introduce the Building Blocks of Embedded System OBJECTIVES: To introduce To Educate in Various Various Embedded Development Developme nt Strategies Strategie s To Introduce Bus Communication in processors, Inputoutput interfacing! To impart kno"ledge in various processor scheduling algorithms! To introduce introduce Basics of #eal time operating system and e$ample tutorials to discuss on one real%time operating system tool UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO EMBEDDED SYSTEMS
Introduction to Embedded Systems Systems & The build process for embedded systems% systems% Structural units in Embedded processor , selection of processor ' memory devices% D() & (emory management methods% Timer and Counting devices, *atchdog Timer, #eal Time Clock, In circuit emulator, Target +ard"are Debugging! UNIT II EMBEDDED NETWORKING
Embedded et"orking- Introduction, Introduction, I. Device /orts ' Buses& Serial Bus co mmunication protocols #S010 standard & #S200 & #S234 % C) Bus %Serial /eripheral Interface 5S/I6 & Inter Integrated Circuits 5I0C6 &need for device drivers! UNIT III EMBEDDED EMBEDDE D FIRMWARE FIRMWARE DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPM ENT ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMEN T
Embedded /roduct Development 7ife Cycle% ob8ectives, different phases of ED7C, (odelling of ED7C9 issues in +ard"are%soft"are Co%design, Data :lo" ;raph, state machine model, Se
Introduction to basic concepts of #T.S% Task, process ' threads, interrupt routines in #T.S, (ultiprocessing and (ultitasking, /reemptive and non%preemptive scheduling, Task Task communication shared memory, message passing%, Inter process Communication & s ynchroni=ation ynchroni=ation bet"een processes% semaphores, (ailbo$, pipes, priority inversion, priority inheritance, comparison of #eal time .perating systems- V$ *orks, >C.S%II, #T 7inu$! UNIT V EMBEDDED SYSTEM APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT 9
Case Study of *ashing *ashing (achine% )utomotive )utomotive )pplication% Smart card System )pplication, TOTAL: 45 PERIODS OUTCOMES: )bility to understand and analy=e, linear and digital electronic circuits!
S ystem%)rchitecture, cture, /rogramming, DesignA, (c ;ra" +ill, TET BOOKS: ?! #a8kamal, @Embedded System%)rchite 0?1! 0! /eckol, Embedded system system Design, ohn *iley *iley ' Sons,0? 1! 7yla 7yla B Das, Embedded Systems%)n Integrated )pproach, /earson, 0?1 REFERENCES: ?! Shibu! F!V, Introduction to Embedded Systems, Tata (c;ra" +ill, 0G! 0! Elicia *hite, (aking Embedded Systems, .A #eilly Series, S/D, 0??! 0??! 1! Tammy Tammy oergaard, Embedded Systems )rchitecture, )rchitecture, Elsevier, 0H! 2! +an%*ay +uang,Embedded system Design sing C34?, Cengage 7earning, 0G! 4! #a8ib (all #eal%Time systems Theory and /ractice /earson Education, 0J!
TOPIC U"#$ I % I"$&'()*$#'" $' E+,-((-( S./$-+/ The build process for embedded systems Structural units in Embedded processor Selection of processor ' memory devices D() 5Direct (emory )ccess6 (emory management methods Timer and Counting devices *atchdog Timer #eal Time Clock In circuit emulator Target +ard"are Debugging
2 4 ??1 0?3 14G ?40 ?4J ?43 H4H
U"#$ II E+,-((-( N-$1'&#" I. Device /orts ' Buses S- B)/ *'++)"#*$#'" &'$'*'/% #S010 standard & #S200 & #S234 C) Bus Serial /eripheral Interface 5S/I6 Inter Integrated Circuits 5I 0C6 eed for device drivers
?1 ?1J ?H0 ?1G ?H? 02,?GG
U"#$ III E+,-((-( 7#&+1&- (-8-'+-"$ -"8#&'"+-"$ Embedded /roduct Development 7ife Cycle% ob8ectives Different phases of ED7C (odelling of ED7C Issues in +ard"are%soft"are Co%design Data :lo" ;raph State machine model Se
H12 0JJ 030 0J2 0J4 0G4
U"#$ IV RTOS ,/-( -+,-((-( /./$-+ (-/#" I"$&'()*$#'" $' ,/#* *'"*-$/ '7 RTOS% Task, process ' threads Interrupt routines in #T.S (ultiprocessing and (ultitasking /reemptive and non%preemptive scheduling Task communication shared memory (essage passing I"$-& &'*-// C'++)"#*$#'" /."*&'"#$#'" ,-$1--" &'*-//-/%semaphores (ailbo$ /ipes /riority inversion, priority inheritance Comparison of #eal time .perating systems- V$ *orks, >C.S%II #T 7inu$
1?2 11J 11G 10G 241 2? 4?
U"#$ V% E+,-((-( /./$-+ #*$#'" (-8-'+-"$ Case Study of *ashing (achine )utomotive )pplication Smart card System )pplication
??3 21 22