Copyright © 2015 book Property & Managed by
Unless otherwise indicated all inspirational quotations are taken from the marked WEB (public domain). Questionnaires have been made due to public presentation and ATS method way for teaching. All examinees must be enrolled to prefer Review Center and Local Chapter for their proper guidance and for the legality in accordance with Philippines Law on how to take the Licensure Exam in the Philippines. ATS System Process Approach is not provided by any Review Center.
A T S i s a pow er f u l w ay t o j u m ps t ar t y ou r ow n le ar n i n g .
Authored by: Arch. Junje D. Rodriguez U.A.P Book Designed Cover by: Jennifer Loba – Rodriguez
ISBN-13: 978-1519457202
All right reserved no part this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording or otherwise without written permission from the author.
P r i n t e d b y C r e a t e S p ac e , A n A m a z o n . c om C o m p an y
“Architecture is not a profession or a career but consecration to justify the noble existence of man.” Frank Lloyd Wright
“We are called to be architects of the future not its victims.” Richard Buckminster Fuller
Now, are you ready to change the vision of the past? And decode your Future. And belongs to become Master Architect!
And if you know the truth and the truth shall set you free. If you had applying what is written here, you’ll find best results that you never had experienced been before.
This book has been processed, crafts and shaped many times in my professional career.
“This book is dedicated to all young aspirants who dare to become Master Architect. Your ages are brave enough to face the challenges of this Future Architecture.”
Consolidated System Process and Approach as described as new method way of teaching for today’s world development and the solution not just only for solving the architect licensure exam but an Self-Guided Process or your driven forces to face the challenge of this global issues related climate changes and to the unpredictable cause of interest rate hike by the probability effect of this global emerging markets. And for giving the glimpse birth of Asean Integration which the demand could affect to the growing countries in which we need to develop ourselves by doing an effective way system process through our senses, ability to create and awareness due to highly shaped and improving ourselves through good relationship and to exercises our right judgment and perspective, to highly moral respects and aspects through the contribution process of professional services and experiences and the capacity to improve of personal belief; for helping into community, society, environment and as well as for the best interest of this future technologies and the love to humanity.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Special thanks to the Good Governance of the Republic of the Philippines- Qatar Embassy Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture –and to the United Architect of the Philippines. For those who founders; past presidents, mentors and faculty members in any prestige Colleges and Universities, to UAP-Headquarters, Executive Board of UAP-Qatar Chapter & UAP Family, fellow architect, friends and motivational speaker like: Dr. Alexander Acosta Ph.D. to his highest distinction for his past speech about (Professionalism to Profoundness held on Doha) Principal of Philippines School of Doha, Qatar. To Past Philippines Ambassador Crescente R. Relacion Her Excellency President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo – Past President of Republic of the Philippines (2001-2010) who have initiated and approved this Special Professional Licensure Board Exam (SPLBE) Arch. Armando N. Alli, - Chairman of the PBOA during the day I took my SPLBE exam Arch. Angeline T. Chua Chiaco & Ar. Marietta B. Segoria – Members of the PBOA Arch. Medeliano T. Roldan Jr. – Past National President (2008-2009) Arch. Isaiah “Jhin” Tabuzo Jr. – Founder UAP-Qatar Chapter – the Father of Filipino Architect-Qatar Arch. Herman Mario Macarañas – Past UAP First President (2011-2012) - Qatar Arch. Crispin S. Manuel – my longtime adviser who have influenced me to crafts and shaped this unique principle of ATS Consolidated system process approach. Arch. Ymir Dimalanta and Arch. Rommel Raquiño – my advisers, mentors who have shaped my professional career. Engr. Allan David & Engr. Leo Castaños – the persons who have helps me to decode the past and giving me an in-depth insight about the future coming. Arch. Aristides de Paz – Head of College of Architecture – Rizal Technological University – I proud of you Sir Ted, and your word about your teaching is still remain in my heart. To my beloved wife Jennifer Loba Rodriguez and her 5 kids – Mary, Ken, Jen, Sheikha & Jungmin – They have always giving loves and cares me and inspirational to make this project happens. To my young aspirant who already dare to use this ATS System Process Approach: Arch. Jonar Navarro – holder the position of 1 st PLACER SPLBE 2010 Arch. Garry Jumawid – holder the position of 3 th PLACER SPLBE 2015 Arch. Rodelh Lustre – holder the position of 6th PLACER SPLBE 2015 Arch. Josielyn Resma – holder the position of 7 th PLACER SPLBE 2015 To Pstr. Eugene Bartolome – who have always given me a powerful message comes from God. With your helping hand and unconditionally sharing through your professional experiences and highly moral guidance’s, the whole process has been completed and be given away back just for you!
– Introduction of System Process
– Setting your Goal – Becoming an Architect
– Collecting Architect Dictums
– Immersing Architecture Subject
– ATS in Action – The Process of Making Happen
– Health is always your Wealth
– Your Final Journey – Successful Architect
– Selected Question about ATS Pre Board Exam
- Dictums of Marcus Vitruvious Pollio – “May I always build”
– Shiatsu Self Massage
Hi there, I am Junje Diaz Rodriguez ; a Registered and Licensed Architect in the Philippines, Entrepreneur and your Architect Board Exam Tips Provider. This Book is written to stipulate you by achieving your goal - Spiritually, Mentally and Physically – and It will give you a glimpse of the research I’ve dedicated my professional life over the last few years; to give you an in-depth INSIGHT, unique STRATEGY, dozen tons of IDEA and as well as to give ENLIGHTEN, INSPIRATION, MIND BLOWING & DIRECTIVE which I’ll introducing to YOU by simple using this very own SYSTEM PROCESS APPROACH on how to solve the Architect Board Exam more effectively, confidently and precisely. For a few year ago of using this solely focused principle on the day when I was first took my Architect Board Exam SPLBE 2009 in Qatar, through my mentoring experiences and for the important decision making process. I said this is a unique strategy that’s because when was the first and last time I had undertaken the architect board exam here in Doha, Qatar that there was no proper review center with go beyond offering on how to prepare that such kind of exam. Therefore, I had started digging myself to study carefully. - Detail by detail, day and night and the ability to discover some TECHNIQUES which I hope that I have obtained my license. I had started collecting review materials, dictums and philosophy of most great architects particularly to the course outlined which I needed in the preparation for taking the Architect Board Exam. During my time, it was not an easy process because I’m OFW (Oversees Filipino Worker). I’m doing my day job to sustain my family but in the same time I’ve undergone to review all the course outlined which in able to PASS THE ARCHITECT LICENSURE EXAM. Special Board Exam for Architect and Guidelines which I’m offering to those professional architects and young aspirants all over the globe and to those who willing to register their name in the Philippine Roster of Architects. This is your perfect time and chances to get it more easily by certainly follow step-by-step of this simple, most daring and proven ways of using this consolidated SYSTEM PROCESS APPROACH. Over the past 7 years through my mentoring experiences for the contribution process of young aspirants, to my peers and those professional architects whose willing to take the exam here in Middle East or even in the Philippines. I’ve developed this most proven PRINCIPLE over and over again and continuously developed well and I would strongly suggest you to use this most proven principle if you want to pass the Architect Board Exam effectively and desiring to list your name in the Philippine Roster of Architects or even in ARCASIA.
Now let me run yo through this consolid ted SYSTE M PROCE S, I simpl called this ATS CONSO IDATED SYSTEM PR OCESS AP ROACH, a nd its stan for: – ANALY ICAL APP OACH
or * equivalent to S IENTIFIC METHOD
or * equivalent to T CHNIQUES METHO
or* equiv lent to P ILOSOPH METHOD
Your Techniques and Bas d Experien es
Te hniques
Sch larly
Mathe atical and Scientific Method
Your Psych logical Abi ity
When taking into t e account. This is th only certa in way to j ustify and get your c rrect answer. Believe me because I ave collected some in ormation r lated on that. Let’s explore in the following Chapter.
And let me explain you a bit how the Professional Board of Architecture (PBoA) they prepared the Questionnaires simultaneously. The PBOA Chairman and his two members are principally focused on that (3) three areas on how they PREPARED and EXERT the question when it comes for the preparation, its take correlated to architect board exam subject outlined. Meaning to say! They are doing an extensively 24/7 researched on how they are going to sorting out the specific questions in the day of architect license exam. Who knows about anything what kind of questions they have already been prepared? The review center, I guess probably NOT! Nobody else has any idea of what kind of questions they will be given to the examinees. But prediction we have! The Chairman of the Board of Architecture that he or she had attended several times on seminar, a well-educated person and more professional experiences than you, he or she had already graduated in any prestige University and Colleges in the Philippines. Technically speaking! He or she has this kind of mind set on how they did to prepare the questions. The Two Members of the Board who has always supported to validate of their most extensively and tricky questions particular to the architecture course outlined which they will be presented in the Professional Board of Architecture (PBOA). Now, how you’re going to ‘BREAKTROUGH’ such kind of questions if you don’t have enough experiences (lot of architectural services or professional experiences, I mean!) or even you have a lot of review materials on your hand. Hence, we need to face their challenge! And find the effective way how to solve the problem. As ATS most promising that gives you a Self-Guided Process, step by step on how to answer the Architect Board Exam more confidently, effectively, efficiently and precisely by simple using this most proven formula. If you ready to Discover! Take your deep breath and just keep on reading. “The slogan ‘PRESS ON’ has solved and always will solve the problem of the human race.” Calvin Coolidge – 30th US President What does this mean in our topics? Just continues your reading to find out. “We did not come to fear the future. We came here to shape it.” Barack Obama – 44 th US President Speech at 2004 Democratic Convention And those ‘Theories about Belief’ of two US President was my basis of what I have discovered about the past and have optimistic believe in the future. FOREWORD
CHAPT R 1. – I
Architec must hav always sy tem to pro ess his/he answer co rrectly; her ewith is so e of the exa ple questi n, I extrac ed it from my pre boa rd exam, sl ightly modi ied according to my anal sis and pe ception. Questio 1: As said by many, geometrical patter imagina y principle inspired his master a. Pyra id
the archit ct is only designer who have designed y influenc s of . This bef alls to evi ence whe Eero Sa rinen has been mad his like a para olic ray Gateway in S . Louis, US A. Where E ero Saarinen did iece? b. one c. Cylinder d. Do e
Answer his question without u ing ATS b fore you c ntinue rea ing. What is our answer: ____??? _____any lue or wha tever wild
uess do you have?
Now, Le examine t use the s stem pro ess ATS ( Analytical Technical and Scholarly Approa h) which being introd ced you ri ht now. By extracting the q estion, you would notice that the examiner you nee to study t he question very caref lly. = by simple
nalyzing the question, why a d where
ould only mphasizin that
id Eero
aarinen d
masterpiiece? (Nee picture to easily und rstand) Se arch to Mr. Google what is gateway in St. Loui , USA an how it is look like. Pause, the n look at the image again and start visualizi g where h found the pattern. = te hnically speaking! We need to study which shape do Eero Saari en inspired his masterpiiece? (Need to experiment once, t chnically s peaking!) = this approach you can
etermine if your anallysis is bas ed upon y ur parallel into
ANALYTICAL AND ECHNICAL opinion. ( esign Ph ilosophy i nto Design Theory) (To General into Specific) (Fro your Tho ght to be coming Things) that’ all. By conclude through the corre ct answer, letter B is he correct one and w y is the c rrect answer. The most effective w y how to solve the uestion or any Archit ect Board xam Questio s are based upon your Sci ntifically, Technic lity and Psychological Reasoning of what I have intr duced you to use this most prov n ways APPROACH. And I g ve you hint: the an wer is quietly simpl .
sing ATS
onsolidated System Process
When y u look in the image of archway in Gateway St. Louis, USA obviously you ca find out that the parabolic shape of archway in which He derived from the cutting pla e of vertical ross section of cone. o you want to prove t his? Use A toCAD software and d o the exercise to believe. Place cone on the pla e surface nd cut by ubtracting into right r left side par of the con , then you will see th parabolic hape of ar hway. Many q estions in Board Exa are com s across t o situation al cases, s be awar you’re attentive to the given uestion, most of the questions re tricky a d you feel you got the correct answer i the first lace you ee or read the quest ion but yo probably trap and ill get the wrong ans er. ‘Don’t fall into th t trap’ Jus remember BOA Ch irman and his two Me bers is your opponen t and you eed to overcome such of their uestions in able to survive into the next que tion.
and that are that kind
Ta e this to i s logical c onclusion! Herewit is the exa
ple questi n about C st and Esti mates.
1. Your Client (Mr. Mark So) want to alter his ceiling layout on his 2 bedroom Apartment and its loca ed at som where par t in Quezo City. The size of ro m is about 6.0 M s. And 4.8 Mts. or no less than 28.50 sq. . In able t implement the s id alterati n, your client recom ends you (Architect) to design ith a sim le in line. When e said si ple; meaning, you ust have to design nd execut d to c mplete a set of ceili g style and most of all, this is fitted base on your lient r quirement, the height of ceiling i about 2.5 meters an having cornice all ar und. How many of commerci l plywood ould you se in the p oject? a. 14 pcs. b. 16 pcs.
c. 20 pcs. d. 24 pcs.
Now, it is your tu n to analy e the question and generat your answer.
se the ATS APPRO CH in order to
What is our answer: _______ ________
r guessed what?
any clue
Use these formulas: A = your analytical approach on the given problem. T = test your technical ability to find the s olution bas d your ow
experienc s or techni que.
S = you scholarly pproach in the situati n, traced b ack your w isper thinking.
E x t r a t i n g y o u r c o r r e c t an s w er i s by u s i n g t h i s s i m p le , w a s f or m u la .
ost darin
a n d p r o v en
A n d n o w y o u ca n m a k e m r e a c t i v e l y an d bu i l y ou r ow s t r a t eg y b a s e s o n t h e s am e p r i n c i p le . 2 INTRO
GET THE COMPLETE SET COPY OF eBook please visits our website “Sorry , under construction” Book also available now on kindle bookstore at (Select book items and type code: pass the architect board exam made easy) What inside the Book:
ATS consolidated system process is the effective process on How to prepare and pass the Architect Licensure Exams in the Philippines and desiring to list your name in ARCASIA. Its takes a very throughout look a following chapter:
Introduction of ATS (ANALYTICAL,TECHNICAL & SCHOLARLY) system process approach Setting your Goal – Becoming an Architect Collecting Architect Dictums Immersing Architecture Subject ATS in Action – The Process of Making Happen Health is always your Wealth Final Journey – Successful Architect Sample Question Pre Board Exam – your flashcard to actual exam Understanding Marcus Vitruvious Pollio Dictums Shiatsu Self Massage – the most effective way of self-massage
This unique strategy originally owned by Arch. Crispin S. Manuel U.A.P, my long time mentor. - Which I have been developed and gathered over the past few years through my professional experiences and services.
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