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manual de cagador frontal jcb 426
manual de cagador frontal jcb 426
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Descripción: Revista de difusión científica con artículos muy interesantes.
is the perfect intersection of Art, Glamour and Sexual education. Blow your mind with hot pictures and videos that have been shot in the style of Hi-Fashion editorials.Descripción completa
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Descripción: Empecé a trabajar en los mecanismos cerebrales de las emociones a finales de los años setenta. En esa época había muy pocos investigadores del cerebro interesados en las emociones. Durante los añ...
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ENT exam 426 C2 march/23/2010 in facial nerve paralysis, if the patient can move his forehead *1 :muscle, the lesion will be • • •
proximal to geniculate ganglion. Extra temporal. Tympanic part.
2*a patient presented to the ER with a history of nasal trauma. The next step: • Treat after a year • It is mandatory to take an x-ray as early as possible. possible. None of the above • •
3* child with AOM, which of these complications requires emergent diagnosis & treatment: facial nerve paralysis. paralysis. adhesive otitis media. • •
4*In management of sever epistaxis, ligation of: • posterior ethmoidal artery. • Sphenopalatine artery. Maxillary artery.* I'm not sure internal carotid artery • •
5*neck mass, initial management is: FNA • 6*the best prognosis among neck malignancies: Piriform fossa • Nasopharyngeal • Esophageal • vocal fold carcinoma. •
7*Ramsy-Hunt Syndrome include all the following ,except: Sensorineural hearing loss • Nystagmus • Facial paralysis •
Perforation of tympanic membrane. Vesicular eruption
• •
8*unilateral choanal atrasia, is: • Diagnosed at adulthood Incompatable with life • Diagnosed by unilateral purulent discharge • Associated with torch syndrome • Requires immediate intervention • 9* The most common site of stenosis following trachoestomy: Sub glottic area • glottic • tracheal • • esophageal • supraglottic
11*The most common complication of acute ethmoidal sinusitis in children is: • Osteomyelitis. • Orbital cellulitis. 12*vocal cord mobility is measured by: Stroboscopy.. Stroboscopy • flexible fibrooptic laryngoscope •
13*laryngomalacia is evaluated by: • history • xray Rigid bronchoscopy. • Awake flexible fibreroptic laryngoscopy. •
14*trismus occur in: Peritonsillar abscess. •
15* All are indication of tonsillectomy, except: Asymptomatic hyperplasia. hyperplasia. Obstructive Sleep apnea. Peritonsillar abscess • • Unilateral tonsillar hyperplasia • three episodes of tonsilitis per a year for three consecutive years • •
16*what is the best modality of treatment for a patient with bilateral SNHL, average of his hearing is about 60 db? • Hearing aids. • Cochlear implant Stapedosurgery • Ossiculoplasty • Lip reading • 17*Meneire's disease is characterized by: It is viral • Affects cochlea. Causes perminant bilateral SNHL • Treated by stapedectomy • •
18* a 3 yr old boy came with unilateral purulent nasal discharge, most probable cause is: Foreign body • 19* voice of a patient with cleft palate: Hypernasality. Hyponasality • Hot potato voice • hoarseness • •
20* management of uncomplicated acute supporative sinusitis: • antibiotics for 24 hours, then surgery • surgery then antibiotics • antihistamines and steam inhalation Analgesic, antibiotic & decongestant nasal drops. •
21*singer nodules:
• • •
Occurs at junction of the anterior 1/3 &posterior 2/3. Occurs at the junction of anterior 2/3 & posterior 1/3. Occurs at the anterior commisure Occurs at the posterior commisure
22* Newborn with air way obstruction, aggravated with sucking: Choanal Artesia. •
24* Marginal perforation of tympanic membrane occurs with: Acute otitis media • Acute otitis media with effusion • Cholesteatoma • • Malignant otitis media • barotrauma
25* all of the following should be avoided in child with acute glottitis, except: • X-ray of air way • Emergent intubation Examining with tongue depressor • 26* according to nasal polyp : It comes from osteomeatal complex Most common in childhood • Caused by Atrophic rhinitis • Most common from Maxillary sinus • •
common with: with: 27*plemorphic adenoma, most common Parotid gland •
28* the most common malignancies in thyroid: Follicular thyroid carcinoma • Papillary thyroid carcinoma •
• •
Medullary thyroid carcinoma Anaplastic tumor
29*neck mass that moves with swallowing: • Thyroid Branchial cyst • Dermoid cyst • Lymph node metastasis • lipoma • 30*which of the following muscle abduct vocal fold: lateral cricoarytenoid muscle • Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle • Cricothyroid • • Oblique interarytenoid 31* Eustachian tube in children: Wider & more horizontal.* most likely answer • shorter & more vertical. •
32* etiology of hemorrhagica myringitis bullosa bullosa is : • trauma • viral bacterial • fungal • allergic •
33*Adult pt. with unilateral OME, we must exclude : nasopharyngeal carcinoma. • 34*SCC seen in all the following except: parotid • vocal fold • nasopharynx • oropharynx •
35*the aim of cholesteatoma surgery is: safety • • improve hearing
save hearing
36* The most common sequela of untreated Bell's palsy: • partially resolve completely resolve • involves other cranial nerves involves the contralateral side • no progression • •
rhinitis medicamentosa results after*37 :prolonged use of •
nasal decongestants
38*anterior epistaxis is usually from: • the nasal septum • Vestibule • Roof Floor • 39* the level of air way obstruction can be determined by: Time of stridor in the breathing process Respiratory rate. • •
40*Killian's dehiscence is related to: • Facial nerve paralysis pharyngeal pouch • laryngeocele • branchial cyst • none of the above • *otitis media effusion occurs with all except barotrauma • peritonsillar abscess • cleft palate • • nasopharyngeal carcinoma • adenoid apparently there is an extra question…I'm not sure which one, so I'm just gonna leave it..good luck