(l"t&on elp' S%"pe O(r C%&ld' M&nd &n Po,er*(l $"y'
#*!,: Y'9
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