Descripción: Actividad de aprendizaje 4 Evidencia 2: Workshop “Distribution channels”
actividad 4 Evidencia 2 Workshop Distribution Channels
actividad 4 Evidencia 2 Workshop Distribution ChannelsFull description
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distribution channels in international context
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Descripción: Evidencia 2 Workshop Understanding the Distribution Center
Actividad de aprendizaje 4 Learning: Sandra Milena Pérez Casallas
Instructor: Ferney Ortiz Cardona
1. Responda, con base en la conversación anterior, T si es verdadero o F si es falso. a. The Company product is a cake. T() F ( X ) )
b. The selective strategy pretend to reach many POS. T() F ( X ) )
c. The meeting objective is to choose the product’s price. T() F ( X ) )
d. The exclusive strategy is difficult to control. T() F ( X ) )
e. Susan proposes three distribution strategies. T ( X ) F( )
f. Mr. White chooses the intensive strategy. T() F ( X ) )
2. Con base en el texto anterior, lea y escoja la opción correcta:
1. The raise of such many intermediaries, are explained in ___ steps. a. b. c. d.
a. Process of exchange. b. Transactions routine. c. New members. d. Assortments.
Three. Two. Five. Four.
3. A member of depends on:
2. Intermediaries make:
a. Other channel members. b. The retailers. c. The wholesalers. d. Intermediaries.
4. The ‘trust’ approach is based on: a. The role of another company. b. The percentage of sales. c. How much companies trust each other. d. Channel members.
5. The ‘role performance’ approach assesses: a. b. c. d.
The firm’s role performance. The other channel members’ behavior. Retailers. Wholesalers.
3. Lea el archivo “Distribution channels” el cual se adjunta pero que también está en plataforma según lo indico en la foto a continuación:
1. A distribution channel serves to bridge the gap between the point of production and the point of consumption thereby creating time, place and possession utilities. 2. Distribution channels define the different stages of a product, encompass from the manufacturer, to the final consumer; it is for this reason that they allow recogni ze the changes produced in marketing. 3.The objective distribution channels, Intermediaries: they reduce on the number of transactions that need to come into contact with a certain size market. 4. A distribution channel is a network formed by companies and people that transport the product from one point to another. 5. A distribution channels when the product leaves the hands of the producer, you lose control because it happens to be owned by the purchaser.