Read the text. Then match A to B to make sentences. (10 points) A very interesting phenomenon is happening in the city of Moscow, Russia. Dogs are becoming very intelligent. They are more intelligent than dogs in other places! According According to a study by the Severtsov nstitute of cology and volution, there are about "#,$$$ dogs i n Moscow%s streets. These &street dogs' haven%t got homes, so they must find food and a place to sleep. (nly the clever dogs survive, and these survivors are changing. They loo) li)e wolves and they aren%t as friendly as dogs in the past. They have got some new and very unusual s)ills, too. These s)ills help them stay alive. According to the Severtsov study s tudy,, there are four different groups of dogs. (ne group helps the guards in the city and the guards give them food. Another group loo)s for food in the streets. The third group of dogs is wilder than the others. They eat mice, rats and cats. The fourth group of dogs is cleverer than all the other groups. The dogs ride on the metro from place to place and they receive food from travellers. Some people are more generous than others others and the dogs can recognise the difference. difference. They can also recognise the different metro stations so they can return &home' at night. A
*. The dogs are similar to
+ a. cats.
. Some of the dogs help
+ b. stations.
". The wild dogs eat
+ c. travellers.
-. The The do dogs in in th the me metro re receive ive fo food fr from
+ d. d. guards.
#. The dogs in the metro recognise the
+ e. wolves.
Complete the sentences. (10 points) *. Moscow has got got about about ++++++++ street dogs. . Street dogs must must find ++++++++ ++++++++ and and ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ to survive survive.. ". Some of the dogs dogs get get ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ the guards guards in Moscow. Moscow. -. The tet tet mentions mentions mice, mice, rats rats and cats cats because because ++++++++++++ ++++++++++++ . #. The dogs dogs in the the metro metro can recognise recognise the the generous generous ++++++++ ++++++++ .
Vocabulary 20 points 1
Match the adecti!es in A to their meanings in B. (5 points) A
*. ama/ing
+ a. very big
. tiny
+ b. not unusual
". huge
+ c. not domesticated
-. ordinary
+ d. very small
#. wild
+ e. very special
Choose the sentence that isn"t true about each animal. (7 points) *. a cow0 a. t%s heavy.
b. 1eople drin) its mil).
c. t lives in the desert.
b. t%s very dangerous.
c. t%s got long ears.
b. t%s often long and thin.
c. t hasn%t got legs.
b. t lives in the 2ungle.
c. ts fur is dar).
b. t lives in the ocean.
c. t%s an insect.
b. t%s an amphibian.
c. t eats insects.
b. t%s a popular pet.
c. t loo)s li)e a dog.
. a rabbit0 a. t%s cute. ". a worm0 a. t can fly. -. a gorilla0 a. t%s small. #. a shar)0 a. t%s dangerous. 3. a frog0 a. t can%t 2ump. 4. a wolf0 a. t%s a mammal.
Complete the sentences $ith the $ords belo$. (8 points) crocodiles bats goldfish ants lions snakes parrots butterflies
*. ++++++++ are colourful birds. . ++++++++ are hard5wor)ing insects. ". ++++++++ are in the cat family. -. ++++++++ can fly, but they aren%t birds or insects. #. ++++++++ are insects with wings. 3. ++++++++ are reptiles. They haven%t got any legs. 4. ++++++++ are dangerous reptiles with big teeth. 6. ++++++++ swim in water and they%re popular pets.
%rammar 30 points 1
Complete the sentences $ith the comparati!e &orm o& a suitable adecti!e in brackets. (5 points) *. 7a)es are ++++++++ oceans. 8wide 9 small 9 huge: . ;ay has got straight hair. 7es hasn%t got straight hair. 7es% hair is++++++++ 8long 9 curly 9 ugly: ;ay%s hair. ". 1arrots are ++++++++ bats. 8ama/ing 9 wild 9 colourful: -. Mountains are ++++++++ hills. 8bad 9 big 9 short: #.
Complete the second sentence so it has got a similar meaning to the &irst. 'se the adecti!es belo$ and (not) as … as. (5 points) pretty dangerous tall old fat
*. 4 May $$$. ;ane ++++++++++++ lla. ". Tigers and shar)s are strong and have got very big teeth. Tigers ++++++++++++ shar)s. -. The height of that giraffe is #.$$ metres. My height is *.6# metres. ++++++++++++ the giraffe. #. My cat and your cat both weigh five )ilos! My cat ++++++++++++ your cat.
Complete the sentences about a &amily o& &our chimpan(ees in a nature reser!e. 'se to be) (not) as ... as or the comparati!e &orm o& the adecti!es belo$. (6 points) big athletic friendly heavy frightening young
*. The mother chimpan/ee is *- years old and the father is *3 years old. The mother ++++++++++++ the father. . The father loo)s huge net to the mother. The father ++++++++++++ the mother. ". The babies both weigh 6 )ilos. The male baby ++++++++++++ the female baby. -. The female baby can 2ump from tree to tree. The male baby can%t 2ump far. ?e ++++++++++++ his sister. #. The babies li)e humans but their parents are shy. The babies ++++++++++++ their parents. 3. @himpan/ees are wild animals, but they ++++++++++++ gorillas!
Complete the text about sharks $ith the adecti!es in brackets. 'se to be and the correct &orm o& the comparati!e or (not) as ... as. (14 points) Scuba diving with shar)s is becoming a very popular activity. Diving *.++++++++ 8adventurous: than ordinary water sports, and diving with shar)s .++++++++ 8eciting: than ordinary diving. t is an ama/ing eperience! 1eople often dive with sand tiger shar)s. These shar)s ".++++++++ 8strong: than ordinary fish, but don%t worry > the y never eat people. They are big shar)s, but they -.++++++++ 8huge: as great white shar)s. At three metres from head to tail, they #.++++++++ 8long: than a human. Sand tiger shar)s 3.++++++++ 8shy: as other fish, so you can swim near them. They 4.++++++++ 8friendly: as dolphins so you can%t play with them, but you can watch them and ta)e photos of them.
+riting 10 points +rite a report about an imaginary animal. ,nclude the type o& animal) its si(e and colour) $here it li!es) $hat it eats and some other interesting &acts.