Energy, Environment, Ecology, and Society
` 249/-
he present situation of our environment is of great concern due to the widespread pollution and over utilization of natural resources. The book mainly discusses about the earth, environment, and issues concerning both in addition
to pollution, ecosystem, and biodiversity. It provides a general approach toward the available energy resources, environmental-related problems, methods to improve the environment, and relationship between environment and society. It also includes an in-depth analysis of the various types of pollution. This book combines theory with the data, facts, and figures, and includes the necessary additional information in each chapter included. This book is meant for students of different branches of engineering and is based on thsyllabus of Rajiv Gandhi Technical University (RGTU). Summing up, this book is a valuable source of information concerning environment and related environmental topics. ISBN: 978-93-5004-280-9 | Pages: 216 | Author: Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. | Cover: Paperback
This Book Covers
Salient Features
u An introduction to earth and environment
Provides simple, clear, and concise language, which u
u Global issues concerning the environment u Importance of conservation of energy u An introduction to atmosphere and ecosystem u Importance and benefits of biodiversity u Effects and measures to control air pollution
makes the book easy and enjoyable to read Provides well-structured text, illustrative figures, and u tables to support the concepts wherever required Includes chapter objectives and advance organizer at the u
u Effects and measures to control soil pollution
beginning of each chapter to describe what the reader
u Characteristics and effects of noise pollution
would learn in the chapter
u Impact of solid waste on society and environment u Environmental ethics and morals
Includes comprehensive and detailed coverage of each u topic to meet the requirements of the target audience
Table of Contents Earth and Environment The Earth and Solar System | Composition of the Earth | Origin of Life on Earth | Environment and Its Segments | Natural Resources | Environmental Adaptations | Environmental Disasters | Global Issues Concerning Environment
Energy Consumption of Energy | Sources of Energy | Conservation of Energy | Energy Scenario of India | Balancing Energy and Environment
Atmosphere and Ecosystem Composition of the Atmosphere | Properties of the Atmosphere | Atmosphere and Its Layers | Weather and Climate | Ecosystem and Its Components | Types of Ecosystem | Energy Flow Models and Characteristics of an Ecosystem | Food Chain and Trophic Levels | Ecological Pyramids | Cycles in Ecosystem | Human-Induced Ecosystem Degradation
Biodiversity Definition of Biodiversity | Types of Biodiversity | Importance of Biodiversity | Benefits of Biodiversity | Threats to Biodiversity | Conservation of Biodiversity
Air Pollution Air and Its Natural Constituents | Types of Air Pollution | Sources of Air Pollution | Air Pollutants | Effects of Air Pollution | Measures to Control Air Pollution
Uses | Causes of Water Pollution | Sources of Water Pollution | Pollutants in Water | Effects of Water Pollution | Measures to Control Water Pollution | Treatment of Domestic and Industrial Water Effluent Conservation of Water
Soil Pollution Soil Profile | Soil Formation and Its Types | Types of Soil Pollution | Sources of Soil Pollution | Pollutants in Soil | Effects of Soil | Pollution | Measures to Control Soil Pollution
Noise Pollution Noise Pollution | Sources of Noise Pollution | Measurement of Noise Pollution | Noise Measuring Instruments | Characteristics of Noise | Effects of Noise Pollution | Measures to Control Noise Pollution
Society and Environment Human Health and Environment | Environmental Problems | Population Growth and Its Impact on the Environment | Solid Waste | Impact of Solid Waste on Society and Environment | Solid Waste Management | Sustainable Development | Environmental Protection Acts | Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental Ethics and Morals Ethics and Moral Values | Objectives of Ethics and Its Study | Ethical Theories | Code of Ethics | Environmental Ethics | Environmental Ethics in India | Definition of Morality
and more....
Water Pollution Structure and Properties of Water | Sources of Water and Its
About the Author The proficient teams at Kogent Learning Solutions Inc. and Dreamtech Press have seized the market of engineering textbooks, bringing excellent content in engineering and technical education to the fore. The teams at Kogent Learning Solutions, Inc. and Dreamtech Press are committed to providing excellence in quality of content by judiciously analyzing the needs of its readers and ensuring dedication of its authors and editors in catering to these needs. Published by:
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