EDSA People Power Revolution 1 The Pe Peop ople le Po Power wer Rev Revol olut utio ion n (also known as the ED EDSA SA Rev Revolu olutio tion n and the Phil Philippi ippine ne Revo Revolutio lution n of 1986 1986)) was a se seri ries es of po popu pula larr demonstrations demonstrations in in the Philippines Philippines that that began in 1983 and culmi culminated nated on Febru February ary !"# 198$% Ther There e was a sustained campaign of ci&il resistance agains resistance againstt regim regime e &iole &iolence nce and electo electoral ral frau fr aud% d% Th The e non&i non&iolent olent re&ol re&olution ution le led d to the de depa part rtur ure e of Pre resi side dent nt Ferdinand 'arcos and 'arcos and the restoration of democracy democracy in in the Philippines% t is also referred to as the Yell the Yellow ow Revolution due Revolution due to the presence of yellow ribbons during the demonstrations following the assassination of Filipino senator enigno senator enigno *+inoy* ,-uino# .r% t .r% t was widely seen as a &ictory of the people against the /0year running authoritarian authoritarian## repressi&e regime of then president Ferdinand 'arcos# 'arcos# and made news headlines as *the re&olution that surprised the world*% The ma2ority of the demonstrations took place on a long stretch of pifanio de los 4antos ,&enue# ,&enue# more commonly known by its acronym EDSA EDSA## in 'etro 'anila from 'anila from February !"# 198$% They in&ol&ed o&er two million Filipino ci&ilians# as well as se&eral political and military groups# and religious groups led by 5ardinal .aime 4in# 4in# the ,rchbishop the ,rchbishop of 'anila and the 55P 55P President President 5ardinal 6ica card rdo o 7ida dall# the ,rchbishop the ,rchbishop of 5ebu 5ebu%% The protests# fueled by the resistance and opposition from year ye ars s of co corr rrup uptt go go&e &ern rnan ance ce by 'a 'arc rcos os## cu culm lmin inat ated ed wi with th th the e de depa part rtur ure e of the dictator from from 'alacaang Palace to Palace to awaii awaii%% 5ora:on ,-uino was ,-uino was proclaimed as the President of the Philippines after Philippines after the re&olution%
4ome aut 4ome autho hors rs pr prai aise sed d 'a 'arc rcos; os; de deci cisi sion on not to attack the protesters and to &oluntarily lea&e the country for pre&enting a bloody ci&il war
Background Background and history Main article: Ferdinand Marcos President Ferdinand 'arcos
Ferdin Ferd inand and % 'a 'arc rcos os wa was s ele electe cted d pre presid sident ent in 19$"## 19$" defeating incumbent
collections% 'arcos and his go&ernment claimed that they *built more mo re ro road ads s th than an al alll hi his s pr pred edec eces essor sors s co comb mbin ined# ed# and mo more re sc scho hool ols s th than an any pre&ious administration%*?11 ,mi ,midst dst charges from the opposition opposition party of &ote buying and an d a fr frau audu dule lent nt el elec ecti tion# on# 'a 'arc rcos os wa was s dec decis isi& i&ely ely re reel elect ected ed in th the e Philippine presidentia presi dentiall elect election# ion# 19$9 19$9## thi this s tim time e def defeat eating ing 4er 4ergio gio @sm @smea ea## .r .r%% by $1 to 39 percent% 'arcos 'arc os;; se seco cond nd te term rm fo forr th the e pr pres esid iden ency cy was ma marr rred ed by al alle lega gati tion ons s by th the e opposition Aiberal Party of Party of widespread graft and corruption% ,ccording to leftists who rioted during the First Buarter 4torm# 4torm # the increasing disparity of wealth between the &ery &e ry we weal alth thy y an and d th the e &e &ery ry poo poorr th that at ma made de up th the e ma ma2o 2ori rity ty of th the e Ph Phil ilip ippi pines nes;; population popula tion led to a rise in crim crime e and ci&il unrest around the count country% ry% These These factors# incl in cludi uding ng th the e fo form rmat atio ion n of th the e +e +ew w Pe Peopl ople; e;s s ,rm rmy y in 19 19$ $8 on 'a 'ao o Ce Cedo dong ngDDs birthday# a 5ommunist insurgency supported financially and militarily by 5hina# and a bloody 'uslim separatist mo&ement in the southern island of 'indanao led by the 'oro +ati +ational onal Aibera Aiberation tion Front Front backed by 'alaysia and allegedly by Aiberal Party senator +inoy ,-uino# contributed to the rapid rise of ci&il discontent and unrest in the country% @n 4eptember 3# 19E# citing more than 1" bombing incidents and an intensifying armed communist insurgency# 'arcos declared martial law by law by &irtue of presidential proclamation (Proclamation +o% 1/81)% 1/81)% The Washington Post re&ealed re&ealed in 1989 that the 5ommunists plotted the 19E1 Pla:a 'iranda bombing to bombing to pro&oke 'arcos into cracking down on his opponents and thus allow them to increase recruits which were needed to make use of weapons and financial aid coming from 5hina%
'artial law was ratified by 9/%EE of the &oters during the Philippine 'artial Aaw referendum in 19E3 though the referendum was marred by contro&ersy% Primiti&o 'i2ares# author of the book The Conjugal Dictatorship# alleged that there could not ha&e been any &alid referendum held from .anuary 1/ to 1"# 19E3 as the 3"#/// citi:en;s assemblies ne&er met and that &oting in municipalities was by show of hands% The referendum had the following resultsG ,s 'arcos was barred from running for a third term as president in 19E3# it was alleged that he issued 'artial Aaw to e>tend his term in office% 6igoberto Tiglao# former press secretary and a former communist incarcerated during the martial law# argued that the liberal and communist parties pro&oked martial law imposition% ? , constitutional con&ention# which had been called for in 19E/ to replace the 5ommonwealth era 193" 5onstitution# continued the work of framing a new constitution after the declaration of martial law% The new constitution went into effect in early 19E3# changing the form of go&ernment from presidential to parliamentary and allowing 'arcos to stay in power beyond 19E3% The constitution was appro&ed by 9" of the &oters in the Philippine constitutional plebiscite% Through this decree and after obtaining &oters consent through the plebiscite# 'arcos sei:ed emergency powers gi&ing him full control of the Philippines; military and the authority to suppress and abolish the freedom of speech# the freedom of the press# and many other ci&il liberties% 'arcos also dissol&ed the Philippine 5ongress and shut down media establishments critical of the 'arcos go&ernment% 'arcos also ordered the immediate arrest of his political opponents and critics% ,mong those arrested were 4enate President .o&ito 4alonga# 4enator .ose
n 19E8# while still in prison# ,-uino founded his political party# Lakas ng Baan (abbre&iated *A,,+*J nglishG People!s Po"er ) to run for office in the nterim atasang Pambansa (Parliament)% ,ll A,,+ candidates lost# including +inoy himself and A,,+ 5andidate ,le> oncayao# who later was associated with Filipino communist death s-uad ,le> oncayao rigade that killed I%4% army captain .ames +% 6owe% Hith practically all of his political opponents arrested and in e>ile# 'arcos; pre0 empti&e declaration of martial law in 19E and the ratification of his new constitution by more than 9" of &oters enabled 'arcos to effecti&ely legitimi:e his go&ernment and hold on to power for another 1= years beyond his first two terms as president% n a 5old Har conte>t# 'arcos retained the support of the Inited 4tates through 'arcos; promise to stamp out communism in the Philippines and by assuring the Inited 4tates of its continued use of military and na&al bases in the Philippines%
Assassination of Ninoy Aquino Main article: Assassination o# Benigno A$uino% &r' pired and the renewal had been denied% +inoy therefore ac-uired a plan to ac-uire a fake passport with the help of 6ashid Aucman# founder of the angsamoro Aiberation Front# who trained about 3/#/// angsamoro guerrillas as '+AF fighters and sent the top 9/ moro guerrillas to 'alaysia to train guerrilla warfare under the 6oyal 'alaysian ,rmed Forces and the Lurkha 6egiment% The passport carried the alias Marcial Boni#acio ('arcial for martial law and onifacio for Fort onifacio# his erstwhile prison)% ? ,-uino became allies with 6ashid Aucman as he supported the 'uslim rebellion in 'indanao against the go&ernment% @n ,ugust 1# 1983# after a three0year e>ile in the Inited 4tates# ,-uino was assassinated as he disembarked from a Taiwanese commercial flight at the 'anila nternational ,irport (which was later renamed in ,-uino;s honor)% is assassination shocked and outraged many Filipinos# most of whom had lost confidence in the 'arcos administration% The e&ent led to more suspicions about the go&ernment# triggering non0cooperation among Filipinos that e&entually led to outright ci&il disobediencet also shook the 'arcos go&ernment# which was by then
deteriorating due# in part# to 'arcos; worsening health and ultimately fatal illness (lupus erythematosus)% The assassination of +inoy ,-uino caused the Philippines economy to deteriorate e&en further# and the go&ernment plunged further into debt% y the end of 1983# the Philippines was in an economic recession# with the economy contracting by $%8% n 198=# 'arcos appointed a commission# led by 5hief .ustice nri-ue Fernando# to launch an in&estigation into ,-uino;s assassination%
alls for election Main article: Philippine presidential election% ()*+ @n +o&ember 3# 198"# after pressure from the I4 go&ernment# 'arcos suddenly announced that a snap presidential election would take place the following year# one year ahead of the regular presidential election schedule# to legitimi:e his control o&er the country%The snap election was legali:ed with the passage of atas Pambansa lg% 883 (+ational Aaw +o% 883) by the 'arcos0controlled unicameral congress called the 6egular atasang Pambansa% The growing opposition mo&ement encouraged +inoy ,-uino;s widow# 5ora:on ,-uino# to run for the presidency% Inited @pposition (I+<@) leader# 4al&ador Aaurel# who earlier filed his candidacy as an official I+<@ candidate for the presidency# ga&e way to 5ory after a political deal which was later reneged by 5ory after the election% ,ccording to 4al&ador Aaurel;s diary# 5ory offered Aaurel that he would be her Prime 'inister# that she would step down in two years# that Aaurel would name 3/ percent of the 5abinet# that she would appoint the remaining E/ percent after close consultations with Aaurel% 4al&ador Aaurel e&entually ran as 5ory ,-uino;s running mate for &ice0president under the Inited @pposition (I+<@) party% 'arcos ran for re0election# with ,rturo Tolentino as his running mate under the Milusang agong Aipunan (MA) party%
1!"# election? Main article: Philippine presidential election% ()*+ The elections were held on February E# 198$% The official election can&asser# the 5ommission on lections (5@'A5)# declared 'arcos the winner% The final tally of the 5@'A5 had 'arcos winning with 1/#8/E#19E &otes against ,-uino;s 9#91#E$1 &otes% @n the other hand# based on returns of E/ of the precincts ? of the +ational 'o&ement for Free lections (+,'F6A)# an accredited poll watcher# had ,-uino winning with E#83"#/E/ &otes against 'arcos; E#/"3#/$8 po ints% This electoral e>ercise was marred by widespread reports of &iolence and tampering of election results# culminating in the walkout of 3" 5@'A5 computer technicians to protest the deliberate manipulation of the official election results to fa&or Ferdinand 'arcos% The walkout was considered as one of the early *sparks* of the People Power 6e&olution% owe&er# not known to many# the walkout of computer technicians was led by Ainda Mapunan# wife of At 5ol duardo Mapunan# a leader of 6eform the ,rmed Forces 'o&ement# which plotted to attack the 'alacaang Palace and kill 'arcos and his family# leading some to belie&e that the walkout could ha&e been planned with ulterior moti&es% ecause of reports of alleged fraud# the 5atholic ishops; 5onference of the Philippines (55P) through 5ardinal 6icardo 7idal issued a statement condemning the elections% The Inited 4tates 4enate also passed a resolution stating the same condemnation% I4 president 6onald 6eagan issued a statement calling the fraud reports as *disturbing* but he said that there was fraud *on both sides* of the Philippine election% n response to the protests# 5@'A5 claimed that 'arcos with "3 percent won o&er ,-uino% owe&er# +,'F6A countered that the latter won o&er 'arcos with " percent of &otes% @n February 1"# 'arcos was proclaimed by 5@'A5 and atasang Pambansa as the winner amidst the contro&ersy% ,ll "/ opposition members of the Parliament walked out in protest% The Filipino people refused to accept the results# asserting that ,-uino was the real &ictor% oth *winners* took their oath of office in two different places# with ,-uino gaining greater mass support% ,-uino also called for coordinated strikes and mass boycott of the media and businesses owned by 'arcos; cronies% ,s a result# the crony banks# corporations# and media were hit hard# and their shares in the stock market plummeted to record le&els%
$idal%s declaration 5ardinal 7idal# after the result of the snap election# issued a declaration in lieu of the Philippine 5hurch hierarchy stating that *a go&ernment does not of itself freely correct the e&il it has inflicted on the people then it is our serious moral obligation as a people to make it do so%* The declaration also asked *e&ery loyal member of the 5hurch# e&ery community of the faithful# to form their 2udgment about the February E polls* and told all the Filipinos# *+ow is the time to speak up% +ow is the time to repair the wrong% The wrong was systematically organi:ed% 4o must its correction be% ut as in the election itself# that depends fully on the peopleJ on what they are willing and ready to do%
Aborted military coup ,ppalled by the bold and apparent election irregularities# the 6eform the ,rmed Forces 'o&ement set into motion a coup attempt against 'arcos% The initial plan was for a team to assault 'alacaan Palace and arrest Ferdinand 'arcos% @ther military units would take o&er key strategic facilities# such as the airport# military bases# the LB,FP in 5amp ,guinaldo# and ma2or highway 2unctions to restrict counteroffensi&e by 'arcos0loyal troops% At% 5ol% Lregorio onasan was to lead the team that was going to assault 'alacaan Palace% owe&er# after 'arcos learned about the plot# he ordered their leaders; arrest# and presented to the international and local press some of the captured plotters# 'a2% 4aulito ,romin and 'a2% dgardo
Threatened with their impending imprisonment#
Sin! appeal ,fter 5ardinal 7idal;s condemnation of the snap election;s fraudulent result# a message was aired o&er 6adio 7eritas at around 9 p%m%# 5ardinal 4in e>horted Filipinos in the capital to aid rebel leaders by going to the section of <4, between 5amp 5rame and ,guinaldo and gi&ing emotional support# food and other supplies% For many this seemed an unwise decision since ci&ilians would not stand a chance against a dispersal by go&ernment troops% 'any people# especially priests and nuns# still trooped to <4,% 6adio 7eritas played a critical role during the mass uprising% Former Ini&ersity of the Philippines president Francisco +emen:o stated thatG *Without ,adio -eritas% it "ould ha.e /een di##icult% i# not i0possi/le% to 0o/ili1e 0illions o# people in a 0atter o# hours'* 4imilarly# a certain account in the e&ent said thatG *,adio -eritas% in #act% "as our u0/ilical cord to "hate.er else "as going on%
Ri!in" ma!! !uppor
,t dawn# 4unday# go&ernment troops arri&ed to knock down the main transmitter of 6adio 7eritas# cutting off broadcasts to people in the pro&inces% The station switched to a standby transmitter with a limited range of broadcast% The station was targeted because it had pro&en to be a &aluable communications tool for the people supporting the rebels# keeping them informed of go&ernment troop mo&ements and relaying re-uests for food# medicine# and supplies% 4till# people came to <4, until it swelled to hundreds of thousands of unarmed ci&ilians% The mood in the street was actually &ery festi&e# with many bringing whole families% Performers entertained the crowds# nuns and priests led prayer &igils# and people set up barricades and makeshift sandbags# trees# and &ehicles in se&eral places along <4, and intersecting streets such as 4antolan and @rtigas ,&enue% &erywhere# people listened to 6adio 7eritas on their radios% 4e&eral groups sang Baan 2o ('y omeland)#? which# since 198/# had become a patriotic anthem of the opposition% People fre-uently flashed the ;A,,+; sign# which is an *A* formed with their thumb and inde> finger% ;Aaban; is the Tagalog word for ;fight;# but also the abbre&iation of Aakas ng ayan# +inoy ,-uino;s party% ,fter lunch on February 3# nrile and 6amos decided to consolidate their positions% nrile crossed <4, from 5amp ,guinaldo to 5amp 5rame amidst cheers from the crowd%
n the mid0afternoon# 6adio 7eritas relayed reports of 'arines massing near the camps in the east and A7T0" tanks approaching from the north and south% , contingent of 'arines with tanks and armored &ans# led by rigadier Leneral ,rtemio Tadiar# was stopped along @rtigas ,&enue# about two kilometers from the camps# by tens of thousands of people% +uns holding rosaries knelt in front of the tanks and men and women linked arms together to block the troops% Tadiar asked the crowds to make a clearing for them# but they did not budge% n the end# the troops retreated with no shots fired% y e&ening# the standby transmitter of 6adio 7eritas failed% 4hortly after midnight# the staff were able to go to another station to begin broadcasting from a secret location under the moniker *6adyo andido* (@utlaw 6adio# which is now known as
#ore military defection! ,t dawn on 'onday# February =# the first serious encounter with go&ernment troops occurred% 'arines marching from Aibis# in the east# lobbed tear gas at the demonstrators# who -uickly dispersed% 4ome 3#/// 'arines then entered and held the east side of 5amp ,guinaldo% Aater# helicopters manned by the 1"th 4trike Hing of the Philippine ,ir Force# led by 5olonel ,ntonio 4otelo# were ordered from 4angley Point in 5a&ite (4outh of 'anila) to head to 5amp 5rame%4ecretly# the s-uadron had already defected and instead of attacking 5amp 5rame# landed in it# with the crowds cheering and hugging the pilots and crew members% , ell 1= helicopter piloted by 'a2or
$he capture of %hannel & ,t around that time# .une Meithley recei&ed reports that 'arcos had left 'alacaang Palace and broadcast this to the people at <4,% The crowd celebrated and e&en
6amos and nrile came out from 5rame to appear to the crowds% The 2ubilation was howe&er short0li&ed as 'arcos later appeared on tele&ision on the go&ernment0 controlled 5hannel =# (using the foreclosed ,405+ facilities# transmitter and compound) declaring that he would not step down% t was thereafter speculated that the false report was a calculated mo&e against 'arcos to encourage more defections% after 1= years of closure since 'arcos took it o&er during the 'artial Aaw of 19E% 6adio andido ended broadcasting that afternoon# while 6adio 7eritas resumed transmissions# this time from the ,405+ roadcasting 5enter ;s radio studios% n the late afternoon# rebel helicopters attacked 7illamor ,irbase# destroying presidential air assets% ,nother helicopter went to 'alacaang# fired a rocket# and caused minor damage% Aater# most of the officers who had graduated from the Philippine 'ilitary ,cademy (P',) defected% The ma2ority of the ,rmed Forces had already changed sides%
#arco! order! not to !hoot Prior dialogues to stop the re&olution ha&e not succeeded with the ,rmed Forces of the Philippines# which was led by Leneral Fabian 7er% ,FP was ready to mount an air strike on the day but was halted under orders of 'arcos% The actual dialogue on T7 between 'arcos and then ,FP 5hief of 4taff Leneral Fabian 7er went as followsG Fabian 7erG The A0/ush there is ai0ing to 0ount there in the top' -er $uickl% ou 0ust i00ediatel lea.e to con$uer the0% i00ediatel% Mr' President' Ferdinand 'arcosG &ust "ait% co0e here' 7erG Please% 3our 4onor% so "e can i00ediatel strike the0' We ha.e to i00o/ili1e the helicopters that the!.e got' We ha.e t"o #ighter planes #ling
no" to strike at an ti0e% sir' 'arcosG M order is not to attack' 5o% no% no6 4old on' M order is not to attack' 7erG The are 0assing ci.ilians near our troops and "e cannot keep on "ithdra"ing' 3ou asked 0e to "ithdra" esterda7 'arcos 8interrupting9G h es% /ut ah''' M order is to disperse "ithout shooting the0' 7erG We cannot "ithdra" all the ti0e''' 'arcosG 5o6 5o6 5o6 4old on6 3ou disperse the cro"d "ithout shooting the0'
$wo inau"uration!
5ora:on ,-uino was inaugurated as the 11th president of the Philippines on February "# 198$ at 4ampaguita all (+ow Malayaan all)%
@n the morning of Tuesday# February "# at around E a%m%# a minor clash occurred between loyal go&ernment troops and the reformists% 4nipers stationed atop the go&ernment0owned 5hannel 9 tower# near 5hannel =# began shooting at the reformists% 'any rebel soldiers surged to the station# and a rebel 40E$ helicopter later shot the snipers at the broadcast tower% The troops later left after a 701"/ was blocked by the crowd assembled% Aater in the morning# 5ora:on ,-uino was inaugurated as President of the Philippines in a simple ceremony at 5lub Filipino in Lreenhills# about a kilometer from 5amp 5rame% 4he was sworn in as President by 4enior ,ssociate .ustice 5laudio Teehankee# and Aaurel as 7ice0President by .ustice 7icente ,bad 4antos% The ible on which ,-uino swore her oath was held by ,urora ,-uino# the mother of +inoy ,-uino% ,ttending the ceremonies were 6amos# who was then promoted to Leneral# nrile# and many politicians%?"
@utside 5lub Filipino# all the way to <4,# hundreds of people cheered and celebrated% Baan 2o (M Countr # a popular folk song and the unofficial +ational ,nthem of protest) was sung after ,-uino;s oath0taking% 'any people wore yellow# the color of ,-uino;s campaign for p residency% ,n hour later# 'arcos held the inauguration at 'alacaang Palace% Aoyalist ci&ilians attended the ceremony# shouting *Marcos% Marcos% Marcos pa rin6 ('arcos# 'arcos# still 'arcosN)*% @n the Palace balcony# 'arcos took the @ath of @ffice# broadcast by 5013 and L',0E% +one of the in&ited foreign dignitaries attended the ceremony# for security reasons% The couple finally emerged on the balcony of the Palace before 3#/// MA loyalists who were shouting# *5apture the snakesN* 6ather tearfully First Aady melda 'arcos ga &e a farewell rendition of the couple;s theme song ! the 1938 kundi0an ; Dahil Sa <o; (ecause of Oou) ! chanting the song;s entreaties in TagalogG ecause of Ao&ing f it is true ,ll of this because of you%
shall shall
became offer ensla&ed
happy you you
The broadcast of the e&ent was interrupted as rebel troops successfully captured the other stations% y this time# hundreds of people had amassed at the barricades along 'endiola# only a hundred meters away from 'alacaang% They were pre&ented from storming the Palace by loyal go&ernment troops securing the area% The angry demonstrators were pacified by priests who warned them not to be &iolent%
#arco! departure ,t 3G// p%m% (4T) on 'onday# President 'arcos phoned Inited 4tates 4enator Paul Aa>alt# asking for ad&ice from the Hhite ouse% Aa>alt ad&ised him to *cut and cut clean*# to which 'arcos e>pressed his disappointment after a short pause% n the afternoon# 'arcos talked to 'inister nrile# asking for safe passage for him# his family# and close allies such as Leneral 7er% ,t midnight PT# the 'arcos family boarded a Inited 4tates ,ir Force 03 6escue helicopters and flew to 5lark ,ir ase in ,ngeles 5ity 83 kilometres north of 'anila%
,t 5lark ,ir ase# 'arcos asked to spend a couple o# das with his family in locos +orte# his nati&e pro&ince% ,-uino &etoed the re-uest% President 6eagan pri&ately derided 5ory ,-uino for denying 'arcos a last look at his home pro&ince% The deposed First Family and their ser&ants then rode I4 ,ir Force <509 'edi&ac and 501=1 planes to ,ndersen ,ir Force ase in the north of the Inited 4tates territory of Luam# then flying to ickam ,ir Force ase in awaii where 'arcos finally arri&ed on February $% I4 Lo&ernment documented that they entered the I4, with millions of dollars in 2ewelries# gold# stocks# and cash Hhen news of the 'arcos family;s departure reached ci&ilians# many re2oiced and danced in the streets% @&er at 'endiola# the demonstrators stormed the Palace# which was closed to ordinary people for around a decade% tra&agant and mundane that the 'arcos clan and its court had abandoned in their flight% n other countries# people also re2oiced and congratulated Filipinos they knew% 54 anchorman ob 4imon reportedG KHe ,mericans like to think we taught the Filipinos democracy% Hell# tonight they are teaching the world% 4ome authors say that 'arcos pre&ented ci&il war similar to the 4yrian 5i&il Har by refusing to use guns notwithstanding the insistence of his top general# and by agreeing to step down during the <4, re&olution% The Hhite ouse said *y lea&ing the Philippines at a critical 2uncture in his nation;s history# 'r% 'arcos permitted the peaceful transition to popular# democratic rule%*
After&ath Main article: Presidenc o# Cora1on A$uino mmediately after assuming the presidency# President 5ora:on ,-uino issued Proclamation +o% 3# which established a re&olutionary go&ernment% ,-uino unilaterally abolished the parliament atasang Pambansa which was duly elected in the Philippine parliamentary election# 198=% 4he abolished the 19E3 5onstitution that was in force during martial law# and instead promulgated the pro&isional 198$ Freedom 5onstitution# pending the ratification of a new 5onstitution by the people% This allowed ,-uino to e>ercise both e>ecuti&e and legislati&e powers until the ratification of the new Philippine 5onstitution and the
establishment of a new 5ongress in 198E ,-uino also remo&ed se&eral go&ernment officials percei&ed as loyalists to the 'arcos administration and appointed cabinet members and officers who will be loyal to current administration% The establishment of the new go&ernment was met with criticism among the contemporaries of 5ory ,-uino% 4upreme 5ourt .ustice 5ecilia 'uo:0 Palma &ehemently opposed the mo&e citing# *to call the go&ernment Kre&olutionary and abolish the atasan Pambansa was to beha&e no better than perience on the position# saying *e&eryone knew that 5ory had no knowledge of how to run the country# and she admitted this%* , letter by resigned former secretary of foreign affairs and former &ice0president 4al&ador Aaurel# as well as critics thereafter# reported contro&ersies by in&ol&ing closest relati&es and gi&ing unfair pri&ileges within the new administration% The re&olution had an effect on democrati:ation mo&ements in such countries as Taiwan and 4outh MoreaJ other effects include the restoration of the freedom of the press# abolition of repressi&e laws under a dictator;s regime# adoption of a new constitution# and the subordination of the military to ci&ilian rule# despite se&eral coup attempts during the ,-uino administration% The re&olution pro&ided for the restoration of democratic institutions after thirteen years of authoritarian rule and these institutions ha&e been used by &arious groups to challenge the entrenched political families and to strengthen Philippine democracy%
'egacy The <4, 6e&olution ,nni&ersary is a special public holiday in the Philippines% 4ince /1/# the holiday has been a special non0working holiday%
1/0peso coin commemorating the People Power 6e&olution
6ampant corruption during the term of President .oseph strada led to the similar //1 <4, 6e&olution leading to his resignation from the presidency% %
Second EDSA PEOPLE POWER Revolution The Second EDSA Revolution (EDSA '') was a four0day political protest from 1E!/ .anuary //1 that peacefully o&erthrew the go&ernment of .oseph strada# the thirteenth President of the Philippines % strada was succeeded by his 7ice0 President# Lloria 'acapagal0,rroyo# who was sworn into office by then05hief .ustice ilario ed# with some foreign nations including the Inited 4tates immediately recognising the legitimacy of ,rroyo;s presidency# and foreign commentators describing it as *a defeat for due process of law*# *mob rule*# and a * de #acto coup*% The only means of legitimi:ing the e&ent was the last0minute 4upreme 5ourt ruling that *the welfare of the people is the supreme law%* ut by then# the ,rmed Forces of the Philippines had already withdrawn support for the president# which some analysts called unconstitutional# and most foreign political analysts agreeing with this assessment% Hilliam @&erholt# a ong Mong0based political economist said that *t is either being called mob rule or mob rule as a co&er for a well0planned coup# %%% but either way# it;s not democracy%* t should also be noted that opinion was di&ided during <4, about whether Lloria 'acapagal0,rroyo as the incumbent 7ice President should be President if .oseph strada was oustedJ many groups who participated in <4, e>pressly stated that they did not want ,rroyo for president either# and some of them would later participate in <4, % The pre&ailing 5onstitution of the Philippines calls for the 7ice President of the Philippines# ,rroyo at the time# to act as interim president only when the sitting President dies# resigns# or becomes incapacitated# none of which occurred during <4, %
ncoming presidentG Lloria 'acapagal0,rroyo
@n @ctober =# ///# locos 4ur Lo&ernor Auis *5ha&it* 4ingson# a longtime friend of President .oseph strada# went public with accusations that strada# his family and friends recei&ed millions of pesos from operations of the illegal numbers game# jueteng % The e>posQ immediately ignited reactions of rage% The ne>t day# 4enate 'inority Aeader Teofisto Luingona# .r% deli&ered a fiery pri&ilege speech accusing strada of recei&ing P/ million in 2ueteng money from Lo&ernor 4ingson from +o&ember 1998 to ,ugust ///# as well as taking PE/ million on e>cise ta> on cigarettes intended for locos 4ur% The pri&ilege speech was referred by 4enate President Franklin posQ# while other house members spearheaded a mo&e to impeach the president% ?" 'ore calls for resignation came from 'anila 5ardinal ,rchbishop .aime 4in# the 5atholic ishops 5onference of the Philippines # former Presidents 5ora:on ,-uino and Fidel 6amos# and 7ice President Lloria 'acapagal0 ,rroyo (who had resigned her cabinet position of 4ecretary of the